
Dar Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

nahe daran
near the mark
Gedanke m, Einfall f
Gedanken pl, Einfälle pl
in Gedanken
bei dem Gedanken an
in Gedanken versunken
in Gedanken versunken sein
sich über etw. Gedanken machen
sich über etw. keine Gedanken machen
sein einziger Gedanke
schwarze Gedanken
finstere Gedanken
der bloße Gedanke daran
der leitende Gedanke
der Gedanke zählt
sich (ganz) in die Gedanken eines anderen versetzen
in thought
at the thought of
lost in thought, absorbed in thought
to be sunk in thoughts, to be lost in thought
to be concerned about sth.
to be unconcerned about
his one thought
glum thoughts
dark thoughts
the very thought of it
the leading thought
it's the thought that counts
to shift (oneself) (completely) into the thoughts of another, to think another's thoughts, to get into another's mind
etw. auszusetzen haben (an), einen Fehler finden (an)
an jdm. etw. auszusetzen haben
an etw. etw. auszusetzen haben
Was hast du daran auszusetzen?
Daran ist nichts auszusetzen.
to fault, to find fault (with)
to find fault with sb.
to find fault with sth.
What don't you like about it?, What's wrong with it?
There is nothing wrong with it.
at it
daran denken
daran denkend
daran gedacht
denkt daran
dachte daran
to remember
daran denken
to notice
erwähnen, dass ..., daran erinnern, dass ...
to point out that ...
(an etw.) Schuld sein
Er ist nicht daran Schuld.
to be to blame (for sth.)
He is not to blame for this.
sterben v (an)
du stirbst
sie stirbt
sie starb
sie ist
war gestorben
sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer Krankheit sterben
an einer einer Wunde sterben
an einer Verletzung sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ins Gras beißen, daran glauben müssen ugs., sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died, died} (of, from)
you die
she dies
she died
she has
had died
she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
die of an illness
die from a wound
to die from an injury
to die of hunger (thirst)
to bite the dust coll.
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog
Daran klebt ein Makel.
There's a stigma attached to it.
Daran lässt sich nichts ändern.
It can't be helped.
Daran ließ sich nichts zweifeln.
You couldn't doubt it.
Daran wird sie zu kauen haben. übtr.
That will really give her food for thought.
Daran wirst du nicht sterben.
It won't kill you.
Das einzige, was ich daran zu beanstanden habe ...
The only criticism (objection) I have ...
Das liegt daran, dass ...
That is because ...
Er ist daran schuld.
He is to blame for it.
Es liegt mir nichts mehr daran.
I don't care any more.
Es liegt mir viel daran.
It means a lot to me.
Es liegt mir viel daran.
That is important to me.
Es sind Bedingungen daran geknüpft.
There are strings attached.
Hast du eigentlich je daran gedacht, dass ...?
Did it ever occur to you that ...?
Ich denke nicht im Traum daran.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Ich habe nichts daran auszusetzen.
I can't fault it.
Ich habe nichts daran zu beanstanden.
I can't see anything wrong with it.
Ich zweifle daran.
I'm in doubt about it.
Jetzt endlich lege ich letzte Hand daran.
Now I'm finally putting the finishing touches to it.
Waren Sie daran beteiligt?
Were you a party to this?
Was soll daran lustig sein?
I don't see the joke!
hat alle Lust daran verloren
has lost all interest in it
Er ist daran schuld
he is to blame for it
ich zweifle daran
i'm in doubt about it
es liegt mir nichts mehr daran
i don't care any more
es liegt mir viel daran
it means a lot to me
es liegt dir viel daran
it means a lot to you
daran denken
daran denken
denkt daran
der blosse Gedanke daran
the very thought of it
wir möchten Sie daran erinnern daß
we would like to remind you that
Freude f; Genuss m; Vergnügen n; Behagen n; Pläsier n
zum Vergnügen
mit Vergnügen
mit sichtlicher Freude; mit sichtlichem Vergnügen
viel Freude haben an
(großes) Vergnügen machen bereiten
Gefallen finden an
nicht dass ich daran Spaß finde
kein Kind von Traurigkeit sein übtr.
Viel Vergnügen!
for pleasure
with pleasure
with obvious pleasure
to take much pleasure in
to give (great) pleasure
take pleasure in
it's not for my own pleasure
to be someone who enjoys the pleasures of life
Have a good time!; Have fun!
Gedanke m; Einfall m
Gedanken pl; Einfälle pl
in Gedanken
bei dem Gedanken an
in Gedanken versunken
in Gedanken versunken sein; sich in Gedanken verlieren
sich über etw. Gedanken machen
sich über etw. keine Gedanken machen
einen Gedanken verdrängen
sein einziger Gedanke
schwarze Gedanken
finstere Gedanken
der bloße Gedanke daran
der leitende Gedanke
der Gedanke zählt
sich (ganz) in die Gedanken eines anderen versetzen
seine Gedanken niederlegen
in thought
at the thought of
lost in thought; absorbed in thought
to be sunk in thoughts; to be lost in thought
to be concerned about sth.
to be unconcerned about
to obliterate a thought
his one thought
glum thoughts
dark thoughts
the very thought of it
the leading thought
it's the thought that counts
to shift (oneself) (completely) into the thoughts of another; to think another's thoughts; to get into another's mind
to write down one's thoughts
plötzliches (negatives) Gefühl n; Stich m psych.
ein schmerzhaftes Gefühl der Liebe
ein plötzliches Hungergefühl; eine Hungerattacke
einen Anfall von Eifersucht verspüren
ein plötzliches Schuldgefühl verspüren
plötzlich von einem Gefühl des Bedauerns erfasst befallen werden
Wenn ich daran denke tut es immer noch weh.
Wenn ich sie sehe gibt es mir einen Stich.
a pang of love
a pang of hunger
to feel a pang of jealousy
to feel a pang of guilt
to be touched hit by a pang of regret
Thinking of it still gives me a pang. coll.
To see her The sight of her gives me a pang in my heart.
Hindernis n; Widerstand m
Hindernisse pl; Widerstände pl
Daran soll's nicht scheitern.
Lass dich dadurch nicht abhalten (etw. zu tun).
That won't be an obstacle!
Don't let it be an obstacle (to doing sth.).
Interesse n (an jdm. etw.; für jdn. etw.) (Vorteil; Belange)
sofern Interesse besteht
wenn genügend Interesse bekundet wird
seine Interessen wahrnehmen
jds. Interessen wahren
ein Interesse an jdm. haben
ein berechtigtes Interesse an etw. haben
Interesse an etw. zeigen
Das ist in Ihrem eigenen Interesse.
die Interessen der Allgemeinheit und der Beteiligten
Die NATO hat großes Interesse daran dass das Abkommen funktioniert.
Es liegt im nationalen öffentlichen Interesse dass diese Fakten bekannt werden.
Das Rennen wurde im Interesse der Sicherheit verschoben.
Du kannst sicher sein dass deine Eltern nur dein Bestes im Auge haben.
Rein interessehalber wie viel haben sie dir geboten?
interest (in sb. sth.) (advantage)
if there is interest
if sufficient interest is received shown
to defend one's interests
to safeguard sb.'s interests
to have an interest in sb.
to have a legitimate interest in sth.
to evidence interest in sth.
This is in your own interest.
the respective interests of the public and of the parties concerned
NATO has a big interest in making the agreement work.
It is in the national public interest that these facts are made known.
The race was postponed in the interest(s) of safety.
You can be assured that your parents have your best interests at heart.
Just out of interest As a matter of interest how much did they offer you?
Makel m; Stigma n soc.
Makel pl; Stigmata pl; Stigmen pl
Dem haftet ein Makel an.; Daran klebt ein Makel.
An ihm haftet ein Makel.
stigma; taint
stigmas; taints
There's a stigma attached to it.
A stain clings to him.
Schuld f (an für etw.) (Ursache; Verantwortung)
jdm. an etw. die Schuld geben
die Schuld bekommen
die Schuld auf sich nehmen
die Schuld für etw. auf sich nehmen; die Verantwortung für etw. übernehmen
die Schuld tragen
Schieben Sie Schieb die Schuld nicht auf mich!
Warum sollte ich die Schuld auf mich nehmen?
Sie ist (daran) schuld.
Die Schuld am schlechten Benehmen von Kindern liegt in der Regel bei den Eltern.
blame; guilt (rare) (for sth.)
to put the blame on sb. for sth.; to lay the blame on sb. for sth.
to get the blame
to take the blame
to bear the guilt of sth.
to bear the blame
Don't put lay the blame on me!
Why should I take the blame?
The blame lies with her.; She is to blame for it.
Guilt for poorly behaved children usually lies with the parents.
Darum kommen wir nicht herum.; Daran führt kein Weg vorbei.; Das lässt sich nicht umgehen.
There's no way around it.
Wenn und Aber n
ohne Wenn und Aber
nach einigem langem Hin und Her
... und daran ist nicht zu rütteln
Ich will kein Aber hören räum jetzt dein Zimmer auf.
ifs and buts Br.; ifs ands or buts Am.
without fuss or quibble
after a few a lot of ifs and buts
... and there are no ifs and buts Br. ifs ands or buts Am. about it!
I want no ifs and buts Br. ifs ands or buts Am. tidy your room now.
jdn. anwidern; jdn. ankotzen vulg.
Wenn ich nur daran denke kommt es mir schon hoch!
to make sb. sick
It makes me sick just thinking about it!
etw. an jdm. etw. auszusetzen haben; etw. bemäkeln; etw. bemängeln; etw. bekritteln v
immer etwas zu bekritteln suchen; immer ein Haar in der Suppe suchen
Was hast du daran auszusetzen?
Daran ist nichts auszusetzen.
Sie hat an allem was ich tue etwas auszusetzen.
to fault sth.; to find fault with sth.; to carp at sth.
to always look for things to find fault with
What don't you like about it?; What's wrong with it?
There is nothing wrong with it.
She finds fault with everything I do.
beanstanden v
Das einzige was ich daran zu beanstanden habe ...
to object to
objecting to
objected to
The only criticism objection I have ...
bezweifeln; anzweifeln v
bezweifelnd; anzweifelnd
bezweifelt; angezweifelt
ich bezweifle; ich zweifle an
er sie bezweifelt; er sie zweifelt an
ich er sie bezweifelte; ich er sie zweifelte an
Wir haben begründete Zweifel daran.
to doubt (of; about)
I doubt
he she doubts
I he she doubted
We have reason to doubt it.
daran adv
daran vorbei
nahe dicht daran
kein Interesse daran
at it
past it
right up against it; up close to it
no interest in it
daran denken etw. zu tun
Ich darf gar nicht daran denken was das alles kostet.
Die viele Arbeit ich darf gar nicht daran denken!
to think of doing sth.
I daren't think of the cost.
All that work it doesn't bear thinking about!
daran denken (sich erinnern)
daran denkend
daran gedacht
denkt daran
dachte daran
Vergiss es nicht!; Denk daran!
to remember
Be sure to remember!
jdn. erinnern v (an etw.)
jdn. an etw. erinnern
jdn. daran erinnern etw. zu tun
Kannst du meinem Gedächtnis nachhelfen wie ...
Dabei fällt mir ein ich muss ja noch einen Termin beim Optiker vereinbaren.
Bitte beachten Sie dass ...
to remind sb. (of sth.)
to remind sb. of sth.; to put sb. in mind of sth.
to remind sb. to do sth.
Can you remind me how to ...
That reminds me I must make an appointment for the optician.
You are reminded that ...
sich (mit etw.) füllen v
sich füllend
sich gefüllt
Ihre Augen füllten sich mit Tränen.
Der See hat sich gefüllt und ist nahe daran über die Ufer zu treten.
Das Stadion füllte sich langsam.
to fill (with sth.)
Her eyes filled with tears.
The lake has filled and is close to flooding.
The stadium filled with more and more people.
genau das tun; sich genau daran halten (was jemand gesagt hat) v
Als sie uns baten alles Nötige zu veranlassen um mehr Geld aufzutreiben haben wir genau das getan.
Die Studenten tun gut daran sich genau an den Rat des Professors zu halten: Langsam und aufmerksam lesen sich viele Notizen machen.
to take sb. at his word
When they begged us to do whatever was needed to raise more money we took them at their word.
Students would do well to take the professor at his word: Read slowly and thoughtfully make lots of notes.
sich an etw. gewöhnen v v
sich gewöhnend
sich gewöhnt
sich aneinander gewöhnen
sich wieder an die Hitze gewöhnen
Meine Augen gewöhnten sich langsam an die Dunkelheit.
Diese Tiere haben sich daran gewöhnt in einer trockenen Umgebung zu leben.
to get used to sth.; to become grow get accustomed habituated (formal) to sth.; to accustom habituate yourself to sth.
getting used to; becoming growing getting accustomed habituated to; accustoming habituating yourself to
got used to; become grown got accustomed habituated to; accustomed habituated yourself
to get used to each other
to reaccustom yourself to the heat
My eyes slowly became accustomed to the dark.
These animals have grown accustomed habituated to living in a dry environment.
jdn. an etw. gewöhnen v
die Tiere langsam an ihre neue Umgebung gewöhnen
Durch meine Militärzeit bin ich daran gewöhnt früh aufzustehen.
to get sb. used to sth.; to accustom sb. to sth.; to habituate (formal) sb. to sth.
getting used; accustoming; habituating
got used; accustomed; habituated
to gradually accustom the animals to their new surroundings
The time I spent in the army has accustomed me to rising early in the morning.
an jdn. etw. +Akk. glauben v
er sie glaubt
ich er sie glaubte
er sie hat hatte geglaubt
an Gott Wunder glauben
an sich selbst glauben
an das Gute im Menschen glauben
Sie wollen einen Präsidenten an den sie glauben können.
Ich glaube fest daran dass die Veranstaltung ein Erfolg wird.
to believe in sb. sth.
he she believes
I he she believed
he she has had believed
to believe in God miracles
to believe in oneself
to believe in the good in people
They want a President they can believe in.
I firmly believe that the event will be a success.
sich interessieren für jdn. etw. v; für jdn. etw. Interesse haben
sich interessierend
sich interessiert
ich interessiere mich
du interessierst dich
er sie interessiert sich
ich er sie interessierte mich sich
wir interessierten uns
sich brennend für etw. interessieren
falls du interessiert bist; wenn Sie interessiert sind
Hätten Sie Interesse daran für uns tätig zu werden?
to be interested in sb. sth.
being interested
been interested
I am interested in
you are interested in
he she is interested in
I he she was interested in
we were interested in
to be incredibly interested in sth.
if you are interested
Would you be interested in working for us?
keinerlei adj
Sie scheint keinerlei Interesse daran zu haben.
not at all
She appears to have no interest what(so)ever in it.
komisch; lustig; spaßig adj
komischer; lustiger; spaßiger
am komischsten; am lustigsten; am spaßigsten
Was ist daran so komisch?
Meinst du mit komisch seltsam oder lustig?
Sehr witzig! Wer hat meine Schlüssel versteckt? iron.
What's so funny (about it)?
Funny peculiar or funny ha-ha? Br.; Funny weird or funny ha-ha? Am.
Very funny! Who's hidden my keys?
komisch; seltsam; eigenartig adj
sich komisch (seltsam) benehmen
Das kommt mir komisch vor.
Mach keine Dummheiten während wir weg sind!
Das Komische (daran) ist dass ich mich kaum daran erinnern kann.
to act funny
That seems sounds funny to me.
No funny business while we're out!
The funny thing is I can't remember much about it.
jdn. etw. an jdm. etw. messen (einen Vergleichsmaßstab anlegen) v
Der Erfolg wird daran gemessen ob ...
Ich habe mich niemals daran gemessen was um mich herum vorgeht.
Lösungsvorschläge werden daran gemessen inwieweit sie den Nutzen optimieren können.
Bildung sollte nicht nur an Prüfungsergebnissen gemessen werden.
Ãœberlege dir wie du wahrgenommen werden willst und vergleiche das mit dem was in deinen Profilen in den sozialen Medien steht.
Gemessen an unserem Vorjahresbudget sind 2 Millionen Pfund nicht viel.
to measure sb. sth.; to judge sb. sth. by against on on the basis of in terms of sb. sth.
The success is measured by whether is judged in terms of whether ...
I've never measured judged myself by what's happening around me.
Any proposed solutions will be measured judged in terms of their capacity to optimise benefit.
Education shouldn't be measured purely by judged purely on examination results.
Think about how you want people to perceive you and measure that against what your social media profiles are saying.
Measured against our budget last year 2 million pounds seems small.
nahe daran sein etw. zu tun; beinahe etw. tun v; es gerade noch vermeiden etw. zu tun v
Sie war nahe daran den Schuldirektor einen Lügner zu nennen.
Der Protest eskalierte beinahe zu einer gewalttätigen Konfrontation.
Sie warfen dem Bürgermeister Inkompetenz vor und vermieden es gerade noch seinen Rücktritt zu fordern.
to stop short of doing sth.
She stopped short of calling the headmaster a liar.
The protest stopped short of a violent confrontation.
They accused the mayor of incompetence but stopped short of calling for his resignation.
an etw. schuld sein; jds. Schuld sein v
Wenn dann bist du selber schuld.
Er ist nicht daran Schuld.; Es ist nicht seine Schuld.
to be to blame for sth.
If so you've only yourself to blame
He is not to blame for this.
sogar; selbst; auch adv
vielleicht sogar
selbst jetzt
selbst nach
selbst ... nicht
selbst nicht durch
Selbst unter der Annahme dass das der Fall ist (was ich bezweifle) ändert das nichts daran dass ...
even perhaps
even now
even after
not even
not even by; not even through; not even by means of
Even supposing that's so true (which I doubt) it doesn't change the fact that ...

Deutsche Dar Synonyme

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Englische near the mark Synonyme

near  about  about to be  abutting  accost  adjacent  adjoining  advance  advancing  all but  almost  along toward  already in sight  among  angustifoliate  angustirostrate  angustisellate  angustiseptal  anticipate  ape  appear like  approach  approaching  appropinquate  approximate  approximating  approximative  arm-in-arm  around  as good as  aside  at  at close quarters  at hand  at next hand  attached  attracted to  avaricious  await  be destined  be fated  be imminent  be in store  be like  be redolent of  be to be  be to come  bear down on  bear down upon  bear resemblance  bear up  beside  bordering on  brew  brewing  bring to mind  burning  by  call to mind  call up  cheap  cheek-by-jowl  circa  circumscribed  close  close about  close at hand  close by  close in  close to  close upon  close with  close-by  close-fitting  closefisted  closely  come  come close  come closer  come forward  come near  come on  come up  coming  comparable  compare with  confined  confront  connected  constricted  contiguous  converge  copy  correspond  counterclockwise  counterfeit  cramp  cramped  crowded  draw near  draw nigh  draw on  drawn to  encounter  equal  evoke  expect  face  familiar  fast by  favor  follow  foresee  foretell  forthcome  forthcoming  from  future  gain upon  gather  gathering  going to happen  hairbreadth  hand and glove  hand-in-hand  hang over  hard  hard by  hard on  hardfisted  hereabout  hereabouts  homologous  hope  hot  hover  illiberal  imitate  immediate  imminent  impend  impendent  impending  in  in danger imminent  in prospect  in reserve  in spitting distance  in store  in the cards  in the offing  in the wind  in view  incapacious  incommodious  inseparable  instant  intimate  isthmian  isthmic  just about  larboard  lean towards  left  left-hand  left-wing  left-wingish  levorotatory  liberal  lie ahead  lie over  like  limited  look for  look forward to  look like  loom  looming  lower  lowering  lurking  match  meager  mean  menace    
Near East  Africa  America  Antipodes  Asia  Asia Major  Asia Minor  Australasia  East  Eastern Hemisphere  Eurasia  Europe  Far East  Levant  Middle East  New World  Occident  Oceania  Old World  Orient  West  Western Hemisphere  continent  down under  eastland  landmass  the old country  
near miss  close call  close shave  close squeak  collision  collision course  confrontation  crack-up  crash  encounter  error  hairbreadth escape  joining  meeting  miss  mistake  narrow escape  narrow squeak  near go  near miss  near thing  rencontre  slip  slipup  tight squeeze  
near-sighted  biased  bigoted  dogmatic  heedless  illiberal  insular  intolerant  myopic  narrow  narrow-minded  one-sided  opinionated  parochial  partial  prejudiced  short-sighted  unimaginative  unsophisticated  unthinking  
nearby  about  accessible  adjacent  along toward  around  aside  at close quarters  at hand  away  beside  by  circa  close  close about  close at hand  close by  convenient  convenient to  easily reached  fast by  handy  hard  hard by  hereabout  hereabouts  immediate  in juxtaposition  in spitting distance  in the vicinity  near  near at hand  nearabout  nearabouts  nigh  nigh about  not far  on one side  on the side  only a step  propinquant  propinquous  ready at hand  round  sidelong  thereabout  thereabouts  to hand  to one side  to the side  within call  within earshot  within hearing  within reach  
nearing  about to be  access  accession  advance  advancing  advent  afflux  affluxion  already in sight  approach  approaching  appropinquation  approximate  approximating  approximation  approximative  appulse  arm-in-arm  at hand  attracted to  brewing  burning  cheek-by-jowl  close  close at hand  coming  coming near  coming toward  desired  destinal  destined  determined  drawn to  emergent  eventual  extrapolated  fatal  fated  fatidic  flowing toward  forthcoming  future  futuristic  gathering  going to happen  hand-in-hand  hereafter  hoped-for  hot  immediate  imminence  imminent  impendent  impending  in danger imminent  in prospect  in reserve  in store  in the cards  in the offing  in the wind  in view  instant  intimate  later  looming  lowering  lurking  menacing  near  near at hand  near the mark  nearish  nearness  nigh  nighish  on the horizon  oncoming  overhanging  planned  plotted  predicted  preparing  probable  projected  prophesied  propinque  prospective  proximal  proximate  proximation  side-by-side  that will be  threatening  to come  to-be  ultimate  upcoming  vicinal  waiting  warm  
nearly  about  all but  all in all  almost  almost entirely  approaching  approximately  around  as good as  barely  by and large  chiefly  circa  close  close to  closely  effectually  essentially  exactly  hardly  identically  in  in effect  in essence  in the main  just about  mainly  more or less  most  mostly  much  narrowly  near  nearabout  nearing  nigh  nighhand  not quite  on balance  on the whole  only just  plus ou moins  practically  precisely  pretty near  roughly  round  roundly  rudely  say  scarcely  some  somewhere  substantially  virtually  well-nigh  
nearness  access  accession  accord  accordance  addition  adjunct  advance  advent  affairs  affiliation  affinity  afflux  affluxion  agreement  alikeness  alliance  analogy  aping  approach  approaching  appropinquation  approximation  appulse  assemblage  assimilation  association  avarice  bond  cheapness  chumminess  closefistedness  closeness  combination  coming  coming near  coming toward  community  comparability  comparison  confinement  conformity  connectedness  connection  contiguity  contrariety  copying  correspondence  crowdedness  dealings  deduction  disjunction  familiarity  filiation  flowing toward  forthcoming  hair  hairbreadth  hairsbreadth  hardfistedness  hoarding  homology  identity  illiberality  imitation  imminence  incapaciousness  incommodiousness  inseparableness  intercourse  intimacy  intimate acquaintance  junction  liaison  likeness  likening  limitation  link  linkage  linking  mateyness  metaphor  mimicking  miserliness  mutual attraction  narrow gauge  narrowness  nearing  oncoming  palliness  parallelism  parity  penny-pinching  propinquity  proximation  proximity  rapport  relatedness  relation  relations  relationship  resemblance  restrictedness  restriction  sameness  semblance  similarity  simile  similitude  simulation  slenderness  special affinity  stinginess  straitness  strictness  sympathy  tie  tie-in  tight purse strings  tight squeeze  tightfistedness  tightness  ungenerosity  union  
nearsighted  asquint  astigmatic  authoritarian  bigot  bigoted  blind  blindfold  blindfolded  blink-eyed  blinking  blinky  borne  closed  constricted  cramped  creedbound  deaf  deaf to reason  dim-sighted  fanatical  farsighted  hidebound  illiberal  imperceptive  impercipient  insensible  insular  little  little-minded  longsighted  mean  mean-minded  mean-spirited  mind-blind  mope-eyed  myopic  narrow  narrow-hearted  narrow-minded  narrow-souled  narrow-spirited  nonunderstanding  parochial  petty  poor-sighted  presbyopic  provincial  purblind  shortsighted  small  small-minded  squinch-eyed  squint-eyed  squinting  squinty  strabismal  strabismic  straitlaced  stuffy  unapprehending  uncatholic  uncharitable  uncomprehending  undiscerning  ungenerous  unliberal  unperceptive  winking  
nearsightedness  authoritarianism  bigotry  blind side  blind spot  blinders  blindness  closed mind  cramped ideas  dim-sightedness  fanaticism  hideboundness  illiberality  imperceptiveness  impercipience  incomprehension  insensibility  insularism  insularity  little-mindedness  littleness  mean mind  meanness  myopia  narrow sympathies  narrow views  narrow-mindedness  narrowness  nonunderstanding  odium theologicum  parochialism  pettiness  petty mind  provincialism  purblindness  short sight  shortsightedness  shut mind  smallness  straitlacedness  stuffiness  unapprehendingness  uncatholicity  undiscerningness  unperceptiveness  

Dar Definition

(n.) The official stamp of the Goldsmiths' Company and other assay offices, in the United Kingdom, on gold and silver articles, attesting their purity. Also used figuratively
(n.) A license of reprisals. See Marque.
(n.) An old weight and coin. See Marc.
(n.) The unit of monetary account of the German Empire, equal to 23.8 cents of United States money
(n.) A visible sign or impression made or left upon anything
(n.) A character or device put on an article of merchandise by the maker to show by whom it was made
(n.) A character (usually a cross) made as a substitute for a signature by one who can not write.
(n.) A fixed object serving for guidance, as of a ship, a traveler, a surveyor, etc.
(n.) A trace, dot, line, imprint, or discoloration, although not regarded as a token or sign
(n.) An evidence of presence, agency, or influence
(n.) That toward which a missile is directed
(n.) Attention, regard, or respect.
(n.) Limit or standard of action or fact
(n.) Badge or sign of honor, rank, or official station.
(n.) Preeminence
(n.) A characteristic or essential attribute
(n.) A number or other character used in registring
(n.) Image
(n.) One of the bits of leather or colored bunting which are placed upon a sounding line at intervals of from two to five fathoms. The unmarked fathoms are called "deeps."
(v. t.) To put a mark upon
(v. t.) To be a mark upon
(v. t.) To leave a trace, scratch, scar, or other mark, upon, or any evidence of action
(v. t.) To keep account of
(v. t.) To notice or observe
(v. i.) To take particular notice
Plimsoll's mark
() A mark conspicuously painted on the port side of all British sea-going merchant vessels, to indicate the limit of submergence allowed by law
(v. t.) To mark again, or a second time
(n.) A peculiar distinguishing mark or device affixed by a manufacturer or a merchant to his goods, the exclusive right of using which is recognized by law.

near the mark Bedeutung

bell ringer
bull's eye mark home run
something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal, the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer, scored a bull's eye, hit the mark, the president's speech was a home run
shoulder board
shoulder mark
epaulets that indicate rank
mark the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember, it was in London that he made his mark, he left an indelible mark on the American theater
stretch mark a narrow band resulting from tension on the skin (as on abdominal skin after pregnancy)
a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
chatter mark a mark made by a chattering tool on the surface of a workpiece
an indication of damage
burn mark
a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)
strawberry mark
hemangioma simplex
a soft red birthmark
mark of Cain the mark that God set upon Cain now refers to a person's sinful nature
mark grade
a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance), she made good marks in algebra, grade A milk, what was your score on your homework?
Mark Gospel According to Mark the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament
letter of marque
letters of marque
letter of mark and reprisal
a license to a private citizen to seize property of another nation
sign mark a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened), he showed signs of strain, they welcomed the signs of spring
hypertext markup language
hypertext mark-up language
a set of tags and rules (conforming to SGML) for using them in developing hypertext documents
mark stigma
brand stain
a symbol of disgrace or infamy, And the Lord set a mark upon Cain--Genesis
mark print a visible indication made on a surface, some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks, paw prints were everywhere
hoof mark
a visible impression on a surface made by the hoof of an animal
mark a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation), his answer was just a punctuation mark
call mark
call number
a mark consisting of characters written on a book, used to indicate shelf location
check mark
check tick
a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc., as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name
diacritical mark
a mark added to a letter to indicate a special pronunciation
ditto mark
a mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated
dollar mark
dollar sign
a mark ($) written before a number to indicate that it stands for the number of dollars
dollar mark dollar sign
a symbol of commercialism or greed, he worships the almighty dollar, the dollar sign means little to him
accent accent mark a diacritical mark used to indicate stress or placed above a vowel to indicate a special pronunciation
stress mark a mark indicating the stress on a syllable
punctuation mark
the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases
exclamation mark
exclamation point
a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation
question mark
interrogation point
a punctuation mark (?) placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a question
quotation mark
inverted comma
a punctuation mark used to attribute the enclosed text to someone else
a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity
service stripe
hash mark
an insignia worn to indicate years of service
benchmark bench mark a surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point
lubber's line
lubber line
lubber's mark
lubber's point
a fixed line on a ship's compass indicating its heading
a reference point to shoot at, his arrow hit the mark
a distinguishing symbol, the owner's mark was on all the sheep
load line
Plimsoll line
Plimsoll mark
waterlines to show the level the water should reach when the ship is properly loaded
high-water mark a line marking the highest level reached
low-water mark a line marking the lowest level reached
ripple mark one of a series of small ridges produced in sand by water currents or by wind
fool gull
fall guy
sucker soft touch
a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
sitting duck
easy mark
a defenseless victim
Mark Antony
Mark Anthony
Marcus Antonius
Roman general under Julius Caesar in the Gallic wars, repudiated his wife for the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, they were defeated by Octavian at Actium (- BC)
Clark Mark Clark
Mark Wayne Clark
United States general who was Allied commander in Africa and Italy in World War II and was commander of the United Nations forces in Korea (-)
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Mark Twain
United States writer and humorist best known for his novels about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (-)
Hopkins Mark Hopkins United States educator and theologian (-)
Mark Saint Mark
St. Mark
Apostle and companion of Saint Peter, assumed to be the author of the second Gospel
Peter Mark Roget
English physician who in retirement compiled a well-known thesaurus (-)
Mark Rothko
United States abstract painter (born in Russia) whose paintings are characterized by horizontal bands of color with indistinct boundaries (-)
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