
Deckungsverfahren Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Deckungsverfahren n aviat.
beam rider system
Deckungsverfahren n aviat.
beam rider system
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin, profit margin
contribution margins, profit margins
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
amount of coverage
amounts of coverage
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin; profit margin
contribution margins; profit margins
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin; marginal income; profit margin
contribution margins; marginal incomes; profit margins
amount of coverage
breakeven analysis
Deckungsbeitragsrechnung f fin.
breakeven analysis
cover note
Deckungsbestätigung eines Schecks
certification of a cheque
Deckungsbestätigung f (Versicherung) fin.
insurance cover note
vorläufige Versicherungspolice f; Deckungszusage f; Deckungsbestätigung f (Versicherungswesen)
confirmation of insurance cover Br. coverage Am.; memorandum of insurance; (insurance) cover note Br.; covering note Br.; binder (for insurance) Am.; binding receipt Am.; binding slip Am. (insurance business)
Kredit m; Darlehen n fin.
Kredite pl; Darlehen pl
Deckungsdarlehen n
Großkredit m
Kassenkredit m; Kassendarlehen n
Kassenkredit durch die Zentralbank
auf Kredit; auf Pump
auf Pump leben; auf Kredit leben
revolvierender Kredit
eine Bedingung in einem Kredit
notleidender Kredit; fauler Kredit (überfälliger oder uneinbringlicher Kredit)
ein Darlehen aufnehmen
ein Darlehen gewähren
ein Darlehen zurückzahlen
ein Darlehen kündigen
einen Kredit erhöhen
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit; Darlehen mit kurzer Laufzeit; kurzfristiges Darlehen
Darlehen ohne Deckung
Kredit für Hauskauf
Darlehen zum Grunderwerb
Not leidender Kredit m (Kredit mit überfälligen Raten) jur. fin.
rückgriffsfreies Darlehen; rückgriffsfreie Finanzierung (besichertes Darlehen ohne persönliche Haftung des Darlehensnehmers) fin.
Kredit bei dem der Zinssatz immer wieder an das aktuelle Zinsniveau angepasst wird (Euro-Geldmarkt)
Darlehen aushandeln
einen Kredit aufnehmen
jdm. einen Kredit gewähren
credit; loan
credits; loans
covering loan
large-scale loan; massive loan; jumbo loan
cash credit; cash loan
cash lendings
on credit; on tick Br.
to live on tick; to live on credit
revolving credit; revolver
a requirement in a credit
non-performing loan; distressed loan; bad loan
to raise a loan; to take up a loan
to grant a loan
to repay a loan; to return a loan
to recall a loan; to call in money
to increase a credit; to extend a credit
short-term loan
unsecured loan
home loan
land loan
non performing loan
non-recourse debt; non-recourse loan; non-recourse finance
rollover credit; rollover loan (Euro money market)
to arrange a loan
to take out a loan
to grant sb. a loan
Kredit m; Darlehen n fin.
Kredite pl; Darlehen pl
Deckungsdarlehen n
Großkredit m
Kassenkredit m; Kassendarlehen n
Kassenkredit durch die Zentralbank
Stillhaltekredit m; Stillhaltedarlehen n
Valutakredit m
Warenkredit m; Lieferantenkredit m
auf Kredit; auf Pump
auf Pump leben; auf Kredit leben
revolvierender Kredit
eine Bedingung in einem Kredit
notleidender Kredit; fauler Kredit (überfälliger oder uneinbringlicher Kredit)
einen Kredit aufnehmen; ein Darlehen aufnehmen
jdm. ein Darlehen einen Kredit gewähren
einen Kredit ein Darlehen zurückzahlen abzahlen tilgen
ein Darlehen kündigen
den Kredit um 1 Million auf 5 Millionen aufstocken; die Kreditsumme um 1 Mio. auf 5 Mio. erhöhen
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit; Darlehen mit kurzer Laufzeit; kurzfristiges Darlehen
Darlehen ohne Deckung
Kredit für Hauskauf
Darlehen zum Grunderwerb
Not leidender Kredit m (Kredit mit überfälligen Raten) jur. fin.
rückgriffsfreies Darlehen; rückgriffsfreie Finanzierung (besichertes Darlehen ohne persönliche Haftung des Darlehensnehmers) fin.
Kredit, bei dem der Zinssatz immer wieder an das aktuelle Zinsniveau angepasst wird (Euro-Geldmarkt)
Darlehen aushandeln
credit; loan
credits; loans
covering loan
large-scale loan; massive loan; jumbo loan
cash credit; cash loan
cash lendings
standstill credit; standstill loan
foreign currency loan
trade credit; commodity credit; credit on goods
on credit; on tick Br.
to live on tick; to live on credit
revolving credit; revolver
a requirement in a credit
non-performing loan; distressed loan; bad loan
to raise a credit loan; to take out a credit loan
to allow; to give; to offer a load a credit to sb.
to repay return redeem a credit a loan
to recall a loan; to call in money
to expand the credit by 1 million to 5 millions; to increase the loan by 1m to 5m
short-term loan
unsecured loan
home loan
land loan
non performing loan
non-recourse debt; non-recourse loan; non-recourse finance
rollover credit; rollover loan (Euro money market)
to arrange a loan
deckungsfähiges Risiko m fin.
coverable risk
deckungsfähiges Risiko n fin.
coverable risk
Deckungsfehler m (Raster) electr.
Deckungsfehler pl
convergence error; registration error (screen)
convergence errors; registration errors
Deckungsfeuer n mil.
Deckungsfeuer geben
covering fire
to give provide covering fire
Deckungsfonds m fin.
cover fund
Deckungsforderungen pl fin.
covering claims
hedging transaction
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließen; decken; absichern (Börse) v fin.
to hedge (stock exchange)
Sicherungsgeschäft n; Deckungsgeschäft n; Kurssicherung f (Börse) fin.
Sicherungskauf m auf Termin; Terminkaufshedge m
Sicherungsverkauf m auf Termin; Terminverkaufshedge m
hedge (stock exchange)
long hedge
short hedge
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließen; decken; absichern (Börse) v fin.
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließend; deckend; absichernd
ein Deckungsgeschäft abgeschlossen; gedeckt; abgesichert
kurssicherndes Unternehmen
to hedge (stock exchange)
hedging company
Kurssicherungsgeschäft n; Absicherungsgeschäft n; Sicherungsgeschäft n; Kurssicherungstransaktion f; Absicherungstransaktion f; Sicherungstransaktion f; Deckungsgeschäft n (Börse) fin.
Ersatzsicherungsgeschäft n
Abschluss eines Kurssicherungsgeschäfts Deckungsgeschäfts
hedge transaction; hedging transaction; covering operation; covering transaction (stock exchange)
cross hedge transaction
Abschluß von Deckungsgeschäften
Absicherung mit Deckungsgeschäften
deckungsgleich, entsprechend adj
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich, entsprechend
deckungsgleich; kongurent adj math.
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich sein f chem.
to be superimposable; to be superposable
etw. mit etw. (deckungsgleich) überlagern v
eine Schwingung mit einer anderen überlagern
etw. überlagern
to superimpose; superpose sth. on sth.
to super(im)pose one oscillation upon another
to be superimposed on sth.
deckungsgleich; kongruent adj math.
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich sein v chem.
to be superimposable; to be superposable
Kongruenz f, Deckungsgleichheit f
Kongruenzen pl
congruency, congruence
Deckungsgleichheit f von Erkenntnissen; Ãœbereinstimmung f von Erkenntnissen sci.
convergence of evidence; concordance of evidence; consilience of evidence
Deckungsgleichheit f; Kongruenz f math.
congruency; congruence
Deckungsgleichheit f; Konvergenz f (TV) techn.
convergence (TV)
Deckungsgrad m der Baumkronen; Kronenschluss m; Schlussgrad m agr.
degree of crown canopy cover; canopy density (in trees)
Deckungsgrad m der Blattflächen; Blattflächenindex m agr. envir.
leaf area index
Deckungsgrenze f fin.
Deckungsgrenzen pl
cover limit
cover limits
Haftungsgrenze f; Deckungsgrenze f (Versicherungswesen) fin.
Haftungsgrenzen pl; Deckungsgrenzen pl
limit of cover; limit of indemnity (insurance business)
limits of cover; limits of indemnity
Deckungsguthaben n fin.
coverage deposit; covering balance
Deckungskäufe des Baisse-Spekulanten
bear covering
Kurssicherungskäufe pl; Absicherungskäufe pl; Sicherungskäufe pl; Deckungskäufe pl (Börse) fin.
hedge buying (stock exchange)
Deckungskauf m; Deckung f (beim Leergeschäft) (Börse) fin.
Deckung anschaffen
Deckungskauf der Baissepartei
Zwang zu einem Deckungskauf
zu Deckungskäufen zwingen
covering purchase; short covering; covering (stock exchange)
to provide cover
bear covering; short covering
bear squeeze
to squeeze the bears
covering purchase
Risiko n; Wagnis n
Risiken pl; Risikos pl; Risken pl Ös.; Wagnisse pl
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko abwägen kalkulieren
ein Risiko ausgleichen
ein Risiko ausschalten
ein Risiko begrenzen
ein Risiko decken
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko streuen verteilen
das Risiko tragen
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
abnehmendes Risiko
absolutes Risiko statist.
gegen alle Risiken
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
überschaubares Risiko
alle möglichen Risiken
Erhöhung des Risikos
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
Es ist unwahrscheinlich dass von Sportnahrung ein nennenswertes Risiko ausgeht.
Ein Verlust muss nicht innerhalb der Deckungslaufzeit entstehen solange das Risiko innerhalb dieser Laufzeit einsetzt besteht.
Risiko aus radioaktiver Strahlung jur.
Risiko der Abnahmeverweigerung jur.
Risiko der Nichtkonvertierung jur.
Risiko der Nichtransferierung jur.
Risiko der Nichtrückführung jur.
Risiko der Preissteigerung jur.
to take a risk
to calculate a risk
to offset a risk
to eliminate a risk
to limit a risk
to cover a risk
to incur run a risk
to spread diversify a risk
to bear the risk
aggravated risk
a bad risk
decreasing risk
absolute risk
against all risks
imputed risk
containable risk
all risks whatsoever
increase in the risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
It is unlikely that a major risk is posed by sports foods.
A loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.
nuclear radiation risk; ionising radiation risk
repudiation risk
convertibility risk
transfer risk
risk of non-repatriation
price escalation risk
Risiko n; Wagnis n +Gen.
Risiken pl; Risikos pl; Risken pl Ös.; Wagnisse pl
geringes mittleres hohes Risiko
individuelles Risiko; Individualrisiko n
kollektives Risiko; Kollektivrisiko n
Notfallrisiko n
Restrisiko n; verbleibendes Risiko
Sonderrisiko n
Verlustrisiko n
Risiken bergen; risikobehaftet sein
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko abwägen kalkulieren
ein Risiko ausgleichen
ein Risiko ausschalten
ein Risiko begrenzen
ein Risiko decken
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko streuen, verteilen
das Risiko tragen
ein Risiko in Kauf nehmen
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
abnehmendes Risiko
absolutes Risiko statist.
gegen alle Risiken
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
operationelles Risiko fin. econ.
überschaubares Risiko
alle möglichen Risiken
Erhöhung des Risikos
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass von Sportnahrung ein nennenswertes Risiko ausgeht.
Ein Verlust muss nicht innerhalb der Deckungslaufzeit entstehen solange das Risiko innerhalb dieser Laufzeit einsetzt besteht.
Risiko aus ionisierender Strahlung radioaktiver Strahlung
Risiko der Nichtkonvertierung
Risiko der Nichttransferierung
Dies birgt das Risiko, dass die Daten in falsche Hände geraten.
Der Patient stellt kein Risiko für sich oder andere dar.; Bei dem Patienten liegt keine Eigen- oder Fremdgefährdung vor.
risk (of sth.)
low moderate high risk
individual risk
collective risk
emergency risk
residual risk; remaining risk
special risk; particular risk
risk of loss
to carry risks
to take a risk
to calculate a risk
to offset a risk
to eliminate a risk
to limit a risk
to cover a risk
to incur run a risk
to spread diversify a risk
to bear the risk
to accept a risk
aggravated risk
a bad risk
decreasing risk
absolute risk
against all risks
imputed risk
operational risk
containable risk
all risks whatsoever
increase in the risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
It is unlikely that a major risk is posed by sports foods.
A loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.
ionising radiation risk; nuclear radiation risk
convertibility risk
transfer risk
This carries (with it) the risk that the data might could will get into the wrong hands.
The patient is not a risk to himself or others.
Deckungslücke f, Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl, Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Deckungslücke f; Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl; Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Deckungsmittel pl fin.
cover funds
Deckungsquote f fin.
coverage ratio
Deckungssumme f (Versicherungswesen)
Deckungssummen pl
amount covered; amount insured; sum insured (insurance business)
amounts covered; amounts insured; sums insured
Deckungsumfang m (Versicherungswesen)
scope of coverage; scope of cover; coverage level (insurance business)
(mengenmäßiger) Umsatz m; Umsätze pl; Gesamtumschlag m econ.
Bruttoumsatz m
Deckungsumsatz m
Gesamtumsatz m; Gesamtumschlag m
Innenumsatz m; Verkäufe zwischen Konzerngesellschaften
Jahresumsatz m
Konzernumsatz m
Mindestumsatz m
Monatsumsatz m
konsolidierter Nettoumsatz m
Tagesumsatz m
Rekordumsatz m
hoher Umsatz
erwarteter Umsatz
echt steuerfreie Umsätze; steuerbefreite Umsätze mit Vorsteuerabzugsberechtigung
Verhältnis Umsatz zu eingesetztem Kapital
die Umsätze steigern
gute Umsätze erziehen machen
Die Umsätze gingen (im Jahr) 2016 um 10% zurück.
Die Umsätze stiegen um 35% auf 11 Millionen Stück.
sales (number of items sold)
gross sales
breakeven sales
total sales
intercompany sales
annual sales
group sales
minimum sales
monthly sales
consolidated net sales
daily sales
record sales
high sales
expected sales
zero-rated sales Br.
ratio of sales to invested capital
to increase sales
to achieve good sales
Sales declined by 10 % in 2016.
Sales rose by 35 % to 11 million units.
Deckungsverfahren n aviat.
beam rider system
cover ratio
Deckungsverhältnis n (Schuldrecht) jur.
covering relationship; cover relationship (law of obligations)
Deckungszeitraum, Versicherungsdauer
term of insurance
Deckungszielgerät n; Grabenvisier n; Schützengrabenspiegel m; Spiegelkolben m mil.
trench periscope; periscopic sight
Deckungszusage (US)
Deckungszusage f fin.
binding receipt, conditional receipt
Deckungszusage f
Deckungszusage f; Kreditzusage f; Förderzusage f fin. adm.
Deckungszusagen pl; Kreditzusagen pl; Förderzusagen pl
letter of commitment; commitment letter
letters of commitment; commitment letters
vorläufige Versicherungspolice f; Deckungszusage f (Versicherung)
memorandum of insurance; cover note Br.; covering note Br.; binder Am.; binding receipt Am.; binding slip Am. (insurance)

Deutsche Deckungsverfahren Synonyme

Englische beam rider system Synonyme

beam  AM signal  CRT spot  DM display  Doppler signal  FM signal  H beam  I beam  IF signal  IF video signal  IM display  RF amplifier  RF echoes  RF signal  RF stage  TV band  X ray  abutment  actinic ray  actinism  amplitude  angle rafter  arc-boutant  atomic beam  atomic ray  audio signal  backside  balk  bank  bar  batten  be bright  be in heaven  be pleased  beacon  beam  beam of light  beat signal  bedazzle  beggar description  behind  billet  blaze  blind  blips  bloom  board  boarding  boom  border  bottom  bounce  bounces  box girder  brace  breadth  breakwater  breastsummer  bright smile  broad grin  broadcast  broadness  broadside  bulwark  burn  buttress  buttress pier  buttressing  can  cant hook  caper  caracole  cheek  chirp  chirrup  chop  clapboard  claw bar  coast  corbel  cord  cordwood  crack a smile  crank  crossbeam  crosstie  crow  crowbar  dance  daze  dazzle  deal  delight  derriere  die with delight  diffuse light  direct signal  display  distance across  double-dot display  driftwood  ear-to-ear grin  echo  echo signal  embankment  equalizing pulse  expanse  extent  fan marker  fanny  feel happy  firewood  flame  flank  flare  flare path  flash  flying buttress  footing beam  frolic  fulgurate  fullness  gambol  gamma ray  girder  give light  glance  glare  gleam  gleaming smile  glint  glow  glowing smile  go into raptures  grin  grinning  groin  hammer beam  hand  handedness  handspike  hanging buttress  hardwood  haunch  hip  hip rafter  idiotic grin  incandesce  infrared ray  invisible radiation  iron crow  jam  jetty  jimmy  joist  jowl  joy  jutty  knock dead  laterality  lath  lathing  lathwork  latitude  lattice girder  laugh  leam  lever  lilt  limb  lintel  local oscillator signal  log  lumber  luster  many-sidedness  marker  marlinespike  mole  multilaterality  newscast  output pulse  output signal  outrigger  panelboard  paneling  panelwork  patch  peavey  pedal  pencil  photoemission  photon  picture  picture carrier  pier  pi  
beaming  aglow  beamy  beatific  beatified  blessed  blissful  blithe  blithesome  blooming  blushing  bright  bright and sunny  brilliant  burning  candescent  capering  cheerful  cheery  chirping  dancing  dazzling  devastating  divine  effulgent  elated  eupeptic  euphoric  exalted  exhilarated  flushed  flushed with joy  flushing  fulgent  gay  genial  glad  gladsome  glamorous  gleaming  gleamy  glinting  glorious  glowing  gorgeous  happy  heavenly  high  hopeful  illuminant  in good spirits  in high spirits  incandescent  irradiative  irrepressible  joyful  joyous  killing  lambent  lamping  laughing  leaping  light as day  lucent  luciferous  lucific  luciform  luminant  luminative  luminiferous  luminificent  luminous  lustrous  of good cheer  optimistic  orient  pleasant  purring  radiant  raving  ravishing  refulgent  resplendent  riant  rosy  rutilant  rutilous  sanguine  sanguineous  shining  shiny  singing  smiling  smirking  sparkling  splendid  splendorous  splendrous  starbright  starlike  starry  starry-eyed  streaming  stunning  sublime  suffused  sunny  sunshiny  thrice happy  winsome  

Deckungsverfahren Definition

(n.) Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use.
(n.) One of the principal horizontal timbers of a building or ship.
(n.) The width of a vessel
(n.) The bar of a balance, from the ends of which the scales are suspended.
(n.) The principal stem or horn of a stag or other deer, which bears the antlers, or branches.
(n.) The pole of a carriage.
(n.) A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which weavers wind the warp before weaving
(n.) The straight part or shank of an anchor.
(n.) The main part of a plow, to which the handles and colter are secured, and to the end of which are attached the oxen or horses that draw it.
(n.) A heavy iron lever having an oscillating motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and the other with the crank of the wheel shaft
(n.) A ray or collection of parallel rays emitted from the sun or other luminous body
(n.) Fig.: A ray
(n.) One of the long feathers in the wing of a hawk
(v. t.) To send forth
(v. i.) To emit beams of light.
Beam tree
() A tree (Pyrus aria) related to the apple.
(n.) A member of one description of roof truss, called hammer-beam truss, which is so framed as not to have a tiebeam at the top of the wall. Each principal has two hammer-beams, which occupy the situation, and to some extent serve the purpose, of a tiebeam.
Metric system
() See Metric, a.
(n.) One who, or that which, rides.
(n.) Formerly, an agent who went out with samples of goods to obtain orders
(n.) One who breaks or manages a horse.
(n.) An addition or amendment to a manuscript or other document, which is attached on a separate piece of paper
(n.) A problem of more than usual difficulty added to another on an examination paper.
(n.) A Dutch gold coin having the figure of a man on horseback stamped upon it.
(n.) Rock material in a vein of ore, dividing it.
(n.) An interior rib occasionally fixed in a ship's hold, reaching from the keelson to the beams of the lower deck, to strengthen her frame.
(n.) The second tier of casks in a vessel's hold.
(n.) A small forked weight which straddles the beam of a balance, along which it can be moved in the manner of the weight on a steelyard.
(n.) A robber.
(n.) An assemblage of objects arranged in regular subordination, or after some distinct method, usually logical or scientific
(n.) Hence, the whole scheme of created things regarded as forming one complete plan of whole
(n.) Regular method or order
(n.) The collection of staves which form a full score. See Score, n.
(n.) An assemblage of parts or organs, either in animal or plant, essential to the performance of some particular function or functions which as a rule are of greater complexity than those manifested by a single organ
(n.) One of the stellate or irregular clusters of intimately united zooids which are imbedded in, or scattered over, the surface of the common tissue of many compound ascidians.

beam rider system Bedeutung

Bertillon system a system or procedure for identifying persons
buddy system a cooperative practice of pairing two or more people together for mutual assistance or safety (especially in recreational swimming)
water vascular system system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration
air transportation system a transportation system for moving passengers or goods by air
warning device
alarm system
a device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable event
audio system
sound system
a system of electronic equipment for recording or reproducing sound
backup system a computer system for making backups
balance beam
a gymnastic apparatus used by women gymnasts
basic point defense missile system a shipboard missile system
beam long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction
beam the broad side of a ship, they sighted land on the port beam
beam balance a balance consisting of a lever with two equal arms and a pan suspended from each arm
box beam
box girder
a beam built up from boards, has a hollow rectangular cross section
brake system
a braking device consisting of a combination of interacting parts that work to slow a motor vehicle
bulletin board system
bulletin board electronic bulletin board
a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
cable cable television
cable system
cable television service
a television system that transmits over cables
closed loop
closed-loop system
a control system with a feedback loop that is active
color television
colour television
color television system
colour television system
color TV
colour TV
a television that transmits images in color
communication system
communication equipment
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
communication system a system for communicating
computing machine
computing device
data processor
electronic computer
information processing system
a machine for performing calculations automatically
computer system
computing system
automatic data processing system
ADP system
a system of one or more computers and associated software with common storage
control system a system for controlling the operation of another system
coolant system a cooling system that uses a fluid to transfer heat from one place to another
cooling system
a mechanism for keeping something cool, the cooling was overhead fans
cooling system engine cooling system equipment in a motor vehicle that cools the engine
coude telescope
coude system
a reflecting telescope so constructed that the light is led to a plate holder or spectrograph
data system
information system
system consisting of the network of all communication channels used within an organization
defense system
defence system
the weaponry available for the defense of a region
drainage system a system of watercourses or drains for carrying off excess water
drive line
drive line system
mechanism that transmits power from the engine to the driving wheels of a motor vehicle
early warning system a network of radar installations designed to detect enemy missiles or aircraft while there is still time to intercept them
electrical system equipment in a motor vehicle that provides electricity to start the engine and ignite the fuel and operate the lights and windshield wiper and heater and air conditioner and radio
electrical system electrical plant utility that provides electricity
exhaust system
system consisting of the parts of an engine through which burned gases or steam are discharged
explosive detection system
a rapid automatic system to detect plastic explosives in passengers' luggage using Xay technology and computers, designed for use in airports
fiber-optic transmission system
fibre-optic transmission system
a communication system using fiber optic cables
field-sequential color television
field-sequential color TV
field-sequential color television system
field-sequential color TV system
an early form of color TV in which successive fields are scanned in three primary colors
fire control system naval weaponry consisting of a system for controlling the delivery of fire on a military target
fuel injection
fuel injection system
mechanical system to inject atomized fuel directly into the cylinders of an internalombustion engine, avoids the need for a carburetor
fuel system equipment in a motor vehicle or aircraft that delivers fuel to the engine
gas system facility (plant and equipment) for providing natural-gas service
Global Positioning System
a navigational system involving satellites and computers that can determine the latitude and longitude of a receiver on Earth by computing the time difference for signals from different satellites to reach the receiver
guidance system
guidance device
a system of equipment for automatically guiding the path of a vehicle (especially a missile)
heating system
heating plant
utility to warm a building, the heating system wasn't working, they have radiant heating
high fidelity sound system
equipment for the reproduction of sound with high fidelity
highway system a transportation system consisting of roads for motor transport
hub-and-spoke system
a system of air transportation in which local airports offer air transportation to a central airport where long-distance flights are available
hydraulic system a mechanism operated by the resistance offered or the pressure transmitted when a liquid is forced through a small opening or tube
hydraulic transmission
hydraulic transmission system
a transmission that depends on a hydraulic system
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