
Deckungszeitraum Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Deckungszeitraum, Versicherungsdauer
term of insurance
Deckungszeitraum, Versicherungsdauer
term of insurance
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin, profit margin
contribution margins, profit margins
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
amount of coverage
amounts of coverage
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin; profit margin
contribution margins; profit margins
Deckungsbeitrag m
Deckungsbeiträge pl
contribution margin; marginal income; profit margin
contribution margins; marginal incomes; profit margins
amount of coverage
breakeven analysis
Deckungsbeitragsrechnung f fin.
breakeven analysis
cover note
Deckungsbestätigung eines Schecks
certification of a cheque
Deckungsbestätigung f (Versicherung) fin.
insurance cover note
vorläufige Versicherungspolice f; Deckungszusage f; Deckungsbestätigung f (Versicherungswesen)
confirmation of insurance cover Br. coverage Am.; memorandum of insurance; (insurance) cover note Br.; covering note Br.; binder (for insurance) Am.; binding receipt Am.; binding slip Am. (insurance business)
Kredit m; Darlehen n fin.
Kredite pl; Darlehen pl
Deckungsdarlehen n
Großkredit m
Kassenkredit m; Kassendarlehen n
Kassenkredit durch die Zentralbank
auf Kredit; auf Pump
auf Pump leben; auf Kredit leben
revolvierender Kredit
eine Bedingung in einem Kredit
notleidender Kredit; fauler Kredit (überfälliger oder uneinbringlicher Kredit)
ein Darlehen aufnehmen
ein Darlehen gewähren
ein Darlehen zurückzahlen
ein Darlehen kündigen
einen Kredit erhöhen
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit; Darlehen mit kurzer Laufzeit; kurzfristiges Darlehen
Darlehen ohne Deckung
Kredit für Hauskauf
Darlehen zum Grunderwerb
Not leidender Kredit m (Kredit mit überfälligen Raten) jur. fin.
rückgriffsfreies Darlehen; rückgriffsfreie Finanzierung (besichertes Darlehen ohne persönliche Haftung des Darlehensnehmers) fin.
Kredit bei dem der Zinssatz immer wieder an das aktuelle Zinsniveau angepasst wird (Euro-Geldmarkt)
Darlehen aushandeln
einen Kredit aufnehmen
jdm. einen Kredit gewähren
credit; loan
credits; loans
covering loan
large-scale loan; massive loan; jumbo loan
cash credit; cash loan
cash lendings
on credit; on tick Br.
to live on tick; to live on credit
revolving credit; revolver
a requirement in a credit
non-performing loan; distressed loan; bad loan
to raise a loan; to take up a loan
to grant a loan
to repay a loan; to return a loan
to recall a loan; to call in money
to increase a credit; to extend a credit
short-term loan
unsecured loan
home loan
land loan
non performing loan
non-recourse debt; non-recourse loan; non-recourse finance
rollover credit; rollover loan (Euro money market)
to arrange a loan
to take out a loan
to grant sb. a loan
Kredit m; Darlehen n fin.
Kredite pl; Darlehen pl
Deckungsdarlehen n
Großkredit m
Kassenkredit m; Kassendarlehen n
Kassenkredit durch die Zentralbank
Stillhaltekredit m; Stillhaltedarlehen n
Valutakredit m
Warenkredit m; Lieferantenkredit m
auf Kredit; auf Pump
auf Pump leben; auf Kredit leben
revolvierender Kredit
eine Bedingung in einem Kredit
notleidender Kredit; fauler Kredit (überfälliger oder uneinbringlicher Kredit)
einen Kredit aufnehmen; ein Darlehen aufnehmen
jdm. ein Darlehen einen Kredit gewähren
einen Kredit ein Darlehen zurückzahlen abzahlen tilgen
ein Darlehen kündigen
den Kredit um 1 Million auf 5 Millionen aufstocken; die Kreditsumme um 1 Mio. auf 5 Mio. erhöhen
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit; Darlehen mit kurzer Laufzeit; kurzfristiges Darlehen
Darlehen ohne Deckung
Kredit für Hauskauf
Darlehen zum Grunderwerb
Not leidender Kredit m (Kredit mit überfälligen Raten) jur. fin.
rückgriffsfreies Darlehen; rückgriffsfreie Finanzierung (besichertes Darlehen ohne persönliche Haftung des Darlehensnehmers) fin.
Kredit, bei dem der Zinssatz immer wieder an das aktuelle Zinsniveau angepasst wird (Euro-Geldmarkt)
Darlehen aushandeln
credit; loan
credits; loans
covering loan
large-scale loan; massive loan; jumbo loan
cash credit; cash loan
cash lendings
standstill credit; standstill loan
foreign currency loan
trade credit; commodity credit; credit on goods
on credit; on tick Br.
to live on tick; to live on credit
revolving credit; revolver
a requirement in a credit
non-performing loan; distressed loan; bad loan
to raise a credit loan; to take out a credit loan
to allow; to give; to offer a load a credit to sb.
to repay return redeem a credit a loan
to recall a loan; to call in money
to expand the credit by 1 million to 5 millions; to increase the loan by 1m to 5m
short-term loan
unsecured loan
home loan
land loan
non performing loan
non-recourse debt; non-recourse loan; non-recourse finance
rollover credit; rollover loan (Euro money market)
to arrange a loan
deckungsfähiges Risiko m fin.
coverable risk
deckungsfähiges Risiko n fin.
coverable risk
Deckungsfehler m (Raster) electr.
Deckungsfehler pl
convergence error; registration error (screen)
convergence errors; registration errors
Deckungsfeuer n mil.
Deckungsfeuer geben
covering fire
to give provide covering fire
Deckungsfonds m fin.
cover fund
Deckungsforderungen pl fin.
covering claims
hedging transaction
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließen; decken; absichern (Börse) v fin.
to hedge (stock exchange)
Sicherungsgeschäft n; Deckungsgeschäft n; Kurssicherung f (Börse) fin.
Sicherungskauf m auf Termin; Terminkaufshedge m
Sicherungsverkauf m auf Termin; Terminverkaufshedge m
hedge (stock exchange)
long hedge
short hedge
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließen; decken; absichern (Börse) v fin.
ein Deckungsgeschäft abschließend; deckend; absichernd
ein Deckungsgeschäft abgeschlossen; gedeckt; abgesichert
kurssicherndes Unternehmen
to hedge (stock exchange)
hedging company
Kurssicherungsgeschäft n; Absicherungsgeschäft n; Sicherungsgeschäft n; Kurssicherungstransaktion f; Absicherungstransaktion f; Sicherungstransaktion f; Deckungsgeschäft n (Börse) fin.
Ersatzsicherungsgeschäft n
Abschluss eines Kurssicherungsgeschäfts Deckungsgeschäfts
hedge transaction; hedging transaction; covering operation; covering transaction (stock exchange)
cross hedge transaction
Abschluß von Deckungsgeschäften
Absicherung mit Deckungsgeschäften
deckungsgleich, entsprechend adj
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich, entsprechend
deckungsgleich; kongurent adj math.
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich sein f chem.
to be superimposable; to be superposable
etw. mit etw. (deckungsgleich) überlagern v
eine Schwingung mit einer anderen überlagern
etw. überlagern
to superimpose; superpose sth. on sth.
to super(im)pose one oscillation upon another
to be superimposed on sth.
deckungsgleich; kongruent adj math.
deckungsgleich sein mit
to be congruent with
deckungsgleich sein v chem.
to be superimposable; to be superposable
Kongruenz f, Deckungsgleichheit f
Kongruenzen pl
congruency, congruence
Deckungsgleichheit f von Erkenntnissen; Ãœbereinstimmung f von Erkenntnissen sci.
convergence of evidence; concordance of evidence; consilience of evidence
Deckungsgleichheit f; Kongruenz f math.
congruency; congruence
Deckungsgleichheit f; Konvergenz f (TV) techn.
convergence (TV)
Deckungsgrad m der Baumkronen; Kronenschluss m; Schlussgrad m agr.
degree of crown canopy cover; canopy density (in trees)
Deckungsgrad m der Blattflächen; Blattflächenindex m agr. envir.
leaf area index
Deckungsgrenze f fin.
Deckungsgrenzen pl
cover limit
cover limits
Haftungsgrenze f; Deckungsgrenze f (Versicherungswesen) fin.
Haftungsgrenzen pl; Deckungsgrenzen pl
limit of cover; limit of indemnity (insurance business)
limits of cover; limits of indemnity
Deckungsguthaben n fin.
coverage deposit; covering balance
Deckungskäufe des Baisse-Spekulanten
bear covering
Kurssicherungskäufe pl; Absicherungskäufe pl; Sicherungskäufe pl; Deckungskäufe pl (Börse) fin.
hedge buying (stock exchange)
Deckungskauf m; Deckung f (beim Leergeschäft) (Börse) fin.
Deckung anschaffen
Deckungskauf der Baissepartei
Zwang zu einem Deckungskauf
zu Deckungskäufen zwingen
covering purchase; short covering; covering (stock exchange)
to provide cover
bear covering; short covering
bear squeeze
to squeeze the bears
covering purchase
Risiko n; Wagnis n
Risiken pl; Risikos pl; Risken pl Ös.; Wagnisse pl
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko abwägen kalkulieren
ein Risiko ausgleichen
ein Risiko ausschalten
ein Risiko begrenzen
ein Risiko decken
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko streuen verteilen
das Risiko tragen
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
abnehmendes Risiko
absolutes Risiko statist.
gegen alle Risiken
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
überschaubares Risiko
alle möglichen Risiken
Erhöhung des Risikos
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
Es ist unwahrscheinlich dass von Sportnahrung ein nennenswertes Risiko ausgeht.
Ein Verlust muss nicht innerhalb der Deckungslaufzeit entstehen solange das Risiko innerhalb dieser Laufzeit einsetzt besteht.
Risiko aus radioaktiver Strahlung jur.
Risiko der Abnahmeverweigerung jur.
Risiko der Nichtkonvertierung jur.
Risiko der Nichtransferierung jur.
Risiko der Nichtrückführung jur.
Risiko der Preissteigerung jur.
to take a risk
to calculate a risk
to offset a risk
to eliminate a risk
to limit a risk
to cover a risk
to incur run a risk
to spread diversify a risk
to bear the risk
aggravated risk
a bad risk
decreasing risk
absolute risk
against all risks
imputed risk
containable risk
all risks whatsoever
increase in the risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
It is unlikely that a major risk is posed by sports foods.
A loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.
nuclear radiation risk; ionising radiation risk
repudiation risk
convertibility risk
transfer risk
risk of non-repatriation
price escalation risk
Risiko n; Wagnis n +Gen.
Risiken pl; Risikos pl; Risken pl Ös.; Wagnisse pl
geringes mittleres hohes Risiko
individuelles Risiko; Individualrisiko n
kollektives Risiko; Kollektivrisiko n
Notfallrisiko n
Restrisiko n; verbleibendes Risiko
Sonderrisiko n
Verlustrisiko n
Risiken bergen; risikobehaftet sein
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko abwägen kalkulieren
ein Risiko ausgleichen
ein Risiko ausschalten
ein Risiko begrenzen
ein Risiko decken
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko streuen, verteilen
das Risiko tragen
ein Risiko in Kauf nehmen
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
abnehmendes Risiko
absolutes Risiko statist.
gegen alle Risiken
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
operationelles Risiko fin. econ.
überschaubares Risiko
alle möglichen Risiken
Erhöhung des Risikos
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass von Sportnahrung ein nennenswertes Risiko ausgeht.
Ein Verlust muss nicht innerhalb der Deckungslaufzeit entstehen solange das Risiko innerhalb dieser Laufzeit einsetzt besteht.
Risiko aus ionisierender Strahlung radioaktiver Strahlung
Risiko der Nichtkonvertierung
Risiko der Nichttransferierung
Dies birgt das Risiko, dass die Daten in falsche Hände geraten.
Der Patient stellt kein Risiko für sich oder andere dar.; Bei dem Patienten liegt keine Eigen- oder Fremdgefährdung vor.
risk (of sth.)
low moderate high risk
individual risk
collective risk
emergency risk
residual risk; remaining risk
special risk; particular risk
risk of loss
to carry risks
to take a risk
to calculate a risk
to offset a risk
to eliminate a risk
to limit a risk
to cover a risk
to incur run a risk
to spread diversify a risk
to bear the risk
to accept a risk
aggravated risk
a bad risk
decreasing risk
absolute risk
against all risks
imputed risk
operational risk
containable risk
all risks whatsoever
increase in the risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
It is unlikely that a major risk is posed by sports foods.
A loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.
ionising radiation risk; nuclear radiation risk
convertibility risk
transfer risk
This carries (with it) the risk that the data might could will get into the wrong hands.
The patient is not a risk to himself or others.
Deckungslücke f, Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl, Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Deckungslücke f; Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl; Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Deckungsmittel pl fin.
cover funds
Deckungsquote f fin.
coverage ratio
Deckungssumme f (Versicherungswesen)
Deckungssummen pl
amount covered; amount insured; sum insured (insurance business)
amounts covered; amounts insured; sums insured
Deckungsumfang m (Versicherungswesen)
scope of coverage; scope of cover; coverage level (insurance business)
(mengenmäßiger) Umsatz m; Umsätze pl; Gesamtumschlag m econ.
Bruttoumsatz m
Deckungsumsatz m
Gesamtumsatz m; Gesamtumschlag m
Innenumsatz m; Verkäufe zwischen Konzerngesellschaften
Jahresumsatz m
Konzernumsatz m
Mindestumsatz m
Monatsumsatz m
konsolidierter Nettoumsatz m
Tagesumsatz m
Rekordumsatz m
hoher Umsatz
erwarteter Umsatz
echt steuerfreie Umsätze; steuerbefreite Umsätze mit Vorsteuerabzugsberechtigung
Verhältnis Umsatz zu eingesetztem Kapital
die Umsätze steigern
gute Umsätze erziehen machen
Die Umsätze gingen (im Jahr) 2016 um 10% zurück.
Die Umsätze stiegen um 35% auf 11 Millionen Stück.
sales (number of items sold)
gross sales
breakeven sales
total sales
intercompany sales
annual sales
group sales
minimum sales
monthly sales
consolidated net sales
daily sales
record sales
high sales
expected sales
zero-rated sales Br.
ratio of sales to invested capital
to increase sales
to achieve good sales
Sales declined by 10 % in 2016.
Sales rose by 35 % to 11 million units.
Deckungsverfahren n aviat.
beam rider system
cover ratio
Deckungsverhältnis n (Schuldrecht) jur.
covering relationship; cover relationship (law of obligations)
Deckungszeitraum, Versicherungsdauer
term of insurance
Deckungszielgerät n; Grabenvisier n; Schützengrabenspiegel m; Spiegelkolben m mil.
trench periscope; periscopic sight
Deckungszusage (US)
Deckungszusage f fin.
binding receipt, conditional receipt
Deckungszusage f
Deckungszusage f; Kreditzusage f; Förderzusage f fin. adm.
Deckungszusagen pl; Kreditzusagen pl; Förderzusagen pl
letter of commitment; commitment letter
letters of commitment; commitment letters
vorläufige Versicherungspolice f; Deckungszusage f (Versicherung)
memorandum of insurance; cover note Br.; covering note Br.; binder Am.; binding receipt Am.; binding slip Am. (insurance)

Deutsche Deckungszeitraum Synonyme

Englische term of insurance Synonyme

term  Z  abundant year  academic year  adjectival phrase  administration  agree  annum  antonym  apodosis  appellation  arrange  articles  articulation  as regards  assumptions  balance  baptize  basis  bissextile year  border line  bound  boundary  boundary condition  boundary line  bourn  break boundary  breakoff point  calendar month  calendar year  call  catastrophe  ceasing  ceiling  century  cessation  christen  chronology  circumscription  clause  clauses  coda  come to terms  common year  compass  compromise  concerning  conclusion  condition  conditions  confine  confines  construction  consummation  continuity  continuous tenure  course  crack of doom  culmination  curtain  curtains  cutoff  cutoff point  day  deadline  death  decade  decease  decennary  decennium  defective year  define  delimitation  denominate  denouement  designate  designation  destination  destiny  detail  determinant  division line  doom  dub  duration  duree  effect  end  end point  ending  enlistment  entitle  envoi  epilogue  eschatology  exception  expiration  expression  extremity  fate  final solution  final twitch  final words  finale  finality  finis  finish  fiscal year  floor  footing  fortnight  free form  frontier  glosseme  go  goal  headed group  hedge  high-water mark  hitch  homograph  homonym  homophone  hour  icon  identify  idiom  idiotism  in relation to  incumbency  interface  interval  item  izzard  label  last  last breath  last gasp  last things  last trumpet  last words  lastingness  latter end  leap year  lexeme  lexical form  limen  limit  limitation  limiting factor  line  line of demarcation  linguistic form  locution  logos  low-water mark  lower limit  lunar month  lunar year  lunation  luster  lustrum  man-hour  manner of speaking  march  mark  mete  metonym  microsecond  millennium  millisecond  minimum free form  minute  moment  monosyllable  month  moon  morpheme  name  nickname  nominate  noun phrase  omega  paragraph  particular  payment  payoff  
term paper  article  causerie  descant  discourse  discussion  disquisition  dissertation  essay  etude  examination  excursus  exposition  feature  first approach  homily  introductory study  lucubration  memoir  monograph  morceau  note  outline  pandect  paper  paragraph  piece  preliminary study  prolegomenon  research paper  screed  sketch  special article  study  survey  theme  thesis  tract  tractate  treatise  treatment  
termagant  Jezebel  Mafioso  Xanthippe  Young Turk  amazon  battle-ax  beast  beldam  berserk  berserker  bitch  bitch-kitty  boisterous  bomber  brute  cat  common scold  demon  devil  disorderly  dragon  fiend  fire-eater  firebrand  fishwife  fury  goon  gorilla  grimalkin  gunsel  hag  hardnose  harpy  hell-raiser  hellcat  hellhag  hellhound  hellion  holy terror  hood  hoodlum  hothead  hotspur  incendiary  killer  limitable  mad dog  madcap  monster  mugger  ogress  rapist  raucous  revolutionary  rowdy  rowdyish  rumbustious  savage  scold  she-devil  she-wolf  shrew  siren  spitfire  terror  terrorist  tiger  tigress  tough  tough guy  tumultuous  ugly customer  unruly  violent  virago  vixen  wild beast  wildcat  witch  wolf  
terminal  CRT  L  Z  anchorage  apodosis  bad  beyond recall  beyond remedy  bordering  borderline  boundary  bounding  bourn  branch  cable railway  catastrophe  caudal  ceasing  cessation  clause boundary  clause terminal  close juncture  closing  coastal  coda  cog railway  completing  completive  completory  concluding  conclusion  conclusive  conductor  connection  connector  consummation  consummative  control panel  coupling  crack of doom  crowning  culminating  culmination  cureless  curtain  curtains  deadly  death  decease  definitive  denouement  depot  despaired of  destination  destiny  determinant  determinative  determining  done for  doom  dying  effect  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  end  end point  ending  endmost  envoi  epilogue  eschatology  eventual  expiration  expiring  extreme  facing death  falling terminal  farthest  fatal  fate  feeder  feeder line  final  final solution  final twitch  final words  finale  finality  finalizing  finis  finish  finishing  fringing  frontier  fulfilling  given up  goal  going  gone  gravity-operated railway  greatest  harbor  haven  hindmost  hopeless  horse railway  immedicable  in articulo mortis  in extremis  incapable of life  incorrigible  incurable  inoperable  irreclaimable  irrecoverable  irredeemable  irreformable  irremediable  irreparable  irretrievable  irreversible  irrevocable  izzard  junction  juncture  keyboard  lag  last  last breath  last gasp  last stop  last things  last trumpet  last words  latest  latter  latter end  lethal  light railroad  limbic  liminal  limit  limitable  limital  limiting  line  littoral  lost  low  main line  marginal  maximum  metro  module  monitor  monorail  moribund  mortal  near death  nonviable  omega  open juncture  past hope  past praying for  pause  payoff  period  peroration  polar  port  position  quietus  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  remediless  resolution  resting place  rim  
terminal case  apoplectic  arthritic  case  consumptive  dead duck  dying  dyspeptic  epileptic  gone goose  goner  gosling  hopeless case  incurable  inpatient  invalid  outpatient  patient  rheumatic  shut-in  sick person  spastic  sufferer  the sick  valetudinarian  
terminate  abandon  abolish  abort  attend  ax  become of  belay  boot out  bounce  button up  cancel  cap  carry to completion  cashier  cease  clean up  climax  close  close out  close up  come about  come of  come out  complete  conclude  crown  culminate  cut it out  cut off  desist  determine  develop  discharge  discontinue  dismiss  dissolve  drop  drop it  end  ensue  eventuate  extinguish  fall out  fare  finalize  finish  finish off  finish up  fire  follow  get done  get it over  get through  get through with  give over  halt  have done with  hold  issue  kick out  knock it off  lay off  leave  leave off  mop up  pan out  perfect  perorate  prorogate  prorogue  prove  prove to be  quit  recess  refrain  relinquish  renounce  resign  resolve  result  rise  round out  sack  scrap  scratch  scrub  sign off  stay  stop  top off  top out  turn out  ultimate  unfold  wind down  wind up  work out  wrap up  
terminated  SOL  all bets off  all off  all over  all up  at an end  canceled  cleaned up  complete  completed  concluded  dead  decided  defunct  deleted  done  done for  done with  down  ended  expunged  extinct  fini  finished  finished up  kaput  over  perfected  perfective  set at rest  settled  shot  through  through with  washed up  wiped out  wound up  wrapped up  zapped  
termination  Z  abandonment  abortion  apodosis  bitter end  breakoff  catastrophe  cease  ceasing  cessation  climax  close  closing  coda  completing  completion  conclusion  consummation  crack of doom  culmination  curtain  curtains  death  decease  denouement  desinence  desistance  destination  destiny  discontinuance  discontinuation  doom  effect  end  end point  end result  ending  envoi  epilogue  eschatology  expiration  fate  final result  final solution  final twitch  final words  finale  finality  finis  finish  finishing  full development  goal  issue  izzard  last  last act  last breath  last gasp  last things  last trumpet  last words  latter end  maturation  maturity  omega  outcome  payoff  perfection  period  peroration  quietus  relinquishment  renunciation  resolution  resting place  result  ripeness  rounding off  rounding out  shutdown  stop  stoppage  stopping  stopping place  suffix  surcease  swan song  term  terminal  terminus  topping off  windup  
terminology  antonomasia  argot  binomial nomenclature  biosystematics  biosystematy  cant  class  classification  dictionary  family  gazetteer  genus  gibberish  glossary  glossology  gobbledygook  gradus  jargon  kingdom  language  lexicon  lingo  locutions  nomenclator  nomenclature  onomastics  onomatology  order  orismology  palaver  phraseology  phrasing  phylum  place-names  place-naming  polyonymy  promptorium  shoptalk  species  systematics  taxonomy  terms  thesaurus  toponymy  trinomialism  vocabulary  word list  wording  words  
terminus  L  Z  anchorage  apodosis  border line  bound  boundary  boundary condition  boundary line  bourn  branch  break boundary  breakoff point  cable railway  catastrophe  cease  ceasing  ceiling  cessation  circumscription  close  coda  cog railway  compass  completing  completion  conclusion  confine  consummation  crack of doom  culmination  curtain  curtains  cutoff  cutoff point  deadline  death  decease  delimitation  denouement  desistance  destination  destiny  determinant  division line  doom  effect  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  end  end point  ending  envoi  epilogue  eschatology  expiration  extremity  fate  feeder  feeder line  final solution  final twitch  final words  finale  finality  finis  finish  finishing  floor  frontier  full development  goal  gravity-operated railway  harbor  haven  hedge  high-water mark  horse railway  interface  izzard  junction  last  last breath  last gasp  last stop  last things  last trumpet  last words  latter end  light railroad  limen  limit  limitation  limiting factor  line  line of demarcation  low-water mark  lower limit  main line  march  mark  maturation  maturity  mete  metro  monorail  omega  payoff  perfection  period  peroration  port  quietus  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  resolution  resting place  ripeness  roadbed  roadway  rounding off  rounding out  sidetrack  siding  start  starting line  starting point  stop  stoppage  stopping place  street railway  streetcar line  subway  swan song  switchback  target date  term  terminal  terminal date  terminal point  termination  threshold  time allotment  topping off  track  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk  trunk line  tube  turnout  underground  upper limit  windup  
termless  all-comprehensive  all-inclusive  boundless  countless  endless  eternal  exhaustless  extending everywhere  illimitable  illimited  immeasurable  immense  incalculable  incomprehensible  inexhaustible  infinite  infinitely continuous  innumerable  interminable  interminate  limitless  measureless  no end of  perpetual  shoreless  sumless  unbounded  uncircumscribed  unfathomable  universal  unlimited  unmeasurable  unmeasured  unnumbered  unplumbed  untold  without bound  without end  without limit  without measure  without number  
terms  accommodation  adjustment  arrangement  boundary condition  catch  clause  composition of differences  compromise  condition  donnee  escalator clause  escape clause  escape hatch  fine print  given  grounds  joker  kicker  limiting condition  obligation  parameter  prerequisite  provision  provisions  proviso  requisite  resolution  saving clause  settlement  sine qua non  small print  specification  stipulation  string  ultimatum  whereas  

Deckungszeitraum Definition

Hilary term
() Formerly, one of the four terms of the courts of common law in England, beginning on the eleventh of January and ending on the thirty-first of the same month, in each year
(n.) The act of insuring, or assuring, against loss or damage by a contingent event
(n.) The premium paid for insuring property or life.
(n.) The sum for which life or property is insured.
(n.) A guaranty, security, or pledge
Sea term
() A term used specifically by seamen
(n.) That which limits the extent of anything
(n.) The time for which anything lasts
(n.) In universities, schools, etc., a definite continuous period during which instruction is regularly given to students
(n.) A point, line, or superficies, that limits
(n.) A fixed period of time
(n.) The limitation of an estate
(n.) A space of time granted to a debtor for discharging his obligation.
(n.) The time in which a court is held or is open for the trial of causes.
(n.) The subject or the predicate of a proposition
(n.) A word or expression
(n.) A quadrangular pillar, adorned on the top with the figure of a head, as of a man, woman, or satyr
(n.) A member of a compound quantity
(n.) The menses.
(n.) Propositions or promises, as in contracts, which, when assented to or accepted by another, settle the contract and bind the parties
(n.) In Scotland, the time fixed for the payment of rents.
(n.) A piece of carved work placed under each end of the taffrail.
(n.) To apply a term to

term of insurance Bedeutung

insurance claim demand for payment in accordance with an insurance policy
social insurance government provision for unemployed, injured, or aged people, financed by contributions from employers and employees as well as by government revenue
national insurance social insurance program in Britain, based on contributions from employers and employees, provides payments to unemployed and sick and retired people as well as medical services
old-age insurance insurance paid to the elderly
survivors insurance insurance paid to surviving spouses
disability insurance social insurance for the disabled
terminus terminal figure
(architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar, originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome
short-term memory
immediate memory
what you can repeat immediately after perceiving it
long-term memory
your general store of remembered information
term any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial, the general term of an algebraic equation of the n-th degree
degree of a term the sum of the exponents of the variables in the term
term a word or expression used for some particular thing, he learned many medical terms
term paper a composition intended to indicate a student's progress during a school term
policy insurance policy
written contract or certificate of insurance, you should have read the small print on your policy
term one of the substantive phrases in a logical proposition, the major term of a syllogism must occur twice
major term the term in a syllogism that is the predicate of the conclusion
minor term the term in a syllogism that is the subject of the conclusion
middle term the term in a syllogism that is common to both premises and excluded from the conclusion
condition term (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement, the contract set out the conditions of the lease, the terms of the treaty were generous
slang slang expression
slang term
informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions, often vituperative or vulgar, their speech was full of slang expressions
insurance company
insurance firm
insurance underwriter
a financial institution that sells insurance
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
a federally sponsored corporation that insures accounts in national banks and other qualified institutions
insurance broker
insurance agent
general agent underwriter
an agent who sells insurance
term infant infant born at a gestational age between and completed weeks
premium insurance premium payment for insurance
insurance coverage
the total amount and type of insurance carried
insurance promise of reimbursement in the case of loss, paid to people or companies so concerned about hazards that they have made prepayments to an insurance company
automobile insurance
car insurance
insurance against loss due to theft or traffic accidents
no fault insurance
no fault automobile insurance
a system of automobile insurance where a party who is injured in an automobile accident recovers damages up to a specific amount against his own insurance company regardless of who was responsible for the accident, the amount of litigation resulting from minor accidents is reduced by no fault insurance
business interruption insurance insurance that provides protection for the loss of profits and continuing fixed expenses resulting from a break in commercial activities due to the occurrence of a peril
fire insurance insurance against loss due to fire
group insurance insurance that is purchased by a group (such as the employees of a company) usually at a reduced rate to individual members of the group
hazard insurance insurance that provides protection against certain risks such as storms or fires
health insurance insurance against loss due to ill health
hospitalization insurance
insurance that pays all or part of a patient's hospital expense
liability insurance insurance that provides protection from claims arising from injuries or damage to other people or property
life insurance
life assurance
insurance paid to named beneficiaries when the insured person dies, in England they call life insurance life assurance
endowment insurance life insurance for a specified amount which is payable to the insured person at the expiration of a certain period of time or to a designated beneficiary immediately upon the death of the insured
tontine tontine insurance a form of life insurance whereby on the death or default of a participant his share is distributed to the remaining members
whole life insurance
ordinary life insurance
straight life insurance
insurance on the life of the insured for a fixed amount at a definite premium that is paid each year in the same amount during the entire lifetime of the insured
malpractice insurance insurance purchased by physicians and hospitals to cover the cost of being sued for malpractice, obstetricians have to pay high rates for malpractice insurance
self-insurance insuring yourself by setting aside money to cover possible losses rather than by purchasing an insurance policy
term insurance lowost insurance that is valid only for a stated period of time and has no cash surrender value or loan value, term insurance is most often associated with life insurance policies
indemnity insurance protection against future loss
half-term a short vacation about halfway through a school term, he came to visit at half-term
term a limited period of time, a prison term, he left school before the end of term
prison term
the period of time a prisoner is imprisoned, he served a prison term of months, his sentence was toyears, he is doing time in the county jail
school term
academic term
academic session
the time during which a school holds classes, they had to shorten the school term
term full term the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent, a healthy baby born at full term
presidential term
the tenure of a president, things were quiet during the Eisenhower administration
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