
Dispersionspulver Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Dispersionspulver n
dispersible powder
Dispersionspulver n
dispersible powder
Dispersion f phys. chem.
dispersion, dispersal
Abbe'sche Zahl f; Abbe-Zahl f; Reziprokwert der relativen Dispersion phys.
Abbe number; constringence; V-value
Dispersion f phys. chem.
dispersion; dispersal
Dispersionsfarbe f; (kurz:) Dispersion f; Latexfarbe ugs.
dispersion paint; dispersion; latex paint coll.
Streuung f; Variabilität f; Dispersion f (zahlenmäßige Veränderung einer Größe) statist.
Streuung der Ergebnisse
empirische Streuung
scatter; spread; variability; dispersion
scattering of results; spreading of results
empirical dispersion
kolloidal; kolloid; Kolloid… adj chem.
kolloidale Lösung; kolloidale Dispersion; Sol n
kolloidaler Graphit; Kolloidgraphit
colloidal solution; colloidal dispersion; sol
colloidal graphite
dispergierbar; zerstreubar adj; Dispersions...
dispergierbar; zerstreubar adj; Dispersions…
Dispersionsbereich m
dispersion range
Dispersionseigenschaft f
dispersion characteristic
Dispersionseigenschaft f
Dispersionseigenschaften pl
dispersion characteristic
dispersion characteristics
Dispersionsfarbe f
emulsion paint
Dispersionskleber m
Dispersionskleber pl
dispersion adhesive
dispersion adhesives
Dispersionsklebstoff m
dispersion adhesive
Streuungsmaß n; Streumaß n statist.
relatives Streuungsmaß; Dispersionskoeffizient m
measure of dispersion
dispersion coefficient; coefficient of dispersion
Kolloid n chem. phys.
Kolloide pl
Assoziationskolloid n; Mizellkolloid n; Micellkolloid n
Bodenkolloid n
Dispersionskolloid n
Emulsionskolloid n
Schutzkolloid n
solvatisiertes Kolloid
associational colloid
soil colloid
dispersion colloid
emulsion colloid
protective colloid
solvated colloid
Dispersionsmittel n
dispersion agent
Dispersionsmittel n; Dispergiermittel n; Dispergierungsmittel n
Dispersionsmittel pl; Dispergiermittel pl; Dispergierungsmittel pl
dispersing agent; dispersant; deflocculating agent; deflocculant
dispersing agents; dispersants; deflocculating agents; deflocculants
Dispergator m; Dispersionsmittel n; Dispergiermittel n
dispersant; dispersing agent
Dispersionspulver n
dispersible powder
statistischer Test m statist.
bedingter Test
bestmöglicher optimaler Test
einseitiger asymmetrischer Test
zweiseitiger Test
kombinatorischer Test
konsistenter Test
strengster Test; Test mit minimalem Schärfeverlust
symmetrischer Test
randomisierter Test
trennschärfster Test, bester Test
unverzerrter unverfälschter Test
verzerrter verfälschter Test
zerstörende Prüfung
zulässiger Test
eingeschränkter Chiquadrat-Test
Folgetest; sequentieller Test
generalisierter Sequentialtest
gleicher Abstandtest
gleichmäßig bester Abstandstest
gleichmäßig trennschärfster Test
Log-Rangtest; Mantel-Haenzel-Test
lokal asymptotisch strengster Test
lokal asymptotisch trennschärfster mächtigster Test; optimaler asymptotischer Test
lokal trennschärfster mächtigster Rangordnungstest
Medialtest m; Quadrantentest m
Mediantest m
Monte-Carlo-Test m
Multibinomialtest m
multipler Spannweitentest
Normalitätstest m; Test auf Normalverteilung
inverse Normalscores-Test
zufälliger Normalscores-Test
Omega-Quadrat-Test m; omega²-Test; Wn²-Test; Cramér-von-Mises-Test
orthogonaler Test; Test auf Orthogonalität
Permutationstest m; Randomisationstest m
Rang-randomisierter Test
randomisierter Signifikanztest
sequentieller Chi-Quadrat-Test
sequentieller T²-Test
simultaner Varianzverhältnistest
Sphärizitätstest m; Mauchly-Test m
Stabilitätsprüfung f
T-Quadrat-Test m
Tandemtest m
Test auf gleiche Tails
Test auf leere Zellen
Test mit einheitlichen Scores
Test mit erwarteten Normalscores
Tests von Aufzeichnungen
Trendtest m
trennschärfster Rangtest
UN²-Test m
Varianzverhältnistest m; F-Test m
Vereinigung-Schnitt-Test m
Verschiebungstest m
Vorzeichentest m
Vorzeichenrangtest m; Wilcoxon-Test für gepaarte Stichproben
Vorzeichenwechsel-Test m; Umkehrprobe f bei Indexzahlen
W-Test auf Normalität m
Wahrscheinlichkeitsverhältnistest m
Zeit-Umkehrprobe f; Umkehrprobe f für Indexbasen
zweidimensionaler Zeichentest m
Z-Test m
Ajnescher An-Test
Armitage Chiquadrat-Trendtest
Barnardscher Monte Carlo-Test
Bartlett-Test auf Interaktion 2. Ordnung
Bartlett'scher Kollinearitätstest
Bartlett-Diananda'scher Test
Barnard'scher Test
Behrens-Fisher-Test; Fisher-Behrens-Test
Boxscher Test
Cochrans Q-Test; McNemar-Test
Dispersionstest von Ansari-Bradley
Fisher-Yates-Test; exak
statistical hypothesis test
ad hoc test
a posteriori test
conditional test
optimum test
one-sided test; one-tailed test; single tail test; asymmetrical test
two-sided test; two-tailed test; double-tailed test
combinatorial test
consistent test
most stringent test
symmetrical test
randomized test
most powerful test
unbiased test
biased test
destructive test
admissible test
corner test
extreme rank sum test
difference sign test
triangle test
duo-trio test
restricted chi-squared test
factor reversal test
sequential test
generalized sequential probability ratio test
equal spacings test
uniformly best distance power test; UBDP test
uniformly most powerful test; UMP test
least significant difference test; LSD test
likelihood ratio test
log-rank test; Mantel-Haenszel test
locally asymptotically most stringent test
locally assymptotically most powerful test; optimal asymptotic test
locally most powerful rank order test
medial test
median test
Monte Carlo test
multi-binomial test
multiple range test
test of normality
inverse normal scores test
random normal scores test
omega square test; Wn² test; Cramér-von Mises test
orthogonal test; independent test
permutation test; randomization test
rank-randomization test
randomized significance test
sequential chi-squared test
sequential t² test
simultaneous variance ratio test
test for sphericity; Mauchly test
stability test
t-square test
tandem tests
equal-tails test
empty cell test
uniform scores test
expected normal scores test
records tests
test of trend
most powerful rank test
UN² test
variance ratio test; F-test
union-intersection test
slippage test
sign test
signed rank test; Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank test
reversal test
W test for normality
probability ratio test
base reversal test; time reversal test
bivariate sign test
Abelson-Tukey score test
Ajne's An-test
Armitage's chi-squared test for trend
Aspin-Welch test
Barnard's Monte Carlo test
Bartlett's test
Bartlett's test of second order interaction
Bartlett's collinearity test
Bartlett-Diananda test
CSM test
Beran's test
Behrens-Fisher test; Fisher-Behrens test
bootstrap test
Box's test
Breslow-Day test
Brunk's test
Butler-Smirnov test
Capon test
Cliff-Ord tests
Cochran's test
Cochran's Q-test; McNemar's test
Cox and Stuart's tests
D'Agostino's test
Daniel's test
David-Barton test
Ansari-Bradley dispersion test
Duncan's test; k-ratio t-test
Dunn's test
Dunnett's test
Dwass-Steel test
Fisher-Yates test; Fisher-Irwin test; Fisher exact test exact chi-squared test
Freund-Ansari test
Friedman's test
Gabriel's test
Galton's rank order test
Gart's test
Gehan test
Greenhouse-Geisser test
Gupta's symmetry test
Hartley's test; maximum F-ratio
Hodges' bivariate sign test
Hodges-Ajne's test
Bombe f; Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben pl; Abwurfwaffen pl
Atombombe f; Nuklearbombe f; A-Bombe f
Blitzlichtbombe f
Brandbombe f
Leuchtbombe f
Napalmbombe f
Neutronenbombe f
Plutoniumbombe f
Rohrbombe f
Splitterbombe f
Sprengbombe f
Streubombe f; Schüttbombe f; Kassettenbombe f
Wasserstoffbombe f; H-Bombe f; thermonukleare Bombe f
Bombe mit Detonationsdruckzündung
Bombe mit verzögerter Zündung
gelenkte Bombe
ungelenkte Bombe f; Freifallbombe f
nicht detonierte Bombe
schmutzige Bombe; radiologische Dispersionsvorrichtung (konventioneller Sprengsatz der radioaktives Material verstreut)
eine Bombe scharfmachen
eine Bombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen
eine Brandbombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen v
(an einem Ort) eine Bombe legen deponieren
eine Bombe zünden
die Bombe explodiert
Das Zimmer sah aus als hätte eine Bombe eingeschlagen.
nuclear bomb; A-bomb; atomic bomb
photoflash bomb
firebomb; incendiary bomb
flare bomb; illuminating bomb
napalm bomb
neutron bomb
plutonium bomb
pipe bomb
scatter bomb; fragmentation bomb
high-explosive bomb
cluster bomb
hydrogen bomb; H-bomb; fusion bomb; thermonuclear bomb
concussion bomb
delayed-action bomb
blind smart bomb; blind bomb
unguided bomb; free-fall bomb; gravity bomb
unexploded bomb
dirty bomb; radiological dispersal device RDD
to arm a bomb
to drop a bomb on a target
to firebomb a target
to plant a bomb (in a place)
to detonate a bomb
the bomb explodes goes off
The room looked like a bomb had hit it.
Bombe f mil.
Bomben pl
Atombombe f; Nuklearbombe f; A-Bombe f
bakteriologische Bombe
Blitzlichtbombe f
Brandbombe f
Dreiphasenbombe f; Drei-F-Bombe f
Fassbombe f
Fliegerbombe f; Abwurfwaffe f
gelenkte Bombe; intelligente Bombe
Kernspaltungsbombe f
Kobaltbombe f
lasergeführte Bombe
Leuchtbombe f
Nagelbombe f
Napalmbombe f
Neutronenbombe f; N-Bombe
Plutoniumbombe f
Rohrbombe f
selbstgesteuerte; präzisionsgelenkte Bombe
Splitterbombe f
Sprengbombe f
Stachelbombe f hist.
Streubombe f; Schüttbombe f; Kassettenbombe f
ungelenkte Bombe
unsaubere Bombe (mit radiologischer Wirkung)
Wasserstoffbombe f; H-Bombe f; thermonukleare Bombe f
Bombe mit Detonationsdruckzündung
Bombe mit verzögerter Zündung
ungelenkte Bombe f; Freifallbombe f
nicht detonierte Bombe
schmutzige Bombe; radiologische Dispersionsvorrichtung (konventioneller Sprengsatz, der radioaktives Material verstreut)
eine Bombe scharfmachen
eine Bombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen
eine Brandbombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen v
(an einem Ort) eine Bombe legen deponieren
eine Bombe zünden
die Bombe explodiert
Das Zimmer sah aus als hätte eine Bombe eingeschlagen.
nuclear bomb; A-bomb; atomic bomb
germ bomb
photoflash bomb
firebomb; incendiary bomb
three-F-bomb; fission-fusion-fission bomb
barrel bomb
aerial bomb
blind smart bomb; blind bomb; smart bomb
nuclear fission bomb
cobalt bomb
laser-guided bomb
flare bomb; illuminating bomb
nail bomb
napalm bomb
neutron bomb; N-bomb
plutonium bomb
pipe bomb
robot bomb; buzz bomb; flying bomb; smart bomb
scatter bomb; fragmentation bomb
high-explosive bomb
nose-spike bomb
cluster bomb
dumb bomb
salted bomb
hydrogen bomb; H-bomb; fusion bomb; thermonuclear bomb
concussion bomb
delayed-action bomb
unguided bomb; free-fall bomb; gravity bomb
unexploded bomb
dirty bomb; radiological dispersal device RDD
to arm a bomb
to drop a bomb on a target
to firebomb a target
to plant a bomb (in a place)
to detonate a bomb
the bomb explodes goes off
The room looked like a bomb had hit it.
Kornfeinheit f, Dispersität f
Kornfeinheit f; Dispersität f
Filter m
Filter pl
abgestimmter Filter
aktiver Filter
digitaler Filter
dispersiver Filter
inverser Filter
rotarmer Filter
Filter mit Steg
tuned filter
active filter
digital filter
dispersive filter
inverse filter
red-abstracting filter
filter with centre bar
Filter m
Filter pl
abgestimmter Filter
aktiver Filter
digitaler Filter
dispersiver Filter
Faltenfilter m
inverser Filter
Kombinationsfilter m
rotarmer Filter
Filter mit Steg
tuned filter
active filter
digital filter
dispersive filter
folded filter
inverse filter
combination filter
red-abstracting filter
filter with centre bar

Deutsche Dispersionspulver Synonyme

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Englische dispersible powder Synonyme

Dispersionspulver Definition

Dover's Powder
() A powder of ipecac and opium, compounded, in the United States, with sugar of milk, but in England (as formerly in the United States) with sulphate of potash, and in France (as in Dr. Dover's original prescription) with nitrate and sulphate of potash and licorice. It is an anodyne diaphoretic.
Goa powder
() A bitter powder (also called araroba) found in the interspaces of the wood of a Brazilian tree (Andira araroba) and used as a medicine. It is the material from which chrysarobin is obtained.
James's powder
() Antimonial powder, first prepared by Dr. James, ar English physician
(n.) The fine particles to which any dry substance is reduced by pounding, grinding, or triturating, or into which it falls by decay
(n.) An explosive mixture used in gunnery, blasting, etc.
(v. t.) To reduce to fine particles
(v. t.) To sprinkle with powder, or as with powder
(v. t.) To sprinkle with salt
(v. i.) To be reduced to powder
(v. i.) To use powder on the hair or skin
(a.) Affected with dry rot

dispersible powder Bedeutung

powder-post termite
Cryptotermes brevis
extremely destructive dry-wood termite of warm regions
Goa powder
a bitter yellow powder used to treat skin diseases
aspirin powder
headache powder
a powdered form of aspirin
baby powder powder used to prevent a baby's diaper from chafing
powder compact
a small cosmetics case with a mirror, to be carried in a woman's purse
Dover's powder a medicinal powder made essentially of ipecac and opium, formerly used to relieve pain and induce perspiration
face powder cosmetic powder for the face
ladies' room
powder room
a woman's restroom in a public (or semipublic) building
magazine powder store
powder magazine
a storehouse (as a compartment on a warship) where weapons and ammunition are stored
powder any of various cosmetic or medical preparations dispensed in the form of a pulverized powder
powder and shot ammunition consisting of gunpowder and bullets for muskets
powder horn
powder flask
container for carrying gunpowder, made of the hollow horn of an animal
powder keg keg (usually made of metal) for gunpowder or blasting powder
soap powder
built-soap powder
washing powder
soap in powdered form mixed with alkaline builders
talcum powder
a toilet powder made of purified talc and usually scented, absorbs excess moisture
toilet powder
bath powder
dusting powder
a fine powder for spreading on the body (as after bathing)
tooth powder
a dentifrice in the form of a powder
powder blue a pale blue color with grey in it
powder metallurgy the metallurgy of powdered metals, how to produce solid metal objects from powdered metal by compaction and sintering
carob powder
powder from the ground seeds and pods of the carob tree, used as a chocolate substitute
cocoa powder the powdery remains of chocolate liquor after cocoa butter is removed, used in baking and in low fat and low calorie recipes and as a flavoring for ice cream
baking-powder biscuit leavened with baking powder
five spice powder Chinese seasoning made by grinding star anise and fennel and pepper and cloves and cinnamon
chili powder powder made of ground chili peppers mixed with e.g. cumin and garlic and oregano
curry powder pungent blend of cumin and ground coriander seed and turmeric and other spices
powdered milk
dry milk
dried milk
milk powder
dehydrated milk
powder monkey someone who carries explosives (as from the magazine to the guns on board a warship)
powder photography
powder method
powder technique
a process for identifying minerals or crystals, a small rod is coated with a powdered form of the substance and subjected to suitably modified Xays, the pattern of diffracted rings is used for identification
powder keg a potentially explosive state
baking powder any of various powdered mixtures used in baking as a substitute for yeast
bleaching powder
chlorinated lime
chloride of lime
a white powder comprised of calcium hydroxide and chloride and hypochlorite and used to bleach and
insect powder
a chemical used to kill insects
a solid substance in the form of tiny loose particles, a solid that has been pulverized
Seidlitz powder
Seidlitz powders
Rochelle powder
an effervescing salt containing sodium bicarbonate and Rochelle salt and tartaric acid, used as a cathartic
a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in a :: ratio which is used in gunnery, time fuses, and fireworks
smokeless powder
an explosive (trade name Ballistite) that burns with relatively little smoke, contains pyrocellulose and is used as a propellant
powder apply powder to, She powdered her nose, The King wears a powdered wig
make into a powder by breaking up or cause to become dust, pulverize the grains
skip town
take a powder
disappear without notifying anyone (idiom)
powder blue
of a moderate to pale blue or purplish blue
powder-puff used of competitive activities in which only women take part, powder-puff baseball, a powder-puff football game
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