
Doktor Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Dr. : Doktor
Dr. : Doctor
Dr. : Doktor m
Dr : Doctor
Doktor der Medizin
doctor of medicine
Doktor Allwissend
Doctor Know-All
Doktor beider Rechte
JUD : juris utriesque doctor, Doctor of Canon and Civil Law
Doktor der Philosophie
doctor of philosophy
Doktor der Zahnmedizin
DDS : Doctor of Dental Surgery
Doktor Allwissend (Märchen)
Doctor Know-All (fairy tale)
Doktor m
Doktoren pl
Doktor der Rechtswissenschaft
doctor of laws
Dr. jur. : Doktor der Rechte
LLD : Doctor of Laws
Dr. jur. : Doktor der Rechte
LL D : legum doctor
Dr. med. : Doktor der Medizin
MD : Doctor of Medicine, medicinae doctor
Dr. theol. : Doktor der Theologie
DD : Doctor of Divinity
Doktor Allwissend (Märchen) lit.
Doctor Know-All (fairy tale)
Dr. jur. : Doktor des Zivilrechts
JCD : juris civilis doctor
Dr. jur. : Doktor des Zivilrechts
DCL : Doctor of Civil Law
Dr. phil. : Doktor der Philosophie
DPhil, PhD, Ph.D, DPh : Doctor of Philosophy
Doktor der Literaturwissenschaften
DLit : Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Literature
Doktor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
doctor of economics
Doktor m, Doktorin f
Doktoren pl
Dr. rer.nat. : Doktor der Naturwissenschaften
DSc, ScD : Doctor of Science
Zeugnis über die ärztliche Staatsprüfung Dt.; Promotionsurkunde zum Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde Ös. stud. adm.
primary medical qualification PMQ Br.
Zeugnis über die ärztliche Staatsprüfung Dt.; Promotionsurkunde zum Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde Ös. stud. adm.
primary medical qualification PMQ Br.
jdn. (zum Schauplatz) rufen; holen v
rufend; holend
gerufen; geholt
den Doktor holen
Truppen anfordern
jdn. zum Streik auffordern
to call out () sb. (to the scene)
calling out
called out
to call the doctor out
to call out troops
to call sb. out on strike
jdn. etw. als etw. bezeichnen; jdn. etw. etw. nennen v
'Bezahlung nach Klicks' wird auch als 'Abrechnung nach Klicks' bezeichnet.
Er hört es gern wenn man ihn 'Herr Doktor' nennt.
to refer to sb. sth. as sth.
'Pay per click" is also referred to as 'cost per click'.
He likes to be referred to as 'Doctor'.
jdn. etw. als etw. bezeichnen; jdn. etw. etw. nennen v
„Bezahlung nach Klicks“ wird auch als „Abrechnung nach Klicks“ bezeichnet.
Er hört es gern, wenn man ihn 'Herr Doktor' nennt.
to refer to sb. sth. as sth.
'Pay per click" is also referred to as 'cost per click'.
He likes to be referred to as 'Doctor'.
jdn. nehmen; etw. annehmen v (als Aufgabe akzeptieren)
nehmend; annehmend
genommen; angenommen
Der Doktor nimmt derzeit keine neuen Patienten.
Wir können keine zusätzliche Arbeit annehmen.
to take on sb. sth. (accept as a task)
taking on
taken on
The doctor isn't taking on any new patients at present.
We can't take on any extra work.
Zeugnis über die tierärztliche Staatsprüfung Dt.; Promotionsurkunde zum Doktor der Veterinärmedizin Ös. stud. adm.
Zeugnis über die zahnärztliche Prüfung Dt.; Promotionsurkunde zum Doktor der Zahnheilkunde Ös. stud. adm.
Diploma of Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc Br.; Diploma of Bachelor in of Veterinary Medicine MVB Ir.
Diploma of Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS B.Ch.D. ; Licentiate in Dental Surgery
Zeugnis über die tierärztliche Staatsprüfung Dt.; Promotionsurkunde zum Doktor der Veterinärmedizin Ös. stud. adm.
Zeugnis über die zahnärztliche Prüfung Dt.; Promotionsurkunde zum Doktor der Zahnheilkunde Ös. stud. adm.
Diploma of Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc Br.; Diploma of Bachelor in of Veterinary Medicine MVB Ir.
Diploma of Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS , B.Ch.D. ; Licentiate in Dental Surgery
Apfel m bot. cook.
Äpfel pl
glasierter Apfel
Essapfel m
für einen Apfel und ein Ei; für ein Butterbrot übtr.
Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen übtr.
ein Bestechungsversuch
Einen Apfel pro Tag mit dem Doktor keine Plag. Sprw.
Der kommt garantiert todsicher wieder.
toffie apple Br.; candy apple
eating apple
for peanuts; for next to nothing
to compare apples and oranges fig.
an apple for the teacher fig.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. prov.
As sure as (God made) little green apples he'll be back. fig.
Apfel m bot. cook.
Äpfel pl
glasierter Apfel
Essapfel m
einen Apfel schälen
für einen Apfel und ein Ei; für ein Butterbrot übtr.
Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen
ein Bestechungsversuch
Einen Apfel pro Tag, mit dem Doktor keine Plag. Sprw.
Der kommt garantiert todsicher wieder.
toffie apple Br.; candy apple
eating apple
to peel an apple
for peanuts; for next to nothing
to compare apples and oranges Am.; to compare apples to oranges Am.
an apple for the teacher fig.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. prov.
As sure as (God made) little green apples he'll be back. fig.
Doktor m Dr. ; Doktorin f
Doktoren pl; Doktorinnen pl
seinen Doktor machen
Doktor der Rechte Dr. jur.
Doktor der Medizin Dr. med.
Doktor der Philosophie Dr. phil.
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften Dr. rer.nat.
Doktor der Theologie Dr. theol.
Doktor der Zahnmedizin
Doktor des Zivilrechts Dr. jur.
Doktor beider Rechte
Doktor der Literaturwissenschaften
doctor Dr ; doc coll.
doctors; docs
to take one's doctor's degree; to take one's doctorate
Doctor of Laws LL.D; LL.D ; Doctor of Jurisprudence Am. J.D. ; legum doctor
Doctor of Medicine; medicinae doctor MD
Doctor of Philosophy DPhil; PhD; Ph.D; DPh
Doctor of Science DSc; ScD
Doctor of Divinity DD
Doctor of Dental Surgery DDS
Doctor of Civil Law DCL ; juris civilis doctor JCD
juris utriesque doctor JUD ; Doctor of Canon and Civil Law
Doctor of Letters Doctor of Literature DLit
Arzt m; Doktor m ugs.
Ärzte pl; Doktoren pl
Ärztin f; Frau Doktor
Bahnarzt m
Lagerarzt m
der behandelnde Arzt
niedergelassener Arzt
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt m Ös.
Arzt im ersten Praktikumsjahr; Turnusarzt im ersten Jahr Ös.
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?
Er war beim Arzt.
medical doctor M.D. ; doctor; medic coll.; physician
medical doctors; doctors; medics; physicians
female doctor; lady doctor rare
railway doctor; railway medical officer Br.; railroad doctor Am.
camp doctor; camp medical officer Br.
the attending physician; the attending doctor
physician in private practice; registered doctor with his her own practice
to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
foundation house officer FHO Br.; house officer Br.; houseman Br.; resident physician Am.; resident Am.
pre-registration house officer Br.; intern Am.; first-year resident Am.
doctor in charge; physician in charge
senior house officer SHO Br.; resident Am.
registrar Br.; fellow Am.
We sent for the doctor.
Can you recommend a good family doctor?
He has been to see the doctor.
Doktor m Dr. ; Doktorin f
Doktoren pl; Doktorinnen pl
seinen Doktor machen
Doktor der Rechtswissenschaft(en); Doktor der Rechte; Doktor des Rechts Dr. jur. Dr. iur.
Doktor der Medizin Dr. med.
Doktor der Philosophie Dr. phil.
Doktor der Naturwissenschaften Dr. rer. nat. Dr phil. nat. Dt. rare
Doktor der Theologie Dr. theol.
Doktor der Zahnmedizin
Doktor beider Rechte Dr. iur. utr. JVD (Zivilrecht und Kirchenrecht)
Forschungsdoktor der Geisteswissenschaften
Forschungsdoktor des Zivilrechts
doctor Dr ; doc coll.
doctors; docs
to take one's doctor's degree; to take one's doctorate
Doctor of Laws LLD LLD ; Doctor of Jurisprudence JD Am.; legum doctor
Doctor of Medicine; medicinae doctor MD
Doctor of Philosophy DPhil; PhD; Ph.D; DPh
Doctor of Science DSc ScD ; PhD in the sciences
Doctor of Divinity DD
Doctor of Dental Surgery DDS
juris utriusque doctor JUD (civil and canon law)
Doctor of Letters DLit DLitt LitD Litt.D
Doctor of Civil Law DCL ; juris civilis doctor JCD Br. Am. Can.
jdn. anreden; ansprechen; anschreiben v (mit) soc.
anredend; ansprechend; anschreibend
angeredet; angesprochen; angeschrieben
Obwohl er ihnen seinen Vornamen nannte, redeten sie ihn weiterhin mit „Herr Doktor“ an.
In der deutschen Armee wurden vorgesetzte Offiziere früher in der dritten Person angesprochen, z. B. mit „Herr Major hat absolut recht“.
Ich stand neben ihm und er sprach mich in der dritten Person an, so als wäre ich gar nicht da.
Beim E-Mail-Marketing sollte der Empfänger als Person mit Namen angeschrieben werden.
to address sb. (as)
Although he told them his first name, they continued to address him as "Doctor".
In the German army, superior officers used to be addressed in the third person, for instance, as 'Herr Major is absolutely right.'
I was standing next to him and he addressed me in the third person as if I wasn't even there.
In e-mail marketing, the recipient should be addressed as an individual with his own name.

Deutsche Doktor Synonyme

Doctor  juris  ÂDoktor  der  Rechte  ÂDoktor  des  Zivilrechts  ÂDr.  jur.  
Doktor  der  Medizin  ÂDr.  med.  
Doctor  philosophiae  ÂDoktor  der  Philosophie  ÂDr.  phil.  
Doctor  rerum  naturalium  ÂDoktor  der  Naturwissenschaften  ÂDr.  rer.  nat.  
Doktor  ÂDoktorgrad  ÂDoktortitel  ÂDr.  Âhöchster  akademischer  Grad  
Arzt  ÂDoktor  ÂHalbgott  in  Weiß  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMediziner  ÂWeißkittel  (umgangssprachlich)  
Doktor der Medizin  Dr. med.  
Doktor  Doktorgrad  Doktortitel  Dr.  höchster akademischer Grad  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Doktor Synonym nachschlagen

Englische doctor Synonyme

doctor  Doctor of Medicine  GP  MD  Md  abecedarian  abet  adulterate  aid  allopath  allopathist  alter  assist  attend  attending physician  authority  avail  baccalaureate  baccalaureus  bachelor  bail out  bandage  bastardize  bathe  bear a hand  befriend  benefit  bones  care for  certified teacher  change  cobble  cobbler  comfort  commission  condition  contaminate  cook  coroner  corrupt  country doctor  croaker  cure  cut  darn  debase  degree  denaturalize  denature  diagnose  dilute  disguise  do good  do up  doc  docent  doctor up  doctorate  dominie  don  drug  ease  educationist  educator  elder  elder statesman  fake  falsify  family doctor  favor  fellow  fix  fix up  fixer  flux  fortify  general practitioner  give a boost  give a hand  give a lift  give care to  give help  great soul  guide  guru  heal  help  house physician  illuminate  instructor  intellect  intellectual  intern  juggle  lace  leech  lend a hand  lend one aid  little Miss Fixit  load  lover of wisdom  maestro  mahatma  maintenance man  man of intellect  man of wisdom  mandarin  manipulate  massage  master  mastermind  mechanic  mechanician  medic  medical  medical attendant  medical examiner  medical man  medical practitioner  medicate  medico  melamed  mend  mender  mentor  minister to  modify  mullah  nurse  operate on  oracle  overhaul  pack  pandit  patch  patch up  pedagogist  pedagogue  philosopher  physic  physician  physician in ordinary  plant  plaster  poison  pollute  poultice  preceptor  professor  proffer aid  protect  pundit  purge  put in commission  put in order  put in repair  put in shape  rabbi  rally  ready  rebuild  recap  reclaim  recondition  reconstruct  redeem  relieve  remedy  render assistance  renovator  repair  repairer  repairman  rescue  resident  resident physician  restore  restorer  resuscitate  retouch  retread  revamp  revive  rig  rishi  rub  sage  salt  sapient  savant  save  sawbones  scholar  schoolkeeper  schoolmaster  schoolteacher  seer  

Doktor Definition

(n.) A teacher
(n.) An academical title, originally meaning a men so well versed in his department as to be qualified to teach it. Hence: One who has taken the highest degree conferred by a university or college, or has received a diploma of the highest degree
(n.) One duly licensed to practice medicine
(n.) Any mechanical contrivance intended to remedy a difficulty or serve some purpose in an exigency
(n.) The friar skate.
(v. t.) To treat as a physician does
(v. t.) To confer a doctorate upon
(v. t.) To tamper with and arrange for one's own purposes
(v. i.) To practice physic.
Water doctor
() One who professes to be able to divine diseases by inspection of the urine.
Water doctor
() A physician who treats diseases with water

doctor Bedeutung

doctor children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physician's office, the children explored each other's bodies by playing the game of doctor
darning needle
devil's darning needle
sewing needle
snake feeder
snake doctor
mosquito hawk
skeeter hawk
slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest, adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
fish doctor
Gymnelis viridis
brightly colored scaleless Arctic eelpout
Acanthurus chirurgus
surgeon fish of the West Indies
medical bill
doctor's bill
statement of charges for medical services
doctor's degree
one of the highest earned academic degrees conferred by a university
Doctor of Dental Medicine
a doctor's degree in dental medicine
Doctor of Dental Surgery
a doctor's degree in dental surgery
Doctor of Divinity
a doctor's degree in religion
Doctor of Education
a doctor's degree in education
Doctor of Medicine
a doctor's degree in medicine
Doctor of Music
a doctor's degree in music
Doctor of Musical Arts
a doctor's degree in musical arts
Doctor of Optometry
a doctor's degree in optometry
Doctor of Osteopathy
doctor's degree in osteopathy
Doctor of Arts D.A. a doctor's degree with a special disciplinary focus
Doctor of Philosophy a doctorate awarded for original contributions to knowledge
Doctor of Public Health
a doctor's degree in preventive medicine
Doctor of Theology
a doctor's degree in theology
Doctor of Sacred Theology
a doctor's degree in theology, STD is from the Latin Sanctae Theologiae Doctor
Doctor of Arts
an honorary arts degree
Doctor of Fine Arts an honorary degree in fine arts
Doctor of Humane Letters an honorary degree in letters
Doctor of Humanities an honorary degree in the humanities
Doctor of Laws
an honorary law degree
Doctor of Science
an honorary degree in science
baby doctor
a specialist in the care of babies
foot doctor
a specialist in care for the feet
country doctor a doctor who practices in the country (rather than in a city) usually remote from a modern hospital, do country doctors still make house calls?
tooth doctor
dental practitioner
a person qualified to practice dentistry
skin doctor
a doctor who specializes in the physiology and pathology of the skin
a licensed medical practitioner, I felt so bad I went to see my doctor
doctor Dr. a person who holds Ph.D. degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution, she is a doctor of philosophy in physics
Doctor of the Church
(Roman Catholic Church) a title conferred on saints who distinguished themselves through the orthodoxy of their theological teaching, the Doctors of the Church greatly influenced Christian thought down to the late Middle Ages
ear doctor
ear specialist
a physician who specializes in the ear and its diseases
ENT man
ear-nose-and-throat doctor
a specialist in the disorders of the ear or nose or throat
family doctor a general practitioner who treats all the family members
woman's doctor
a specialist in gynecology
herb doctor
a therapist who heals by the use of herbs
horse doctor a veterinarian who treats horses
brain doctor
a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
eye doctor
a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye
in societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds, practices sorcery for healing or divination
spin doctor
a public relations person who tries to forestall negative publicity by publicizing a favorable interpretation of the words or actions of a company or political party or famous person, his title is Director of Communications but he is just a spin doctor
witch doctor someone who is believed to heal through magical powers
doctor-patient relation the responsibility of a physician to act in the best interests of the patient
doctor give medical treatment to
fix bushel
doctor furbish up
restore touch on
restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken, She repaired her TV set, Repair my shoes please
sophisticate doctor
doctor up
alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive, Sophisticate rose water with geraniol
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127 Bewertungen 5


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Der Doktor ist der höchste akademische Grad. Die Abkürzung ist Dr., im Plural Dres. . Der Plural gilt jedoch allein für mehrere Personen mit Doktorgrad und nicht ? wie vielfach fälschlich auch von höchsten akademischen Würdenträgern angegeben ? auf mehrere Doktorgrade einer Person. Die Bezeichnung "Dres. h.c." für eine einzelne Person ist daher grammatisch und sachlich unrichtig. Der akademische Doktorgrad wird durch die Promotion an einer Hochschule mit Promotionsrecht erlangt. Durch die Promotion wird dem Kandidaten die Fähigkeit zum selbstständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten bescheinigt. Eine abgeschlossene Promotion ist in der Regel Voraussetzung für eine Habilitation.

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