
Dom Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Bereich m, Umfeld n, Sphäre f, Domäne f
Bereiche pl, Sphären pl
Domäne f
Domänen pl
domain, estate
domains, estates
Internet-Domain f, Internet-Domäne f comp.
Internet domain
Archaeon n (einzelliger Organismus) biol.
Archaeen pl; Archaebakterien pl (veraltet); Urbakterien pl (veraltet) (Archaea) (biologische Domäne)
archaea; archaebacteria (outdated) (biological domain)
Bakterie f; Bakterium n; Spaltpilz m biol. med.
Bakterien pl; Eubacteria pl (veraltet) (biologische Domäne)
freilebende Bakterien
spiegelartige Bakterien
bacteria; bacteriums (biological domain)
asymbiotic bacteria; non-symbiotic bacteria
mirror-like bacteria
Bereich m; Umfeld n; Sphäre f; Domäne f
Bereiche pl; Sphären pl
Domäne f
Domänen pl
domain; estate
domains; estates
biologische Domäne f biol.
biological domain
Eukaryot m (Organismus mit Zellkern) biol.
Eukaryoten pl; Eukaryonten pl (biologische Domäne)
eukaryotes; eukarya; eukaryota (biological domain)
Internet-Domain f; Internet-Domäne f comp.
auf einer Internet-Domäne
Internet domain
in an Internet domain
jd.'s Sache sein; jd.s Domäne sein
to be so.'s preserve
Archaeon n (einzelliger Organismus) biol.
Archaeen pl; Archaebakterien pl veraltet; Urbakterien pl veraltet (Archaea) (biologische Domäne)
archaea; archaebacteria (outdated) (biological domain)
Bakterie f; Bakterium n; Spaltpilz m biol. med.
Bakterien pl; Eubacteria pl veraltet (biologische Domäne)
coliforme Bakterien pl; fäkalcoliforme Bakterien pl; thermotolerante coliforme Bakterien pl
freilebende Bakterien
spiegelartige Bakterien
bacteria; bacteriums (biological domain)
coliform bacteria
asymbiotic bacteria; non-symbiotic bacteria
mirror-like bacteria
Bereich m; Domäne f; Ressort n
Bereiche pl; Domänen pl; Ressorts pl
ein Fachmann auf diesem Gebiet
domain; department
domains; departments
an expert in this department
…domäne f; …angelegenheit f
Boxen ist keine Männerdomäne.
Herzkrankheiten betreffen nicht nur Männer.
preserve of …
Boxing is not the preserve of men.
Heart disease is not the preserve of men.
jds. Domäne sein; jdm. vorbehalten sein v soc.
eine Männerdomäne Frauendomäne sein
keine Männerdomäne mehr sein
keineswegs nur Fachleuten vorbehalten sein
to be the preserve of sb.
to be a male female preserve
to be no longer the preserve of men
to be by no means the preserve of specialists
in etw. eindringen; in etw. eingreifen; einen Eingriff in etw. darstellen v
eindringend; eingreifend; einen Eingriff darstellend
eingedrungen; eingegriffen; einen Eingriff in dargestellt
in jds. Privatsphäre eindringen
in jds. Domäne eindringen
Gesetze, die in die bürgerlichen Freiheiten eingreifen
Der Bund greift in Länderkompetenzen ein. pol.
to encroach on sth.; to impinge on sth.
encroaching; impinging
encroached; impinged
to encroach on sb.'s privacy
to encroach on sb.'s territory
legislation which impinges on civil liberties
The Federation encroaches on the legislative competence of the states.
Domänenname m comp.
domain name
Domänennamenserver m; DNS-Server comp. telco.
domain name server; DNS server
Domänennamensystem n; DNS-Dienst m comp. telco.
domain name system DNS
Domänennetzwerk n comp. telco.
domain network
Domain Name System
DNS : Domain Name System
Public Domain
public domain
Domain Name System
Domain Name System DNS
Domainbesetzer m, Domaingrabber m comp.
cybersquatter, domain grabber slang
Domainbesetzer m; Domaingrabber m comp.
cybersquatter; domain grabber slang
Domaincheck m
domain check
Zuordnung f (von Domainnamen zu IP Adressen) comp.
IP-Adressenfeststellung f
resolution (of domain names to IP addresses)
IP address resolution
Domainverwaltung f
domain management
kuppelförmig; kalottenförmig; domartig adj geol.
dome-shaped; domelike; domed; domal
domartiger Inselberg m; Domberg m; Helmberg m; Glockenberg m geol.
'Dombey und Sohn' (von Dickens Werktitel) lit.
'Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son' (by Dickens work title)
'Dombey und Sohn' (von Dickens Werktitel) lit.
'Dealings with the Firm of Dombey and Son' (by Dickens work title)
Dekan m; Dechant m relig.
Domdechant m; Domdekan m
Dechant m; Dekan m (katholische Kirche) relig.
Dechante pl; Dekane pl
Domdechant m; Domdekan m
dean (Catholic Church)
Dom m
Dome pl
Dom m
Dome pl
Kathedrale f, Kirche f, Dom m
Kathedralen pl, Kirchen pl, Dome pl
Kathedrale f; Kirche f; Dom m
Kathedralen pl; Kirchen pl; Dome pl
Domkirche f; Dom m arch.
Domkirchen pl; Dome pl
cathedral church; cathedral; collegiate church (prominent church building)
cathedral churches; cathedrals; collegiate churches
Domer n geol.
Domerian (Stage)
Kulturpflaume f; Pflaume f (Prunus domestica) bot. cook.
Echte Zwetschge f; Zwetschge f Dt. Schw.; Zwetsche f Norddt.; Pflaume f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Quetsche f Süddt.; Zwetschke f Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. domestica)
Halbzwetschge f; Halbzwetsche f Norddt.; Halbpflaume f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Halbzwetschke f Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. intermedia)
Kriechenpflaume f; Haferpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)
Edelpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. italica)
Ringlotte f; Reneklode f; Reineclaude f; Ringlo f Süddt. (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. claudiana)
Edelrundpflaume f; Rundpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. subrotunda)
Mirabelle f; Gelbe Zwetschge f (Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca)
Gelber Spilling; Spilling; Spenling; Spönling Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. pomariorum)
Zibarte; Ziparte; Zibertle BW; Ziberli Schw. (Prunus domestica subsp. prisca)
European plum
common plum; plum
egg plum
damson plum; damson; Damask plum
gage plum; gage
greengage plum; greengage; reine claude
round plum
mirabelle plum; mirabelle
spilling plum
zibarte plum
Truthühner pl (Meleagris Meleagridinae) (zoologische Gattung Unterfamilie) ornith.
Wildtruthuhn n; wildes Truthuhn n (Meleagris gallopavo)
Haustruthuhn n (Meleagris gallopavo f. domestica)
Pfauentruthuhn n (Meleagris ocellata)
turkeys (zoological genus subfamily)
wild turkey
domestic turkey; domesticated turkey
ocellated turkey
Felsentaube f (Columba livia f. domestica) ornith.
rock dove; feral rock pigeon
Apfelbäume pl; Äpfel pl (Malus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Asiatischer Wildapfel m; Urapfel m (Malus sieversii)
Europäischer Wildapfel m; Wildapfel m; Holzapfel m (Malus sylvestris)
Kulturapfel m; Gartenapfel m; Speiseapfel m (Malus domestica Malus pumila)
Teeapfel m (Malus hupehensis)
Vielblütiger Zierapfel m; Vielblütiger Apfel m; Reichblütiger Zierapfel m (Malus floribunda)
apple trees; apples (botanical genus)
Asian wild apple
European crab apple; crab apple; crab; European wild apple
cultivated apple; orchard apple, table apple
tea crab apple; hupeh crab
Japanese (flowering) crab apple; Japanese crab; showy crab apple
Birnbäume pl; Birnen pl (Pyrus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gartenbirnbaum m; Gartenbirne f; Kulturbirnbaum m; Kulturbirne f (Pyrus communis subsp. domestica)
Wilder Birnbaum m; Wilde Birne f; Wildbirne f; Holzbirne f (Pyrus communis subsp. pyraster Pyrus pyraster)
Schneebirnbaum m; Schneebirne f; Lederbirne f (Pyrus nivalis)
pear trees; pears (botanical genus)
common pear tree; common pear; domestic pear tree; domestic pear; cultivated European pear tree; European pear
European wild pear; wild pear
snow pear; Alpine pear
Ebereschen pl; Vogelbeerbäume pl; Elsbeerbäume pl; Mehlbeerbäume pl (Sorbus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Els-Vogelbeerbaum m; Elsbeere f; Elsebeere f; Adlersbeere f; Adlitzbeere f; Alzbeere f; Arisbeere f; Arlesbeere f; Atlasbeerbaum m; Atlasbeere f; Wilder Sperberbaum m; Schweizer Birnbaum m (Sorbus torminalis)
Gemeine Eberesche f; Gewöhnliche Eberesche f; Gemeiner Vogelbeerbaum m; Gemeine Vogelbeere f; Gewöhnliche Vogelbeere f; Drosselbeere f; Quitsche f (Sorbus aucuparia)
Gewöhnlicher Mehlbeerbaum m; Echter Mehlbeerbaum m; Echte Mehlbeere f (Sorbus aria)
Sperbelbaum m; Spierapfel m; Spierling m; Speierling m; Sporapfel m (Sorbus domestica)
Zwergmehlbeerbaum m; Zwergmehlbeere f; Zwergmispel f; Bergmehlbeerbaum m; Bergmehlbeere f; Alpenmehlbeere f (Sorbus chamaemespilus)
mountain-ashes; rowanberry trees; rowan trees; whitebeam trees (botanical genus) (mountain ash)
wild service tree; service tree; chequer tree; checker tree; griping tree
European mountain-ash; common rowan tree; common rowan
common whitebeam tree; common whitebeam
service tree; sorb tree; sorb apple; sorb; whitty pear
dwarf whitebeam; false medlar
Hausschwein n (Sus (scrofa) domestica Sus (scrofus) domesticus) zool. agr.
Impfung von Hausschweinen
domestic pig
vaccination of domestic pigs
Kulturpflaume f; Pflaume f (Prunus domestica) bot. cook.
Echte Zwetschge f; Zwetschge f Dt. Schw.; Zwetsche f Norddt.; Pflaume f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Quetsche f Süddt.; Zwetschke f Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. domestica)
Edelrundpflaume f; Rundpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. subrotunda)
Edelpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. italica)
Halbzwetschge f; Halbzwetsche f Norddt.; Halbpflaume f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Halbzwetschke f Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. intermedia)
Katharinenpflaume f; Spille f; Gelber Spilling m; Spilling m; Spenling m; Spönling m Ös. (Prunus domestica subsp. pomariorum)
Kriechenpflaume f; Krieche f; Kriecherl n Ös.; Schlehenpflaume f; Haferschlehe f; Haferpflaume f; Damaszenerpflaume f (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia)
Mirabelle f; Gelbe Zwetschge f (Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca)
Reneklode f Dt.; Reineclaude f BW Schw.; Ringlotte f Ös.; Ringlo f Bayr. Tirol (Prunus domestica subsp. italica var. claudiana)
Zibarte; Ziparte; Zibertle BW; Ziberli Schw. (Prunus domestica subsp. prisca)
European plum
common plum; plum
round plum
gage plum; gage
egg plum
spilling plum
damson plum; damson; Damask plum
mirabelle plum; mirabelle
greengage plum; greengage; gage; reine claude
zibarte plum
Heimchen n (Acheta domesticus) zool.
Heimchen pl
house cricket
house crickets
Haussperling m (Passer domesticus) ornith.
house sparrow; dunnock sparrow
Dienstbote m; Hausdiener m; Hausbursche m; Hausangestellter m; Domestik(e) m hist.
domestic; servant
Domestik m; schwerer Shirting m textil.
Dienstbote m; Hausdiener m; Hausbursche m; Hausangestellter m; Domestik(e) m hist.
Dienstboten pl; Hausdiener pl; Hausburschen pl; Hausangestellte pl; Domestiken pl; Dienerschaft f
domestic; menial servant
domestics; menial servants
Domestik m; Lakai m; Dienstbote m pej.
menial pej.
Wasserträger m; Domestik m (Radrennsport) sport
domestique (cycle racing)
Domestizierung f; Domestikation f (Züchtung zum Nutztier zur Nutzpflanze) bot. zool.
Dienstboten pl; Domestiken pl; Hausangestellte pl; Dienerschaft f
domestics; servants; maids of all work
Dienstbotin f; Hausmädchen n; Hausangestellte f; Domestikin f hist.
domestic; servant; maid of all work
Tiere Pflanzen domestizieren v (zu Nutztieren Nutzpflanzen züchten) bot. zool.
to domesticate animals plants
Echte Seidenspinner pl; Echte Maulbeerspinner pl (Bombyx) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
domestizierter Seidenspinner; domestizierter Maulbeerspinner (Bombyx mori)
true silkmoths; mulberry silkmoths
domesticated silkmoth
Echte Seidenspinner pl; Echte Maulbeerspinner pl (Bombyx) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
domestizierter Seidenspinner; domestizierter Maulbeerspinner (Bombyx mori)
true silkmoths; mulberry silkmoths (zoological genus)
domesticated silkmoth
Lamas pl (Lama) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Guanako n (Lama guanicoe)
domestiziertes Lama (Lama glama)
llamas (zoological genus)
domesticated llama
Arsenkupfer n; Domeykit m min.
arsenical copper; domeykite
tiefer Klang m; Schallen n; Dröhnen n; Donnern n; Brausen n
der tiefe Klang der Domglocken
das rhythmische Brausen der Wellen
the heavy boom of the cathedral bells
the rhythmic boom of the waves

Deutsche Dom Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Dom Synonym nachschlagen

Englische sphere Synonyme

sphere  Aldebaran  Canicula  Dog Star  Hesper  Hesperus  Lucifer  North Star  Phosphor  Phosphorus  Polaris  Sirius  Venus  Vesper  academic discipline  academic specialty  acreage  agora  ambit  amphitheater  applied science  area  arena  art  athletic field  auditorium  background  bag  bailiwick  ball  balloon  bear garden  beat  bladder  blob  boll  bolus  border  borderland  bowl  boxing ring  breadth  bubble  bulb  bulbil  bulblet  bull ring  campus  canvas  caste  celestial body  champaign  circle  circuit  circus  class  cockpit  coliseum  colosseum  comet  concern  condition  continuum  course  daystar  demesne  department  department of knowledge  dimension  discipline  domain  dominion  drop  droplet  echelon  ellipsoid  emptiness  empty space  ensphere  evening star  expanse  expansion  extension  extent  field  field of inquiry  field of study  fixed stars  floor  footing  forte  forum  galactic space  geoid  globe  globelet  globoid  globule  glomerulus  gob  gobbet  ground  gym  gymnasium  hall  heavenly body  hemisphere  hierarchy  hippodrome  infinite space  interstellar space  judicial circuit  jurisdiction  knob  knot  level  lists  living sapphires  locale  lodestar  march  marketplace  mat  measure  milieu  morning star  natural science  nothingness  oblate spheroid  ology  open forum  orb  orbit  orblet  order  outer space  palaestra  pale  parade ground  pellet  pit  place  platform  polar star  polestar  position  power structure  precedence  precinct  prize ring  prolate spheroid  proportion  province  public square  pure science  purlieu  range  rank  rate  rating  realm  ring  rondure  round  scene  scene of action  scenery  science  setting  site  social science  society  space  spatial extension  specialty  spheroid  spherule  spread  squared circle  stadium  stage  stage set  stage setting  standing  starry host  stars  station  status  stratum  study  subdiscipline  subject  superficial extension  surface  technicology  technics  techn  
sphere of influence  Eisenhower Doctrine  Monroe Doctrine  Nixon Doctrine  Truman Doctrine  ambit  appeasement  bailiwick  balance of power  brinkmanship  coexistence  colonialism  compromise  constituency  containment  detente  deterrence  diplomacy  diplomatic  diplomatics  dollar diplomacy  dollar imperialism  expansionism  footing  foreign affairs  foreign policy  good-neighbor policy  imperialism  internationalism  isolationism  manifest destiny  militarism  nationalism  neocolonialism  neutralism  nonresistance  open door  open-door policy  orbit  peace offensive  peaceful coexistence  preparedness  shirt-sleeve diplomacy  shuttle diplomacy  spheres of influence  stamping ground  territory  the big stick  tough policy  turf  vantage  world politics  

Dom Definition

(n.) A body or space contained under a single surface, which in every part is equally distant from a point within called its center.
(n.) Hence, any globe or globular body, especially a celestial one, as the sun, a planet, or the earth.
(n.) The apparent surface of the heavens, which is assumed to be spherical and everywhere equally distant, in which the heavenly bodies appear to have their places, and on which the various astronomical circles, as of right ascension and declination, the equator, ecliptic, etc., are conceived to be drawn
(n.) In ancient astronomy, one of the concentric and eccentric revolving spherical transparent shells in which the stars, sun, planets, and moon were supposed to be set, and by which they were carried, in such a manner as to produce their apparent motions.
(n.) The extension of a general conception, or the totality of the individuals or species to which it may be applied.
(n.) Circuit or range of action, knowledge, or influence
(n.) Rank
(n.) An orbit, as of a star
(v. t.) To place in a sphere, or among the spheres
(v. t.) To form into roundness

sphere / spheres Bedeutung

armillary sphere
a celestial globe consisting of metal hoops, used by early astronomers to determine the positions of stars
sphere any spherically shaped artifact
music of the spheres an inaudible music that Pythagoras thought was produced by the celestial
a particular aspect of life or activity, he was helpless in an important sector of his life
celestial sphere
sphere empyrean
vault of heaven
the apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
sphere of influence
the geographical area in which one nation is very influential
Monk Thelonious Monk
Thelonious Sphere Monk
United States jazz pianist who was one of the founders of the bebop style (-)
sphere a three-dimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center
sphere a solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses)
a particular environment or walk of life, his social sphere is limited, it was a closed area of employment, he's out of my orbit
political arena
political sphere
a sphere of intense political activity
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