
Dr Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Wadi Dra n; Wadi Draa n (Fluss) geogr.
Dra; Draa (river)
Felsenblümchen pl; Hungerblümchen pl (Draba) (botanische Gattung) bot.
whitlow-grasses (botanical genus)
Drachenbäume pl (Dracaena) (botanische Gattung) bot. <Drachenbaum>
dragon trees; dracaenas (botanical genus)
Drache m
Drachen pl
Drache m astron.
Drache m
Drachen pl
geflügelter Drache
wivern; wyvern
Drache m astron. (Sternbild)
Fafnir; Fáfnir; Fafner (Drache und Sohn eines Zwergs der altnordischen Mythology)
Fafnir; Fáfnir; Fafner (dragon and a dwarf's son in Norse mythology)
Fafnir; Fáfnir; Fafner (Drache und Sohn eines Zwergs der altnordischen Mythology)
Fafnir; Fáfnir; Fafner (dragon and a dwarf's son in Norse mythology)
Drachen m
Drachen pl
einen Drachen steigen lassen
to fly a kite
einen Drachen steigen lassen
to fly a kite
(weiblicher) Dragoner f; Hausdrachen m; Drachen m; Schreckschraube f; Xanthippe f geh. pej.
battleaxe; termagant (formal); virago (formal)
sich in etw. verfangen; sich in etw. verstricken; sich in etw. verheddern; sich in etw. verhaken v
Das Tier verfing sich im Netz.
Der Drachen verhedderte verhakte sich im Baum.
Sie verfing sich in ihrem eigenen Lügengespinst.
Der Held verstrickt sich im Netz der Bürokratie.
to be become get entangled ensnared in sth.
The animal got entangled ensnared in the net.
The kite got entangled in the tree.
She was entangled ensnared in by her own web of lies.
The hero becomes entangled ensnared in red tape.
Drachen m
Drachen pl
Papierdrachen m; Windvogel m Nordwestdt. veraltend
einen Drachen steigen lassen
paper kite
to fly a kite
(weiblicher) Dragoner f; Hausdrachen m; Drachen m; Schreckschraube f; Xanthippe f geh. pej.
battleaxe; termagant formal; virago formal
Hängegleiter m; Hanggleiter m; Deltasegler m; Drachen m ugs. sport
Hängegleiter pl; Hanggleiter pl; Deltasegler pl; Drachen pl
hang glider
hang gliders
sich (in etw.) verfangen; sich verstricken; sich verheddern; sich verhaken v
sich verfangend; sich verstrickend; sich verheddernd; sich verhakend
sich verfangen; sich verstrickt; sich verheddert; sich verhakt
sich ineinander verstricken (auch übtr.); verheddern
Das Tier verfing sich im Netz.
Der Drachen verhedderte verhakte sich im Baum.
Sie verfing sich in ihrem eigenen Lügengespinst.
Der Held verstrickt sich im Netz der Bürokratie.
to become get tangled up entangled snarled up ensnared (in sth.)
becoming getting tangled up entangled snarled up ensnared
become got tangled up entangled snarled up ensnared
to become get (all) entangled together; to become get (all) tangled together; to become get (all) snarled together
The animal got entangled ensnared in the net.
The kite got entangled in the tree.
She was entangled ensnared in by her own web of lies.
The hero becomes entangled ensnared in red tape.
Drachen m übtr. (aufbrausende Frau)
dragon fig. eBr. (irascible woman)
Longan-Frucht f; Drachenauge n cook.
longan fruit; dragon's eye
Drachenbaum m biol.
Drachenbäume pl
dragon tree
dragon trees
Drachenblut n
dragon's blood
Drachenboot n
Drachenboote pl
dragon boat
dragon boats
Drachenbootrennen n sport
dragon boat racing
Drachenfliegen m
Ferien zum Drachenfliegen
delta-flying holidays
Drachenflieger m, Drachenfliegerin f
Drachenflieger m; Drachenfliegerin f
Drachenform f, Deltaform f
Drachenform f; Deltaform f
Drachenfrucht f; Pitahaya f; Pitaya f bot.
dragon fruit; pitahaya; pitaya
Drachenfutter n iron.
dragon fodder
Drachenköpfe pl (Dracocephalum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
dragonheads (botanical genus)
Europäische Meersau f, Grober Drachenkopf zool.
Large-scaled scorpion fish
Europäische Meersau f; Grober Drachenkopf zool.
Large-scaled scorpion fish
Drachenläufer m
Drachenläufer pl
kite runner
kite runners
Drachenmuräne f (Enchelycore pardalis) zool.
dragon eel
Drachenmuräne f (Enchelycore pardalis) zool.
Drachenmuränen pl
dragon eel
dragon eels
Drachenstärling m ornith.
Brown-yellow Marshbird
Drachensurfen n sport
kite boarding
drachensurfen; kitesurfen v
to kite board; to kite surf
Drachentöter m (Mythologie)
Drachentöter pl
dragon slayer (mythology)
dragon slayers
Deltoid n; Drachenviereck n Dt. (Geometrie) math.
Deltoide pl; Drachenvierecke pl
konkaves Deltoid; Pfeilviereck n; Windvogelviereck n
deltoid; kite (geometry)
deltoids; kites
concave kite; arrowhead; dart
Sumpfkalla f; Sumpf-Schlangenwurz f; Schlangenwurz f; Drachenwurz f; Schlangenkraut n; Schweinsohr n (Calla palustris) bot.
marsh calla; wild calla; water arum; bog arum
Drachenwurzen pl (Dracunculus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
dragonworts; dragon arum (botanical genus)
Drachenzähne pl; Höckerlinie f (Panzersperre) mil.
dragon's teeth (anti-tank barrier)
Drachme f (griechische Währung) hist.
Beifußgewächse pl (Artemisia Seriphidium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeiner Beifuß m; Gewöhnlicher Beifuß m; Gewürzbeifuß m; Besenkraut n; Johannesgürtelkraut n; Jungfernkraut n; Wilder Wermut m (Artemisia vulgaris)
Wermutkraut n; Wermut m; Bitterer Beifuß m; Alsem (Artemisia absinthium)
Estragonkraut n; Estragon n; Dragon n veraltet (Artemisia dracunculus)
mugworts; sageworts; sagebrushs; artemisias (botanical genus)
common mugwort; wild wormwood; riverside wormwood; St. John's plant
grand wormwood; absinthe wormwood; wormwood; absinthe
dragon wormwood; dragonwort; tarragon
die Drähte ziehen
pull the strings
Draht m, Kabel n, Leitung f, Drahtschlinge f
Drähte pl, Kabel pl, Leitungen pl
abgeschirmter Draht
elektrische Leitung
stromführender Draht
mit zwei Drähten
Abmanteln des Kabels
Drähte abisolieren
abisolierter Draht, abisolierte Leitung
dünne Leitungen
shielded wire
connecting wire
live wire
stripping of cable
to strip wires
stripped wire
wires with small insulation diameter
Metalldraht m; Draht m
Metalldrähte pl; Drähte pl
Feinstdraht m
Verbindungsdraht m
extra-fine wire
connecting wire
durch Stromschlag getötet werden
Eine Katze wurde durch Stromschlag getötet als sie an die blanken Drähte geriet.
to be electrocuted Br.
A cat was electrocuted when it came in contact with the bare wires.
etw. in einem bestimmten Abstand (voneinander) aufstellen anordnen v
dicht eng beieinander liegende Drähte
in gleichen Abständen angeordnete Pflanzen
etw. ein bisschen weiter auseinanderstellen voneinander aufstellen
Die Pfosten sollten etwa einen Meter voneinander entfernt im Abstand von einem Meter aufgestellt werden.
Stell die Stühle weit genug auseinander dass sich die Leute gut bewegen können.
to space sth.; to space out sth.
closely spaced wires
evenly spaced plants
to space sth. a bit farther apart
The poles should be spaced about a metre apart.
Space the chairs far enough apart to make it easy for people to manoeuvre.
Metalldraht m; Draht m
Metalldrähte pl; Drähte pl
Feinstdraht m
Silberdraht m
Spinndraht m
Verbindungsdraht m
extra-fine wire
silver wire
braiding wire
connecting wire
etw. unter Strom setzen v electr.
unter Strom setzend
unter Strom gesetzt
zwei Drähte unter Strom setzen
to electrify sth.; to electrize sth. rare
electrifying; electrizing
electrified; electrized
to electrify two wires
durch Stromschlag getötet werden v
Eine Katze wurde durch Stromschlag getötet, als sie an die blanken Drähte geriet.
to be electrocuted Br.
A cat was electrocuted when it came in contact with the bare wires.
etw. in einem bestimmten Abstand (voneinander) aufstellen anordnen v
dicht eng beieinander liegende Drähte
in gleichen Abständen angeordnete Pflanzen
etw. ein bisschen weiter auseinanderstellen voneinander aufstellen
Die Pfosten sollten etwa einen Meter voneinander entfernt im Abstand von einem Meter aufgestellt werden.
Stell die Stühle weit genug auseinander, dass sich die Leute gut bewegen können.
to space sth.; to space out sth.
closely spaced wires
evenly spaced plants
to space sth. a bit farther apart
The poles should be spaced about a metre apart.
Space the chairs far enough apart to make it easy for people to manoeuvre.
etw. verseilen v
verseilte Drähte electr.
verseiltes Kabel
verseilte Schnur
verseilter Sternvierer electr.
to strand sth.
stranded wires
stranded cable
stranded chord
spiral quad
mit zwei Draehten
Verseilen n
Verseilen von Drähten
Verseilen von Litzen
stranding of wires; spinning of wires
Drän m; Dränleitung f
drain; drain pipe
Ableitungskanal m; Ableitungsgraben m; Drän-Kanal m; Drängraben m; Drän m (Wasserbau)
Ableitungskanäle pl; Ableitungsgräben pl; Drän-Kanäle pl; Drängraben pl; Dränen pl
Faschinendrän m
drainage channel; drain (water engineering)
drainage channels; drains
fascine drain
Dränabflussstelle f; Dränausmündung f (Wasserbau)
Dränabflussstellen pl; Dränausmündungen pl
drain outfall (water engineering)
drain outfalls
Dränabsturz m (in einer Abwassersammelleitung)
tumbling bay Br.; drop drain Am. (in a collector drain)
Entwässerung f, Trockenlegung f, Drainage f, Dränage f
Entwässerung f im Boden
drucklose Entwässerung f mach.
ground drainage
drainage by gravity

Deutsche Dr Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Dr Synonym nachschlagen

Englische Dra; Draa Synonyme

drab  bag  bat  bawd  beige  beldam  biddy  bleak  boring  brown  brownish  brownish-yellow  brunet  cheerless  chocolate  cinnamon  cocoa  cocoa-brown  coffee  coffee-brown  colorless  crone  cruiser  dead  deadened  desolate  dingy  dismal  dispiriting  dowdy  dreary  dull  dun  dun-brown  dun-drab  ecru  faded  fawn  fawn-colored  fille de joie  flat  fuscous  gray  grege  grey  hag  harlot  hazel  hooker  humdrum  hustler  khaki  lackluster  lifeless  lurid  lusterless  mat  monotonous  muddy  murky  nightwalker  nut-brown  olive-brown  olive-drab  prosaic  prosy  repetitive  same  samely  seal  seal-brown  sepia  slut  snuff-colored  somber  sorrel  streetwalker  subfusc  tan  taupe  tawny  tedious  toast  toast-brown  traipse  trot  umber  umber-colored  unrelieved  walnut  walnut-brown  wan  whore  witch  yellowish-brown  
Draconian  Tartarean  animal  anthropophagous  atrocious  barbaric  barbarous  beastly  bestial  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  brutal  brutalized  brute  brutish  cannibalistic  cruel  cruel-hearted  demoniac  demoniacal  devilish  diabolic  fell  feral  ferocious  fiendish  fiendlike  fierce  hellish  infernal  inhuman  inhumane  murderous  ruthless  sadistic  sanguinary  sanguineous  satanic  savage  sharkish  slavering  subhuman  truculent  unchristian  uncivilized  unhuman  vicious  wolfish  
Dracula  Frankenstein  Wolf-man  bogey  bogeyman  bugaboo  bugbear  fee-faw-fum  frightener  ghost  ghoul  hobgoblin  holy terror  horror  incubus  monster  nightmare  ogre  ogress  phantom  revenant  scarebabe  scarecrow  scarer  specter  succubus  terror  vampire  werewolf  
draft  CD  IOU  MO  abbreviation  abbreviature  abrege  abridgment  abstract  acceptance  acceptance bill  adumbrate  air current  arrangement  article  attraction  autograph  bag  bang  bank acceptance  bank check  beverage  bill  bill of draft  bill of exchange  black and white  blackmail  blank check  bleed  block in  block out  blueprint  booster  booster dose  booster shot  boot  brainchild  brief  broach  brouillon  bumper  call  call for  call up  call-up  capsule  cartoon  certificate  certificate of deposit  certified check  chalk  chalk out  characterize  charcoal  charcoal drawing  chart  check  checkbook  cheque  chiaroscuro  claim  color  commandeer  commercial paper  compend  compose  composition  compulsory military service  computer printout  concoct  condensation  condensed version  conscript  conscription  conspectus  contribution  contrive  copy  copy out  crayon  crosscurrent  crosshatch  current  current of air  dash off  daub  debenture  decant  deck  delineate  delineation  demand  demand bill  demand draft  demand for  depict  design  detach  detach for service  devise  diagram  digest  displacement  document  doodle  dose  downdraft  draft call  draft off  drafted man  draftee  drafting  drag  drain  dram  draw  draw from  draw off  draw up  drawing  drayage  drench  drink  drop  dropping  drug packet  due bill  duty  ebauche  edit  edited version  edition  elevation  empty  enface  engross  engrossment  enlist  enlistee  enlistment  enroll  enrollee  enrollment  epitome  esquisse  essay  exaction  exchequer bill  exhaust  extortion  extortionate demand  extraction  fabricate  fair copy  fall wind  fashion  fiction  figure  final draft  finished version  first draft  fix  flimsy  flow of air  following wind  forge  form  formulate  frame  gargle  graph  ground plan  gulp  guzzle  hatch  haul  haulage  hauling  head  head wind  heave  heaving  heavy demand  hit  holograph  house plan  hymnal  hymnbook  ichnography  imposition  impost  impress  
draft animal  Siberian husky  ass  beast of burden  camel  dromedary  elephant  horse  husky  llama  malamute  mule  ox  pack horse  reindeer  sledge dog  sumpter  sumpter horse  sumpter mule  
drafting  aspiration  black and white  bleeding  bloodletting  broaching  call  call-up  charcoal  compulsory military service  conscription  cupping  delineation  draft  draft call  drainage  draining  drawing  emptying  enlistment  enrollment  impressment  induction  levy  milking  mobilization  muster  phlebotomy  pipetting  press  pumping  recruiting  recruitment  selective service  siphoning  sketching  sucking  suction  summons  tapping  venesection  
drafty  aeolian  airish  airy  blasty  blowy  blustering  blusterous  blustery  boreal  breezy  brisk  favonian  flawy  fresh  gusty  puffy  squally  windy  
drag  adduct  adduction  affinity  aggravation  allurement  amble  annoyance  arrest  artery  attract  attractance  attraction  attractiveness  attractivity  avenue  bad news  bag  bale  barge  be magnetic  be prolonged  bearing rein  bedevilment  bit  block  bore  bother  botheration  bothersomeness  boulevard  bowl along  brake  bundle  burden  burdening  burthen  buttonholer  capillarity  capillary attraction  cargo  cascade  centripetal force  chain  chain-smoke  charge  charging  chaw  check  checkrein  chew  chewing  chock  claudicate  clog  clout  clump  coax  coefficient of friction  confine  countercheck  crashing bore  crawl  creep  cumber  cumbrance  curb  curb bit  dab  daggle  dally  damper  dangle  dawdle  deadweight  deceleration  delay  depend  detain  detention  devilment  difficulty  dillydally  distract  dogging  dogtrot  doorstop  downer  drabble  draft  drag along  drag on  drag out  drag sail  draggle  drain  drape  draw  draw towards  drench  dress  drift anchor  drift sail  drip  drogue  droop  dryasdust  dub  dusty  ease-off  ease-up  encumbrance  equalize  even  exasperation  fall  fall behind  falter  favor  fetter  flag  flagging  flap  flat tire  flatten  flop  flounce  flow  fluid friction  foot  footslog  force of friction  force of viscosity  freight  friction head  friction loss  frictional resistance  frightful bore  gait  gallop  get behind  go dead slow  go on  go slow  goof off  grade  gravitation  gravity  grease  habitual smoking  hale  halt  handicap  hang  hang back  hang down  harassment  harrow  harrying  haul  have an attraction  headache  heave  highway  hinder  hippety-hop  hitch  hobble  hold back  hold up  holdback  holdup  hop  hounding  humdrum  idle  impede  in  inch  inch along  incubus  incumbency  induce  influence  inhale  inhale snuff  inside track  interest  internal friction  jog  jog-trot  jolt  jump  keep back  lading  lag  lag behind  lallygag  lay  laze  letdown  letup  level  limp  linger  linger behind  
drag in  edge in  foist  foist in  fudge in  implant in  impose on  inject in  insert in  insinuate in  intercalate  interjaculate  interject  interpolate  interpose  intervene  introduce in  intrude  lug in  put between  run in  sandwich  smuggle in  squeeze in  throw in  thrust in  wedge in  work in  worm in  
drag on  abide  be infinitely repetitive  be tedious  bide  carry on  cease not  continue  continue the same  crawl  creep  drag  drag along  drone  endure  fatigue  glut  go along  go on  go on forever  hold on  hold steady  hum  irk  jade  jog on  keep going  keep on  linger  linger on  never cease  pall  persist  prevail  remain  run on  run through  satiate  slog on  stagger on  stay  stay on  tarry  tire  tire to death  wear  wear on  weary  
drag out  adjourn  amble  arouse  bring forth  bring out  bring to light  call forth  call out  call up  chatter  claudicate  continue  crawl  creep  dawdle  deduce  defer  delay  derive  dogtrot  drag  drag along  draw  draw forth  draw out  dwell on  educe  elicit  elongate  evoke  extend  fill out  get from  get out of  go dead slow  go slow  hang fire  hang up  hobble  hold off  hold over  hold up  idle  inch  inch along  induce  jog-trot  lay aside  lay by  lay over  laze  lengthen  lengthen out  let out  limp  linger on  mosey  never finish  obtain  pad  perorate  pigeonhole  poke  poke along  postpone  procrastinate  procure  produce  prolong  prolongate  prorogate  prorogue  protract  pull  push aside  put aside  put off  put on ice  recess  reserve  rouse  run out  saunter  secure  set aside  set by  shelve  shift off  shuffle along  sleep on  speak at length  spin out  stagger along  stand over  stave off  stay  stimulate  strain  stretch  stretch out  string out  stroll  summon forth  summon up  suspend  table  take a recess  tauten  temporize  tense  tighten  toddle  toddle along  totter along  traipse  waddle  waive  walk  wangle  wangle out of  winkle out  worm  worm along  worm out  worm out of  
dragged out  drawn  drawn out  drawn-out  elongated  extended  interminable  languishing  lasting  lengthened  lingering  long  long-continuing  long-drawn  long-drawn-out  long-pending  long-winded  marathon  overlong  prolongated  prolonged  protracted  pulled  spun out  spun-out  straggling  strained  stretched  stretched out  stretched-out  strung out  taut  tense  tight  
draggle  bag  bedrabble  bedraggle  cascade  daggle  dangle  depend  drabble  drag  drape  draw  droop  fall  flap  flop  flow  hale  hang  hang down  haul  heave  lop  lug  nod  pend  pull  sag  snake  swag  swing  take in tow  tow  trail  train  traipse  trawl  troll  tug  weep  
draggled  beat-up  bedraggled  befouled  besmirched  blowzy  careless  chintzy  defiled  dilapidated  dirtied  drabbled  drabbletailed  draggletailed  fouled  frowzy  frumpish  frumpy  grubby  in rags  informal  loose  lumpen  messy  mussy  negligent  poky  ragged  raggedy  ruinous  scraggly  seedy  shabby  shoddy  slack  slatternly  slipshod  sloppy  slovenly  sluttish  smirched  smudged  soiled  sordid  spotted  squalid  stained  sullied  tacky  tainted  tarnished  tattered  unkempt  unneat  unsightly  untidy  
dragnet  abduction  apprehension  arrest  arrestation  bait  birdlime  bola  capture  catch  catching  cobweb  collaring  coup  domiciliary visit  exploration  fishhook  fly  forage  forcible seizure  frisk  gill net  grab  grabbing  ground bait  hold  hook  house-search  hunt  hunting  jig  kidnapping  lariat  lasso  lime  lure  meshes  nabbing  net  noose  perquisition  picking up  plug  posse  pound net  power grab  prehension  probe  purse seine  quest  ransacking  rummage  running in  search  search party  search warrant  search-and-destroy operation  searching  seine  seizure  seizure of power  snare  snatch  snatching  sniggle  spinner  springe  squid  stalk  stalking  still hunt  taking in  taking into custody  toils  trawl  turning over  wobbler  
dragon  Argus  Briareus  Cerberus  Charybdis  Cyclops  Echidna  Gila monster  Gorgon  Harpy  Hydra  Loch Ness monster  Mafioso  Medusa  Minotaur  Pegasus  Python  Scylla  Sphinx  Talos  Tartar  Typhon  Young Turk  agama  alligator  anole  bear  bearded lizard  beast  beldam  berserk  berserker  blindworm  bomber  box turtle  brute  butterfly agama  cayman  centaur  chameleon  chimera  cockatrice  crank  crocodile  crosspatch  demon  devil  diamondback  drake  false map turtle  feist  fiend  fire-eater  firebrand  flying dragon  fury  gavial  gecko  girdle-tailed lizard  glass snake  goon  gorilla  green turtle  griffin  grizzly bear  grouch  gunsel  hardnose  hawksbill  hawksbill turtle  hell-raiser  hellcat  hellhound  hellion  hippocampus  holy terror  hood  hoodlum  hothead  hotspur  iguana  incendiary  killer  leatherback  lizard  mad dog  madcap  matamata  mermaid  merman  monitor  monster  mugger  nixie  ogre  ogress  rapist  revolutionary  roc  salamander  satyr  savage  sea horse  sea serpent  sea turtle  she-wolf  siren  soft-shelled turtle  sorehead  spitfire  stump tail  teju  termagant  terrapin  terror  terrorist  tiger  tigress  tortoise  tough  tough guy  troll  tuatara  turtle  ugly customer  unicorn  vampire  violent  virago  vixen  werewolf  wild beast  windigo  witch  wolf  xiphopagus  zombie  
dragoon  blackjack  bludgeon  bluster  bluster out of  browbeat  bulldoze  bully  bullyrag  cavalryman  coerce  cossack  cow  cuirassier  demoralize  harass  heavy dragoon  hector  hijack  huff  hussar  intimidate  lance  lancer  ruffle  shanghai  spahi  steamroller  strong-arm  systematically terrorize  terrorize  threaten  trooper  uhlan  use violence  
drain  abate  ablate  ablation  abrade  abridge  absorb  absorption  abstract  abuse  achromatize  acquire  air-dry  anhydrate  assimilate  assimilation  attrition  bake  bankrupt  bate  bereave  blackmail  blanch  bleach  bleed  bleed white  blot  blow  blow out  bog  broach  brush  bugger  burn  burn up  burning up  call  call for  catch up  cesspool  channel  claim  clap hands on  clasp  claw  clean out  clear  clear away  clear off  clear out  clear the decks  clench  clinch  cloaca  cloaca maxima  clutch  conduit  consume  consumption  contribution  cripple  culvert  cure  curtail  cut off  de-energize  debilitate  decant  decolor  decolorize  decrease  decrement  deduct  defecate  defluxion  dehumidify  dehydrate  demand  demand for  denude  deplete  depletion  deplume  depreciate  depreciation  depress  deprive  deprive of  derogate  desiccate  despoil  detract  digest  digestion  dim  diminish  disable  disbursement  discharge  discolor  disenable  disentitle  disparage  displume  dissipate  dissipation  ditch  divest  down the drain  draft  draft off  drag  drain of color  drain of resources  drain off  drain out  drainage  draw  draw down  draw from  draw off  drench  dribble away  drink up  drip  dry  dull  dump  duty  ease one of  eat  eat away  eat up  eating up  ebb  effluence  efflux  effluxion  effusion  eliminate  embrace  empty  empty out  enfeeble  ennui  erode  erosion  etiolate  evacuate  evaporate  evaporation  exaction  exhalation  exhaust  exhaustion  expend  expending  expenditure  exploit  exsiccate  extortion  extortionate demand  extract  fade  fatigue  file away  find vent  finish  finish off  finishing  fire  flay  fleece  flow  flow out  flowoff  fume  garbage dump  get  get hold of  glom on to  gobble  gobble up  gone  grab  grab hold of  grapple  grasp  grip  gripe  gush  gush out  gutter  hamstring  headchute  heavy demand  hors de combat  hug  ill-use  impair  impose upon  imposition  impost  impoverish  impoverishment  inactivate  
drainage  air-drying  anhydration  aspiration  bleeding  bloodletting  broaching  cleaning out  clearance  clearing  cupping  defecation  defluxion  dehumidification  dehydration  depletion  desiccation  discharge  discharging cargo  drafting  drain  draining  drawing  drying  drying up  effluence  efflux  effluxion  effusion  egress  elimination  emptying  evacuation  evaporation  excretion  exhalation  exhaust  exhausting  exhaustion  flowoff  gush  insolation  milking  mummification  off-loading  outfall  outflow  outflowing  outpour  outpouring  phlebotomy  pipetting  pumping  removal  runoff  siphoning  sucking  suction  tapping  unloading  venesection  venting  voidance  voiding  withering  
drained  ablated  acarpous  all in  arid  ausgespielt  barren  beat  beat up  beaten  blanched  bleached  bleached white  bone-weary  burned-out  burnt up  bushed  cachectic  celibate  childless  consumed  dead  dead-and-alive  dead-tired  deadbeat  debilitated  decolored  decolorized  depleted  desert  desolate  devitalized  disabled  dissipated  dog-tired  dog-weary  done  done in  done up  drained of color  dried-up  dry  eaten up  effete  enervated  enfeebled  eroded  eviscerated  exhausted  fagged out  failing  fallow  fatigued  feeble  finished  frail  fruitless  gaunt  gelded  gone  healthless  impotent  impoverished  in poor health  incapacitated  ineffectual  infecund  infertile  infirm  invalid  issueless  jejune  knocked out  languishing  leached  lightened  menopausal  moribund  nonfertile  nonproducing  nonproductive  nonprolific  pale  peaked  peaky  played out  pooped  pooped out  prostrate  ready to drop  reduced  reduced in health  run-down  sapped  sickly  sine prole  spent  sterile  sucked dry  teemless  tired out  tired to death  tuckered out  uncultivated  unfertile  unfruitful  unhealthy  unplowed  unproductive  unprolific  unsound  unsown  untilled  used up  valetudinarian  valetudinary  virgin  washed-up  waste  wasted  weakened  weakly  weary unto death  whacked  whitened  wiped out  with low resistance  without issue  worn  worn away  worn-out  

Dr Definition

(n.) One who rives or splits.
(n.) A large stream of water flowing in a bed or channel and emptying into the ocean, a sea, a lake, or another stream
(n.) Fig.: A large stream
(v. i.) To hawk by the side of a river

Dra; Draa (river) Bedeutung

Battle of the Marne
Belleau Wood
Marne River
a World War I battle in northwestern France where the Allies defeated the Germans in
Battle of Granicus River
the battle in which Alexander won his first major victory against the Persians ( BC)
Metaurus River a battle during the second Punic War ( BC), Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal was defeated by the Romans which ended Hannibal's hopes for success in Italy
Meuse River
Argonne Forest
Meuse-Argonne operation
an American operation in World War I (), American troops under Pershing drove back the German armies which were saved only by the armistice on November
Somme Somme River Battle of the Somme battle in World War I ()
Somme Somme River Battle of the Somme battle of World War II ()
Yalu River a battle in the Korean War (November ), when UN troops advanced north to the Yalu River , Chinese troops crossed the river and drove them back
river cooter
Pseudemys concinna
large river turtle of the southern United States and northern Mexico
river limpet
freshwater limpet
Ancylus fluviatilis
minute conical gastropod superficially resembling a limpet but living and feeding on freshwater plants
longlawed prawn
river prawn
Palaemon australis
large (a foot or more) edible freshwater prawn common in Australian rivers
river dolphin any of several long-snouted usually freshwater dolphins of South America and southern Asia
river horse
Hippopotamus amphibius
massive thick-skinned herbivorous animal living in or around rivers of tropical Africa
river otter
Lutra canadensis
sociable aquatic animal widely distributed along streams and lake borders in North America
river shad
Alosa chrysocloris
shad that spawns in streams of the Mississippi drainage, very similar to Alosa sapidissima
Australian arowana
Dawson River salmon
spotted barramundi
spotted bonytongue
Scleropages leichardti
a species of large fish found in Australian rivers
New River Gorge Bridge a steel arch bridge across New River at Fayetteville, West Virginia
river boat a boat used on rivers or to ply a river
anchovy pear
river pear
West Indian fruit resembling the mango, often pickled
river prawn large Australian prawn
Hudson River school
romantic realism
the first coherent school of American art, active from to , painted wilderness landscapes of the Hudson River valley and surrounding New England
river basin
watershed drainage basin catchment area
catchment basin
drainage area
the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries, an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet, flood control in the Missouri basin
East River a tidal strait separating Manhattan and the Bronx from Queens and Brooklyn
Harlem River a channel separating Manhattan from the Bronx
Aare River
a river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine
River Acheron
(Greek mythology) a river in Hades across which the souls of the dead were carried by Charon
River Adige
a river in northern Italy that flows southeast into the Adriatic Sea, Verona is on the Adige
River Aire
Aire River
a river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire
Alabama River
a river in Alabama formed by the confluence of the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers near Montgomery, flows southwestward to become a tributary of the Mobile River
Allegheny River
a river that rises in Pennsylvania and flows north into New York and then back south through Pennsylvania again to join the Monongahela River at Pittsburgh which is the beginning of the Ohio River
Amazon River
a major South American river, arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic, the world's nd longest river ( miles)
Amur River
Heilong Jiang
an Asian river between China and Russia, flows into the Sea of Okhotsk
Angara River
Upper Tunguska
a river in southeastern Siberia that flows northwest from Lake Baikal to become a tributary of the Yenisei River
Apalachicola River
a river in northwestern Florida formed by the confluence of the Chattahoochee River and the Flint River at the Florida border
Araguaia River
Araguaya River
a river in central Brazil that flows generally northward (with many falls) to join the Tocantins River
Argun River
Ergun He
a river in eastern Asia that arises in China and flows northeast along the border between China and Russia to become a tributary of the Amur River
Arkansas River
a river that rises in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and flows southeast through Kansas and Oklahoma and through Arkansas to become a tributary of the Mississippi River
Arno River
River Arno
a river in central Italy rising in the Apennines and flowing through Florence and Pisa to the Ligurian Sea
River Avon
Upper Avon
Upper Avon River
a river in central England that flows through Stratford-on-Avon and empties into the Severn
Avon River Avon a river in southwestern England rising in Gloucestershire and flowing through Bristol to empty into the estuary of the Severn
Bighorn River
a river that flows from central Wyoming to the Yellowstone River in southern Montana
Big Sioux River a river that rises in northeastern South Dakota and flows southward to join the Missouri River at Sioux City, Iowa
Brahmaputra River
an Asian river, flows into the Bay of Bengal
Brazos River
a river that rises in Mexico and flows across Texas into the Gulf of Mexico
Caloosahatchee River
a river in southern Florida that flows westerly to the Gulf of Mexico, forms the western end of the Cross-Florida Waterway
River Cam
Cam River
a river in east central England that flows past Cambridge to join the Ouse River
Canadian River
a river rising in northeastern New Mexico and flowing eastward across the Texas panhandle to become a tributary of the Arkansas River in Oklahoma
Cape Fear River a river in North Carolina that flows southeast to the Atlantic Ocean at Cape Fear
Charles River
a river in eastern Massachusetts that empties into Boston Harbor and that separates Cambridge from Boston
Chattahoochee River
a river rising in northern Georgia and flowing southwest and south to join the Flint River at the Florida border where they form the Apalachicola River
Cimarron River
a river that rises in northeastern New Mexico and flows eastward into Oklahoma where it becomes a tributary of the Arkansas River
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