
Durchgangskonnossement Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

through bill of lading
through bill of lading
Passus, Absatz, Durchgang, Passage
(freier) Durchgang
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m, Korridor m, Gang m
freier Durchgang
schmaler Durchgang
free passage
Durchgang m
Gang m, Durchgang m
Gänge pl, Durchgänge pl
hallway, passage, passageway, gangway
hallways, passages, passageways, gangways
Lauf m, Rennen n, Durchgang m sport
totes Rennen
dead heat
Runde f, Durchgang m sport
Runden pl, Durchgänge pl
Verbindungsgang m, schmale Gasse, Durchgang m
Verbindungsgänge pl, schmale Gassen, Durchgänge pl
alley, alley way
alleys, alley ways
lichte Höhe f, lichter Durchgang
schmaler Durchgang
Ãœberfahrt, Durchgang
(freier) Durchgang m
Durchgänge pl
Durchgang m; Passage f astron.
Venusdurchgang m; Venuspassage f
transit of Venus; Venus transit
Gang m; Durchgang m (zwischen Wänden)
Gänge pl; Durchgänge pl
freier Durchgang
passageway; passage
passageways; passages
free passage
(schmale) Gasse f; Gässchen n; schmaler Durchgang m
alley; alleyway
Kopfhöhe f (Durchgang); Durchfahrthöhe f
Lauf m; Rennen n; Durchgang m sport
totes Rennen
dead heat
Mahlen n
Mahlen in einem Durchgang
Mahlen im geschlossenen Kreislauf; Kreislaufmahlung f
open-circuit grinding
closed-circuit grinding
Runde f; Durchgang m sport
Runden pl; Durchgänge pl
Umladung f (Ionenaustausch beim Durchgang durch Materie) phys.
eng; knapp; schmal; begrenzt adj
enger; knapper; schmaler
am engsten; am knappsten; am schmalsten
ein enger Durchgang
ein schmaler Schlitz; ein enger Spalt
by a narrow margin
a narrow passageway
a narrow slit
lichte Höhe f; lichter Abstand; lichter Durchgang
Durchgang m; Abkürzung f (zwischen zwei Plätzen)
Durchgänge pl; Abkürzungen pl
Der Park wird als Abkürzung benutzt.
thoroughfare (between to places)
The park is used as a thoroughfare.
Durchlauf m; Durchgang m; Arbeitsgang m comp. techn.
Durchläufe pl; Durchgänge pl; Arbeitsgänge pl
in einem einzigen Durchlauf
in a single pass
Siebdurchfall m; Durchfall m; Siebdurchgang m; Durchgang m; Siebfeines n; Feingut n; Unterlauf m; Unterkorn n min. techn.
screen underflow; subsieve fraction; fine fraction; fines; subsieve material; minus material; minus sieve sizes; undersize; screened matter; screenings; sieved matter; sievings; fells; smalls; throws
Transmission f (Durchgang von Strahlen durch ein Medium) phys.
Transmissionen pl
Donnerbüchse f; Donnerwagen m (zweiachsiger Durchgangs-Personenwagen Bahn) hist.
all-iron steel open passenger coach car ("thunderbox")
Donnerbüchse f; Donnerwagen m (zweiachsiger Durchgangs-Personenwagen, Bahn) hist.
all-iron steel open passenger coach car ("thunderbox")
Güterzug m (Bahn)
Güterzüge pl
Durchgangs-Eilgüterzug; Fern-Eilgüterzug
gemischter Güterzug (mit Eil- und Frachtgut)
Güterzug mit Personbeförderung GmP ; Personzug mit Güterbeförderung PmG
Güterzug ohne nennenswerten Grenzaufenthalt; GONG-Zug
Nahgüterzug; Nahbedienungszug
Portalwaggon m; Portalwagen m
Schnellgüterzug; Güterschnellzug
goods train Br.; freight train Am. (railway)
goods trains; freight trains
through parcels train
goods through train Br.; freight through train Am.; inter marshalling-yard train
express-parcels train
general-purpose goods train (conveying ordinary and fast goods)
mixed train (conveying goods and passengers)
train with delay-free border passage
goods train Br. freight train Am. carrying military equipment
pick-up goods train Br.; pick-up freight train Am.
gantry wagon Br.; gantry waggon Br.
pick-up goods train Br.; way freight train Am.
fast goods train Br.; fast freight train Am.
unit train; integral train Am.; unitized train Am.
regular goods train Br.; scheduled goods train Br.; regular freight train Am.; scheduled freight train Am.
non-regular goods train Br.; non-regular freight train Am.
Durchgangsbahnhof m
Durchgangsbahnhöfe pl
through station
through stations
Transitbereich m; Durchgangsbereich m (Flughafen) aviat.
transit area (airport)
Fahrstraße f; Weichenstraße f (Bahn)
Fahrstraße für Durchgangsbetrieb
eine Fahrstraße festlegen
eine Fahrstraße auflösen
route; set of points (railway)
non-stick route
to set up a route
to cancel release a route
Fahrstrecke f; Fahrstraße f; Fahrweg m (Bahn)
Fahrstrecken pl; Fahrstraßen pl; Fahrwege pl
kreuzungsfreie Fahrstraße; kreuzungsfreier Fahrweg
Fahrstraße für Durchgangsbetrieb
eine Fahrstraße festlegen
eine Fahrstraße auflösen
route; routing (railway)
routes; routings
fully grade-separated route
non-stick route
to set up a route
to cancel release a route
Bohrloch n; Bohrung f (im Boden) geol.
Bohrlöcher pl; Bohrungen pl
Durchgangsbohrung f
Nabenbohrung f
Passbohrung f
Schaftbohrung f
Stufenbohrung f
Zylinderbohrung f
ein Bohrloch erweitern
borehole; bore (in the ground)
boreholes; bores
through bore
hub bore
fitted bore
stem bore
stepped bore
cylinder bore
to enlarge a borehole
Bohrloch n; Bohrung f; Loch n (aus dem Vollen) techn.
Bohrlöcher pl; Bohrungen pl; Löcher pl
Durchgangsbohrung mit Gewinde
Stufenbohrung f; abgesetzte Bohrung
Sacklochbohrung f; Sackbohrung f; Sackloch n
drill hole; drilled hole; hole; (drilled) well (from the solid)
drill holes; drilled holes; holes; wells
tapped through hole
stepped hole; shouldered hole
blind hole; pocket hole
Durchgangsbohrung f techn.
Durchgangsbohrungen pl
through bore
through bores
Campingplatz m; Zelt- und Wohnwagenplatz m; Zeltplatz m
Campingplätze pl; Zelt- und Wohnwagenplätze pl; Zeltplätze pl
bewachter Campingplatz; bewachter Zeltplatz
vollständig ausgestatteter Campingplatz
Dauercampingplatz m
Durchgangscampingplatz m; Touristikcampingplatz m
camping ground; camping site Br.; campsite Br.; campground Am.
camping grounds; camping sites; campsites; campgrounds
guarded camping ground; guarded campsite Br.; guarded campground Am.
fully equipped camping ground; fully serviced camping ground
permanent caravan site Br.; static caravan ground Br.; permanent campground Am.
short-stay camping ground; short-stay campground Am.
Durchgangsform f von Ventilen techn.
straight-way type of valves
Durchgangsgespräch n telco.
Durchgangsgespräche pl
transit call
transit calls
Durchgangshafen m; Transithafen m naut.
Durchgangshäfen pl; Transithäfen pl
transit harbour
transit harbours
Durchgangshöhe f (Fußgänger); Durchfahrtshöhe f (Brücke, Unterführung) auto
headroom; headway (bridge, unterpass)
Durchgangsinstrument n; Passageinstrument n astron.
transit instrument
Durchgangsklemme f
Durchgangsklemmen pl
through clamp
through clamps
through bill of lading
Durchgangskontakt m electr.
Durchgangskontakte pl
passing contact
passing contacts
Durchgangskühlwasserregler m techn.
straight cooling water radiator
Durchgangslager n
transit camp
Durchgangsloch n
Durchgangslöcher pl
clearance hole, through hole
clearance holes, through holes
clearance hole
Durchgangsloch n
Durchgangslöcher pl
clearance hole; through hole
clearance holes; through holes
Lademaß n; Ladeprofil n; Durchgangsprofil n; Profil n; Messrahmen m (Bahn)
Lademaße pl; Ladeprofile pl; Durchgangsprofile pl; Profile pl; Messrahmen pl
Lichtraumprofil für Stromabnehmer
Lichtraumverengung f; Profileinschränkung f
load limit gauge; loading gauge; load limit; clearance gauge; clearance (railway)
load limit gauges; loading gauges; load limits; clearance gauges; clearances
clearance gauge for pantographs
encroachment on the clearance gauge
Durchgangsprüfung f electr. techn.
Durchgangsprüfungen pl
continuity test; continuity check
continuity tests; continuity checks
Bereitstellungsraum m; Sammelraum m; Auffangraum m; Durchgangsraum m mil.
Bereitstellungsräume pl; Sammelräume pl; Auffangräume pl; Durchgangsräume pl
staging area
staging areas
Durchgangsraum m; Sammelraum m mil.
Durchgangsräume pl; Sammelräume pl
staging area
staging areas
Durchgangsstation f
transit station
Durchgangsstraße f
through road, main road
Durchgangsstraße, Fernstraße, Bundesstraße
through road
Durchgangsstraße f
Durchgangsstraßen pl
through road; main road
through roads; main roads
Durchfahrtsstraße f; Durchgangsstraße f
Durchfahrtsstraße f; Durchfahrtstraße f; Durchgangsstraße f Dt.; Durchgangsstrasse f Schw.; Durchzugsstraße f Ös. auto
Durchfahrtsstraßen pl; Durchfahrtstraßen pl; Durchgangsstraßen pl; Durchgangsstrassen pl; Durchzugsstraßen pl
Durchgangsventil n techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
straight way valve
straight way valves
Durchgangsventil n techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
straight-way valve; full-way valve; two-way (steam) valve
straight-way valves; full-way valves; two-way valves
Durchgangsventil n (Rohrleitung) techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
stop valve (for ducts)
stop valves
Durchgangsventil n (im Gegensatz zu Schieber Klappe) techn.
Durchgangsventile pl
Durchgangsventil mit geradem Kopf
Durchgangsventil mit schrägem Oberteil
globe valve
globe valves
straight pattern globe valve
oblique pattern globe valve
Durchgangsverdrahtung f electr.
feed-through wiring

Deutsche Durchgangskonnossement Synonyme

Englische through bill of lading Synonyme

through  SOL  all bets off  all off  all over  all through  all up  around  at about  at an end  because of  breadthwise  broad side foremost  broadside  broadways  broadwise  by  by dint of  by means of  by use of  by virtue of  by way of  canceled  cleaned up  complete  completed  completely  concluded  dead  decided  defunct  deleted  depthwise  done  done for  done with  down  due to  durante  during  ended  entirely  expunged  extinct  fini  finished  finished up  fully  hereby  herewith  in all respects  in virtue of  including  inclusive of  into  kaput  on  on account of  over  owing to  passing by  passing through  past  pending  per  perfected  perfective  round  round about  set at rest  settled  shot  sideways  sidewise  straight  straightforward  terminated  thanks to  thereby  therewith  thoroughly  through and through  through with  throughout  to  totally  uninterrupted  upon  utterly  via  washed up  whereby  wherewith  wherewithal  wholly  widthways  widthwise  wiped out  with  wound up  wrapped up  zapped  
through and through  absolute  ad infinitum  all over  all-embracing  all-encompassing  all-out  all-pervading  at all points  at full length  born  broad-based  clean  clear  comprehensive  congenital  consummate  deep-dyed  downright  dyed-in-the-wool  egregious  every bit  every inch  every whit  exhaustive  head and shoulders  heart and soul  in all respects  in every respect  in extenso  inside and out  intensive  neck deep  omnibus  omnipresent  on all counts  out-and-out  outright  overall  perfect  pervasive  plain  plumb  pure  radical  regular  root and branch  sheer  straight  sweeping  thorough  thoroughgoing  through-and-through  throughout  to the brim  to the death  to the end  to the hilt  total  ubiquitous  unconditional  universal  unmitigated  unqualified  unreserved  unrestricted  utter  veritable  wholesale  you name it  
throughout  ad infinitum  all over  all through  amid  around  at about  at all points  at full length  at large  completely  diffusely  dispersedly  durante  during  entirely  every bit  every inch  every whit  everywhere  far and near  far and wide  fully  head and shoulders  heart and soul  here and there  high and low  in all quarters  in all respects  in every respect  in extenso  in places  in spots  inside and out  mid  midst  neck deep  on all counts  over  overall  passim  pending  root and branch  round  round about  sparsely  sparsim  sporadically  through  through and through  to the brim  to the death  to the end  to the hilt  wherever you look  wholly  you name it  

Durchgangskonnossement Definition

Bank bill
() In America (and formerly in England), a promissory note of a bank payable to the bearer on demand, and used as currency
Bank bill
() In England, a note, or a bill of exchange, of a bank, payable to order, and usually at some future specified time. Such bills are negotiable, but form, in the strict sense of the term, no part of the currency.
(n.) A beak, as of a bird, or sometimes of a turtle or other animal.
(v. i.) To strike
(v. i.) To join bills, as doves
(n.) The bell, or boom, of the bittern
(n.) A cutting instrument, with hook-shaped point, and fitted with a handle
(n.) A weapon of infantry, in the 14th and 15th centuries. A common form of bill consisted of a broad, heavy, double-edged, hook-shaped blade, having a short pike at the back and another at the top, and attached to the end of a long staff.
(n.) One who wields a bill
(n.) A pickax, or mattock.
(n.) The extremity of the arm of an anchor
(v. t.) To work upon ( as to dig, hoe, hack, or chop anything) with a bill.
(n.) A declaration made in writing, stating some wrong the complainant has suffered from the defendant, or a fault committed by some person against a law.
(n.) A writing binding the signer or signers to pay a certain sum at a future day or on demand, with or without interest, as may be stated in the document.
(n.) A form or draft of a law, presented to a legislature for enactment
(n.) A paper, written or printed, and posted up or given away, to advertise something, as a lecture, a play, or the sale of goods
(n.) An account of goods sold, services rendered, or work done, with the price or charge
(n.) Any paper, containing a statement of particulars
(v. t.) To advertise by a bill or public notice.
(v. t.) To charge or enter in a bill
Bill book
() A book in which a person keeps an account of his notes, bills, bills of exchange, etc., thus showing all that he issues and receives.
Bill broker
() One who negotiates the discount of bills.
Bill holder
() A person who holds a bill or acceptance.
Bill holder
() A device by means of which bills, etc., are held.
Brown bill
() A bill or halberd of the 16th and 17th centuries. See 4th Bill.
(n.) The geranium
(n.) A pair of long-beaked forceps.
(a.) Having the form of a duck's bill.
Hedging bill
() A hedge bill. See under Hedge.
(n.) A large, handsome, North American woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), having a large, sharp, ivory-colored beak. Its general color is glossy black, with white secondaries, and a white dorsal stripe. The male has a large, scarlet crest. It is now rare, and found only in the Gulf States.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Lade
(n.) The act of loading.
(n.) That which lades or constitutes a load or cargo
(n.) The glory pea. See under Glory.
(n.) The American white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons).

through bill of lading Bedeutung

twin bill
double feature
two games instead of one (especially in baseball when the same two teams play two games on the same day)
Wild West Show
Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
a spectacular show organized in by William F. Cody that featured horseback riding and marksmanship on a large scale, toured the United States and Europe
bill the entertainment offered at a public presentation
bill of review a proceeding brought to obtain an explanation or an alteration or a reversal of a decree by the court that rendered it
neb nib
horny projecting mouth of a bird
a brim that projects to the front to shade the eyes, he pulled down the bill of his cap and trudged ahead
bill billhook a long-handled saw with a curved blade, he used a bill to prune branches off of the tree
load loading
goods carried by a large vehicle
bill of health a certificate saying that a departing ship's company is healthy (to be presented at the next port of arrival)
bill a list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare)
bill of entry a list of goods received at a customhouse for export or import
bill of goods a consignment of merchandise
bill of fare
card carte du jour
a list of dishes available at a restaurant, the menu was in French
bill account invoice an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered, he paid his bill and left, send me an account of what I owe
electric bill a bill for money owed for electricity used
hotel bill statement of charges for staying in a hotel
medical bill
doctor's bill
statement of charges for medical services
phone bill
telephone bill
statement of charges for telephone service
tax bill money owed for taxes
bill of lading
a receipt given by the carrier to the shipper acknowledging receipt of the goods being shipped and specifying the terms of delivery
credit order
bill-me order
an order that is received without payment, requires billing at a later date
bill measure a statute in draft before it becomes law, they held a public hearing on the bill
appropriation bill a legislative act proposing to authorize the expenditure of public funds for a specified purpose
bill of attainder a legislative act finding a person guilty of treason or felony without a trial, bills of attainder are prohibited by the Constitution of the United States
bottle bill a statute that would require merchants to reclaim used bottles
farm bill a statute that would regulate farm production and prices
trade bill a statute that would regulate foreign trade
bill of sale a deed transferring personal property
bill of Particulars the particular events to be dealt with in a criminal trial, advises the defendant and the court of the facts the defendant will be required to meet
bill of goods communication (written or spoken) that persuades someone to accept something untrue or undesirable, they tried to sell me a bill of goods about a secondhand car
Bill of Rights a statement of fundamental rights and privileges (especially the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution)
a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement, a poster advertised the coming attractions
show bill
show card
theatrical poster
a poster advertising a show or play
clean bill of health an assurance that someone is healthy or something is in good condition, the doctor gave him a clean bill of health
bill of indictment
a formal document written for a prosecuting attorney charging a person with some offense
true bill an indictment endorsed by a grand jury
bill broadside
an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution, he mailed the circular to all subscribers
bill poster
bill sticker
someone who pastes up bills or placards on walls or billboards
Bill Clinton
William Jefferson Clinton
President Clinton
nd President of the United States (-)
William F. Cody
William Frederick Cody
Buffalo Bill
Buffalo Bill Cody
United States showman famous for his Wild West Show (-)
Bill Gates
William Henry Gates
United States computer entrepreneur whose software company made him the youngest multi-billionaire in the history of the United States (born in )
Haley Bill Haley
William John Clifton Haley Jr.
United States rock singer who was one of the first to popularize rock'n'roll music (-)
Big Bill Haywood
William Dudley Haywood
United States labor leader and militant socialist who was one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of the World (-)
Wild Bill Hickock
James Butler Hickock
frontier marshal whose adventures have become legendary (-)
Bill Mauldin
William Henry Mauldin
United States cartoonist noted for his drawings of soldiers in battle (-)
Russell Bill Russell
William Felton Russell
United States basketball center (born in )
Big Bill Tilden
William Tatem Tilden Jr.
United States tennis player who dominated men's tennis in the s (-)
Wilhelm II
Kaiser Wilhelm
Kaiser Bill
grandson of Queen Victoria and Kaiser of Germany from to , he was vilified as causing World War I (-)
parrot's beak
parrot's bill
Clianthus puniceus
evergreen shrub with scarlet to white clawlike or beaklike flowers, New Zealand
crane's bill
any of numerous geraniums of the genus Geranium
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