
Durchlaufgeschwindigkeit Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Durchlaufgeschwindigkeit f
speed of sweep
Durchlaufgeschwindigkeit f
speed of sweep
Durchlaucht f hist.
Serene Highness
Durchlaucht f hist. soc.
Eure Durchlaucht!
seine Durchlaucht
Serene Highness; Serenity
Your Serene Highness!; Your Serenity!
his Serene Highness!; his Serenity
durchlauchtig adj (veraltet)
durchlauchtig adj veraltet
Weg des Arbeitsablaufs, Durchlauf
flow path
Durchlauf m, Arbeitsgang m
DurchlÀufe pl, ArbeitsgÀnge pl
ablaufen, Durchlauf, Arbeitsgang
Durchlauf m; Arbeitsgang m
DurchlÀufe pl; ArbeitsgÀnge pl
Durchlauf m (Probe des gesamten Ablaufs einer AuffĂŒhrung) art
Durchlauf m; Durchgang m; Arbeitsgang m comp. techn.
DurchlÀufe pl; DurchgÀnge pl; ArbeitsgÀnge pl
in einem einzigen Durchlauf
in a single pass
Durchlaufbrecher m techn.
Durchlaufbrecher pl
feeder breaker
feeder breakers
to pass through
passing through
passed through
to traverse
periodisches Durchlaufen
pass through
durchlaufen, Drehbewegung
sich in Bewegung setzen; anlaufen; in Gang kommen ĂŒbtr. v
Das Schiff ist vorige Woche ausgelaufen.
Der Startschuss fĂŒr das Turnier war (am) Freitag.
Ihr Gesellschaftsleben muss erst richtig in Gang kommen.
Die geballte Durchsetzung von technischen Innovationen kommt immer erst in Gang wenn die Weltwirtschaft eine tiefgreifende Krise durchlaufen hat.
to get under way
The ship got under way last week.
The tournament got under way on Friday.
Her social life has yet to get properly under way.
A concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis.
durchlaufen v
to pass through
passing through
passed through
passes through
passed through
sich in Bewegung setzen; anlaufen; in Gang kommen ĂŒbtr. v
Das Schiff ist vorige Woche ausgelaufen.
Der Startschuss fĂŒr das Turnier war (am) Freitag.
Ihr Gesellschaftsleben muss erst richtig in Gang kommen.
Die breite Umsetzung technischer Innovationen kommt immer erst in Gang, wenn die Weltwirtschaft eine tiefe Krise durchlaufen hat.
to get under way
The ship got under way last week.
The tournament got under way on Friday.
Her social life has yet to get properly under way.
A concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis.
durchlaufen v
to traverse
eingehend; ausgiebig; ausfĂŒhrlich; grĂŒndlich; intensiv adj
eine grĂŒndliche Untersuchung
der intensive Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln
nach einer intensiven Suche durch die Polizei
Gegenstand einer intensiven öffentlichen Debatte sein
intensive Forschung zu den Auswirkungen von Stress betreiben
eine eingehende grĂŒndliche Schulung auf diesem Gebiet durchlaufen absolvieren
große Erfahrung mit Computern mit Produktentwicklung haben
Über die Ausstellung wurde in der Presse ausfĂŒhrlich berichtet.
comprehensive; extensive
an extensive investigation
the extensive use of pesticides
following an extensive search by police
to be the subject of extensive public debate
to carry out conduct pursue do extensive research into the effects of stress
to have comprehensive extensive training in this area
to have comprehensive extensive experience in computers in product development
The exhibition has received extensive coverage in the press.
periodisches Durchlaufen n
passing through
durchgehend; durchlaufend adj techn.
durchgehende automatische Bremse
continuous; passing; through ...
continuous automatic break
durchgehend; durchlaufend adj techn.
durchgehende automatische Bremse
continuous; passing; through 

continuous automatic break
durchlaufende Gelder
cash in transit
durchlaufende Ankerwand f
anchor wall
durchlaufender Posten
item in transit
Durchlaufposten m; durchlaufender Posten fin.
transitory item
Weiterleitungskredit m; durchlaufender Kredit m fin.
flow-through credit; flow-through loan
Durchlauferhitzer m
Durchlauferhitzer pl
geyser, instantaneous water heater
geysers, instantaneous water heaters
Durchlauferhitzer m
Durchlauferhitzer pl
instantaneous water heater; tankless water heater; (continuous) flow heater; geyser Br.
instantaneous water heaters; tankless water heaters; flow heaters; geysers
FrÀsen n techn.
AnsatzfrÀsen n
AufraufrÀsen n
DrallfrÀsen n
DurchlauffrÀsen n
EinstechfrÀsen n
exzentrisches DrehfrÀsen n
FeinfrÀsen n
FertigfrÀsen n; SchlichtfrÀsen n
FlÀchenfrÀsen n
FormfrÀsen n
FĂŒnf-Achsen-FrĂ€sen n
GegenlauffrÀsen n
GesenkfrÀsen n
GewindefrÀsen n
GleichlauffrÀsen n
KegelradformfrÀsen n
KurvenbahnfrÀsen n; NockenlaufbahnfrÀsen n
NachformfrÀsen n; KopierfrÀsen n
ParallelfrÀsen n (von zwei SeitenflÀchen)
ParallelfrÀsen n; SimultanfrÀsen n
PendelfrÀsen n
RÀumfrÀsen n
RundfrÀsen n; KreisbahnfrÀsen n
FrÀsen mit SatzfrÀsern n
StirnplanfrÀsen n; PlanfrÀsen n
UmrissfrÀsen n; UmfangfrÀsen n; KopierfrÀsen n nach Umriss
ZirkulargewindefrÀsen n; zirkulares GewindefrÀsen n
shoulder milling
rough milling
spiral milling; helical milling
throughfeed milling
plunge milling
helical face milling
fine milling; precision milling
finish milling
plain milling; surface milling; face milling
form milling; profile milling Am.
five-axis milling
climb-feed milling; climb-cut milling; up-cut milling; up-milling; conventional milling
die milling
thread milling
climb milling; down-milling; climb cutting, down-cutting
bevel gear milling
cam-track milling
copy milling
straddle milling (simultaneous milling of two faces)
abreast milling
reciprocal milling; planetary milling
broach milling
circular-path milling; circular milling
gang milling
conventional face milling
contour milling
circular thread milling
Durchlaufgeschwindigkeit f
speed of sweep
Durchlaufgesellschaft f (zur Steuervermeidung) fin.
Durchlaufgesellschaften pl
conduit company (for tax avoidance purposes)
conduit companies
Lagerhaus n; Lagerhalle f; Lager n; Warenlager n; Warendepot n; Depot n; Magazin n
LagerhÀuser pl; Lagerhallen pl; Lager pl; Warenlager pl; Warendepots pl; Depots pl; Magazine pl
BehÀlterlager n
Durchlauflager n
Freilager n
Hochregallager n
Möbellager n
Palettenlager n
Zentrallager n
automatisiertes Lager
ab Lager
EmpfangsbestÀtigung des Lagerhauses
eingassiges zweigassiges Lager
storehouse; warehouse
storehouses; warehouses
container warehouse
gravity-storage warehouse
free warehouse
high-bay warehouse; high-bay storage facilities; high-bay storage; high-bay racking; high-rise racking; high-rack storage
furniture storehouse; furniture warehouse
pallet warehouse
central warehoue; main warehoue
automated warehouse
ex stock; ex warehouse
warehouse receipt (W R)
single-lane double-lane, two-lane storage area
Durchlaufofen m adm.
Durchlauföfen pl
continuous furnace; flow-through furnace
continuous furnaces; flow-through furnaces
Durchlaufofen m techn.
continuous oven
Durchlaufpfette f techn.
continuous purlin
Durchlaufpfette f techn.
Durchlaufpfetten pl
continuous purlin
continuous purlins
Dachstuhlpfette f; Dachpfette f; Pfette f constr.
Dachstuhlpfetten pl; Dachpfetten pl; Pfetten pl
Bockpfette f
Firstpfette f; FirstrÀhm m; Firstbalken m
Fußpfette f
Holzpfette f
Mittelpfette f
Stuhlrahmen m
lean-to roof purlin
continuous purlin
ridge purlin; ridge piece; ridge tree; balk; baulk Br.
eaves purlin; inferior purlin
timber purlin
center purlin; middle purlin; intermediate purlin
trussed purlin
Flussdiagramm n, Fließbild n, Ablaufdiagramm n, Arbeitsplan m, Durchlaufplan m
Flussdiagramme pl, Fließbilder pl, Ablaufdiagramme pl, ArbeitsplĂ€ne pl, DurchlaufplĂ€ne pl
flow chart, flowchart
flow charts, flowcharts
Flussdiagramm n; Fließbild n; Ablaufdiagramm n; Arbeitsplan m; Durchlaufplan m
Flussdiagramme pl; Fließbilder pl; Ablaufdiagramme pl; ArbeitsplĂ€ne pl; DurchlaufplĂ€ne pl
flow chart; flowchart
flow charts; flowcharts
flow chart
Diagramm n Diag. ; Grafik f; Karte f (in Zusammensetzungen); Tafel f (in Zusammensetzungen) econ. math. statist.
Diagramme pl; Grafiken pl; Karten pl; Tafeln pl
Ablaufdiagramm n; Ablaufgrafik f; Ablaufschaubild n; Ablaufplan m; Durchlaufplan m (oft fÀlschlich: Flussdiagramm)
Balkendiagramm n
Fahrzeitentafel f (Bahn)
Großkreiskarte f
Kastendiagramm n; Kastengrafik f
Kastendiagramm n; Kastengrafik f statist.
Liniendiagramm n; Kurvendiagramm n; Kurvenbild n
Punktdiagramm n; Punktediagramm n
SĂ€ulendiagramm n
Stamm-Blatt-Diagramm n; Stamm-und-Blatt-Diagramm n; Stamm-und-Blatt-Grafik f; Stamm-und-Blatt-Darstellung f; Zweig-BlÀtter-Diagramm n; Zweig-BlÀtter-Grafik f statist.
Stufendiagramm n
rÀumliches Diagramm
wie das Diagramm zeigt
ein Diagramm erstellen
diagram diag. ; chart; plot Am.
diagrams; charts; plots
flow diagram; flow chart
bar diagram; bar chart
running chart (railway)
great circle chart
box diagram; box plot
box-and-whisker diagram; box-and-whisker plot; box plot
line graph; graph
dot plot; plot (set of points that may or may not be connected by a line)
column diagram; column chart; vertical bar chart
stem-and-leaf plot; stem plot; stem-and-leaf display
graduation diagram
three-dimensional diagram
as shown in the diagram
to draw a diagram; to create a diagram
Lagerregal n transp.
Lagerregale pl
Durchlaufregal n
Hochregal n
Schwerkraftdurchlaufregal n
storage rack
storage racks
live storage rack; flow rack; flow-through rack
high storage rack; high rack
gravity-lane storage rack
Durchlaufrichtung f
throughput direction; running direction; feed direction
spitzenlos adj mach.
spitzenlose Drehmaschine f
spitzenlose Schleifmaschine f
spitzenloses Durchlaufschleifen n
spitzenloses Einstechschleifen n
Spitzenlosschleifen n; spitzenloses Rundschleifen n
centerless lathe
centerless grinding machine; centerless
centerless through feed grinding
centerless infeed grinding; centerless plunge feed grinding
centerless grinding
Durchlaufschnitzler m (Teil einer KĂŒchenmaschine)
continuous slicer (food processor component)
DurchlauftrÀger m
continuous beam
door-to-door time
Durchlaufzeit f
lead time, cycle time
Durchlaufzeit f
pass-through time
Durchlaufzeit f; Produktionszeit f; Bearbeitungszeit f
lead time
Durchlaufzeit f; Ablaufzeit f; Rechenzeit f comp.
turnaround time TAT ; run time; throughput time
Durchlaufzeit f; Zykluszeit f (Fertigungsablauf) techn.
cycle time (production sequence)
Durchlaufzeit f
flow time; pass-through time
Durchlaufzeit f; Laufzeit f (eines StĂŒckes durch eine Fabrik Spedition) transp. adm.
door-to-door time
Durchlaufzeit f; technische Bearbeitungszeit f techn. adm.
machining time; processing time
Durchlaufzeit f; Produktionszeit f; Bearbeitungszeit f
Durchlaufzeiten pl; Produktionszeiten pl; Bearbeitungszeiten pl
lead time
lead times
Durchlaufzeit f; Ablaufzeit f; Rechenzeit f comp.
Durchlaufzeiten pl; Ablaufzeiten pl; Rechenzeiten pl
turnaround time TAT ; run time; throughput time
turnaround times; run times; throughput times
Durchlaufzeit f; Zykluszeit f (Fertigungsablauf) techn.
Durchlaufzeiten pl; Zykluszeiten pl
cycle time (production sequence)
cycle times
Durchlaufzeit f
Durchlaufzeiten pl
flow time; pass-through time
flow times; pass-through times
Durchlaufzeit f; Laufzeit f (eines StĂŒckes durch eine Fabrik Spedition) transp. adm.
Durchlaufzeiten pl; Laufzeiten pl
door-to-door time
door-to-door times

Deutsche Durchlaufgeschwindigkeit Synonyme

Englische speed of sweep Synonyme

speed  Benzedrine  Benzedrine pill  C  Dexamyl  Dexamyl pill  Dexedrine  Dexedrine pill  Methedrine  abruptness  accelerate  advance  advantage  aid  air speed  alacrity  amphetamine  amphetamine sulfate  assist  ball the jack  barrel  bat  bolt  boom  boost  bowl along  breeze  breeze along  briskness  brush  bucket  bundle  burn up  bustle  career  celerity  charge  chase  cheer on  clear the way  clip  cocaine  coke  conduce to  contribute to  crowd  crystal  cut along  dart  dextroamphetamine sulfate  dispatch  drive on  ease  egg on  encourage  expedite  expedition  expeditiousness  explain  facilitate  fastness  favor  feverishness  fleet  fleetness  flight  flit  flurry  fly  fly low  foot  football  forward  furiousness  further  gait  go fast  goad on  grease  grease the ways  grease the wheels  ground speed  haste  hasten  hasten on  hastiness  headway  heart  help  help along  hickory  hie on  highball  hound on  hurriedness  hurry  hurry along  hurry on  hurry up  hustle  hustle up  impetuosity  impetuousness  impulsiveness  instantaneousness  jolly bean  knots  legerity  lend wings to  lightning speed  loose  lubricate  make clear  make for  make haste  make knots  make tracks  make way for  methamphetamine hydrochloride  miles per hour  move  nip  oil  open the way  open up  outstrip the wind  pace  pave the way  pep pill  pour it on  precipitance  precipitancy  precipitate  precipitateness  precipitation  precipitousness  prepare the way  press  promote  promptitude  promptness  purple heart  push  push forward  push on  push through  put forward  quicken  quickness  race  railroad through  rapidity  rashness  remove friction  rip  root on  round pace  rpm  run  run interference for  rush  rush along  rustle  scamper  scorch  scramble  scurry  set forward  shake up  shock wave  shoot  simplify  sizzle  skedaddle  skim  smooth  smooth the way  snappiness  snow  soap the ways  sonic barrier  sonic boom  sound barrier  speed along  speed of sound  speed  
speed freak  LSD user  acidhead  addict  alcoholic  chain smoker  cocaine sniffer  cokie  cubehead  dipsomaniac  dope fiend  doper  drug abuser  drug addict  drug user  drunkard  fiend  freak  glue sniffer  habitual  head  heavy smoker  hophead  hype  junkie  marijuana smoker  methhead  narcotics addict  pillhead  pothead  snowbird  tripper  user  
speed of sound  Mach  Mach number  Mach one  Mach two  air speed  escape velocity  ground speed  knots  shock wave  sonic barrier  sonic boom  sonic speed  sonics  sound barrier  subsonic speed  subsonics  supersonic speed  supersonics  ultrasonics  
speed up  accelerate  bundle  bustle  crack on  crowd  dispatch  drive on  expedite  forward  gain ground  haste  hasten  hasten on  hie on  hurry  hurry along  hurry on  hurry up  hustle  hustle up  open the throttle  pick up speed  precipitate  press  push  push on  push through  put on  put on steam  quicken  race  railroad through  rev  rush  rush along  speed  speed along  spur  stampede  step on it  step up  urge  whip  whip along  
speeder  Jehu  Sunday driver  backseat driver  bus driver  busman  cabby  cabdriver  chauffeur  driver  flier  goer  hack  hackdriver  hackman  hacky  hell-driver  hit-and-run driver  horse racer  hummer  hustler  jitney driver  jockey  joyrider  motorist  racer  road hog  runner  scorcher  sizzler  speed demon  stepper  taxidriver  teamster  truck driver  trucker  truckman  turfman  
speedily  PDQ  against the clock  amain  apace  at flank speed  at once  by forced marches  cursorily  decisively  directly  double-quick  expeditiously  fast  feverishly  flat-out  forthwith  full tilt  furiously  hand over fist  hand over hand  hastily  hell for leather  hell-bent  hell-bent for election  helter-skelter  hotfoot  hurriedly  hurry-scurry  immediately  in double time  in double-quick time  in high  in high gear  in no time  in passing  in seven-league boots  instanter  instantly  lickety-cut  lickety-split  on the double  on the instant  on the run  on the spot  pell-mell  post  posthaste  pretty damned quick  promptly  pronto  quick  quickly  rapidly  right away  right off  slapdash  smartly  snappily  straightaway  straightway  subito  summarily  superficially  swiftly  trippingly  under forced draft  whip and spur  with a rush  with all haste  with all speed  with dispatch  with giant strides  with haste  with rapid strides  with speed  without delay  without further delay  
speediness  agility  air speed  alacrity  briskness  celerity  decisiveness  dispatch  expedition  expeditiousness  fastness  flight  flit  flurry  ground speed  haste  hurry  hustle  immediacy  immediateness  instantaneousness  knots  lightning speed  miles per hour  nimbleness  precipitation  promptitude  promptness  punctuality  punctualness  quickness  rapidity  readiness  round pace  rpm  rush  rustle  sharpness  smartness  snappiness  speed  spryness  summariness  swift rate  swiftness  velocity  
speedup  accelerando  acceleration  aggravation  beefing-up  blowing up  blowup  concentration  condensation  consolidation  deepening  drive  enhancement  exacerbation  exaggeration  explosion  getaway  heating-up  heightening  impetus  information explosion  intensification  magnification  pickup  population explosion  quickening  redoubling  reinforcement  step-up  strengthening  thrust  tightening  
speedway  Autobahn  US highway  alley  alleyway  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  belt highway  blind alley  boulevard  bypass  byway  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  chaussee  circumferential  close  corduroy road  county road  court  crescent  cul-de-sac  dead-end street  dike  dirt road  drive  driveway  expressway  freeway  gravel road  highroad  highway  highways and byways  interstate highway  lane  local road  main drag  main road  mews  motorway  parkway  pave  paved road  pike  place  plank road  primary highway  private road  right-of-way  ring road  road  roadbed  roadway  route nationale  row  royal road  secondary road  state highway  street  superhighway  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  township road  turnpike  wynd  
speedy  abrupt  agile  alacritous  alert  apt  breakneck  brief  brisk  cometary  cursory  dashing  decisive  dispatchful  double-quick  eagle-winged  electrifying  expeditious  express  fast  festinate  feverish  flashing  fleet  flickering  flying  furious  galloping  hair-trigger  hasty  headlong  hurried  hustling  immediate  impetuous  impulsive  instant  instantaneous  last-minute  light of heel  light-footed  lively  mercurial  meteoric  nerve-shattering  nimble  nimble-footed  on the spot  passing  precipitant  precipitate  precipitous  prompt  punctual  quick  quick as lightning  quick as thought  raking  rapid  ready  reckless  running  sharp  shocking  short  short and sweet  short-term  short-termed  slap-bang  slapdash  smart  snap  snappy  spanking  spry  startling  sudden  summary  superficial  surprising  swift  unanticipated  unexpected  unforeseen  unlooked-for  unpredicted  urgent  winged  

Durchlaufgeschwindigkeit Definition

(n.) Prosperity in an undertaking
(n.) The act or state of moving swiftly
(n.) One who, or that which, causes or promotes speed or success.
(n.) To go
(n.) To experience in going
(n.) To fare well
(n.) To make haste
(n.) To be expedient.
(v. t.) To cause to be successful, or to prosper
(v. t.) To cause to make haste
(v. t.) To hasten to a conclusion
(v. t.) To hurry to destruction
(v. t.) To wish success or god fortune to, in any undertaking, especially in setting out upon a journey.
(v. i.) To pass a broom across (a surface) so as to remove loose dirt, dust, etc.
(v. i.) To drive or carry along or off with a broom or a brush, or as if with a broom
(v. i.) To brush against or over
(v. i.) To carry with a long, swinging, or dragging motion
(v. i.) To strike with a long stroke.
(v. i.) To draw or drag something over
(v. i.) To pass over, or traverse, with the eye or with an instrument of observation
(v. i.) To clean rooms, yards, etc., or to clear away dust, dirt, litter, etc., with a broom, brush, or the like.
(v. i.) To brush swiftly over the surface of anything
(v. i.) To pass over anything comprehensively
(n.) The act of sweeping.
(n.) The compass or range of a stroke
(n.) The compass of any turning body or of any motion
(n.) The compass of anything flowing or brushing
(n.) Violent and general destruction
(n.) Direction and extent of any motion not rectlinear
(n.) Direction or departure of a curve, a road, an arch, or the like, away from a rectlinear line.
(n.) One who sweeps
(n.) A movable templet for making molds, in loam molding.
(n.) The mold of a ship when she begins to curve in at the rungheads
(n.) A large oar used in small vessels, partly to propel them and partly to steer them.
(n.) The almond furnace.
(n.) A long pole, or piece of timber, moved on a horizontal fulcrum fixed to a tall post and used to raise and lower a bucket in a well for drawing water.
(n.) In the game of casino, a pairing or combining of all the cards on the board, and so removing them all
(n.) The sweeping of workshops where precious metals are worked, containing filings, etc.
(n.) A bow-saw.

speed of sweep Bedeutung

change-of-pace ball
off-speed pitch
a baseball thrown with little velocity when the batter is expecting a fastball
changing location rapidly
sweep a movement in an arc, a sweep of his arm
speed skating competitive skating on speed skates (usually around an oval course)
end run
(American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running around the end of the line
pep pill
upper speed
a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite, used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression
speed bump a hindrance to speeding created by a crosswise ridge in the surface of a roadway
speed indicator
a meter fixed to a vehicle that measures and displays its speed
speed skate
racing skate
an ice skate with a long blade, worn for racing
sweep oar
a long oar used in an open boat
sweep hand
a second hand that is mounted on the same center as the hour and minute hand and is read on the minutes
a rate (usually rapid) at which something happens, the project advanced with gratifying speed
execution speed (computer science) the speed with which a computational device can execute instructions, measured in MIPS
a wide scope, the sweep of the plains
speed trap a trap arranged on a roadway for catching speeders
speed limit regulation establishing the top speed permitted on a given road
winning all or all but one of the tricks in bridge
someone who cleans soot from chimneys
motorcycle cop
motorcycle policeman
speed cop
a policeman who rides a motorcycle (and who checks the speeds of motorists)
speed demon
a driver who exceeds the safe speed limit
speed freak addict who habitually uses stimulant drugs (especially amphetamines)
speed skater
an ice-skater who races competitively, usually around an oval course
focal ratio
f number
stop number
the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of a (camera) lens system
high-speed steel
hot-work steel
an alloy steel that remains hard at a red heat, used to make metalutting tools
distance travelled per unit time
speed of light
light speed
the speed at which light travels in a vacuum, the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly ,, meters per second
speed up
move faster, The car accelerated
accelerate speed speed up cause to move faster, He accelerated the car
adopt sweep up
take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own, She embraced Catholicism, They adopted the Jewish faith
sweep win an overwhelming victory in or on, Her new show dog swept all championships
sweep with a broom or as if with a broom, Sweep the crumbs off the table, Sweep under the bed
sweep clean by sweeping, Please sweep the floor
sweep swing out
make a big sweeping gesture or movement
wipe out
sweep away
eliminate completely and without a trace, The old values have been wiped out
sweep away
sweep off
overwhelm emotionally, Her swept her away
sweep over
overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions, The diva swept into the room, Shreds of paper sailed through the air, The searchlights swept across the sky
sweep across or over, Her long skirt brushed the floor, A gasp swept cross the audience
speed skate race on skates
travel rapidly
move very fast, The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed
speed travel at an excessive or illegal velocity, I got a ticket for speeding
c rush
speed race
pelt along
rush along
cannonball along
bucket along
belt along
step on it
move fast, He rushed down the hall to receive his guests, The cars raced down the street
sweep under the rug to conceal something in the hopes it won't be discovered by others, The president tried to sweep the embarrassing incident under the rug
breeze through
pass with flying colors
sweep through
sail through
succeed at easily, She sailed through her exams, You will pass with flying colors, She nailed her astrophysics course
sweep up
drag in
force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action, They were swept up by the events, don't drag me into this business
to cover or extend over an area or time period, Rivers traverse the valley floor, The parking lot spans acres, The novel spans three centuries
sweep cover the entire range of
high-speed high-velocity operating at high speed, a high-speed food processor, a high-velocity shell
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