
E Mail Account Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

email account
E-Mail f, n, E-Post f, elektronische Post f
unerwünschte E-Mail
email, e-mail, electronic mail
junk mail
E-Mail-Adresse f
E-Mail-Adressen pl
email address, e-mail address
email addresses, e-mail addresses
jdm. unerwünschte E-Mail zusenden
to spam sb.
Verteilerliste f für Post oder E-Mail
mailing list
email account
Anhang m; Attachment n; Anlage f comp.
Anhänge pl; Attachments pl; Anlagen pl
Diese E-Mail hat zwei Dateianhänge.
attachment Attm
This e-mail has two file attachments.
Blindkopie f (E-Mail-Adressierung)
blind carbon copy BCC (e-mail addressing)
E-Mail f n; Mail f n; E-Post f; elektronische Post f
unerwünschte E-Mail
unerwünschte Werbe-E-Mail
eine E-Mail senden versenden
Den Bezugsquellennachweis erhalten sie entweder per E-Mail per Fax oder über unsere Homepage.
email; e-mail; electronic mail
junk mail
unsolicited commercial e-mail comp. UCE
to send an email
The list of suppliers can be received either by via e-mail facsimile or via our website.
E-Mail-Adresse f
E-Mail-Adressen pl
email address; e-mail address
email addresses; e-mail addresses
E-Mail-Konto n comp.
ein E-Mail-Konto einrichten
email account
to create set up an e-mail account
Siegeszug m
Siegeszüge pl
Ende der 1960er Jahre begann dann der Siegeszug der E-Mail.
triumphant advance; triumphant success
triumphant advances; triumphant successes
At the end of the sixties e-mail then began its triumphant advance.
Verteilerliste f für Post oder E-Mail
Verteilerlisten pl für Post oder E-Mail
mailing list
mailing lists
sich von einem Online-Dienst abmelden comp.
sich von einem E-Mail-Mitteilungsdienst abmelden
to unsubscribe from an online service
to unsubscribe from an e-mail news service
etw. tun wollen; etw. beabsichtigen v
Sie wollte nur helfen.
Ich wollte niemanden beleidigen.
Wolltest du wirklich deine E-Mail-Adresse als Benutzernamen nehmen?
to mean to do sth. {meant; meant}
She only meant to help.
I didn't mean to offend anyone.
Did you really mean to use your email address as a user name?
etw. einer Sache beifügen; beilegen zufügen v
beifügend; beilegend; zufügend
beigefügt; beigelegt; zugefügt
eine Datei einer E-Mail anhängen
In der Anlage übersenden wir Ihnen ...
to attach sth. to sth.
to attach a file to an e-mail
Attached please find ...
dafür adv (für diesen Zweck)
Dafür ist diese E-Mail.
Man benötigt dafür einen Holzpflock und ein Rohr.
for it; for this; for that; therefor
That's what this email is for.
For this use a wooden stake and a tube are required.
eigentlich; wenn ich's mir recht überlege; wenn man es recht bedenkt adv
Ja also eigentlich ...
Wir könnten sie eigentlich dieses Wochenende besuchen.
Das ist eigentlich keine Ãœberraschung.
Das Essen war eigentlich gar nicht so teuer.
Du könntest eigentlich den Rasen mähen.
Wir könnten doch eigentlich deinen Chef bitten eine E-Mail zu verschicken in der Freiwillige gesucht werden.
Ich bin eigentlich ganz froh dass es so gekommen ist.
Es ist eigentlich ein Jammer dass er dort sein Talent vergeudet.
Wenn ich mir's recht überlege ...; Wenn ich's recht bedenke ... poet.
actually; come to think of it; when you think about it
Well actually ...
Actually we could go and see her this weekend.
Actually that's no surprise.; That's no surprise actually.
The food was not actually all that expensive.
Come to think of it you could mow the lawn.
Come to think of it we could ask your boss to send out an e-mail seeking volunteers.
Come to think of it I'm quite happy that it turned out like this.
When you think about it it's really a shame he is wasting his talent there.
When I come to think of about it ...
sich auf etw. freuen v
sich freuend
sich gefreut
Ich freue mich schon aufs Wochenende.
Ich freue mich Dich bald wieder zu sehen.
Meine Schwester sagt sie freut sich schon darauf dich kennenzulernen.
Ich freue mich (darauf) bald von Ihnen zu hören. (Briefschluss)
Ich freue mich auf Ihre nächste E-Mail.
Ich freue mich sehr auf ein baldiges Treffen mit Ihnen.; Ich freue mich sehr Sie bald zu treffen.
to look forward to sth.
looking forward
looked forward
I'm really looking forward to the weekend.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
My sister says she's looking forward to meeting you.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. (letter closing line)
I'm looking forward to your next email.
I very much look forward to meeting you soon.
jdm. etw. nachsenden; etw. an jdn. weiterleiten v adm.
nachsendend; an weiterleitend
nachgesendet; an weitergeleitet
sendet nach; leitet weiter
sendete nach; leitete weiter
Bitte nachsenden!
Ich werde deine Ihre E-Mail an ... weiterleiten.
to forward sth. to sb.
forwarding to
forwarded to
Please forward!
I'll forward your e-mail to ...
per; via prp; +Akk.
per E-Mail gesendet
sent via e-mail
(ein Fenster eine E-Mail) wegklicken v comp.
to click away (a window; an e-mail)
clicking away
clicked away
zuletzt; als Letztes adv
ganz zuletzt
Das ist die E-Mail die ich zuletzt geschrieben habe.
Sie ist immer die Letzte.; Sie kommt immer als Letzte.
Wir sind als Letzte bedient worden.
Mein Zimmer räume ich zuletzt auf.
Du hast den PC zuletzt benutzt.
Ich wollte mir diese Frage für zuletzt aufheben.
Der brave Mann denkt an sich selbst zuletzt.
Wer zuletzt lacht lacht am besten. Sprw.
last of all
This is the e-mail I wrote last.
She is always last.
We were served last.; They served us last.
My room I'll clean up last.
You were the last person to use this PC.
I wanted to keep this question until last.
A good man thinks of himself last.
He who laughs last laughs longest best. Br.; He laughs best who laughs last. Am.
Direktmailing n (Werbung bei der Zielgruppe über Postweg und per E-Mail) econ.
direct mailing
Direktwerbung f econ.
Direktwerbung f (über Postweg und E-Mail)
direct advertising; direct marketing
direct mailing
(jdm.) etw. mailen; (jdm.) etw. in einer E-Mail schicken
to email e-mail (sb.) sth.; to email e-mail sth. (to sb.)
Account m; Nutzerkonto n
(user) account
Anhang m; Anlage f (mit einem Nachrichtentext mitgesendete Datei) comp.
Anhänge pl; Anlagen pl
E-Mail-Anhang m
Diese E-Mail hat zwei Dateianhänge.
attachment attm. (computer file appended to a message text)
e-mail attachement
This e-mail has two file attachments.
Blindkopie f (E-Mail-Adressierung)
blind carbon copy BCC (e-mail addressing)
E-Mail-Adresse f
E-Mail-Adressen pl
eine fremde E-Mail-Adresse für Fakemails missbrauchen
email address; e-mail address
email addresses; e-mail addresses
to spoof another person's e-mail address
Flut f; Schwall m (von etw.) übtr.
eine Flut von Anrufen Beschwerden
eine Flut aufgebrachter Fragen; ein Schwall aufgebrachter Fragen
ein Wortschwall; ein Redeschwall
die E-Mail-Flut eindämmen
Sein Vorschlag wurde mit einer Flut von Kritik quittiert.
deluge (of sth.); torrent (of sth.); torrents (of sth.); volley (of utterances)
a deluge of calls complaints; torrents of calls complaints
a volley of angry questions
a torrent of words; a volley of words
to reduce the torrent of e-mails the torrents of e-mail
His proposal was met with a volley of criticism(s).
elektronische Nachricht f; E-Mail-Nachricht f; E-Mail f,n; Mail f,n comp.
monatliche Rundmail
unerwünschte Werbemails
eine E-Mail versenden erhalten
E-Mails von Kunden
Rückmeldungen in Form von E-Mails
E-Mails (unerkannt im Internet) mitlesen
electronic message; e-mail message; e-mail; email
monthly e-mail circular
junk mail; unsolicited commercial e-mail UCE
to send receive an e-mail
e-mails from customers
feedback in the form of emails
to eavesdrop on email conversations
Netzwerkserver m; Server m; Dienstleistungsrechner m (Rechner oder Peripheriegerät in einem Netzwerk mit einer zentralen Funktion für die Arbeitsplatzrechner) comp.
Netzwerkserver pl; Server pl; Dienstleistungsrechner pl
Anwendungsserver m
Dateiserver m; Fileserver m
E-Mail-Server m; Mailserver m
Newsserver m
Spiegelserver m
Terminalserver m
Webserver m
sekundärer Server
network server; computer server; server (computer or peripheral in a network which performs a central function for the workstations)
network servers; computer servers; servers
application server
file server
email server; mail server
news server
mirror server
terminal server
web server
secondary server
elektronische Post f; E-Post f; E-Mail f (Nachrichtensystem) comp.
E-Mail haben
Den Bezugsquellennachweis erhalten sie entweder per E-Mail, per Fax oder über unsere Homepage.
electronic mail; e-mail; email (messaging system)
to have email; to be on e-mail
The list of suppliers can be received either by via e-mail, facsimile, or via our website.
Postfach n comp.
Postfächer pl
E-Mail-Postfach n
Gruppenpostfach n
e-mail box; e-mail inbox
group mailbox
Siegeszug m
Siegeszüge pl
Ende der 1960er Jahre begann dann der Siegeszug der E-Mail.
triumphant advance; triumphant success
triumphant advances; triumphant successes
At the end of the sixties, e-mail then began its triumphant advance.
schriftliche Unterhaltung f; Unterhaltung f comp.
Chat-Unterhaltung f
E-Mail-Unterhaltung f
written conversation; conversation
chat conversation
e-mail conversation
Verschleierung f comp.
Verschleierung von E-Mail-Adressen
address munging
Versenden n von Fakemails unter fremden Namen E-Mail-Adressen comp.
sich von einem Online-Dienst abmelden v comp.
sich von einem E-Mail-Mitteilungsdienst abmelden
Sie haben jederzeit die Möglichkeit, diesen Newsletter abzubestellen.
to unsubscribe from an online service
to unsubscribe from an e-mail news service
You have always the possibility to unsubscribe from this newsletter.
jdn. anreden; ansprechen; anschreiben v (mit) soc.
anredend; ansprechend; anschreibend
angeredet; angesprochen; angeschrieben
Obwohl er ihnen seinen Vornamen nannte, redeten sie ihn weiterhin mit „Herr Doktor“ an.
In der deutschen Armee wurden vorgesetzte Offiziere früher in der dritten Person angesprochen, z. B. mit „Herr Major hat absolut recht“.
Ich stand neben ihm und er sprach mich in der dritten Person an, so als wäre ich gar nicht da.
Beim E-Mail-Marketing sollte der Empfänger als Person mit Namen angeschrieben werden.
to address sb. (as)
Although he told them his first name, they continued to address him as "Doctor".
In the German army, superior officers used to be addressed in the third person, for instance, as 'Herr Major is absolutely right.'
I was standing next to him and he addressed me in the third person as if I wasn't even there.
In e-mail marketing, the recipient should be addressed as an individual with his own name.
antworten; erwidern; entgegnen v (auf etw.)
antwortend; erwidernd; entgegnend
geantwortet; erwidert; entgegnet
antwortet; erwidert; entgegnet
antwortete; erwiderte; entgegnete
eine Antwort geben
Auf meine Frage erwiderte er …
Sie wusste nicht, was sie darauf erwidern sollte.
Ich brachte ihn nicht dazu, mir zu antworten.
Bitte antworten Sie nicht auf diese E-Mail.
Ich antworte nur, wenn ich gefragt werde.
Alina wollte eine Antwort geben, aber Cato kam ihr zuvor.
to answer; to reply; to respond (to sth.)
answering; replying; responding
answered; replied; responded
answers; replies; responds
answered; replied; responded
to say something in response
In reply to my question he said …
She didn't know what to answer reply respond.
I could not get him to respond to my words.
Please do not reply to this email.
I only answer when I'm asked.
Alina was about to say something in response, but Cato spoke first.
etw. einer Sache beifügen; beilegen, zufügen v
beifügend; beilegend; zufügend
beigefügt; beigelegt; zugefügt
eine Datei einer E-Mail anhängen
In der Anlage übersenden wir Ihnen …
to attach sth. to sth.
to attach a file to an e-mail
Attached please find …
dafür adv (für diesen Zweck)
Dafür ist diese E-Mail.
Man benötigt dafür einen Holzpflock und ein Rohr.
for it; for this; for that; therefor archaic
That's what this email is for.
For this use, a wooden stake and a tube are required.
eigentlich; wenn ich's mir recht überlege; wenn man es recht bedenkt adv
Ja, also eigentlich …
Wir könnten sie eigentlich dieses Wochenende besuchen.
Das ist eigentlich keine Ãœberraschung.
Das Essen war eigentlich gar nicht so teuer.
Du könntest eigentlich den Rasen mähen.
Wir könnten doch eigentlich deinen Chef bitten, eine E-Mail zu verschicken, dass Freiwillige gesucht werden.
Ich bin eigentlich ganz froh, dass es so gekommen ist.
Es ist eigentlich ein Jammer, dass er dort sein Talent vergeudet.
Wenn ich mir's recht überlege …; Wenn ich's recht bedenke … poet.
actually; come to think of it; when you think about it
Well, actually …
Actually we could go and see her this weekend.
Actually, that's no surprise.; That's no surprise, actually.
The food was not actually all that expensive.
Come to think of it, you could mow the lawn.
Come to think of it, we could ask your boss to send out an e-mail seeking volunteers.
Come to think of it, I'm quite happy that it turned out like this.
When you think about it, it's really a shame he is wasting his talent there.
When I come to think of about it …
elektronisches Rundschreiben n; E-Mail-Rundschreiben n
email circular; mail circular
jdn. erreichen; jdn. erwischen ugs. v soc.
Leider konnte ich Sie heute vormittag telefonisch nicht erreichen, weshalb ich mich mit einer E-Mail an Sie wende.
to get hold of sb.
I tried to call you this morning but wasn't able to get hold of you, so I'm emailing instead sending this email instead.
jdm. etw. nachsenden; etw. an jdn. weiterleiten v adm.
nachsendend; an weiterleitend
nachgesendet; nachgesandt; an weitergeleitet
sendet nach; leitet weiter
sendete nach; sandte nach; leitete weiter
Bitte nachsenden!
Ich werde deine Ihre E-Mail an … weiterleiten.
to forward sth. to sb.
forwarding to
forwarded to
Please forward!
I'll forward your e-mail to …
schon adv (in Fragesätzen)
Bist du schon fertig?
Ist die E-Mail schon gekommen?
Ist er schon gegangen?
Ist es schon Zeit zu gehen? – Nein, noch nicht.
Du willst uns doch nicht schon verlassen?
yet (in interrogation sentences)
Have you finished yet?
Has the e-mail arrived yet?
Has he left yet?
Is it time to go yet? – No, not yet.
You're not going to leave us yet?
(ein Fenster, eine E-Mail) wegklicken v comp.
to click away (a window; an e-mail)
clicking away
clicked away
zuletzt; als Letztes adv
ganz zuletzt
Das ist die E-Mail, die ich zuletzt geschrieben habe.
Sie ist immer die Letzte.; Sie kommt immer als Letzte.
Wir sind als Letzte bedient worden.
Mein Zimmer räume ich zuletzt auf.
Du hast den PC zuletzt benutzt.
Ich wollte mir diese Frage für zuletzt aufheben.
Der brave Mann denkt an sich selbst zuletzt.
Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am besten. Sprw.
last of all
This is the e-mail I wrote last.
She is always last.
We were served last.; They served us last.
My room I'll clean up last.
You were the last person to use this PC.
I wanted to keep this question until last.
A good man thinks of himself last.
He who laughs last, laughs longest best. Br.; He laughs best who laughs last. Am.
mit etw. nicht zurückhalten; mit etw. nicht geizen v; etw. rückhaltlos schonungslos ungeschminkt ungeschönt tun v
mit Kritik an etw. nicht zurückhalten
The account is unsparing in its honesty.
to be unsparing of sth.; to be unstinting in sth.
to be unsparing in your criticism of sth.
Der Bericht ist schonungslos ehrlich.
(jdm.) etw. mailen; (jdm.) etw. in einer E-Mail schicken v
to email e-mail (sb.) sth.; to email e-mail sth. (to sb.)

Deutsche E Mail Account Synonyme

E-Mail  ÂE-Mail-Dienst  Âelektronische  Post  ÂEmail  
E-Mail  ÂE-Mail-Nachricht  Âelektronischer  Brief  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMail  (umgangssprachlich)  
Account  ÂBenutzerkonto  
E-Mail-Server  ÂMailserver  
Account  Benutzerkonto  
E-Mail-Server  Mailserver  
E-Mail  E-Mail-Dienst  elektronische Post  
E-Mail  E-Mail-Nachricht  elektronischer Brief (umgangssprachlich)  Mail (umgangssprachlich)  
account for  accredit with  accrete to  acknowledge  allegorize  apply to  ascribe to  assign to  attach to  attribute to  
account  a reckoning of  account current  account for  account of  account rendered  account stated  accounting  accounts  acquaintance  
checking account  Swiss bank account  account  assets  balance  bank account  bank balance  bottom dollar  budget  cash reserves  
mail coach  autobus  bus  cab  carrier  carrier pigeon  chartered bus  diligence  double-decker  hack  
mail order house  boutique  chain store  co-op  concession  cooperative  countinghouse  country store  department store  dime store  
mail  PP  RD  RFD  air-express  airfreight  airmail  armature  armor  armor plate  
no account  NG  cheap  featherweight  forceless  good-for-naught  good-for-nothing  impotent  ineffective  ineffectual  
on account of  after  because of  by reason of  by virtue of  considering  due to  for  in aid of  in behalf of  
take into account  admit  admit exceptions  allow  allow for  assimilate  bear in mind  complete  comprehend  comprise  

Englische email account Synonyme

E Mail Account Definition

(n.) A reckoning
(n.) A registry of pecuniary transactions
(n.) A statement in general of reasons, causes, grounds, etc., explanatory of some event
(n.) A statement of facts or occurrences
(n.) A statement and explanation or vindication of one's conduct with reference to judgment thereon.
(n.) An estimate or estimation
(n.) Importance
(v. t.) To reckon
(v. t.) To place to one's account
(v. t.) To value, estimate, or hold in opinion
(v. t.) To recount
(v. i.) To render or receive an account or relation of particulars
(v. i.) To render an account
(v. i.) To give a satisfactory reason
Account book
() A book in which accounts are kept.

email account Bedeutung

account the quality of taking advantage, she turned her writing skills to good account
account importance or value, a person of considerable account, he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance
theoretical account
a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process, the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
individual retirement account
a retirement plan that allows you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward your retirement, taxes on the interest earned in the account are deferred
electronic mail
(computer science) a system of world-wide electronic communication in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that can be regenerated at the recipient's terminal when the recipient logs in, you cannot send packages by electronic mail
written record
written account
a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events
a record or narrative description of past events, a history of France, he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president, the story of exposure to lead
bill account invoice an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered, he paid his bill and left, send me an account of what I owe
open account an unpaid credit order
short account the aggregate of short sales on an open market
news report
story account write up
a short account of the news, the report of his speech, the story was on the o'clock news, the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious
a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc., the explanation was very simple, I expected a brief account
report account the act of informing by verbal report, he heard reports that they were causing trouble, by all accounts they were a happy couple
grounds, don't do it on my account, the paper was rejected on account of its length, he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful
account executive
account representative
registered representative
customer's broker
customer's man
someone in charge of a client's account for an advertising agency or brokerage or other service business
an idle worthless person
brokerage account a fund that a customer has entrusted to a securities brokerage, you can't get a brokerage account unless you have $,
cash account an account with a securities brokerage whose transactions are settled on a cash basis
custodial account a brokerage firm account that parents have created for a minor
margin account an account with a securities brokerage in which the broker extends credit
account accounting
account statement
a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance, they send me an accounting every month
capital account (finance) an account of the net value of a business at a specified date
capital account (economics) that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's outflow and inflow of financial securities
bank account a fund that a customer has entrusted to a bank and from which the customer can make withdrawals, he moved his bank account to a new bank
giro account an account at a post office that can be used in similar ways to an account at a bank
savings account trust
savings bank trust
trust account
trustee account
Totten trust
a savings account deposited by someone who makes themselves the trustee for a beneficiary and who controls it during their lifetime, afterward the balance is payable to the previously named beneficiary
checking account
chequing account
current account
a bank account against which the depositor can draw checks that are payable on demand
savings account a bank account that accumulates interest
time deposit account
deposit account
a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest
dormant account a savings account showing no activity (other than posting interest) for some specified period, the dormant account reverted to the state under escheat laws
passbook savings account a savings account in which deposits and withdrawals are recorded in the depositor's passbook
reserve account
reserve fund
funds taken out of earnings to provide for anticipated future payments
valuation reserve
valuation account
allowance allowance account
a reserve fund created by a charge against profits in order to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets
open-end credit
revolving credit
charge account credit
a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time
credit account
charge account
open account
credit extended by a business to a customer
revolving charge account a charge account that does not have to be paid to zero balance
account book
book of account
a record in which commercial accounts are recorded, they got a subpoena to examine our books
control account an account that shows totals of amounts entered in a subsidiary ledger
profit and loss
profit and loss account
an account compiled at the end of an accounting period to show gross and net profit or loss
suspense account an account used temporarily to carry doubtful receipts and disbursements or discrepancies pending their analysis and permanent classification
current account that part of the balance of payments recording a nation's exports and imports of goods and services and transfer payments
audited account
an inspection of the accounting procedures and records by a trained accountant or CPA
expense account
travel and entertainment account
an account to which salespersons or executives can charge travel and entertainment expenses
business relationship
a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services, he asked to see the executive who handled his account
short account a brokerage account of someone who sells short (sells securities he does not own)
account payable
a liability account showing how much is owed for goods and services purchased on credit, the problem was to match receivables and payables in the same currency
take account c
be fully aware of, realize fully, Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?
take into account
allow or plan for a certain possibility, concede the truth or validity of something, I allow for this possibility, The seamstress planned for % shrinkage after the first wash
answer for
furnish a justifying analysis or explanation, I can't account for the missing money
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