
Eigenkapitalagentur Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Eigenkapitalagentur f fin. econ.
equity capital agency
Eigenkapitalagentur f fin. econ.
equity capital agency
net worth
Berichtigungsposten m zum Eigenkapital
adjustments to catipal account
Eigenkapital n econ.
equity, equity capital
Eigenkapital n
own capital
Verhältnis von Fremd- zu Eigenkapital econ.
leverage, gearing
Verhältnis zwischen Fremdkapital und Eigenkapital
debt-equity ratio
own capital
Berichtigungsposten m zum Eigenkapital
adjustments to capital account
Eigenkapital n (eines Unternehmens) econ.
haftendes Eigenkapital
primäres Eigenkapital
Eigen- oder Fremdkapital
Verhältnis zwischen Fremdkapital und Eigenkapital
(shareholder's Br. stockholder's Am.) equity; equity capital; proprietary capital Am. (of an enterprise)
liable equity capital; liable capital
primary capital
capital owned or borrowed; debt or equity
debt-equity ratio
Eigenkapital n (Bilanz) econ. adm.
capital ownership; net worth (balance sheet) Am.
Eigenmittel pl; eigene Mittel pl; Eigenkapital n fin.
Eigenmittel beim Bausparen
Eigenmittel eines Unternehmens
Eigenmittelausstattung eines Unternehmens
one's own resources funds capital
capital funds
capital and reserves
an enterprise's provision with capital and reserves
Verhältnis von Fremd- zu Eigenkapital econ.
leverage; gearing
Neubewertungsrücklage f; ergebnisneutrales Einkommen; kumuliertes übriges Eigenkapital fin.
other comprehensive income OCI
Verhältnis n von Fremd- zu Eigenkapital econ.
leverage; gearing
Kapitalertrag m; Ertrag m; Rendite f; Kapitalrentabilität f econ. fin.
Kapitalerträge pl; Erträge pl; Renditen pl; Kapitalrentabilitäten pl
Ertrag aus Aktien
Ertrag aus Wertpapieren; Wertpapierrendite
Gesamtkapitalrentabilität; Verhältnis von Aktiva zu Ertrag
Ertrag aus dem Eigenkapital; Rendite des Eigenkapitals
Ertrag aus Kapitalanlage; Kapitalrendite f; Anlagenrendite f; Rendite
Gesamtkapitalrendite f
sich rentieren; Gewinn bringen
für eine Kapitalanlage eine gute Rendite bekommen
capital yield; yield on capital; yield; return; returns
capital yields; yield on capitals; yields; returns; returnses
yield return on shares Br.; yield return on stock Am.
yield on securities; return on securities
returns on assets
return on equity
yield on invested funds; return on capital employed; return of investment ROI
overall return
to bring a return; to yield a return
to get a good return on an investment
Neubewertungsrücklage f; ergebnisneutrales Einkommen; kumuliertes übriges Eigenkapital fin.
other comprehensive income OCI
Eigenkapitalagentur f fin. econ.
equity capital agency
zusätzliche Eigenkapitalanforderungen pl für weltweit tätige, systemrelevante Banken (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
capital surcharge for global systemically important banks (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Rücklagenfonds m; Rücklage f; Reserve f (vorgeschriebener Eigenkapitalanteil für unvorhergesehene Verbindlichkeiten) econ.
Ersatzbeschaffungsrücklage f
gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Rücklagen; gesetzliche Rücklagen
Investitionsrücklage f
Reinvestitionsrücklage f
offene Rücklagen; in der Jahresbilanz ausgewiesene Rücklagen
satzungsgemäße Rücklagen; statutarischer Rücklagenfonds
Sonderrücklage f; Gewinnrücklage f
stille Rücklagen; stille Reserven
stille Rücklagen im Grundbesitz
umwandlungsfähige Rücklagen
zweckgebundene Rücklagen; gebundene Rücklagen
Rücklage für dringende Fälle
Rücklage für Verbindlichkeiten
Rücklage für Lagerwertminderungen
Rücklage für unvorhergesehene Ausgaben
als Rücklage ausgewiesene Beträge
seine Rücklagen auflösen
eine Rücklage bilden; einen Rücklagenfond einrichten
die Bildung von Rücklagen
Rücklagenfonds zur Tilgung von Vorzugsaktien
reserve fund; reserve (prescribed share of equity capital set aside for unforeseen liabilities)
replacement reserve
statutory reserves
investment reserve
reinvestment reserve
open reserves; disclosed reserves
reserve fund provided for by the articles of association
surplus reserve
hidden reserves; secret reserves, undisclosed reserves
hidden property reserves
convertible reserves
appropriated reserves
emergency reserve
liability reserve
inventory reserve
contingency reserve
amounts shown as reserves
to dissolve your reserves
to create a reserve; to set up a reserve fund
the creation of reserves
capital redemption reserve fund
Eigenkapitalausstattung f econ.
angemessene Eigenkapitalausstattung
solide Eigenkapitalausstattung
equity base
capital adequacy
solid equity base; sound equity base; solid equity position
Kapitalunterlegung f; Eigenkapitalbindung f fin.
capital backing
Eigenkapitaldecke f econ.
equity position
Kapitalbeteiligung f; Eigenkapitalinvestition f; Eigenkapitaleinsatz m econ.
equity investment; capital participation; capital investment
Mezzanin-Finanzierung f; ungesicherte Restfinanierung f (Mischung zw. Fremd- und Eigenkapitalfinanzierung) fin.
mezzanine financing Br.
Mezzanin-Finanzierung f; ungesicherte Restfinanzierung f (Mischung zw. Fremd- und Eigenkapitalfinanzierung) fin.
mezzanine financing Br.
Eigenkapitalgeber m econ.
Eigenkapitalgeber pl
equity supplier
equity suppliers
Eigenkapitalinstrument n fin.
Eigenkapitalinstrumente pl
equity instrument
equity instruments
Eigenkapitalkonto n fin.
Eigenkapitalkonten pl
proprietary account Am.
proprietary accounts
Eigenkapitalkosten pl econ.
cost of equity
Kapitalkosten pl econ.
Eigenkapitalkosten pl
Fremdkapitalkosten pl
capital costs; cost of capital
cost of equity
cost of debt; borrowing cost
Eigenkapitalquote f econ.
equity ratio
Eigenkapitalquote f econ.
capital ratio; equity ratio
Eigenkapitalregeln pl fin. pol.
capital requirements
Eigenkapitalrendite f econ.
return on equity
Eigenkapitalrentabilität f EKR ; Eigenkapitalrendite f fin.
Erhöhung der Eigenkapitalrentabilität durch Begebung von Werktpapieren fin.
return on equity ROE ; return on average common equity ROACE
leverage earnings
Eigenkapitalrentabilität f EKR ; Eigenkapitalrendite f fin.
Erhöhung der Eigenkapitalrentabilität durch Begebung von Werktpapieren fin.
return on equity ROE ; return on average common equity ROACE
leverage earnings
Ersetzen n des Eigenkapitals durch Fremdkapital fin.
leveraged recapitalization
Eigenkapitalstandards pl für Banken fin.
bank capital rules
Eigenkapitalüberdeckung f econ.
debt-to-equity ratio
Eigenkapitaluntergrenze f fin.
capital floor; equity floor
Eigenkapitalzuwachs m aus sonstigen Quellen econ.
additional paid in capital

Deutsche Eigenkapitalagentur Synonyme

Englische equity capital agency Synonyme

equity  Code Napoleon  Corpus Juris Canonici  Napoleonic code  Roman law  absolute interest  admiralty law  assessable stock  authorized capital stock  balance  benefit  blue chip  blue chip stock  blue law  body of law  borrowed stock  canon law  capital stock  capitulary  case law  chancery law  civil law  claim  code  code of laws  codification  coequality  coextension  commercial law  common  common law  common stock  compatibility  constitutional law  contingent interest  convertible preferred stock  corporate stock  corporation law  corpus juris  correlation  correspondence  criminal law  crown law  cumulative preferred stock  cyclical stock  decree law  defensibility  defensive stock  deferred stock  digest  digest of law  disinterest  disinterestedness  droit des gens  drumhead justice  dry law  dueness  easement  ecclesiastical law  eighth stock  equality  equation  equilibrium  equipoise  equipollence  equiponderance  equitable interest  equitableness  equities  equity security  equivalence  equivalency  estate  evenhandedness  evenness  exchangeability  fair play  fair-mindedness  fairness  fancies  floating stock  gag law  give-and-take  glamour issue  growth stock  guaranteed stock  high-flier  high-mindedness  holding  hot issue  hypothecated stock  identity  impartiality  inactive stock  income stock  interchangeability  interest  international law  issued capital stock  judiciousness  jus civile  jus commune  jus inter gentes  jus publicum  justice  justifiability  justifiableness  justification  justness  law merchant  lawfulness  legality  letter stock  levelness  lex domicilii  lex fori  lex loci  lex mercatorum  lex non scripta  lex scripta  lex situs  likeness  limitation  loaned stock  local law  long stock  martial law  measure for measure  meetness  nemesis  neutrality  nonassessable stock  nonvoting stock  objectivity  open-mindedness  ordinary shares  pale blue chip  pandect  par  parallelism  parity  part  participating preferred stock  pe  

Eigenkapitalagentur Definition

(n.) The faculty of acting or of exerting power
(n.) The office of an agent, or factor
(n.) The place of business of am agent.
(n.) Of or pertaining to the head.
(n.) Having reference to, or involving, the forfeiture of the head or life
(n.) First in importance
(n.) Chief, in a political sense, as being the seat of the general government of a state or nation
(n.) Of first rate quality
(n.) The head or uppermost member of a column, pilaster, etc. It consists generally of three parts, abacus, bell (or vase), and necking. See these terms, and Column.
(n.) The seat of government
(n.) Money, property, or stock employed in trade, manufactures, etc.
(a.) That portion of the produce of industry, which may be directly employed either to support human beings or to assist in production.
(a.) Anything which can be used to increase one's power or influence.
(a.) An imaginary line dividing a bastion, ravelin, or other work, into two equal parts.
(a.) A chapter, or section, of a book.
(a.) See Capital letter, under Capital, a.
(n.) Equality of rights
(n.) An equitable claim
(n.) A system of jurisprudence, supplemental to law, properly so called, and complemental of it.

equity capital agency Bedeutung

causal agent
causal agency
any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results
how a result is obtained or an end is achieved, a means of control, an example is the best agency of instruction, the true way to success
capital offense a crime so serious that capital punishment is considered appropriate
capital punishment
death penalty
putting a condemned person to death
the upper part of a column that supports the entablature
capital ship a warship of the first rank in size and armament
conformity with rules or standards, the judge recognized the fairness of my claim
capital letter
upperase letter
one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis, printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases, capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upperase letters
small capital
small cap
a character having the form of an upperase letter but the same height as lowerase letters
block letter
block capital
a plain hand-drawn letter
Das Kapital
a book written by Karl Marx () describing his economic theories
agency a business that serves other businesses
Environmental Protection Agency
an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
executive agency an agency of the executive branch of government
Federal Emergency Management Agency
an independent agency of the United States government that provides a single point of accountability for all federal emergency preparedness and mitigation and response activities
Central Intelligence Agency
an independent agency of the United States government responsible for collecting and coordinating intelligence and counterintelligence activities abroad in the national interest, headed by the Director of Central Intelligence under the supervision of the President and National Security Council
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense, responsible for developing new surveillance technologies since
Drug Enforcement Administration
Drug Enforcement Agency
federal agency responsible for enforcing laws and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances, goal is to immobilize drug trafficking organizations
Federal Aviation Agency
an agency in the Department of Transportation that is responsible for the safety of civilian aviation
United Nations agency
UN agency
an agency of the United Nations
International Atomic Energy Agency
the United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy
federal agency
government agency
office authority
an administrative unit of government, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Census Bureau, Office of Management and Budget, Tennessee Valley Authority
independent agency an agency of the United States government that is created by an act of Congress and is independent of the executive departments
intelligence service
intelligence agency
a unit responsible for gathering and interpreting information about an enemy
military intelligence
military intelligence agency
an agency of the armed forces that obtains and analyzes and uses information of strategic or tactical military value
United States intelligence agency an intelligence service in the United States
Defense Intelligence Agency
an intelligence agency of the United States in the Department of Defense, is responsible for providing intelligence in support of military planning and operations and weapons acquisition
Defense Logistics Agency a logistics combat support agency in the Department of Defense, provides worldwide support for military missions
international intelligence agency an intelligence agency outside the United States
international law enforcement agency an international administrative unit responsible for law enforcement
National Security Agency
the United States cryptologic organization that coordinates and directs highly specialized activities to protect United States information systems and to produce foreign intelligence information
law enforcement agency an agency responsible for insuring obedience to the laws
regulatory agency
regulatory authority
a governmental agency that regulates businesses in the public interest
advertising agency
ad agency
an agency that designs advertisement to call public attention to its clients
detective agency an agency that makes inquiries for its clients
employment agency
employment office
an agency that finds people to fill particular jobs or finds jobs for unemployed people
mercantile agency
commercial agency
an organization that provides businesses with credit ratings of other firms, Dun & Bradstreet is the largest mercantile agency in the United States
news agency
press agency
wire service
press association
news organization
news organisation
an agency to collects news reports for newspapers and distributes it electronically
service agency
service bureau
service firm
a business that makes its facilities available to others for a fee, achieves economy of scale
travel agency an agency that arranges personal travel
the federal government of the United States
Defense Information Systems Agency
a combat support agency in the Department of Defense responsible for developing and operating and supporting information systems to serve the needs of the President and the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
a combat support agency that provides geographic intelligence in support of national security
child welfare agency
child welfare service
an administrative unit responsible for social work concerned with the welfare and vocational training of children
Russian agency an administrative agency of the Russian government
capital a seat of government
capital a center that is associated more than any other with some activity or product, the crime capital of Italy, the drug capital of Columbia
national capital the capital city of a nation
provincial capital the capital city of a province
state capital the capital city of a political subdivision of a country
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