
Eigentumsurkunde Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Eigentumsurkunde f (Grundstück)
title of land, title deed
Eigentumsurkunde f (Grundstück)
title of land, title deed
das Eigentum an der Ware
the property in the goods
das Eigentum geht sofort über
the property passes at once
das Eigentum geht über auf
the property passes on to
eigen, Eigentum, besitzen
right of property
Eigentum an einer Ware
property in goods
Eigentum an Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern
industrial property
Eigentum, Grundbesitz
gemeinsames Eigentum
joint property
persönliches Eigentum, Sachbesitz
personal property
rechtmäßiges Eigentum
rightful ownership
Rückgabe von Eigentum
restitution of property
scheinbares Eigentum
reputed ownership
uneingeschränktes Eigentum
absolute property
versicherbare Sache, versicherbares Eigentum
insurable property
Eigentum n, Besitz m, Grundbesitz m, Grundstück n
Eigentum n, Grundbesitze pl
geistiges Eigentum
gewerbliches Eigentum
Besitz erwerben, Eigentum erwerben
bewegliches Eigentum
unbewegliches Eigentum
unbelasteter Grundbesitz
unveräußerlicher Grundbesitz
intellectual property
industrial property
to acquire property
moveables, movable property
immoveables, real property
unencumbered property
entailed property
Eigentum n
Eigentum erwerben
Eigentum n
to acquire ownership of
absolute ownership
Eigentum n
Eigentum n, Besitz m, Besitztümer pl
persönliches Eigentum
personal estate
Eigentum n, Eigentumsrecht n
Eigentum n, Habseligkeiten pl
Liegenschaft f, Immobilie f, unbewegliches Eigentum
Liegenschaften pl, Immobilien pl
Mobilien pl, Mobiliar n, bewegliche Sachen, bewegliches Habe
bewegliches Eigentum
movables, chattels
goods and chattels
uneingeschränktes Eigentum
absolute title
Weltorganisation für Geistiges Eigentum
WIPO : World Intellectual Property Organization
absolute ownership
Eigentum erwerben
acquire ownership of
Besitz-, Eigentum erwerben
acquire property
Eigentum, Habseligkeiten
Eigentum, Grundbesitze
Eigenschaft, Eigentum, Besitz
Eigentum, Eigentumsrecht
Eigentum n; Besitz m; Grundbesitz m; Grundstück n
Eigentum n; Grundbesitze pl
geistiges Eigentum
gewerbliches Eigentum
gewerblich genutztes Grundstück
Besitz erwerben; Eigentum erwerben
bewegliches Eigentum
unbewegliches Eigentum
unbelasteter Grundbesitz
unveräußerlicher Grundbesitz
Eigentum an Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern
Eigentum an einer Ware
intellectual property IP
industrial property
income-producing property; income property
to acquire property
moveables; movable property
immoveables; real property
unencumbered property
entailed property
industrial property
property in goods
Eigentum n; Eigentumsrecht n (an etw.) jur.
Eigentum an Waren
Eigentumrecht an Grundbesitz
Eigentumsrecht an Bodenschätzen
title (to sth.)
title to goods
title to land
title to mineral resources
Eigentum n; Besitz m; Besitztümer pl
persönliches Eigentum
personal estate
Eigentum n; Eigentumsrecht n
Habe f; bewegliches Eigentum
Mobilien pl; Mobiliar n; bewegliche Sachen; bewegliches Habe
bewegliches Eigentum
persönliches Gut; bewegliches Gut; Hausrat
movables; chattels
goods and chattels
personal chattels
Rechtsanspruch m; Rechtstitel m (auf etw.) jur.
mangelhafter Rechtstitel
hinreichender Rechtstitel unbestreibares Eigentum
hinreichend berechtigt sein etw. zu tun
mit Mängeln behafteter Rechtstitel
ranghöhgeres Recht
Rechtstitel auf Grund gesetzlicher Erbfolge
Anschein eines Rechtsanspruchs
Gewährleistung wegen Rechtsmängeln
Anspruch auf eine Leistung
Klagerecht n des Klägers
title (to sth.)
bad title
good title; clear title
to have good title to do sth.
defective title; imperfect title
worthier title Am.
title by descent Am.
colour of title
warranty of title
title to a benefit
plaintiff's title
Rückgabe f; Herausgabe f; Rückerstattung f; Restitution f (von etw.)
Rückgabe von Eigentum
Rückgabe eines Gegenstands
restitution (of sth.)
restitution of property
restitution of an object
Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft FAO
Weltbank; Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO
Internationale Entwicklungsorganisation IDA
Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAD
Internationale Finanzkorporation IFC
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation IAO
Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation IMO
Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFU
Internationaler Währungsfonds IWF
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung Wissenschaft und Kultur UNESCO
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung UNIDO
Welttourismusorganisation UNWTO
Weltpostverein WPV
Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum WIPO
Weltorganisation für Meteorologie WMO
United Nations specialized agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Development Association IDA
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD
International Finance Corporation IFC
International Labour Organization ILO
International Maritime Organization IMO
International Telecommunication Union ITU
International Monetary Fund IMF
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Industrial Development Organizatio UNIDO
World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Universal Postal Union UPU
World Health Organization WHO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
World Meteorological Organization WMO
Staatseigentum n; öffentliches Eigentum n
public property
Ãœbertragung f (von Eigentum); Ãœbereignung f jur.
Ãœbertragung des Urheberrechts
Grundstückübertragung f
Eigentumsübertragung f
unentgeltliche Eigentumsübertragung (Schenkung)
Ãœbertragungsurkunde f
Konkursgläubiger durch Vermögensübertragung benachteiligen
conveyance; transfer; transference (of property)
conveyance of copyright
conveyance of land Br.
transfer conveyance of ownership property; transfer conveyance of title (to land)
voluntary conveyance
deed of conveyance
to make a fraudulent conveyance
Vermögen n; Guthaben n; Eigentum n fin.
immaterielles Vermögen
ausgewiesene Vermögenswerte
verwaltete Vermögen
Zuordnung der Vermögenswerte
intangible assets
admitted assets
assets under management AUM
appropriation of assets
Versicherung f für bewegliches Eigentum
jdm. gehören (jds. Eigentum sein) v
er sie es gehört
ich er sie es gehörte
er sie es hat hatte gehört
Das Geld gehört ihm.
Wem gehört diese Uhr?
Das Haus gehört nicht ihr alleine sondern auch ihrem Mann.
Alle Darbietungen waren gut aber der Abend gehörte einer Tanztruppe aus Brasilien.
to belong to sb. (to be owned by sb.)
he she it belongs
I he she it belonged
he she has had it belonged
The money belongs to him.
Who does this watch belong to?
The house belongs not just to her but to her husband as well.
All the acts were good but the evening belonged to a dance group from Brasil.
gesetzlich patentrechtlich urheberrechtlich geschützt; proprietär adj jur.
gesetzlich geschützter Name
rechtlich geschützte Marke
rechtlich geschützte Daten
proprietäre Software
rechtlich geschütztes gewerbliches Eigentum
proprietary name.
proprietary brand
proprietary data
proprietary software
industrial property of a proprietary nature
treuhänderischer Verwahrer m von fremden Eigentum jur.
Besitzergreifung f; (gewaltsame) Inbesitznahme f (von etw.)
Landnahme f
die Machtergreifung durch die Rebellen
Besetzung des Parlamentsgebäudes
Beschlagnahmung von Eigentum
Einnahme einer Stadt
Aufbringen eines Schiffs; Kapern eines Schiffes
widerrechtliche Inbesitznahme von Luftfahrzeugen
seizure (of sth.)
land seizure
the seizure of power by the rebels
seizure of the parliamentary building
seizure of property
seizure of a town
seizure of a ship
unlawful seizure of aircraft
Eigentum n; Besitz m; Grundbesitz m; Grundstück n
Eigentum n; Grundbesitze pl
Hausgrundstück n
Sondereigentum n
geistiges Eigentum
gewerbliches Eigentum
gewerblich genutztes Grundstück
Besitz erwerben; Eigentum erwerben
bewegliches Eigentum
unbelasteter Grundbesitz
ungestörte Nutzung seines Eigentums (Grundrecht)
unveräußerlicher Grundbesitz
Eigentum an Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern
Eigentum an einer Ware
property with house
special property
intellectual property IP
industrial property
income-producing property; income property
to acquire property
moveables; movable property
unencumbered property
peaceful enjoyment of your property (fundamental right)
entailed property
industrial property
property in goods
Eigentum n; Besitz m
Eigentum erwerben
Eigentum n
to acquire ownership of
absolute ownership
bewegliches Eigentum n; bewegliches Vermögen n; bewegliches Sachgut n jur.
bewegliches und unbewegliches Vermögen
movable property; movables; goods and chattels
mixed property; personal and real property; movables and immovables
unbewegliches Eigentum n jur.; unbewegliches Vermögen n jur.; unbewegliches Sachgut n jur.; Immobilien pl
Gewerbeimmobilien pl
Sondereigentum n
immoveable property; immovable property; immoveables; immovables; real property Br.; real estate Am.; reality Am.
commercial property
estate in severalty
Grundbesitz m (Eigentum an Liegenschaften) jur.
nicht verpachteter Grundbesitz
vom Eigentümer bewohnter Grundbesitz
real property; property; landed property; real estate Am.; landed estate Am.; realty Am.
land held in demesne; demesne
owner-occupied property
Grundstück n im Eigentum; Eigentumsgrundstück n; Grundeigentum n
rechtlich unbeschränktes Grundeigentum
zeitlich und erbrechtlich beschränktes oder unbeschränktes Grundeigentum
freehold property; freehold estate; freehold
freehold Br. (estate held in fee simple)
freehold tenancy; freehold Am. (estate held in fee simple or fee tail or for life)
Pauschalpolice f; Pauschalpolizze f Ös.; Abschreibepolice f; Abschreibepolizze f Ös.; offene Police f; offene Polizze f Ös.; laufende Police f; laufende Polizze f Ös. (Versicherungswesen)
Pauschalpolice über persönliches Eigentum über bewegliche Sachwerte
declaration policy; floating policy; floater Am. (insurance business)
personal property floater
Rechtsanspruch m; Anspruch m; Anrecht n; Rechtstitel m (auf etw.) jur.
mangelhafter Rechtstitel
hinreichender Rechtstitel unbestreitbares Eigentum
hinreichend berechtigt sein, etw. zu tun
mit Mängeln behafteter Rechtstitel
ranghöheres Recht
Rechtstitel auf Grund gesetzlicher Erbfolge
Anschein eines Rechtsanspruchs
Gewährleistung wegen Rechtsmängeln
Anspruch auf eine Leistung
Klagerecht n des Klägers
ein Anrecht auf etw. haben
entitlement; title (to sth.)
bad title
good title; clear title
to have good title to do sth.
defective title; imperfect title
worthier title Am.
title by descent Am.
colour of title
warranty of title
title to a benefit
plaintiff's title
to have title to sth.
Rückübertragung f (von Eigentum)
Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft FAO
Weltbank; Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO
Internationale Entwicklungsorganisation IDA
Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAD
Internationale Finanzkorporation IFC
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation IAO
Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation IMO
Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFU
Internationaler Währungsfonds IWF
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur UNESCO
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung UNIDO
Welttourismusorganisation UNWTO
Weltpostverein WPV
Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum WIPO
Weltorganisation für Meteorologie WMO
United Nations specialized agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Development Association IDA
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD
International Finance Corporation IFC
International Labour Organization ILO
International Maritime Organization IMO
International Telecommunication Union ITU
International Monetary Fund IMF
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Industrial Development Organizatio UNIDO
World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Universal Postal Union UPU
World Health Organization WHO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
World Meteorological Organization WMO
Vermögen n; Guthaben n; Eigentum n fin.
Barvermögen n
Geldvermögen n
Gesamtvermögen n
Nettovermögen n
ausgewiesene Vermögenswerte
eingefrorenes Guthaben
verwaltete Vermögen
Zuordnung der Vermögenswerte
cash assets; liquid assets
financial assets
total assets
net assets
admitted assets
frozen assets
assets under management AUM
appropriation of assets
(der Situation) angemessen; in vernünftigem Rahmen (nachgestellt); billig v veraltend adj
sich in angemessener Weise bemühen, die vereinbarten Lieferfristen einzuhalten
angemessene Gewalt anwenden, um sein Eigentum zu schützen
reasonable; within reason (postpositive)
to use reasonable efforts to meet the agreed delivery dates
to use reasonable force to protect your property
erbrechtliche Beschränkung f von Eigentum; Beschränkung f der Erbfolge bei Eigentum
Beschränkung der Erbfolge auf männliche Nachkommen
Beschränkung der Erbfolge auf weibliche Nachkommen
auf Nachkommen beschränktes Recht an Eigentum
nur beschränkt vererbbares Grundeigentum
Eigentümer, der durch Erbregelungen in seinen Rechten beschränkt ist
erbberechtigte Nachkommenschaft eines Eigentümers
male tail
female tail
interest in tail
estate in fee tail; estate in tail
tenant in tail
issue in tail
jdm. gehören (jds. Eigentum sein) v
er sie es gehört
ich er sie es gehörte
er sie es hat hatte gehört
Das Geld gehört ihm.
Wem gehört diese Uhr?; Wessen Uhr ist das? geh.; Wem seine Uhr ist das? Mitteldt. Süddt. Ös. ugs.; Wem ist diese Uhr? Mitteldt. Westdt. Schw. ugs.
Das Haus gehört nicht ihr alleine, sondern auch ihrem Mann.
Dieses Wörterbuch ist nicht meins. Es gehört meiner Schwester.
Alle Darbietungen waren gut, aber der Abend gehörte einer Tanztruppe aus Brasilien.
to belong to sb. (be the property of)
he she it belongs
I he she it belonged
he she has had it belonged
The money belongs to him.
Who does this watch belong to?; Whom does this watch belong to? Br.; To whom does this watch belong? formal; Whose watch is this?; Whose is this watch?
The house belongs not just to her, but to her husband as well.
This dictionary isn't mine. It's my sister's.
All the acts were good, but the evening belonged to a dance group from Brasil.
gesetzlich patentrechtlich urheberrechtlich geschützt; proprietär adj jur.
gesetzlich geschützter Name
markenrechtlich geschütztes Produkt
rechtlich geschützte Daten
proprietäre Software
rechtlich geschütztes gewerbliches Eigentum
proprietary name
proprietary product
proprietary data
proprietary software
industrial property of a proprietary nature
jdm. etw. übereignen; etw. als Eigentum auf jdn. übertragen v jur.
übereignend; als Eigentum übertragend
übereignet; als Eigentum übertragen
to transfer ownership of sth. to sb.; to transfer the title of sth. to sb.; to convey sth. to sb.; to give sb. the title of sth.
transferring ownership; transferring the title; conveying; giving the title
transferred ownership; transferred the title; conveyed; given the title

Deutsche Eigentumsurkunde Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Eigentumsurkunde Synonym nachschlagen

Englische title of land title deed Synonyme

title  absolute interest  acknowledgments  adverse possession  alodium  appellation  appellative  appurtenance  argument  authority  back  back matter  banner  banner head  baptize  bastard title  benefit  best seller  bibliography  binomen  binomial name  birthright  blood  book  bound book  bracket  branch  burgage  byword  call  caption  caste  catch line  catchword  category  championship  christen  claim  clan  class  classic  cognomen  colony  colophon  coloring book  common  conjugal right  contents  contents page  contingent interest  copyright page  crown  cryptonym  de facto  de jure  dedication  define  definitive work  demand  denominate  denomination  dependency  derivative title  desert  designate  designation  divine right  division  droit  drop head  dropline  dub  due  easement  empty title  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  entitle  entitlement  epigraph  epithet  eponym  equitable interest  equity  errata  estate  euonym  faculty  fee fief  fee position  fee simple  fee simple absolute  fee simple conditional  fee simple defeasible  fee simple determinable  fee tail  feodum  feud  fiefdom  flyleaf  folio  fore edge  foreword  frankalmoign  free socage  freehold  front matter  gavelkind  grade  great work  ground  group  grouping  half-title page  handle  hanger  hardback  having title to  head  head up  heading  headline  hold  holding  honorific  hyponym  identify  imprint  inalienable right  index  inscription  interest  introduction  jump head  justification  juvenile  juvenile book  kin  knight service  label  lay fee  leaf  lease  leasehold  legal claim  legal possession  legend  level  limitation  limp-cover book  magnum opus  makeup  mandate  moniker  motto  name  namesake  natural right  nickname  nomen  nomen nudum  nominate  nonbook  notebook  novel  occupancy  occupation  opus  opuscule  opusculum  order  original title  overline  ownership  owning  page  paperback  part  percentage  picture book  pigeonhole  playbook  pocket book  position  
title page  acknowledgments  back  back matter  banner  banner head  bastard title  bibliography  billhead  book stamp  bookplate  brand  broad arrow  cachet  caption  catch line  catchword  check  colophon  contents  contents page  copyright page  counterfoil  countermark  dedication  docket  drop head  dropline  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  epigraph  errata  flyleaf  folio  fore edge  foreword  front matter  government mark  government stamp  half-title page  hallmark  hanger  head  heading  headline  imprint  index  inscription  introduction  jump head  label  leaf  legend  letterhead  logo  logotype  makeup  masthead  motto  overline  page  plate  preface  preliminaries  price tag  recto  registered trademark  reverso  rubric  running head  running title  scarehead  screamer  seal  sigil  signature  signet  spread  spreadhead  stamp  sticker  streamer  stub  subhead  subheading  subtitle  superscription  table of contents  tag  tail  tally  text  ticket  title  token  trade name  trademark  trademark name  trim size  type page  verso  
titled  aristocratic  called  chivalrous  christened  denominate  denominated  designated  dubbed  ducal  exalted  genteel  gentle  gentlemanlike  gentlemanly  high  identified as  kinglike  kingly  knightly  known as  ladylike  named  noble  of gentle blood  of rank  patrician  princelike  princely  queenlike  queenly  quite the lady  styled  termed  yclept  
titleholder  beneficiary  cestui  cestui que trust  cestui que use  deedholder  feoffee  feudatory  householder  laird  landlady  landlord  lord  master  mesne  mesne lord  mistress  owner  proprietary  proprietor  proprietress  proprietrix  rentier  squire  

Eigentumsurkunde Definition

(a.) Dead.
(v. t.) That which is done or effected by a responsible agent
(v. t.) Illustrious act
(v. t.) Power of action
(v. t.) Fact
(v. t.) A sealed instrument in writing, on paper or parchment, duly executed and delivered, containing some transfer, bargain, or contract.
(v. t.) Performance
(v. t.) To convey or transfer by deed
Deed poll
() A deed of one part, or executed by only one party, and distinguished from an indenture by having the edge of the parchment or paper cut even, or polled as it was anciently termed, instead of being indented.
(n.) Urine. See Lant.
(n.) The solid part of the surface of the earth
(n.) Any portion, large or small, of the surface of the earth, considered by itself, or as belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract.
(n.) Ground, in respect to its nature or quality
(n.) The inhabitants of a nation or people.
(n.) The mainland, in distinction from islands.
(n.) The ground or floor.
(n.) The ground left unplowed between furrows
(n.) Any ground, soil, or earth whatsoever, as meadows, pastures, woods, etc., and everything annexed to it, whether by nature, as trees, water, etc., or by the hand of man, as buildings, fences, etc.
(n.) The lap of the strakes in a clinker-built boat
(n.) In any surface prepared with indentations, perforations, or grooves, that part of the surface which is not so treated, as the level part of a millstone between the furrows, or the surface of the bore of a rifled gun between the grooves.
(v. t.) To set or put on shore from a ship or other water craft
(v. t.) To catch and bring to shore
(v. t.) To set down after conveying
(v. i.) To go on shore from a ship or boat
(a.) Pecuniarily embarrassed through owning much unprofitable land.
No-man's land
() A space amidships used to keep blocks, ropes, etc.
No-man's land
() Fig.: An unclaimed space or time.
(n.) A broad, level, elevated area of land
(n.) An inscription put over or upon anything as a name by which it is known.
(n.) The inscription in the beginning of a book, usually containing the subject of the work, the author's and publisher's names, the date, etc.
(n.) The panel for the name, between the bands of the back of a book.
(n.) A section or division of a subject, as of a law, a book, specif. (Roman & Canon Laws), a chapter or division of a law book.
(n.) An appellation of dignity, distinction, or preeminence (hereditary or acquired), given to persons, as duke marquis, honorable, esquire, etc.
(n.) A name
(n.) That which constitutes a just cause of exclusive possession
(n.) The instrument which is evidence of a right.
(n.) That by which a beneficiary holds a benefice.
(n.) A church to which a priest was ordained, and where he was to reside.
(n.) To call by a title
(n.) The page of a book which contains it title.

title of land title deed Bedeutung

human action
human activity
something that people do or cause to happen
land reform a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action)
farming land agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life, farming is a strenuous life, there's no work on the land any more
land development making an area of land more useful
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
conveyance of title
act of transferring property title from one person to another
land rail
Crex crex
common Eurasian rail that frequents grain fields
land line
a telephone line that travels over terrestrial circuits, a land line can be wire or fiber optics or microwave
land mine
ground-emplaced mine
booby trap
an explosive mine hidden underground, explodes when stepped on or driven over
land office a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted
Polaroid camera
Polaroid Land camera
a camera that develops and produces a positive print within seconds
twilight zone
no man's land
the ambiguous region between two categories or states or conditions (usually containing some features of both), but there is still a twilight zone, the tantalizing occurrences that are probably noise but might possibly be a signal, in the twilight zone between humor and vulgarity, in that no man's land between negotiation and aggression
land area
an area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming), he wanted some acreage to build on
claim title an informal right to something, his claim on her attentions, his title to fame
an established or recognized right, a strong legal claim to the property, he had no documents confirming his title to his father's estate, he staked his claim
clouduckoo-land an imaginary place where you say people are when they seem optimistically out of touch with reality
Promised Land the goal towards which Christians strive
never-never land
a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination
title role
name part
the role of the character after whom the play is named
title page a page of a book displaying the title and author and publisher
half title
bastard title
a first page of some books displaying only the title of the book
title title of respect
form of address
an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. `Mr.' or `General', the professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title
title an appellation signifying nobility, `your majesty' is the appropriate title to use in addressing a king
title the name of a work of art or literary composition etc., he looked for books with the word `jazz' in the title, he refused to give titles to his paintings, I can never remember movie titles
running title the title (or a shortened title) of a book used as a running head
title statute title
a heading that names a statute or legislative bill, may give a brief summary of the matters it deals with, Title provided federal help for schools
title (usually plural) written material introduced into a movie or TV show to give credits or represent dialogue or explain an action, the titles go by faster than I can read
title a general or descriptive heading for a section of a written work, the novel had chapter titles
deed of conveyance
a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it, he signed the deed, he kept the title to his car in the glove compartment
deed poll a deed made and executed by only one party
mortgage deed deed embodying a mortgage
title deed a legal document proving a person's right to property
trust deed
deed of trust
a written instrument legally conveying property to a trustee often used to secure an obligation such as a mortgage or promissory note
quitclaim deed
document transferring title or right or claim to another
title bar (computer science) a horizontal label at the top of a window, bearing the name of the currently active document
nation land country the people who live in a nation or country, a statement that sums up the nation's mood, the news was announced to the nation, the whole country worshipped him
res publica
body politic
a politically organized body of people under a single government, the state has elected a new president, African nations, students who had come to the nation's capitol, the country's largest manufacturer, an industrialized land
law of the land a phrase used in the Magna Carta to refer to the then established law of the kingdom (as distinct from Roman or civil law), today it refers to fundamental principles of justice commensurate with due process, the United States Constitution declares itself to be `the supreme law of the land'
Adelie Land
Terre Adelie
Adelie Coast
a costal region of Antarctica to the south of Australia, noted for its large colonies of penguins
mother country
country of origin
native land
the country where you were born
Coats Land a region of western Antarctica along the southeastern shore of the Weddell Sea
commons common land a pasture subject to common use
the territory occupied by a nation, he returned to the land of his birth, he visited several European countries
territory over which rule or control is exercised, his domain extended into Europe, he made it the law of the land
paradise nirvana
heaven promised land Shangri-la
any place of complete bliss and delight and peace
Enderby Land a region of Antarctica between Queen Maud Land and Wilkes Land, claimed by Australia
no man's land an unoccupied area between the front lines of opposing armies
grazing land
a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock
Queen Maud Land a region of Antarctica between Enderby Land and the Weddell Sea, claimed by Norway
land site
the piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located), a good site for the school
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