
Einbruchschutzelement Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Einbruchschutzelement n electr. mach.
anti-burglary protection element
Einbruchschutzelement n electr. mach.
anti-burglary protection element
Einbruch- und Diebstahlversicherung
burglary insurance
Anfang m, Beginn m
bei Beginn, bei Einbruch
at the first onset
Einbruch m
EinbrĂŒche pl
Einbruch m, Einbruchsdiebstahl m
EinbrĂŒche pl
Einbruch m
EinbrĂŒche pl
Einbruch m
Einbruch m
EinbrĂŒche pl
Flaute f, Einbruch m
Einbruch der Nacht
Anfang m; Beginn m; Einsatz m; Einsetzen n
bei Beginn; bei Einbruch
bei Ausbruch der Krankheit; zum Zeitpunkt des Ausbruches der Krankheit
at the first onset
at the onset of disease; at the time of onset of disease
Einbruchsdiebstahl m; Einbruchdiebstahl m jur. ED ; Einbruch m ugs.; Bruch m ugs. (in)
EinbruchsdiebstĂ€hle pl; EinbruchdiebstĂ€hle pl; EinbrĂŒche pl; BrĂŒche pl
einen Einbruch verĂŒben; einen Bruch machen slang
Bei einem Einbruchsdiebstahl in das Gemeindeamt wurden GegenstÀnde im Wert von 1.000 EUR gestohlen.
burglary (in)
to do a break-in
Items worth EUR 1 000 were stolen in a burglary at the municipal office.
Einbruch m (in)
EinbrĂŒche pl
break-in (to at of)
Einbruch- und Diebstahlversicherung f
burglary insurance
Einbruch m (von Wasser)
inrush (of water)
Flaute f; Einbruch m
Hereinbrechen n; Explodieren n; Einbruch m (von etw.)
Wassereinbruch m
das Hereinbrechen von Information ĂŒber unsere Gesellschaft
irruption (of sth.)
irruption of water
irruption of information into our society
Schloss n; TĂŒrschloss n
Schlösser pl; TĂŒrschlösser pl
ein Schloss knacken ugs.
eingelassenes Schloss
ein TĂŒrschloss abdrehen (Einbruch)
to pick a lock coll.
flush (enchased) lock; dummy lock
to wrench off a lock (burglary)
etw. aus etw. nehmen; hernehmen; einer Sache entnehmen v
Bargeld das aus einem RaubĂŒberfall stammt
Die GemÀlde stammen aus einem Einbruch in das stÀdtische Museum in Leeds.
to take sth. from sth.
cash taken from a robbery
The paintings were taken from a burglary at the Leeds City Museum.
Sturz m; Einsturz m; Einbruch m
plunge; drop
Einbruch m min.
plötzlicher Einbruch
collapse; breaking-down; cave-in
Ding n; Sache f; Coup m slang (Einbruch, Überfall)
job slang (burglary, robbery)
Einbruchsdiebstahl m; Einbruchdiebstahl m jur. ED ; Einbruch m ugs.; Bruch m ugs. (in)
EinbruchsdiebstĂ€hle pl; EinbruchdiebstĂ€hle pl; EinbrĂŒche pl; BrĂŒche pl
DĂ€mmerungseinbruch m
Schaufenstereinbruch m Dt. Schw.; Auslageneinbruch m Ös.
einen Einbruch verĂŒben; einen Bruch machen slang
Bei einem Einbruchsdiebstahl in das Gemeindeamt wurden GegenstÀnde im Wert von 1.000 EUR gestohlen.
burglary (in)
twilight burglary
smash-and-grab burglary
to do a break-in
Items worth EUR 1,000 were stolen in a burglary at the municipal office.
Einbruch m (in)
EinbrĂŒche pl
Kfz-Einbruchsdiebstahl m; Kfz-ED; Autoeinbruchsdiebstahl m; Autoeinbruch m
break-in (to at of)
break-in to a vehicle; break-in to a car
Einbruch m (plötzliches Einströmen von etw.) constr. min.
Erdeinbruch m
Gaseinbruch m
Schlammeinbruch m
Wassereinbruch m
inrush (of sth.)
inrush of soil
inrush of gas
inrush of mud
inrush of water
(gewaltsames) Eindringen n; Einbruch m (in etw.)
Einbruch in eine Rechenanlage
Wassereinbruch geol. min.
intrusion (into sth.)
intrusion into a computer system
intrusion of water
Einsturz m; Einbruch m; Verbruch m; Bruch m min.
Stolleneinsturz m; Stolleneinbruch m; Stollenverbruch m; Stollenbruch m
collapse; cave-in
mine gallery collapse; mine tunnel collapse
Schloss n (Schließmechanismus)
Schlösser pl
Buntbartschloss n
Kastenschloss n; angeschlagenes Schloss
TĂŒrschloss n
Zuhaltungsschloss n
eingelassenes Schloss
gleichschließende Schlösser; gleichsperrende Schlösser
verschiedenschließende Schlösser; verschiedensperrende Schlösser
Schloss zur BeifahrertĂŒr auto
hinter Schloss und Riegel; unter Verschluss
ein TĂŒrschloss abdrehen (Einbruch)
ein Schloss knacken ugs.
lock (locking mechanism)
warded lock; single tumbler lock
rim lock; case lock; cased lock; outside lock
door lock
lever tumbler lock
flush (enchased) lock; dummy lock
masterkeyed locks; locks keyed alike
locks keyed to differ
passenger side front door lock
under lock and key
to wrench off a lock (burglary)
to pick a lock coll.
etw. aus etw. nehmen; hernehmen; einer Sache entnehmen v
Bargeld, das aus einem RaubĂŒberfall stammt
Die GemÀlde stammen aus einem Einbruch in das stÀdtische Museum in Leeds.
to take sth. from sth.
cash taken from a robbery
The paintings were taken from a burglary at the Leeds City Museum.
kurzfristiger Einbruch m econ. fin.
EinbruchglÀttung f; VerbruchglÀttung f; Rutschspiegel m; Harnisch m geol.
slickenside; polished surface
Einbruchmeldeanlage f; Einbruchsmeldeanlage f EMA f
(automatic) burglar alarm ABA ; intrusion alarm
Einbruchmeldeanlage f electr.
intrusion alarm system
Einbruchmeldeanlage f; Einbruchsmeldeanlage f EMA electr.
Einbruchmeldeanlagen pl; Einbruchsmeldeanlagen pl
automatische Einbruchmeldeanlage
intrusion detection alarm system; intrusion alarm; intruder detection alarm system; burglar detection alarm system; burglar alarm; break-in detection alarm system
intrusion detection alarm systems; intrusion alarms; intruder detection alarm systems; burglar detection alarm systems; burglar alarms; break-in detection alarm systems
automatic burglar alarm ABA
Einbruchmeldeeinrichtung f electr.
burglar alarm system
Einbruchmelder m electr.
intrusion detection device
Einbruchmeldetechnik f electr.
intrusion alarm technology
Einbruchschutzelement n electr. mach.
anti-burglary protection element
Einbruchsdieb m (durch Fassadenkletterei)
Einbruchsdiebe pl
cat burglar
cat burglars
etw. gestehen; eingestehen; bekennen; zugeben v
gestehend; eingestehend; bekennend; zugebend
gestanden; eingestanden; bekannt; zugegeben
gesteht; gesteht ein; bekennt; gibt zu
gestand; gestand ein; bekannte; gab zu
Er gestand mehrere EinbruchsdiebstÀhle.
Er gestand eine AffĂ€re mit einer Frau aus seinem BĂŒro.
Ich muss gestehen ich besuche meine Eltern nicht so oft wie ich sollte.
Bei seiner Vernehmung gestand er fĂŒr den Mossad zu spionieren.
Ich muss zugeben von Computern verstehe ich nichts.
to confess to sth.
He confessed to several burglaries.
He confessed he'd been having an affair with a woman in his office.
I must confess I don't visit my parents as often as I should.
When interrogated he confessed to being a spy for the Mossad.
I must confess I know nothing about computers.; I must confess to knowing nothing about computers.
etw. gestehen; eingestehen; bekennen; zugeben v
gestehend; eingestehend; bekennend; zugebend
gestanden; eingestanden; bekannt; zugegeben
gesteht; gesteht ein; bekennt; gibt zu
gestand; gestand ein; bekannte; gab zu
Er gestand mehrere EinbruchsdiebstÀhle.
Er gestand eine AffĂ€re mit einer Frau aus seinem BĂŒro.
Ich muss gestehen, ich besuche meine Eltern nicht so oft wie ich sollte.
Bei seiner Vernehmung gestand er, fĂŒr den Mossad zu spionieren.
Ich muss zugeben, von Computern verstehe ich nichts.
to confess to sth.
He confessed to several burglaries.
He confessed he'd been having an affair with a woman in his office.
I must confess I don't visit my parents as often as I should.
When interrogated he confessed to being a spy for the Mossad.
I must confess I know nothing about computers.; I must confess to knowing nothing about computers.
Diebstahl m (Straftatbestand) jur.
DiebstÀhle pl
einfacher Diebstahl
schwerer Diebstahl
bandenmĂ€ĂŸiger Diebstahl; Bandendiebstahl m
Bagatelldiebstahl m
Datendiebstahl m; Datenklau m
Einbruchsdiebstahl m
Einschleichdiebstahl m
Gelegenheitsdiebstahl m
IdentitÀtsdiebstahl m
Kassendiebstahl m
Kunstdiebstahl m
Rechnerzeitdiebstahl m; Rechenzeitdiebstahl m
Trickdiebstahl m
Viehdiebstahl f
theft; larceny Am. (criminal offence)
thefts; larcenies
petty petit theft; petty petit larceny Am.
aggravated theft; grand larceny Am.
gang theft
petty theft
data theft; theft of data
theft by breaking and entering
walk-in theft
sneak theft
identity theft
theft from the till
theft of objets d'art
computer time theft
theft by trickery
cattle theft; rustling
Diebstahl m (Straftatbestand) jur.
DiebstÀhle pl
einfacher Diebstahl
schwerer Diebstahl
bandenmĂ€ĂŸiger Diebstahl; Bandendiebstahl m
Antanzdiebstahl m
Bagatelldiebstahl m
Datendiebstahl m; Datenklau m
Einbruchsdiebstahl m
Einschleichdiebstahl m
Gelegenheitsdiebstahl m
IdentitÀtsdiebstahl m; IdentitÀtsklau m ugs.
Kassendiebstahl m
Kunstdiebstahl m
Rechnerzeitdiebstahl m; Rechenzeitdiebstahl m
Trickdiebstahl m
Viehdiebstahl f
Waffendiebstahl m
theft; larceny Am. (criminal offence)
thefts; larcenies
petty petit theft; petty petit larceny Am.
aggravated theft; grand larceny Am.
gang theft
hugger mugger theft
petty theft
data theft; theft of data
theft by breaking and entering
walk-in theft
sneak theft
identity theft
theft from the till
theft of objets d'art
computer time theft
theft by trickery
cattle theft; rustling
theft of weapons; theft of firearms
einbruchsicher; einbruchssicher; einbruchsgesichert; alarmgesichert adj
Alarmgesichert! (Warnschild)
Unsere Anlagen sind einbruchssicher einbruchsgesichert.
burglar-proof; burglar-protected (protected against burglary)
Burglar-protected! (warning sign)
Our facilities are burglar-proof burglar-protected.
einbruchshemmend; einbruchssicher; einbruchsicher adj
einbruchssichere TĂŒr
burglar-proof (providing protection against burglary)
burglar-proof door
einbruchsicher, einbruchssicher, aufbruchsicher adj
einbruchsicher, einbruchssicher, diebstahlsicher adj
einbruchsicher; einbruchssicher; aufbruchsicher adj
tamper-proof; anti-tamper
einbruchsicher; einbruchssicher; diebstahlsicher adj
einbruchssicher sein
to be proof against burglars
Einbruchsicherung f electr.
anti-burglery protection
Einbruchsicherungsanlage f techn.
anti-burglery protection system
etw. auskundschaften; etw. ausspÀhen; etw. erkunden v
auskundschaftend; ausspÀhend
ausgekundschaftet; ausgespÀht
kundschaftet aus; spÀht aus
kundschaftete aus; erkundete; spÀhte aus
nach etwas Ausschau halten
auf Talentsuche sein
Die Kinder sahen sich inzwischen nach Brennholz um.
Wir waren auf feindlichem Gebiet auf Erkundung.
Es könnten Kriminelle sein die Einbruchsobjekte ausspÀhen.
Amerikanische Firmen wollen die Marktchancen in Georgien erkunden.
to scout sth.; to scout out sth.
scouting; scouting out
scouted; scouted out
scouts; scouts out
scouted; scouted out
to scout for sth.
to be scouting for new talent
Meanwhile the children were scouting (a)round for wood for the fire.
We were scouting inside enemy territory.
They might be criminals scouting for burglary targets.
American companies are keen on scouting (out) business opportunities in Georgia.
etw. auskundschaften; etw. ausspÀhen; etw. erkunden v
auskundschaftend; ausspÀhend
ausgekundschaftet; ausgespÀht
kundschaftet aus; spÀht aus
kundschaftete aus; erkundete; spÀhte aus
nach etwas Ausschau halten
auf Talentsuche sein
Die Kinder sahen sich inzwischen nach Brennholz um.
Wir waren auf feindlichem Gebiet auf Erkundung.
Es könnten Kriminelle sein, die Einbruchsobjekte ausspÀhen.
Amerikanische Firmen wollen die Marktchancen in Georgien erkunden.
to scout sth.; to scout out sth.
scouting; scouting out
scouted; scouted out
scouts; scouts out
scouted; scouted out
to scout for sth.
to be scouting for new talent
Meanwhile the children were scouting (a)round for wood for the fire.
We were scouting inside enemy territory.
They might be criminals scouting for burglary targets.
American companies are keen on scouting (out) business opportunities in Georgia.
AufklÀrung f; KlÀrung f
an der AufklÀrung eines Verbrechens arbeiten
die KlÀrung einer Einbruchsserie
(einer Straftat) clearing up; solving (of a crime)
to be trying to solve (clear up) a crime
the solving of a burglary series
AufklÀrung f; KlÀrung f (einer Straftat)
an der AufklÀrung eines Verbrechens arbeiten
die KlÀrung einer Einbruchsserie
clearing up; solving (of a crime)
to be trying to solve (clear up) a crime
the solving of a burglary series
Sicherungseinrichtung f; Schutzvorrichtung f
Einbruchssicherung f
safeguard (device)
safeguard against burglary
Schutzvorrichtung f; Schutz m; Sicherungsvorrichtung f; Sicherungseinrichtung f
Einbruchssicherung f
protective device; safety device; safety guard; safeguard; guard
safeguard against burglary
Tour f; Streifzug m
Expansionstour f; Einkaufstour f (einer Firma)
Einbruchstour f
Beutezug m (eines Kriminellen)
acquisition spree (of a company)
burglary spree
crime spree
eine HĂ€ufung f; eine Welle f (von etw.) ĂŒbtr.
eine Einbruchswelle
eine HÀufung von WaldbrÀnden
a spate (of sth.)
a spate of burglaries
a spate of forest fires
eine HĂ€ufung f; eine Welle f (von etw.) ĂŒbtr.
eine Einbruchswelle
eine HÀufung von WaldbrÀnden
große Summen
a spate (of sth.)
a spate of burglaries
a spate of forest fires
Werkzeug n; GerÀtschaft f
Werkzeuge pl; GerÀt n
spanendes Werkzeug
Einbruchswerkzeug n
diverses GartengerÀt
cutting tool
burglary tools
various gardening tools
Werkzeug n; GerÀtschaft f
Werkzeuge pl; GerÀtschaften pl; GerÀt n
Einbruchswerkzeug n
Produktionswerkzeug n
diverses GartengerÀt
burglary tools
production tool
various gardening tools

Deutsche Einbruchschutzelement Synonyme

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Englische anti-burglary protection element Synonyme

Einbruchschutzelement Definition

() A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of
(a.) Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
(n.) One of party opposed to a federative government
(a.) Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
(n.) Breaking and entering the dwelling house of another, in the nighttime, with intent to commit a felony therein, whether the felonious purpose be accomplished or not.
(n.) One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental powers of anything are based.
(n.) One of the ultimate, undecomposable constituents of any kind of matter. Specifically: (Chem.) A substance which cannot be decomposed into different kinds of matter by any means at present employed
(n.) One of the ultimate parts which are variously combined in anything
(n.) One out of several parts combined in a system of aggregation, when each is of the nature of the whole
(n.) One of the smallest natural divisions of the organism, as a blood corpuscle, a muscular fiber.
(n.) One of the simplest essential parts, more commonly called cells, of which animal and vegetable organisms, or their tissues and organs, are composed.
(n.) An infinitesimal part of anything of the same nature as the entire magnitude considered
(n.) Sometimes a curve, or surface, or volume is considered as described by a moving point, or curve, or surface, the latter being at any instant called an element of the former.
(n.) One of the terms in an algebraic expression.
(n.) One of the necessary data or values upon which a system of calculations depends, or general conclusions are based
(n.) The simplest or fundamental principles of any system in philosophy, science, or art
(n.) Any outline or sketch, regarded as containing the fundamental ideas or features of the thing in question
(n.) One of the simple substances, as supposed by the ancient philosophers
(n.) The four elements were, air, earth, water, and fire
(n.) the conditions and movements of the air.
(n.) The elements of the alchemists were salt, sulphur, and mercury.
(n.) The whole material composing the world.
(n.) The bread and wine used in the eucharist or Lord's supper.
(v. t.) To compound of elements or first principles.
(v. t.) To constitute
(n.) The act of protecting, or the state of being protected
(n.) That which protects or preserves from injury
(n.) A writing that protects or secures from molestation or arrest
(n.) A theory, or a policy, of protecting the producers in a country from foreign competition in the home market by the imposition of such discriminating duties on goods of foreign production as will restrict or prevent their importation

anti-burglary protection element Bedeutung

protection tribute payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence, every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection
burglary entering a building unlawfully with intent to commit a felony or to steal valuable property
anti-takeover defense resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
protection the activity of protecting someone or something, the witnesses demanded police protection
the act of defending yourself
protection trade protection the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition, he made trade protection a plank in the party platform
protection aegis
kindly endorsement and guidance, the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council
anti-G suit
G suit
worn by fliers and astronauts to counteract the forces of gravity and acceleration
anti-inflammatory drug
a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
anti-submarine rocket a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
anti-TNF compound a class of drugs that block the action of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), used in cases of rheumatoid arthritis because TNF instigates inflammation of the joints
an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up, especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system, spare components for cars, a component or constituent element of a system
sensing element
any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner
fragmentation bomb
antipersonnel bomb
anti-personnel bomb
daisy cutter
a bomb with onlytoper cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments, most effective against troops and vehicles
heating element the component of a heater or range that transforms fuel or electricity into heat
logic element an electronic device that performs an elementary logic operation
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids, NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox- and Cox- enzymes
picture element
(computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot), the greater the number of pixels per inch the greater the resolution
protective covering
protective cover
a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury, they had no protection from the fallout, wax provided protection for the floors
stabilizer bar
anti-sway bar
a rigid metal bar between the front suspensions and between the rear suspensions of cars and trucks, serves to stabilize the chassis
tail rotor
anti-torque rotor
rotor consisting of a rotating airfoil on the tail of a singleotor helicopter, keeps the helicopter from spinning in the direction opposite to the rotation of the main rotor
threshold element
threshold gate
a logic element that performs a threshold operation
virility drug
anti-impotence drug
drug to treat impotence attributable to erectile dysfunction
sun protection factor
the degree to which a sunscreen protects the skin from the direct rays of the sun
equal protection of the laws a right guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution and by the due-process clause of the Fifth Amendment
plot element a component or element of the plot of a story
an abstract part of something, jealousy was a component of his character, two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony, the grammatical elements of a sentence, a key factor in her success, humor: an effective ingredient of a speech
the intense dislike for and prejudice against Jewish people
anti-Catholicism a religious orientation opposed to Catholicism
anti-drug law a law forbidding the sale or use of narcotic drugs
anti-virus program a computer program that checks a computer for viruses and prevents their spread
Japanese Red Army
Anti-Imperialist International Brigade
a terrorist group organized into overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world revolution, is said to have close ties with Palestinian terrorists, in the Japanese Red Army was responsible for a massacre at an airport in Israel
Environmental Protection Agency
an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
Anti-Masonic Party a former political party in the United States, founded in in opposition to Freemasonry in public affairs
element the most favorable environment for a plant or animal, water is the element of fishes
anti a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.), the antis smelled victory after a long battle
anti-American a person who is opposed to the United States and its policies
someone who hates and would persecute Jews
philistine anti-intellectual
a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits
anti-dumping duty a tariff imposed to prevent dumping
security protection defense against financial failure, financial independence, his pension gave him security in his old age, insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness
identity identity element
identity operator
an operator that leaves unchanged the element on which it operates, the identity under numerical multiplication is
element a straight line that generates a cylinder or cone
element of a cone a straight line joining the apex and a point on the base
element of a cylinder a straight line running the length of the cylinder
element the situation in which you are happiest and most effective, in your element
the condition of being protected, they were huddled together for protection, he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home
chemical element
any of the more than known substances (of which occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter
transuranic element any element having an atomic number greater than (which is the atomic number of uranium), all are radioactive
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