
Einsatzbefehl Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Einsatzbefehl m
order to go into action
Einsatzbefehl m
order to go into action
Einsatzbacken m techn.
false jaw
Einsatzbandbreite f
application range
vorgeschobene Einsatzbasis f, vorgeschobener Feldflugplatz, vorgeschobene Versorgungsbasis f mil.
forward operating base
vorgeschobene Einsatzbasis f; vorgeschobener Feldflugplatz; vorgeschobene Versorgungsbasis f mil.
forward operating base
Test m, Überprüfung f
Tests pl, Überprüfungen pl
Test unter Einsatzbedingungen
live test
Einsatzbedingungen pl
conditions of service, operating conditions
Test unter Einsatzbedingungen
live test
Einsatzbedingungen pl
conditions of service; operating conditions; operational conditions
Test m; Überprüfung f
Tests pl; Überprüfungen pl
Zettelarbeit f; kurzer Test school
Test unter Einsatzbedingungen
short written test
live test
Test m; Überprüfung f
Tests pl; Überprüfungen pl
Ersttest m
Vortest m
Zettelarbeit f; kurzer Test school
Test unter Einsatzbedingungen
Test zur Lese- und Schreibfertigkeit school
initial test
short written test
live test
test in reading and writing proficiency; reading and writing proficiency test
Einsatzbefehl m
order to go into action
Einsatzbereich m
Einsatzbereiche pl
operating range, range of application, range of service
operating ranges, ranges of application, ranges of service
Einsatzbereich m
Einsatzbereiche pl
operating range; range of application; range of service
operating ranges; ranges of application; ranges of service
Einsatzbereich m
area of application; field of application
Einsatzbereich m
range of use; range of application
fit for service
wagemutig, einsatzbereit
einsatzbereit adj
ready for action
einsatzbereit sein
to be on alert
ready for action
einsatzbereit, auf Standby
on standby
bereit; ...bereit adj
für etw. bereit sein
einsatzbereit sein
sprungbereit adj
poised to ...
to be poised for sth.
to be poised for action
poised ready to spring
betriebsbereit; einsatzbereit; funktionsfähig adj; in Betrieb
in Betrieb gehen
in Vollbetrieb voll funktionsfähig sein
Das Boot müsste heute Nachmittag fahrbereit sein.
to become operational
to be fully operational
The boat should be operational by this afternoon.
betriebsbereit; einsatzbereit; einsatzfähig adj
ready-to-operate; ready for operation
einsatzbereit sein; sich bereithalten
to be on standby
gebrauchsfertig; anwendungsfertig; einsatzbereit; betriebsbereit adv techn.
ready for use
ein Schiff klarmachen; klarieren (einsatzbereit machen) v naut.
to clear a ship
Bereitschaftszustand m; Bereitschaft f electr. techn.
Laufzeit im Bereitschaftszustand (Mobilgeräte usw.)
Bereitschaftsverlust m electr.
im Bereitschaftsbetrieb; in Wartestellung
im Bereitschaftsmodus in Wartestellung einsatzbereit sein
standby condition; standby (readiness for immediate deployment)
standby time (of mobile devices etc.)
standby loss
under standby conditions
to be on standby
Neuzuteilung f
sofort einsatzbereit sein
to be ready to use right out of the box
bereit; …bereit adj
für etw. bereit sein
einsatzbereit sein
sprungbereit adj
poised to …
to be poised for sth.
to be poised for action
poised ready to spring
einsatzbereit sein v
to be on alert
gebrauchsfertig; anwendungsfertig; einsatzbereit; betriebsfertig adv techn.
ready for use
sofort verfügbares Ausfallsystem techn.
sofort verfügbarer Reserverechner
einsatzbereite Reservegeräte pl
hot spare; hot standby
hot standby computer
hot standby equipment
Atomwaffe f; A-Waffe f; Atomsprengkörper m; Kernwaffe f; Nuklearwaffe f mil.
Atomwaffen pl; A-Waffen pl; Atomsprengkörper pl; Kernwaffen pl; Nuklearwaffen pl
atomare Implosionswaffe
atomare nukleare Gefechtsfeldwaffen
einsatzbereite Atomwaffen
Miniatomsprengkörper m
saubere Atomwaffen
strategische Atomwaffen
taktische Atomwaffe; taktischer Atomsprengkörper; taktische Kernwaffe
Staaten ohne Atomwaffen
atomic weapon; nuclear weapon; nuke coll.
atomic weapons; nuclear weapons; nukes
nuclear implosion weapon
battlefield nuclear weapons
operational nuclear weapons
clean nuclear weapons
strategic nuclear weapons
tactical nuclear weapon; theatre nuclear weapon
non-nuclear weapon states
Raktetenflugkörper m; Flugkörper m (in Zusammensetzungen); Raketenwaffe f; Kampfrakete f; militärische Rakete f; Rakete f mil.
Raktetenflugkörper pl; Flugkörper pl; Raketenwaffen pl; Kampfraketen pl; militärische Raketen pl; Raketen pl
ungelenkte Rakete
Flugkörper mit Atomgefechtskopf; Atomrakete f
Abfangflugkörper m; Abfangrakete f
Abwehrflugkörper gegen Abfangraketen
Boden-Luft-Flugkörper m; Boden-Luft-Rakete f
drahtgelenkter Flugkörper
einsatzbereiter Flugkörper; einsatzbereite Rakete
luftfahrzeuggestützter Flugkörper
schwerer Flugkörper
taktischer Flugkörper
zweistufiger Flugkörper
von der Schulter abgefeuerter Flugkörper
Fliegerfaust f
Flugabwehrkörper m; Fla-Flugkörper m; Flugabwehrrakete f FlaRak
Abwehrrakete f für ballistische Flugkörper; Abfangrakete f mil.
Land-See-Flugkörper m; Land-See-Rakete f
Flugkörper zur U-Boot-Bekämpfung vom Schiff aus
Radarbekämpfungsflugkörper m; Radarbekämpfungsrakete f
Seezielflugkörper m; Seezielrakete f
U-Boot-Abwehr-Flugkörper m; U-Jagd-Flugkörper m
Panzerabwehrflugkörper m; Panzerabwehrrakete f
Boden-Boden-Flugkörper m; Boden-Boden-Rakete f
See-Luft-Flugkörper m; See-Luft-Rakete f
aerodynamischer Luft-Boden-Flugkörper m
Überwasser-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Schiff-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Schiff-Unterwasser-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Überwasser-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Überwasser-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Boden-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Boden-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Unterwasser-Rakete f
rocket missile; missile
rocket missiles; missiles
free rocket
nuclear missile
interceptor missile
anti-ballistic missile missile; ABM missile
surface-to-air missile SAM ; ground-to-air missile GTAM
wireguided missile
operational missile
air-launched missile
heavy missile
tactial missile
two-storey missile Br.; two-story missile Am.
shoulder-launched missile
shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile
anti-aircraft missile
anti-ballistic missile ABM
surface-to-sea missile
air-to-air missile AAM
air-to-surface missile ASM
surface-to-unterwater missile SUM
anti-radar missile
anti-ship missile
anti-submarine missile; A S missile
anti-tank missile
surface-to-surface missile SSM ; ground-to-ground missile
sea-air missile
air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
surface-to-subsurface missile
subsurface-to-surface strategic missile
underwater-to-surface missile
subsurface-to-subsurface missile
ständig einsatzbereites Reservesystem n; sofort verfügbares Ausfallsystem n; Warmreserve f techn.
sofort verfügbarer Reserverechner
ständig einsatzbereite Reservegeräte
hot standby; hot spare
hot standby computer
hot standby equipment (backup devices kept running)
Raktetenflugkörper m; Raketenwaffe f; Rakete f mil.
Raktetenflugkörper pl; Raketenwaffen pl; Raketen pl
Abfangflugkörper m; Abfangrakete f
Abwehrflugkörper gegen Abfangraketen
Boden-Luft-Flugkörper m; Boden-Luft-Rakete f
drahtgelenkter Flugkörper
einsatzbereiter Flugkörper
luftfahrzeuggestützter Flugkörper
schwerer Flugkörper
taktischer Flugkörper
zweistufiger Flugkörper
von der Schulter abgefeuerter Flugkörper
Fliegerfaust f
Flugabwehrkörper m; Fla-Flugkörper m; Flugabwehrrakete f FlaRak
Abwehrrakete f für ballistische Flugkörper; Abfangrakete f mil.
Flugkörper zur U-Boot-Bekämpfung vom Schiff aus
Radarbekämpfungsflugkörper m; Radarbekämpfungsrakete f
Seezielflugkörper m; Seezielrakete f
U-Boot-Abwehr-Flugkörper m; U-Jagd-Flugkörper m
Panzerabwehrflugkörper m; Panzerabwehrrakete f
Boden-Boden-Flugkörper m; Boden-Boden-Rakete f
See-Luft-Flugkörper m; See-Luft-Rakete f
aerodynamischer Luft-Boden-Flugkörper m
Überwasser-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Schiff-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m
Unterwasser-Überwasser-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Überwasser-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Boden-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Boden-Rakete f
Unterwasser-Unterwasser-Flugkörper m; Unterwasser-Unterwasser-Rakete f
rocket missile; missile
rocket missiles; missiles
interceptor missile
anti-ballistic missile missile; ABM missile
surface-to-air missile SAM ; ground-to-air missile GTAM
wireguided missile
operational missile
air-launched missile
heavy missile
tactial missile
two-storey missile Br.; two-story missile Am.
shoulder-launched missile
shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile
anti-aircraft missile
anti-ballistic missile ABM
air-to-air missile AAM
air-to-surface missile ASM
surface-to-unterwater missile SUM
anti-radar missile
anti-ship missile
anti-submarine missile; A S missile
anti-tank missile
surface-to-surface missile SSM ; ground-to-ground missile
sea-air missile
air-to-surface aerodynamic missile
surface-to-subsurface missile
subsurface-to-surface strategic missile
underwater-to-surface missile
subsurface-to-subsurface missile
Bereitwilligkeit f, Willigkeit f, Bereitschaft f, Einsatzbereitschaft f
Einsatzbereitschaft f, Opferwille m
Einsatzbereitschaft f
readiness for duty
Einsatzbereitschaft f mil.
operational readiness
Einsatzbereitschaft f techn.
readiness for use
Bereitwilligkeit f; Willigkeit f; Bereitschaft f; Einsatzbereitschaft f
Einsatzbereitschaft f psych.
readiness for action
Einsatzbereitschaft f
Einsatzbereitschaft f (von Waffen Einrichtungen Personal) mil.
operational readiness; operational preparedness (of weapons facilities personnel)
Einsatzbesprechung f
briefing, briefing session
Einsatzbesprechung f
debriefing, debriefing session
Einsatzbesprechung f
debriefing; debriefing session
Lagebesprechung f; Einsatzbesprechung f adm.
Lagebesprechungen pl; Einsatzbesprechungen pl
Lagebesprechung abhalten
to brief
Einsatzbüchse f
insert shell

Deutsche Einsatzbefehl Synonyme

Englische order to go into action Synonyme

order  Bronze Star Medal  Croix de Guerre  Distinguished Conduct Medal  Distinguished Flying Cross  Distinguished Service Cross  Distinguished Service Medal  Distinguished Service Order  Distinguished Unit Citation  MO  Medaille Militaire  Military Cross  Navy Cross  Unit Citation  Victoria Cross  act on  action  adherents  adjust  adjustment  affiliation  algorithm  align  allocation  allotment  alphabetize  alternation  amendment  analyze  animal kingdom  antonomasia  apostolic orders  apply for  appointment  apportionment  appositeness  approach  appropriate  appropriateness  approximation  apt  aptness  arrange  arranged  arrangement  array  arraying  ashram  ask  ask for  association  assort  attack  auspiciousness  authorization  award  bad condition  balance  be responsible for  beauty  beg leave  behest  bespeak  bid  bidding  binomial nomenclature  biosystematics  biosystematy  biotype  blackmail  blood  blue ribbon  body  bracket  branch  break down  breed  briefing  broken  broken-down  brood  brotherhood  busted  buy  call  call for  call on  call the shots  call the signals  call upon  calling  calm  calmness  canonization  captain  carry on  case  caste  catalog  categorization  categorize  category  chain  challenge  charge  church  claim  clamor for  clan  class  classification  classify  clean  closeness  club  codification  codify  collation  collocation  colony  coming after  command  commandment  commission  commitment  commonwealth  commune  communion  community  company  concinnity  concord  condemn  condemnation  condition  conduct  conferment  confession  confraternity  confrerie  consecration  consecution  consecutiveness  consideration  constitution  continuation  continuity  contract for  contribution  control  cool off  cordon  cordon bleu  correct  correction  correctitude  correctness  country club  course  crave  cry for  decide  decision  declare  decoration  decoration of honor  decorousness  decorum  decree  degree  deliverance  dem  
order of the day  affairs  agenda  batting order  bill  bill of fare  blueprint  budget  calendar  card  carte du jour  circumstances  concerns  condition of things  conditions  dealings  docket  doings  goings-on  life  lineup  list of agenda  march of events  matters  menu  playbill  proceedings  program  program of operation  programma  prospectus  protocol  relations  roster  run of things  schedule  slate  state of affairs  the times  the world  what happens  
ordered  accordant  aligned  alike  arranged  arrayed  assorted  automatic  balanced  businesslike  categorized  classified  composed  concinnate  concinnous  consistent  consonant  constant  constituted  continuous  correspondent  disposed  equable  equal  euphonic  euphonical  euphonious  even  fixed  flat  flowing  fluent  formal  graded  grouped  habitual  harmonious  harmonized  homogeneous  immutable  in hand  invariable  level  marshaled  measured  mechanical  methodic  methodical  methodized  monolithic  normal  normalized  of a piece  orderly  organized  persistent  placed  ranged  ranked  regular  regular as clockwork  regularized  regulated  robotlike  routine  routinized  smooth  smooth-sounding  sorted  stable  standardized  steadfast  steady  sweet  symmetrical  synchronized  systematic  systematized  tripping  unbroken  unchangeable  unchanged  unchanging  undeviating  undifferentiated  undiversified  uniform  unruffled  unvaried  unvarying  usual  well-ordered  well-regulated  
ordering  allocation  allotment  apportionment  arrangement  array  arraying  authority  collation  collocation  command  conduct  constitution  control  deployment  direction  disposal  disposition  distribution  form  formation  formulation  governance  government  guidance  handling  husbandry  lead  leading  management  managery  managing  manipulation  marshaling  order  pilotage  placement  regimentation  regulation  running  sequence  steerage  steering  structuring  syntax  the conn  the helm  the wheel  
orderless  aimless  aleatoric  aleatory  amorphic  amorphous  anarchic  baggy  blobby  blurred  blurry  broad  capricious  casual  chance  chancy  chaotic  characterless  confused  desultory  disarticulated  discontinuous  disjunct  disordered  disorderly  dispersed  disproportionate  erratic  featureless  fitful  foggy  formless  frivolous  fuzzy  general  gratuitous  haphazard  hazy  hit-or-miss  ill-defined  immethodical  imprecise  inaccurate  inchoate  incoherent  indecisive  indefinable  indefinite  indeterminable  indeterminate  indiscriminate  indistinct  inexact  inform  irregular  kaleidoscopic  lax  loose  lumpen  meaningless  misshapen  misty  nondescript  nonspecific  nonsymmetrical  nonsystematic  nonuniform  obscure  planless  promiscuous  random  senseless  shadowed forth  shadowy  shapeless  spasmodic  sporadic  stochastic  straggling  straggly  sweeping  systemless  unarranged  unclassified  unclear  undefined  undestined  undetermined  undirected  ungraded  unjoined  unmethodical  unordered  unorganized  unplain  unsorted  unspecified  unsymmetrical  unsystematic  ununiform  vague  veiled  wandering  
orderly  Ganymede  Hebe  X-ray technician  accordant  accurate  adjutant  airline hostess  airline stewardess  aligned  alike  always  anesthetist  arranged  arrayed  assistant  assorted  at every turn  at peace  attendant  automatic  balanced  batman  bellboy  bellhop  bellman  bloodless  bootblack  boots  businesslike  cabin boy  caddie  calm  categorized  chipper  chore boy  civil  civilized  classified  composed  concinnate  concinnous  concordant  connected  consecutive  consistent  consonant  constant  constantly  constituted  continually  continuous  conventional  copyboy  correct  correspondent  courteous  cupbearer  decorous  dietitian  disciplined  disorderly  disposed  dresser  equable  equal  errand boy  errand girl  euphonic  euphonical  euphonious  even  exact  fixed  flat  flowing  fluent  footboy  formal  general  gofer  graded  grouped  habitual  halcyon  harmonious  harmonized  homogeneous  hospital administrator  hostess  idyllic  immutable  in apple-pie order  in hand  invariable  invariably  joined  laboratory technician  law-abiding  level  like clockwork  mannerly  marshaled  measured  mechanical  menial  messenger  methodic  methodical  methodically  methodized  meticulous  monolithic  natural  naturalistic  naturistic  neat  never otherwise  normal  normalized  of a piece  office boy  office girl  ordered  organized  pacific  page  pastoral  peaceable  peaceful  peacetime  persistent  physical therapist  physiotherapist  piping  placed  polite  precious  precise  precisian  precisionist  punctilious  puristic  quiet  radiographer  radiotherapist  ranged  ranked  realistic  regular  regular as clockwork  regularized  regularly  regulated  restful  robotlike  routine  routinized  scrupulous  sequent  sequential  serene  serial  servant  shipshape  smooth  smooth-sounding  snug  soft  sorted  squire  stable  standardized  steadfast  steadily  steady  steward  stewardess  sweet  symmetrical  synchronized  systematic  systematically  systematized  

Einsatzbefehl Definition

(n.) A process or condition of acting or moving, as opposed to rest
(n.) An act
(n.) The event or connected series of events, either real or imaginary, forming the subject of a play, poem, or other composition
(n.) Movement
(n.) Effective motion
(n.) Any one of the active processes going on in an organism
(n.) Gesticulation
(n.) The attitude or position of the several parts of the body as expressive of the sentiment or passion depicted.
(n.) A suit or process, by which a demand is made of a right in a court of justice
(n.) A right of action
(n.) A share in the capital stock of a joint-stock company, or in the public funds
(n.) An engagement between troops in war, whether on land or water
(n.) The mechanical contrivance by means of which the impulse of the player's finger is transmitted to the strings of a pianoforte or to the valve of an organ pipe.
(n.) Regular arrangement
(n.) Of material things, like the books in a library.
(n.) Of intellectual notions or ideas, like the topics of a discource.
(n.) Of periods of time or occurrences, and the like.
(n.) Right arrangement
(n.) The customary mode of procedure
(n.) Conformity with law or decorum
(n.) That which prescribes a method of procedure
(n.) A command
(n.) Hence: A commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods
(n.) A number of things or persons arranged in a fixed or suitable place, or relative position
(n.) A body of persons having some common honorary distinction or rule of obligation
(n.) An ecclesiastical grade or rank, as of deacon, priest, or bishop
(n.) The disposition of a column and its component parts, and of the entablature resting upon it, in classical architecture
(n.) An assemblage of genera having certain important characters in common
(n.) The placing of words and members in a sentence in such a manner as to contribute to force and beauty or clearness of expression.
(n.) Rank
(n.) To put in order
(n.) To give an order to
(n.) To give an order for
(n.) To admit to holy orders
(v. i.) To give orders
(n.) Action by, or originating in, one's self or itself.

order to go into action Bedeutung

human action
human activity
something that people do or cause to happen
action something done (usually as opposed to something said), there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions
course of action
a mode of action, if you persist in that course you will surely fail, once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place
maneuver manoeuvre evasive action an action aimed at evading an opponent
mail-order buying
catalog buying
buying goods to be shipped through the mail
execution carrying out carrying into action
the act of performing, of doing something successfully, using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it, they criticised his performance as mayor, experience generally improves performance
action the most important or interesting work or activity in a specific area or field, the action is no longer in technology stocks but in municipal bonds, gawkers always try to get as close to the action as possible
tall order
large order
a formidable task or requirement, finishing in time was a tall order but we did it
reflex response
reflex action
instinctive reflex
innate reflex
inborn reflex
unconditioned reflex
physiological reaction
an automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus
order arms a position in the manual of arms, the rifle is held vertically on the right side with the butt on the ground, often used as a command
close-order drill (military) military drill of troops in standard marching (shoulder-to-shoulder)
military action
a military engagement, he saw action in Korea
police action a local military action without declaration of war, against violators of international peace and order
the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement, there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list
rank order an arrangement according to rank
instant replay
action replay
the immediate rebroadcast of some action (especially sports action) that has been recorded on videotape
holy order the sacrament of ordination
group action action taken by a group of people
telephone order receiving orders via telephone
direct action a protest action by labor or minority groups to obtain their demands
legal action
action action at law
a judicial proceeding brought by one party against another, one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or for prevention of a wrong
action an act by a government body or supranational organization, recent federal action undermined the segregationist position, the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues, the Union action of emancipating Southern slaves
class action
class-action suit
a lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large group of people on behalf of all members of the group
civil action legal action to protect a private civil right or to compel a civil remedy (as distinguished from criminal prosecution)
job action a temporary action by workers to protest management decision or to make demands
animal order the order of animals
protoctist order the order of protoctists
bacteria order an order of bacteria
order Eubacteriales
one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria, Gram-positive spherical or rod-shaped forms, some are motile, in some classifications considered an order of Schizomycetes
order Pseudomonadales
one of two usually recognized orders of true bacteria, Gram-negative spiral or spherical or rod-shaped bacteria usually motile by polar flagella, some contain photosynthetic pigments
order Rickettsiales
pleomorphic Gram-negative microorganisms
order Mycoplasmatales
coextensive with the family Mycoplasmataceae
order Actinomycetales
filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria
order Myxobacteria
order Myxobacterales
order Myxobacteriales
an order of higher bacteria
order Spirochaetales
higher bacteria, slender spiral rodlike forms
order Heliozoa
mostly freshwater protozoa
order Radiolaria
marine protozoa
order Amoebida
order Amoebina
the animal order including amoebas
order Foraminifera
order Testacea
testacean rhizopods
order Heterotrichales
yellow-green algae with simple or branching filaments, comprising the single family Tribonemaceae
order Laminariales
in some classifications coextensive with family Laminariaceae: marine brown algae of cold or polar seas
order Fucales
coextensive with the family Fucaceae
order Ulvales
an order of protoctist
order Volvocales
chiefly freshwater green algae, solitary or colonial
order Zygnematales
order Zygnemales
pond scums, desmids
order Chlorococcales
unicellular green algae that reproduce by spores
order oedogoniales
simple or branched filamentous freshwater green algae
order Charales
small order of macroscopic fresh and brackish water algae with a distinct axis: stoneworts
order Dinoflagellata
order Cilioflagellata
in some classifications considered a phylum of the kingdom Protista, in others included in the plant phylum Pyrrophyta
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119 Bewertungen 3


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