
Elektronikhandel Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Elektronikhandel m
electronics trade
Elektronikhandel m
electronics trade
Elektron n
Elektronen pl
Elektron n phys.
Elektronen pl
Haftelektron n
schnelles Elektron
trapped electron
fast electron
Rückstoßelektron n; Compton-Elektron n (Kerntechnik)
Rückstoßelektronen pl; Compton-Elektronen pl
Compton electron; recoil electron (nuclear engineering)
Compton electrons; recoil electrons
Elektron n phys.
Elektronen pl
Haftelektron n
Hüllenelektron n
schnelles Elektron
trapped electron
extranuclear electron; orbital electron; planetary electron
fast electron
Elektron-Abspaltung f (von einem negativen Ion) phys.
electron detachment (from a negative ion)
Elektronloch-Paar n; Elektron-Defektelektron-Paar n phys.
Elektronloch-Paare pl; Elektron-Defektelektron-Paare pl
electron-hole pair
electron-hole pairs
Streuung f phys. electr.
Beugungsstreuung f; Diffraktionsstreuung f
Bhabha-Streuung f
Bragg'sche Streuung
compoundelastische Streuung
Deuteron-Deuteron-Streuung; d-d-Streuung
Doppelstreuung f
Dunststreuung f (Optik)
dynamische Lichtstreuung f; dynamische Streuung (bei Flüssigkristallanzeigen)
Eigenstreuung f
Einfachstreuung f
elastische Streuung; Rayleigh-Streuung
elastische Streuung von thermischen Neutronen (in Festkörpern)
elastische Kernpotentialstreuung; Delbrück-Streuung
Elektronenstreuung f
Entfernungsstreuung f
falsche Streuung
Funkstreuung f
Härtestreuung f
inelastische Streuung
inkohärente Streuung
isotrope Streuung
klassische Streuung (von unpolarisierten Lichtwellen)
Klein-Nishina-Streuung f
kohärente Streuung
magnetische Streuung von Neutronen
Mott'sche Streuung
Streuung der Röntgenstrahlen
Streuung hochenergetischer Ionen
shadow scattering; diffraction scattering
Bhabha scattering
Bragg scattering
Brillouin scattering; Mandelshtam effect
compound-elastic scattering
Compton scattering
Coulomb scattering; Rutherford scattering
deuteron-deuteron scattering; d-d scattering
double scattering
haze scattering (optics)
dynamic scattering mode DSM ; dynamic scattering (in liquid crystal displays)
single scattering
elastic scattering; Rayleigh scattering
neutron elastic scattering
Delbrück scattering
electron-electron scattering
electron scattering
long-distance scattering
spurious scattering
radio scattering
hardness scattering
inelastic scattering
incoherent scattering
isotropic scattering
classical scattering; Thomson scattering
Klein-Nishina scattering
coherent scattering
neutron magnetic scattering
Mott scattering
X-ray scattering
high-energy ion scattering HEIS
Elektronegativität f EN phys.
Elektronegativität f EN phys.
Elektronen-, Ionenroehre
gas tube
Exziton n (Quasiteilchen) phys.
Exzitonen pl
Elektronen- und Löcherrekombination f
exciton decay
Zitterbewegung f (von Elektronen) phys.
trembling motion; trembling vibration; zitterbewegung (of electrons)
auf etw. auftreffen; aufprallen; in etw. eintreten; einfallen (Licht Elektronen Strahlen) v phys.
auftreffend; aufprallend; eintretend; einfallend
aufgetroffen; aufgeprallt; eingetreten; eingefallen
to impinge on against sth. (light electrons rays)
auftreffend; eintretend; einfallend (Licht Elektronen Strahlen) adj phys.
impinging; incident (light electrons rays)
auf etw. auftreffen; aufprallen; in etw. eintreten; einfallen (Licht, Elektronen, Strahlen) v phys.
auftreffend; aufprallend; eintretend; einfallend
aufgetroffen; aufgeprallt; eingetreten; eingefallen
to impinge on against sth. (light, electrons, rays)
auftreffend; eintretend; einfallend (Licht, Elektronen, Strahlen) adj phys.
impinging; incident (light, electrons, rays)
um etw. kreisen v phys.
Elektronen kreisen um den Atomkern.
to orbit around sth.
Electrons obrit around the atom's nucleus.
Elektronenablösung f phys.
assoziative Elektronenablösung
electron detachment
associative electron detachment
Elektronenanreicherung f; Anreicherung f (Halbleiter) electr.
electron enhancement; enhancement (semiconductors)
Ausheizen n mach. (Elektronenbearbeitung)
filament peaking
Elektronenbehandlung f techn.
electron treatment
Elektronenbehandlungsanlage f mach.
electron treatment unit
Elektronenbeschleuniger m techn.
electron accelerator
Elektronenbeschleunigung f techn.
electron acceleration
Elektronenbeschuss m
Elektronenbeschüsse pl
electron bombardment
electron bombardments
Elektronenbeschuss m
electron bombardment
electron bombardment
Elektronenbeugung f
electron diffraction
Elektronenbeweglichkeit f
electron mobility
electron mobility
Blitzgerät n; Elektronenblitzgerät n; Blitzlichtgerät n
Blitzlichtgerät n; Elektronenblitzgerät n; Blitzgerät n; (elektronischer) Blitz m ugs. photo.
Blitzlichtgeräte pl; Elektronenblitzgeräte pl; Blitzgeräte pl; Blitze pl
flashgun; photoflash lamp; (electronic) flash lamp; camera flash unit; photoflash; flashlight; flash
flashguns; photoflash lamps; flash lamps; camera flash units; photoflashs; flashlights; flashes
Elektronendefektstelle f; Defektelektron n; Mangelelektron n; Elektronenlücke f; Elektronenloch n; Loch n (im Halbleiter) electr.
Elektronendefektstellen pl; Defektelektronen pl; Mangelelektronen pl; Elektronenlücken pl; Elektronenlöcher pl; Löcher pl
defect electron; electron hole; p-hole; hole (in a semi-conductor)
defect electrons; electron holes; p-holes; holes
Elektronendichte f phys.
electron density
Elektronendichte f; Elektronenkonzentration f phys.
density of electrons; electron density; electron concentration
Elektronenspender m; Elektronendonator m chem. phys.
Elektronenspender pl; Elektronendonatoren pl
electron donor; donor-type impurity; donor impurity
electron donors; donor-type impurities; donor impurities
Elektronenemission f
Elektronenemissionen pl
electron emission
electron emissions
electron emission
Elektronenemissionsbereich m
Elektronenemissionsbereiche pl
electron-emitting area
electron-emitting areas
electron-emitting area
Elektronenfluss m
electron flow
electronic brain
Elektronengehirn n; Elektronenhirn n
Elektronengehirne pl; Elektronenhirne pl
electronic brain
electronic brains
Elektronenhülle f des Atoms phys.
atomic electron shell
Elektronenkanone f phys.
Elektronenkanonen pl
electron gun
electron guns
Elektronenmikroskop n techn. phys.
Elektronenmikroskope pl
Elektronenmikroskop mit elektrostatischen Linsen
Elektronenmikroskop mit magnetischen Linsen
electron microscope
electron microscopes
electrostatic electron microscope
magnetic electron microscope
Elektronenmikroskop n techn.
electron microscope
Dunkelfeldbild n (Elektronenmikroskop)
Dunkelfeldbilder pl
dark field image (electron microscope)
dark field images
Elektronenmikroskopie f techn. phys.
electron microscopy
Einblick m techn.
lichtoptischer Einblick
elektronenoptischer Einblick
viewing system
light-optical viewing system
electron optical viewing system
Bindung f chem.
chemische Bindung
molekulare Bindung
Elektronenpaarbindung f; Atombindung f; unpolare apolare Bindung f; homöopolare Bindung f; Kovalenzbindung f; kovalente Bindung f
chemical bond
molecular bond
residual bond
electron pair bond; atomic bond; covalent bond
Bindung f chem.
chemische Bindung
molekulare Bindung
Restbindung f
Elektronenpaarbindung f; Atombindung f; unpolare apolare Bindung f; homöopolare Bindung f; Kovalenzbindung f; kovalente Bindung f
eine Bindung eingehen
eine Bindung spalten
chemical bond
molecular bond
residual bond
electron-pair bond; atomic bond; covalent bond
to form a bond
to break; to split; to decompose a bond
Elektronenpaarerzeugung f phys.
electron-positron pair production
Elektronenquelle f techn.
electron source
Elektronenradius m phys.
electron radius
Elektronenrechner m comp.
Elektronenrechner pl
electronic computer
electronic computers
Elektronenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl
electron tube, electronic tube
electron tubes, electronic tubes
Elektronenröhre f, Ionenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl, Ionenröhren pl
gas tube
gas tubes
Elektronenröhre f
electron tube
electronic tube
Elektronenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl
electron tube; electronic tube
electron tubes; electronic tubes
Elektronenröhre f; Ionenröhre f
Elektronenröhren pl; Ionenröhren pl
gas tube
gas tubes
Aussteuerung f (einer Elektronenröhre) electr.
swing (of an electron tube)
Elektronenröhre f electr.
Elektronenröhren pl
Mehrgitterröhre f
electron tube; valve Br.
electron tubes; valves
multigrid tube
Heizfaden m; Heizdraht m (Glühfaden in einer Elektronenröhre) electr.
Heizfäden pl; Heizdrähte pl
heating filament; electrical filament; filament (in an electron tube)
heating filaments; electrical filaments; filaments
Heizfadenanschluss m (Elektronenröhre) electr.
filament terminal (electron tube)

Elektronikhandel Definition

(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
(v.) A track
(v.) Course
(v.) Business of any kind
(v.) Specifically: The act or business of exchanging commodities by barter, or by buying and selling for money
(v.) The business which a person has learned, and which he engages in, for procuring subsistence, or for profit
(v.) Instruments of any occupation.
(v.) A company of men engaged in the same occupation
(v.) The trade winds.
(v.) Refuse or rubbish from a mine.
(v. i.) To barter, or to buy and sell
(v. i.) To buy and sell or exchange property in a single instance.
(v. i.) To have dealings
(v. t.) To sell or exchange in commerce
() imp. of Tread.
(n.) A peculiar distinguishing mark or device affixed by a manufacturer or a merchant to his goods, the exclusive right of using which is recognized by law.
Trade union
() An organized combination among workmen for the purpose of maintaining their rights, privileges, and interests with respect to wages, hours of labor, customs, etc.
(n.) A member of a trades union, or a supporter of trades unions.

electronics trade Bedeutung

the skilled practice of a practical occupation, he learned his trade as an apprentice
electronics intelligence
intelligence derived from electromagnetic radiations from foreign sources (other than radioactive sources)
trade the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services, Venice was an important center of trade with the East, they are accused of conspiring to constrain trade
fair trade trade that is conducted legally
fair trade trade that satisfies certain criteria on the supply chain of the goods involved, usually including fair payment for producers, often with other social and environmental considerations
free trade international trade free of government interference
North American Free Trade Agreement
an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico, became effective in for ten years
trade patronage the business given to a commercial establishment by its customers, even before noon there was a considerable patronage
carriage trade trade from upperlass customers
an equal exchange, we had no money so we had to live by barter
horse trade
horse trading
the swapping of horses (accompanied by much bargaining)
deal trade business deal a particular instance of buying or selling, it was a package deal, I had no further trade with him, he's a master of the business deal
slave trade
slave traffic
traffic in slaves, especially in Black Africans transported to America in the th to th centuries
protection trade protection the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition, he made trade protection a plank in the party platform
restraint of trade any act that tends to prevent free competition in business
an exchange that occurs as a compromise, I faced a tradeoff between eating and buying my medicine
pack rat
trade rat
bushytail woodrat
Neotoma cinerea
any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America, hoards food and other objects
trade good
articles of commerce
sea lane
ship route
trade route
a lane at sea that is a regularly used route for vessels
stock-in-trade any equipment constantly used as part of a profession or occupation, friendliness is the salesman's stock in trade
World Trade Center
twin towers
twin skyscrapersstories high in New York City, built feet tall into , destroyed by a terrorist attack on September ,
electronics the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices
trade book
trade edition
a book intended for general readership
fair-trade agreement an agreement (illegal in the United States) between the manufacturer of a trademarked item of merchandise and its retail distributors to sell the item at a price at or above the price set by the manufacturer
trade bill a statute that would regulate foreign trade
fair-trade act formerly a state law that protected manufacturers from priceutting by allowing them to set minimum retail prices for their merchandise, eliminated by the United States Congress in
trade magazine a magazine published for and read by members of a particular trade group
trade barrier
import barrier
any regulation or policy that restricts international trade
trade embargo
trade stoppage
a government order imposing a trade barrier
trade policy
national trading policy
a government's policy controlling foreign trade
trade secret a secret (method or device or formula) that gives a manufacturer an advantage over the competition
trade-last a compliment that I heard about you that I offer to trade for a compliment you have heard about me
trade name
brand name
a name given to a product or service
business cycle
trade cycle
recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline
combination in restraint of trade (law) any monopoly or contract or combination or conspiracy intended to restrain commerce (which are illegal according to antitrust laws of the United States)
electronics company a company that makes and sells electronic instruments
apparel industry
garment industry
fashion industry
fashion business
rag trade
makers and sellers of fashionable clothing
electronics industry the manufacturers of electronic products considered collectively
United States Trade Representative
US Trade Representative
the executive agency that administers the President's policies on international trade
union labor union
trade union
trades union
an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer, you have to join the union in order to get a job
trade school
vocational school
a secondary school teaching the skilled trades
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
a United Nations agency created by a multinational treaty to promote trade by the reduction of tariffs and import quotas
Federal Trade Commission
an independent agency of the United States federal government that maintains fair and free competition, enforces federal antitrust laws, educates the public about identity theft
people who perform a particular kind of skilled work, he represented the craft of brewers, as they say in the trade
labor movement
trade union movement
an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action (particularly via labor unions) or the leaders of this movement
trade unionism
the system or principles and theory of labor unions
World Trade Organization
an international organization based in Geneva that monitors and enforces rules governing global trade
trade route a route followed by traders (usually in caravans)
trade unionist
union member
a worker who belongs to a trade union
trade wind
steady winds blowing from east to west above and below the equator, they rode the trade winds going west
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