
Empfindlichkeitstest Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Empfindlichkeitstest m; Resistenztest m; Sensibilitätsprobe f pharm.
Empfindlichkeitstests pl; Resistenztests pl; Sensibilitätsproben pl
susceptibility test
susceptibility tests
Empfindlichkeitstest m; Resistenztest m; Sensibilitätsprobe f pharm.
Empfindlichkeitstests pl; Resistenztests pl; Sensibilitätsproben pl
susceptibility test
susceptibility tests
allergisch, äußerst empfindlich adj (gegen) med.
Sind Sie gegen Penizillin allergisch?
allergic (to)
Are you allergic to penicillin?
anfällig, empfänglich, empfindlich adj (gegenüber)
störanfällig adj
susceptible (to)
susceptible to faults
anfällig, empfindlich, nicht widerstandsfähig adj med.
empfindlich adv
empfindlich adv
empfindlich adj
empfindlich adj
empfindlich gegen Berührung
irritable to the touch
empfindlich adj
am empfindlichsten
more sensitive
most sensitive
empfindlich adv
empfindlich adv
empfindlich, übelnehmerisch adj
empfindlich sein
to play the woman coll.
empfindlich, verletzbar
empfindlich adv
hoch empfindlich, hochempfindlich alt adj
highly sensitive
mühsam, schmerzhaft, empfindlich adj
nervös, gereizt, empfindlich, reizbar adj
edgy, tetchy
schmerzlich, empfindlich adj
zart, zierlich, empfindlich, feinfühlig adj
zarter, zierlicher, empfindlicher, feinfühliger
am zartesten, am zierlichsten, am empfindlichsten, am feinfühligsten
more delicate
most delicate
zart, weich, empfindlich adj
zarter, weicher, empfindlicher
am zartesten, am weichesten, am empfindlichsten
more tender, tenderer
most tender, tenderest
Sie ist gegenüber solchen Bemerkungen empfindlich.
She is sensitive about comments like that.
Wie kann man nur so empfindlich sein?
How can one be so touchy?
empfindlich, fuehlend
empfindlich gegen
sensitivity to
empfindlich sein
to play the woman
empfindlich, uebelnehmerisch
zart, empfindlich
allergisch; äußerst empfindlich adj (gegen) med.
auf etw. allergisch reagieren
gegen etw. allergisch sein
Sind Sie gegen Penizillin allergisch?
allergic (to)
to be allergic to sth.
to be allergic to sth.
Are you allergic to penicillin?
anfällig; empfänglich; empfindlich adj (gegenüber etw.)
alterungsempfindlich; nicht alterungsbeständig adj
frostempfindlich adj
kälteempfindlich adj
oxidationsanfällig adj
schmerzempfindlich sein
störanfällig adj
stoßunempfindlich adj
wasserempfindlich adj
nicht anfällig; unempfänglich adj
Diese Oberflächte ist sehr anfällig für Kratzer.
Das Virus kann empfindliche Personen infizieren.
Kinder sind für Schmeicheleien sehr empfänglich.
susceptible; susceptive obs. (to sth.)
susceptible to aging
susceptible to freezing
susceptible to oxidation
to be susceptible to pain
susceptible to faults
not susceptible to shocks
susceptible to water
This surface is highly susceptible to scratches.
The virus can infect susceptible individuals.
Children are very susceptible to flattery.
anfällig; empfindlich; nicht widerstandsfähig adj med.
empfindlich; launisch adj
empfindlich (schnell reagierend ansprechend) adj biol. techn.
am empfindlichsten
ein hochempfindliches Gerät
Spinnen reagieren empfindlich auf Erschütterungen.
Jetzt wo ich älter bin reagiere ich empfindlicher auf Kälte.
more sensitive
most sensitive
a highly sensitive device instrument
Spiders are sensitive to vibrations.
Now that I'm older I'm more sensitive to (the) cold.
empfindlich; sensibel; zart besaitet (Person) (leicht verletzbar) adj biol. envir. psych.
empfindliche Haut
ökologisch sensible Gebiete
Du solltest nicht so empfindlich sein.
sensitive skin
environmentally sensitive areas
You shouldn't be so sensitive.
empfindlich; übelnehmerisch adj
(übertrieben) empfindlich; zimperlich; zart besaitet; dünnhäutig (bei etw.) psych.
Ich bin nicht so zimperlich.
Berufsköche dürfen nicht zimperlich sein wenn es darum geht unschöne Speiseteile anzufassen.
Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist nichts für zart Besaitete zart besaitete Gemüter.
Ich bin zu dünnhäutig für Horrorfilme.
Meine Eltern haben keine Hemmungen über Sex zu sprechen.
Manche Leute können kein Blut und keine Spritzen sehen.
squeamish (about sth.)
I'm not squeamish.
Chefs can't be squeamish about touching food items that are not very nice.
This documentary film is not for the squeamish.
I'm too squeamish to watch horror movies.
My parents are not squeamish about talking about sex.
Some people are squeamish about (seeing) blood and needles.
empfindlich sein v
to play the woman coll.
empfindlich; leicht zu beschädigen; verletzbar adj
panchromatisch adj (für alle Farben empfindlich) techn.
ein panchromatischer Film; ein Film der alle Farben in Grauwerte umsetzt
panchromatic; panchromatical; pan
a panchromatic film
hoch empfindlich; hochempfindlich alt adj
highly sensitive
mühsam; schmerzhaft; empfindlich adj
nervös; gereizt; empfindlich; reizbar adj
edgy; tetchy
nun einmal; eben; halt Süddt. adv ugs.
Das ist halt so.; Das ist nun einmal so.
... aber manchmal geht's halt nicht anders.
Wenn du keine Lust dazu hast dann hör halt auf.
Sie ist halt sehr empfindlich was ihre Familie betrifft.
simply; just
That's just the way it is.
... however sometimes it just can't be helped.
If you don't feel like it (you can) just stop.
She is just very sensitive when it comes to her family
pingelig; übergenau; empfindlich adj
Sei nicht so pingelig!
picky coll.
Don't be so picky!
reizbar; empfindlich; übelnehmerisch; argwöhnisch; missgünstig adj
schmerzlich; empfindlich adj
überempfindlich; empfindlich; reizbar; leicht gekränkt; zickig (Frauen) (bei etw.) adj
Wie kann man nur so empfindlich sein?
touchy; bitchy (women) (about sth.)
Don't be so touchy!
zart; zierlich; empfindlich; feinfühlig adj
zarter; zierlicher; empfindlicher; feinfühliger
am zartesten; am zierlichsten; am empfindlichsten; am feinfühligsten
more delicate
most delicate
zart; weich; empfindlich adj
zarter; weicher; empfindlicher
am zartesten; am weichesten; am empfindlichsten
ein zartes Steak
more tender; tenderer
most tender; tenderest
a tender steak
jds. wunder Punkt m übtr.
überaus empfindlich wegen etw. sein; einen Komplex (wegen etw.) haben
a chip in sb.'s shoulder coll.
to have a chip in your shoulder (about sth.)
anfällig; empfänglich; empfindlich adj (gegenüber etw.)
alterungsempfindlich; nicht alterungsbeständig adj
frostempfindlich adj
kälteempfindlich adj
oxidationsanfällig adj
schmerzempfindlich sein
störungsanfällig; störanfällig; fehleranfällig adj comp. mach. techn.
stoßunempfindlich adj
wasserempfindlich adj
nicht anfällig; unempfänglich adj
Diese Oberflächte ist sehr anfällig für Kratzer.
Das Virus kann empfindliche Personen infizieren.
Kinder sind für Schmeicheleien sehr empfänglich.
susceptible; susceptive obs. (to sth.)
susceptible to aging
susceptible to freezing
susceptible to oxidation
to be susceptible to pain
susceptible to faults failure malfunction; fault-prone; trouble-prone; prone to trouble
not susceptible to shocks
susceptible to water
This surface is highly susceptible to scratches.
The virus can infect susceptible individuals.
Children are very susceptible to flattery.
leicht beleidigt; empfindlich; angerührt Ös. adj psych.
peevish; snuffy
dünnhäutig übtr.; empfindlich; übersensibel adj
thin-skinned fig.
dünnhäutig sein übtr.; empfindlich sein v (zu sensibel)
to have a thin skin fig.
empfindlich adj (schnell reagierend ansprechend) biol. techn.
am empfindlichsten
empfindliche Haut
empfindlicher Zahn
ein hochempfindliches Gerät
Spinnen reagieren empfindlich auf Erschütterungen.
Jetzt, wo ich älter bin, reagiere ich empfindlicher auf Kälte.
more sensitive
most sensitive
sensitive skin
sensitive tooth
a highly sensitive device instrument
Spiders are sensitive to vibrations.
Now that I'm older, I'm more sensitive to (the) cold.
empfindlich; sensibel; zart besaitet (Person) (leicht verletzbar) adj biol. envir. psych.
ökologisch sensible Gebiete
Du solltest nicht so empfindlich sein.
Sie ist gegenüber solchen Bemerkungen empfindlich.
environmentally sensitive areas
You shouldn't be so sensitive.
She is sensitive about comments like that.
empfindlich; heikel adj übtr. (Sache)
bei jdm. einen empfindlichen heiklen Punkt treffen; eine empfindliche Stelle treffen
touchy fig. (of a thing)
to hit a touchy point for sb.
(übertrieben) empfindlich; zimperlich; zart besaitet; dünnhäutig adj (bei etw.) psych.
Ich bin nicht so zimperlich.
Berufsköche dürfen nicht zimperlich sein, wenn es darum geht, unschöne Speiseteile anzufassen.
Dieser Dokumentarfilm ist nichts für zart Besaitete zart besaitete Gemüter.
Ich bin zu dünnhäutig für Horrorfilme.
Meine Eltern haben keine Hemmungen, über Sex zu sprechen.
Manche Leute können kein Blut und keine Spritzen sehen.
squeamish (about sth.)
I'm not squeamish.
Chefs can't be squeamish about touching food items that are not very nice.
This documentary film is not for the squeamish.
I'm too squeamish to watch horror movies.
My parents are not squeamish about talking about sex.
Some people are squeamish about (seeing) blood and needles.
empfindlich sein v
to play the woman coll.
empfindlich; schreckhaft; zimperlich veraltend adj
überempfindlich; hochsensibel
Der Film ist für Leute, die schreckhaft veranlagt sind, ungeeignet.
nervous; easily agitated; easily alarmed; trepidatious coll.
highly nervous; highly strung
The film is unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition.
nun einmal; eben; halt Süddt. adv ugs.
Das ist halt so.; Das ist nun einmal so.
… aber manchmal geht's halt nicht anders.
Wenn du keine Lust dazu hast, dann hör halt auf.
Sie ist halt sehr empfindlich was ihre Familie betrifft.
simply; just
That's just the way it is.
… however sometimes it just can't be helped.
If you don't feel like it, (you can) just stop.
She is just very sensitive when it comes to her family.

Deutsche Empfindlichkeitstest Synonyme

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Englische susceptibility test Synonyme

susceptibility  a thing for  ability  ableness  accessibility  adaptability  adequacy  affectibility  affection  affectionateness  affectivity  affinity  agreeability  amativeness  amenability  amenableness  amorousness  aptitude  aptness  bendability  bent  bias  brightness  caliber  capability  capableness  capacity  cast  cleverness  competence  conatus  conduciveness  defenselessness  delicacy  delight  demonstrativeness  diathesis  disposition  docility  ductibility  ductility  eagerness  ecstasy  educability  efficacy  efficiency  elasticity  enchantment  exposure  extendibility  extensibility  facility  faculty  feeling for  fictility  fitness  flair  flexibility  flexility  flexuousness  formativeness  genius  give  goatishness  helplessness  horniness  impressibility  impressionability  inclination  influenceability  intelligence  leaning  liability  liking  limberness  limen  litheness  lovelornness  lovesickness  malleability  moldability  motivation  movability  nakedness  nonimmunity  open-mindedness  openness  openness to sensation  penchant  perceptibility  persuadability  perviousness  physical sensibility  plasticity  pliability  pliancy  predilection  predisposition  prejudice  probability  proclivity  proficiency  proneness  propensity  qualification  quickness  rapture  readiness  readiness of feeling  receptiveness  receptivity  responsiveness  romanticism  sensation level  sensibility  sensibleness  sensitiveness  sensitivity  sensitivity to  sentience  sentiency  sentimentality  sequacity  sexiness  soft spot  springiness  submissiveness  sufficiency  suggestibility  suppleness  susceptivity  swayableness  talent  teachability  teachableness  tendency  tensileness  tensility  the goods  the stuff  threshold of sensation  tractability  tractility  trainableness  tropism  turn  twist  vulnerability  warp  weakness  what it takes  willingness  willowiness  

Empfindlichkeitstest Definition

(n.) The state or quality of being susceptible
(n.) Specifically, capacity for deep feeling or emotional excitement
(n.) A cupel or cupelling hearth in which precious metals are melted for trial and refinement.
(n.) Examination or trial by the cupel
(n.) Means of trial
(n.) That with which anything is compared for proof of its genuineness
(n.) Discriminative characteristic
(n.) Judgment
(n.) A reaction employed to recognize or distinguish any particular substance or constituent of a compound, as the production of some characteristic precipitate
(v. t.) To refine, as gold or silver, in a test, or cupel
(v. t.) To put to the proof
(v. t.) To examine or try, as by the use of some reagent
(n.) A witness.
(v. i.) To make a testament, or will.
(pl. ) of Testa
(n.) Alt. of Testa

susceptibility test / susceptibility tests Bedeutung

means test an inquiry into the financial position of someone applying for financial aid
the act of testing something, in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately, he called each flip of the coin a new trial
clinical trial
clinical test
a rigorously controlled test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on human subjects, in the United States it is conducted under the direction of the FDA before being made available for general clinical use
preclinical trial
preclinical test
preclinical phase
a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects, conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
test trial the act of undergoing testing, he survived the great test of battle, candidates must compete in a trial of skill
screen test a filmed audition of an actor or actress
MOT test
Ministry of Transportation test
a compulsory annual test of older motor vehicles for safety and exhaust fumes
test mental test
mental testing
psychometric test
any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc, the test was standardized on a large sample of students
intelligence test
IQ test
a psychometric test of intelligence, they used to think that intelligence is what an intelligence test tests
Stanford-Binet test revision of the Binet-Simon Scale
personality test any test that is intended to assess personality
projective test
projective device
projective technique
any personality test designed to yield information about someone's personality on the basis of their unrestricted response to ambiguous objects or situations
Rorschach test
inkblot test
a projective tests using bilaterally symmetrical inkblots, subjects state what they see in the inkblot
Thematic Apperception Test
a projective technique using black-and-white pictures, subjects tell a story about each picture
sub-test one of a battery of related tests
test case
test suit
a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
test a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
test bed a place equipped with instruments for testing (e.g. engines or machinery or computer programs etc.) under working conditions
test equipment equipment required to perform a test
test paper paper impregnated with an indicator for use in chemical tests
test range a range for conducting tests
test rocket
research rocket
test instrument vehicle
a rocket fired for test purposes
test room
testing room
a room in which tests are conducted
test tube glass tube closed at one end
diagnostic test
diagnostic assay
an assay conducted for diagnostic purposes
agglutination test a blood test used to identify unknown antigens, blood with the unknown antigen is mixed with a known antibody and whether or not agglutination occurs helps to identify the antigen, used in tissue matching and blood grouping and diagnosis of infections
heterophil test a blood test to detect heterophil antibodies that agglutinate sheep red blood cells, positive result indicates infectious mononucleosis
Widal test
Widal's test
a test for detecting typhoid fever and other salmonella infections
cloze procedure
cloze test
a test for diagnosing reading ability, words are deleted from a prose passage and the reader is required to fill in the blanks
fecal occult test
faecal occult test
stool test
a test performed at home in which you collect specimens of your stool that are tested for traces of blood, used to detect colorectal cancers
glucose tolerance test test of the body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, used in the diagnosis of hypoglycemia and diabetes mellitus
complement fixation test a blood test in which a sample of serum is exposed to a particular antigen and complement in order to determine whether or not antibodies to that particular antigen are present, used as a diagnostic test
Wassermann test
Wasserman reaction
a blood test to detect syphilis, a complement fixation test is used to detect antibodies to the syphilis organism treponema, a positive reaction indicates the presence of antibodies and therefore syphilis infection
blood test a serologic analysis of a sample of blood
PSA blood test a blood test that measures levels of a protein called prostate specific antigen that is manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland, men with prostate problems usually have elevated levels of PSA
Pap test
Papanicolaou test
smear test
a method of examining stained cells in a cervical smear for early diagnosis of uterine cancer
paternity test a test based on blood groups to determine whether a particular man could be the biological father of a particular child, negative results prove he was not the father but positive results show only that he could be
PKU test a test of newborn infants for phenylketonuria
pregnancy test a physiological test to determine whether a woman is pregnant
Friedman test
rabbit test
pregnancy test that involves injecting some of the woman's urine into an unmated female rabbit and later examining the ovaries of the rabbit, presence of corpora lutea indicates that the woman is pregnant
Queckenstedt's test a test to determine whether there is a blockage of the spinal canal
radioactive iodine test test of thyroid function in which the patient is given an oral dose of radioactive iodine-
radioactive iodine excretion test radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine excreted in the urine
radioactive iodine uptake test
radioactive iodine test that measures the amount of radioactive iodine taken up by the thyroid gland
Rubin test test to determine the patency or occlusion of the Fallopian tubes
skin test any test to determine immunity or sensitivity to a disease by introducing small amounts on or into the skin
Dick test a skin test to determine your susceptibility to scarlet fever
patch test a test to determine allergic sensitivity by applying small pads soaked with allergen to the unbroken skin
Schick test a skin test for immunity to diphtheria
scratch test a test to determine allergic sensitivity to various substances by applying them to scratches in the skin
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