
Energiesicherheit Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Energiesicherheit f
die Energiesicherheit gewährleisten
energy security
to maintain energy security
Energiesicherheit f
die Energiesicherheit gewährleisten
energy security
to maintain energy security
Gleichung f math.
Gleichungen pl
Gleichung zweiten Grades; quadratische Gleichung
Gleichung dritten Grades; kubische Gleichung
Gleichung xten Grades; Gleichung xter Ordnung
Arbeitsgleichung f
Bedingungsgleichung f
Elastizitätsgleichung f
Energiegleichung f; Energiesatz m
Geradengleichung f
Gleichgewichtsgleichung f
Mittelpunktsgleichung f
Ortsgleichung f
Periodengleichung f
Wärmegleichung f
Zeitgleichung f
Zustandsgleichung f
Zustandsgleichung phys.
equation of the second degree; quadratic equation
equation of the third degree; cubic equation
equation of the xth degree
equation of kinetics; equation of kinetic and potential energy
equation of condition
equation of elasticity
equation of energy
equation of a straight line
equation of equilibrium
equation of the centre; equation of a circle with the origin at the centre
equation of the locus
equation of periods
equation of thermal state
equation of time
equation of continuity
equation of state
Gleichung f math.
Gleichungen pl
Gleichung zweiten Grades; quadratische Gleichung
Gleichung dritten Grades; kubische Gleichung
Gleichung xten Grades; Gleichung xter Ordnung
Arbeitsgleichung f
Bedingungsgleichung f
Bestimmungsgleichung f
Elastizitätsgleichung f
Energiegleichung f; Energiesatz m
Geradengleichung f
Gleichgewichtsgleichung f
Mittelpunktsgleichung f
Ortsgleichung f
Periodengleichung f
Wärmegleichung f
Zeitgleichung f
Zustandsgleichung f
Zustandsgleichung phys.
allgemeingültige Gleichung; identische Gleichung
eine Gleichung nach x freistellen
equation of the second degree; quadratic equation
equation of the third degree; cubic equation
equation of the xth degree
equation of kinetics; equation of kinetic and potential energy
equation of condition; condition equation; conditional equation; constraints equation
conditional equation
equation of elasticity
equation of energy
equation of a straight line
equation of equilibrium
equation of the centre; equation of a circle with the origin at the centre
equation of the locus
equation of periods
equation of thermal state
equation of time
equation of continuity
equation of state
identical equation
to solve an equation for x
Energieschwankungen pl
energy fluctuations
Energieschwelle f
energy barrier, energy threshold
Energieschwelle f
energy barrier; energy threshold
Energiesektor m econ.
energy sector
Kopplung f der Energiesektoren; Sektorenkoppelung f (zur Energiewende)
coupling of energy sectors; sector coupling (for the energy turnaround)
Energiesicherheit f
die Energiesicherheit gewährleisten
energy security
to maintain energy security
Energiesnack m (Mix aus Nüssen, Rosinen, Schokolade usw.)
trail mix, gorp Am., scroggin Br. coll.
Energiesparbirne f electr. ugs.
Energiesparbirnen pl
energy efficient bulb
energy efficient bulbs
Energiesparen n; Energieersparnis f; Energieeinsparung f envir.
energy saving
energiesparend adj
energy-saving, power-saving
energiesparend; energieeffizient adj envir.
energiesparendes Gerät n; Energiesparer m
energy-saving; energy-efficient; power-saving
power miser (device)
spärlich gesät sein
Solche Momente sind selten rar.
Energiesparende Häuser sind in England spärlich gesät.
Attraktive Arbeitsplätze werden immer spärlicher.
to be few and far between
Such moments are few and far between.
Energy saving homes are few and far between in England.
Attractive jobs are becoming fewer and further between.
spärlich gesät sein; selten sein; rar sein v
Solche Momente sind selten rar.
Energiesparende Häuser sind in England spärlich gesät.
Attraktive Arbeitsplätze werden immer spärlicher.
to be few and far between
Such moments are few and far between.
Energy saving homes are few and far between in England.
Attractive jobs are becoming fewer and further between.
langsam vergesslich werden v
aber dann ließ sie ihr Gedächtnis im Stich
Das Konzept des Energiesparens ist bei den Leuten angekommen sie haben aber im Alltag immer wieder Anfälle von Vergesslichkeit.
to have a senior moment; to have senior moments humor.
but then she had a senior moment
People understand the idea of energy saving but are subject to occasional senior moments of forgetfulness in everyday life.
langsam vergesslich werden v
aber dann ließ sie ihr Gedächtnis im Stich
Das Konzept des Energiesparens ist bei den Leuten angekommen, sie haben aber im Alltag immer wieder Anfälle von Vergesslichkeit.
to have a senior moment; to have senior moments humor.
but then she had a senior moment
People understand the idea of energy saving, but are subject to occasional senior moments of forgetfulness in everyday life.
Energiesparfenster n constr.
Energiesparfenster pl
energy-saving window
energy-saving windows
Aktion f; Kampagne f
Sparkampagne f
die Energiesparkampagne der Regierung
economy drive
the government's drive to reduce energy consumption
Energiesparkonzept n econ.
energy-saving concept
Energiesparlampe f, Energiesparleuchte f electr.
Energiesparlampen pl, Energiesparleuchten pl
energy saving lamp, energy-saving lamp
energy saving lamps, energy-saving lamps
Energiesparlampe f; Energiesparleuchte f electr.
Energiesparlampen pl; Energiesparleuchten pl
energy saving lamp; energy-saving lamp
energy saving lamps; energy-saving lamps
Energiesparlampe f techn.
energy-saving lamp
Energiesparlampe f electr.
energy-efficient lamp
Energiesparmaßnahme f
Energiesparmaßnahmen pl
energy saving measure; measure to save energy
energy saving measures; measures to save energy
Stromspar-Betriebsart f; Stromsparbetrieb m; Energiesparmodus m techn.
low-power mode
Energiesparsystem n techn.
energy-saving system
Energiespartechnik f techn.
energy-saving technology
Energiespeicher m (Uhr)
oil sink (timepiece)
Energiespeicher m techn.
energy storage
Energiespeicher m techn.
energy store
Energiespeicher m techn.
energy accumulator
Energiespeicher m techn.
energy storage device
Energiespeicher m techn.
Energiespeicher pl
energy store; energy storage; energy accumulator; energy storage device
energy stores; energy storages; energy accumulators; energy storage devices
Energiespeicheranlage f mach.
energy storage system
Energiespeichersystem n techn. electr.
rechargeable energy storage system (abbr.: RESS)
Energiespeichersystem n techn. electr.
Energiespeichersysteme pl
rechargeable energy storage system RESS
rechargeable energy storage systems
Energiespeicherung f
Energiespeicherung in der Schwachlastzeit
energy storage
off-peak energy storage
Energiespender m
Energiespender pl
energizer; energiser Br.
energizers; energisers
Energiesteuer f
energy tax
Stoffwechsel m; Metabolismus m biol.
Energiestoffwechsel m
energy metabolism
Stoffwechsel m; Metabolismus m biol.
Energiestoffwechsel m
Fettstoffwechsel m
energy metabolism
fat metabolism; lipid metabolism; lipometabolism
Energiestrom m
energy flux
energy flux
Energiestrom m
energy flow
Energiestromdichte f; Poynting'scher Faktor phys.
Poynting factor
Energiesystem n techn.
energy system
Energiesystemplanung f econ.
energy system planning

Deutsche Energiesicherheit Synonyme

Englische energy security Synonyme

energy  activity  amperage  animation  application  ardor  armipotence  assiduity  assiduousness  authority  beef  birr  black power  breeziness  briskness  brute force  bubbliness  charge  charisma  clout  cogence  cogency  compulsion  concentration  dash  decisiveness  determination  diligence  dint  drive  duress  dynamism  ebullience  effect  effectiveness  effectuality  effervescence  efficacy  effort  elan  elbow grease  endeavor  endurance  energeticalness  exertion  fervor  flower power  force  force majeure  forcefulness  fortitude  full blast  full force  get-up-and-go  go  guts  gutsiness  hard pull  hardihood  hardiness  heartiness  indefatigability  industriousness  industry  influence  intensity  intestinal fortitude  laboriousness  life  liveliness  long pull  lustihood  lustiness  main force  main strength  mana  might  might and main  mightiness  moxie  muscle  muscle power  nerve and sinew  obstinacy  pains  pep  peppiness  piss and vinegar  pizzazz  poop  potence  potency  potentiality  power  power pack  power structure  power struggle  powerfulness  prepotency  productiveness  productivity  puissance  pull  punch  push  relentlessness  robustness  ruggedness  sedulity  sedulousness  sinew  spirit  spiritedness  sprightliness  stalwartness  stamina  staying power  steam  sticking power  stoutness  strength  strength of will  strenuousness  strong arm  sturdiness  superiority  superpower  tirelessness  toughness  trouble  tuck  unsparingness  validity  vehemence  verve  vigor  vigorousness  vim  virility  virtue  virulence  vitality  vivaciousness  vivacity  wattage  weight  zealousness  zing  zip  

Energiesicherheit Definition

(n.) Internal or inherent power
(n.) Power efficiently and forcibly exerted
(n.) Strength of expression
(n.) Capacity for performing work.
(v. t.) To hold or keep in any particular state or condition
(v. t.) To keep possession of
(v. t.) To continue
(v. t.) To bear the expense of
(v. t.) To affirm
(n.) The condition or quality of being secure
(n.) Freedom from apprehension, anxiety, or care
(n.) Hence, carelessness
(n.) Freedom from risk
(n.) That which secures or makes safe
(n.) Something given, deposited, or pledged, to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation, the performance of a contract, the payment of a debt, or the like
(n.) One who becomes surety for another, or engages himself for the performance of another's obligation.
(n.) An evidence of debt or of property, as a bond, a certificate of stock, etc.

energy security / to maintain energy security Bedeutung

Secretary of Energy
Energy Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Energy, the post of Energy Secretary was created in
waste of effort
waste of energy
a useless effort
security intelligence intelligence on the identity and capability and intentions of hostile individuals or organizations that may be engaged in espionage or sabotage or subversion or terrorism
censoring censorship security review counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy
security measures
measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc., military security has been stepped up since the recent uprising
Social Security social welfare program in the U.S., includes old-age and survivors insurance and some unemployment insurance and old-age assistance
security blanket a blanket (or toy) that a child carries around in order to reduce anxiety
security blanket anything that an adult person uses to reduce anxiety
security system
security measure
an electrical device that sets off an alarm when someone tries to break in
security system (computing) a system that enforces boundaries between computer networks
wind farm
wind park
wind energy facility
a power plant that uses wind turbines to generate electricity
energy muscularity vigor vigour vim an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing), his writing conveys great energy, a remarkable muscularity of style
energy push
enterprising or ambitious drive, Europeans often laugh at American energy
mass energy (physics) the mass of a body regarded relativistically as energy
vigor vigour zip
forceful exertion, he plays tennis with great energy, he's full of zip
mass-energy equivalence (physics) the principle that a measured quantity of mass is equivalent (according to relativity theory) to a measured quantity of energy
particle physics
high-energy physics
high energy physics
the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions
conservation of energy
law of conservation of energy
first law of thermodynamics
the fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes
Social Security number the number of a particular individual's Social Security account
a guarantee that an obligation will be met
security freedom from anxiety or fear, the watch dog gave her a feeling of security
security department
a department responsible for the security of the institution's property and workers, the head of security was a former policeman
Atomic Energy Commission
a former executive agency (from to ) that was responsible for research into atomic energy and its peacetime uses in the United States
National Security Council
a committee in the executive branch of government that advises the president on foreign and military and national security, supervises the Central Intelligence Agency
Department of Energy
Energy Department
the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy of the United States, created in
Department of Energy Intelligence
an agency that collects political and economic and technical information about energy matters and makes the Department of Energy's technical and analytical expertise available to other members of the Intelligence Community
Social Security Administration
an independent government agency responsible for the Social Security system
Department of Homeland Security
Homeland Security
the federal department that administers all matters relating to homeland security
Bureau of Diplomatic Security
the bureau in the State Department that is responsible for the security of diplomats and embassies overseas
Transportation Security Administration
an agency established in to safeguard United States transportation systems and insure safe air travel
security force
private security force
a privately employed group hired to protect the security of a business or industry
Security Council
a permanent council of the United Nations, responsible for preserving world peace
International Atomic Energy Agency
the United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Canada's main foreign intelligence agency that gathers and analyzes information to provide security intelligence for the Canadian government
Communications Security Establishment
Canadian agency that gathers communications intelligence and assist law enforcement and security agencies
International Relations and Security Network
Switzerland's information network for security and defense studies and for peace and conflict research and for international relations
Security Intelligence Review Committee
an agency of the Canadian government that oversees the activities of the Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada and has the power to intrude on the privacy of suspected terrorists or spies
Security Service
MI Military Intelligence Section
the government agency in the United Kingdom that is responsible for internal security and counterintelligence on British territory
Shin Bet
General Security Services
the Israeli domestic counterintelligence and internal security agency, the Shin Bet also handles overall security for Israel's national airline
National Security Agency
the United States cryptologic organization that coordinates and directs highly specialized activities to protect United States information systems and to produce foreign intelligence information
security staff those in an organization responsible for preventing spying or theft
Committee for State Security
Soviet KGB
formerly the predominant security police organization of Soviet Russia
Federal Security Bureau
FSB Federal Security Service
the internal counterintelligence agency of the Russian Federation and successor to the Soviet KGB, formerly led by Vladimir Putin
psychic energy
mental energy
an actuating force or factor
libidinal energy (psychoanalysis) psychic energy produced by the libido
Secretary of Energy
Energy Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Energy, the first Secretary of Energy was James R. Schlesinger who was appointed by Carter
security consultant an adviser about alarm systems to prevent burglaries
security director head of a private security force working for a business or industry
watcher security guard
a guard who keeps watch
activation energy
energy of activation
the energy that an atomic system must acquire before a process (such as an emission or reaction) can occur, catalysts are said to reduce the energy of activation during the transition phase of a reaction
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Unter Energiesicherheit wird die Versorgungssicherheit mit Energie verstanden. Energiesicherheit hat ökonomische, ökologische, soziale und geopolitische Bedeutung, weshalb die kurz- wie langfristige Gewährleistung der Energiesicherheit ein wichtiges Politikziel ist. Gemäß Artikel 3 des Energiegesetzes wird Energiesicherheit definiert als Zustand der Wirtschaft, welcher die Deckung des aktuellen und perspektivischen Bedarfs der Verbraucher an Brennstoffen und Energie auf eine technisch wie wirtschaftlich sinnvolle Weise und entsprechend der Anforderungen des Umweltschutzes sicherstellt. Nach Ren und Sovacool wird die Energiesicherheit durch die vier Faktoren Availability , Affordability , Acceptability und Accessibility charakterisiert.