
Energieverteilungsanlage Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Energieverteilungsanlage f mach.
energy distribution plant
Energieverteilungsanlage f mach.
energy distribution plant
Energieverbrauch m
energy consumption, expenditure of energy
Energieverbrauch m
energy consumption; consumption of energy; expenditure of energy
...fach; ...fältig (Suffix)
Die Methode hat einen doppelten zweifachen Vorteil.
In den letzten 40 Jahren stieg der Energieverbrauch um das 33-fache.
Sieh dir diese Ausstellung an. Es zahlt sich 100%ig aus.
Der Wert des Hauses hat sich vervierfacht.
das 12-fache der zulässigen Konzentration
...fold (suffix)
The advantages of this method are twofold.
In the last 40 years there has been a 33-fold increase in energy consumption.
See this exhibition. It will repay you tenfold.
The value of the house has increased fourfold.
the 12-fold of the allowed concentration
Energieverbrauch m techn.
energy consumption
Energieverbrauch m
Nettoenergieverbrauch m
energy consumption; consumption of energy; expenditure of energy
net energy consumption
…fach; …fältig (Suffix)
Die Methode hat einen doppelten zweifachen Vorteil.
In den letzten 40 Jahren stieg der Energieverbrauch um das 33-fache.
Sieh dir diese Ausstellung an. Es zahlt sich 100%ig aus.
Der Wert des Hauses hat sich vervierfacht.
das 12-fache der zulässigen Konzentration
…fold (suffix)
The advantages of this method are twofold.
In the last 40 years, there has been a 33-fold increase in energy consumption.
See this exhibition. It will repay you tenfold.
The value of the house has increased fourfold.
the 12-fold of the allowed concentration
Energieaufwand m; Energieverbrauch m
energy expenditure; expenditure of energy
Energieaufwand m; Energieverbrauch m
energy demand
Energieverbraucher m
ernergy consumer, consumer of energy
Energieverbraucher m
Energieverbraucher pl
energy consumer; consumer of energy
energy consumers; consumers of energy
jdm. einer Sache zurechenbar; zuzuordnen sein; auf jdn. etw. entfallen v
zurechenbarer Nettoertrag
Gewinne die der Auslandsniederlassung der Firma zuzurechnen sind
Von den 10 Vorfällen entfielen 5 auf einen einzigen Patienten.
Ein Viertel aller Straftaten entfällt auf Jugenddelikte.
Zirka 45 Prozent des Energieverbrauchs entfallen auf das Heizen und Kühlen.
to be attributable to sb. sth.
attributable net proceeds
profits attributable to the foreign establishment of the company
Of the 10 incidents 5 were attributable to one patient.
One quarter of all crime is attributable to juvenile offending.
Around 45 percent of energy consumption is attributable to heating and cooling.
jdm. einer Sache zurechenbar; zuzuordnen sein; auf jdn. etw. entfallen v
zurechenbarer Nettoertrag
Gewinne, die der Auslandsniederlassung der Firma zuzurechnen sind
Personen, deren Verhalten einem Staat zuzurechnen ist
Von den 10 Vorfällen entfielen 5 auf einen einzigen Patienten.
Ein Viertel aller Straftaten entfällt auf Jugenddelikte.
Zirka 45 Prozent des Energieverbrauchs entfallen auf das Heizen und Kühlen.
to be attributable to sb. sth.
attributable net proceeds
profits attributable to the foreign establishment of the company
persons whose conduct is attributable to a State
Of the 10 incidents 5 were attributable to one patient.
One quarter of all crime is attributable to juvenile offending.
Around 45 percent of energy consumption is attributable to heating and cooling.
Energieverlust m
energy dissipation
Dissipation f (Energieverlust durch Umjwandlung in Wärme) phys.
Energieverlust m
energy dissipation; energy loss
Dissipation f (Energieverlust durch Umwandlung in Wärme) phys.
Energieverlust m; Druckverlust m (in einem Fließgewässer) (Gewässerkunde)
energy loss; head loss (in a stream) (hydrology)
Energieversorger m
energy supplier
Energieversorgung f
energy supply, power supply
Energieversorgung f
energy supply; power supply; supply of energy
Energieversorgung f von Kleingeräten direkt aus der Umwelt techn.
energy harvesting
umweltfreundliche Gestaltung f; Ökologisierung f geh. +Gen. envir.
Umstellung auf umweltfreundliche Energieversorgung Energieformen
Ökologisierung des Steuersystems
greening (of sth.)
greening of energy
greening of the tax system
Energieversorgungsanlage f mach.
energy supply system
Stromnetz n; Energieversorgungsnetz n; Netz n ugs. electr.
electric power grid; electric grid; power grid; electricity grid; mains
Elektrizitätsversorgungsnetz n; Energieversorgungsnetz n; Stromnetz n; Netz n ugs. electr.
Elektrizitätsversorgungsnetze pl; Energieversorgungsnetze pl; Stromnetze pl; Netze pl
electricity supply grid; electricity grid; electric power grid; electric electrical grid; power grid; the mains Br.
electricity supply grids; electricity grids; electric power grids; electric electrical grids; power grids
Energieversorgungsnetz n; Energieversorgungsssystem n
Energieversorgungsnetze pl; Energieversorgungsssysteme pl
energy supply system
energy supply systems
Energieversorgungssystem n techn.
energy supply system
Energieversorgungsunternehmen n
power supply company
Energieverteiler m techn.
energy distributor
Energieverteilung f
energy distribution
Elektrische Energieverteilung f electr.
electrical power distribution
Energieverteilung f techn.
energy distribution
Energieverteilungsanlage f mach.
energy distribution plant
Energieverteilungssystem n techn.
energy distribution system
Energieverwertung f techn.
energy utilisation

Deutsche Energieverteilungsanlage Synonyme

Englische energy distribution plant Synonyme

energy  activity  amperage  animation  application  ardor  armipotence  assiduity  assiduousness  authority  beef  birr  black power  breeziness  briskness  brute force  bubbliness  charge  charisma  clout  cogence  cogency  compulsion  concentration  dash  decisiveness  determination  diligence  dint  drive  duress  dynamism  ebullience  effect  effectiveness  effectuality  effervescence  efficacy  effort  elan  elbow grease  endeavor  endurance  energeticalness  exertion  fervor  flower power  force  force majeure  forcefulness  fortitude  full blast  full force  get-up-and-go  go  guts  gutsiness  hard pull  hardihood  hardiness  heartiness  indefatigability  industriousness  industry  influence  intensity  intestinal fortitude  laboriousness  life  liveliness  long pull  lustihood  lustiness  main force  main strength  mana  might  might and main  mightiness  moxie  muscle  muscle power  nerve and sinew  obstinacy  pains  pep  peppiness  piss and vinegar  pizzazz  poop  potence  potency  potentiality  power  power pack  power structure  power struggle  powerfulness  prepotency  productiveness  productivity  puissance  pull  punch  push  relentlessness  robustness  ruggedness  sedulity  sedulousness  sinew  spirit  spiritedness  sprightliness  stalwartness  stamina  staying power  steam  sticking power  stoutness  strength  strength of will  strenuousness  strong arm  sturdiness  superiority  superpower  tirelessness  toughness  trouble  tuck  unsparingness  validity  vehemence  verve  vigor  vigorousness  vim  virility  virtue  virulence  vitality  vivaciousness  vivacity  wattage  weight  zealousness  zing  zip  

Energieverteilungsanlage Definition

Air plant
() A plant deriving its sustenance from the air alone
(n.) The act of distributing or dispensing
(n.) Separation into parts or classes
(n.) That which is distributed.
(n.) A resolving a whole into its parts.
(n.) The sorting of types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases.
(n.) The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston
Dove plant
() A Central American orchid (Peristeria elata), having a flower stem five or six feet high, with numerous globose white fragrant flowers. The column in the center of the flower resembles a dove
(n.) Internal or inherent power
(n.) Power efficiently and forcibly exerted
(n.) Strength of expression
(n.) Capacity for performing work.
(n.) A plant in new Zealand (Phormium tenax), allied to the lilies and aloes. The leaves are two inches wide and several feet long, and furnish a fiber which is used for making ropes, mats, and coarse cloth.
Ice plant
() A plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum), sprinkled with pellucid, watery vesicles, which glisten like ice. It is native along the Mediterranean, in the Canaries, and in South Africa. Its juice is said to be demulcent and diuretic
(n.) A vegetable
(n.) A bush, or young tree
(n.) The sole of the foot.
(n.) The whole machinery and apparatus employed in carrying on a trade or mechanical business
(n.) A plan
(n.) An oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth.
(n.) A young oyster suitable for transplanting.
(n.) To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth
(n.) To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree, or a vegetable with roots.
(n.) To furnish, or fit out, with plants
(n.) To engender
(n.) To furnish with a fixed and organized population
(n.) To introduce and establish the principles or seeds of
(n.) To set firmly
(n.) To set up
(v. i.) To perform the act of planting.
(n.) A stalk or shoot of sugar cane of the first growth from the cutting. The growth of the second and following years is of inferior quality, and is called rattoon.
(a.) Eating, or subsisting on, plants
Water plant
() A plant that grows in water
(n.) A windflower.

energy distribution plant Bedeutung

plant life
(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
plant closing act of shutting down operation of a plant
Secretary of Energy
Energy Secretary
the position of the head of the Department of Energy, the post of Energy Secretary was created in
waste of effort
waste of energy
a useless effort
distribution the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
distribution the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer
distribution channel
a way of selling a company's product either directly or via distributors, possible distribution channels are wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct mailers or your own stores
plant virus a plant pathogen that is a virus consisting of a single strand of RNA
leaf bug
plant bug
small brightolored insect that feeds on plant juices
four-lined plant bug
four-lined leaf bug
Poecilocapsus lineatus
yellow or orange leaf bug with four black stripes down the back, widespread in central and eastern North America
tarnished plant bug
Lygus lineolaris
widespread plant and fruit pest
plant louse
any of several small insects especially aphids that feed by sucking the juices from plants
woolly aphid
woolly plant louse
secretes a waxy substance like a mass of fine curly white cotton or woolly threads
jumping plant louse
small active cicada-like insect with hind legs adapted for leaping, feeds on plant juices
plant hopper
related to the leafhoppers and spittlebugs but rarely damages cultivated plants
assembly plant a factory where manufactured parts are assembled into a finished product
bottling plant a plant where beverages are put into bottles with caps
chemical plant an industrial plant where chemicals are produced
electrical system electrical plant utility that provides electricity
mill manufacturing plant
a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing
heating system
heating plant
utility to warm a building, the heating system wasn't working, they have radiant heating
packing plant
a plant where livestock are slaughtered and processed and packed as meat products
periwinkle plant derivative an antineoplastic drug used to treat some forms of cancer
plant works industrial plant buildings for carrying on industrial labor, they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
recycling plant a plant for reprocessing used or abandoned materials
sewage disposal plant
disposal plant
a plant for disposing of sewage
steel mill
steel plant
steel factory
a factory where steel is made
wind farm
wind park
wind energy facility
a power plant that uses wind turbines to generate electricity
energy muscularity vigor vigour vim an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing), his writing conveys great energy, a remarkable muscularity of style
energy push
enterprising or ambitious drive, Europeans often laugh at American energy
mass energy (physics) the mass of a body regarded relativistically as energy
vigor vigour zip
forceful exertion, he plays tennis with great energy, he's full of zip
the spatial or geographic property of being scattered about over a range, area, or volume, worldwide in distribution, the distribution of nerve fibers, in complementary distribution
complementary distribution
(linguistics) a distribution of related speech sounds or forms in such a way that they only appear in different contexts
statistical distribution
(statistics) an arrangement of values of a variable showing their observed or theoretical frequency of occurrence
distribution law (chemistry) the total energy in an assembly of molecules is not distributed equally but is distributed around an average value according to a statistical distribution
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law
Boltzmann distribution law
(physics) a law expressing the distribution of energy among the molecules of a gas in thermal equilibrium
mass-energy equivalence (physics) the principle that a measured quantity of mass is equivalent (according to relativity theory) to a measured quantity of energy
plant something planted secretly for discovery by another, the police used a plant to trick the thieves, he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant
nonparametric statistic
distribution free statistic
a statistic computed without knowledge of the form or the parameters of the distribution from which observations are drawn
frequency distribution a distribution of observed frequencies of occurrence of the values of a variable
normal distribution
Gaussian distribution
a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance
Poisson distribution a theoretical distribution that is a good approximation to the binomial distribution when the probability is small and the number of trials is large
sample distribution
sample sampling
items selected at random from a population and used to test hypotheses about the population
binomial distribution
Bernoulli distribution
a theoretical distribution of the number of successes in a finite set of independent trials with a constant probability of success
particle physics
high-energy physics
high energy physics
the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions
conservation of energy
law of conservation of energy
first law of thermodynamics
the fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes
distribution list list of names to whom a communication should be sent
distribution agreement a contract governing the marketing of an item of merchandise
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