
Entlastungsmethode Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Entlastungsmethode f
Entlastungsmethoden pl
relaxation method
relaxation methods
Entlastungsmethode f
Entlastungsmethoden pl
relaxation method
relaxation methods
Entlastung eines Konkursschuldners
discharge of a bankrupt
Entlastung eines Treuhänders
discharge of a trustee
Entlastung f
easing the burden (of, on)
Entlastung f
relief of the strain (on)
Entlastung f jur.
Entlastung f, Freisprechung f
Entlastung f
easing the burden (of; on)
Entlastung f; Freisprechung f
Entlastung f
relief of load; reduction of load
Entspannung f; Lockerung f; Entlastung f
Lockerung der Kontrollen
relaxation of controls
Schonung f; Entlastung f; pflegliches Behandeln
Vorsicht! Zerbrechlich! (Aufschrift)
Vorsicht Glas! (Aufschrift)
Fragile! Handle with care!
Glass! Handle with care!
Entlastung f einer Probe (bei der Werkstoffprüfung) techn.
unloading of a specimen (in materials testing)
jds. Entlastung f; (moralischer) Freispruch f (von einem Vorwurf)
sb.'s exculpation (from a charge) formal
Entlastungsmaßnahme f zur Vermeidung der Doppelbesteuerung fin. adm.
einseitige Entlastungsmaßnahme; einseitige Entlastung
double taxation relief
unilateral relief
Katharsis f; psychologische Entlastung f; Ausleben n unerwünschter Emotionen psych.
catharsis; psychological relief from undesired emotions
Rehabilitierung f; Entlastung f; Reinwaschen n (einer Person seines Namens usw.)
vindication (of sb. sb.'s name etc.)
Schonung f; Entlastung f; pflegliches Behandeln
Vorsicht! Zerbrechlich! (Aufschrift)
Vorsicht, Glas! (Aufschrift)
Fragile! Handle with care! (displayed notice)
Glass! Handle with care! (displayed notice)
Steuererleichterung f; Steuerbegünstigung f; Steuervergünstigung f; Steuerentlastung f; steuerliche Entlastung f fin.
Steuererleichterungen pl; Steuerbegünstigungen pl; Steuervergünstigungen pl; Steuerentlastungen pl; steuerliche Entlastungen pl
Steuererleichterung für Hypothekenzinszahlungen
Anspruch auf Steuererleichterung haben (Person)
steuerbegünstigt sein (Sache)
steuerliche Berücksichtigung von Abgaben, die im Ausland gezahlt wurden
Steuerbegünstigung für Lebensversicherungen
tax relief; tax concession
tax reliefs; tax concessions
mortgage interest relief at source MIRAS Br. hist.
to qualify for tax relief (person)
to qualify for tax relief (matter)
double tax relief; double taxation relief Br.
life insurance relief
Zyste f med. zool.
Zysten pl
Eierstockzyste f; Ovarialzyste f
Retentionszyste f
Zyste der Zahnwurzelhaut; Wurzelhautzyste f
Entlastung einer Zyste
ovarian cyst; oophoritic cyst
retention cyst
periodontal cyst
drainage of a cyst
Entlastungsbauwerk n (Wasserbau)
Entlastungsbauwerke pl
relief structure (water engineering)
relief structures
Wandentlastung f, Entlastungseisen n techn.
wall relief bracket
Wandentlastung f; Entlastungseisen n techn.
wall relief bracket
Hochwasserentlastungsgerinne n; Hochwasserentlastungskanal m; Entlastungsgerinne n; Entlastungskanal m (Wasserbau)
Hochwasserentlastungsgerinne pl; Hochwasserentlastungskanäle pl; Entlastungsgerinne pl; Entlastungskanäle pl
flood relief channel; flood diversion channel; flood bypass channel; flood bypass; floodway Am.; spillway channel (water engineering)
flood relief channels; flood diversion channels; flood bypass channels; flood bypasses; floodways; spillway channels
Hochwasserrinne f; Entlastungskanal m
Hochwasserrinnen pl; Entlastungskanäle pl
bypass channel
bypass channels
Hochwasserrinne f, Entlastungskanal m
bypass channel
Entlastungsklausel, Rücktrittsklausel
escape clause
Entlastungsklausel f jur.
Entlastungsklauseln pl
exculpatory clause
exculpatory clauses
Entlastungskurve f geol.
Entlastungskurven pl
swelling curve; decompression curve
swelling curves; decompression curves
Entlastungsmethode f
Entlastungsmethoden pl
relaxation method
relaxation methods
Entlastungsmine f mil.
Entlastungsminen pl
tension-release mine
tension-release mines
Entlastungsschacht m min.
Entlastungsschächte pl
relief shaft
relief shafts
Entlastungsseil n
Entlastungsseil für Leitungswagen
strain release wire
strain release wire for cable trolley
(unterirdischer) Hochwasserentlastungsstollen m; Entlastungsstollen m (Wasserbau)
(underground) spillway tunnel (water engineering)
Entlastungsstraße f
Entlastungsstraßen pl
by-pass road
by-pass roads
by pass road
Entlastungsventil n
Entlastungsventile pl
relief valve
relief valves
relief valve
Entlastungsventil n; Ãœberdruckventil n techn.
Entlastungsventile pl; Ãœberdruckventile pl
pressure relief valve; relief valve
pressure relief valves; relief valves
Entlastungszeuge m jur.
Entlastungszeugen pl
witness for the defence
witnesses for the defence
witness for the defence
witnesses for the defence
Entlastungszug m
relief train
relief train
Eisenbahnzug m; Zug m (Bahn)
Eisenbahnzüge pl; Züge pl
abfahrbereiter Zug; fertiggebildeter Zug
abfahrender Zug; Zug bei der Abfahrt
ankommender Zug; eintreffender Zug; Ankunftszug; Zug bei der Ankunft
abgestellter Zug; zurückgestauter Zug
Ausflugszug m; Touristenzug m; Zug aus touristischem Anlass
ausgelasteter Zug
Ausstellungszug m
Autoreisezug m mit Motorradbeförderung; Zug mit begleiteten Motorrädern
Beförderungszug m; besetzter Zug
Belastungszug m; Lastenzug m (für den Brückentest)
Charterzug m; gecharterter Zug; vercharterter Zug Dt.
Dampfzug m; mit Dampflok bespannter Zug
doppelt geführter Zug; Entlastungszug; Verstärkungszug
durchgehender Zug
elektrischer Zug
ganzjährig verkehrender Zug
Ganzzug m; Blockzug m
geschlossener Zug
Gleisbauzug m; Gleisumbauzug m
Gleisbaumaschinenzug m; Oberbau-Erneuerungszug m
grenzüberschreitender Zug; internationaler Zug
kreuzender Zug (auf eingleisiger Strecke); begegnender Zug (auf zweigleisiger Strecke)
Nachtzug m
Panzerzug m; gepanzerter Zug
Postzug; Zug für Postbeförderung
Regionalzug m; Bummelzug m ugs.
Schotterzug m
Städtezug m
Städteschnellzug m; Intercity-Express-Zug m Dt. ICE ; Intercity-Express m ICE ; Städteexpress m (DDR)
Triebwagenzug m
Tunnelhilfszug m
Zug bestehend aus Gliederelementen
Zug des öffentlichen Verkehrs
Zug im Zulauf
Zug mit besonderen Beförderungsaufgaben
Zug mit besonderen Benutzungsbedingungen
Zug mit bestimmten Verkehrstagen
Zug ohne Zwischenhalt
mit dem Zug; mit der Bahn
im Zug
mit dem Zug fahren; mit der Bahn fahren (nach)
den Zug erreichen
den Zug verpassen
gerne Zug fahren
einen Zug abstellen; einen Zug in Ãœberholung nehmen
einen Zug auf Abruf stellen, einen Zug zurückstellen
einen Zug in den Bahnhof aufnehmen
außerplanmäßiger Zug
Züge beobachten und notieren (als Hobby)
train (railway)
train about to depart
departing train
arriving train
waiting train
tourist train
fully-loaded train
exhibition train
train of accompanied motorcycles
general-purpose train
test train (for bridge testing)
charter train; chartered train
steam train
extra train; relief train; second conditional train Am.; second section train Am.
direct train; through train
electric train
regular train
block train
special-purpose train
track-renewal train
mechanised track-relaying train
international train
train running passing in opposite direction; opposing train Am.
overnight train; night train
armoured train Br.; armored train Am.
mail train
regional train; non-express train
ballast train
intercity train
intercity express train ICE
divisible train set; multiple-unit set; MU set
tunnel emergency train
articulated train
revenue-earning train
expected train
single-commodity train
special train
non-regular train
non-stop train
by train
on the train
to go by train; to take the train (to)
to catch the train
to miss the train
to love to ride on trains
to stable a train; to recess a train; to park a train Am.
to hold a train
to accept a train into a station
wildcat train Am.
train spotting

Deutsche Entlastungsmethode Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Entlastungsmethode Synonym nachschlagen

Englische relaxation method Synonyme

relaxation  abatement  abridgment  allayment  alleviation  amusement  assuagement  attenuation  attrition  bagginess  blunting  calming  carelessness  comfort  contraction  cushioning  dampening  damping  deadening  debilitation  decrease  decrement  decrescence  deduction  deflation  demulsion  depreciation  depression  devitalization  dilution  diminishment  diminution  diversion  divertisement  divertissement  dulcification  dulling  dying  dying off  ease  easiness  easing  easygoingness  effemination  enervation  enfeeblement  enjoyment  entertainment  evisceration  exhaustion  extenuation  fade-out  falling-off  fatigue  fun  hushing  impotence  imprecision  inactivity  inanition  indifference  languishment  laxation  laxity  laxness  leisure  leniency  lessening  letdown  letup  lightening  looseness  loosening  lowering  lulling  mellowing  miniaturization  mirth  mitigation  moderation  modulation  mollification  mollifying  negligence  overindulgence  overpermissiveness  pacification  padding  palliation  passe-temps  pastime  permissiveness  pleasure  quiet  quietening  quieting  recreation  reduction  regalement  relaxedness  relief  remission  remissness  repose  rest  restfulness  ricketiness  sagging  scaling down  shakiness  simplicity  slackening  slackness  sleep  sloppiness  softening  softening-up  softness  solace  soothing  subduement  subtraction  tempering  thinning  tranquilization  tranquillity  unbuttoned ease  unrestraint  weakening  weakness  

Entlastungsmethode Definition

(n.) An orderly procedure or process
(n.) Orderly arrangement, elucidation, development, or classification
(n.) Classification
(n.) The act or process of relaxing, or the state of being relaxed
(n.) Remission from attention and effort

relaxation method / relaxation methods Bedeutung

Gram's method
Gram method
Gram's procedure
Gram's stain
Gram stain
a staining technique used to classify bacteria, bacteria are stained with gentian violet and then treated with Gram's solution, after being decolorized with alcohol and treated with safranine and washed in water, those that retain the gentian violet are Gram-positive and those that do not retain it are Gram-negative
the act of making less strict
method acting
an acting technique introduced by Stanislavsky in which the actor recalls emotions or reactions from his or her own life and uses them to identify with the character being portrayed
coitus interruptus
withdrawal method
withdrawal pulling out
a method of birth control in which coitus is initiated but the penis is deliberately withdrawn before ejaculation
contraceptive method
birth control by the use of devices (diaphragm or intrauterine device or condom) or drugs or surgery
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
ovulation method of family planning
ovulation method
natural family planning in which the fertile period is inferred from changes in the character and quantity of cervical mucus, ovulation is marked by an increase in mucus that becomes sticky and then clearer and slippery
rhythm method of birth control
rhythm method
calendar method of birth control
calendar method
natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from daythrough day of her cycle)
relaxation relaxation method a method of solving simultaneous equations by guessing a solution and then reducing the errors that result by successive approximations until all the errors are less than some specified amount
whole-word method teaching reading by training beginners to associate printed words with spoken words
freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility), took his repose by the swimming pool
method a way of doing something, especially a systematic way, implies an orderly logical arrangement (usually in steps)
scientific method a method of investigation involving observation and theory to test scientific hypotheses
experimental method the use of controlled observations and measurements to test hypotheses
teaching method
the principles and methods of instruction
Socratic method
maieutic method
a method of teaching by question and answer, used by Socrates to elicit truths from his students
method of choice the best method to achieve a desired result
eclectic method
making decisions on the basis of what seems best instead of following some single doctrine or style
differential calculus
method of fluxions
the part of calculus that deals with the variation of a function with respect to changes in the independent variable (or variables) by means of the concepts of derivative and differential
statistical method
statistical procedure
a method of analyzing or representing statistical data, a procedure for calculating a statistic
least squares
method of least squares
a method of fitting a curve to data points so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the distances of the points from the curve
an occurrence of control or strength weakening, the relaxation of requirements, the loosening of his grip, the slackening of the wind
a feeling of refreshing tranquility and an absence of tension or worry, the easiness we feel when sleeping
straight-line method
straight-line method of depreciation
(accounting) a method of calculating depreciation by taking an equal amount of the asset's cost as an expense for each year of the asset's useful life
accounting accounting system
method of accounting
a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business, forms part of a ledger of accounts
Bradley method of childbirth
Bradley method
a method that prepares a mother for natural childbirth by providing education and exercises and nutrition and techniques of breathing and relaxation (with the assistance of the father)
Lamaze method of childbirth
Lamaze method
a method that prepares a mother for natural childbirth, the pregnant woman (in classes and at home) practices (usually with the help of a coach) and learns about the physiology of childbirth and techniques of relaxation, concentration, and breathing
Leboyer method of childbirth
Leboyer method
a method of childbirth that tries to minimize the trauma for the newborn, delivery occurs in a quiet dimly lit room and the infant's head is not pulled and immediate bonding between mother and child is encouraged
powder photography
powder method
powder technique
a process for identifying minerals or crystals, a small rod is coated with a powdered form of the substance and subjected to suitably modified Xays, the pattern of diffracted rings is used for identification
Read method of childbirth
Read method
a method of natural childbirth that assumes it is a normal process and that the pain is largely psychological, involves education and breathing exercises to foster relaxation and other exercises
relaxation behavior
(physics) the exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance
relaxation (physiology) the gradual lengthening of inactive muscle or muscle fibers
relaxation time the time constant of an exponential return of a system to equilibrium after a disturbance
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