
Entnahmegegendruckturbine Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Entnahmegegendruckturbine f
tech extraction back pressure turbine
Entnahmegegendruckturbine f
tech extraction back pressure turbine
Abhebung f, Entnahme f
Abhebungen pl, Entnahmen pl
Biopsie f, Entnahme von Gewebe med.
Entnahme f, Abhebung f
Entnahme f
Entnahme f (Dampf)
Entnahme f (Druck)
Entnahme f (FlĂĽssigkeit)
Entnahme f (Probe)
Entnahme von RĂĽckinformationen (Funktechnik, TV)
extraction of upstream information
Oberflächenwasser-Entnahme f
withdrawal of surface water
Abhebung f; Behebung f Ă–s.; Entnahme f (eines Geldbetrags) fin.
Abhebung Behebung Ă–s. vom Geldausgabeautomaten; Bankomatbehebung Ă–s.
withdrawal (of an amount of money)
withdrawal at cash points cash machines ATMs; cash point cash machine ATM withdrawal
Biopsie f; Entnahme von Gewebe med.
Entnahme f; Abhebung f
Entnahme von RĂĽckinformationen (Funktechnik; TV)
extraction of upstream information
Freiexemplar n; Gratisexemplar n
Freiexemplare pl; Gratisexemplare pl
Zur freien Entnahme. (Aufschrift) adm.
free copy
free copies
Please take a free copy. Help yourself to a free copy.
Probeentnahme f; Probennahme f; Entnahme f von Proben; Musterzug m Schw.
sampling; withdrawal of samples
(zur Einsicht Ansicht; Entnahme) ausliegen; aufliegen SĂĽddt. Ă–s. Schw. v (an einem Ort) adm.
Die Pläne liegen öffentlich aus auf.
to be available; to be open for inspection; to be available for reading use; to be on display displayed (in a place)
The plans are open available to the public.
etw. (zur Einsicht Ansicht; Entnahme) auslegen; auflegen v adm.
to make sth. available (for inspection reading use); to display sth.
unrechtmäßig; ungesetzlich; widerrechtlich adj
widerrechtliche Entnahme f
unrechtmäßige Verhaftung f
wrongful; wrongous
wrongful withdrawal
wrongful arrest
Entnahme f (von etw. aus etw.)
Entnahmen pl
die Entnahme von Wasser aus Brunnen
die Entnahme von Daten aus Gerichtsakten
abstraction (of sth. from sth.)
the abstraction of water from wells
the abstraction of data from court records
Entnahme f von Wasser (aus einem Gewässer) envir.
water abstraction; abstraction of water; water withdrawal (from a body of water)
Entnahmestelle f (Bohrloch zur Entnahme von Wasser, Ă–l oder Gas)
Entnahmestellen pl
tap site (bore hole for tapping water, oil, or gas)
tap sites
Freiexemplar n; Gratisexemplar n
Freiexemplare pl; Gratisexemplare pl
Zur freien Entnahme. (Aufschrift) adm.
free copy
free copies
Please take a free copy. Help yourself to a free copy. (displayed notice)
Gewebeprobenentnahme f; Entnahme f von Gewebe; Biopsie f med.
Gewebeprobenentnahmen pl; Entnahmen pl von Gewebe; Biopsien pl
Lebersaugbiopsie f; Leberaspirationsbiopsie f
Prostatabiopsie f
Saugbiopsie f; Aspirationsbiopsie f
Stanzbiopsie f
Biopsie mit feiner Nadel
ultraschallgefĂĽhrte Biopsie
exploratory excision; biopsy procedure; biopsy
exploratory excisions; biopsy procedures; biopsies
aspiration liver biopsy
prostate biopsy
suction biopsy; aspiration biopsy
punch biopsy; core needle biopsy
fine needle biopsy
sonographically guided biopsy
Gewinnentnahme f; Privatentnahme f; Entnahme f econ. fin.
Entnahmen aus RĂĽcklagen
Privatentnahmen der Selbständigen
withdrawal of profits; profit withdrawal
withdrawals from reserves
profit withdrawals by self-employed persons
Grundwasser n geol. envir.
freies Grundwasser; ungespanntes Grundwasser
gespanntes Grundwasser; unter Druck stehendes Grundwasser
stehendes Grundwasser
uferfiltriertes Grundwasser; Uferfiltrat n
Ausbeutung des Grundwassers; Grundwasserausbeutung f
Erschöpfung des Grundwassers; Grundwassererschöpfung f
Entnahme des Grundwassers; Grundwasserentnahme f; Grundwasserförderung f
Ergiebigkeit des Grundwassers; Grundwasserergiebigkeit f
FlieĂźgeschwindigkeit f des Grundwassers
Neubildung von Grundwasser; Grundwasserneubildung f; Grundwassererneuerung f; Grundwassereintrag m; Grundwasserergänzung f; Grundwasserregeneration f; Grundwasserspende f
kĂĽnstliche Grundwasseranreicherung
Verschmutzung des Grundwassers; Grundwasserverschmutzung f; Grundwasserverunreinigung f; Grundwasserkontamination f
Grundwasserzufluss m; Grundwasserzustrom m (aus einem anderen Grundwasserabschnitt)
groundwater; ground water Br.; underground water; subsoil water; subterranean water
free groundwater; unconfined groundwater; phreatic water
confined groundwater
stagnant groundwater
bank seepage groundwater
groundwater exploitation; groundwater depletion
groundwater exhaustion
groundwater extraction; groundwater withdrawal
groundwater yield
velocity of groundwater flow; groundwater velocity
groundwater replenishment; groundwater recharge; groundwater regeneration
artificial groundwater replenishment; artificial groundwater recharge
groundwater pollution; groundwater contamination
groundwater inflow
Herausholen n; Entnehmen n; Entnahme f
die Entnahme von Spenderorganen
the retrieval of donor organs
Ständer m
Ständer pl
Buchständer m
Zeitschriftenständer m (zur Entnahme)
book stand
magazine stand
(zur Einsicht, Ansicht; Entnahme) ausliegen; aufliegen SĂĽddt. Ă–s. Schw. v (an einem Ort) adm.
Die Pläne liegen öffentlich aus auf.
to be available; to be open for inspection; to be available for reading use; to be on display displayed (in a place)
The plans are open available to the public.
etw. (zur Einsicht, Ansicht; Entnahme) auslegen; auflegen v adm.
to make sth. available (for inspection reading use); to display sth.
oberirdisches Wasser n; Oberflächenwasser n envir.
Entnahme von Oberflächenwasser
surface water
withdrawal of surface water
Entnahmearmaturen pl
taps and fittings
Sanitärarmaturen pl; Entnahmearmaturen pl constr.
taps and fittings
Entnahmeautomat m mach. techn.
parts-removal robot
Entnahmedampf m; Anzapfdampf m (Dampfturbine)
extraction steam; bleed steam (steam turbine)
Entnahmedampftemperatur f; Anzapfdampftemperatur f (Dampfturbine) techn.
extraction steam temperature; bleed steam temperature (steam turbine)
Entnahmedruck m
extraction pressure
Entnahmegegendruckturbine f
tech extraction back pressure turbine
Entnahmegerät n min.
soil-sample barrel; drive sampler; soil sampler; sampling apparatus; sampling device; sampling instrument
Entnahmekrater m
Entnahmekrater pl
suction crater
suction craters
Gewinnentnahmeplan m; Entnahmeplan m econ.
profit withdrawal plan; withdrawal plan
Entnahmestelle f; Anzapfstelle f; Zapfstelle f; Entnahmepunkt m; Zapfpunkt m (Dampfturbine)
Entnahmestellen pl; Anzapfstellen pl; Zapfstellen pl; Entnahmepunkte pl; Zapfpunkte pl
extraction point; bleeding point (steam turbine)
extraction points; bleeding points
stock requisition
Entnahmestab m chem.
Entnahmestäbe pl
application rod
application rods
Entnahmestelle f
sampling point, tapping point
Entnahmestelle f
Entnahmestellen pl
sampling point; tapping point
sampling points; tapping points
Entnahmestelle f
borrow source; point of withdrawal
Entnahmeventil n
Entnahmeventile pl
extraction valve
extraction valves

Deutsche Entnahmegegendruckturbine Synonyme

Englische tech extraction back pressure turbine Synonyme

technical  accomplished  applied  at concert pitch  authoritative  back-burner  career  coached  complex  complicated  confined  conversant  detailed  dinky  disciplinary  dispensable  expert  feature  featured  finished  functional  immaterial  inappreciable  inconsequential  inconsiderable  industrial  inessential  inferior  initiate  initiated  insignificant  intricate  irrelevant  knowledgeable  limited  little  mechanical  minor  minute  negligible  nonessential  not vital  official  petit  polytechnic  practiced  prepared  primed  pro  professional  restricted  scholarly  scientific  skilled  small  specialist  specialistic  specialized  technicological  technological  trained  unessential  unimpressive  unnoteworthy  vocational  
technicality  a little thing  area  bag  complexity  complexness  complication  convolution  crabbedness  cup of tea  entanglement  field  forte  hardly anything  inessential  insignificancy  intricacy  intricateness  involution  involvement  jargon word  line  long suit  main interest  manner  marginal matter  matter of indifference  mere nothing  metier  minor matter  naught  nihility  no great matter  nothing  nothing in particular  nothing to signify  nullity  paltry affair  perplexity  pet subject  peu de chose  pursuit  ramification  rien du tout  scarcely anything  specialism  speciality  specialization  specialty  strong point  style  subtlety  tanglement  technical term  thing  thing of naught  type  vocation  way  weakness  
technician  Admirable Crichton  adept  aficionado  amateur  apprentice  artificer  artisan  artist  attache  authority  buff  connaisseur  connoisseur  consultant  cordon bleu  crack shot  craftsman  craftswoman  critic  dead shot  dilettante  diplomat  diplomatist  elder statesman  experienced hand  expert  expert consultant  fan  freak  graduate  handicraftsman  handy man  journeyman  marksman  master  master carpenter  master craftsman  mechanic  no slouch  nut  politician  prentice  pro  professional  professor  proficient  pundit  savant  scholar  shark  sharp  specialist  statesman  technical adviser  technical expert  wright  
Technicolor  3-D  Cinemascope  Cinerama  Western  animated cartoon  black-and-white film  bright color  brightness  brilliance  cartoon  chiller  cinema  color  color film  colorfulness  creepie  documentary  documentary film  educational film  feature  film  flick  flicker  gaiety  gorgeousness  horror picture  horse opera  intensity  motion picture  motion-picture show  movie  moving picture  newsreel  nudie  photodrama  photoplay  picture  picture show  pornographic film  preview  pure color  richness  saturation  short  silent  silent film  skin flick  sneak preview  spaghetti Western  talkie  talking picture  thriller  trailer  underground film  vividness  
technics  academic discipline  academic specialty  acquaintance  applied science  area  arena  art  concern  corpus  craft  data  datum  department of knowledge  discipline  domain  experience  expertise  facts  factual base  familiarity  field  field of inquiry  field of study  information  intelligence  intimacy  ken  know-how  knowing  knowledge  mechanics  mechanism  method  natural science  ology  practical knowledge  private knowledge  privity  province  pure science  ratio cognoscendi  science  self-knowledge  skill  social science  specialty  sphere  study  technic  technical know-how  technical knowledge  technical skill  technicology  technique  technology  
technique  MO  SOP  ability  acquaintance  address  adeptness  adroitness  airmanship  algorithm  approach  aptitude  arrangement  art  artfulness  artisanship  artistry  atmosphere  attack  balance  bravura  brilliance  brushwork  capability  capacity  cleverness  color  command  competence  composition  control  coordination  corpus  course  craft  craftsmanship  cunning  data  datum  deftness  design  dexterity  dexterousness  dextrousness  diplomacy  draftsmanship  efficiency  experience  expertise  facility  facts  factual base  faculty  familiarity  fashion  finesse  form  genius  gift  grace  grip  grouping  guise  handiness  horsemanship  information  ingeniousness  ingenuity  intelligence  intimacy  ken  knack  know-how  knowing  knowledge  line  line of action  lines  manner  manner of working  marksmanship  mastership  mastery  means  mechanics  mechanism  method  methodology  mode  mode of operation  mode of procedure  modus  modus operandi  order  painterliness  performance  perspective  practical ability  practical knowledge  practice  private knowledge  privity  procedure  proceeding  process  proficiency  prowess  quickness  ratio cognoscendi  readiness  resource  resourcefulness  routine  savoir-faire  savvy  science  seamanship  self-knowledge  shading  shadow  skill  skillfulness  standard operating procedure  style  system  tack  tact  tactfulness  talent  technic  technical brilliance  technical know-how  technical knowledge  technical mastery  technical skill  technics  technology  the drill  the how  the way of  timing  tone  touch  treatment  values  virtuosity  way  wise  wit  wizardry  workmanship  
technology  academic discipline  academic specialty  applied science  area  arena  art  concern  craft  department of knowledge  discipline  domain  field  field of inquiry  field of study  mechanics  mechanism  method  natural science  ology  province  pure science  science  skill  social science  specialty  sphere  study  technic  technical know-how  technical knowledge  technical skill  technicology  technics  technique  

Entnahmegegendruckturbine Definition

(n.) A large shallow vat
(n.) A ferryboat. See Bac, 1.
(n.) In human beings, the hinder part of the body, extending from the neck to the end of the spine
(n.) An extended upper part, as of a mountain or ridge.
(n.) The outward or upper part of a thing, as opposed to the inner or lower part
(n.) The part opposed to the front
(n.) The part opposite to, or most remote from, that which fronts the speaker or actor
(n.) The part of a cutting tool on the opposite side from its edge
(n.) A support or resource in reserve.
(n.) The keel and keelson of a ship.
(n.) The upper part of a lode, or the roof of a horizontal underground passage.
(n.) A garment for the back
(a.) Being at the back or in the rear
(a.) Being in arrear
(a.) Moving or operating backward
(v. i.) To get upon the back of
(v. i.) To place or seat upon the back.
(v. i.) To drive or force backward
(v. i.) To make a back for
(v. i.) To adjoin behind
(v. i.) To write upon the back of
(v. i.) To support
(v. i.) To bet on the success of
(v. i.) To move or go backward
(v. i.) To change from one quarter to another by a course opposite to that of the sun
(v. i.) To stand still behind another dog which has pointed
(adv.) In, to, or toward, the rear
(adv.) To the place from which one came
(adv.) To a former state, condition, or station
(adv.) (Of time) In times past
(adv.) Away from contact
(adv.) In concealment or reserve
(adv.) In a state of restraint or hindrance.
(adv.) In return, repayment, or requital.
(adv.) In withdrawal from a statement, promise, or undertaking
(adv.) In arrear
Back door
() A door in the back part of a building
Back stairs
() Stairs in the back part of a house, as distinguished from the front stairs
(n.) The salt-marsh terrapin of the Atlantic coast (Malacoclemmys palustris).
(n.) The act of extracting, or drawing out
(n.) Derivation from a stock or family
(n.) That which is extracted
(a.) Having or involving a pressure greatly exceeding that of the atmosphere
(a.) Fig.: Urgent
(n.) A hogback.
(a.) Having, employing, or exerting, a low degree of pressure.
(n.) The act of pressing, or the condition of being pressed
(n.) A contrasting force or impulse of any kind
(n.) Affliction
(n.) Urgency

tech extraction back pressure turbine Bedeutung

the act of pressing, the exertion of pressure, he gave the button a press, he used pressure to stop the bleeding, at the pressing of a button
back door
a secret or underhand means of access (to a place or a position), he got his job through the back door
extraction the action of taking out something (especially using effort or force), the dentist gave her a local anesthetic prior to the extraction
back circle a feat in which an acrobat arches the back from a prone position and bends the knees until the toes touch the head
back exercise exercise designed to strengthen the back muscles
back (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage
high technology
high tech
highly advanced technological development (especially in electronics)
push back
the act of forcing the enemy to withdraw
call-back the recall of an employee after a layoff
return paying back
getting even
a reciprocal group action, in return we gave them as good as we got
recession ceding back the act of ceding back
c acid
back breaker
dose dot
loony toons
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
pane superman
window pane
street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
back street
a narrow street with walls on both sides
back backrest a support that you can lean against while sitting, the back of the dental chair was adjustable
back the part of a garment that covers the back of your body, they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back
back brace a brace worn to support the back
back door
back entrance
an entrance at the rear of a building
back pack
a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder
back porch a porch for the back door
back room a room located in the rear of an establishment, usually accessible only to privileged groups
back saw
a handsaw that is stiffened by metal reinforcement along the upper edge
book binding
cover back
the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book, the book had a leather binding
Francis turbine a type of hydroelectric turbine
gas turbine turbine that converts the chemical energy of a liquid fuel into mechanical energy by internal combustion, gaseous products of the fuel (which is burned in compressed air) are expanded through a turbine
gas-turbine ship a ship powered by a gas turbine
hydroelectric turbine turbine consisting of a large and efficient version of a water wheel used to drive an electric generator
impulse turbine a turbine that is driven by jets direct against the blades
ladder-back the backrest of a chair that consists of two uprights with connecting slats
ladder-back ladder-back chair a chair with a ladder-back
lubricating system
force-feed lubricating system
force feed
pressure-feed lubricating system
pressure feed
mechanical system of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings
paperback book
paper-back book
softback book
softover book
a book with paper covers
pressure cabin cabin consisting of the pressurized section of an aircraft or spacecraft
pressure cooker autoclave for cooking at temperatures above the boiling point of water
pressure dome a dome-shaped building that is pressurized
pressure gauge
pressure gage
gauge for measuring and indicating fluid pressure
pressure suit protective garment consisting of an inflatable suit for space or high altitude flying
reaction turbine a turbine with blades arranged to develop torque from gradual decrease of steam pressure from inlet to exhaust
the side that goes last or is not normally seen, he wrote the date on the back of the photograph
structure where a wall or building narrows abruptly
steam turbine turbine in which steam strikes blades and makes them turn
turbine rotary engine in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid is converted into mechanical energy by causing a bladed rotor to rotate
water back water heater consisting of a tank or pipes set at the back of a fireplace or in the firebox of a stove
wind turbine a turbine that is driven by the wind
properties attributable to your ancestry, he comes from good origins
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
acoustic radiation pressure (acoustics) the pressure exerted on a surface normal to the direction of propagation of a sound wave
pressure a force that compels, the public brought pressure to bear on the government
pressure point an area on the skin that is highly sensitive to pressure, you must know the pressure points in order to administer shiatsu
back tooth
a tooth situated at the back of the mouth
the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine, his back was nicely tanned
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