
Erbschaftsstreit Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Erbschaftsstreit m jur.
dispute about over inheritance; contentious probate business
Erbschaftsstreit m jur.
dispute about over inheritance; contentious probate business
Anfall m (Dividende, Erbschaft), Entstehung f (Anspruch)
Erbschaft f, Erbe n, Tradition f
Erbschaften pl
Erbschaft f
Vermächtnis n, Erbe n, Erbschaft f, Hinterlassenschaft f
Vermächtnisse pl
verfallenes Vermächtnis
lapsed legacy
Anfall m (Dividende; Erbschaft); Entstehung f (Anspruch)
Besitz m +Gen.; Sachherrschaft f jur. (über etw.)
im Besitz von etw. sein; etw. besitzen
in den Besitz von etw. gelangen kommen
wieder in den Besitz einer Sache gelangen
etw. in seinem Besitz haben
Besitz erwerben
etw. (rechtmäßig) in Besitz nehmen jur.
etw. (unrechtmäßig) in Besitz nehmen; sich einer Sache bemächtigen
jdn. im Besitz stören
jdn. in Besitz von etw. setzen
den Besitz an von etw. wiedererlangen
wieder in den Besitz eingesetzt werden
Besitz einer verbotenen Waffe
auf Räumung klagen
eine Erbschaft antreten
Beide Pistolen befinden sich im Besitz der rechtmäßigen Eigentümer.
Bei seiner Verhaftung hatte er 124 gefälschte DVDs bei sich.
Wie ist das Gemälde in seinen Besitz gelangt?; Wie ist er in den Besitz des Gemäldes gekommen?
possession (of sth.)
to be in possession of sth.
to come into to gain possession of sth.
to regain possession of sth.
to have sth. in one's possession
to acquire possession
to enter into possession of sth.
to take possession of sth.
to interfere with sb.'s possession
to put sb. in possession of sth.
to recover possession of sth.
to be restored to possession
possession of a prohibited weapon
to sue for possession Br.
to take possession of an estate
Both pistols are in the possession of the rightful owners.
At the time of arrest he was (found) in possession of 124 counterfeit DVDs.
How did the painting come into his possession?; How did he come into possession of the painting?
Erbschaft f; Erbe n
Erbschaften pl
väterliches Erbe
angefallene Erbschaft
dem Staat anheimgefallene Erbschaft
zu erwartende Erbschaft
eine Erbschaft antreten
inheritance; estate (of a deceased Br. decedent Am.)
inheritances; estates
patrimony property inherited from one's father
accrued inheritance
escheated inheritance Am.
estate in expectancy
to enter upon an inheritance
Herausgabe (von etw.) f jur.
Herausgabe der Erbschaft
Herausgabe von Urkunden
Herausgabe hinterlegter Sachen
Herausgabe eines Kindes
surrender (of possession); delivery (of sth.)
delivery of the estate
delivery of documents
return of items deposited
surrender of a child
gemeinsame Erbschaft f von Grundbesitz jur. hist.
coparcenary Br.
Nutzungsrecht n; Nießbrauchsrecht n Dt.; Nießbrauch m Dt.; Fruchtnießungsrecht n Ös.; Fruchtnießung f Ös.; Fruchtgenussrecht n Ös.; Fruchtgenuss m Ös. (an einer fremden Sache) jur.
lebenslanges Nutzungsrecht
Nutzungsrecht an unbeweglichem Vermögen
Nutzungsrecht an immateriellem Vermögen
Nutzungsrecht an einer Erbschaft
gemeinschaftliches Nutzungsrecht an Grundbesitz
mit einem Nutzungsrecht belastetes Vermögen
einen Nießbrauch bestellen
einen lebenslänglichen Nießbrauch an einem Nachlass bestellen
right of use; usufructuary right; usufruct (of another person's property)
tenancy for life; life tenancy
usufruct of immovable property
usufruct of intangible property
usufruct of a deceased's Br. decendent's Am. estate
right of common; common
property burdened encumbered with a usufruct
to create grant a usufruct
to create a usufruct life interest by will
Geld in etw. anlegen; Geld veranlagen Ös.; Geld investieren v fin.
Geld anlegend; veranlagend; investierend
Geld angelegt; veranlagt; investiert
gut angelegtes Kapital
sein Geld sicher gewinnbringend anlegen
sein Geld in Grundbesitz anlegen
sein Geld verzinslich anlegen
eine Erbschaft auf einem gesonderten Konto anlegen
to invest money in sth.
investing money
invested money
well invested capital
to invest your money safely profitably
to invest your money in land
to invest your money to earn interest; to put out your money at interest
to invest an inheritance in a separate account
etw. aufgeben v; auf etw. verzichten
aufgebend; verzichtend
aufgegeben; verzichtet
einen Anspruch aufgeben auf einen Anspruch verzichten
eine Erbschaft ausschlagen
Der Erbschaftsverwalter hat die Testamentsvollstreckung abgelehnt.
to renounce sth.
to renounce a claim
to renounce one's interest in an estate
The executor has renounced probate.
jdn. (um etw.) betrügen v; sich etw. von jdm. erschwindeln v
betrügend; erschwindelnd
betrogen; erschwindelt
er sie betrügt
ich er sie betrog
er sie hat hatte betrogen
jdn. um seine Erbschaft betrügen
to cheat; to swindle; to diddle Br.; to chisel Am. sb. (out of sth.)
cheating; swindling; diddling; chiseling
cheated; swindled; diddle; chiseled
he she cheats; he she swindles
I he she cheated; I he she swindled
he she has had cheated; he she has had swindled
to cheat swindle diddle sb. out of their inheritance
flüssig; zahlungsfähig adj
Aufgrund der Erbschaft blieb er flüssig.
Wir müssen schauen dass der Betrieb zahlungsfähig bleibt.
afloat coll.
The inheritance kept him afloat.
We need to try to keep the business afloat.
auf etw. formell verzichten v adm. jur.
formell verzichtend
formell verzichtet
auf einen Anspruch ein Recht verzichten
seine Staatsangehörigkeit zurücklegen
eine testamentarische Verfügung ausschlagen
Sie verzichtet auf die Erbschaft.
Der König verzichtete auf den Thron.
to renounce sth.
to renounce a claim right
to renounce one's citizenship Br. nationality Am.
to renounce one's right under a will Am.
She renounces her inheritance her interest in the estate.
The king renounced the throne.
Anfall m (Dividende; Erbschaft); Auflaufen n (Zinsen); Entstehen n; Entstehung f (Anspruch)
Auflaufen von Zinsen
accrual of interest
Anwartschaft f (auf ein Recht)
unverfallbare Anwartschaft
Anwartschaft auf eine Erbschaft; Erbanwartschaft f
Anwartschaft auf eine Rente Pension
Anwartschaft auf einen Posten eine Stelle
erworbene Rechte und Anwartschaften
expectancy (of a right); future right (to sth.)
expectancy not subject to lapse; vested interest
expectancy of an estate Br. inheritance Am.; contingent interest in an estate
pension expectancy
expectation of a post
acquired rights and expectancies; conditional rights
Besitz m +Gen.; Sachherrschaft f jur. (über etw.)
Eigenbesitz m
im Besitz von etw. sein; etw. besitzen
in den Besitz von etw. gelangen kommen
wieder in den Besitz einer Sache gelangen
etw. in seinem Besitz haben
Besitz erwerben
etw. (rechtmäßig) in Besitz nehmen jur.
etw. (unrechtmäßig) in Besitz nehmen; sich einer Sache bemächtigen
jdn. im Besitz stören
jdn. in Besitz von etw. setzen
den Besitz an von etw. wiedererlangen
wieder in den Besitz eingesetzt werden
Besitz einer verbotenen Waffe
auf Räumung klagen
eine Erbschaft antreten
Beide Pistolen befinden sich im Besitz der rechtmäßigen Eigentümer.
Bei seiner Verhaftung hatte er 124 gefälschte DVDs bei sich.
Wie ist das Gemälde in seinen Besitz gelangt?; Wie ist er in den Besitz des Gemäldes gekommen?
possession (of sth.)
proprietary possession
to be in possession of sth.
to come into to gain possession of sth.
to regain possession of sth.
to have sth. in one's possession
to acquire possession
to enter into possession of sth.
to take possession of sth.
to interfere with sb.'s possession
to put sb. in possession of sth.
to recover possession of sth.
to be restored to possession
possession of a prohibited weapon
to sue for possession Br.
to take possession of an estate
Both pistols are in the possession of the rightful owners.
At the time of arrest he was (found) in possession of 124 counterfeit DVDs.
How did the painting come into his possession?; How did he come into possession of the painting?
Erbschaft f; Erbmasse f; Erbe n
Erbschaften pl
väterliches Erbe
angefallene Erbschaft
Nacherbschaft f
zur Erbmasse gehören
dem Staat anheimgefallene Erbschaft
zu erwartende Erbschaft
eine Erbschaft antreten
inheritance; estate (of a deceased Br. decedent Am.)
inheritances; estates
patrimony, property inherited from one's father
accrued inheritance
estate of a reversionary heir
to be form part of the estate
escheated inheritance Am.
estate in expectancy
to enter upon an inheritance
Herausgabe f (von etw.) jur.
Herausgabe der Erbschaft
Herausgabe von Urkunden
Herausgabe hinterlegter Sachen
Herausgabe eines Kindes
Herausgabe unredlich erworbener Gewinne
surrender (of possession); delivery (of sth.)
delivery of the estate
delivery of documents
return of items deposited
surrender of a child
disgorgement of illegally obtained profits
Nutzungsrecht n; Nießbrauchsrecht n Dt.; Nießbrauch m Dt.; Fruchtnießungsrecht n Ös.; Fruchtnießung f Ös.; Fruchtgenussrecht n Ös.; Fruchtgenuss m Ös. (an einer fremden Sache) jur.
lebenslanges Nutzungsrecht
Nutzungsrecht an unbeweglichem Vermögen
Nutzungsrecht an immateriellem Vermögen
Nutzungsrecht an einer Erbschaft
gemeinschaftliches Nutzungsrecht an Grundbesitz
mit einem Nutzungsrecht belastetes Vermögen
einen Nießbrauch bestellen
einen lebenslänglichen Nießbrauch an einem Nachlass bestellen
right of use; usufructuary right; usufruct (of another person's property)
tenancy for life; life tenancy
usufruct of immovable property
usufruct of intangible property
usufruct of a deceased's Br. descendant's Am. estate
right of common; common
property burdened encumbered with a usufruct
to create grant a usufruct
to create a usufruct life interest by will
Verzichtserklärung f; Verzicht m (auf etw.); Ausschlagung f +Gen. jur.
Verzichtserklärungen pl; Ausschlagungen pl
Rechtsverzicht m
Ausschlagung einer Erbschaft
Ausschlagung eines Vermächtnisses
Ausschlagung eines beschwerten Vermächtnisses von Geld oder beweglichen Gegenständen
Ausschlagung eines beschwerten Grundstückvermächtnisses
Ausschlagung von belastetem Vermögen (Konkursrecht)
eine Verzichterklärung zu etw. in Bezug auf eine Sache abgeben
disclaimer (of sth.)
disclaimer of a right
disclaimer of an estate an inheritance Am.
disclaimer of a testamentary gift
disclaimer of onerous bequest
disclaimer of onerous devise
disclaimer of onerous property (bankruptcy law)
to file a disclaimer of sth.
etw. aufgeben v; auf etw. verzichten
aufgebend; verzichtend
aufgegeben; verzichtet
einen Anspruch aufgeben, auf einen Anspruch verzichten
eine Erbschaft ausschlagen
Der Erbschaftsverwalter hat die Testamentsvollstreckung abgelehnt.
to renounce sth.
to renounce a claim
to renounce one's interest in an estate
The executor has renounced probate.
flüssig; zahlungsfähig adj
Aufgrund der Erbschaft blieb er flüssig.
Wir müssen schauen, dass der Betrieb zahlungsfähig bleibt.
afloat coll.
The inheritance kept him afloat.
We need to try to keep the business afloat.
rückgefallenes Gut n; rückgefallenes Recht n; heimgefallenes Gut n; Heimfallsgut n jur.
dem Staat anheimgefallene Erbschaft
escheated property; escheated estate; escheat
escheated inheritance
Rückfall m; Heimfall n von Gütern Rechten (an den Staat Rechtsinhaber) jur.
Rückfall eines Miet- oder Pachtrechts
Erbschaftsanfall an den Staat
reversion of property rights (to the state holder of a right); escheat
leasehold reversion
escheat of inheritance
Erbschaftsanspruch m; Erbanspruch m
Erbschaftsansprüche pl; Erbansprüche pl
claim to an inheritance
claims to an inheritance
Erbschaftskauf m; Erbteilskauf m jur.
purchase of an accrued inheritance
death duties
inheritance tax
succession duty
Erbschaftssteuer f, Erbschaftsteuer f
estate duty, death duty, death duties
death duty
Erbschaftssteuer f; Erbschaftsteuer f adm.; Nachlasssteuer f
inheritance tax; estate tax Am.; death tax Am.
Erbschaftssteuer f; Erbschaftsteuer f fin.
death tax; death duty
Schenkungs- und Erbschaftssteuer f fin.
personenbezogene Schenkungs- und Erbschaftssteuer
inheritance tax Br.; capital transfer tax Br. hist.; gift and estate tax Am.
accession tax; capital acquisition tax
Steuerfreibetrag m; Freibetrag m fin.
Steuerfreibeträge pl; Freibeträge pl
Altersfreibetrag m
Arbeitnehmerfreibetrag m
Ausbildungsfreibetrag m (für unterhaltsberechtigte Minderjährige)
Dividendenfreibetrag m
Investitionsfreibetrag m
Jahresfreibetrag m
Kinderfreibetrag m
Umsatzfreibetrag m
Versorgungsfreibetrag m (für den verwitweten Ehegatten bei der Erbschaftssteuer)
Versorgungsfreibetrag m (für den verwitweten Ehegatten bei Versorgungsleistungen aus früheren Dienstverhältnissen)
Weihnachtsgeldfreibetrag m
einschleifender Freibetrag; verschleifender Freibetrag Ös.
persönlicher Steuerfreibetrag
die Höhe des Freibetrags
tax allowance; tax deduction; tax relief; tax-exempt amount
tax allowances; tax deductions; tax reliefs; tax-exempt amounts
age allowance; age relief; old age exemption Am.
employee allowance; employee exemption Am.; earned income relief for employees Br.
education allowance; education exemption Am. (for dependent minors)
dividend exclusion
investment allowance
annual allowance; annual exemption Am.
allowance for dependent children
tax-exempt amount of turnover
marital deduction; marital exemption Am.; spouses' exemption Am.
retirement allowance; disability allowance; retirement exemption Am.; disability exemption Am.; allowance exemption for retirement
Christmas allowance; Christmas exemption Am.
marginal relief
personal allowance Br.; personal relief Br.; personal exemption Am.
the amount of deduction; the amount of relief
estate duty
Erbschaftsstreit m jur.
dispute about over inheritance; contentious probate business
Erbschaftsübergang m; Erbübergang m jur.
transfer of the deceased's Br. decedent's Am. estate to the heir; devolution of the estate on the heir
Erbschaftsverfahren n jur.
probate proceedings
Erbschaftsverkauf m; Erbteilsverkauf m jur.
sale of an accrued inheritance
den Wohnort betreffend adj; Heimats...; Haus...
Erbschaftsverwaltung f am Wohnort des Erblassers
Erbschaftsverwalter m (der am Domizil des Erblassers bestellt wird)
domiciliary administration Am.
domiciliary administrator Am.
den Wohnort betreffend adj; Heimats…; Haus…
Erbschaftsverwaltung f am Wohnort des Erblassers
Erbschaftsverwalter m (der am Domizil des Erblassers bestellt wird)
domiciliary administration Am.
domiciliary administrator Am.

Deutsche Erbschaftsstreit Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Erbschaftsstreit Synonym nachschlagen

Englische dispute about over inheritance; contentious probate business Synonyme

dispute  Kilkenny cats  Socratic method  abjure  agitate  altercate  altercation  apologetics  apologia  apology  argue  argufy  argument  argumentation  asking  assert the contrary  awake a doubt  bandy words  be diffident  be doubtful  be dubious  be skeptical  be uncertain  beef  belie  bicker  bicker over  bickering  bitch  blood feud  boggle  boycott  brawl  bringing into question  broil  buck  call in question  canvass  casuistry  cat-and-dog life  catechizing  cavil  challenge  choplogic  combat  combative reaction  complain  complain loudly  complaint  conflict  confront  confute  contend  contend about  contend with  contention  contentiousness  contest  contestation  contradict  contravene  controversy  controvert  counter  counteraction  cross  cross swords  cry out against  cut and thrust  debate  defense  defiance  demonstrate  demonstrate against  demur  deny  differ  difference of opinion  disaffirm  disagree with  disagreement  disallow  disavow  discept  disclaim  discord  discuss  discussion  disown  disprove  disputation  dissension  dissent  dissent from  dissentience  distrust  disturbance  donnybrook  donnybrook fair  doubt  duel  embroilment  enmity  enter a protest  examination  expostulate  face down  face out  face up to  falling-out  feud  fight  fight against  fight over  fighting  flite  fliting  flyting  forswear  fracas  fractiousness  front  fuss  gainsay  give and take  greet with skepticism  half believe  harbor suspicions  hassle  have it out  have reservations  have words  holler  hostility  howl  hubbub  hurrah  imbroglio  impugn  inquiring  interpellation  interrogation  join issue  join issue upon  kick  kick against  litigation  lock horns  logomachize  logomachy  make a stand  march  meet head-on  miff  misgive  mistrust  moot  negativism  noncooperation  not accept  not admit  nullify  object  object to  objection  obstinacy  offer resistance  open quarrel  oppose  opposition  paper war  passage of arms  passive resistance    
disputed  belied  confounded  confuted  contested  deflated  denied  disbelieved  discarded  discredited  dismissed  disproved  doubted  exploded  exposed  impugned  invalidated  mistrusted  moot  negated  negatived  overthrown  overturned  punctured  questioned  refuted  rejected  shown up  suspect  suspected  under a cloud  under suspicion  upset  

Erbschaftsstreit Definition

(n.) That which busies one, or that which engages the time, attention, or labor of any one, as his principal concern or interest, whether for a longer or shorter time
(n.) Any particular occupation or employment engaged in for livelihood or gain, as agriculture, trade, art, or a profession.
(n.) Financial dealings
(n.) That which one has to do or should do
(n.) Affair
(n.) The position, distribution, and order of persons and properties on the stage of a theater, as determined by the stage manager in rehearsal.
(n.) Care
(a.) Fond of contention
(a.) Relating to contention or strife
(a.) Contested
(v. i.) To contend in argument
(v. t.) To make a subject of disputation
(v. t.) To oppose by argument or assertion
(v. t.) To strive or contend about
(v. t.) To struggle against
(v. i.) Verbal controversy
(v. i.) Contest
(n.) The act or state of inheriting
(n.) That which is or may be inherited
(n.) A permanent or valuable possession or blessing, esp. one received by gift or without purchase
(n.) Possession
(n.) Transmission and reception by animal or plant generation.
(n.) A perpetual or continuing right which a man and his heirs have to an estate
(n.) Proof.
(n.) Official proof
(n.) The right or jurisdiction of proving wills.
(a.) Of or belonging to a probate, or court of probate
(v. t.) To obtain the official approval of, as of an instrument purporting to be the last will and testament

dispute about over inheritance; contentious probate business Bedeutung

hereditary succession to a title or an office or property
probate the act of proving that an instrument purporting to be a will was signed and executed in accord with legal requirements
business stage business
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect, his business with the cane was hilarious
loose end
unfinished business
work that is left incomplete
line of work
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money, he's not in my line of business
business life
professional life
a career in industrial or commercial or professional activities
monkey business mischievous or deceitful behavior
commercial enterprise
business enterprise
the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects, computers are now widely used in business
business activity
commercial activity
activity undertaken as part of a commercial enterprise
business the volume of commercial activity, business is good today, show me where the business was today
land-office business very large and profitable volume of commercial activity
field of operation
line of business
a particular kind of commercial enterprise, they are outstanding in their field
employee-owned enterprise
employee-owned business
a commercial enterprise owned by the people who work for it
discount business the business of selling merchandise at a discount
real-estate business the business of selling real estate
meat packing
meat-packing business
wholesale packaging of meat for future sale (including slaughtering and processing and distribution to retailers)
deal trade business deal a particular instance of buying or selling, it was a package deal, I had no further trade with him, he's a master of the business deal
going-out-of-business sale a sale of all the tangible assets of a business that is about to close, during the Great Depression going-out-of-business sales were very common
coming into conflict with
airline business
a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers
business suit a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen
line product line
line of products
line of merchandise
business line
line of business
a particular kind of product or merchandise, a nice line of shoes
business office
place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed, he rented an office in the new building
place of business
business establishment
an establishment (a factory or an assembly plant or retail store or warehouse etc.) where business is conducted, goods are made or stored or processed or where services are rendered
inheritance heritage any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors, my only inheritance was my mother's blessing, the world's heritage of knowledge
inheritance hereditary pattern (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
X-linked dominant inheritance hereditary pattern in which a dominant gene on the X chromosome causes a characteristic to be manifested in the offspring
X-linked recessive inheritance hereditary pattern in which a recessive gene on the X chromosome results in the manifestation of characteristics in male offspring and a carrier state in female offspring
personal business
personal matters
matters of personal concern, get his affairs in order
business a rightful concern or responsibility, it's none of your business, mind your own business
business an immediate objective, gossip was the main business of the evening
theory of inheritance (biology) a theory of how characteristics of one generation are derived from earlier generations
assumed name fictitious name
Doing Business As
(law) a name under which a corporation conducts business that is not the legal name of the corporation as shown in its articles of incorporation
business card a card on which are printed the person's name and business affiliation
order of business
a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting)
probate will
a judicial certificate saying that a will is genuine and conferring on the executors the power to administer the estate
business letter a letter dealing with business
business index a statistical compilation that provides a context for economic or financial conditions, this business index is computed relative to the base year of
business news news about businesses and investments
Master in Business
Master in Business Administration
a master's degree in business
difference of opinion
a disagreement or argument about something important, he had a dispute with his wife, there were irreconcilable differences, the familiar conflict between Republicans and Democrats
business cycle
trade cycle
recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline
business lunch lunch (usually at a restaurant) where business is discussed and the cost is charged as a business expense
business people
people who transact business (especially business executives)
business business sector business concerns collectively, Government and business could not agree
big business commercial enterprises organized and financed on a scale large enough to influence social and political policies, big business is growing so powerful it is difficult to regulate it effectively
house business firm
the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments, he worked for a brokerage house
manufacturing business
a business engaged in manufacturing some product
business concern
business organization
business organisation
a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it, he bought his brother's business, a small mom-and-pop business, a racially integrated business concern
aluminum business
aluminum industry
manufacturers of aluminum considered as a group
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