
Erg Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

erga omnes; die Allgemeinheit betreffend; absolut adj jur.
Entscheidung erga omnes
Wirkung erga omnes (einer juristischen Entscheidung)
erga omnes; concerning everybody
erga omnes decision
effect erga omnes (of a judicial decision)
sich ergeben (aus)
sich ergebend
sich ergeben
es ergibt sich
es ergab sich
es hat
hatte sich ergeben
falls sich die Notwendigkeit ergibt
to arise {arose, arisen} (from, out of)
it arises
it arose
it has
had arisen
should the need arise
es ergibt
es ergab
es hat
hatte ergeben
to result in
resulting in
resulted in
it results in
it resulted in
it has
had resulted in
ergab, resultiertem
resulted in
die Untersuchung ergab nichts
the investigation did not show a thing
Treffer m; Ãœbereinstimmung f (bei etw.) (beim Abgleichen)
eine genaue Ãœbereinstimmung beim Geburtsort
völlige Farbübereinstimmung
Die Datenbankabfrage anhand der Namen ergab eine mögliche Übereinstimmung in beiden Fällen.
Der Abgleich des DNS-Profils mit unserer Datenbank hat keinen Treffer ergeben.
Die Fingerabdrücke wurden in unserer Datenbank gespeichert und werden künftig permanent abgeglichen.
match (on sth.) (in comparisons)
an exact match on the place of birth
colour match
Following a database query using the names a possible match was found for both.
We have checked the DNA profile against our database records but no match was found.
The fingerprints have been stored on our database for any possible future match.
sich aus etw. ergeben v; bei etw. anfallen v
sich ergebend; anfallend
sich ergeben; angefallen
es ergibt sich
es ergab sich
es hat hatte sich ergeben
falls sich die Notwendigkeit ergibt
die im Zusammenhang mit der Vertragsabwicklung anfallenden Daten
Streitigkeiten die sich aus oder im Zusammenhang mit dieser Vereinbarung ergeben
to arise from out of sth. {arose; arisen}
it arises
it arose
it has had arisen
should the need arise
the data arising from the performance of the contract
disputes arising from or related to this agreement
etw. ergeben v
es ergibt
es ergab
es hat hatte ergeben
to result in sth.
resulting in
resulted in
it results in
it resulted in
it has had resulted in
etw. ergeben (als Ergebnis hervorbringen) v
Was ergeben die Zahlen?
Die Analyse ergab Folgendes:
Die Sichtung des Nachlasses hat ergeben dass das Manuskript fehlt.
Die Prüfung des Antrags hat ergeben dass die Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung der Methode erfüllt sind.
Wenn die Ermittlungen ergeben dass Betrug vorliegt müssen neue Kontrollen eingeführt werden.
Wissenschaftliche Tests haben ergeben dass die meisten Liverpooler einen chronischen Katarrh haben.
Die durchgeführten Kontrollen haben nichts ergeben was die Ordnungsmäßigkeit der gemeldeten Ausgaben in Frage stellen würde.
to show; to reveal; to establish; to prove sth.
What are the figures showing?
The analysis yielded the following result(s):
An examination of the deceased's estate shows has shown that the manuscript is missing.
The assessment of the application reveals has revealed that the conditions for authorizing the method are fulfilled satisfied.
If the investigations establish that fraud has taken place new controls need to be implemented.
Scientific tests prove that most Liverpudlians have chronic catarrh.
The inspections carried out have not disclosed any factor capable of casting doubt on the regularity of the expenditure declared.
jeweils adv (in jedem einzelnen Fall)
Die Suche in der Medline- und Scopus-Datenbank ergab jeweils andere Treffer.
in each case
The Medline and Scopus database searches in each case yielded different results.
Treffer m; Ãœbereinstimmung f (bei etw.) (beim Abgleichen)
eine genaue Ãœbereinstimmung beim Geburtsort
völlige Farbübereinstimmung
Die Datenbankabfrage anhand der Namen ergab eine mögliche Übereinstimmung in beiden Fällen.
Der Abgleich des DNS-Profils mit unserer Datenbank hat keinen Treffer ergeben.
Die Fingerabdrücke wurden in unserer Datenbank gespeichert und werden künftig permanent abgeglichen.
match (on sth.) (in comparisons)
an exact match on the place of birth
colour match
Following a database query using the names a possible match was found for both.
We have checked the DNA profile against our database records, but no match was found.
The fingerprints have been stored on our database for any possible future match.
sich aus etw. ergeben v; bei etw. anfallen v
sich ergebend; anfallend
sich ergeben; angefallen
es ergibt sich
es ergab sich
es hat hatte sich ergeben
falls sich die Notwendigkeit ergibt
die im Zusammenhang mit der Vertragsabwicklung anfallenden Daten
Streitigkeiten, die sich aus oder im Zusammenhang mit dieser Vereinbarung ergeben
to arise from out of sth. {arose; arisen}
it arises
it arose
it has had arisen
should the need arise
the data arising from the performance of the contract
disputes arising from or related to this agreement
etw. ergeben (als Ergebnis hervorbringen) v
Was ergeben die Zahlen?
Die Analyse ergab Folgendes:
Die Sichtung des Nachlasses hat ergeben, dass das Manuskript fehlt.
Die Prüfung des Antrags hat ergeben, dass die Voraussetzungen für die Zulassung der Methode erfüllt sind.
Wenn die Ermittlungen ergeben, dass Betrug vorliegt, müssen neue Kontrollen eingeführt werden.
Wissenschaftliche Tests haben ergeben, dass die meisten Liverpooler einen chronischen Katarrh haben.
Die durchgeführten Kontrollen haben nichts ergeben, was die Ordnungsmäßigkeit der gemeldeten Ausgaben in Frage stellen würde.
to show; to reveal; to establish; to prove sth.
What are the figures showing?
The analysis yielded the following result(s):
An examination of the deceased's estate shows has shown that the manuscript is missing.
The assessment of the application reveals has revealed that the conditions for authorizing the method are fulfilled satisfied.
If the investigations establish that fraud has taken place, new controls need to be implemented.
Scientific tests prove that most Liverpudlians have chronic catarrh.
The inspections carried out have not disclosed any factor capable of casting doubt on the regularity of the expenditure declared.
Personenzählung f
Personenzählungen an dieser Kreuzung ergaben, dass innerhalb einer Woche 38.000 Personen vorbeikamen.
headcount (act of counting people)
headcount of those present
Headcounts conducted at that junction revealed that 38,000 people passed through within one week.
abändern, ergänzen, verbessern
indossieren, ergänzen
ergänzen, vervollständigen v
ergänzend, vervollständigend
ergänzt, vervollständigt
ergänzt, vervollständigt
ergänzte, vervollständigte
to complete
to complement, to supplement
complementing, supplementing
complemented, supplemented
complements, supplements
complemented, supplemented
ergänzen, aufbessern (mit)
ergänzend, aufbessernd
ergänzt, aufgebessert
to supplement (with)
hinzufügen, zufügen, addieren, hinzuzählen, hinzukommen, ergänzen
hinzufügend, zufügend, addierend, hinzuzählend, hinzukommend, ergänzend
hinzugefügt, zugefügt, addiert, hinzugezählt, hinzugekommen, ergänzt
to add
rekrutieren, ergänzen v
to recruit
hinzufuegen, addieren, hinzukommen, ergaenzen
ergaenzen, Gegensatz
ergaenzen, rekrutieren, Rekrut
to complete
to make up for
Hinzufügen n; Beifügen n; Zusetzen n; Zugeben n; Ergänzen n
ohne Zusatz von
unter Zusatz von
without the addition of; without adding
while adding of
ergänzen; vervollständigen v
ergänzend; vervollständigend
ergänzt; vervollständigt
ergänzt; vervollständigt
ergänzte; vervollständigte
to complete
ergänzen v
to complement; to supplement
complementing; supplementing
complemented; supplemented
complements; supplements
complemented; supplemented
etw. neu formulieren (und damit verbessern) v
neu formulierend
neu formuliert
formuliert neu
formulierte neu
einen Entwurf ergänzen und verbessern
to restate sth.
to amend and restate a draft
nachtragen v (etw. nachträglich ergänzen)
to add sth.
Zugabe f; Beigabe f; Beimischung f (bei Flüssigkeiten); Beifügen n; Hinzufügen n; Hinzugeben n; Hinzukommen n; Zugeben n; Zusetzen n; Ergänzen n (von etw.) (Vorgang)
ohne Zusatz von
unter Zusatz von
das Ergänzen des Grabsteins mit einem zusätzlichen Namen
die Ausstattung der Schule mit neuen Computern
das Hinzukommen weiterer Wegebenutzer
die Suppe durch Hinzufügen von Rahm binden
Der Geschmack von Karamell und Apfel wird durch (die) Zugabe von Zimt noch weiter verfeinert.
Ein Wakeboard hat eine ähnliche Form wie ein Snowboard, aber zusätzlich noch zwei schmale Rippen an der Unterseite.
Das Fischgericht kann mit einem gut gewählten Wein noch aufgewertet werden.
addition (of sth.) (process)
without the addition of; without adding
while adding of
the addition of an extra name to the headstone
the addition of new computers to the school
the addition of further users to the right of way
to thicken the soup by the addition of cream
The flavours of caramel and apple are further enhanced with the addition of cinnamon.
A wakeboard is similar in shape to a snowboard, with the addition of two small fins on the underside.
The fish dish can be improved with the addition of a well chosen wine accompaniment.
dazusagen; hinzufügen; ergänzen, dass … v ling.
dazusagend; hinzufügend; ergänzend, dass …
dazugesagt; hinzugefügt; ergänzt, dass …
to go on to say; to state further; to add that …
going on to say; stating further; adding that …
gone on to say; stated further; added that …
sich ergänzen; sich einander ergänzen geh. veraltend v
sich ergänzend; einander ergänzend
sich ergänzt; einander ergänzt
Sie ergänzen sich großartig. (Personen)
to complement each another; to complement one another
complementing each another; complementing one another
complemented each another; complemented one another
The make the perfect team. (of persons)
etw. ergänzen; etw. abrunden v
ergänzend; abrundend
ergänzt; abgerundet
ergänzt; rundet ab
ergänzte; rundete ab
Whisky und Schokolade passen wunderbar zusammen.
to complement; to supplement
complementing; supplementing
complemented; supplemented
complements; supplements
complemented; supplemented
Whisky and chocolate complement each other perfectly.
komplementär, ergänzend
sich gegenseitig ergänzend, komplimentär
ergänzend adj
supplemental, supplementary
ergänzend, unterstützend adj
ergänzend, komplementär adj
ergaenzend, unterstuetzend
etw. (an einen Bericht etc.) anschließen; ergänzend hinzufügen; einer Sache folgen lassen; etw. supplieren (veraltet) v
anschließend; ergänzend hinzufügend; einer Sache folgen lassend; supplierend
angeschlossen; ergänzend gehinzufügt; einer Sache folgen lassen; suppliert
to subjoin sth. (to an account etc.)
ergänzend adj
ergänzende Bestimmungen
supplemental; supplementary
supplementary provisions
ergänzend; unterstützend adj
(einander) ergänzend; komplementär adj
sich ergänzende Lebensmittel
complementary; complemental
complementary food
ergänzend; vervollkommnend; vollendend; vervollständigend adj
etw. (an einen Bericht usw.) anschließen; ergänzend hinzufügen; einer Sache folgen lassen; etw. supplieren veraltet v
anschließend; ergänzend hinzufügend; einer Sache folgen lassend; supplierend
angeschlossen; ergänzend hinzugefügt; einer Sache folgen lassen; suppliert
to subjoin sth. (to an account etc.)
ergänzend adj; Zusatz…
etw. nachliefern; etw. ergänzend liefern v econ.
nachliefernd; ergänzend liefernd
nachgeliefert; ergänzend geliefert
to deliver sth. in addition
delivering in addition
delivered in addition
ergänzende Bestimmungen
supplementary provisions
Nachzahlung, ergänzende Zahlung
supplementary payment
sich ergänzende Lebensmittel
complementary food
Rechtsvorschrift f
Rechtsvorschriften pl
ergänzende Rechtsvorschriften
Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften
legislative provision, legal provision
legislative provisions, legal provisions, legislation
complementary legislation
harmonization of legislation
ergaenzende, komplementaer
Rechtsvorschrift f jur.
Rechtsvorschriften pl
ergänzende Rechtsvorschriften
innerstaatliche Rechtsvorschriften
Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften
Rechtsvorschriften bereinigen
piece of legislation; legislative provision; legal provision
pieces of legislation; legislative provisions; legal provisions; legislation
complementary legislation
national legislation
harmonization of legislation eAm.; harmonisation of legislation Br.
to clean up legislation
Rechtsvorschrift f jur.
Rechtsvorschriften pl
ergänzende Rechtsvorschriften
innerstaatliche Rechtsvorschriften
Vereinheitlichung der Rechtsvorschriften; Harmonisierung der Rechtsvorschriften
Rechtsvorschriften bereinigen
piece of legislation; legislative provision; legal provision
pieces of legislation; legislative provisions; legal provisions; legislation
complementary legislation
national legislation
harmonization of legislation; harmonisation of legislation Br.
to clean up legislation

Deutsche Erg Synonyme

Englische erga omnes; concerning everybody Synonyme

Erg Definition

(n.) Cutting off
(n.) The act of deciding
(n.) An account or report of a conclusion, especially of a legal adjudication or judicial determination of a question or cause
(n.) The quality of being decided
(n.) Execution
(n.) Manifestation
(n.) In general: That which is produced by an agent or cause
(n.) Impression left on the mind
(n.) Power to produce results
(n.) Consequence intended
(n.) The purport
(n.) Reality
(n.) Goods
(v. t.) To produce, as a cause or agent
(v. t.) To bring to pass
(a.) Pertaining or appropriate to courts of justice, or to a judge
(a.) Fitted or apt for judging or deciding
(a.) Belonging to the judiciary, as distinguished from legislative, administrative, or executive. See Executive.
(a.) Judicious.

erga omnes; concerning everybody / erga omnes decision / effect erga omnes (of a judicial decision) Bedeutung

determination conclusion
the act of making up your mind about something, the burden of decision was his, he drew his conclusions quickly
judicial torture torture that is sanctioned by the state and executed by duly accredited officials, the English renounced judicial torture in
judicial proceeding
a legal proceeding in a court, a judicial contest to determine and enforce legal rights
judicial decision
(law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it
final judgment
final decision
a judgment disposing of the case before the court, after the judgment (or an appeal from it) is rendered all that remains is to enforce the judgment
Bakke decision a ruling by the Supreme Court on affirmative action, the Court ruled in that medical schools are entitled to consider race as a factor in their admission policy
judicial review review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of some other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the decision of a trial court
field-effect transistor
a transistor in which most current flows in a channel whose effective resistance can be controlled by a transverse electric field
ground-effect machine
a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
an outward appearance, he made a good impression, I wanted to create an impression of success, she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting
effect force (of a law) having legal validity, the law is still in effect
the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose, a man of unusual decisiveness
broad interpretation
judicial activism
an interpretation of the U.S. constitution holding that the spirit of the times and the needs of the nation can legitimately influence judicial decisions (particularly decisions of the Supreme Court)
decision making
the cognitive process of reaching a decision, a good executive must be good at decision making
a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration, a decision unfavorable to the opposition, his conclusion took the evidence into account, satisfied with the panel's determination
law of effect (psychology) the principle that behaviors are selected by their consequences, behavior having good consequences tends to be repeated whereas behavior that leads to bad consequences is not repeated
effect an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived), he just did it for effect
sound effect an effect that imitates a sound called for in the script of a play
special effect an effect used to produce scenes that cannot be achieved by normal techniques (especially on film)
stage effect a special effect created on the stage
legal principle
judicial principle
judicial doctrine
(law) a principle underlying the formulation of jurisprudence
sheriff's sale
execution sale
judicial sale
forced sale
a sale of property by the sheriff under authority of a court's writ of execution in order satisfy an unpaid obligation
legal separation
judicial separation
a judicial decree regulating the rights and responsibilities of a married couple living apart
judicial writ
(law) a legal document issued by a court or judicial officer
decision table a table of all contingencies and the actions to be taken for each
the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
stipulation judicial admission (law) an agreement or concession made by parties in a judicial proceeding (or by their attorneys) relating to the business before the court, must be in writing unless they are part of the court record, a stipulation of fact was made in order to avoid delay
decision the outcome of a game or contest, the team dropped three decisions in a row
decision (boxing) a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred, had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent
split decision a boxing decision in which the judges are not unanimous
judiciary judicature
judicial system
the system of law courts that administer justice and constitute the judicial branch of government
judicial branch the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice
decision maker
someone who administers a business
event issue
a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon, the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise, his decision had depressing consequences for business, he acted very wise after the event
bandwagon effect the phenomenon of a popular trend attracting even greater popularity, in periods of high merger activity there is a bandwagon effect with more and more firms seeking to engage in takeover activity, polls are accused of creating a bandwagon effect to benefit their candidate
butterfly effect the phenomenon whereby a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere, e.g., a butterfly flapping its wings in Rio de Janeiro might change the weather in Chicago
coattails effect (politics) the consequence of one popular candidate in an election drawing votes for other members of the same political party, he counted on the coattails effect to win him the election
Coriolis effect (physics) an effect whereby a body moving in a rotating frame of reference experiences the Coriolis force acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation, on Earth the Coriolis effect deflects moving bodies to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere
domino effect the consequence of one event setting off a chain of similar events (like a falling domino causing a whole row of upended dominos to fall)
knock-on effect a secondary or incidental effect
placebo effect any effect that seems to be a consequence of administering a placebo, the change is usually beneficial and is assumed result from the person's faith in the treatment or preconceptions about what the experimental drug was supposed to do, pharmacologists were the first to talk about placebo effects but now the idea has been generalized to many situations having nothing to do with drugs
position effect (genetics) the effect on the expression of a gene that is produced by changing its location in a chromosome
side effect
any adverse and unwanted secondary effect, a strategy to contain the fallout from the accounting scandal
ground effect apparent increase in aerodynamic lift experienced by an aircraft flying close to the ground
greenhouse effect
greenhouse warming
warming that results when solar radiation is trapped by the atmosphere, caused by atmospheric gases that allow sunshine to pass through but absorb heat that is radiated back from the warmed surface of the earth
piezoelectric effect
piezo effect
electricity produced by mechanical pressure on certain crystals (notably quartz or Rochelle salt), alternatively, electrostatic stress produces a change in the linear dimensions of the crystal
skin effect the tendency of high-frequency alternating current to distribute near the surface of a conductor
Doppler effect
Doppler shift
change in the apparent frequency of a wave as observer and source move toward or away from each other
Tyndall effect the phenomenon in which light is scattered by very small particles in its path, it makes a beam of light visible, the scattered light is mainly blue
effect a symptom caused by an illness or a drug, the effects of sleep loss, the effect of the anesthetic
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Erg ist eine Bezeichnung für Sandwüsten oder große Sandwüstenfelder in der Sahara, siehe Erg .