
Erlebnisphase Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Erlebnisphase f
Erlebnisphasen pl
experience phase
experience phases
Erlebnisphase f
Erlebnisphasen pl
experience phase
experience phases
Aha-Erlebnis n
aha-experience, sudden insight
Erfahrung f, Erlebnis n
Erfahrungen pl, Erlebnisse pl
erfreuen, beglücken v
erfreuend, beglückend
erfreut, beglückt
erfreut, beglückt
erfreute, beglückte
ein beglückendes Erlebnis
to gladden
a gladdening experience
prägend adj
prägendes Erlebnis
prägender Eindruck
formative experience
formative impression
psychedelisch, bewusstseinsverändernd adj
psychedelische Drogen, bewusstseinserweiternde Drogen
psychedelisches Erlebnis
psychedelic experience
Erfahrung, Erlebnis
echtes Erlebnis, großes Erlebnis
great experience
Aha-Erlebnis n
aha-experience; sudden insight
Erfahrung f; Erlebnis n
Erfahrungen pl; Erlebnisse pl
aus (eigener) Erfahrung wissen
Die Erfahrung hat gezeigt dass ...
Das war etwas völlig Neues für mich!
Wir sollten aus der Erfahrung lernen.
Das war eine schmerzliche Erfahrung für uns.
Ich spreche aus eigener Erfahrung.
Das war vielleicht was!
to know from (one's own) (personal) experience
Experience has shown that ...
That was a new experience for me!
We ought to learn from experience.
That was a painful experience for us.
I speak from personal experience.
What an experience!
erfreuen; beglücken v
erfreuend; beglückend
erfreut; beglückt
erfreut; beglückt
erfreute; beglückte
ein beglückendes Erlebnis
to gladden
a gladdening experience
erschreckend; entsetzlich; Furcht einflößend; Angst Grauen erregend; grauenerregend adj
ein schreckliches furchtbares Erlebnis
a terrifying experience
prägend; bildend; formend adj psych. soc.
prägendes Erlebnis
prägender Eindruck
die prägenden entscheidenden Lebensjahre
formative experience
formative impression
the formative years of life
psychedelisch; bewusstseinsverändernd adj
psychedelische Drogen; bewusstseinserweiternde Drogen
psychedelisches Erlebnis
psychedelics; psychedelic drugs
psychedelic experience
Befragung f einer Person zur Erkenntnisgewinnung (nach einem Einsatz einschneidenden Erlebnis usw.)
debriefing of a person
Erfahrung f; Erlebnis n
Erfahrungen pl; Erlebnisse pl
Einkaufserlebnis n
Klangerlebnis n
aus (eigener) Erfahrung wissen
Die Erfahrung hat gezeigt, dass …
Das war etwas völlig Neues für mich!
Wir sollten aus der Erfahrung lernen.
Das war eine schmerzliche Erfahrung für uns.
Ich spreche aus eigener Erfahrung.
Sie sprachen über die Erfahrungen, die sie dort gemacht hatten.
Einen Erlebnisaufsatz zu schreiben, kann eine sehr interessante Erfahrung sein.
Das war vielleicht was!
shopping experience
sound experience
to know from (one's own) (personal) experience
Experience has shown that …
That was a new experience for me!
We ought to learn from experience.
That was a painful experience for us.
I speak from personal experience.
They spoke about the experiences they've had there.
Writing a personal experience essay can be a very interesting experience in itself.
What an experience!
Kulturereignis n der Extraklasse; kulturelles Großereignis n; aufwändige Unterhaltungsproduktion f; grandioses Schauspiel n; beeindruckendes Erlebnis n
Bühnenereignis n
Fernsehereignis n; TV-Highlight n
Konzertereignis n
ein musikalischer Genuss der Extraklasse
ein zweistündiges Feuerwerk aus Kabarett; Sketches und Musikparodien
Die Parade war ein grandioses Schauspiel riesiges Event ugs..
stage extravaganza
TV extravaganza
concert extravaganza
a musical extravaganza
a two-hour extravaganza of stand-up comedy, sketches and musical parodies
The parade was a real extravaganza.
Raumerlebnis n; räumliches Erlebnis n
spatial experience
jdn. (zu einem absolvierten Einsatz einschneidenden Erlebnis usw.) eingehend befragen v
to debrief sb.
bleibende Erfahrung f; bleibendes Erlebnis n; Erkenntnis f; Lehre f (aus einem Ereignis); das, was (von einem Ereignis) bleibt; das, was man (aus einem Ereignis) mitnimmt
Eine der bleibenden Erfahrungen, die ich aus dem Urlaub mitgenommen habe, ist …
Die wichtigste Erkenntnis daraus ist folgende:
Wenn es eine Lehre aus der Brexit-Abstimmung gibt, dann die, dass …
a the takeaway (from an event) fig.
One of my takeaways from the holiday is …
The most important takeaway is this:
If there is a takeaway from the Brexit vote it's that …
einmalig; einzigartig; unikal geh. adj
ein einzigartiges Erlebnis
der Titel dieses einzigartigen Buches
Dies ist ein einmaliges Angebot.
unique; one and only; one-of-a-kind
a one-of-a-kind experience
the title of his one and only book
This is a one and only offer.
aus etw. entstehen; aus etw. hervorgehen; aus etw. erwachsen geh. (Sache) v
entstehend; hervorgehend; erwachsend
entstanden; hergevorgeht; erwachsen
Dieses Projekt entstand aus der Notwendigkeit, …
Das Theaterstück ging aus einem Bühnenspielprojekt an der Schule hervor.
Die Idee zu diesem Videospiel entstand aus einem persönlichen Erlebnis, das ich letztes Jahr hatte.
to grow out of sth. (of a thing developing from a source)
growing out
grown out
This project grew out of the necessity to …
The play grew out of a drama school project.
The idea for the video game grew out of a personal experience I had last year.
herrliches Erlebnis n; großartige Erfahrung f
das Herrliche an etw.; das Großartige an etw.
the wonderfulness of sth.
Aha-Erlebnis n; Enthüllung f; Erleuchtung f (Erlebnis Erfahrung, das die eine plötzliche Erkenntnis hervorruft)
jdm. die Augen öffnen übtr.
to be an eye-opener to sb. fig.
Aufsatz m; Schulaufsatz m school
Aufsätze pl; Schulaufsätze pl
Besprechungsaufsatz m
Erlebnisaufsatz m
review essay
personal experience essay; essay about a personal experience
Erlebnisbad n
Erlebnisbäder pl
water park
water parks
Erlebnisfeld n
field of experience
Erlebnisfeld n
Erlebnisfelder pl
field of experience
fields of experience
Erfahrungsfeld n; Erlebnisfeld n psych.
Erfahrungsfelder pl; Erlebnisfelder pl
field of experience
fields of experience
Erlebnisgastronomie f cook.
event hospitality
Gesellschaft f (Gesamtheit der Menschen, die zusammenleben) soc.
Gesellschaften pl
Erlebnisgesellschaft f
Spaßgesellschaft f
Wohlstandsgesellschaft f; Ãœberflussgesellschaft f
die Gesellschaft verändern
jdn. in die Gesellschaft einführen
society (aggregate of people living together)
event-driven society
fun society
affluent society
to change society
to introduce sb. into society
erlebnishungrig adj (Person)
thrill-seeking (person)
Mystik f (Suche nach Gotteserfahrung über besondere Geisteszustände) relig. hist.
Erlebnismystik f
mysticism (quest for experiencing God through special mental states)
experiential mysticism
Erlebnispädagogik f (EP)
experiential education
Erlebnispädagogik f EP
experiential education; adventure-based learning; experimental education; outdoor education
Erlebnispädagogik f EP
experiential education; adventure-based learning; experimental education; outdoor education
Erlebnispark m
Erlebnisparke pl, Erlebnisparks pl
amusement park
amusement parks
Erlebnispark m
Erlebnisparke pl; Erlebnisparks pl
amusement park
amusement parks
Erlebnispark m; Themenpark m
Erlebnisparke pl; Erlebnisparks pl; Themenparke pl; Themenparks pl
theme park
theme parks
Erlebnisphase f
Erlebnisphasen pl
experience phase
experience phases
Philosophie f phil.
Philosophie des Absurden
alexandrinische Philosophie
Philosophie des Als-Ob
Philosophie der Antike; aktike Philosophie
Aufklärungsphilosophie f
Begriffsphilosophie f
Bewusstseinsphilosophie f
Bildphilosophie f
Philosophie der Biologie
Chaosphilosophie f
Philosophie der Differenz
Emergenzphilosophie f
Entwicklungsphilosophie f
Erlebnisphilosophie f
Friedensphilosophie f
Gefühlsphilosophie f
Philosophie des Geistes
Philosophie der Geisteswissenschaft
Philosophie der Geschichte; Geschichtsphilosophie f
Gesellschaftsphilosophie f; Sozialphilosophie f
Glaubensphilosophie f
Handlungsphilosophie f; Philosophie der Tat
Identitätsphilosophie f
Kinderphilosophie f
Philosophie der Kultur; Kulturphilosophie f
Philosophie der Kunst; Kunstphilosophie f
Lebensphilosophie f
Philosophie der Logik
Philosophie der Mathematik
Philosophie der Musik
Philosophie der Natur; Naturphilosophie f
Philosophie der Neuen Musik
Philosophie der Politik
praktische Philosophie
Rechtsphilosophie f
Reflexionsphilosophie f
Religionsphilosophie f
Sportphilosophie f
Sprachphilosophie f
Philosophie der gewöhnlichen Sprache
Staatsphilosophie f
Philosophie des Subjekts
Philosophie der Technik; Technikphilosophie f
Philosophie der technisierten Zivilisation
Philosophie des Unbewussten
Wertphilosophie f
Wesensphilosophie f
Zeichenphilosophie f
Praktischwerden der Philosophie
eine bestimmte Philosophie verfolgen
philosophy of the Absurd
Alexandrian Philosophy
philosophy of the as if; philosophy of as if; as-if philosophy
philosophy of antiquity; ancient philosophy
philosophy of the Enlightenment
philosophy of concepts; conceptual philosophy
philosophy of consciousness
philosophy of image; philosophy of pictures
philosophy of biology
philosophy of chaos
philosophy of difference
philosophy of emergence; emergence philosophy
philosophy of development
philosophy of experience
philosophy of peace
philosophy of sentiment
philosophy of mind; philosophy of spirit
philosophy of the human sciences; philosophy of the humanities
philosophy of history
social philosophy
philosophy of belief
philosophy of action
philosophy of identity
philosophy for children
philosophy of culture; cultural philosophy
philosophy of art
philosophy of life
philosophy of logic
philosophy of mathematics
philosophy of music
philosophy of nature; nature-philosophy
philosophy of modern music
philosophy of politics; political philosophy
practical philosophy
philosophy of law; legal philosophy
philosophy of reflection; reflective philosophy
philosophy of religion
philosophy of sport
philosophy of language
philosophy of ordinary language; ordinary language philosophy
philosophy of the state; civil philosophy
philosophy of the subject
philosophy of technology
philosophy of mechanized civilization
philosophy of the unconscious
philosophy of values
philosophy of essence
philosophy of signs
philosophy becoming a practical activity
to follow a certain philosophy
ereignisreich, erlebnisreich adj
ereignisreich; erlebnisreich adj
Es war ein ereignisreicher Tag.
It was an eventful day.
ereignisreich; erlebnisreich adj
ein bewegtes Leben
Es war ein ereignisreicher Tag.
eventful; event-filled; action-packed
an eventful life
It was an eventful day.
sich finden; zu finden sein; zu suchen sein v
sich findend; zu finden seiend; zu suchen seiend
sich gefunden; zu finden gewesen; zu suchen gewesen
Sie ist nirgends zu finden.
Kinderlieder finden sich findet man in jedem Zeitalter und bei allen Völkern.
Die Ursache dafür ist nicht in einem einzelnen Ereignis zu suchen sondern eher in der Gesamtheit der Erlebnisse die sich angesammelt haben.
Die wahren Ursachen sind woanders zu suchen.
to be to be found; can be found
being to be found; can be found
been to be found; been to be found
She is nowhere to be found.
Nursery rhymes can be found in all ages and among all peoples.
The cause of this is to be found will be found not in any single event but rather in the cumulative experiences.
The real causes must be found elsewhere.
sich finden; zu finden sein; zu suchen sein v
sich findend; zu finden seiend; zu suchen seiend
sich gefunden; zu finden gewesen; zu suchen gewesen
Sie ist nirgends zu finden.
Kinderlieder finden sich findet man in jedem Zeitalter und bei allen Völkern.
Die Ursache dafür ist nicht in einem einzelnen Ereignis zu suchen, sondern eher in der Gesamtheit der Erlebnisse, die sich angesammelt haben.
Die wahren Ursachen sind woanders zu suchen.
to be found; can be found
being found
been found
She is nowhere to be found.
Nursery rhymes can be found in all ages and among all peoples.
The cause of this is to be found will be found not in any single event but rather in the cumulative experiences.
The real causes must be found elsewhere.
Oneirismus m, traumähnliche Erlebnisweise von realen Vorgängen psych.
Oneirismus m; traumähnliche Erlebnisweise von realen Vorgängen psych.
Erlebniswelt f
world of experience
(touristische) Erlebniswelt f
Erlebniswelten pl
Erlebniswelt Wasser
Einkaufs- und Erlebniswelt
themed venue; themed location; themed area
themed venues; themed locations; themed areas
themed indoor area
themed outdoor area
water-themed area
urban entertainment center Br. center Am. UEC
Erlebniswelt f (einer Person) psych.
die Erlebniswelt des Kindes
(a person's) experience of the world
the child's experience of the world
Erlebniswert m (Marketing) econ.
experiential value (marketing)
Erlebniswirtschaft f, Abenteuerwirtschaft f econ.
experience economy
Erlebniswirtschaft f; Abenteuerwirtschaft f econ.
experience economy
Wochenende n
Wochenenden pl
Erlebniswochenende n
Osterwochenende n
Pfingstwochenende n
Weihnachtswochenende n
am Wochenende
an den Wochenenden
langes Wochenende (durch Feiertag am Freitag oder Montag)
zu Beginn des Wochenendes
Schönes Wochenende!
irgendwo das Wochenende verbringen
adventure weekend
Easter weekend
weekend of Pentecost; Pentecost weekend; Whit weekend Br.; Whitsuntide weekend Br.
Christmas weekend
at the weekend
at the weeksends
long weekend; bank holiday weekend Br.
earlier in the weekend
Have a nice weekend!; Enjoy the weekend!
to weekend somewhere

Deutsche Erlebnisphase Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Erlebnisphase Synonym nachschlagen

Englische experience phase Synonyme

experience  accept  acquaintance  adventure  affair  affect  affection  apprehend  awareness  background  be aware of  be conscious of  be exposed to  be sensible of  be subjected to  behold  blaseness  circumstance  common sense  consciousness  contact  corpus  data  datum  emotion  emotional charge  emotional shade  encounter  endure  episode  event  expertise  exposure  face  fact  facts  factual base  familiarity  feel  feel deeply  feeling  feeling tone  foreboding  go through  gut reaction  hap  happening  happenstance  have  have a sensation  hear  heartthrob  impression  incident  information  intelligence  intimacy  involvement  inwardness  judgement  ken  know  know-how  knowing  knowledge  labor under  live through  matter of fact  meet  meet up with  meet with  observation  occasion  occurrence  ordeal  participation  particular  pass through  passion  past experience  pay  perceive  percept  perception  phenomenon  practical knowledge  practice  presentiment  private knowledge  privity  profound sense  ratio cognoscendi  reaction  reality  receive  receive an impression  respond  respond to stimuli  response  response to stimuli  run up against  sagacity  sample  savoir faire  savor  savvy  seasoning  see  self-knowledge  sensation  sense  sense impression  sense perception  sensory experience  sentiment  skill  smell  sophistication  spend  stand under  suffer  survey  sustain  taste  technic  technics  technique  tempering  test  touch  trial  turn of events  undercurrent  undergo  view  wisdom  worldly wisdom  
experienced  acclimated  acclimatized  accommodated  accomplished  accustomed  adapted  adept  adjusted  au fait  blase  capable  case-hardened  competent  conditioned  cosmopolitan  cosmopolite  efficient  expert  familiarized  hardened  in the know  inured  knowing  knowledgeable  master  masterly  mature  matured  naturalized  not born yesterday  old  old-line  old-time  on the ball  orientated  oriented  practical  practiced  prepared  professional  proficient  qualified  ripe  ripened  run-in  sagacious  sage  savvy  seasoned  shrewd  skilled  skillful  sophisticated  trained  tried  tried and true  used to  versed  vet  veteran  well-informed  well-versed  wise  wont  wonted  world-wise  worldly  worldly-wise  

Erlebnisphase Definition

(n.) Trial, as a test or experiment.
(n.) The effect upon the judgment or feelings produced by any event, whether witnessed or participated in
(n.) An act of knowledge, one or more, by which single facts or general truths are ascertained
(pl. ) of Phase
(n.) That which is exhibited to the eye
(n.) Any appearance or aspect of an object of mental apprehension or view
(n.) A particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle of changes with respect to quantity of illumination or form of enlightened disk
(n.) Any one point or portion in a recurring series of changes, as in the changes of motion of one of the particles constituting a wave or vibration
(pl. ) of Phasis

experience phase / experience phases Bedeutung

phase space (physics) an ideal space in which the coordinate dimensions represent the variables that are required to describe a system or substance, a multidimensional phase space
phase I clinical trial
phase I
a clinical trial on a few persons to determine the safety of a new drug or invasive medical device, for drugs, dosage or toxicity limits should be obtained
phase II clinical trial
phase II
a clinical trial on more persons than in phase I, intended to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment for the condition it is intended to treat, possible side effects are monitored
phase III clinical trial
phase III
a large clinical trial of a treatment or drug that in phase I and phase II has been shown to be efficacious with tolerable side effects, after successful conclusion of these clinical trials it will receive formal approval from the FDA
phase IV clinical trial
phase IV
sometimes the FDA approves a drug for general use but requires the manufacturer to continue to monitor its effects, during this phase the drug may be tried on slightly different patient populations than those studied in earlier trials
preclinical trial
preclinical test
preclinical phase
a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects, conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
phase-out the act or instance of a planned discontinuation
phase (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun), the full phase of the moon
sense experience
sense impression
sense datum
an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation, a sensation of touch
experience the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities, a man of experience, experience is the best teacher
perception perceptual experience
the representation of what is perceived, basic component in the formation of a concept
experience the content of direct observation or participation in an event, he had a religious experience, he recalled the experience vividly
phase modulation
modulation of the phase of the carrier wave
experience an event as apprehended, a surprising experience, that painful experience certainly got our attention
near-death experience the experience of being close to death but surviving
out-of-body experience the dissociative experience of observing yourself from an external perspective as though your mind or soul had left and was observing your body
phase change
phase transition
state change
physical change
a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
phase of cell division a stage in meiosis or mitosis
(physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system, matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary, the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system
dispersed phase
dispersed particles
(of colloids) a substance in the colloidal state
dispersing phase
dispersion medium
dispersing medium
(of colloids) a substance in which another is colloidally dispersed
anal stage
anal phase
(psychoanalysis) the second sexual and social stage of a child's development during which bowel control is learned
genital stage
genital phase
(psychoanalysis) the fifth sexual and social stage in a person's development occurring during adolescence, interest focuses on sexual activity
latency stage
latency phase
latency period
(psychoanalysis) the fourth period (from about age or until puberty) during which sexual interests are supposed to be sublimated into other activities
oral stage
oral phase
(psychoanalysis) the first sexual and social stage of an infant's development, the mouth is the focus of the libido and satisfaction comes from suckling and chewing and biting
phallic stage
phallic phase
(psychoanalysis) the third stage in a child's development when awareness of and manipulation of the genitals is supposed to be a primary source of pleasure
phase of the moon a time when the Moon presents a particular recurring appearance
new moon
new phase of the moon
the time at which the Moon appears as a narrow waxing crescent
full moon
full phase of the moon
the time when the Moon is fully illuminated, the moon is at the full
fertile period
fertile phase
the time in the menstrual cycle when fertilization is most likely to be possible ( days before to days after ovulation)
menstrual phase the phase of the menstrual cycle during which the lining of the uterus is shed (the first day of menstrual flow is considered day of the menstrual cycle)
secretory phase
luteal phase
the second half of the menstrual cycle after ovulation, the corpus luteum secretes progesterone which prepares the endometrium for the implantation of an embryo, if fertilization does not occur then menstrual flow begins
phase phase angle a particular point in the time of a cycle, measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle
any distinct time period in a sequence of events, we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected
have experience undergo, The stocks had a fast run-up
phase adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition, he phased the intake with the output of the machine
know experience
have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations, I know the feeling!, have you ever known hunger?, I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict, The holocaust survivors have lived a nightmare, I lived through two divorces
phase in introduce gradually
phase out terminate gradually
phase arrange in phases or stages, phase a withdrawal
undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind, She felt resentful, He felt regret
receive have get
go through (mental or physical states or experiences), get an idea, experience vertigo, get nauseous, receive injuries, have a feeling
experience see go through go or live through, We had many trials to go through, he saw action in Viet Nam
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