
Erregungsleitung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Erregungsleitung f anat.
saltatorische Erregungsleitung
impulse transmission; nerve conduction; stimulus conduction
saltatory conduction
Erregungsleitung f anat.
saltatorische Erregungsleitung
impulse transmission; nerve conduction; stimulus conduction
saltatory conduction
Aufregung, Erregung
Erheiterung f, freudige Erregung f, Frohsinn m, Heiterkeit f
Erregung f
Erregungen pl
Erregung f
Erregungen pl
Erregung f, Beunruhigung f, Aufregung f, Aufgeregtheit f
Erregung f, Anregung f electr.
Exzitation f, Erregung f med.
Nervenkitzel m, Erregung f
freudige Erregung
thrill, thrills
thrill of joy
Schauer m (der Aufregung), kurze, heftige Erregung
frisson (of excitement)
abklingen, nachlassen (Sturm, Erregung)
to subside, to die down
Die Wogen der Erregung gingen hoch.
Feelings ran high.
Anregung, Erregung
Erheiterung f; freudige Erregung f; Frohsinn m; Heiterkeit f
Erregung f; Beunruhigung f; Aufregung f; Aufgeregtheit f
Erregung f; Anregung f electr.
Erregung f öffentlichen Ärgernisses (Straftatbestand) jur.
disorderly conduct (criminal offence)
Exzitation f; Erregung f med.
Nervenkitzel m; Erregung f
freudige Erregung
thrill; thrills
thrill of joy
Panik f; große Aufregung f; Erregung f
in großer Erregung; in heller Aufregung; aufgebracht; erregt; auf 180 ugs.
in a swivet
Schauer m (der Aufregung); kurze heftige Erregung
frisson (of excitement)
abklingen; nachlassen; abschwellen v (Sturm; Erregung)
abklingend; nachlassend; abschwellend
abgeklungen; nachgelassen; abgeschwollen
to subside; to die down
subsiding; dying down
subsided; died down
Fall m von Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses; Fall m von öffentlicher Ärgerniserregung
Die Polizei wurde zu einem Fall von Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses gerufen.
public disturbance; disturbance
The police were called to a public disturbance.
Nervenkitzel m; Kitzel m; Kick m; Schauder m
freudige Erregung
Schauder m des Entsetzens
Die ganze Nacht aufzubleiben hat etwas Aufregendes für Kinder.
thrill; thrilling experience
thrill of joy
thrill of horror; frisson of horror
There is a certain thrill to the idea of staying up all night for children.
Online-Sex m; virtueller Sex m; Cybersex m (sexuelle Erregung über das Internet)
online sex; virtual sex; cybersex (sexual arousal that involves using the Internet)
Schauer m (der Aufregung); kurze, heftige Erregung
frisson (of excitement)
Störung f der öffentlichen Ordnung; Störung f des öffentlichen Friedens Dt. (Straftatbestand); Erregung f öffentlichen Ärgernisses jur.
disturbance of the public order; public disturbance; public disorder (criminal offence)
Hochstimmung f; Begeisterung f; freudige Erregung f
Erregungsleitung f anat.
saltatorische Erregungsleitung
impulse transmission; nerve conduction; stimulus conduction
saltatory conduction
Phallografie f; männliche Erregungsmessung f; Penisplethysmographie f med.
phallometry; penile plethysmography PPG
Vaginalplethysmographie f; weibliche Erregungsmessung f med.
vaginal photoplethysmography VPG
Phallografie f; männliche Erregungsmessung f; Penisplethysmographie f med.
phallometry; penile plethysmography PPG
Vaginalplethysmographie f; weibliche Erregungsmessung f med.
vaginal photoplethysmography VPG
Erregungsphase f psych. med.
Erregungsphasen pl
excitement phase
excitement phases
Erregungsrückbildung f; Repolarisation f (Wiederherstellung des Ruhepotentials einer Zelle) biol.
repolarization; repolarisation Br.
Erregungszustand m
state of excitement

Erregungsleitung Definition

(n.) The act of leading or guiding.
(n.) The act of training up.
(n.) Transmission through, or by means of, a conductor
(n.) The act of impelling, or driving onward with sudden force
(n.) The effect of an impelling force
(n.) The action of a force during a very small interval of time
(n.) A mental force which simply and directly urges to action
(v. t.) To impel
(n.) One of the whitish and elastic bundles of fibers, with the accompanying tissues, which transmit nervous impulses between nerve centers and various parts of the animal body.
(n.) A sinew or a tendon.
(n.) Physical force or steadiness
(n.) Steadiness and firmness of mind
(n.) Audacity
(n.) One of the principal fibrovascular bundles or ribs of a leaf, especially when these extend straight from the base or the midrib of the leaf.
(n.) One of the nervures, or veins, in the wings of insects.
(v. t.) To give strength or vigor to
(a.) Affected by a tremor, or by a nervous disease
(a.) Leaping or dancing
(v. t.) A goad
(v. t.) That which excites or produces a temporary increase of vital action, either in the whole organism or in any of its parts
(n.) The act of transmitting, or the state of being transmitted
(n.) The right possessed by an heir or legatee of transmitting to his successor or successors any inheritance, legacy, right, or privilege, to which he is entitled, even if he should die without enjoying or exercising it.

impulse transmission; nerve conduction; stimulus conduction / saltatory conduction Bedeutung

impulse impulsion
the act of applying force suddenly, the impulse knocked him over
transmission transmittal
the act of sending a message, causing a message to be transmitted
automatic transmission
automatic drive
a transmission that automatically changes the gears according to the speed of the car
cable line transmission line a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
fiber-optic transmission system
fibre-optic transmission system
a communication system using fiber optic cables
hydraulic transmission
hydraulic transmission system
a transmission that depends on a hydraulic system
impulse turbine a turbine that is driven by jets direct against the blades
propellant explosive
impulse explosive
an explosive that is used to propel projectiles from guns or to propel rockets and missiles or to launch torpedos and depth charges
standard transmission
stick shift
a transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal
transmission transmission system the gears that transmit power from an automobile engine via the driveshaft to the live axle
transmission shaft rotating shaft that transmits rotary motion from the engine to the differential
boldness nerve brass
face cheek
impudent aggressiveness, I couldn't believe her boldness, he had the effrontery to question my honesty
heart mettle nerve
the courage to carry on, he kept fighting on pure spunk, you haven't got the heart for baseball
an impelling force or strength, the car's momentum carried it off the road
optical density
transmission density
photographic density
(physics) a measure of the extent to which a substance transmits light or other electromagnetic radiation
nerve plexus a network of intersecting nerves
nervous tissue
nerve tissue
tissue composed of neurons
nerve center
nerve centre
a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process, in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere
nerve fiber
nerve fibre
a threadlike extension of a nerve cell
medullated nerve fiber
myelinated nerve fiber
a nerve fiber encased in a sheath of myelin
nerve cell
a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses
motor neuron
efferent neuron
motor nerve fiber
a neuron conducting impulses outwards from the brain or spinal cord
nerve ending
nerve end
the terminal structure of an axon that does not end at a synapse
free nerve ending microscopic sensory nerve endings in the skin that are not connected to any specific sensory receptor
any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body
motor nerve
efferent nerve
a nerve that conveys impulses toward or to muscles or glands
sensory nerve
afferent nerve
a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system
nerve pathway
nerve tract
a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain
cranial nerve any of the paired nerves that originate in the brain stem
depressor depressor nerve any nerve whose activity tends to reduce the activity or tone of the body part it serves
olfactory nerve
nervii olfactorii
first cranial nerve
a collective term for numerous olfactory filaments in the nasal mucosa
optic nerve
nervus opticus
second cranial nerve
optic tract
the cranial nerve that serves the retina
oculomotor nerve
nervus oculomotorius
third cranial nerve
supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye
trochlear nerve
fourth cranial nerve
either of the two cranial nerves on either side that control the superior oblique muscles of the eyes
trigeminal nerve
nervus trigeminus
fifth cranial nerve
the main sensory nerve of the face and motor nerve for the muscles of mastication
abducent nerve
abducens nerve
nervus abducens
sixth cranial nerve
a small motor nerve supplying the lateral rectus muscle of the eye
facial nerve
nervus facialis
seventh cranial nerve
cranial nerve that supplies facial muscles
acoustic nerve
auditory nerve
vestibulocochlear nerve
nervus vestibulocochlearis
eighth cranial nerve
a composite sensory nerve supplying the hair cells of the vestibular organ and the hair cells of the cochlea
glossopharyngeal nerve
nervus glossopharyngeus
ninth cranial nerve
sensory nerve to the pharynx and back of the tongue, motor fibers innervate muscles that elevate the pharynx and larynx, includes parasympathetic fibers to the otic ganglion
vagus nerve
nervus vagus
pneumogastric nerve
tenth cranial nerve
wandering nerve
a mixed nerve that supplies the pharynx and larynx and lungs and heart and esophagus and stomach and most of the abdominal viscera
accessory nerve
spinal accessory
nervus accessorius
eleventh cranial nerve
arises from two sets of roots (cranial and spinal) that unite to form the nerve
hypoglossal nerve
nervus hypoglosus
twelfth cranial nerve
supplies intrinsic muscles of the tongue and other tongue muscles
radial nerve
nervus radialis
musculospiral nerve
largest branch of the brachial plexus, extends down the humerus to the lateral epicondyle where it divides into one branch that goes to the skin on the back of the hand and another that goes to the underlying extensor muscles
splanchnic nerve any of several nerves of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system that innervate viscera and blood vessels
solar plexus
coeliac plexus
plexus celiacus
abdominal nerve plexus
a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind the stomach
sciatic nerve
nervus ischiadicus
arises from the sacral plexus and passes about halfway down the thigh where it divides into the common peroneal and tibial nerves
femoral nerve
nervus femoralis
anterior crural nerve
one of a pair of nerves that originate from lumbar nerves and supply the muscles and skin of the anterior part of the thigh
saphenous nerve
nervus saphenus
a branch of the femoral nerve that supplies cutaneous branches to the inner aspect of the leg and foot
phrenic nerve
nervus phrenicus
one of a pair of nerves that arises from cervical spinal roots and passes down the thorax to innervate the diaphragm and control breathing
ulnar nerve
cubital nerve
nervus ulnaris
a nerve running along the inner side of the arm and passing near the elbow, supplies intrinsic muscles of the hand and the skin of the medial side of the hand
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Als Erregungsleitung wird die Weiterleitung einer Erregung in Nervenzellen oder Muskelzellen bezeichnet, beispielsweise im Neuron die Fortleitung eines Aktionspotentials entlang des Neuriten, der in unterschiedlicher Weise als Axon von Gliazellen umhüllt sein kann. Je nach der Ausbildung dieser Gliahülle sind verschiedene Arten der Erregungsleitung möglich; durch eine stark ausgebildete Markscheide wird die Leitungsgeschwindigkeit der Nervenfaser erheblich erhöht.