
Fahrbahnabdeckung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Fahrbahnabdeckung f (Brücke) constr.
road surface; road carpet (bridge)
Fahrbahnabdeckung f (Brücke) constr.
road surface; road carpet (bridge)
Fahrbahn f
Fahrbahn f
Fahrbahnen pl
Fahrbahn f, Laufbahn f (beim Kran)
Fahrbahnen pl, Laufbahnen pl
Reifen-Fahrbahn-Geräusch n
tyre noise
Reibbeiwert m der Fahrbahn
coefficient of friction
Ansteigen n; Geländeanstieg m; Steigung f; ansteigendes Gelände n; ansteigender Verlauf m geogr.
Anstieg des Festlandrands
ein leichtes Ansteigen der Fahrbahn
incline; upward slope; upgrade Am.
rise of the continental margin
a slight upgrade in the roadway
Fahrbahn f; Laufbahn f (beim Kran)
Fahrbahnen pl; Laufbahnen pl
runway (crane)
Fahrbahn f; Fahrdamm m auto
Fahrbahnen pl; Fahrdämme pl
falsche Fahrbahn
unebene Fahrbahn
verengte Fahrbahn
Fahrbahn mit drei Fahrstreifen
von der Fahrbahn abkommen
plötzlich auf die Fahrbahn laufen
roadway; road
roadways; roads
wrong side of the road
uneven bumpy road
narrow road
three-lane roadway
to come run off the road
to make a dash into the road
Fahrradstreifen m; Radfahrstreifen m; Velostreifen m Schw. (auf der Fahrbahn) auto
on-road cycle path Br.; cycle lane Br.; bike lane Am.
Kabelschacht m; Kabelbrunnen m electr. telco.
Kabelschächte pl; Kabelbrunnen pl
Fahrbahn-Kabelschacht m
cable pit; cable shaft; cable manhole
cable pits; cable shafts; cable manholes
carriageway manhole
Schnellstraße f; mehrspurige Fahrbahn f auto
Schnellstraßen pl; mehrspurige Fahrbahnen pl
dual carriageway Br.; divided highway Am.
dual carriageways; divided highways
Weg m; Pfad m; Stecke f geogr. übtr.
feste Fahrbahn
slab track
obenliegende Fahrbahn f (Brücke) constr.
upper deck (bridge)
Ansteigen n; Steigung f; ansteigender Verlauf m (von etw.) geogr. constr.
Anstieg des Festlandrands
ein leichtes Ansteigen der Fahrbahn
incline; upgrade Am. (of sth.)
rise of the continental margin
a slight upgrade in the roadway
Fahren n auf abgetrennter getrennter Fahrbahn; Verkehr m auf eigener Fahrbahn (Bahn)
running on right of way; transport on right of way (railway)
Fahrbahn f; Fahrdamm m auto
Fahrbahnen pl; Fahrdämme pl
falsche Fahrbahn
unebene Fahrbahn
verengte Fahrbahn
Fahrbahn mit einem zwei drei Fahrstreifen; einspurige zweispurige dreispurige Fahrbahn
von der Fahrbahn abkommen
plötzlich auf die Fahrbahn laufen
roadway; road
roadways; roads
wrong side of the road
uneven bumpy road
narrow road
single-lane two-lane three-lane roadway
to come run off the road
to make a dash into the road
Gehweg m Dt.; Bürgersteig m Dt.; Gehsteig m Bayr. Ös.; Trottoir n Süddt. Schw. (neben der Fahrbahn) auto
Gehwege pl; Bürgersteige pl; Gehsteige pl; Trottoirs pl
pavement Br.; footpath Br.; sidewalk Am. (alongside the roadway)
pavements; footpaths; sidewalks
Mittelstrich m; Mittellinie f (auf der Fahrbahn) auto
Mittelstriche pl; Mittellinien pl
centre line Br.; centerline Am. (centre-line) (centreline) (center-line) (center line)
centre lines; centerlines
Wanne f (im Höhenverlauf der Fahrbahn) auto
von der Fahrbahn abkommen v auto
von der Fahrbahn abkommend
von der Fahrbahn abgekommen
vom Kurs abkommen
Der Bus kam von der Straße ab.
to swerve; to veer off the road
swerving; veering off the road
swerved; veered off the road
to veer off course
The bus swerved veered off the road.
griffig adj (Boden, Fahrbahn, Reifen)
anti-skidding; anti-skid; non-skid; non-slip
(von der Fahrbahn abkommen und) über gegen in einen Ort schlittern; an einen Ort geraten v auto
über gegen in einen Ort schlitternd; an einen Ort geratend
über gegen in einen Ort geschlittert; an einen Ort geraten
Das Auto scherte brach nach links aus
Er verlor die Kontrolle über sein Auto und schlitterte gegen einen Baum.
Der Lenker musste sein Fahrzeug verreißen.
Der Bus geriet auf die andere Straßenseite.
to swerve; to veer across towards into onto a place
swerving; veering across towards into onto a place
swerved; veered across towards into onto a place
The car veered to the left.
He lost control of the car and swerved towards a tree.
The driver was forced to veer sharply.
The bus veered onto the wrong side of the road.
Vollsperrung f (einer Fahrbahn)
full closure
Fahrbahnabdeckung f (Brücke) constr.
road surface; road carpet (bridge)
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinie f auto
Fahrbahnbegrenzungslinien pl
roadside border line
roadside border lines
Straßenbelag m; Straßendecke f; Fahrbahnbelag m constr.
rutschiger Straßenbelag
glatte Straßenoberfläche f
road surface; topping; pavement; crust
slippery road surface
smooth road
Fahrbahnbelag m; Straßenbelag m; Straßendecke f (Straßenbau) constr.
Betonbelag m; Betonfahrbahn f; Betondecke f
rutschiger Straßenbelag
glatte Straßenoberfläche f
road surface; road topping; road pavement (road building)
concrete road pavement; concrete pavement; rigid pavement
slippery road surface
smooth road
Rüttelstreifen m (im Fahrbahnbelag) auto
rumble strip; sleeper line; audible line (in the road surface)
Fahrbahnbelastung f (Straßenbau) constr.
load on roadway (road building)
Fahrbahnbeleuchtung f auto
roadway illumination
Fahrbahnbreite f auto constr.
roadway width
(Straße) befestigen, mit Fahrbahndecke versehen v
befestigend, mit Fahrbahndecke versehend
befestigt, mit Fahrbahndecke versehen
to seal
Fahrbahndecke f; Fahrbahntafel f; Fahrbahnplatte f (Brückenbau) constr.
bridge deck; bridge floor; bridge plate; floor plate; floor slab
eine Straße chaussieren; makadamisieren; mit einer festen Fahrbahndecke versehen v (Straßenbau) constr.
to macadamize; to tarmac Br. a road
Fahrbahnentwässerung f (Brücke) constr.
road draining (bridge)
Fahrbahngeräusch n
road noise
Fahrbahnrost m; Fahrbahngerippe f (Brücke) constr.
floor grid; floor framing; floor skeleton (bridge)
Fahrbahnkontakt m auto
road feel
Fahrbahnmarkierung f
Fahrbahnmarkierungen pl
road marking
road markings
Fahrbahnmarkierung f auto
Fahrbahnmarkierungen pl
road marking; marking of roadway; marking of pavement Am.
road markings; markings of roadway; markings of pavement
Fahrbahnmarkierungsfarbe f auto
road marking paint
Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschine f auto
Fahrbahnmarkierungsmaschinen pl
stripe painter; pavement marking machine Am.
stripe painters; pavement marking machines
Fahrbahnoberfläche f auto constr.
Fahrbahnoberflächen pl
travel surface
travel surfaces
Fahrbahnrand m auto constr.
Fahrbahnränder pl
road verge
road verges
Fahrbahnrand m (auf mehrspurigen Straßen) auto
Fahrbahnränder pl
edge of the lane (on multilane roads)
edges of the lane
Straßenrand m; Fahrbahnrand m (auf Überlandstraßen)
am Straßenrand
edge of the road; road verge (on highways)
on the edge of the road; on the road verge
jdm. etw. zu nahe kommen; zu dicht an jdn. etw. heranrücken; jdm. auf die Pelle rücken Norddt. Mitteldt. ugs. v
schon fast auf der Mittellinie fahren auto
schon fast auf dem Randstreifen fahren; viel zu nah am Fahrbahnrand fahren auto
Gehen Sie bitte ein Stück zurück. Sie sind mir zu nahe.
Halten Sie Abstand – es ist genug Platz.
to crowd sb. Am. (stand move too close to sb.)
to crowd the center line
to crowd the shoulder
Please move back. You're crowding me.
Stop crowding me Don't crowd me – there's plenty of room.
Fahrbahnschwelle f; Bremsschwelle f; Holperschwelle f; Rüttelschwelle f; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen auto
Fahrbahnschwellen pl; Bremsschwellen pl; Holperschwellen pl; Rüttelschwellen pl; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen
speed bump; speed hump Br.; sleeping policeman Br.
speed bumps; speed humps; sleeping policemen
Fahrbahnschwelle f; Bremsschwelle f; Holperschwelle f; Rüttelschwelle f; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen n auto
Fahrbahnschwellen pl; Bremsschwellen pl; Holperschwellen pl; Rüttelschwellen pl; Krefelder Moabiter Kissen pl
speed bump; speed hump Br.; sleeping policeman Br.; judder bar NZ
speed bumps; speed humps; sleeping policemen; judder bars
Absinken n; Absenkung f; Einsenkung f; Senkung f constr. geol.
Absenkungen pl; Einsekungen pl; Senkungen pl
gleichmäßiges Senkung
Einsenkungen in Bergwerksgebieten
die Senkung eines Bauwerks
Senkung durch Ablösung
Einsenkung des Hangenden min.
Fahrbahnsenkung f (Straßenbau)
Pfastereinsenkung f (Straßenbau)
regular subsidence
mining subsidence
the subsidence of a structure
solution subsidence
roof subsidence
carriageway subsidence Br.; roadway subsidence Am. (road building)
subsidence of pavement (road building)
Fahrbahnstabilität f
path firmness
Verkehrsinsel f; Fahrbahnteiler m auto
Verkehrsinseln pl; Fahrbahnteiler pl
Verkehrsinsel für Fußgänger; Fußgängerinsel f; Fußgängerschutzinsel f Ös. Schw.; Schutzinsel f Ös. Schw.
traffic island
traffic islands
pedestrian island; pedestrian refuge; street refuge Br.; safety island Am.
Fahrbahnträger m (Brücke) constr.
bridge beam; girder of a bridge (bridge)
Fahrbahnträgerbrücke f constr.
Fahrbahnträgerbrücken pl
platform girder bridge
platform girder bridges
Fahrbahnübergang m (Brücke) constr.
Fahrbahnübergänge pl
road joint (bridge)
road joints
Bodenwelle f; Fahrbahnunebenheit f auto
Bodenwellen pl; Fahrbahnunebenheiten pl
auf eine Bodenwelle auffahren
to hit a bump
Fahrbahnverengung f auto
Fahrbahnverengungen pl
Fahrbahnverengung! (Warnschild)
narrow section of road
narrow sections of road
Road narrows! (warning sign)
Spurwechsel m, Fahrbahnwechsel m
einfacher Fahrbahnwechsel
zweifacher Spurwechsel
change of lane, evasive lane change
evasive lane change
double lane change
Spurwechsel m; Fahrstreifenwechsel m; Fahrbahnwechsel m auto
Spurwechsel pl; Fahrstreifenwechsel pl; Fahrbahnwechsel pl
einfacher Spurwechsel
zweifacher Spurwechsel
plötzlicher Spurwechsel
Fahrstreifenwechsel ohne Blinkzeichen
change of lane; lane change manoeuvre; lane change
changes of lane; lane change manoeuvres; lane changes
single lane change
double lane change
abrupt lane change
unsignalled lane change

Deutsche Fahrbahnabdeckung Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Fahrbahnabdeckung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische road surface; road carpet Synonyme

road  Autobahn  US highway  access  air lane  alley  alleyway  anchorage  anchorage ground  approach  approaches  arm  armlet  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  basin  bay  bayou  beat  belt  belt highway  berth  bight  blind alley  boca  boulevard  breakwater  bulkhead  bypass  byway  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  channel  chaussee  chuck  circuit  circumferential  close  corduroy road  county road  course  court  cove  creek  crescent  cul-de-sac  dead-end street  dike  direction  dirt road  dock  dockage  dockyard  drag  drive  driveway  dry dock  embankment  entree  estuary  euripus  expressway  fairway  fjord  flight path  freeway  frith  gravel road  groin  gulf  gut  harbor  harborage  haven  highroad  highway  highways and byways  inlet  interstate highway  itinerary  jetty  jutty  kyle  landing  landing place  landing stage  lane  line  local road  loch  main drag  main road  marina  means  method  mews  mole  moorings  motorway  mouth  narrow  narrow seas  narrows  natural harbor  orbit  parkway  passage  path  pave  paved road  pier  pike  place  plank road  port  primary highway  primrose path  private road  procedure  protected anchorage  quay  reach  riding  right-of-way  ring road  roadbed  roads  roadstead  roadway  round  route  route nationale  row  royal road  run  sea lane  seaport  seawall  seaway  secondary road  ship route  shipyard  shortcut  slip  sound  speedway  state highway  steamer track  strait  straits  street  superhighway  technique  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  tour  township road  track  trade route  traject  trajectory  trajet  turnpike  walk  waterway  way  wharf  wynd  
road hog  Sunday driver  backseat driver  bus driver  busman  cabby  cabdriver  careerist  chauffeur  driver  egotist  fortune hunter  hack  hackdriver  hackman  hacky  hit-and-run driver  hog  individualist  jitney driver  joyrider  lone wolf  loner  monopolist  motorist  narcissist  self-advancer  self-pleaser  self-seeker  self-server  speeder  taxidriver  teamster  temporizer  timepleaser  timeserver  truck driver  trucker  truckman  tufthunter  
road map  Baedeker  Lambert conformal projection  Mercator projection  Miller projection  Yellow Pages  aeronautical chart  astronomical chart  atlas  azimuthal equidistant projection  azimuthal projection  bibliography  business directory  cartographer  cartography  catalog  celestial chart  celestial globe  chart  checklist  chorographer  chorography  city directory  classified directory  climatic chart  conic projection  contour line  contour map  cylindrical projection  directory  finding list  general reference map  globe  gnomonic projection  graphic scale  grid line  guidebook  hachure  handbook  handlist  heliographic chart  hydrographic chart  index  isoline  itinerary  latitude  layer tint  legend  longitude  map  map maker  map projection  mapper  meridian  parallel  phone book  photogrammetrist  photogrammetry  photomap  phototopography  physical map  political map  polyconic projection  projection  reference book  relief map  representative fraction  roadbook  scale  sinusoidal projection  special map  telephone book  telephone directory  terrain map  terrestrial globe  thematic map  topographer  topographic chart  topography  transportation map  weather chart  weather map  
road test  Gedankenexperiment  assay  audition  bench test  bring to test  confirm  cut and try  dry run  essay  experiment  flight test  give a try  give a tryout  have a go  hearing  pilot plan  play around with  practical test  practice  practice upon  prove  put to trial  rehearsal  research  run a sample  sample  shake down  shakedown  shakedown cruise  substantiate  taste  test  test flight  test run  trial run  try  try it on  try out  tryout  validate  verify  workout  
roadbed  Autobahn  L  US highway  alley  alleyway  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  belt highway  blind alley  boulevard  branch  bypass  byway  cable railway  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  chaussee  circumferential  close  cog railway  corduroy road  county road  court  crescent  cul-de-sac  dead-end street  dike  dirt road  drive  driveway  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  expressway  feeder  feeder line  freeway  gravel road  gravity-operated railway  highroad  highway  highways and byways  horse railway  interstate highway  junction  lane  light railroad  line  local road  main drag  main line  main road  metro  mews  monorail  motorway  parkway  pave  paved road  pike  place  plank road  primary highway  private road  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  right-of-way  ring road  road  roadway  route nationale  row  royal road  secondary road  sidetrack  siding  speedway  state highway  street  street railway  streetcar line  subway  superhighway  switchback  terminal  terminus  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  township road  track  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk  trunk line  tube  turnout  turnpike  underground  wynd  
roadblock  arch dam  backstop  bamboo curtain  bank  bar  barrage  barricade  barrier  bear-trap dam  beaver dam  blank wall  block  blockade  boom  breakwater  breastwork  brick wall  buffer  bulkhead  bulwark  cofferdam  dam  defense  dike  ditch  earthwork  embankment  fence  gate  gravity dam  groin  hydraulic-fill dam  iron curtain  jam  jetty  leaping weir  levee  logjam  milldam  moat  mole  mound  parapet  portcullis  rampart  rock-fill dam  seawall  shutter dam  stone wall  stop  wall  weir  wicket dam  work  
roadhouse  amusement park  ballroom  boardinghouse  cabaret  cafe chantant  cafe dansant  casino  dance floor  dance hall  dancing pavilion  dorm  dormitory  doss house  entertainment industry  fleabag  flophouse  fun-fair  guest house  hospice  hostel  hostelry  hotel  inn  juke joint  lodge  lodging house  night spot  nightclub  nitery  ordinary  pension  posada  pub  public  public house  resort  rooming house  show biz  show business  tavern  theater  
roadway  Autobahn  L  US highway  alley  alleyway  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  belt highway  blind alley  boulevard  branch  bypass  byway  cable railway  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  chaussee  circumferential  close  cog railway  corduroy road  county road  court  crescent  cul-de-sac  dead-end street  dike  dirt road  drive  driveway  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  expressway  feeder  feeder line  freeway  gravel road  gravity-operated railway  highroad  highway  highways and byways  horse railway  interstate highway  junction  lane  light railroad  line  local road  main drag  main line  main road  metro  mews  monorail  motorway  parkway  pave  paved road  pike  place  plank road  primary highway  private road  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  right-of-way  ring road  road  roadbed  route nationale  row  royal road  secondary road  sidetrack  siding  speedway  state highway  street  street railway  streetcar line  subway  superhighway  switchback  terminal  terminus  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  township road  track  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk  trunk line  tube  turnout  turnpike  underground  wynd  

Fahrbahnabdeckung Definition

(n.) A structure, usually of wood, stone, brick, or iron, erected over a river or other water course, or over a chasm, railroad, etc., to make a passageway from one bank to the other.
(n.) Anything supported at the ends, which serves to keep some other thing from resting upon the object spanned, as in engraving, watchmaking, etc., or which forms a platform or staging over which something passes or is conveyed.
(n.) The small arch or bar at right angles to the strings of a violin, guitar, etc., serving of raise them and transmit their vibrations to the body of the instrument.
(n.) A device to measure the resistance of a wire or other conductor forming part of an electric circuit.
(n.) A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc.
(v. t.) To build a bridge or bridges on or over
(v. t.) To open or make a passage, as by a bridge.
(v. t.) To find a way of getting over, as a difficulty
(n.) A bridge keeper
(n.) The principal ward of a key.
(n.) A heavy woven or felted fabric, usually of wool, but also of cotton, hemp, straw, etc.
(n.) A smooth soft covering resembling or suggesting a carpet.
(v. t.) To cover with, or as with, a carpet
Jinny road
() An inclined road in a coal mine, on which loaded cars descend by gravity, drawing up empty ones.
Maoadam road
() A macadamized road.
(n.) A journey, or stage of a journey.
(n.) An inroad
(n.) A place where one may ride
(n.) A place where ships may ride at anchor at some distance from the shore
(n.) The exterior part of anything that has length and breadth
(n.) Hence, outward or external appearance.
(n.) A magnitude that has length and breadth without thickness
(n.) That part of the side which is terminated by the flank prolonged, and the angle of the nearest bastion.
(v. t.) To give a surface to
(v. t.) To work over the surface or soil of, as ground, in hunting for gold.
(n.) A towing path.
Water bridge
() See Water table.
Wheatstone's bridge
() See under Bridge.
Wilton carpet
() A kind of carpet woven with loops like the Brussels, but differing from it in having the loops cut so as to form an elastic velvet pile

road surface; road carpet (bridge) Bedeutung

road a way or means to achieve something, the road to fame
royal road an auspicious way or means to achieve something, the royal road to success
on the road
on tour
travelling about, they took the show on the road, they lost all their games on the road
away game
road game
a game played away from home
bridge any of various card games based on whist for four players
bridge whist the earliest form of bridge, the dealer could name the trump suit
auction auction bridge a variety of bridge in which tricks made in excess of the contract are scored toward game, now generally superseded by contract bridge
contract contract bridge a variety of bridge in which the bidder receives points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid
road show a show on tour
road construction the construction of roads
carpet bombing
area bombing
saturation bombing
an extensive and systematic bombing intended to devastate a large target
road rage violence exhibited by drivers in traffic
carpet shark
Orectolobus barbatus
shark of the western Pacific with flattened body and mottled skin
carpet snake
Python variegatus
Morelia spilotes variegatus
Australian python with a variegated pattern on its back
carpet beetle
carpet bug
small beetle whose larvae are household pests feeding on woolen fabrics
buffalo carpet beetle
Anthrenus scrophulariae
a small black and red and white carpet beetle
black carpet beetle a carpet beetle that is solid black in color
carpet moth
tapestry moth
Trichophaga tapetzella
larvae feed on carpets and other woolens
access road
slip road
a short road giving access to an expressway, in Britain they call an access road a slip road
control surface
a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air, can lift or control a plane in flight
air-to-ground missile
air-to-surface missile
a missile designed to be launched from an airplane at a target on the ground
Angostura Bridge a suspension bridge across the Orinoco River at Ciudad Bolivar
arterial road a major or main route
Bailey bridge a temporary bridge designed for rapid construction
Baton Rouge Bridge a cantilever bridge across the Mississippi at Baton Rouge
Bayonne Bridge a steel arch bridge connecting New Jersey and Staten Island at Bayonne, New Jersey
ring road
a highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the center
Benjamin Franklin Bridge a suspension bridge across the Delaware River
Bosporus Bridge a suspension bridge across the Bosporus at Istanbul
a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.
bridge bridge deck an upper deck where a ship is steered and the captain stands
bridge nosepiece the link between two lenses, rests on the nose
bridge bridgework a denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth
bridge a wooden support that holds the strings up
bridge bridge circuit a circuit consisting of two branches ( arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a meter is connected
bridle path
bridle road
a path suitable for riding or leading horses (but not for cars)
Bronx-Whitestone Bridge a suspension bridge across the East River in New York City
Brooklyn Bridge a suspension bridge across the East River in New York City, opened in
Brussels carpet a carpet with a strong linen warp and a heavy pile of colored woolen yarns drawn up in uncut loops to form a pattern
cantilever bridge bridge constructed of two cantilevers that meet in the middle
carpet beater
rug beater
implement for beating dust out of carpets
carpet loom a loom for weaving carpeting
carpet pad
rug pad
a pad placed under a carpet
carpet sweeper
a cleaning implement with revolving brushes that pick up dirt as the implement is pushed over a carpet
carpet tack used to nail down carpets
Commodore John Barry Bridge a cantilever bridge in Chester, Pennsylvania
covered bridge a bridge whose passageway is protected by a roof and enclosing sides
Delaware Memorial Bridge a suspension bridge across the Delaware River
lift bridge
a bridge that can be raised to block passage or to allow boats or ships to pass beneath it
drive private road
a road leading up to a private house, they parked in the driveway
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