
Fischereigrenze Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Fischereigrenze f
Fischereigrenzen pl
staatliche Fischereigrenzen
die Ausdehnung der Fischereigrenzen von 30 auf 50 Seemeilen
fishing limit
fishing limits
national fishing fishery limits
the extension of fishing limits from 30 to 50 nautical miles
Fischereigrenze f
Fischereigrenzen pl
staatliche Fischereigrenzen
die Ausdehnung der Fischereigrenzen von 30 auf 50 Seemeilen
fishing limit
fishing limits
national fishing fishery limits
the extension of fishing limits from 30 to 50 nautical miles
Beifang m (industrielle Fischerei)
bycatch (industrial fishing)
Fischerei f
Fischereien pl
industrielle Fischerei, kommerzielle Fischerei
fishery, fishing
industrial fishing, commercial fishing
Kiemennetz n
küstennahe Kiemennetze (industrielle Fischerei)
gill net
coastal gill nets (industrial fishing)
Langleinenfischerei f (industrielle Fischerei)
longline fishery (industrial fishing)
Schleppnetz n
Schleppnetze pl
Fischfang mit Schleppnetzen (industrieller Fischerei)
trawl, trawl net, dragnet
trawls, trawl nets, dragnets
trawl netting (industrial fishing)
Taschennetz n, Ringwadennetz n (industrielle Fischerei)
purse-seine netting (industrial fishing)
Treibnetz n, Driftnetz n
Fischfang mit Treibnetzen (industrielle Fischerei)
drift net, driftnet, drift netting
drift netting (industrial fishing)
Zugnetz n (Fischerei)
Zugnetze pl
draught net
draught nets
Fischer...; Fischerei...
piscatory; piscatorial
Fischfang m; Fischerei f
industrielle Fischerei; kommerzielle Fischerei
intensiver Fischfang
Fischerei in der Nordsee
Fischerei im Nordostatlantik
Fischerei in der Ostsee und den Belten
Unfälle beim Fischfang
Übereinkommen über das Verhalten beim Fischfang im Nordatlantik
industrial fishing; commercial fishing
intensive fishing activity
North Sea Fishing; North Sea Fisheries
North East Atlantic Fishing; North East Atlantic Fisheries
Fishing Fisheries in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
accidents during fishing operations
Convention on conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic
Freiheit f; Ungebundenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
Freiheit der Fischerei
Freiheit der Schifffahrt
Freiheit des Ãœberflugs
Transitfreiheit f
seine Freiheit wiedererlangen
academic freedom
personal freedom
freedom of fishing
freedom of navigation
freedom of overflight
freedom of transit
to be set free again
Grundfischerei f; stationäre Fischerei f
sedentary fishery
Schleppnetz n
Schleppnetze pl
Fischfang mit Schleppnetzen (industrieller Fischerei)
trawl; trawl net; dragnet
trawls; trawl nets; dragnets
trawl netting (industrial fishing)
Taschennetz n; Ringwadennetz n; Ringwade f (industrielle Fischerei)
purse seine (industrial fishing)
Treibnetz n; Driftnetz n
Fischfang mit Treibnetzen (industrielle Fischerei)
drift net; driftnet; drift netting
drift netting; drift-net fishing; high-seas drift-net fishing (industrial fishing)
Zug... agr.
Zugnetz n (Fischerei)
Zugpferd n
Zugtier n
Zugvieh n
draught Br.; draft Am.
draught net Br.; draft net Am. (fishing)
draught horse Br.; draft horse Am.
draught animal Br.; draft animal Am.
draught cattle Br.; draft cattle Am.
Beifang m (industrielle Fischerei)
Beifänge pl
bycatch (industrial fishing)
Fischer…; Fischerei…
piscatory; piscatorial
Fischfang m; Fischerei f
industrielle Fischerei; kommerzielle Fischerei
intensiver Fischfang
Fischerei in der Nordsee
Fischerei im Nordostatlantik
Fischerei in der Ostsee und den Belten
Unfälle beim Fischfang
Fischfang betreiben
Übereinkommen über das Verhalten beim Fischfang im Nordatlantik
industrial fishing; commercial fishing
intensive fishing activity
North Sea Fishing; North Sea Fisheries
North East Atlantic Fishing; North East Atlantic Fisheries
Fishing Fisheries in the Baltic Sea and the Belts
accidents during fishing operations
to engage in fishing fishery
Convention on conduct of Fishing Operations in the North Atlantic
Freiheit f; Ungebundenheit f
akademische Freiheit
persönliche Freiheit
Medienfreiheit f
Freiheit der Fischerei
Freiheit der Schifffahrt
Freiheit des Ãœberflugs
Transitfreiheit f
seine Freiheit wiedererlangen
academic freedom
personal freedom
media freedom
freedom of fishing
freedom of navigation
freedom of overflight
freedom of transit
to be set free again
Zug… agr.
Zugnetz n (Fischerei)
Zugvieh n
draught Br.; draft Am.
draught net Br.; draft net Am. (fishing)
draught cattle Br.; draft cattle Am.
Fischereiabkommen n
Fischereiabkommen pl
fisheries agreement
fisheries agreements
Aufwand m; Mühe f
unnötiger Aufwand; unnütze Mühe
zugeteilter Aufwand
keine Mühe scheue
trotz aller Mühe
um mehrfachen Aufwand zu vermeiden; um Doppelarbeit zu vermeiden; um Doppelgleisigkeiten zu vermeiden
statische Angaben über den Fischereiaufwand
wasteful of effort
apportioned effort
to be unsparing in one's efforts
in spite of every effort
to avoid a duplication of effort
fishing effort statistics
Aufwand m; Mühe f
ein Riesenaufwand
Zusatzaufwand m
unnötiger Aufwand; unnütze Mühe; vergebliche Mühe; leere Kilometer Ös. ugs.
zugeteilter Aufwand
keine Mühe scheuen
keine Mühe scheuen, um etw. zu tun; sich besonders anstrengen, etw. zu tun
trotz aller Mühe
um mehrfachen Aufwand zu vermeiden; um Doppelarbeit zu vermeiden; um Doppelgleisigkeiten zu vermeiden
statistische Angaben über den Fischereiaufwand
a tremendous effort; a giant effort
additional effort
a waste of effort; wasted efforts
apportioned effort
to be unsparing in one's efforts; to spare no efforts
to go out of your way to do sth.
in spite of every effort
to avoid a duplication of effort
fishing effort statistics
Fischereiaufwand m; Fangtätigkeit f
fishing effort
Fischereiausrüstung f; Fischfanggeräte pl; Fanggeräte pl naut.
fishing gear
Fischereiausrüstung f naut.
fishing equipment
Fischereibranche f; Fischereiwirtschaft f; Fischfangindustrie f; Fischereiindustrie f; Fischereisektor m
in der Fischereiwirtschaft
fishing industry; fisheries sector; fishery
in the fisheries sector
Fischereibranche f; Fischereiwirtschaft f; Fischfangindustrie f; Fischereiindustrie f; Fischereisektor m; Fischwirtschaft f econ.
in der Fischereiwirtschaft
fishing industry; fisheries sector; fishery
in the fisheries sector
etw. erwarten v; einer Sache erwartungsvoll entgegensehen v geh. (Geschäftskorrespondenz) adm.
erwartend; einer Sache erwartungsvoll entgegensehend
erwartet; einer Sache erwartungsvoll entgegengesehen
In Erwartung eines baldigen Treffens
In Erwartung Ihrer (baldigen) Antwort verbleibe ich
Ich sehe Ihrer Antwort entgegen.
Wir sehen Ihren weiteren Nachrichten mit Interesse entgegen und verbleiben mit freundlichen Grüßen
Unter den gegebenen Umständen erwarte ich die Überweisung Ihres Mandanten in den nächsten zehn Tagen.
Die Fischereibranche sieht keinen rosigen Zeiten entgegen.
to look forward to be looking forward to sth. to doing sth. formal (business correspondence)
looking forward toto doing
looked forward toto doing
We are looking forward to meeting you soon.
Looking forward to hearing from you (soon).; I look forward to hearing from you (soon).
I look forward to receiving your reply.
We are looking forward to your next correspondence. Yours sincerely
In the circumstances, I look forward to receiving your client's remittance within the next ten days.
The fishing industry is not looking forward to a rosy future.
Fischereierzeugnis n
Fischereierzeugnisse pl
fishery product
fishery products
Fischereifahrzeug n; Fischdampfer m naut.
Fischereifahrzeuge pl; Fischdampfer pl
fishing vessel; trawler
fishing vessels; trawlers
Ringwaden-Fischereifahrzeug n; Ringwadenfänger m (für den Thunfischfang) naut.
Ringwaden-Fischereifahrzeuge pl; Ringwadenfänger pl
tuna purse seiner
tuna purse seiners
Fischfangflotte f; Fangflotte f; Fischereiflotte f
Fischfangflotten pl; Fangflotten pl; Fischereiflotten pl
fishing fleet
fishing fleets
Forschungsprogramm n
Forschungsprogramme pl
Fischereiforschungsprogramm n
research programme Br.; research program Am.
research programmes; research programs
fisheries research programme
Fischereizone f; Fischereigewässer n; Fischereigebiet n
Fischereizonen pl; Fischereigewässer pl; Fischereigebiete pl
200 Meilen Fischereizone der Gemeinschaft (EU) f
200-mile Community fishing zone (EU)
Fischereizone f; Fischereigewässer n; Fischereigebiet n
Fischereizonen pl; Fischereigewässer pl; Fischereigebiete pl
200 Meilen Fischereizone f der Gemeinschaft (EU)
200-mile Community fishing zone (EU)
etw. abgrenzen; etw. abstecken v
abgrenzend; absteckend
abgegrenzt; abgesteckt
Fischereigebiete abgrenzen
Verantwortlichkeiten abstecken
to mark off the limits of sth.; to demarcate sth.; to delimit sth.
marking off the limits of; demarcating; delimiting
marked off the limits of; demarcated; delimited
to delimit fishing zones
to delimit responsibilities
Nebengesetze pl (eines Gesetzes) jur.
Das Fischereigesetz und seine Nebengesetze
associated laws (of an Act)
The Fisheries Act and its associated laws
Fischereizone f, Fischereigewässer n
Fischereigewerbe n
fishing trade
Fischereigrenze f
Fischereigrenzen pl
staatliche Fischereigrenzen
die Ausdehnung der Fischereigrenzen von 30 auf 50 Seemeilen
fishing limit
fishing limits
national fishing fishery limits
the extension of fishing limits from 30 to 50 nautical miles
Fischereihafen m
Fischereihäfen pl
fishing port
fishing ports
Fischereihoheit f jur.
jurisdiction over fisheries
Fischereikommission f für den indischen Ozean
Indian Ocean Fishery Commission IOFC
Fischereikommission f für den indischen Ozean
Indian Ocean Fishery Commission IOFC
Fangbuch n; Fischereilogbuch n
Fangbücher pl; Fischereilogbücher pl
fisheries logbook; fishing logbook; fishing log
fisheries logbooks; fishing logbooks; fishing logs
Fischereiorganisation f
fisheries organisation Br.; fisheries organization
Fischereipächter m
Fischereipächter pl
holder of a fishing lease
holders of a fishing lease
Fischereipolitik f pol.
gemeinsame Fischereipolitik,
fisheries policy
common fisheries policy (CFP)
Fischereipolitik f pol.
gemeinsame Fischereipolitik
fisheries policy
common fisheries policy CFP
Fischereipolitik f pol.
gemeinsame Fischereipolitik
fisheries policy
common fisheries policy CFP
Fischereirecht n jur.
fishing right; right of fishery
Fischereischein m
Fischereischeine pl
fishing licence; fishing permit Am.
fishing licences; fishing permits
Fischereitätigkeit f
Fischereitätigkeiten pl
fishing activity
fishing activities
Fischereitechnik f
fishing technology
Ministerium für Fischereiwesen
Ministry of Fisheries

Fischereigrenze Definition

(v. t.) The act of extending or the state of being extended
(v. t.) That property of a body by which it occupies a portion of space.
(v. t.) Capacity of a concept or general term to include a greater or smaller number of objects
(v. t.) The operation of stretching a broken bone so as to bring the fragments into the same straight line.
(v. t.) The straightening of a limb, in distinction from flexion.
(v. t.) A written engagement on the part of a creditor, allowing a debtor further time to pay a debt.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Fish
(n.) The business or practice of catching fish
(n.) A place for catching fish.
(n.) The right to take fish at a certain place, or in particular waters.
(n.) The act, practice, or art of one who fishes.
(n.) A fishery.
(n.) Pertaining to fishing
(v. t.) That which terminates, circumscribes, restrains, or confines
(v. t.) The space or thing defined by limits.
(v. t.) That which terminates a period of time
(v. t.) A restriction
(v. t.) A determining feature
(v. t.) A determinate quantity, to which a variable one continually approaches, and may differ from it by less than any given difference, but to which, under the law of variation, the variable can never become exactly equivalent.
(v. t.) To apply a limit to, or set a limit for
(v. i.) To beg, or to exercise functions, within a certain limited region
(a.) Of or pertaining to a nation
(a.) Attached to one's own country or nation.
(a.) Of or pertaining to seamen, to the art of navigation, or to ships
Spillet fishing
() Alt. of Spilliard fishing
Spilliard fishing
() A system or method of fishing by means of a number of hooks set on snoods all on one line

fishing limit / fishing limits / national fishing fishery limits / the extension of fishing limits from 30 to 50 nautical miles Bedeutung

extension act of expanding in scope, making more widely available, extension of the program to all in need
extension act of stretching or straightening out a flexed limb
the act of someone who fishes as a diversion
fishing the occupation of catching fish for a living
fly-fishing angling with an artificial fly as a lure
surf casting
surf fishing
casting (artificial) bait far out into the ocean (up to yards) with the waves breaking around you
Royal National Eisteddfod an eisteddfod with competitions in music and drama and poetry and the fine arts
national service compulsory service in the military during peacetime
national censorship censorship under civil authority of communications entering or leaving of crossing the borders of the United States or its territories or possessions
extension service
university extension
an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students
extension course a course offered as part of an extension service
national insurance social insurance program in Britain, based on contributions from employers and employees, provides payments to unemployed and sick and retired people as well as medical services
supplementary benefit
social assistance
national assistance
benefits paid to bring incomes up to minimum levels established by law
fishing eagle
Haliaeetus leucorhyphus
of southeast Europe and central Asia
a earthworm
fishing worm
wiggler nightwalker
dew worm
red worm
terrestrial worm that burrows into and helps aerate soil, often surfaces when the ground is cool or wet, used as bait by anglers
an addition that extends a main building
an addition to the length of something
extension telephone extension
extension phone
an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line
extension cord an electric cord used to extend the length of a power cord
extension ladder a ladder whose length can be extended
a workplace where fish are caught and processed and sold
fishing boat
fishing smack
fishing vessel
a vessel for fishing, often has a well to keep the catch alive
fishing gear
tackle fishing tackle
fishing rig
gear used in fishing
fishing line a length of cord to which the leader and float and sinker and hook are attached
fishing rod
fishing pole
a rod of wood or steel or fiberglass that is used in fishing to extend the fishing line
fishing net
a net that will enclose fish when it is pulled in
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
a computerized data system to provide brokers with price quotations for securities traded over the counter
National Baseball Hall of Fame a Hall of Fame and museum in Cooperstown, New York, honoring great baseball players
National Library of Medicine
United States National Library of Medicine
U.S. National Library of Medicine
the world's largest medical library
national monument memorial consisting of a structure or natural landmark of historic interest, set aside by national government for preservation and public enjoyment
pearl fishery a fishery where they fish for pearl oysters
the greatest possible degree of something, what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior, to the limit of his ability
amount or degree or range to which something extends, the wire has an extension offeet
extension the ability to raise the working leg high in the air, the dancer was praised for her uncanny extension, good extension comes from a combination of training and native ability
fishing expedition an investigation undertaken in the hope (but not the stated purpose) of discovering information
the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression, the class of objects that an expression refers to, the extension of `satellite of Mars' is the set containing only Demos and Phobos
the spreading of something (a belief or practice) into new regions
filename extension
file name extension
a string of characters beginning with a period and followed by one or more letters, the optional second part of a PC computer filename, most applications provide extensions for the files they create, most BASIC files use the filename extension .BAS
Higher National Diploma
a diploma given for vocational training that prepares the student for a career in a particular area, good students may progress to a course leading to a degree
fishing license
fishing licence
fishing permit
a license authorizing the bearer to fish during a specified period of time
trade policy
national trading policy
a government's policy controlling foreign trade
age limit regulation establishing the maximum age for doing something or holding some position
speed limit regulation establishing the top speed permitted on a given road
code flag
nautical signal flag
one of an international code of flag signals used between ships
national flag
an emblem flown as a symbol of nationality
national anthem a song formally adopted as the anthem for a nation
Grand National an annual steeplechase run in Liverpool, England
Irish National Liberation Army
People's Liberation Army
People's Republican Army
Catholic Reaction Force
a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
National Liberation Army
Nestor Paz Zamora Commission
a terrorist organization in Bolivia that acts as an umbrella for numerous small indigenous subversive groups, a revival of a group with Marxist-Leninist ideologies originally established by Che Guevara in the s
National Liberation Army ELN a Marxist terrorist group formed in by Colombian intellectuals who were inspired by the Cuban Revolution, responsible for a campaign of mass kidnappings and resistance to the government's efforts to stop the drug trade, ELN kidnappers target foreign employees of large corporations
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