
Fon Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

einen Fond schaffen
raise a fund
endowment fund
Fond, Geldmittel
Fond m, Wagenfond m auto
rear, back
Fond m, Fleischsaft m, Jus f, n, m Ös. cook.
meat juice, meat stock
Pool m, gemeinsamer Fond
Fond m; Wagenfond m auto
rear; back
Fond m; Bratenfond m; Fleischsaft m; Jus f n m Ös. cook.
meat juice; meat stock
Pool m; gemeinsamer Fond
Fond m; Bratenfond m; Fleischsaft m; Jus f,n,m Ös. cook.
meat juice; meat stock
Fond m; Sud m; Grundbrühe f Dt.; Brühe f Dt. (Flüssigkeit, in der Fleisch, Fisch oder Gemüse gekocht wurde) cook.
Butterfond m; Butterbrühe f
Hühnerfond m; Hühnerbrühe f
Fleischfond m; Fleischbrühe f
Gemüsefond m; Gemüsebrühe f
Rindsfond m; Rinderfond m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Rinderbrühe f Norddt. Mitteldt.; Rindsbrühe f Süddt.
Wildfond m; Wildbrühe f
stock; broth (liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been cooked)
stock and butter
chicken stock; chicken broth
meat stock; meat broth
vegetable stock; vegetable broth
beef stock; beef broth
game stock; game broth
zwischen jdm. etw. eingeklemmt; eingezwängt sein v
Ich war im Fond des Wagens zwischen den beiden stämmigen Männern eingeklemmt.
to be sandwiched between sb. sth.
I was sandwiched between the two burly men in the back of the car.
Fondant m, aromatisierte Zuckermasse f cook.
Fondant m n; aromatisierte Zuckermasse f cook.
poured fondant
Fondant-Praline f; Fondant m n cook.
Schmelzglasur f; Fondant m n cook.
fondant icing; rolled fondant; pettinice
Fondant m,n; aromatisierte Zuckermasse f cook.
poured fondant
Fondant-Praline f; Fondant m,n cook.
Schmelzglasur f; Fondant m,n cook.
fondant icing; rolled fondant; pettinice
Fonds m fin.
funds {pl}
EFRE : Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung
ERDF : European Regional Development Fund
Auflösung f; Abwicklung f; Flüssigmachung f (von etw.) econ.
freiwillige zwangsweise Liquidation
Auflösung eines Fonds
Auflösung von Rücklagen
Liquidation unter gerichtlicher Aufsicht
in die Liquidation gehen
Die Abwicklung wird durchgeführt.
liquidation (of sth.)
voluntary compulsory liquidation
liquidation of a fund
liquidation of reserves
liquidation subject to court supervision
to go into liquidation
Liquidation is carried out.
Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung EFRE
European Regional Development Fund ERDF
ein Finanzgeschäft umschichten v fin.
Er schichtete sein angelegtes Geld von dem unattraktiven Fonds auf einen anderen um.
to roll over a financial operation
He rolled over his investments from the unattractive fund to another.
Fonds-Ansparplan m fin.
unit trust savings plan; unit trust monthly plan Br.
Hedgefonds m; Hedge-Fonds m (hochspekulativer Investmentfonds) fin.
hedge fund
Konvergenzregion f
Konvergenzregionen pl
EU-Regionen mit Anspruch auf Fördergelder aus EU-Fonds
convergence region
convergence regions
convergence regions (EU)
Nachbesserung f
Nachbesserungen pl bei den EU-Fonds pol.
rework; revision
financial corrections of EU funds
Regionalentwicklung f
Europäischer Fonds für Regionalentwicklung EFRE
regional development
European Regional Development Fund ERDF
Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft FAO
Weltbank; Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO
Internationale Entwicklungsorganisation IDA
Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAD
Internationale Finanzkorporation IFC
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation IAO
Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation IMO
Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFU
Internationaler Währungsfonds IWF
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung Wissenschaft und Kultur UNESCO
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung UNIDO
Welttourismusorganisation UNWTO
Weltpostverein WPV
Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum WIPO
Weltorganisation für Meteorologie WMO
United Nations specialized agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Development Association IDA
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD
International Finance Corporation IFC
International Labour Organization ILO
International Maritime Organization IMO
International Telecommunication Union ITU
International Monetary Fund IMF
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Industrial Development Organizatio UNIDO
World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Universal Postal Union UPU
World Health Organization WHO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
World Meteorological Organization WMO
Wertverlust m; Kursrückgang m; Negativperformance f (eines Fonds) fin.
maximaler Wertverlust bei Erreichen der Risikogrenze
drawdown (of a fund)
maximum drawdown at risk limit breaches
(einen Fonds Preis) dotieren; ausstatten; äufnen Schw. v (mit einer Summe) fin.
dotierend; ausstattend; äufnend
dotiert; ausgestattet; geäufnet
ein gut hoch dotiertes Rennen
eine Einrichtung mit 50.000 Pfund dotieren
Das Turnier ist mit 90.000 Euro dotiert.
Der Preis war mit 10.000 Euro dotiert.
to endow (a fund prize) (with a sum)
a race endowed with a good purse prize money
to endow an institution with 50 000 pounds
The prize money for the tournament is 90 000 euros.
The prize was 10 000 euros.
etw. thesaurieren v
thesaurierender Fonds fin.
Erlöse thesaurieren; reinvestieren econ.
to accumulate sth.; to hoard sth.
accumulating; hoarding
accumulated; hoarded
fund accumulating its income
to plough back earnings; to retain earnings
Europäischer Fonds m für regionale Entwicklung EFRE ; EU-Regionalfonds m fin.
European Regional Development Fund ERDF
Investmentfonds m; Anlagefonds m; Fonds m fin.
Derivatefonds m
Treuhandfonds m
Wachstumsfonds m
kreditfinanzierter Investmentfonds
thesaurierender Fonds
einen Fonds auflösen
investment fund; fund
derivative fund; arbitrage fund
trust fund
growth fund
leverage fund; leveraged fund
accumulative fund; fund accumulating its income
to liquidate a fund; to wind up a fund
Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft FAO
Weltbank; Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO
Internationale Entwicklungsorganisation IDA
Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAD
Internationale Finanzkorporation IFC
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation IAO
Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation IMO
Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFU
Internationaler Währungsfonds IWF
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur UNESCO
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung UNIDO
Welttourismusorganisation UNWTO
Weltpostverein WPV
Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum WIPO
Weltorganisation für Meteorologie WMO
United Nations specialized agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Development Association IDA
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD
International Finance Corporation IFC
International Labour Organization ILO
International Maritime Organization IMO
International Telecommunication Union ITU
International Monetary Fund IMF
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Industrial Development Organizatio UNIDO
World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Universal Postal Union UPU
World Health Organization WHO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
World Meteorological Organization WMO
(einen Fonds, Preis) dotieren; ausstatten; äufnen Schw. v (mit einer Summe) fin.
dotierend; ausstattend; äufnend
dotiert; ausgestattet; geäufnet
ein gut hoch dotiertes Rennen
eine Einrichtung mit 50.000 Pfund dotieren
Das Turnier ist mit 90.000 Euro dotiert.
Der Preis war mit 10.000 Euro dotiert.
to endow (a fund, prize) (with a sum)
a race endowed with a good purse prize money
to endow an institution with 50,000 pounds
The prize money for the tournament is 90,000 euros.
The prize was 10,000 euros.
Fondsanlage f fin.
fund investment
Fondsanteil m fin.
Fondsanteil m
share in a fund
fund share
Wiederveranlagung f; Wiederanlage f; Reinvestition f econ.
Wiederveranlagungen pl; Wiederanlagen pl; Reinvestitionen pl
Ertragsthesaurierung f
Reinvestition von Dividenden
automatische Wiederanlage von Dividendenerträgen in neue Fondsanteile
eine Wiederanlage Reinvestition vornehmen
reinvestment; ploughing-back Br.; plowing-back Am.
reinvestment of earnings
reinvestment of dividends
automatic reinvestment
to make a reinvestment
Rücknahmeabschlag m (Gebühr bei Rücknahme von Fondsanteilen) fin.
Fondsauflösung f; Auflösung f eines Anlagefonds fin.
fund liquidation; winding-up of an investment fund
fondsbasiert adj fin.
based on investment funds
Lebensversicherung f
Lebensversicherung auf den Erlebensfall
Lebensversicherung auf den Todesfall
gemischte abgekürzte Lebensversicherung (auf Todes- und Erlebensfall)
vollständig einbezahlte Lebensversicherung
fondsgebundene Lebensversicherung
verbundene Lebensversicherung
Lebensversicherung mit fixem Auszahlungszeitpunkt
Lebensversicherung mit Gewinnbeteiligung
Lebensversicherung ohne Gewinnbeteiligung
Lebensversicherung mit steigenden oder fallenden Prämien während der Laufzeit
eine Lebensversicherung abschließen
Lebens- und Krankenversicherung
life insurance; life assurance Br.
endowment insurance
whole life insurance; ordinary straight life insurance Am.
combined life and endowment insurance
paid-up life insurance
fund-linked insurance
joint lives insurance; joint life policy
term insurance
life insurance with profits; participating life policy
lift insurance without profits
step-rate premium insurance
to take out a life insurance policy
life and health insurance; L&H insurance
Lebensversicherung f
Lebensversicherungen pl
Lebensversicherung auf den Erlebensfall
Lebensversicherung auf den Todesfall
gemischte abgekürzte Lebensversicherung (auf Todes- und Erlebensfall)
vollständig einbezahlte Lebensversicherung
fondsgebundene Lebensversicherung
verbundene Lebensversicherung
Lebensversicherung mit fixem Auszahlungszeitpunkt
Lebensversicherung mit Gewinnbeteiligung
Lebensversicherung ohne Gewinnbeteiligung
Lebensversicherung mit steigenden oder fallenden Prämien während der Laufzeit
eine Lebensversicherung abschließen
Lebens- und Krankenversicherung
life insurance; life assurance Br.
life insurances; life assurances
endowment insurance
whole life insurance; ordinary straight life insurance Am.
combined life and endowment insurance
paid-up life insurance
fund-linked insurance
joint lives insurance; joint life policy
term insurance
life insurance with profits; participating life policy
lift insurance without profits
step-rate premium insurance
to take out a life insurance policy
life and health insurance; L&H insurance
Fondsimmobilien pl econ.
fund properties {pl}
Fondsitz m, Rücksitz m auto
Fondsitze pl, Rücksitze pl
rear seat
rear seats
Fondsitz m; Rücksitz m auto
Fondsitze pl; Rücksitze pl
rear seat
rear seats
Fondsleitung f fin.
fund management; funds management company
Fondsmanager m, Fondsmanagerin f fin.
Fondsmanager pl, Fondsmanagerinnen pl
funds manager
funds managers
Fondsmanager m; Fondsmanagerin f fin.
Fondsmanager pl; Fondsmanagerinnen pl
funds manager; investment adviser Am.
funds managers; investment advisers
Fondssparen n fin.
regular saving unit trust investment Br.
Fondsvermögen n fin.
fund assets, assets of the fund
Fondsvermögen n fin.
fund assets; assets of the fund
Fondsverwaltung f fin.
fund management
etw. (mit einem bestimmten Kurswert) notieren v (Börse) fin.
nicht notiert
borsennotierter Fondswert
etw. ohne Zinsen notieren
börsennotiertes Unternehmen
eine Aktie an der Börse notieren
etw. pari notieren
to quote sth. (at a given market price) (stock exchange)
quoted on the stock exchange
quoted unit Br.
to quote sth. flat
quoted company
to quote a share on the stock exchange
to quote sth. at par
börsennotiert; börsenotiert Ös., börsenkotiert Schw.; börsengehandelt adj fin.
börsennotierter Fondswert
börsennotierte Anleihen
börsennotiertes Unternehmen; borsengehandeltes Unternehmen; Börsenunternehmen
quoted on the stock exchange; publicly quoted; quoted; listed on the stock exchange; publicly listed; listed; traded on the stock exchange; publicly traded
quoted unit Br.
quoted listed bonds; bonds listed on the stock exchange
publicly quoted enterprise; publicly listed enterprise; publicly traded company; publicly traded corporation Am.
Fondue-Käse m cook.
Fondue cheese
Fondue n cook.
Käse m cook.
Almkäse m
Blauschimmelkäse m
Emmentaler Käse
Holländer Käse
Kümmelkäse m
Manchegokäse m; Manchego m
Schnittkäse m
Schweizer Käse
Stiltonkäse m; englischer Blauschimmelkäse
Ziegenkäse m
junger Käse; nicht ausgereifter Käse
halbharter Käse
halbweicher Käse; halbfester Käse
künstlich überreifter Käse
mittelreifer Käse
vollfetter Käse; Vollfettkäse
alp cheese
blue cheese
Emmental-type cheese; Emmentaler cheese
fondue cheese
halloumi cheese
Dutch cheese
caraway cheese
Manchego cheese; Manchego
cut cheese
schweizerkaese; Swiss cheese
Stilton cheese
goat's milk cheese; goat's cheese; goat cheese
green cheese
semi-hard cheese
semi-soft cheese
enzyme-modified cheese EMC ; cheese slurry
medium-mature cheese
full-fat cheese
phonemisch adj; fonemisch adj ling.
phonemic {adj}
Phonetiker m; Phonetikerin f
Fonetiker m; Fonetikerin f
phonisch; fonisch adj
phonic {adj}
Fontäne f, Springbrunnen m
Fontänen pl, Springbrunnen m
Fontaene, Herkunft

Deutsche Fon Synonyme

Englische raise a fund Synonyme

raise  Olympian heights  abandon  abet  access  accession  accretion  accrual  accruement  acculturate  accumulate  accumulation  acme  add to  addition  advance  advancement  aerial heights  agglomerate  aggrandize  aggrandizement  aggregate  aggroup  amass  ameliorate  amend  amplification  amplify  animate  answer  apex  apotheose  apotheosize  appreciation  apprentice  approach  arouse  articulate  ascent  assemble  augment  augmentation  awaken  ballooning  batch  beatify  better  bloat  bloating  blow up  boom  boost  boss  break  break in  breathe  breed  bring about  bring forward  bring together  bring up  broach  broaden  broadening  build  build up  buildup  bulk  bulk out  bunch  bunch together  bunch up  buoy  buoy up  call  call up  call up spirits  canonize  carve  cast  cast up  cause  chase  cheer up  chime  chisel  chorus  christen  civilize  clump  cluster  collect  colligate  collocate  combine  come out with  commandeer  communicate  communicate with  compare  compile  compose  compound  concoct  condition  conglomerate  conjure  conjure up  conjure up spirits  conscript  construct  contact  convene  convert  convey  corral  correspond  create  crescendo  crop  crown  cultivate  culture  cumulate  deify  deliver  detach  detach for service  develop  development  devise  dig up  dilate  discipline  disclose  discontinue  distend  dizzy heights  draft  draw together  dredge up  drill  drive together  dryfarm  edema  edify  educate  elaborate  elate  elevate  elevation  eliminate  emboss  emend  eminence  emit  encourage  engender  enhance  enlarge  enlargement  enlighten  enlist  ennoble  ennoblement  enrich  enroll  enshrine  enthrone  enunciate  erect  escalate  establish  establish connection  ether  evoke  evolve  exalt  exaltation  exercise  exhilarate  expand  expansion  express  extend  extension  extract  extrude  fabricate  farm  fashion  father  fatten  favor  feed  ferment  fetch up  fill out  fit  fling off  float  flood  foment  form  
raise hell  addle  addle the wits  ball up  be livid  be noisy  be pissed  becloud  bedazzle  befuddle  bewilder  bluster  boil  bother  brawl  bring trouble  browned off  bug  burn  carouse  carry on  cause trouble  celebrate  chafe  chirm  clamor  clangor  cloud  confuse  cut loose  cut up  cut up rough  daze  dazzle  debauch  discombobulate  discomfit  discompose  disconcert  disorganize  disorient  disturb  embarrass  entangle  flummox  flurry  fluster  flutter  fog  fret  fuddle  fume  fuss  go on  have a conniption  hell around  horse around  jollify  jolly  lark  let go  let loose  let off steam  maffick  make a noise  make a racket  make an uproar  make merry  make whoopee  maze  mist  mix up  moider  muddle  noise  perplex  perturb  pissed off  play hell  play hob  play the deuce  pother  put out  racket  rage  raise Cain  raise a clamor  raise merry hell  raise sand  raise the deuce  raise the devil  raise the roof  rant  rant and rave  rattle  rave  revel  roar  roister  roughhouse  row  ruffle  rumpus  see life  seethe  simmer  sizzle  skylark  smoke  smolder  spree  step out  stew  storm  take on  throw a fit  throw into confusion  unsettle  upset  wanton  whoop it up  
raised  accelerated  aggrandized  ampliate  amplified  assembled  augmented  beefed-up  bloated  bold  boosted  bossed  bossy  broadened  brought about  built  built-up  cast  caused  chased  constructed  crafted  created  crescendoed  custom  custom-built  custom-made  deepened  done  effectuated  elevated  embossed  enhanced  enlarged  erect  exalted  executed  expanded  extended  extracted  fabricated  fashioned  forged  formed  gathered  grown  handcrafted  handmade  harvested  heightened  high  hiked  homemade  homespun  in relief  increased  inflated  intensified  jazzed up  lifted  lofty  machine-made  machined  made  made to order  magnified  man-made  manufactured  mass-produced  milled  mined  molded  multiplied  on stilts  performed  prefab  prefabricated  processed  produced  proliferated  put together  rampant  ready-for-wear  ready-formed  ready-made  ready-prepared  ready-to-wear  refined  reinforced  shaped  smelted  spread  stand-up  stiffened  stilted  straight-up  strengthened  sublime  swollen  tightened  upcast  upflung  uplifted  upped  upraised  upreared  upright  upstanding  upthrown  well-built  well-constructed  well-made  widened  
raiser  Bauer  agriculturalist  agriculturist  agrologist  agronomist  ancestors  apprentice  architect  artificer  artist  author  begetter  beginner  builder  coffee-planter  collective farm worker  conceiver  constructor  craftsman  creator  crofter  cropper  cultivator  designer  deviser  dirt farmer  discoverer  dry farmer  effector  engenderer  engineer  executor  executrix  farm laborer  farmer  farmhand  father  founder  generator  gentleman farmer  granger  grower  harvester  harvestman  haymaker  husbandman  inaugurator  industrialist  initiator  instigator  institutor  introducer  inventor  journeyman  kibbutznik  kolkhoznik  kulak  maker  manufacturer  master  master craftsman  mother  muzhik  organizer  originator  past master  peasant  peasant holder  picker  planner  planter  plowboy  plowman  precursor  prime mover  producer  rancher  ranchman  realizer  reaper  rustic  shaper  sharecropper  sire  smith  sower  tea-planter  tenant farmer  tiller  tree farmer  truck farmer  wright  yeoman  

Fon Definition

(n.) An aggregation or deposit of resources from which supplies are or may be drawn for carrying on any work, or for maintaining existence.
(n.) A stock or capital
(n.) The stock of a national debt
(n.) An invested sum, whose income is devoted to a specific object
(n.) A store laid up, from which one may draw at pleasure
(v. t.) To provide and appropriate a fund or permanent revenue for the payment of the interest of
(v. t.) To place in a fund, as money.
(v. t.) To put into the form of bonds or stocks bearing regular interest
(v. t.) To cause to rise
(v. t.) To bring to a higher condition or situation
(v. t.) To increase the strength, vigor, or vehemence of
(v. t.) To elevate in degree according to some scale
(v. t.) To cause to rise up, or assume an erect position or posture
(v. t.) To cause to spring up from a recumbent position, from a state of quiet, or the like
(v. t.) To rouse to action
(v. t.) To bring up from the lower world
(v. t.) To cause to arise, grow up, or come into being or to appear
(v. t.) To form by the accumulation of materials or constituent parts
(v. t.) To bring together
(v. t.) To cause to grow
(v. t.) To bring into being
(v. t.) To give rise to
(v. t.) To give vent or utterance to
(v. t.) To bring to notice
(v. t.) To cause to rise, as by the effect of leaven
(v. t.) To cause (the land or any other object) to seem higher by drawing nearer to it
(v. t.) To let go
(v. t.) To create or constitute

raise a fund Bedeutung

the act of raising something, he responded with a lift of his eyebrow, fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up
raise increasing the size of a bet (as in poker), I'll see your raise and double it
rise wage hike
wage increase
salary increase
the amount a salary is increased, he got a % raise, he got a wage hike
pension fund a financial institution that collects regular contributions from employers to provide retirement income for employees
investment company
investment trust
investment firm
a financial institution that sells shares to individuals and invests in securities issued by other companies
hedge fund
a flexible investment company for a small number of large investors (usually the minimum investment is $ million), can use highisk techniques (not allowed for mutual funds) such as short-selling and heavy leveraging
mutual fund
mutual fund company
open-end fund
open-end investment company
a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares
index fund a mutual fund that invests in the stocks that are the basis of a well-known stock or bond index
closed-end fund
closed-end investment company
a regulated investment company that issues a fixed number of shares which are listed on a stock market
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
an agency of the United Nations responsible for programs to aid education and the health of children and mothers in developing countries
International Monetary Fund
a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies
an upward slope or grade (as in a road), the car couldn't make it up the rise
endowment fund
the capital that provides income for an institution
monetary fund
a reserve of money set aside for some purpose
mutual fund the pooled money that is invested in assets
exchange traded fund
a mutual fund that is traded on a stock exchange
index fund a mutual fund whose assets are stocks on a given list
revolving fund a fund which, if borrowed or used, is intended to be replenished so it may be loaned or spent repeatedly
sinking fund a fund accumulated regularly in a separate account and used to redeem debt securities
pension fund
superannuation fund
a fund reserved to pay workers' pensions when they retire from service
slush fund a fund for buying votes or bribing public officials
trust fund a fund held in trust
stock fund
a supply of something available for future use, he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars
reserve account
reserve fund
funds taken out of earnings to provide for anticipated future payments
old-age pension
retirement pension
retirement check
retirement benefit
retirement fund
a monthly payment made to someone who is retired from work
cause to become alive again, raise from the dead, Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected, Upraising ghosts
raise raise the level or amount of something, raise my salary, raise the price of bread
increase, This will enhance your enjoyment, heighten the tension
lift raise d put an end to, lift a ban, raise a siege
lift raise elevate raise in rank or condition, The new law lifted many people from poverty
raise lift invigorate or heighten, lift my spirits, lift his ego
raise e bring (a surface or a design) into relief and cause to project, raised edges
raise multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times: is raised to the power
raise e establish radio communications with, They managed to raise Hanoi last night
raise activate or stir up, raise a mutiny
raise hell
make a stink
raise a stink
take strong and forceful action, as to object or express discontent, She raised hell when she found out that she wold not be hired again
raise cause to be heard or known, express or utter, raise a shout, raise a protest, raise a sad cry
raise f pronounce (vowels) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth, raise your `o'
raise bring up put forward for consideration or discussion, raise the question of promotions, bring up an unpleasant topic
cause to assemble or enlist in the military, raise an army, recruit new soldiers
raise bet more than the previous player
raise bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
disturb commove
shake up stir up
raise up
change the arrangement or position of
b raise conjure
conjure up
evoke stir
call down
bring up
put forward
call forth
summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic, raise the specter of unemployment, he conjured wild birds in the air, call down the spirits from the mountain
raise erect
set up put up
construct, build, or erect, Raise a barn
raise farm
cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques, The Bordeaux region produces great red wines, They produce good ham in Parma, We grow wheat here, We raise hogs here
raise create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise, raise hell, raise the roof, raise Cain
raise provoke
call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses), arouse pity, raise a smile, evoke sympathy
raise the roof get very angry, He will raise the roof when he hears this
lift raise move upwards, lift one's eyes
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