
Frauenhaarfarne Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Frauenhaarfarne pl; Frauenhaare pl; Venushaare pl (Adiantum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
(gewöhnlicher) Frauenhaarfarn m; Venushaarfarn m; Frauenhaar n; Venushaar n (Adiantum capillus-veneris) bot.
ausläufertreibender Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum caudatum) bot.
dreieckiger Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum raddianum) bot.
Fächer-Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum tenerum) bot.
immergrüner Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum venustum) bot.
maidenhair ferns; maidenhairs (botanical genus)
(common) maidenhair fern; Venus-hair fern; maidenhair; Venus-hair
tailed trailing maidenhair fern; walking fern maidenhair
delta maidenhair fern; delta maidenhair
fan maidenhair fern; brittle maidenhair fern
evergreen maidenhair fern; Himalayan maidenhair fern
Frauenhaarfarne pl; Frauenhaare pl; Venushaare pl (Adiantum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
(gewöhnlicher) Frauenhaarfarn m; Venushaarfarn m; Frauenhaar n; Venushaar n (Adiantum capillus-veneris) bot.
ausläufertreibender Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum caudatum) bot.
dreieckiger Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum raddianum) bot.
Fächer-Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum tenerum) bot.
immergrüner Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum venustum) bot.
maidenhair ferns; maidenhairs (botanical genus)
(common) maidenhair fern; Venus-hair fern; maidenhair; Venus-hair
tailed trailing maidenhair fern; walking fern maidenhair
delta maidenhair fern; delta maidenhair
fan maidenhair fern; brittle maidenhair fern
evergreen maidenhair fern; Himalayan maidenhair fern
Frauenhaar n
Frauenhaarfarne pl; Frauenhaare pl; Venushaare pl (Adiantum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
(gewöhnlicher) Frauenhaarfarn m; Venushaarfarn m; Frauenhaar n; Venushaar n (Adiantum capillus-veneris) bot.
ausläufertreibender Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum caudatum) bot.
dreieckiger Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum raddianum) bot.
Fächer-Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum tenerum) bot.
immergrüner Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum venustum) bot.
maidenhair ferns; maidenhairs (botanical genus)
(common) maidenhair fern; Venus-hair fern; maidenhair; Venus-hair
tailed trailing maidenhair fern; walking fern maidenhair
delta maidenhair fern; delta maidenhair
fan maidenhair fern; brittle maidenhair fern
evergreen maidenhair fern; Himalayan maidenhair fern
Blatteiben pl; Selleriefichten pl; Phyllokladien pl (Phyllocladus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Frauenhaar-Blatteibe f (Phyllocladus trichomanoides)
Tasmanische Blatteibe f (Phyllocladus aspleniifolius)
celery pines (botanical genus)
New Zealand celery pine; mountain celery pine; tanekaha
celery-top pine; celery-topped pine
Hufeisenfarn m; Pfauenradfarn m; amerikanischer Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum pedatum) bot.
five-finger fern; American Northern maidenhair fern
peruanischer Frauenhaarfarn m; Silberdollar-Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum peruvianum) bot.
Peruvian maidenhair fern; silver-dollar (maidenhair) fern
buschiger Frauenhaarfarn m (Adiantum aethiopicum) bot.
common maidenhair fern
Frauenhaarmoos n; Widertonmoos n bot.
haircap moss
Frauenhaus n
Frauenhäuser pl
refuge for battered women; women's shelter Am.
refuges for battered women; women's shelters
frauenhaft adj
illegaler Handel m (mit etw.) (als allgemeines Phänomen)
Frauenhandel m
Organhandel m
Rauschgifthandel m; Suchtgifthandel m; Suchtmittelhandel m adm.; Drogenhandel m
traffic; illicit trade; illegal trade (in sth.) (as a general phenomenon)
traffic in women; illicit trade in women
traffic in human body parts; illicit trade in organs; illegal organ trade
traffic in illegal drugs; illicit trade in drugs
Frauenhass m, Weiberhass m
Frauenfeindlichkeit f; Frauenhass m; Weiberhass m
hostility to(wards) women; misogyny
Frauenfeindlichkeit f; Frauenhass m; Frauenverachtung f; Misogynie f geh. soc.
hostility to(wards) women; misogyny
Frauenhasser m, Frauenfeind m, Misogyn m
Frauenhasser pl, Frauenfeinde pl, Misogynen pl
Frauenhasser m; Frauenfeind m; Misogyn m
Frauenhasser pl; Frauenfeinde pl; Misogynen pl
Frauenhasser m; Frauenfeind m; Misogyn m
Frauenhasser pl; Frauenfeinde pl; Misogyne pl

Deutsche Frauenhaarfarne Synonyme

Englische maidenhair ferns; maidenhairs Synonyme

Frauenhaarfarne Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to botany
(a.) Easily broken
Brittle star
() Any species of ophiuran starfishes. See Ophiuroidea.
(v.) Belonging or relating equally, or similarly, to more than one
(v.) Belonging to or shared by, affecting or serving, all the members of a class, considered together
(v.) Often met with
(v.) Not distinguished or exceptional
(v.) Profane
(v.) Given to habits of lewdness
(n.) The people
(n.) An inclosed or uninclosed tract of ground for pleasure, for pasturage, etc., the use of which belongs to the public
(n.) The right of taking a profit in the land of another, in common either with the owner or with other persons
(v. i.) To converse together
(v. i.) To participate.
(v. i.) To have a joint right with others in common ground.
(v. i.) To board together
Common sense
() See Common sense, under Sense.
(a.) Having the tail cropped.
(a.) Having the lower ends of garments defiled by trailing in mire or filth
(a.) Daggle-tailed
(n.) A tract of land shaped like the letter delta (/), especially when the land is alluvial and inclosed between two or more mouths of a river
(a.) Untidy
(a.) Remaining unwithered through the winter, or retaining unwithered leaves until the leaves of the next year are expanded, as pines cedars, hemlocks, and the like.
(n.) An evergreen plant.
(n.) Twigs and branches of evergreen plants used for decoration.
(a.) Having an expanded, or fan-shaped, tail
Female fern
() a common species of fern with large decompound fronds (Asplenium Filixfaemina), growing in many countries
(adv.) Long ago.
(a.) Ancient
(n.) An order of cryptogamous plants, the Filices, which have their fructification on the back of the fronds or leaves. They are usually found in humid soil, sometimes grow epiphytically on trees, and in tropical climates often attain a gigantic size.
(a.) Having the outer tail feathers longer than the median ones
(n.) A class of objects divided into several subordinate species
(n.) An assemblage of species, having so many fundamental points of structure in common, that in the judgment of competent scientists, they may receive a common substantive name. A genus is not necessarily the lowest definable group of species, for it may often be divided into several subgenera. In proportion as its definition is exact, it is natural genus
(n.) The collection or mass of filaments growing from the skin of an animal, and forming a covering for a part of the head or for any part or the whole of the body.
(n.) One the above-mentioned filaments, consisting, in invertebrate animals, of a long, tubular part which is free and flexible, and a bulbous root imbedded in the skin.
(n.) Hair (human or animal) used for various purposes
(n.) A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Such hairs are totally unlike those of vertebrates in structure, composition, and mode of growth.
(n.) An outgrowth of the epidermis, consisting of one or of several cells, whether pointed, hooked, knobbed, or stellated. Internal hairs occur in the flower stalk of the yellow frog lily (Nuphar).
(n.) A spring device used in a hair-trigger firearm.
(n.) A haircloth.
(n.) Any very small distance, or degree
() The diameter or breadth of a hair
(a.) Of a clear tint of brown, resembling brown human hair. It is composed of equal proportions of red and green.
Hair grass
() A grass with very slender leaves or branches
(n.) A variety of native Epsom salt occurring in silky fibers.
Hare's-foot fern
() A species of fern (Davallia Canariensis) with a soft, gray, hairy rootstock
(a.) Of or pertaining to the Himalayas, the great mountain chain in Hindostan.
Lady's hair
() A plant of the genus Briza (B. media)
(n.) A fern of the genus Adiantum (A. pedatum), having very slender graceful stalks. It is common in the United States, and is sometimes used in medicine. The name is also applied to other species of the same genus, as to the Venus-hair.
Maid's hair
() The yellow bedstraw (Galium verum).

maidenhair ferns; maidenhairs (botanical genus) / (common) maidenhair fern; Venus-hair fern; maidenhair; Venus-hair / tailed trailing maidenhair fern; walking fern maidenhair / delta maidenhair fern; delta maidenhair / fan maidenhair fern; brittle maidenhair fern / evergreen maidenhair fern; Himalayan maidenhair fern Bedeutung

hair care
care for the hair: the activity of washing or cutting or curling or arranging the hair
hair coloring the act of dyeing or tinting one's hair
the act of traveling by foot, walking is a healthy form of exercise
the pursuit (of a person or animal) by following tracks or marks they left behind
tightrope walking
walking on a tightrope or slack rope
power walking a form of cardiopulmonary exercise consisting of rapid walking accompanied by vigorous swinging of the arms
herbal therapy
botanical medicine
the use of plants or plant extracts for medicinal purposes (especially plants that are not part of the normal diet)
form genus an artificial taxonomic category established on the basis of morphological resemblance for organisms of obscure true relationships especially fossil forms
genus Heliobacter
a genus of helical or curved or straight aerobic bacteria with rounded ends and multiple flagella, found in the gastric mucosa of primates (including humans)
bacteria genus a genus of bacteria
genus Aerobacter
aerobic bacteria widely distributed in nature
genus Rhizobium
the type genus of Rhizobiaceae, usually occur in the root nodules of legumes, can fix atmospheric oxygen
genus Agrobacterium
small motile bacterial rods that can reduce nitrates and cause galls on plant stems
genus Bacillus type genus of the Bacillaceae, includes many saprophytes important in decay of organic matter and a number of parasites
genus Clostridium anaerobic or micro-aerophilic rod-shaped or spindle-shaped saprophytes, nearly cosmopolitan in soil, animal intestines, and dung
genus Nostoc type genus of the family Nostocaceae: freshwater blue-green algae
genus Trichodesmium a genus of blue-green algae
genus Pseudomonas
type genus of the family Pseudomonodaceae
genus Xanthomonas
a genus of bacteria similar to Pseudomonas but producing a yellow pigment that is not soluble in water
genus Nitrobacter
rod-shaped soil bacteria
genus Nitrosomonas
ellipsoidal soil bacteria
genus Thiobacillus a genus of bacteria
genus Spirillum a genus of bacteria
genus Vibrio a genus of bacteria
genus Bacteroides
type genus of Bacteroidaceae, genus of Gram-negative rodlike anaerobic bacteria producing no endospores and no pigment and living in the gut of man and animals
genus Calymmatobacterium
a genus of bacterial rods containing only the one species that causes granuloma inguinale
genus Francisella
a genus of Gram-negative aerobic bacteria that occur as pathogens and parasite in many animals (including humans)
genus Corynebacterium the type genus of the family Corynebacteriaceae which is widely distributed in nature, the best known are parasites and pathogens of humans and domestic animals
genus Listeria a genus of aerobic motile bacteria of the family Corynebacteriaceae containing small Gram-positive rods
genus Escherichia a genus of bacteria
genus Klebsiella a genus of bacteria
genus Salmonella a genus of bacteria
genus Serratia
a genus of motile peritrichous bacteria that contain small Gram-negative rod
genus Shigella a genus of bacteria
genus Erwinia a genus of bacteria
genus Rickettsia can cause typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans
genus Chlamydia type genus of the family Chlamydiaceae: diseaseausing parasites
genus Mycoplasma type and sole genus of the family Mycoplasmataceae
genus Actinomyces type genus of the family Actinomycetaceae
genus Streptomyces type genus of the family Streptomycetaceae
genus Mycobacterium nonmotile Gram-positive aerobic bacteria
genus Polyangium
type genus of the family Polyangiaceae: myxobacteria with rounded fruiting bodies enclosed in a membrane
genus Micrococcus
type genus of the family Micrococcaceae
genus Staphylococcus includes many pathogenic species
genus Lactobacillus type genus of the family Lactobacillaceae
genus Diplococcus a genus of bacteria
genus Streptococcus a genus of bacteria
genus Spirochaeta
the type genus of the family Spirochaetaceae, a bacterium that is flexible, undulating, and chiefly aquatic
genus Treponema type genus of Treponemataceae: anaerobic spirochetes with an undulating rigid body, parasitic in warm-blooded animals
genus Borrelia small flexible parasitic spirochetes having three to five wavy spirals
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