
Freizeitschuh Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Freizeitschuh m
Freizeitschuhe pl
casual shoe
casual shoes; casuals
Freizeitschuh m
Freizeitschuhe pl
casual shoe
casual shoes; casuals
leisure time
spare time
MuĂźe, Freizeit
Erholung f, Freizeit und Erholung
Freizeit f
free time, spare time, leisure time
Jugendliche, die sich in ihrer Freizeit in Einkaufszentren aufhalten
mallies, mall rats
Wie verbringen Sie Ihre Freizeit?
What do you do in your spare time?
free time
Wie verbringen Sie Ihre Freizeit ?
what do you do in your spare time ?
time off
Gleichgewicht zwischen Arbeit und Leben
work-life balance
Erholung f; Freizeit und Erholung
Freizeit f
Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?
free time; spare time; leisure time
What do you do in your free time?
Jugendliche die sich in ihrer Freizeit in Einkaufszentren aufhalten
mallies; mall rats
Baufläche f (Raumplanung) adm. geogr.
Fläche für Freizeit und Erholung
Wohnbaufläche f
gemischte Baufläche
gewerbliche Baufläche
Sonderbaufläche f
urban land-use category; general land-use area; zoning category Am. (spatial planning)
recreational land use area
residental land use area; housing zone Am.
mixed land use area
industrial land use area
institutional land use area
(kindliche) Freizeit f; Zeit zum (gemeinsamen) Spielen soc.
Jetzt wird nicht gespielt, an die Arbeit!
This isn't playtime, get to work!
im Internet; ĂĽber das Internet; im Netz ugs.; online adv comp.
ins Internet gehen; online gehen (sich mit dem Internet verbinden)
im Internet einkaufen
über das Internet Geschäfte machen
beim Internetsurfen geschĂĽtzt sein
Er verbringt viel Freizeit im Internet.
Die Berichte sind online noch nicht verfĂĽgbar.
on the Internet; online (connected to or available through the Internet)
to go online; to go on the Internet
to shop online
to do business online
to be safe while online
He spends a lot of his free time online.
The reports are not available online yet.
Jugendliche, die sich in ihrer Freizeit in Einkaufszentren aufhalten
mallies; mall rats
Freizeitaktivität f
leisure activity
Freizeitaktivität f
Freizeitaktivitäten pl
leisure activity
leisure activities
(private) Aktivität f; Beschäftigung f; Betätigung f
Freizeitaktivität f; Freizeitbeschäftigung f; Freizeitbetätigung f
künstlerische Betätigung
Sportaktivität f; sportliche Aktivität
Lesen, Puzzeln und andere ruhige Beschäftigungen
(personal) pursuit
leisure time pursuit; leisure pursuit; recreational pursuit
artistic pursuit
sport pursuit; sporting pursuit; athletic pursuit
reading, jigsaw puzzling and other quiet pursuits
Freizeitbeschäftigung, Freizeitaktivitäten
leisure activities
Rasenplatz m (für Freizeitaktivitäten)
Rasenplätze pl
turfed pitch Br.; play lawn Am. (for recreational use)
turfed pitches; play lawns
Freizeitangebot n
Freizeitangebote pl
leisure attraction
leisure attractions
Freizeitzentrum n, Freizeitanlage f
Freizeitzentren pl, Freizeitanlagen pl
leisure centre, recreation center Am.
leisure centres, recreation centers
Freizeitzentrum n; Freizeitanlage f
Freizeitzentren pl; Freizeitanlagen pl
leisure centre; recreation center Am.
leisure centres; recreation centers
Freizeitanlage f; Freizeitzentrum n
Freizeitanlagen pl; Freizeitzentren pl
leisure facility; leisure centre Br.; amenities centre Br.; leisure complex; recreation center Am.
leisure facilities; leisure centres; amenities centres; leisure complexes; recreation centers
Freizeitanwendung f
leisure application
Freizeitanzug m
FreizeitanzĂĽge pl
leisure suit
leisure suits
Attraktion f
Attraktionen pl
Freizeitattraktion f
reacreational attraction
Bananenboot n; Banane f (gezogene aufblasbare Röhre als Freizeitattraktion) naut.
Bananenboote pl; Bananen pl
banana boat; water sled (towed inflatable tube as a recreational attraction)
banana boats; water sleds
Freizeitausgleich m (fĂĽr Ăśberstunden)
in-lieu time; lieu time; compensatory time Am.; comp time Am. (time off in lieu of overtime pay)
Freizeitbauernhof m
hobby farm; lifestyle block NZ
Freizeitbekleidung f
leisure clothing
Freizeitbekleidung f
leisure clothing; leisure clothes
spare time job
Freizeitbeschäftigung f
leisure-time activity, leisure-time activities
Freizeitbeschäftigung f
leisure-time activity; leisure-time activities
sich fĂĽr etw. eignen
Der Hof eignet sich für sommerliche Freizeitbeschäftigungen wie Badminton.
to lend itself to sth.
The yard lends itself to summer pastimes such as badminton.
sich fĂĽr etw. eignen v
Der Hof eignet sich für sommerliche Freizeitbeschäftigungen wie Badminton.
to lend itself to sth.
The yard lends itself to summer pastimes such as badminton.
Bootsfahrer m; Kahnfahrer m Dt. naut.
Bootsfahrer pl; Kahnfahrer pl
Freizeitbootsfahrer m
recreational boater
Freizeitbranche f; Freizeitwirtschaft f; Freizeitindustrie f econ.
leisure industry; recreation industry
Freizeitdroge f
recreational drug
Freizeitdroge f
Freizeitdrogen pl
recreational drug
recreational drugs
Freizeiteinrichtung f
Freizeiteinrichtungen pl
leisure facility
leisure facilities
Freizeitgestaltung f
organization of one's leisure time
Freizeitgestaltung f
recreational activities {pl}
Freizeitgestaltung f
recreational activities; free-time activities; leisure activities {pl}
Freizeithemd n
casual shirt
Hemd n
Hemden pl
Baumwollhemd n
Freizeithemd n
Nylonhemd n
kurzärmeliges Hemd; Kurzarmhemd n; Halbarmhemd n
langärmeliges Hemd; Langarmhemd n
besticktes Hemd
jdm. sein letztes Hemd geben
offenes Hemd
cotton shirt
casual shirt
nylon shirt
short-sleeved shirt
long-sleeved shirt
embroidered shirt
to give sb. the shirt off one's back
open-necked shirt
lange Hose f; Hose f textil.
Hosen pl
Baumwollhose f
Bundfaltenhose f
Caprihose f
Cargohose f; Kampfhose f
Dreiviertelhose f
Freizeithose f; Chinohose f; Chino f
Hochwasserhose f humor.
HĂĽfthose f; tiefgeschnittene Hose f
Keilhose f
(enganliegende) Kniebundhose f; Kniehose f
(lockere) Kniebundhose f; Kniehose f; Knickerbocker pl
Kordhose f; Cordhose f; Manchester-Hose f Nordwestdt.; SchnĂĽrlsamthose f Ă–s.
kurze Trachtenlederhose f; kurze Lederhose f; Lederne f Bayr. Ös. ugs.; Seppelhose f Norddt. ugs. (mit H-Trägern)
(modische) Lederhose f
Pantalons pl hist.
Pluderhose f; Pumphose f; Flatterhose f
Pluderhose f fĂĽr Damen
Radlerhose f
Regenhose f; Matschhose f (bei Kindern)
Reithose f; Stiefelhose f
lange Reithose f; Jodhpur-Reithose f
Satinhose f
Schlabberhose f; schlotternde Hose f
Schlaghose f; Glockenhose f Ă–s.; ausgestellte Hose f
Skihose f
Skihose Schihose mit Hosenträgern; Schneehose mit Hosenträgern
Steghose f sport
Trainingshose f; Trainerhose f Schw.; Jogginghose f
wetterfeste Hose
Hose fĂĽr jede Jahreszeit
eine Hose finden, die wie angegossen sitzt
die ideale Hose fĂĽr Golfer
(pair of) trousers Br.; (pair of) pants Am.; trews Br. coll.; strides Br. coll.; kecks Br. coll.; daks Austr. coll.; rammies Austr. coll.; reach-me-downs dated; britches Am. coll. dated
trousers; pants
cotton trousers Br.; cotton pants Am.
pleat-front trousers Br.; pleated trousers Br. pants Am.; trousers Br. pants Am. with front pleats
Capri trousers Br.; Capri pants Am.
cargo trousers Br.; cargo pants Am.; cargoes coll.; combat trousers Br.; combat pants Am.; combats coll.
3 4 length trousers Br.; 3 4 length pants Am.
slacks; chinos; chino trousers Br.; chino pants Am.
high-water trousers Br.; high-water pants Am.; floods Am.
low-rise trousers Br.; low-rise pants Am.; hip-huggers; hipsters Br.
wedge-shaped trousers Br.; wedge pants Am.
knee breeches; breeches; britches Am. coll.
knickerbockers; knickers
corduroy trousers Br.; corduroy pants Am.
leather shorts (with H-shaped braces); lederhosen
leather trousers Br.; leather pants Am.
harem pants; yoga pants; pantaloons
cycling shorts; cycle shorts
splash trousers Br.; splash pants Am.
horse riding breeches; riding breeches; riding britches Am. coll.
jodhpur trousers Br.; jodhpur pants Am.; jodhpurs
satin trousers; satin pants
baggy trousers Br.; baggy pants Am.
bell-bottom trousers Br.; bell-bottomed trousers Br.; bell-bottomed plants Am.; bell-bottoms; flares
ski trousers Br.; ski pants Am.
ski salopettes
stirrup trousers Br.; stirrup pants Am.
tracksuit bottoms Br.; jogging bottoms Br.; sweatpants Am.; tracksuit pants Am.; jogging pants Am.
all-weather trousers; all-weather pants
all-season trousers; all-season pants
to find a pair of trousers that fit perfectly Br.
the ideal pair of pants for golfers Am.
Freizeitkleidung f
leisure wear, casual wear
leisure wear
Freizeitkleidung f
leisure wear; casual wear (leisurewear)
Freizeitkomplex m; Freizeitzentrum n
leisure complex
Freizeitlandwirt, nebenberuflicher Landwirt
spare-time farmer
Freizeitmöglichkeiten pl
leisure opportunities; free-time options; recreational opportunities
Freizeitpark m, VergnĂĽgungspark m
recreational park, amusement park
Freizeitpark m; VergnĂĽgungspark m
Freizeitparks pl; VergnĂĽgungsparks pl
recreational park; amusement park; funfair Br.
recreational parks; amusement parks; funfairs
kĂĽnftig; angehend adj (Beruf)
ein angehender Rechtsanwalt
die Arbeitslosen und die die es bald sein werden
die drei kĂĽnftigen Mitgliedsstaaten
die bald 152 Mitglieder der Welthandelsorganisation
im demnächst erweiterten Freizeitpark
Presseberichten zufolge erhält er bereits Todesdrohungen von seinen künftigen Mithäftlingen.
a soon-to-be lawyer
the unemployed and the soon-to-be unemployed
the three soon-to-be member states
the soon-to-be 152 member of the World Trade Organisation
in the soon-to-be enlarged leisure park
According to press reports he is already receiving death threats from his soon-to-be fellow prisoners.
kĂĽnftig; angehend adj (Beruf)
ein angehender Rechtsanwalt
die Arbeitslosen und die, die es bald sein werden
die drei kĂĽnftigen Mitgliedsstaaten
die bald 152 Mitglieder der Welthandelsorganisation
im demnächst erweiterten Freizeitpark
Presseberichten zufolge erhält er bereits Todesdrohungen von seinen künftigen Mithäftlingen.
a soon-to-be lawyer
the unemployed and the soon-to-be unemployed
the three soon-to-be member states
the soon-to-be 152 member of the World Trade Organisation
in the soon-to-be enlarged leisure park
According to press reports he is already receiving death threats from his soon-to-be fellow prisoners.
(lockerer) Freizeitpullover m; Freizeitpulli m ugs.; legerer Pullover m textil.
Pullover mit Kapuze m; Kapuzenpullover m; Kapuzenjacke f
hooded sweatshirt; hoody; hoodie
Freizeitraum m; Freizeitzimmer n
Freizeiträume pl; Freizeitzimmer pl
games room Br.; recreation room Am.; rec room Am.; rumpus room; ruckus room
games rooms; recreation rooms; rec rooms; rumpus rooms; ruckus rooms
Freizeitraum m; Tagesraum m (Heim Krankenhaus)
Freizeiträume pl; Tagesräume pl
recreation room; common room Am.
recreation rooms; common rooms
Freizeitraum m; Tagesraum m (Heim, Krankenhaus)
Freizeiträume pl; Tagesräume pl
recreation room; common room Am.
recreation rooms; common rooms
Freizeitschuh m
Freizeitschuhe pl
casual shoe
casual shoes; casuals
Skifahrer m; Schifahrer m; Skiläufer m; Schiläufer m sport
Skifahrer pl; Schifahrer pl; Skiläufer pl; Schiläufer pl
Skifahrerin f; Schifahrerin f; Skiläuferin f; Schiläuferin f
Freizeitskifahrer m
Variantenskifahrer m
(female) skier
leisure skier
variant skier

Deutsche Freizeitschuh Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Freizeitschuh Synonym nachschlagen

Englische casual shoe Synonyme

casual  Bohemian  Charley  Mickey Mouse  VC  Vietcong  accessory  accidental  accidentally  additional  adscititious  adventitious  affable  aimless  airy  aleatory  almsman  almswoman  aloof  amorphous  apathetic  appurtenant  ascititious  ataractic  automatic  auxiliary  bankrupt  beggar  blanket  blase  blue-collar worker  breadwinner  breezy  bushfighter  bushwhacker  by-the-way  capricious  careless  casual laborer  casually  causeless  chance  chancy  charity case  circumstantial  clear  collateral  common  common laborer  conditional  contingent  cool  cordial  cursory  cushy  day laborer  degage  designless  destinal  desultory  detached  devil-may-care  dicey  disarticulated  discontinuous  disinterested  disjunct  disordered  dispassionate  dispersed  disproportionate  disregardant  disregardful  down-and-out  down-and-outer  driftless  dysteleological  easy  easy as pie  easygoing  effortless  employee  en deshabille  erratic  extemporaneous  extempore  extra  facile  factory worker  familiar  fatal  fatidic  fitful  flippant  fluky  flunky  folksy  forgetful  formless  fortuitous  fortuitously  free and easy  free lance  free-lancer  frivolous  full-time worker  general  glib  gracious  gratuitous  guerrilla  gut  hand  haphazard  happy-go-lucky  hardcase  haymish  heedless  hit-or-miss  homely  homey  iffy  ill-advised  ill-considered  ill-devised  immethodical  impromptu  improvised  imprudent  impulsive  in dishabille  inadvertent  inattentive  inchoate  incidental  incoherent  inconsiderable  inconsiderate  incurious  indeliberate  indeterminate  indifferent  indigent  indiscreet  indiscriminate  indiscriminative  industrial worker  inessential  inexcitable  inexplicable  informal  insensitive  insignificant  insouciant  involuntary  irregular  jobber  jobholder  laborer  laboring man  lackadaisical  lazy  light  listless  loose  lounge  low-pressure  maquis  maquisard  meaningless  menial  migrant  mindless  minor  misshapen  moiler  natural  navvy  
casualty  accident  adventure  blow  body count  calamity  casualties  cataclysm  catastrophe  chance hit  collision  contingency  contingent  contretemps  crack-up  crash  dead  death  disaster  fatal  fatal accident  fatalities  fatality  fluke  fortuity  freak accident  grief  hap  happening  happenstance  hazard  ill hap  injured  long odds  long shot  lucky shot  misadventure  mischance  misfortune  mishap  missing  nasty blow  pileup  prey  shipwreck  shock  smash  smashup  staggering blow  statistic  tragedy  underdog  victim  violent death  wounded  wreck  

Freizeitschuh Definition

(a.) Happening or coming to pass without design, and without being foreseen or expected
(a.) Coming without regularity
(n.) One who receives relief for a night in a parish to which he does not belong
(n.) A galoche.
(pl. ) of Shoe
(n.) A covering for the human foot, usually made of leather, having a thick and somewhat stiff sole and a lighter top. It differs from a boot on not extending so far up the leg.
(n.) Anything resembling a shoe in form, position, or use.
(n.) A plate or rim of iron nailed to the hoof of an animal to defend it from injury.
(n.) A band of iron or steel, or a ship of wood, fastened to the bottom of the runner of a sleigh, or any vehicle which slides on the snow.
(n.) A drag, or sliding piece of wood or iron, placed under the wheel of a loaded vehicle, to retard its motion in going down a hill.
(n.) The part of a railroad car brake which presses upon the wheel to retard its motion.
(n.) A trough-shaped or spout-shaped member, put at the bottom of the water leader coming from the eaves gutter, so as to throw the water off from the building.
(n.) The trough or spout for conveying the grain from the hopper to the eye of the millstone.
(n.) An inclined trough in an ore-crushing mill.
(n.) An iron socket or plate to take the thrust of a strut or rafter.
(n.) An iron socket to protect the point of a wooden pile.
(n.) A plate, or notched piece, interposed between a moving part and the stationary part on which it bears, to take the wear and afford means of adjustment
(n.) To furnish with a shoe or shoes
(n.) To protect or ornament with something which serves the purpose of a shoe

casual shoe / casual shoes; casuals Bedeutung

soft-shoe shuffle
soft-shoe dancing
tap dancing wearing shoes that have soft soles
shoe repairing
the shoemaker's trade
baby shoe a shoe designed to be worn by infants
bowling shoe a special shoe worn when bowling
brake shoe
shoe skid
a restraint provided when the brake linings are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to retard the wheel's rotation
work shoe
a thick and heavy shoe
collar shoe collar the stitching that forms the rim of a shoe or boot
congress boot
congress shoe
congress gaiter
an ankle high shoe with elastic gussets in the sides
gym shoe
tennis shoe
a canvas shoe with a pliable rubber sole
U-shaped plate nailed to underside of horse's hoof
jodhpur jodhpur boot
jodhpur shoe
a short riding boot that fastens with a buckle at the side
running shoe a light comfortable shoe designed for running
sabot wooden shoe a shoe carved from a single block of wood
saddle oxford
saddle shoe
an oxford with a saddle of contrasting color
shoe footwear shaped to fit the foot (below the ankle) with a flexible upper of leather or plastic and a sole and heel of heavier material
shoe (card games) a case from which playing cards are dealt one at a time
shoe bomb an explosive device concealed inside the heel and sole of a shoe
shoe lace
shoe string
a lace used for fastening shoes
shoe shop
shoe store
a shop where shoes are sold
walking shoe a light comfortable shoe designed for vigorous walking
shoe industry an industry that manufactures and sells shoes
Venus' slipper
Venus's slipper
Venus's shoe
any of various orchids of the genus Paphiopedilum having slender flower stalks bearing to several waxy flowers with pouchlike lips
China rose Chinese hibiscus
Rose of China
shoeblack plant
shoe black
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
large showy Asiatic shrub or small tree having large single or double red to deeped flowers
shoe string
a small amount of money, he managed it on a shoestring
place shoes a particular situation, If you were in my place what would you do?
shoe leather leather used to make shoes
shoe polish
a substance used to produce a shiny protective surface on footwear
shoe furnish with shoes, the children were well shoed
hasty and without attention to detail, not thorough, a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws, a passing glance, perfunctory courtesy
marked by blithe unconcern, an ability to interest casual students, showed a casual disregard for cold weather, an utterly insouciant financial policy, an elegantly insouciant manner, drove his car with nonchalant abandon, was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner
not showing effort or strain, a difficult feat performed with casual mastery, careless grace
casual everyday
appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions, casual clothes, everyday clothes
natural and unstudied, using their Christian names in a casual way, lectured in a free-and-easy style
characterized by a feeling of irresponsibility, a broken back is nothing to be casual about, it is no fooling matter
casual chance(a) occurring or appearing or singled out by chance, seek help from casual passers-by, a casual meeting, a chance occurrence
casual without or seeming to be without plan or method, offhand, a casual remark, information collected by casual methods and in their spare time
white-shoe denoting a company or law firm owned and run by members of the WASP elite who are generally conservative, the politician tried to hide his white-shoe background
occurring from time to time, casual employment, a casual correspondence with a former teacher, an occasional worker
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