
Friedenspflicht Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Friedenspflicht f Dt. jur.
commitment (by the parties to a collective agreement) to good industrial relations
Friedenspflicht f Dt. jur.
commitment (by the parties to a collective agreement) to good industrial relations
Stätte f
historische Stätte f
an historischer Stätte
eine Stätte des Friedens
historical site
on historical ground
a haven of peace
Frieden m; Friede m pol.
dauerhafter Frieden
Frieden schließen
Frieden wiederherstellen
Bedrohung des Friedens
Wahrung Erhaltung des Friedens
zur Aufrechterhaltung des Friedens und der Stabilität beitragen
die Friedensfühler ausstrecken
lasting enduring permanent peace
to make peace
to restore peace
threat to (the) peace
maintenance of peace; preservation of peace
to contribute to maintaining peace and stability
to put out peace feelers
Zeit f des Friedens; Friedenszeiten pl pol.
in Friedenszeiten
wie in Friedenszeiten; friedensmäßig
in peacetime
as in peacetime
Hort m geh. (Zufluchtsort)
ein Ort des Friedens
refuge; shelter
a haven of peace; a sanctuary
langweilig ruhiger rückständiger Bereich m pej.
eine Insel des Friedens
tiefste Provinz
Die Region verpasste wirtschaftlich den Anschluss.
a quiet backwater
a rural backwater
The region became an economic backwater.
Frieden m; Friede m pol.
Separatfrieden m
Vorfrieden m; vorläufiger Frieden
dauerhafter Frieden
Frieden schließen
Frieden wiederherstellen
Bedrohung des Friedens
Wahrung Erhaltung des Friedens
zur Aufrechterhaltung des Friedens und der Stabilität beitragen
die Friedensfühler ausstrecken
separate peace
preliminary peace
lasting enduring permanent peace
to make peace
to restore peace
threat to (the) peace
maintenance of peace; preservation of peace
to contribute to maintaining peace and stability
to put out peace feelers
Sinnbild n; Symbol n (für etw. +Gen.)
Sinnbilder pl; Symbole pl
ein Sinnbild des Friedens; ein Symbol für den Frieden; ein Friedenssymbol
die Farbe Grün als Sinnbild der Hoffnung
Das zweischneidige Schwert ist ein Sinnbild für göttliches Wissen, wo die scharfen Schneiden Wahrheit von Falschheit trennen.
symbol; metaphor (of sth.)
symbols; metaphors
a symbol of peace; a peace symbol
the colour green as a symbol of hope
The double-edged sword is a metaphor of divine knowledge, its sharp edges cleaving truth from falsehood.
Störung f der öffentlichen Ordnung; Störung f des öffentlichen Friedens Dt. (Straftatbestand); Erregung f öffentlichen Ärgernisses jur.
disturbance of the public order; public disturbance; public disorder (criminal offence)
Zeichen n übtr.
Zeichen pl
ein Zeichen des Friedens
die Zeichen der Zeit
zum Zeichen
sign fig.
a sign of peace
the signs of the times
as a sign of
langweilig ruhiger, rückständiger Bereich m pej.
eine Insel des Friedens
tiefste Provinz
Die Region verpasste wirtschaftlich den Anschluss.
a quiet backwater
a rural backwater
The region became an economic backwater.
Friedensabkommen n, Friedensvertrag m pol.
Friedensabkommen pl, Friedensverträge pl
peace agreement, peace treaty
peace agreements, peace treaties
Friedensabkommen n; Friedensvertrag m pol.
Friedensabkommen pl; Friedensverträge pl
peace agreement; peace treaty
peace agreements; peace treaties
etw. aushandeln (mit jdm.) v
handelt aus
handelte aus
mit jdm. ein Friedensabkommen aushandeln
to negotiate sth. (with sb.)
to negotiate a peace with sb.
etw. bewahren; etw. erhalten; etw. retten übtr. v
bewahrend; erhaltend; rettend
bewahrt; erhalten; gerettet
sich seine Würde bewahren
seinen Ruf retten
die Situation retten
das Friedensabkommen retten
ein Unentschieden retten sport
to save sth.; to salvage sth.; to salve sth. archaic
saving; salvaging; salving
saved; salvaged; salved
to salvage your dignity
to salvage your reputation
to save the situation
to salvage the peace pact
to salvage a draw
Friedensaktivist m, Friedensaktivistin f
Friedensaktivist m soc.
Friedensaktivisten pl
peace campaigner
peace campaigners
Friedensaktivist m; Friedensaktivistin f
peacenik coll. sometimes pej.
Aktivist m; Aktivistin f
Aktivisten pl; Aktivistinnen pl
Bürgerrechtsaktivist m; Bürgerrechtsaktivistin f; Bürgerrechtler m; Bürgerrechtlerin f
Friedensaktivist m; Friedensaktivistin f
Kinderrechtsaktivist m; Kinderrechtsaktivistin f; Kinderrechtler m; Kinderrechtlerin f
Klimaaktivist m; Klimaaktivistin f
Netzaktivist m; Netzaktivistin f
Umweltaktivist m; Umweltaktivistin f
activist; campaigner
activists; campaigners
civil rights campaigner
peace campaigner
children's rights campaigner
climate activist; climate campaigner
net activist
environmental activist; environmental campaigner; eco-activist; eco-warrior
Friedensinitiative f, Friedensaktivisten pl
peace campaigners
Friedensangebot n
Friedensangebote pl
peace offer, peace proposal
peace offers, peace proposals
Friedensangebot n pol.
Friedensangebote pl
peace offer; peace proposal; proposal for peace; peace overture; overture of peace
peace offers; peace proposals; proposals for peace; peace overtures; overtures of peace
Versöhnungsangebot n; Friedensangebot n
jdm. ein Versöhnungsangebot machen
olive branch fig.
to hold out an olive branch to sb.
jdm. ein Friedensangebot machen
to extend hold out an olive branch to so. fig.
Versöhnungsangebot n; Friedensangebot n
jdm. ein Versöhnungsangebot Friedensangebot machen
olive branch fig.
to hold out extend an olive branch to sb.
Friedensaussichten pl pol.
prospects of peace
Friedensbedarf m pol.
peacetime needs; peacetime requirements
Friedensbedingungen pl pol.
conditions of peace; peace terms
Friedensbemühungen pl pol.
peace efforts; efforts to achieve maintain peace
Friedensbewegter m pol.
Friedensbewegte pl
pro-peace advocate
pro-peace advocates
Friedensbewegung f
peace movement
Friedensbewegung f soc.
peace movement
Friedensblockade f pol.
pacific blockade
Friedensbrecher m pol.
Friedensbrecher pl
Friedensbruch m
Friedensbrüche pl
breach of the peace
breaches of the peace
breach of the peace
Friedensbruch m pol.
Friedensbrüche pl
breach of the peace; violation of the peace
breaches of the peace; violations of the peace
breaches of the peace
Friedensdenkmal n
Friedensdenkmale pl; Friedensdenkmäler pl
peace memorial
peace memorials
Friedensdividende f fin.
peace dividend
aus etw. Nutzen ziehen; von etw. Nutzen haben
Wir möchten dass die Friedensdividende den Menschen in der Region zugute kommt.
Es ist fraglich ob die Vorteile des Kommunikationsmarkts den Verbrauchern in vollem Umfang zugute kommen.
to derive benefit from sth.; to reap the benefits of sth.
We want the people in the region to reap the benefits of the peace dividend.
It is doubtful whether consumers can reap the full benefits of the communications market.
aus etw. Nutzen ziehen; von etw. Nutzen haben v
Wir möchten, dass die Friedensdividende den Menschen in der Region zugute kommt.
Es ist fraglich, ob die Vorteile des Kommunikationsmarkts den Verbrauchern in vollem Umfang zugute kommen.
to derive benefit from sth.; to reap the benefits of sth.
We want the people in the region to reap the benefits of the peace dividend.
It is doubtful whether consumers can reap the full benefits of the communications market.
Friedensengel m
Friedensengel pl
angle of peace
angles of peace
friedenssichernd; friedenserhaltend adj pol.
friedenssichernde Maßnahmen
peacekeeping operations
Einsatz m; Dienstreise f
Einsätze pl; Dienstreisen pl
Delegationsreise f
Kommandounternehmen Stoßtruppeinsatz mil.
auf Dienstreise in dienstlichem Auftrag dienstlich an einem Ort sein
Unsere Truppen beteiligen sich am friedenserhaltenden Einsatz der UNO.
Die Piloten flogen Abriegelungseinsätze gegen feindliche Ziele.
mission (operation visit)
representative representational mission
intruder mission
to be on a mission to a place
Our troops take part in the UN peacekeeping mission.
The pilots flew interdiction missions against enemy targets.
Einsatz m (Blaulichtorganisationen, Militär)
Großeinsatz m
Kommandounternehmen, Stoßtruppeinsatz mil.
einen Einsatz fliegen aviat.
Unsere Truppen beteiligen sich am friedenserhaltenden Einsatz der UNO.
Die Piloten flogen Abriegelungseinsätze gegen feindliche Ziele.
operational mission; operation; mission; action (public emergency services, military)
large scale operation
intruder mission
to fly a mission
Our troops take part in the UN peacekeeping mission.
The pilots flew interdiction missions against enemy targets.
Friedenserhaltung f, Friedenssicherung f, Friedenswahrung f
Friedenserhaltung f; Friedenssicherung f; Friedenswahrung f pol.
Friedensforschung f
peace research
Friedensfrist f; Stillhaltezeit f (bei einem Streitfall) jur.
cooling-off period (in a dispute)
Amtsgericht n; Bezirksgericht n Ös. Schw.; Friedensgericht n (FR) (VS) Schw. jur.
Amtsgerichte pl; Bezirksgerichte pl; Friedensgerichte pl
local court; county court Br.; municipal court Am.
local courts; county courts; municipal courts
Friedensgespräch n; Unterredung f zur Konfliktbereinigung pol.
parley dated
Friedensgespräche pl, Friedensverhandlungen pl
peace talks
Friedensgespräche pl pol.
peace talks
die Schirmherrschaft für eine Sache übernehmen v pol.
Friedensgespräche unter der Schirmherrschaft der UNO
to sponsor sth.
UN-sponsored peace talks
mit jdm. Friedensgespräche führen v pol.
to parley with sb. dated
steckenbleiben v; sich festfahren; sich festlaufen v übtr.
steckenbleibend; sich festfahrend; sich festlaufend
steckengeblieben; sich festgefahren; sich festgelaufen
Die Friedensgespräche sind festgefahren.
Schau, dass du nicht in unwesentlichen Einzelheiten steckenbleibst.
to become get bogged down fig. (fail to make progress)
becoming getting bogged down
become got bogged down
The peace talks have become bogged down.
Don't let yourself get bogged down in minor details.
an Schwung verlieren v
Aus den Friedensgesprächen scheint die Luft draußen heraußen zu sein.
to run out of steam
The peace talks seem to have run out of steam.
einer Sache etw. verleihen v
Der Zwischenfall gab den Friedensgesprächen neue Dringlichkeit.
to inject sth. with sth.
The incident injected new urgency into the peace talks.
der Friedensgruß (im Gottesdienst) relig.
the rite of peace (at a church service)
Friedensinitiative f pol.
Friedensinitiativen pl
peace initiative
peace initiatives
vorübergehende Episode f; Zwischenspiel n; Intermezzo n übtr.
romantische Episoden
ein kurzes Friedensintermezzo pol.
interlude fig.
romantic interludes
a brief interlude of peace
Friedenskonferenz f pol.
Friedenskonferenzen pl
peace conference
peace conferences
Friedenskonsolidierung f pol.
peace building
Aufmarsch m; Marsch m (in Zusammensetzungen) pol. soc.
Aufmärsche pl; Märsche pl
Friedensmarsch m
Ostermarsch m
Protestmarsch m
Protestmarsch gegen den Krieg
Schweigemarsch m
street march; march (in compounds)
street marches; marches
peace march
Easter march
protest march
anti-war march
silent protest march; silent protest
Friedensmission f pol.
peacekeeping mission; peace mission
Friedensnobelpreis m
Nobel Peace Prize
Nobelpreis m
Friedensnobelpreis m
Nobelpreis für Chemie
Nobelpreis für Literatur; Literaturnobelpreis m
Nobelpreis für Physik
Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin
1979 erhielt Mutter Teresa den Friedensnobelpreis.
Nobel Prize
Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Nobel Prize in Literature
Nobel Prize in Physics
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
In 1979, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize.
etw. errichten; gründen; bilden v
errichtend; gründend; bildend
errichtet; gegründet; gebildet
errichtet; gründet; bildet
errichtete; gründete; bildete
1958 wurde die Statue im Hiroshima-Friedenspark errichtet.
to build sth. {built; built}
In 1958, the statue was built in the Hiroshima Peace Park.
Friedenspfeife f
calumet, pipe of peace

Deutsche Friedenspflicht Synonyme

Englische commitment to good industrial relations Synonyme

commitment  abandon  activity  affair  agency  agentship  agreement  allegiance  altruism  ardency  ardor  assigned task  assignment  attempt  authority  authorization  bounden duty  brevet  burden  business  call of duty  campaign  care  cause  charge  commendation  commission  commissioning  committal  committedness  consecration  consignment  constancy  contract  crusade  cure  deal  decidedness  decision  decisiveness  dedication  deference  definiteness  delegated authority  delegation  deputation  determinateness  determination  determinedness  devoir  devolution  devolvement  devotedness  devotion  devoutness  disinterest  disinterestedness  drive  duties and responsibilities  duty  earnestness  effort  embassy  empowerment  enfeoffment  engagement  enterprise  entrusting  entrustment  errand  ethics  executorship  exequatur  factorship  faith  faithfulness  fastness  fealty  fervency  fervidness  fervor  fidelity  fire  firmness  full power  great cause  hallowing  heartiness  heat  heatedness  homage  humility  impassionedness  imperative  infeodation  infeudation  intensity  intentness  interest  issue  jurisdiction  legation  license  lieutenancy  lifework  line of duty  loyalty  mandate  mass movement  mission  mittimus  modesty  movement  must  need  obligation  obstinacy  office  onus  operation  ordainment  ordination  ought  passion  passionateness  perseverance  persistence  place  plan  plenipotentiary power  power of attorney  power to act  preengagement  principle  procuration  program  project  proposition  proxy  purpose  purposefulness  purview  reason for being  recognizance  recommitment  regency  regentship  relegation  relentlessness  remand  remanding  resoluteness  resolution  resolve  resolvedness  respect  responsibility  right  sacrifice  self-abasement  self-abnegation  self-denial  self-devotion  self-effacement  self-forgetfulness  self-immolation  self-imposed duty  self-neglect  self-neglectfulness  self-renouncement  self-sacrif  

Friedenspflicht Definition

(n.) State of agreeing
(n.) Concord or correspondence of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person.
(n.) A concurrence in an engagement that something shall be done or omitted
(n.) The language, oral or written, embodying reciprocal promises.
(a.) Formed by gathering or collecting
(a.) Deducing consequences
(a.) Expressing a collection or aggregate of individuals, by a singular form
(a.) Tending to collect
(a.) Having plurality of origin or authority
(n.) A collective noun or name.
(n.) The act of committing, or putting in charge, keeping, or trust
(n.) A warrant or order for the imprisonment of a person
(n.) The act of referring or intrusting to a committee for consideration and report
(n.) A doing, or perpetration, in a bad sense, as of a crime or blunder
(n.) The act of pledging or engaging
(superl.) Possessing desirable qualities
(superl.) Possessing moral excellence or virtue
(superl.) Kind
(superl.) Serviceable
(superl.) Clever
(superl.) Adequate
(superl.) Real
(superl.) Not small, insignificant, or of no account
(superl.) Not lacking or deficient
(superl.) Not blemished or impeached
(n.) That which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.
(n.) Advancement of interest or happiness
(n.) Wares
(adv.) Well, -- especially in the phrase as good, with a following as expressed or implied
(v. t.) To make good
(v. t.) To manure
(n. / interj.) Alt. of Good-bye
(n. / interj.) Farewell
(interj.) A form of salutation.
(n.) Agreeable companionship
(a.) Having a cheerful spirit and demeanor
(adv.) With a cheerful spirit
(a.) Handsome.
(a.) Naturally mild in temper
(adv.) With maldness of temper.
Good now
() An exclamation of wonder, surprise, or entreaty.
(a.) Having a good temper
(a.) Consisting in industry
(pl. ) of Party

commitment (by the parties to a collective agreement) to good industrial relations Bedeutung

industrial arts a course in the methods of using tools and machinery as taught in secondary schools and technical schools
industrial enterprise
the development of industry on an extensive scale
North American Free Trade Agreement
an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico, became effective in for ten years
commitment committal
the official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital)
the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action, his long commitment to public service, they felt no loyalty to a losing team
turn good turn a favor for someone, he did me a good turn
commitment an engagement by contract involving financial obligation, his business commitments took him to London
good luck charm
something believed to bring good luck
trade good
articles of commerce
industrial watercourse a canal that is operated by one or more industries
plant works industrial plant buildings for carrying on industrial labor, they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles
worldly possession
worldly good
a commodity or good associated with the earthly, rather than the spiritual, existence of human beings
a cheerful willingness to be obliging
good nature a cheerful, obliging disposition
grace good will
a disposition to kindness and compassion, the victor's grace in treating the vanquished
the trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose, a man of energy and commitment
a disposition to be friendly and helpful to neighbors
good looks
the quality of having regular well-defined features (especially of a man)
compatibility of observations, there was no agreement between theory and measurement, the results of two tests were in correspondence
good goodness moral excellence or admirableness, there is much good to be found in people
good faith
having honest intentions, he acted in good faith, doubt was expressed as to the good faith of the immigrants
good form behavior that conforms to social conventions of the time, it is not good form to brag about winning
good manners
a courteous manner
good part a place of especial strength
good goodness that which is pleasing or valuable or useful, weigh the good against the bad, among the highest goods of all are happiness and selfealization
good benefit, for your own good, what's the good of worrying?
common good
the good of a community
common sense
good sense
horse sense
sense mother wit
sound practical judgment, Common sense is not so common, he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples, fortunately she had the good sense to run away
the thing arranged or agreed to, they made arrangements to meet in Chicago
example model good example
something to be imitated, an exemplar of success, a model of clarity, he is the very model of a modern major general
industrial engineering
industrial management
the branch of engineering that deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people and materials and energy in productive ways
applied psychology
industrial psychology
any of several branches of psychology that seek to apply psychological principles to practical problems of education or industry or marketing etc.
good continuation
law of continuation
a Gestalt principle of organization holding that there is an innate tendency to perceive a line as continuing its established direction
collective noun a noun that is singular in form but refers to a group of people or things
Christian Bible
Book Good Book
Holy Scripture
Holy Writ
Word of God
the sacred writings of the Christian religions, he went to carry the Word to the heathen
purchase contract
purchase agreement
a contract stating the terms of a purchase
fair-trade agreement an agreement (illegal in the United States) between the manufacturer of a trademarked item of merchandise and its retail distributors to sell the item at a price at or above the price set by the manufacturer
articles of agreement
shipping articles
a contract between crew and captain of a ship
labor contract
labor agreement
collective agreement
contract between labor and management governing wages and benefits and working conditions
employment contract
employment agreement
contract between employer and employee
distribution agreement a contract governing the marketing of an item of merchandise
licensing agreement contract giving someone the legal right to use a patent or trademark
merger agreement
acquisition agreement
contract governing the merger of two or more companies
sales agreement
an agreement (or contract) in which property is transferred from the seller (vendor) to the buyer (vendee) for a fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer), the salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office
f adieu
auf wiedersehen
au revoir
good day
so long
a farewell remark, they said their good-byes
good morning
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell
good afternoon
a conventional expression of greeting or farewell
good night a conventional expression of farewell
Dow Jones
Dow-Jones Industrial Average
an indicator of stock market prices, based on the share values ofbluehip stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is the most widely cited indicator of how the stock market is doing
good word good news
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