
Gegen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

opposed to (sth)
contrary to
gegen bar
for ready money
gegen Ende
towards the end
gegen Ende
by the end
gegen Abend
towards evening
Mittel gegen
remedy for
gegen Entgelt
for value
gegen Zahlung
against payment
prallen gegen
smash into (sth)
nur gegen bar
cash only
nur gegen bar
ready money down
nur gegen bar
ready money only
abheben gegen
stand out against
Verstoß gegen
infringement of
gegen Quittung
against receipt
gegen, zuwider
contrary to
Vergehen gegen
offence against
hoeflich gegen
polite to
contra, gegen
vs. : versus
gegen Nachnahme
cash on delivery
undankbar gegen
ungrateful to
verstoßen gegen
offend against
Pflicht (gegen)
duty (to) towards
grausam (gegen)
cruel (to)
gegen Nachnahme
collect on delivery
gegen Bankakzept
against bank acceptance
Widerstand gegen
resistance to
gegen Zahlung von
upon payment of
nur gegen Zahlung
only against payment
sich lehnen gegen
to lean against
verteidigen gegen
to defend against
empfindlich gegen
sensitivity to
jeder gegen jeden
dog-eat-dog {adv}
gegen, gegenüber
toward, towards
gegen Akzeptierung
against acceptance
gegen alle Risiken
against all risks
gegen etwas stoßen
knock against
Krieg führen gegen
wage war on
Krieg führen gegen
make war on
Groll m (gegen)
grudge (against)
gegen bar verkaufen
sell for cash
gegen bar verkaufen
sell for ready money
immun adj (gegen)
immune (to)
gegen eine Garantie
against an indemnity
gegen einen Pfosten
against a post
Krieg fuehren gegen
to make war on
austauschen (gegen)
to exchange (for)
gegen Vorauszahlung
cash in advance
gegen etw. vorgehen
to fight sth.; to make an action against sth.
gleichgültig gegen
insensibly to
abgestumpft (gegen)
blunt (to)
sich empören gegen
to be up in arms against
gegen etw. angehen
to fight sth.
Handhabe f (gegen)
handle (against)
Gegen- Demonstration
Protest m (gegen)
remonstrance (against)
gegen etw. verstoßen
to be in breach of sth.
gegen etw. verstoßen
to contravene sth.
gegen etw. verstoßen
to offend against sth. geh.
Verstoß m (gegen)
violation (of)
kontra; contra; gegen
versus vs.
Haftung gegen Dritten
third-party liability
Kasse gegen Dokumente
cash against documents
Impfung gegen Tollwut
anti-rabies inoculation
verhandelt neu gegen
Widerwille m (gegen)
indisposition (to; towards)
gegen Aushändigung von
on delivery of
gegen die Vorschriften
contrary to regulations
strikt gegen etw. sein
to be dead against sth.; to be totally opposed to sth.
nur gegen Totalverlust
total loss only
gegen Dreimonatsakzept
against three months' acceptance
versichert gegen Feuer
insured against fire
Kasse gegen Dokumente
P : documents against payments
verhandelte neu gegen
sich gegen etw. wehren
to resist sth.; to fight sth.
sich sträuben (gegen)
to buck (against)
Stellung nehmen gegen
to oppose
sich empören gegen v
to be up in arms against
gegen Weisungen handeln
disregard instructions
Geschäfte nur gegen bar
business on cash terms only
Verstoß gegen ein Recht
Zahlung gegen Dokumente
documents against payment
Annahme gegen Dokumente
acceptance against documents
Einspruch erheben gegen
to object to
Gegen Uebernahmeangebot
anti takeover proposal
sich gegen etw. wehren
to resist sth., to fight sth.
strikt gegen etw. sein
to be dead against sth., to be totally opposed to sth.
gegen etw. angehen v
to fight sth.
Widerwille m (gegen)
distaste (for)
Widerwille m (gegen)
indisposition (to, towards)
nichts gegen etwas haben
not mind (+ –ing)
gegen Personen gerichtet
gegen etw. vorgehen v
to fight sth.; to make an action against sth.
gegen etw. schlagen v
to lash sth.
jdn. (gegen etw.) impfen
to inoculate so. (against sth.)
etw. aufrechnen (gegen)
to set sth. off (against)
gegen Sicherheitsleistung
by way of security
Verstoß gegen Privilegien
breach of privilege
Vorschuss gegen Dokumente
advance against documents
voreingenommen sein gegen
be prejudiced against
gegen etw. verstoßen v
to be in breach of sth.; to contravene sth.; to offend against sth.
gegen etw. ankämpfen v
to militate against sth.
gegen, entgegen, zuwider
contrary to
gegen Personen gerichtet
blind adj (gegen, vor)
blind (to, with)
Dokumente gegen Akzeptanz
documents against acceptance (D A)
gegen alle Verpflichtungen
against all obligations
gegen ein Patent verstoßen
infringe a patent
gegen eine Regel verstoßen
infringe a rule
schonungslos adj (gegen)
unsparing (of)
seine Stimme erheben gegen
to raise one's voice against
gegen angemessenes Honorar
for an appropriate fee
Dokumente gegen Akzeptanz
A : documents against acceptance
strikt gegen etw. sein v
to be dead against sth.; to be totally opposed to sth.
Lauschangriff m (gegen)
bugging operation (on)
voreingenommen sein gegen
to be prejudiced against
grundsätzlich gegen alles
anti everything
gegen Bestellung erhältlich
obtainable on order
gegen ein Pfand Geld leihen
lend on pawn
gegen ihren Willen entführt
abducted against her will
Versicherung gegen Erdbeben
earthquake insurance
unempfindlich adj (gegen)
proof (against)
kontra; contra; gegen prp
versus vs.
sich gegen jdn. etw. wenden
to turn on so. sth.
gegen die Wellen ankämpfen
to breast the waves
gegen die Gefahr von Schäden
against the risk of damage
Handelspapiere gegen Zahlung
documents against payment
Versicherung gegen Explosion
explosion insurance
verhandeln (Gericht) (gegen)
to hold proceedings; to hold a trial (against)
unempfindlich adj (gegen)
impervious (to)
Dokumente gegen Wechselakzept
documents against acceptance
(Farbe) absetzen (von; gegen)
to set off (against); to contrast (with)
verhandeln (Gericht) (gegen)
to hold proceedings, to hold a trial (against)
entgegengesetzt adj; Gegen…
sich gegen die anderen stellen
to rock the boat
gegen die Gefahr des Unterhang
against the risk of loss
Krieg (gegen jdn. etw.) führen
to wage war (against so. sth.)
sich entscheiden (für, gegen)
to opt (for, against)
(Farbe) absetzen (von, gegen)
to set off (against), to contrast (with)
Versicherung gegen Kriegsgefahr
war risk insurance
Versicherung gegen Beschädigung
insurance against damage
Versicherung gegen Frostschäden
frost damage insurance
Versicherung gegen alle Risiken
all-risk insurance
entgegengesetzt adj; Gegen...
gegen alle Verantwortlichkeiten
against all responsibilities
Das geht mir gegen den Strich.
It goes against the grain for me.

Deutsche Gegen Synonyme

(sich)  einsetzen  Â(sich)  engagieren  Â(sich)  stark  machen  Âagitieren  (für,  gegen)  ÂPartei  ergreifen  (für,  gegen)  Âpropagieren  Âwerben  (für)  
kämpfen  (gegen,  mit)  Âringen  (mit)  
argwöhnisch  Âmisstrauisch  (gegen)  
entgeltlich  Âgegen  Bezahlung  
(sich)  hinwegsetzen  Âverstoßen  gegen  
Antiasthmatikum  ÂMittel  gegen  Asthma  
gegen  den  Wind  segeln  Âkreuzen  
auftreffen  (auf)  Âstoßen  (an,  gegen)  Âzusammenstoßen  (mit)  
Mittel  gegen  Tuberkulose  ÂTuberkulostatikum  (fachsprachlich)  
Liquidisierbarkeit  (fachsprachlich)  ÂVerkaufbarkeit  gegen  Geld  
Beschwerde  einlegen  (gegen/bei)  ÂEinspruch  erheben  
Antiemetikum  (fachsprachlich)  ÂMittel  gegen  Erbrechen  
Antidepressivum  ÂAufputschmittel  ÂMittel  gegen  Depressionen  
ca.  Âcirca  Âetwa  Âgegen  Ârund  Âum  Âungefähr  Âvielleicht  
Antihypertonikum  (fachsprachlich)  ÂHeilmittel  gegen  erhöhten  Blutdruck  
anti  Âdagegen  Âentgegen  Âgegen  Âversus  Âvs.  Âwider  
asi  (umgangssprachlich)  Âasozial  Âgegen  die  Gesellschaft  Âgesellschaftsschädlich  Âunkameradschaftlich  Âunkollegial  Âunsolidarisch  Âunsozial  
abhärten  Âabstumpfen  Âabtöten  Âbetäuben  Âstumpf  machen  (gegen)  Âunempfindlich  machen  
Auswechselung  ÂAuswechselung  (gegen)  ÂErsatz  ÂSpielerwechsel  
feindlich  Âfeindlich  gesinnt  (gegen)  Âfeindselig  
gewalttätig  werden  Âhandgreiflich  werden  Âtätlich  werden  (gegen)  Âzulangen  (umgangssprachlich)  
beeinspruchen  (österr.)  ÂEinspruch  einlegen  ÂEinspruch  erheben  (gegen)  ÂEinwand  erheben  ÂEinwendung  machen  
Beschwerde einlegen (gegen/bei)  Einspruch erheben  
Mittel gegen Tuberkulose  Tuberkulostatikum (fachsprachlich)  
gegen den Wind segeln  kreuzen  
kämpfen (gegen, mit)  ringen (mit)  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Gegen Synonym nachschlagen

Englische contra Synonyme

contra  a rebours  adverse to  against  against the grain  against the tide  against the wind  antipode  antipodes  antipole  antithesis  antonym  arsy-varsy  at cross-purposes  at cross-purposes with  at daggers  at daggers drawn  at issue  at odds  at variance  at war with  athwart  by contraries  con  contradictory  contrarily  contrariously  contrariwise  contrary  contrawise  converse  conversely  counter  counter to  counterbalance  countercheck  counterpoint  counterpoise  counterpole  counterterm  cross  dead against  eyeball-to-eyeball  facing  foil  fronting  in conflict with  in confrontation  in flat opposition  in hostile array  in opposition  in opposition to  inverse  inversely  just the opposite  nay rather  obverse  offset  on the contrary  opposed to  opposite  opposite number  oppositely  otherwise  over  per contra  quite the contrary  rather  reverse  setoff  the contrary  the other side  to the contrary  topsy-turvy  tout au contraire  toward  up in arms  upside down  versus  vice versa  vis-a-vis  with crossed bayonets  
contraband  Eighteenth Amendment  Prohibition Party  Volstead Act  actionable  against the law  anarchic  anarchistic  anomic  ban  banned  barred  black-market  bootleg  bootleg liquor  chargeable  cigarette smuggling  cigarettes  contrabandage  contrary to law  criminal  denial  disallowance  disapproved  dope  dope smuggling  drugs  embargo  excluded  exclusion  felonious  flawed  forbade  forbid  forbiddance  forbidden  forbidden fruit  forbidding  gunrunning  hot  hot goods  illegal  illegitimate  illicit  impermissible  index  index expurgatorius  index librorum prohibitorum  inhibition  injunction  interdict  interdiction  interdictum  irregular  jewel smuggling  jewels  justiciable  law  lawless  narcotics  narcotics smuggling  no-no  nonconstitutional  nonlegal  nonlicit  nonpermissible  not permitted  off limits  out of bounds  outlaw  outlawed  preclusion  prevention  prohibited  prohibition  prohibitory injunction  proscribed  proscription  punishable  refusal  rejection  repression  restrictive covenants  ruled out  ruling out  rumrunning  run  shut out  smuggled goods  smuggling  statute  stolen goods  sumptuary laws  suppression  taboo  tabooed  triable  unallowed  unauthorized  unconstitutional  under the ban  under-the-counter  under-the-table  unlawful  unlicensed  unofficial  unpermissible  unsanctioned  unstatutory  untouchable  unwarrantable  unwarranted  verboten  vetoed  wrongful  zoning  zoning laws  
contraception  aridity  barrenness  birth control  dearth  dry womb  dryness  family planning  famine  impotence  ineffectualness  infecundity  infertility  planned parenthood  sterileness  sterility  unfertileness  unfruitfulness  unproductiveness  withered loins  
contraceptive  IUD  aegis  arm guard  backstop  bag  birth control device  buffer  bulwark  bumper  condom  contraceptive foam  copyright  crash helmet  cushion  dashboard  diaphragm  dodger  face mask  fender  finger guard  foot guard  fuse  goggles  governor  guard  guardrail  hand guard  handrail  hard hat  helmet  insulation  interlock  intrauterine device  knee guard  knuckle guard  laminated glass  life preserver  lifeline  lightning conductor  lightning rod  mask  mudguard  nose guard  oral contraceptive  pad  padding  palladium  patent  pessary  pilot  preventive  prophylactic  protective clothing  protective umbrella  rubber  safeguard  safety  safety glass  safety plug  safety rail  safety shoes  safety switch  safety valve  screen  seat belt  shield  shin guard  skin  spermicidal jelly  spermicide  sun helmet  the pill  umbrella  windscreen  windshield  
contract  OD  abbreviate  abridge  abstract  accept obligation  accord  acquire  affair  affiance  afflict  agree  agree to  agreement  answer for  arrangement  attempt  bag  bang  bar  bargain  bargain for  barricade  batten  batten down  be answerable for  be brought down  be felled  be responsible for  be security for  be seized of  be struck down  be traumatized  become engaged  betroth  bind  binding agreement  bob  boil down  bolt  bond  break out  bring down  bring on  bring upon  business  button  button up  capsulize  capture  cartel  catch  catch cold  cause  choke  choke off  circumscribe  clap  clip  close  close up  coarct  collapse  collective agreement  come by  come down with  come in for  come into  commit  commitment  compact  compress  concentrate  condense  confine  consolidate  consortium  constrict  constringe  contain  contract an engagement  convention  corral  corrugate  covenant  covenant of salt  cover  cramp  crease  crop  curtail  cut  cut back  cut down  cut off short  cut short  deal  decline  decrease  derange  derive  develop  dicker  diminish  disorder  do a deal  dock  drag down  draw  draw in  draw together  dwindle  earn  effort  elide  employment contract  engage  engagement  enter into possession  enterprise  epitomize  erupt  fail  fall in with  fall into  fasten  fever  fold  fold up  foreshorten  formal agreement  gain  get  go bail for  go in  go into shock  harvest  have an understanding  incur  indispose  induce  invite  ironclad agreement  key  knit  latch  legal agreement  legal contract  lessen  limit  lock  lock out  lock up  make  make a deal  minify  mow  mutual agreement  narrow  net  nip  obligate  obligation  obtain  occlude  operation  overdose  pact  paction  padlock  plan  plight  plumb  poll  pollard  preengagement  procure  program  project  promise  proposition  protocol  prune  publish the banns  pucker  pucker up  pull down  purse  reap  recap  recapitulate  recognizance  reduce  restrict  retrench  run    
contracted  Spartan  abated  abbreviated  ablated  abridged  affianced  agreed  aposiopestic  arranged  assured  attenuated  bated  belittled  betrothed  blank  blind  blind-alley  bound  brief  brusque  cecal  choked  choked off  clamped  clipped  close  closed  committed  compact  compacted  compendious  compressed  compromised  concentrated  concise  condensed  consolidated  constricted  consumed  covenanted  cramped  crisp  curt  curtailed  cut  dead  dead-end  decreased  deflated  diminished  dissipated  docked  dropped  elliptic  engaged  epigrammatic  eroded  fallen  gnomic  guaranteed  intended  knitted  laconic  less  lesser  lower  lowered  miniaturized  nipped  obligated  pinched  pinched-in  pithy  pledged  plighted  pointed  promised  pruned  puckered  pursed  reduced  reserved  retrenched  scaled-down  sealed  sententious  settled  shorn  short  short and sweet  shortened  shorter  shrunk  shrunken  shut  signed  smaller  solidified  squeezed  squeezed shut  stipulated  strangled  strangulated  succinct  summary  sworn  synopsized  taciturn  terse  tight  to the point  truncated  undertaken  underwritten  unopen  unopened  unvented  unventilated  warranted  wasp-waisted  watered-down  weakened  worn  wrinkled  
contraction  Speedwriting  abatement  abbreviation  abridgment  alleviation  apocope  aposiopesis  attenuation  brachygraphy  clipping  coarctation  constriction  crasis  cutting  dampening  damping  decrease  decrement  decrescence  deduction  deflation  depreciation  depression  diminishment  diminution  dying  dying off  elision  ellipsis  extenuation  fade-out  languishment  lessening  letup  lowering  miniaturization  mitigation  narrowing  phonography  pruning  reduction  relaxation  sagging  scaling down  shortening  shorthand  simplicity  stenography  stricture  subtraction  syncope  syneresis  tachygraphy  taper  tapering  truncation  weakening  
contradict  abjure  abrogate  agree to disagree  annul  answer  answer conclusively  antagonize  argue down  assert the contrary  be antipathetic  be at cross-purposes  be contrary to  be inimical  be opposed to  beat against  belie  break  break off  brush aside  call into question  challenge  chuck  chuck out  clash  collide  conflict  conflict with  confound  confute  contemn  contest  contrapose  contrast with  contravene  controvert  counter  counteract  counterattack  counterbalance  countercheck  counterpoise  counterpose  countervail  counterwork  cross  crush  decline  defeat  demolish  deny  despise  differ  disaccord  disaffirm  disagree  disallow  disapprove  disavow  discard  disclaim  discount  disdain  dismiss  disown  dispose of  disprove  dispute  disregard  dissent  except  exclude  falsify  finish  floor  forbid  forswear  gainsay  garble  go against  go counter to  ignore  impugn  interfere with  jangle  jar  join issue upon  jostle  juxtapose in opposition  lock horns  meet head-on  militate against  mismatch  mismate  negate  negative  nonplus  not accept  not admit  nullify  object  offset  oppose  oppugn  overthrow  overturn  overwhelm  parry  pass by  pass up  play at cross-purposes  push aside  put to silence  rebuff  rebut  recant  reduce to silence  refuse  refuse to admit  refuse to consider  refute  reject  renounce  repel  repudiate  repulse  resist  retract  reverse  revoke  run against  run counter to  scout  set off  settle  shove away  shut up  silence  smash all opposition  spurn  squash  squelch  subvert  swim upstream  take back  take issue with  throw away  throw out  traverse  turn away  turn out  undermine  upset  vary  waive  work against  
contradiction  abjuration  abjurement  abrogation  absolute contradiction  annulment  answer  antagonism  antipathy  antithesis  argumentation  backlash  bucking  challenge  chucking  chucking out  clashing  collision  complete answer  conflict  confounding  confrontation  confutation  contempt  contention  contradistinction  contraindication  contraposition  contrariety  contrary assertion  contrast  contravention  contraversion  controversion  controversy  counteraction  countering  counterposition  counterworking  crankiness  cross-purposes  crosscurrent  crossing  crotchetiness  declination  declining  demolition  denial  despisal  despising  difference  disaccord  disaccordance  disaffirmation  disagreement  disallowance  disapproval  disavowal  discard  disclaimer  disclamation  discord  discordance  discordancy  discounting  discrediting  discrepancy  disharmony  dismissal  disownment  disparity  disproof  disregard  dissension  dissent  dissidence  dissonance  disunion  disunity  divergence  diversity  effective rejoinder  exception  exclusion  faction  forswearing  friction  gainsaying  head wind  hostility  ignoring  impugnation  impugnment  inaccordance  inconsistency  inequality  inimicalness  interference  jarring  kick  negation  nonacceptance  nonapproval  nonconformity  nonconsideration  nullification  opposing  oppositeness  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  oppugnation  overthrow  overthrowal  passing by  perverseness  perversity  polarity  putting away  putting out  reaction  rebuff  rebutment  rebuttal  recalcitrance  recantation  recoil  refusal  refutal  refutation  rejection  renitency  renouncement  renunciation  repercussion  repudiation  repugnance  repulse  resistance  retractation  retraction  revocation  revolt  scouting  showdown  spurning  squelch  standing against  subversion  swimming upstream  throwing out  traversal  turning out  undercurrent  undermining  unharmoniousness  upset  upsetting  variance  
contradictory  abjuratory  abnegative  absonant  adversary  adversative  adverse  adversive  alien  ambiguous  ambivalent  antagonistic  anti  antipathetic  antipodal  antipode  antipodean  antipole  antithesis  antithetic  antithetical  antonymous  at cross-purposes  at loggerheads  at odds  at variance  at war  balancing  breakaway  clashing  compensating  competitive  con  conflicting  confounding  confronting  confutative  confuting  contra  contradicting  contradistinct  contrapositive  contrarious  contrary  contrary to reason  contrasted  converse  counter  counteractant  counteracting  counteractive  counterbalancing  counterpoised  counterpole  countervailing  counterworking  cranky  cross  crotchety  dead against  denying  differing  disaccordant  disaffirming  disagreeable  disagreeing  disallowing  disavowing  disclaiming  discordant  discrepant  disharmonious  disowning  disproportionate  dissentient  dissident  dissonant  divergent  enemy  eyeball to eyeball  fallacious  faulty  flawed  fractious  grating  hostile  illogical  immiscible  inaccordant  inauthentic  incompatible  inconclusive  incongruous  inconsequent  inconsequential  inconsistent  inharmonious  inimical  invalid  inverse  irrational  jangling  jarring  loose  negating  negative  negatory  nonconformist  noncooperative  nonscientific  not following  nullifying  obstinate  obverse  opponent  opposed  opposing  opposite  oppositional  oppositive  oppugnant  out of accord  out of whack  overthwart  paradoxical  paralogical  perverse  polar  reactionary  reasonless  recalcitrant  recanting  refractory  refutative  refutatory  refuting  renitent  renunciative  renunciatory  repudiative  repugnant  resistant  reverse  revocative  revocatory  revolutionary  rival  self-annulling  self-contradictory  self-refuting  senseless  squared off  unauthentic  uncongenial  unconnected  uncooperative  unfavorable  unfriendly  unharmonious  unphilosophical  unpropitious  unreasonable  unscientific  varian  
contradistinction  antagonism  antipathy  antithesis  clashing  collision  con  conflict  confrontation  contradiction  contraindication  contraposition  contrariety  contrast  counterposition  cross-purposes  demarcation  differentiation  disagreement  discrepancy  distinction  distinctiveness  distinguishment  division  hairsplitting  hostility  inconsistency  inimicalness  microscopic distinction  nice distinction  nuance  oppositeness  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  perversity  polarity  repugnance  segregation  separation  shade of difference  showdown  subtle distinction  trichoschistism  
contraindication  antagonism  antipathy  antithesis  clashing  collision  conflict  confrontation  contradiction  contradistinction  contraposition  contrariety  contrast  counterposition  cross-purposes  disagreement  discrepancy  hostility  inconsistency  inimicalness  oppositeness  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  perversity  polarity  repugnance  showdown  
contralto  Heldentenor  Meistersinger  accompaniment  alto  aria singer  baritenor  baritone  bass  basso  basso buffo  basso cantante  basso continuo  basso ostinato  basso profundo  bassus  blues singer  canary  cantatrice  canto  cantor  cantus  cantus figuratus  cantus planus  caroler  chanter  chantress  coloratura soprano  comic bass  continuo  countertenor  crooner  deep  deep bass  deep-echoing  deep-pitched  deep-toned  deepmouthed  descant  diva  dramatic soprano  drone  figured bass  grave  ground bass  heavy  heroic tenor  hollow  hymner  improvisator  lead singer  lieder singer  line  low  low-pitched  melodist  mezzo-soprano  opera singer  part  plain chant  plain song  prick song  prima donna  psalm singer  rock-and-roll singer  sepulchral  singer  singstress  songbird  songster  songstress  soprano  tenor  thorough bass  torch singer  treble  undersong  vocalist  vocalizer  voice  voice part  warbler  yodeler  
contraposition  antagonism  antipathy  antithesis  backlash  bucking  challenge  clashing  collision  con  conflict  confrontation  confutation  contention  contradiction  contradistinction  contraindication  contrariety  contrast  contravention  contraversion  counteraction  counterposition  counterworking  crankiness  cross-purposes  crosscurrent  crossing  crotchetiness  denial  disagreement  discrepancy  dissent  friction  head wind  hostility  impugnation  impugnment  inconsistency  inimicalness  interference  kick  negation  nonconformity  opposing  oppositeness  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  oppugnation  perverseness  perversity  polarity  reaction  rebutment  rebuttal  recalcitrance  recoil  refusal  rejection  renitency  repercussion  repugnance  resistance  revolt  showdown  standing against  swimming upstream  traversal  undercurrent  
contraption  apparatus  contrivance  device  gadget  gimcrack  gimmick  gizmo  hand tool  implement  instrument  means  mechanical device  mechanism  power tool  precision tool  speed tool  thingumabob  thingumajig  thingummy  tool  utensil  widget  
contrariety  abominability  accord  addition  adjunct  affairs  affiliation  affinity  alliance  antagonism  anteposition  antipathy  antithesis  approximation  assemblage  association  asymmetry  backlash  bad blood  baseness  beastliness  bond  clashing  closeness  collision  combination  competition  con  conflict  confrontation  confrontment  confutation  connectedness  connection  contemptibility  contention  contiguity  contradiction  contradistinction  contraposition  contrariness  contrast  counteraction  counterposition  counterworking  crankiness  cross-purposes  crotchetiness  crudeness  dealings  deduction  departure  despicability  despicableness  deviation  difference  disaccord  disaccordance  disagreement  disconformity  discongruity  discordance  discrepancy  discreteness  disequilibrium  disgustingness  disjunction  disparity  disproportion  dissension  dissent  dissimilarity  dissonance  distinction  distinctness  divergence  divergency  diversity  enmity  far cry  filiation  foulness  fractiousness  friction  fulsomeness  grossness  harshness  hatefulness  heinousness  heterogeneity  homology  hostility  ignobility  imbalance  inaccordance  inadequacy  incompatibility  incongruity  inconsistency  inconsonance  inequality  inequity  inharmoniousness  inharmony  inimicalness  injustice  insufficiency  intercourse  interference  intimacy  irreconcilability  irregularity  junction  kick  liaison  link  linkage  linking  loathsomeness  mixture  mutual attraction  nastiness  nauseousness  nearness  negativeness  noisomeness  noncompliance  nonconcurrence  nonconformance  nonconformism  nonconformity  noncooperation  nonobservance  nonuniformity  noxiousness  objectionability  objectionableness  obnoxiousness  obscenity  obstinacy  odds  odiousness  offensiveness  opposing  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  originality  otherness  overbalance  perverseness  polar opposition  polarity  polarization  posing against  propinquity  protest  proxi  
contrary  abjuratory  abnegative  adversary  adversative  adverse  adversive  alien  antagonistic  anti  antipathetic  antipodal  antipode  antipodean  antipodes  antipole  antithesis  antithetic  antithetical  antonym  antonymous  argumentative  assorted  at cross-purposes  at loggerheads  at odds  at opposite extremes  at variance  at war  awkward  back to back  bad  balancing  balky  bulky  cantankerous  choking  clashing  clumsy  compensating  competitive  con  conflicting  confounding  confronting  confutative  confuting  constrictive  contra  contradicting  contradictory  contradistinct  contrapositive  contrarily  contrarious  contrariwise  contrasted  contrasting  contrawise  contumacious  converse  conversely  counter  counteractive  counterbalance  counterbalancing  countercheck  counterpoint  counterpoise  counterpoised  counterpole  counterproductive  counterterm  countervailing  cranky  cross  cross-grained  crosswise  cumbersome  dead against  denying  departing  detrimental  deviant  deviating  deviative  different  differentiated  differing  difficult  disaccordant  disaffirming  disagreeable  disagreeing  disallowing  disavowing  disclaiming  discordant  discrepant  discrete  discriminated  disharmonious  disjoined  disowning  disparate  disproportionate  dissentient  dissenting  dissident  dissimilar  dissonant  distinct  distinguished  divergent  diverging  divers  diverse  diversified  enemy  eyeball to eyeball  face to face  foil  foul  fractious  froward  grating  hard  harmful  headstrong  heterogeneous  hindering  hindersome  hostile  hulking  hulky  immiscible  impractical  in disagreement  in opposition  in opposition to  in the way  inaccordant  inauspicious  incompatible  incongruous  inconsistent  inconsonant  inconvenient  inharmonious  inhibiting  inhibitive  inimical  inopportune  insubordinate  interrupting  interruptive  intractable  inverse  irascible  irreconcilable  jangling  jarring  just opposite  many  miserable  motley  multi  
contrast  allegory  analogize  analogy  antagonism  anteposition  antipathy  antithesis  arc lighting  assimilate  bad copy  bad likeness  balance  balancing  black and white  bracket  bring into analogy  bring into comparison  bump heads  camouflage  chiaroscuro  clashing  collate  collision  comparative anatomy  comparative degree  comparative grammar  comparative judgment  comparative linguistics  comparative literature  comparative method  compare  compare and contrast  compare with  comparing  comparison  conflict  confront  confrontation  confrontment  contend  contention  contradiction  contradistinction  contraindication  contrapose  contraposit  contraposition  contrariety  contrastiveness  correlation  counteract  counterpose  counterposition  cross-purposes  decorative lighting  departure  deviation  difference  differentiate  direct lighting  disaccord  disaccordance  disagreement  disconformity  discongruity  discordance  discrepancy  discreteness  discriminate  disguise  disparity  dissemblance  dissent  dissimilarity  dissimilation  dissimilitude  dissonance  distinction  distinctiveness  distinctness  distinguish  divergence  divergency  diversity  draw a comparison  draw a parallel  electric lighting  enlightenment  face  far cry  festoon lighting  floodlighting  fluorescent lighting  front  gaslighting  glow lighting  heterogeneity  highlights  hostility  illumination  inaccordance  incandescent lighting  incommensurability  incomparability  incompatibility  incongruity  inconsistency  inconsonance  indirect lighting  inequality  inharmoniousness  inharmony  inimicalness  irradiation  irreconcilability  juxtapose  lie opposite  light and shade  lighting  liken  liken to  likening  makeup  match  matching  measure against  meet head-on  mere caricature  metaphor  metaphorize  mixture  nonconformity  nonuniformity  odds  oppose  opposing  oppositeness  opposition  opposure  oppugnance  oppugnancy  otherness  overhead lighting  parallel  parallelism    
contrast with  be at cross-purposes  be distinct  be distinguished  be opposed to  clash  clash with  conflict  conflict with  contradict  contrapose  contravene  controvert  counter  counteract  counterbalance  countercheck  counterpoise  counterpose  countervail  counterwork  depart from  deviate from  differ  disaccord with  disagree with  divaricate from  diverge  diverge from  jar with  juxtapose in opposition  not accord with  not square with  offset  oppose  oppugn  play at cross-purposes  run counter to  set off  stand apart  stand over against  vary  
contravallation  abatis  advanced work  balistraria  bank  banquette  barbed-wire entanglement  barbican  barricade  barrier  bartizan  bastion  battlement  breastwork  bulwark  casemate  cheval-de-frise  circumvallation  counterscarp  curtain  demibastion  dike  drawbridge  earthwork  enclosure  entanglement  escarp  escarpment  fence  fieldwork  fortalice  fortification  glacis  loophole  lunette  machicolation  mantelet  merlon  mound  outwork  palisade  parados  parapet  portcullis  postern gate  rampart  ravelin  redan  redoubt  sally port  scarp  sconce  stockade  tenaille  vallation  vallum  work  


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