
Gemeindeschwester Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gemeindeschwester f med.
Gemeindeschwestern pl
district nurse; community nurse
district nurses; community nurses
Gemeindeschwester f med.
Gemeindeschwestern pl
district nurse; community nurse
district nurses; community nurses
Beziehungen zur Gemeinde
community relations
Beziehungen zur Gemeinde
municipal relations
Gemeinde, Gemeinschaft
Gemeinde, Kommune
Unterstützung durch die Gemeinde
municipal assistance
Einfriedung f (einer Gemeinde oder eines Hafens)
precincts (of a community or a port)
Gemeinde f
Gemeinde f
Gemeinden pl
Gemeinde f, Gemeinschaft f, Gemeinsamkeit f
Gemeinden pl, Gemeinschaften pl
Gemeinde f, Kirchgemeinde f, Pfarrgemeinde f
Gemeinden pl, Kirchengemeinden pl
Gemeinde..., parochial adj
Ort m, Gemeinde f, Stadt f, Kommune f
Gemeinde, Gemeinschaft, Gemeinsamkeit
Gemeinde, Kirchgemeinde
Bauhof m (einer Gemeinde); Stadtpflegebetrieb m adm.
Bauhöfe pl; Stadtpflegebetriebe pl
materials depot; plant depot
materials depots; plant depots
Demos; Staatsvolk n; Gemeinde f hist.
Gemeinde f; Kommune f Dt. (staatliche Verwaltungseinheit) adm.
Gemeinden pl; Gemeinschaften pl
auf Gemeindeebene; auf Kommunalebene
at community level; at local level
Gemeinde f; Kommune f Dt. (Gebietskörperschaft) pol.
local government; local authority
die Gemeinde; das Volk (bei einem Gottesdienst) relig.
the congregation (the people assembled in a church service not including the priest and choir)
Gemeinde...; Versammlungs... relig.
congregational {adj}
Gemeinde...; parochial adj
Gemeinschaft f; Gemeinde f soc.
Kirchengemeinde f; Gemeinde f relig.
eine kleine Gemeinde
congregation (people regularly attending a particular place of worship)
a small congregation
spenden v (für etw.)
Bitte spenden Sie für ...
Bitte spenden Sie für die Armen in unserer Gemeinde Pfarre.
to make a donation; to give money (to sth.)
making a donation; giving money
made a donation; given money
Please donate sth. to (for) ...
Please make a donation give money to the poor of this parish.
Bestwig (Gemeinde in Nordrhein-Westfalen) geogr.
Bestwig (municipality in North Rhine-Westphalia)
gemeindefrei (nicht an irgendeiner Regierung Verwaltung Gemeinde angegliedert) adj pol. jur.
gemeindefreies Gebiet n
unincorporated area
Oberammergau (Gemeinde in Bayern) geogr.
Oberammergau (municipality in Bavaria Germany)
Megachurch f (sehr große lokale Kirche Gemeinde) relig.
Amtshaftung f adm. jur.
die Amtshaftung einer Gemeinde; Amtshaftung auf Gemeindeebene
public authority liability; a public authority's liability
a local government authority's liability
Gemeinde f; Kommune f Dt. (staatliche Verwaltungseinheit) adm.
Gemeinden pl; Gemeinschaften pl
Katastralgemeinde f Ös.
Landgemeinde f
Ökogemeinde f
Partnergemeinde f
auf Gemeindeebene; auf Kommunalebene
cadastral community; cadastral municipality
country community; rural community
partner community
at community level; at local level
die Gemeinde; das Volk (bei einem Gottesdienst) relig.
the congregation (the people assembled in a church service, not including the priest and choir)
Gemeinde…; Versammlungs… relig.
congregational {adj}
Gemeinde…; parochial adj
Kirchengemeinde f; Gemeinde f relig.
Kirchengemeinden pl; Gemeinden pl
eine kleine Gemeinde
congregation; fold (people regularly attending a particular place of worship)
congregations; folds
a small congregation
Rekommunalisierung f (Rückführung privatisierter Aufgaben in die Hand der Gemeinde) pol.
remunicipalization; remunicipalisation Br.
Stadtgemeinde f; Stadt f mit Selbstverwaltung adm. pol.
Stadtgemeinden pl; Städte pl mit Selbstverwaltung
Großstadtgemeinde f
Einwohnergemeinde f; politische Gemeinde Schw.
metropolitan municipality
municipality (of Switzerland)
Stolz m (auf etw.)
Nationalstolz m
verletzter Stolz
stolz sein auf
voller Stolz sein
jdn. mit Stolz erfüllen
über seinen Schatten springen und etw. tun
Ich bin stolz auf meine Arbeit.
Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, das beste Service in der Stadt anbieten zu können.
Die neue Brücke ist der ganze Stolz der Gemeinde.
Sein Stolz war verletzt.
Es ist unser bestes Stück unser ganzer Stolz.
pride (in sth.)
national pride
wounded pride
to take pride in
to be full of pride
to fill sb. with pride
to swallow your pride and do sth.
I take (a) pride in my work.
We take great pride in offering the best service in town.
The new bridge is the pride of the local community.
His pride was hurt.
It is our pride and joy.
etw. (grundsätzlich) ablehnen vt; gegen etw. eingestellt sein; gegen etw. sein v
ablehnend; gegen eingestellt seiend; gegen seiend
abgelehnt; gegen eingestellt gewesen; gegen gewesen
Die meisten Religionen lehnen Gewalt strikt ab.
Die Partei ist ganz klar gegen die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft eingestellt.
Die Gemeinde ist dagegen.
to be opposed to sth.; to be anti sth.; to be set against sth.; to deprecate sth.
being opposed to; being anti to; being set against; deprecating
been opposed to; been anti to; been set against; deprecated
Most religions are strongly opposed to violence.
The party is dead set against dual citizenship.
The local government is anti.
spenden v (für etw.)
Bitte spenden Sie für …
Bitte spenden Sie für die Armen in unserer Gemeinde Pfarre.
to make a donation; to give money (to sth.)
making a donation; giving money
made a donation; given money
Please donate sth. to (for) …
Please make a donation give money to the poor of this parish.
Jungholz (Gemeinde in Österreich) geogr.
Jungholz (community in Austria)
Heimatgemeinde f (kirchl. Gemeinde)
home parish
municipal rates
Gemeindeabgaben pl
municipal rates
Gemeindeamt n Dt. Ös.; Gemeindehaus n Schw. adm.
Gemeindeämter pl; Gemeindehäuser pl
local council office
local council offices
Einbruchsdiebstahl m; Einbruchdiebstahl m jur. ED ; Einbruch m ugs.; Bruch m ugs. (in)
Einbruchsdiebstähle pl; Einbruchdiebstähle pl; Einbrüche pl; Brüche pl
einen Einbruch verüben; einen Bruch machen slang
Bei einem Einbruchsdiebstahl in das Gemeindeamt wurden Gegenstände im Wert von 1.000 EUR gestohlen.
burglary (in)
to do a break-in
Items worth EUR 1 000 were stolen in a burglary at the municipal office.
Einbruchsdiebstahl m; Einbruchdiebstahl m jur. ED ; Einbruch m ugs.; Bruch m ugs. (in)
Einbruchsdiebstähle pl; Einbruchdiebstähle pl; Einbrüche pl; Brüche pl
Dämmerungseinbruch m
Schaufenstereinbruch m Dt. Schw.; Auslageneinbruch m Ös.
einen Einbruch verüben; einen Bruch machen slang
Bei einem Einbruchsdiebstahl in das Gemeindeamt wurden Gegenstände im Wert von 1.000 EUR gestohlen.
burglary (in)
twilight burglary
smash-and-grab burglary
to do a break-in
Items worth EUR 1,000 were stolen in a burglary at the municipal office.
Gemeindeangestellte m f; Gemeindeangestellter
Gemeindeangestellten pl; Gemeindeangestellte
municipal employee
municipal employees
Gemeindebediensteter m; Gemeindeangestellter m
Gemeindebedienstete pl; Gemeindeangestellte pl
local government employee; local government worker; municipal employee (in a town)
local government employees; local government workers; municipal employees
municipal employee
Gemeindegebiet n; Gemarkung f; Markung f; Gemeindebann m Schw. adm.
Gemeindegebiete pl; Gemarkungen pl; Markungen pl; Gemeindebanne pl
communal district; bounds (old-fashioned)
communal districts; bounds
Gemeindegebiet n; Gemarkung f; Markung f; Gemeindebann m Schw. adm.
Gemeindegebiete pl; Gemarkungen pl; Markungen pl; Gemeindebanne pl
communal district; bounds dated
communal districts; bounds
Sozialwohnanlage f; Gemeindebau m Ös. constr.
Sozialwohnanlagen pl; Gemeindebauten pl
social housing complex Br.; council housing estate Br.; council estate Br.
social housing complexes; council housing estates; council estates
local authority
municipal authority
Gemeindebehörde f
Gemeindebehörden pl
local authority
local authorities
Gemeindebehörde f; Kommunalbehörde f pol.
Gemeindebehörden pl; Kommunalbehörden pl
Gemeindebehörden pl
local government authority LGA
local government authorities
local authorities
municipal authorities
Gemeinschaftsbesitz m; Gemeindebesitz m pol.; Gemeinschaftsgut n; Gemeindegut n; Gemeindeflur m; Allmende f; Allmend f Schw.; Allmeind f Schw. pol.
common land Br.; common Br.; town commons Am.; commons Am.
Gemeindebeteiligung f
community participation
parochial customs
Gemeindebund m; Kommunalverbund m; Gemeindetag m; Gemeindeverband m Ös. Schw.; Gemeindenverband m Südtirol adm.
Gemeindebünde pl; Kommunalverbünde pl; Gemeindetage pl; Gemeindeverbände pl; Gemeindenverbände pl
municipal association
municipal associations
Gemeindebund m; Gemeindetag m; Gemeindeverband m Ös. Schw.; Gemeindenverband m Südtirol adm.
municipal association
Gemeindeebene f; Kommunalebene f; kommunale Ebene f pol.
auf Gemeindeebene
local government level; municipal level
at local government level; at municipal level
gemeindeeigen adj
municipally owned
Gemeindefinanzen pl fin.
local finance
Gemarkung f, Gemeindegebiet n

Deutsche Gemeindeschwester Synonyme


Englische district nurse; community nurse Synonyme

district  Kreis  abode  airspace  apportion  archbishopric  archdiocese  area  arrondissement  bailiwick  bearings  belt  bench mark  bishopric  borough  canton  city  commune  community  confines  congressional district  constablewick  continental shelf  corridor  country  county  cut up  departement  department  diocese  divide  divide up  division  divvy  divvy up  duchy  electoral district  electorate  emplacement  environs  government  ground  hamlet  heartland  hinterland  hole  hundred  land  latitude and longitude  lieu  locale  locality  location  locus  magistracy  metropolis  metropolitan area  milieu  neighborhood  oblast  offshore rights  okrug  parcel  parcel out  parish  part  partition  parts  pinpoint  place  placement  point  portion  position  precinct  precincts  premises  principality  province  purlieus  quarter  region  riding  salient  section  sector  segment  sheriffalty  sheriffwick  shire  shrievalty  site  situation  situs  soil  soke  space  split  split up  spot  stake  state  stead  subdivide  terrain  territory  three-mile limit  town  township  twelve-mile limit  vicinage  vicinity  village  wapentake  ward  whereabout  whereabouts  zone  
district attorney  AG  DA  KC  QC  SSC  US attorney  attorney general  civilian  corporation lawyer  court-appointed lawyer  criminal lawyer  defense counsel  junior counsel  law agent  leader  mouthpiece  private attorney  prosecuting attorney  prosecutor  public prosecutor  publicist  silk  silk gown  solicitor general  special pleader  stuff gown  stuff-gownsman  

Gemeindeschwester Definition

(n.) Common possession or enjoyment
(n.) A body of people having common rights, privileges, or interests, or living in the same place under the same laws and regulations
(n.) Society at large
(n.) Common character
(n.) Commonness
(a.) Rigorous
(n.) The territory within which the lord has the power of coercing and punishing.
(n.) A division of territory
(n.) Any portion of territory of undefined extent
(v. t.) To divide into districts or limited portions of territory
Dry nurse
() A nurse who attends and feeds a child by hand
(n.) One who nourishes
(n.) One who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow, trains, fosters, or the like.
(n.) A lieutenant or first officer, who is the real commander when the captain is unfit for his place.
(n.) A peculiar larva of certain trematodes which produces cercariae by asexual reproduction. See Cercaria, and Redia.
(n.) Either one of the nurse sharks.
(v. t.) To nourish
(v. t.) To nourish at the breast
(v. t.) To take care of or tend, as a sick person or an invalid
(v. t.) To bring up
(v. t.) To manage with care and economy, with a view to increase
(v. t.) To caress
Wet nurse
() A nurse who suckles a child, especially the child of another woman. Cf. Dry nurse.

district nurse; community nurse / district nurses; community nurses Bedeutung

community service an unpaid service for the benefit of the public that is performed by lawbreakers as part (or all) of their sentence
community service public service a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions
nurse shark
Ginglymostoma cirratum
small bottom-dwelling shark of warm shallow waters on both coasts of North America and South America and from southeast Asia to Australia
community center
civic center
a center where the members of a community can gather for social or cultural activities
community biotic community (ecology) a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other
Jemaah Islamiyah
Islamic Group Islamic Community
Malaysian Mujahidin Group
Malaysia Militant Group
a clandestine group of southeast Asian terrorists organized in and trained by al-Qaeda, supports militant Muslims in Indonesia and the Philippines and has cells in Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia
community chest a charity supported by individual subscriptions, defrays the demands on a community for social welfare
legal profession
legal community
the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction, he was admitted to the bar in New Jersey
medical profession
medical community
the body of individuals who are qualified to practice medicine
business community
the body of individuals who manage businesses
community of scholars the body of individuals holding advanced academic degrees
European Union
European Community
European Economic Community
Common Market
an international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members, he tried to take Britain into the Europen Union
community a group of people living in a particular local area, the team is drawn from all parts of the community
community a group of nations having common interests, they hoped to join the NATO community
speech community people sharing a given language or dialect
community college a nonresidential junior college offering a curriculum fitted to the needs of the community
Intelligence Community
National Intelligence Community
United States Intelligence Community
a group of government agencies and organizations that carry out intelligence activities for the United States government, headed by the Director of Central Intelligence
administrative district
administrative division
territorial division
a district defined for administrative purposes
border district
district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area, the Welsh marches between England and Wales
district line the boundary between two districts
city district a district of a town or city
voting precinct
election district
one of several districts into which a city or town is divided for voting, each contains one polling place
business district
the central area or commercial center of a town or city, the heart of Birmingham's downtown
congressional district a territorial division of a state, entitled to elect one member to the United States House of Representatives
territorial dominion
a region marked off for administrative or other purposes
federal district a district set apart as the seat of government of a federation
residential district
residential area
a district where people live, occupied primarily by private residences
planned community a residential district that is planned for a certain class of residents
retirement community
retirement complex
a planned community for residents who have retired from an active working life
red-light district a district with many brothels
bedroom community a community where many commuters live
tenement district a residential district occupied primarily with tenement houses
school district a district whose public schools are administered together
Lake District
a popular tourist area in northwestern England including England's largest lake and highest mountain
District of Columbia
the district occupied entirely by the city of Washington, chosen by George Washington as the site of the capital of the United States and created out of land ceded by Maryland and Virginia
continental slope
bathyal zone
bathyal district
the steep descent of the seabed from the continental shelf to the abyssal zone
district attorney
an official prosecutor for a judicial district
district manager a manager who supervises the sales activity for a district
dry nurse a nurse who cares for but does not suckle an infant
foster-nurse a nurse who raises another woman's child as her own
graduate nurse
trained nurse
someone who has completed the course of study (including hospital practice) at a nurses training school
head nurse the person in charge of nursing in a medical institution
licensed practical nurse
practical nurse
a nurse who has enough training to be licensed by a state to provide routine care for the sick
a woman who is the custodian of children
nurse one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
nursing aide
nurse's aide
someone who assists a nurse in tasks that require little formal training
nurse-midwife a registered nurse who has received special training as a midwife
nurse practitioner
nurse clinician
a registered nurse who has received special training and can perform many of the duties of a physician
probationer student nurse a nurse in training who is undergoing a trial period
registered nurse
a graduate nurse who has passed examinations for registration
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