
Gesteinsuntersuchung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gesteinsuntersuchung f
rock investigation
Gesteinsuntersuchung f
rock investigation
Gestein n
abyssisches Gestein
anstehendes Gestein
bröckeliges Gestein
eruptives Gestein; Ergussgestein n vulkanischen Ursprungs
klüftiges Gestein
lockeres Gestein
massiges Gestein
sandiges Gestein
sprödes Gestein
Bearbeitung des Gesteins
rock; rocks; stone
abysmal rock; intrusion rock
solid rock; native rock; exposed rock; living rock; bedrock; rock in situ
friable rock
eruptive rock; extrusive rock
seamy rock
loose rock; scall
bulky rock; massive rock
arenaceous rock
brittle rock
sculpturing of rock
Zerkleinerung f
Zerkleinerung des Gesteins
Zerkleinerung von großen Gesteinsblöcken
comminution; breaking
rock fragmentation; rock comminution
boulder breaking
Gestein n geol.
aufgeschlossenes Gestein
bröckeliges Gestein
Erdölspeichergestein n
eruptives Gestein; Ergussgestein n vulkanischen Ursprungs
gewachsenes Gestein; gewachsener Fels; anstehendes Gestein; Anstehendes
klüftiges Gestein; schiefriges Gestein
lockeres Gestein
massiges Gestein
rissiges Gestein
sandiges Gestein
sprödes Gestein
an der Erdoberfläche gebildetes Gestein; superkrustales Gestein
nicht standfestes Gestein; nicht druckfestes Gestein
Bearbeitung des Gesteins
exposed rock
friable rock
oil reservoir rock
eruptive rock; extrusive rock
native rock
cleft rock
loose rock; scall
bulky rock; massive rock
seamy rock
arenaceous rock
brittle rock
supercrustal rock
incompetent rock
sculpturing of rock
Gesteinsarbeit f; Arbeit f auf dem Gestein min.
hewing rock
Gesteinsart f; Gebirgsart f geol.
nature of rock; rock
Gesteinsart f; Gebirgsart f geol.
Gesteinsarten pl; Gebirgsarten pl
rock type; nature of rock; rock
rock types
Gesteinsaushub m constr.
rock excavation
kleiner magmatischer Gesteinsausläufer m; magmatisches Trum n; Apophyse f geol.
small off-shooting dike; magmatic offshoot; dikelet; apophysis
Lettenkluft f; Lettenbesteg m (schmieriger Gesteinsbelag) min.
clay coat of veins; clay wall; slide; flookan; flucan
Mineral n
Mineralien pl
arm an Mineralien
alkalisches Mineral
amorphes Mineral
basisches Mineral
detritisches Mineral
eingesprengtes Mineral
erdiges Mineral
farbiges Mineral
felsisches Mineral
festes Mineral
gefärbtes Mineral
gesteinsbildendes Mineral
nutzbares Mineral
primäres Mineral
spatiges Mineral
wachsartiges Mineral
poor in minerals
leach mineral
gel mineral
mafic mineral; melane
detrital mineral
interspersed mineral
earthy mineral
idiochromatic mineral
felsic mineral
hard mineral
allochromatic mineral
rock-forming mineral
economic mineral; industrial mineral; useful mineral
origin mineral
waxy mineral
(großer) Gesteinsblock m
block; boulder; raft; gobbet
Gesteinsbohrer m
Gesteinsbohrer pl
rock drill
rock drills
Felsblock m; Felsbrocken m; Gesteinsbrocken m; Geröllblock m; Feldstein m (größte Korngröße bei Sedimentgesteinen) geol.
Felsblöcke pl; Felsbrocken pl; Gesteinsbrocken pl; Geröllblocken pl; Feldsteine pl
boulder (unit of largest size in sedimentary rocks)
Geschiebe n (Gesteinsbrocken am Gletschergrund) geol.
Ablationsgeröll n; Ablationsgeschiebe n
glacial debris; glacial scree (rock fragments at the base of a glacier)
ablation debris
Gesteinschemie f chem. geol.
chemistry of rocks; lithochemistry
Gesteinsdichte f
rock density
Gesteinsdruck m
rock pressure
Gesteinseigenschaft f
Gesteinseigenschaften pl
property of rocks
properties of rocks
Erosion f; Abtragung f; Abtrag m (Abtragung und Verfrachtung von Feststoffen an der Erdoberfläche) geol.
großflächige Abtragung; Gesteinsentblößung f; Denudation f
rückschreitende Erosion; Rückwärtserosion f
latente Erosion; unterbrochene Erosion
Oberflächenerosion f; Flächenerosion f; flächenhafte Erosion f; flächenhafte Abtragung f; Schichterosion f
Tiefenerosion f; Tiefenschurf m; Linearerosion f; lineare Erosion; linienhafte Erosion; linienhafte Abtragung
Bodenerosion f; Bodenabtragung f; Bodenabtrag m
Flusserosion f; Fluvialerosion f; fluviale Erosion f; fluviatile Erosion f
Seitenerosion; Seitenschliff m; Seitenschurf m; Lateralerosion f
Flusssohlenerosion f; Sohlenerosion f
Gletschererosion f; Glazialerosion f; glaziale Erosion; Exaration f
Ufererosion f; Abtragung von Ufermaterial
Rillenerosion f (durch abfließendes Wasser)
Rinnenerosion f; Runsenerosion f; Grabenerosion f (durch Fließwasser)
Wassererosion f; aquatische Erosion; Auswaschung durch Fließgewässer
Winderosion f; äolische Erosion; Windabtragung f; Abblasung f; Deflation f
erosion; truncation (removal and transportation of solid matter from Earth's surface)
backward erosion; headward erosion; headcut erosion; retrograde erosion; retrogressive erosion; knickpoint retreat
potential erosion; interrupted erosion
surface erosion; sheet erosion; sheet wash
vertical erosion; downcutting; degradation
soil erosion; land erosion
river erosion; stream erosion; fluvial erosion; fluviatile erosion
lateral erosion
river bed erosion; streambed erosion; bed erosion; stream-channel erosion; channel scour
glacial erosion; exaration
streambank erosion; bank erosion; washing of a bank
rill erosion; rill wash (by run-off water)
gully erosion; gullying (by running water)
water erosion; wash
wind erosion; blowing erosion; aeolian erosion; eolation; deflation
Gesteinsfestigkeit f
rock strength
Gesteinsfeuchtigkeit f
natural dampness; interstitial water
Felsformation f; Felsgebilde n; Gesteinsformation f
Felsformationen pl; Felsgebilden pl; Gesteinsformationen pl
rock formation
rock formations
Gesteinsformation f; Felsformation f; Felsenbildung f; Felsgebilde n geol.
Gesteinsformationen pl; Felsformationen pl; Felsenbildungen pl; Felsgebilde pl
junge Formation
rock formation; terrane
rock formations; terranes
recent formation
Lithoklase f; Gesteinsfuge f geol.
Lithoklasen pl; Gesteinsfugen pl
Gesteinsgang m
Gesteinsgänge pl
vein; lode; dike
veins; lodes; dikes
Gesteinsgang m; Gang m; Dyke m (der das Umgebungsgestein durchschneidet kreuzt) geol.
Gesteinsgänge pl; Gänge pl; Dykes pl
dyke Br.; dike Am.
dykes; dikes
Gesteinsgang m; Lagergang m; Sill m (der schichtparallel in das Umgebungsgestein eingedrungen ist) geol.
Gesteinsgänge pl; Lagergänge pl; Sills pl
bed vein; bedded vein; fissure vein; sill; (concordant) intrusive sheet
bed veins; bedded veins; fissure veins; sills; intrusive sheets
Gesteinsglas n; vulkanisches Glas n
volcanic glass
Gesteinshauer m; Vortriebshauer m min.
Gesteinshauer pl; Vortriebshauer pl
stone man
stone men
Gesteinshülle f
Gesteinshüllen pl
rock shell
rock shells
Grundwasserleiter m; Grundwasserträger m; grundwasserführende Schicht f (Gesteinskörper) geol.
Porengrundwasserleiter m
Karstgrundwasserleiter m
Kluftgrundwasserleiter m
groundwater aquifer; aquifer (body of rock)
pore aquifer
karst aquifer
joint aquifer
Gesteinskunde f
(beschreibende) Gesteinskunde f; Petrografie f; Petrographie f; Lithologie f geol.
die Petrographie eines Landes
petrography; lithology
the petrology of a country
(physikalisch-chemische) Gesteinskunde f; Gesteinslehre f; Petrologie f geol.
science of rocks; petrology; lithology; lithologic geology
(beschreibende) Gesteinskunde f; Petrografie f; Petrographie f; Lithologie f geol.
Sedimentpetrographie f
die Petrographie eines Landes
petrography; lithology
sediment petrography
the petrology of a country
Gesteinslawine f; Steinlawine f; Gerölllawine f; Geröllrutsch m geol.
Gesteinslawinen pl; Steinlawinen pl; Gerölllawinen pl; Geröllrutsche pl
debris avalanche
debris avalanches
Sturzstrom m; Gesteinslawine f geol.
Gesteinslawine f; Steinlawine f; Gerölllawine f; Geröllrutsch m envir. geogr.
Gesteinslawinen pl; Steinlawinen pl; Gerölllawinen pl; Geröllrutschen pl
rock avalanche; debris avalanche
rock avalanches; debris avalanches
Gesteinsmasse f geol.
rock masses
Lettenkluft f; Lettenbesteg m (tonige Gesteinsmasse) min.
Felsmassen pl; Gesteinsmassen pl geol.
masses of rock; rock masses
Schwerpunktgefälle n; Pauschalgefälle n (beim Abreißen von Gesteinsmassen) envir.
equivalent angle of friction; equivalent friction angle; equivalent coefficient of friction (when rock masses fail)
Gesteinsmehl n
rock flour
Gesteinsmetamorphose f; Metamorphose f geol.
ansteigende Metamorphose
Belastungsmetamorphose f
Dynamometamorphose f
Hochdruckmetamorphose f
isocheme Metamorphose
Regionalmetamorphose f
regressive Metamorphose
schwache Metamorphose
starke Metamorphose
rock metamorphosis; metamorphism
progressive prograde metamorphism
load metamorphism; static metamorphism; pressure metamorphism
dynamometamophism; dynamic metamorphism; dislocation metamorphism
high-pressure metamorphism
isochemical metamorphism
regional metamorphism
retrogressive metamorphism; retrograde metamorphism
low-rank metamorphism; low-grade metamorphism
high-rank metamorphism; high-grade metamorphism
Gesteinsplatte f
Gesteinsplatten pl
slab of rock; rock beam
slabs of rock; rock beams
Gesteinsplatte f geol.
Gesteinsplatten pl
slab of rock; rock beam
slabs of rock; rock beams
Gesteinsschicht f; Schicht f geol.
Gesteinsschichten pl; Schichten pl
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
ausstreichende Schicht
darüberliegernde Schicht
darunterliegende Schicht
dünne Gesteinsschicht
durchgehende Schicht
durchlässige Schicht; wasserdurchlässige Schicht
erdölführende Schicht; ölführende Schicht
gasführende Schicht
steil einfallende Schicht
steil aufgerichtete Schicht
schwach einfallende Schicht
schwach gefaltete Schicht
schwach geneigte Schicht; schwebende Schicht
umschließende Schicht
obere Schicht
oberste Schicht
untere Schicht
unterlagernde Schicht
unterste Schicht
eine tiefere Schicht; eine tiefer liegende Schicht
refraktierende Schicht
ruhende Gesteinsschicht
übergreifende Schicht; transgredierende Schicht
Aufrichtung der Schichten
layer of rock; rock layer; layer; rock stratum; stratum; rock bed; bed; rock formation; formation
layers of rock; rock layers; layers; rock strata; strata; rock beds; beds; rock formations; formations
straightened-up layer; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed
superposed layer; superposed bed
outcropping bed; exposed stratum
superjacent layer; superimposed stratum
subjacent stratum; subjacent formation
sheet of rock; lamina
persistent stratum
permeable layer; permeable stratum; permeable bed; pervious stratum; pervious bed
oil-bearing layer; oil-bearing stratum; oil storer rare
gas-bearing stratum; gas stratum
steeply inclined layer; strong-dipping layer; steep-dipping stratum; high-angle dipping bed
steeply tilted-up layer; steeply upturned stratum
slightly inclined layer; slightly inclined bed
slightly folded layer; slightly folded stratum; slightly folded bed
flat-dipped layer; flat-dipping layer; low-dipping stratum; gentle-dipping bed
enclosing layer
upper stratum; superstratum; upper bed
uppermost layer; topset stratum; top bed
sublayer; underlayer
lowermost layer; basal stratum
a lower layer
refractive layer; refractive bed
rock layer of no motion
transgressive stratum
uplift of strata
Mächtigkeit f (einer Gesteinsschicht Sedimentschicht) min. geol.
Mächtigkeit der Schicht
geringe Mächtigkeit
wahre Mächtigkeit
thickness; depth (of a rock or sediment layer)
thickness of layer; thickness of stratum
slight thickness
actual thickness; true thickness
abbauwürdig; bauwürdig; abbaufähig adj (Lagerstätte) min.
nicht abbauwürdig; abbauunwürdig
abbauwürdige Gesteinsschicht
minable mineable; workable; paying; worthy of being mined worked (deposits)
workable bed
wasserführend adj envir.
nicht wasserführende Gesteinsschicht
water-bearing; water-carrying; aquiferous; enhydrous (minerals)
non-aquiferious rock stratum
zwischengeschichtet; zwischengelagert; eingelagert; eingesprengt; durchsetzt adj geol.
zwischengelagerte Gesteinsschicht
interstratified layer of rock
Flexur f; Kniefalte f; Monoklinale f; Monokline f (S-förmige Biegung von Gesteinsschichten) geol.
flexure; monocline
Ãœbergreifen n von Gesteinsschichten; Transgression f geol.
transgression; overlap of rock layers
Magma f; Gesteinsschmelze f geol.
magma; flow of rock
Gesteinsscholle f geol.
Gesteinsschollen pl
block of rock; rock block
blocks of rock; rock blocks
Verlagerung f; Dislokation f von Gesteinsschollen (Verwerfung) geol.
displacement; dislocation of rock blocks
Gesteinsschutt m; Trümmerschutt m geol.
Gesteinsschutt m; Detritus m geol.
rock debris; detritus; detrital deposit; colluvial deposit
Gesteinsschutt m; Steinschutt m; Schutt m; Schotterkörper m; Gesteinszersatz m; Zersatz m; Detritus m geol.
Hangschutt m; Gehängeschutt m; Blockschutt m
rock debris; scree debris; talus debris; rock waste; detritus; detrital deposit; detrital sediment; detrital rock accumulation; colluvial deposit
slide rock; scree material; talus material; hillside waste
Felsschutt- und Geröllgesellschaft f; Felsschuttgesellschaft f; Steinschutthaldenbewuchs m; Gesteinsschuttflur f; Steinschuttflur f; Schutthaldenflur f; Schuttflur f; Geröllhaldenflur f bot. geogr.
scree vegetation; scree formation
Gesteinssplitter m
Gesteinssplitter pl
chip of rock
chips of rock
Bruchsteinmauerwerk n constr.
ausgezwicktes Bruchsteinmauerwerk (mit Gesteinssplittern verkeilt)
glattes Bruchsteinmauerwerk
regelhaftes Bruchsteinmauerwerk; lagerhaftes Bruchsteinmauerwerk
unregelmäßiges Bruchsteinmauerwerk
hammerrechtes Bruchsteinmauerwerk; Bruchsteinmauerwerk mit Quaderverblendung (grob bearbeitet mit bossierter Ansichtsfläche)
mörtelloses Bruchsteinmauerwerk
Bruchsteinmauerwerk aus kleinen Steinen
Bruchsteinmauerwerk zwischen Ziegelhäuptern
Bruchsteinmauerwerk mit Längs- und Querquadern an den Ecken
rubble masonry; rubble work; rubble walling; snecked rubble masonry Br.; snecked masonry Br.; quarrystone work
rubble masonry with pinned joints
squared rubble masonry
coursed rubble masonry; coursed masonry; ranged masonry Am. rare
random rubble masonry; random rubble work; random-range masonry Am. rare
rubble ashlar masonry; broken ashlar masonry work Am. dated; rubble range work Am. dated
dry rubble construction
rag rubble work
coffer work; rubble-packed walling
long-and-short work
Gesteinssprengung f
Gesteinssprengungen pl
rock blasting
rock blastings
Gesteinsstamm m geol.
Gesteinsstämme pl
rock association
rock associations
Gesteinsstaub m
stone dust
Gesteinsstrecke f
rock drfit; stone drift
Gesteinsstruktur f
Gesteinsstrukturen pl
rock structure
rock structures
Schieferung f; Schiefrigkeit f; Blättrigkeit f (Gesteinsstruktur) geol.
Achsenflächenschieferung f
Bruchschieferung f
Druckschieferung f
engständige Schieferung
foliation; foliated structure; schistosity; schistose structure; (in micaschist and gneiss); cleavage; cleft structure (in non-metamorphic argillaceous rocks)
axial-plane cleavage
fracture cleavage
induced cleavage; flow cleavage
closely spaced cleavage

Deutsche Gesteinsuntersuchung Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Gesteinsuntersuchung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische rock investigation Synonyme

rock  Gibraltar  Irish confetti  acid rock  adamant  adamantine  affect  agitate  amaze  appease  astonish  astound  avant-garde jazz  ballroom music  bankrupt  bebop  bedrock  blunder  bob  bobble  bola  bolt  bone  boogie-woogie  boomerang  bop  boulder  brick  brickbat  broken-down  calm  calm down  careen  career  cement  champion  coggle  come home to  compose  concert  concrete  cool  countermissile  country rock  cradle  crag  dance music  dances  dangle  daze  defender  destitute  destroyed  diamond  discombobulate  discompose  disconcert  disquiet  disturb  dramatico-musical  dulcify  dumbfound  ease  electrify  escarpment  even out  falter  finished  flint  flintlike  flinty  flounce  flounder  fluctuate  flurry  fluster  flutter  folk rock  foundation  fuss  gentle  granite  granitelike  granitic  hard rock  heart of oak  heave  hit  hit the mark  hobbyhorse  horse  hot jazz  hush  impress  impress forcibly  in ruins  indigent  instrumental  iron  jar  jazz  jazzy  jive  jolt  labor  librate  lion  lithic  lull  lurch  mainstream jazz  make an impression  make heavy weather  marble  marblelike  missile  mollify  musical suite  nails  nutate  oak  on ice  on the rocks  orchestral  oscillate  outcrop  outcropping  overwhelm  ox  pacify  patron  patroness  pendulate  penniless  perturb  petrified  petrogenic  pillar  pitch  pitch and plunge  pitch and toss  plunge  pound  pour balm into  poverty-stricken  projectile  protector  protectress  quell  quiet  rag  ragtime  rattle  rear  reel  resonate  rest  rhythm-and-blues  rock to sleep  rock-and-roll  rocket  roll  ruffle  ruined  safekeeper  scarp  scend  seethe  shake  shake up  shock  sink in  slaty  smite  smooth  smooth down  smooth over  smoothen  soothe  stabilize  stagger  steady  steel  still  stir  stone  strike  strike hard  strike home  struggle  stumble  stun  stupefy  subdue  suite  suite of dances  surprise  swag  sway  swing  swinging  symphonic  syncopated  syncopated music  syncopation  tell  
rock bottom  base  basement  basis  bearing wall  bed  bedding  bedrock  belly  best  bottom  bottom side  bottommost  breech  buttocks  cut  deepest  downside  floor  flooring  fond  footing  foundation  fundament  fundamental  giveaway  ground  grounds  groundwork  half-price  hardpan  lower side  lowest  lowest layer  lowest level  marked down  nether side  nethermost  nethermost level  pavement  principle  radical  reduced  riprap  rudiment  sacrificial  seat  sill  slashed  solid ground  solid rock  stereobate  stylobate  substratum  substruction  substructure  terra firma  underbelly  underbuilding  undercarriage  undergirding  underlayer  undermost  underneath  underpinning  underside  understruction  understructure  
rock garden  Japanese garden  alpine garden  arboretum  bed  bog garden  border  botanical garden  dry garden  flower bed  flower garden  garden  garden spot  grape ranch  grapery  herbarium  hortus siccus  jardin  kitchen garden  market garden  ornamental garden  paradise  pinetum  roof garden  shrubbery  sunken garden  tea garden  truck garden  vegetable garden  victory garden  vinery  vineyard  
rockbound  corrugated  cragged  craggy  crinkled  crumpled  dour  firm  fundamentalist  gravelly  hard  harsh  hidebound  impliable  inexorable  inflexible  iron  ironbound  ironclad  ironhanded  jagged  jaggy  muscle-bound  obdurate  obstinate  orthodox  procrustean  purist  puristic  puritan  puritanic  ragged  relentless  rigid  rigorist  rigoristic  rigorous  rocky  rugged  rugose  rugous  saw-toothed  sawtooth  scragged  scraggly  scraggy  serrate  serrated  snagged  snaggled  snaggy  stiff  stony  straightlaced  straitlaced  stubborn  unbending  uncompromising  unrelenting  unyielding  wrinkled  
rockbound coast  bank  beach  berm  coast  coastland  coastline  coral heads  embankment  foreshore  ironbound coast  ledges  lee shore  lido  littoral  pitfall  plage  playa  quicksands  riverside  riviera  rocks  sandbank  sandbar  sands  sea margin  seabank  seabeach  seaboard  seacliff  seacoast  seashore  seaside  shallows  shingle  shoals  shore  shoreline  strand  submerged coast  tidewater  undercurrent  undertow  waterfront  waterside  
rocker  burin  clarifier  colander  cradle  cribble  die  engraving tool  etching ball  etching ground  etching needle  etching point  filter  graver  intaglio  lixiviator  metronome  needle  oscillator  pendulum  percolator  point  punch  purifier  refiner  refinery  riddle  rocking chair  rocking stone  scorper  screen  seal  seesaw  shuttle  shuttlecock  sieve  sifter  stamp  strainer  style  swing  teeter  teeter-totter  teeterboard  teetery-bender  vibrator  winnow  winnowing basket  winnowing fan  winnowing machine  
rocket  AA target rocket  ABM  ASM  ATS  Asp  Asroc  Atlas  Atlas-Agena  Atlas-Centaur  Bullpup  Cajun  Corporal  Corvus  Crossbow  Dart  Deacon  Delta  Diamant  Dove  Earth insertion  Falcon  Firebee  Genie  Hawk  Holy Moses  Hound Dog  ICBM  Irish confetti  Jupiter  LEM  LM  Lacrosse  Lark  Loki  Loon  Mace  Matador  Navaho  Nike  Nike Ajax  Pershing  Petrel  Polaris  Poseidon  Quail  Ram  Rascal  Redeye  Redstone  Regulus I  Roman candle  SLAM  Saturn  Scout  Sentinel  Sergeant  Shillelagh  Sidewinder  Skybolt  Snark  Spaerobee  Sparrow  Subroc  Super Talos  Talos  Tartar  Terrier  Thor  Thor Able Star  Thor-Agena  Thor-Delta  Tiny Tim  Titan  V-2  Viking  WAC-Corporal  Wagtail  Zuni  aid to navigation  alarm  amber light  anchor rocket  antelope  antiaircraft rocket  antiradar rocket  apogee  arrow  atom-rocket  atomic warhead  attitude-control rocket  balefire  ballistic capsule  barrage rocket  bat bomb  beacon  beacon fire  bell  bell buoy  bird  blinker  blue darter  blue peter  blue streak  bob up  bola  bolt  boomerang  break water  brickbat  buoy  burn  cannonball  capsule  caution light  chemical rocket  climb  countermissile  courser  dart  deep-space ship  demolition rocket  docking  docking maneuver  eagle  electricity  express train  ferry rocket  fin-stabilized rocket  fireworks rocket  flare  flare rocket  flash  float up  fly up  flying tank  fog bell  fog signal  fog whistle  foghorn  fountain  fuel ship  gazelle  glance  go light  gong buoy  greased lightning  green light  greyhound  guided missile  gush  hare  heliograph  high sign  high-altitude rocket  homing rocket  incendiary rocket  injection  insertion  international alphabet flag  international numeral pennant  ion engine  ion rocket  jet  jet plane  jump up  kick  lark  leap up  leer  light  lightning  line-throwing rocket  liquid-fuel rocket  lunar excursion module  lunar module  manned rocket  marker beacon  mercury  missile  module  moon ship  multistage rocket  nod  nuclear warhead  
rocket power  action and reaction  aeromotor  atomic power  electric power  electropower  horsepower  hydraulic power  hydroelectric power  impulse  jet power  jet propulsion  manpower  nuclear power  piston power  power plant  propulsion  ram-jet propulsion  reaction  reaction propulsion  resojet propulsion  rocket propulsion  solar power  steam power  thermonuclear power  thrust  turbojet propulsion  water power  
rocket propulsion  action and reaction  aeromotor  charge  diesel propulsion  exhaust  fuel  gas propulsion  gasoline propulsion  jet power  jet propulsion  liquid oxygen  plasma-jet propulsion  power plant  propellant  propulsion charge  ram-jet propulsion  reaction  reaction propulsion  resojet propulsion  rocket power  steam propulsion  thrust  turbojet propulsion  wind propulsion  
rocketry  aerial photography  aeroballistics  aerodynamics  aerogeology  aerography  aerology  aeromechanics  aeromedicine  aerometry  aeronautical meteorology  aerophotography  aerophysics  aeroscopy  aerospace medicine  aerospace research  aerospace science  aerospace technology  aerostatics  archery  artillery  astronautics  aviation technology  avionics  ballistics  bioastronautics  climatology  escape velocity  grand tour  gunnery  hydrostatics  interplanetary travel  kinematics  kinetics  meteorology  missilery  musketry  photometry  pneumatics  science fiction  space flight  space medicine  space travel  space walk  step flight  supersonics  trip to Mars  
rocking  appeasing  calming  careening  cradling  dangling  dreamy  drowsy  gentling  hushing  lulling  lurching  mollifying  pacifying  pitching  quietening  reeling  restful  rolling  soothful  soothing  stilling  swaying  swinging  tossing  tranquilizing  
rocking horse  agate  ball  baseball bat  bat  battledore  bauble  blocks  checkerboard  chessboard  club  cockhorse  cricket bat  cue  doll  doll carriage  gewgaw  gimcrack  golf club  hobbyhorse  jack-in-the-box  jacks  jackstones  jackstraws  kickshaw  knickknack  marble  marionette  mig  paper doll  pick-up sticks  pinwheel  plaything  puppet  racket  rag doll  sport  steelie  taw  teetotum  top  toy  toy soldier  trinket  whim-wham  
rocky  adamant  adamantine  ailing  apathetic  arduous  bad  below par  bony  bumpy  callous  cement  cemental  certain  cold  concrete  cool  corneous  corrugated  cragged  craggy  crinkled  critically ill  crumpled  crystal  crystalline  degage  dense  dependable  detached  determined  diamondlike  difficult  dilapidated  doddering  doubtful  down  dubious  dure  emotionless  faint  faintish  feeling awful  feeling faint  feeling something terrible  firm  flimsy  flintlike  flinty  granitelike  granitic  gravelly  gritty  groggy  hard  hard as nails  hardhearted  harsh  horny  iffy  ill  impassive  in danger  indifferent  indisposed  insecure  invariable  invariant  iron-hard  ironbound  ironlike  jagged  jaggy  laid low  lapideous  lithoid  lithoidal  marble  marblelike  monolithic  mortally ill  not quite right  obdurate  off-color  osseous  out of sorts  pebbled  pebbly  porphyritic  questionable  ragged  ramshackle  reliable  resistant  resistive  resolute  ricketish  rickety  rock-ribbed  rock-strewn  rock-studded  rockbound  rocklike  rugged  rugose  rugous  sandy  saw-toothed  sawtooth  scragged  scraggly  scraggy  seedy  serrate  serrated  shaky  shingled  shingly  sick  sick unto death  sickish  snagged  snaggled  snaggy  solid  spidery  spindly  staunch  steadfast  steady  steellike  steely  stonelike  stony  sure  taken ill  teetering  teetery  thick-skinned  tottering  tottery  tough  trachytic  treacherous  tumbledown  unbending  uncaring  uncertain  unchanging  uncomfortable  undependable  under the weather  unemotional  unfaltering  unfeeling  unflinching  unhealthy  unpredictable  unreliable  unsafe  unsound  unstable  unsteady  unsure  unsympathetic  untrustworthy  unvarying  unwavering  unwell  unyielding  vacillating  weak  wobbling  wobbly  wrinkled  

Gesteinsuntersuchung Definition

Bed rock
() The solid rock underlying superficial formations. Also Fig.
(n.) The act of investigating
(n.) See Roc.
(n.) A distaff used in spinning
(n.) A large concreted mass of stony material
(n.) Any natural deposit forming a part of the earth's crust, whether consolidated or not, including sand, earth, clay, etc., when in natural beds.
(n.) That which resembles a rock in firmness
(n.) Fig.: Anything which causes a disaster or wreck resembling the wreck of a vessel upon a rock.
(n.) The striped bass. See under Bass.
(v. t.) To cause to sway backward and forward, as a body resting on a support beneath
(v. t.) To move as in a cradle
(v. i.) To move or be moved backward and forward
(v. i.) To roll or saway backward and forward upon a support
Rock shaft
() A shaft that oscillates on its journals, instead of revolving, -- usually carrying levers by means of which it receives and communicates reciprocating motion, as in the valve gear of some steam engines
Rock staff
(v. i.) An oscillating bar in a machine, as the lever of the bellows of a forge.

rock investigation Bedeutung

rock climbing the sport or pastime of scaling rock masses on mountain sides (especially with the help of ropes and special equipment)
sway tilt
pitching dangerously to one side
the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically
police work
police investigation
the investigation of criminal activities
cock of the rock Rupicola rupicola tropical bird of northern South America the male having brilliant red or orange plumage and an erectile disklike crest
cock of the rock Rupicola peruviana bird of the Andes similar to Rupicola rupicola
rock wren Salpinctes obsoletus wren inhabiting badlands and mesa country of western United States and Mexico
rock wren Xenicus gilviventris short-tailed bird resembling a wren
rock python
rock snake
Python sebae
very large python of tropical and southern Africa
rock rattlesnake
Crotalus lepidus
mountain rock dweller of Mexico and most southern parts of United States southwest
Plymouth Rock an American breed of domestic fowl
Rock Cornish small plump hybrid developed by crossbreeding Plymouth Rock and Cornish fowl
Greek partridge
rock partridge
Alectoris graeca
of mountainous areas of southern Europe
rock dove
rock pigeon
Columba livia
pale grey Eurasian pigeon having black-striped wings from which most domestic species are descended
rock wallaby
rock kangaroo
slender long-legged Australian wallabies living in caves and rocky areas
rock crab
Cancer irroratus
crab of eastern coast of North America
spiny lobster
rock lobster
crawfish crayfish sea crawfish
large edible marine crustacean having a spiny carapace but lacking the large pincers of true lobsters
acorn barnacle
rock barnacle
Balanus balanoides
barnacle that attaches to rocks especially in intertidal zones
rock hopper
crested penguin
small penguin of the Falkland Islands and New Zealand
mouse hare
rock rabbit coney cony
small short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North America
rock squirrel
Citellus variegatus
large grey ground squirrel of rocky areas of the southwestern United States
rock hyrax
rock rabbit Procavia capensis
hyrax that lives in rocky areas
rock bass rock sunfish
Ambloplites rupestris
game and food fish of upper Mississippi and Great Lakes
rock sea bass
rock bass Centropristis philadelphica
a kind of sea bass
rock hind
Epinephelus adscensionis
found around rocky coasts or on reefs
rock beauty
Holocanthus tricolor
gold and black butterflyfish found from West Indies to Brazil
rock gunnel
butterfish Pholis gunnellus
slippery scaleless food fish of the northern Atlantic coastal waters
bore bit
rock drill
stone drill
a drill for penetrating rock
rock bit
roller bit
a drill bit that has hardened rotating rollers
rock garden
a garden featuring rocks, usually alpine plants
United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
a defense laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command, the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in support of criminal intelligence
an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities, there was a congressional probe into the scandal
rock opera albums of rock music that aspired to the status of art, first appeared in the s
rock concert a performance of rock music
rock 'n' roll
rock and roll
rock rock music
a genre of popular music originating in the s, a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western, rock is a generic term for the range of styles that evolved out of rock'n'roll.
progressive rock
art rock
a style of rock music that emerged in the s, associated with attempts to combine rock with jazz and other forms, intended for listening and not dancing
psychedelic rock
acid rock
a musical style that emerged in the s, rock music inspired by or related to drug-induced experience
punk rock
rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation, in part a reaction against progressive rock
rock candy sugar in large hard clear crystals on a string
rock candy rock hard brightolored stick candy (typically flavored with peppermint)
rock cake a small cake with a hard surface said to resemble a rock
Rock Cornish hen flesh of a small fowl bred for roasting
spiny lobster
rock lobster
warm-water lobsters without claws, those from Australia and South Africa usually marketed as frozen tails, caught also in Florida and California
rock salmon any of several coarse fishes (such as dogfish or wolffish) when used as food
Federal Bureau of Investigation
a federal law enforcement agency that is the principal investigative arm of the Department of Justice
Criminal Investigation Command
the United States Army's principal law enforcement agency responsible for the conduct of criminal investigations for all levels of the Army anywhere in the world
rock group
rock band
a band of musicians who play rock'n'roll music
rock bottom the absolute bottom
Rock of Gibraltar
location of a colony of the United Kingdom on a limestone promontory at the southern tip of Spain, strategically important because it can control the entrance of ships into the Mediterranean, one of the Pillars of Hercules
Little Rock
capital of Arkansas
the state capital and largest city of Arkansas in the central part of Arkansas on the Arkansas River
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