
Gletscherablagerung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Gletscherablagerung f geol.
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacier accumulation
Gletscherablagerung f geol.
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacier accumulation
Gletscher m
Gletscher pl
der größte Gletscher
the largest glacier
Gletscher m geol.
Gletscher pl
Vorrücken der Gletscher
glacier advance
glacial {adj}
Gletscher m geol.
Gletscher pl
Rückgang der Gletscher
Vorrücken der Gletscher
wenn Gletscher ins Meer kalben
glacier retreat
glacier advance
when glaciers calve into the sea
Rückzug m; Rückgang m; Zurückgehen n der Gletscher; Gletscherrückzug m envir.
glacier recession; glacier shrinkage; glacier retreat
Gelände queren v (Hang, Piste, Gletscher usw.) sport
Gelände querend
Gelände gequert
to traverse terrain (slope; glacier etc.)
traversing terrain
traversed terrain
Gletscherablagerung f geol.
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacier accumulation
Abrasion f; Korrasion f; Schleiferosion f; schleifende Erosion f (Abtragung durch abschleifende Einwirkung fester Partikel) geol.
Meeresabrasion f; marine Erosion; limnische Erosion; Abtragung durch Meeresbrandung; Korrasion durch Meeresbrandung
Gletscherabrasion f; Gletscherschliff m; Detersion f (Vorgang)
Windabrasion f; Windschliff m; Sandschliff m (Vorgang)
abrasion; abrasive erosion; corrasion (erosive action of solid particles)
wave abrasion; corrasion by wave action
glacial polishing; glacial striation; ice striation; detersion
wind polishing; wind abrasion; wind corrasion; corrasion by wind action
Gletscherbach m
Gletscherbäche pl
glacial stream
glacial streams
Gletscherbach m geol.
Gletscherbäche pl
glacial stream
glacial streams
Gletscherbahn f
Gletscherbahnen pl
glacier lift
glacier lifts
Gletschereis n
glacial ice
Erosion f; Abtragung f; Abtrag m (Abtragung und Verfrachtung von Feststoffen an der Erdoberfläche) geol.
großflächige Abtragung; Gesteinsentblößung f; Denudation f
rückschreitende Erosion; Rückwärtserosion f
latente Erosion; unterbrochene Erosion
Oberflächenerosion f; Flächenerosion f; flächenhafte Erosion f; flächenhafte Abtragung f; Schichterosion f
Tiefenerosion f; Tiefenschurf m; Linearerosion f; lineare Erosion; linienhafte Erosion; linienhafte Abtragung
Bodenerosion f; Bodenabtragung f; Bodenabtrag m
Flusserosion f; Fluvialerosion f; fluviale Erosion f; fluviatile Erosion f
Seitenerosion; Seitenschliff m; Seitenschurf m; Lateralerosion f
Flusssohlenerosion f; Sohlenerosion f
Gletschererosion f; Glazialerosion f; glaziale Erosion; Exaration f
Ufererosion f; Abtragung von Ufermaterial
Rillenerosion f (durch abfließendes Wasser)
Rinnenerosion f; Runsenerosion f; Grabenerosion f (durch Fließwasser)
Wassererosion f; aquatische Erosion; Auswaschung durch Fließgewässer
Winderosion f; äolische Erosion; Windabtragung f; Abblasung f; Deflation f
erosion; truncation (removal and transportation of solid matter from Earth's surface)
backward erosion; headward erosion; headcut erosion; retrograde erosion; retrogressive erosion; knickpoint retreat
potential erosion; interrupted erosion
surface erosion; sheet erosion; sheet wash
vertical erosion; downcutting; degradation
soil erosion; land erosion
river erosion; stream erosion; fluvial erosion; fluviatile erosion
lateral erosion
river bed erosion; streambed erosion; bed erosion; stream-channel erosion; channel scour
glacial erosion; exaration
streambank erosion; bank erosion; washing of a bank
rill erosion; rill wash (by run-off water)
gully erosion; gullying (by running water)
water erosion; wash
wind erosion; blowing erosion; aeolian erosion; eolation; deflation
Geschiebe n (Gesteinsbrocken am Gletschergrund) geol.
Ablationsgeröll n; Ablationsgeschiebe n
glacial debris; glacial scree (rock fragments at the base of a glacier)
ablation debris
Hochwasser n; Ãœberschwemmungen pl; Ãœberflutungen pl envir.
höchstes Hochwasser; Höchsthochwasser; Maximalhochwasser
plötzlich einsetzendes Hochwasser; Flutwelle f (in einem Fließgewässer)
Gletscherhochwasser n
Jahrhunderthochwasser n; hundertjährliches Hochwasser
Jahrtausendhochwasser n; tausendjährliches Hochwasser; 1000-jährliches Hochwasser
Katastrophenhochwasser n
außergewöhnliches Hochwasser; außerordentliches Hochwasser
extremes Hochwasser; Extremhochwasser n
historisches Hochwasser
höchstes wahrscheinliches Hochwasser; wahrscheinlich höchstes Hochwasser; wahrscheinliches Maximalhochwasser
mittleres jährliches Hochwasser
Hochwasser infolge der Schneeschmelze (im Frühjahr)
Ansteigen des Hochwassers; Hochwasseranstieg m
Auftreten von Hochwasser; Eintreten von Hochwasserereignissen
Rückgang Abklingen des Hochwassers; Hochwasserabfall m
vom Hochwasser betroffene Bürger
flood water; flood; floods; inundations; deluges
maximum flood; record flood; flood of record
flash flood; flash flooding; spate Br.
glacier flood; glacial flood; glacial outburst flood; glacier lake outburst flood
hundred-year flood; 100-year flood
thousand-year flood; 1000-year flood
catastrophic flood; disastrous flood
exceptional flood; extraordinary flood
extreme flood; superflood Am.
historical flood
probable maximum flood PMF ; probable record flood
mean annual flood
increase of flood
flood occurrence; occurrence of flood events
flood recession
citizens affected by floods
Gletscherkalben n envir.
glacier calving; iceberg calving; ice calving
Glaziologie f (Gletscherkunde)
glaciology (study of glaciers)
Leiche f; Leichnam m poet. relig.
Leichen pl; Leichname pl
Gletscherleiche f
eine Leiche im Keller haben übtr.
eine Leiche fleddern
Du siehst aus wie eine Leiche.
dead body; body; corpse; cadaver med. poet.; stiff coll.
dead bodies; bodies; corpses; cadavers; stiffs
glacier body; glacier corpse rare
to have a skeleton in the cupboard Br. closet Am. fig.
to rob a dead body
You look like death.
Gletschermilch f geol.
glacial meal; rock milk; rock flour
Gletschermoräne f; Moräne f geol.
Gletschermoränen pl; Moränen pl
Gletschermühle f
Gletschermühlen pl
glacial mill, moulin
glacial mills, moulins
Gletschermühle f geol.
Gletschermühlen pl
glacier mill; moulin; glacier well
glacial mills; moulins; glacier wells
Gletschern, Gletschers
der Zusammenfluss m; die Einmündung f; die Konfluenz f geh. (von zwei Fließgewässern Gletschern) geogr.
Zusammenflüsse pl; Einmündungen pl
the confluence; the conflux; the junction (of two watercourses glaciers); the watersmeet
confluences; junctions
Gletscherrückzug m
glacier recession; glacier shrinkage; glacier retreat
Abschmelzgebiet n; Zehrgebiet n; Ablationsgebiet n (eines Gletschers) geogr.
Abschmelzgebiete pl; Zehrgebiete pl; Ablationsgebiete pl
ablation area; ablation zone (of a glacier)
ablation areas; ablation zones
Ernährung f des Gletschers geol.
nourishment of the glacier
Randkluft f (eines Gletschers Schneefelds) envir.
rimaye; randkluft rare (of a glacier snowfield)
ewiges Eis n geogr.
das ewige Eis des Gletschers
das ewige Eis der Arktis
eternal ice
the eternal ice of the glacier
the eternal ice of the Arctic
Gletscherschliff m geol.
glacial action: glacial polish(ing); glacial scratch; glacial groove; glacial fluting; ice mark; ice striation
Gletscherschliff m; Glazialbildung f (Ergebnis) geol.
glacial polish, ice sour; glacial action marks
Gletscherschmelze f; Eisschmelze f meteo.
glacier melt; ice melt
Gletscherschramme f
Gletscherschrammen pl
glacial stria; glacial groove
glacial striae; glacial grooves
Gletscherschrammen pl geol.
striae; striation
Gletscherschrammen pl geol.
glacial scratch marks; glacial striae; striation
Gletscherschutt m
glacial drift
Gletschersee m
Gletscherseen pl
glacial lake; glacier lake
glacial lakes; glacier lakes
Gletscherspalte f
Gletscherspalten pl
Gletscherspalte f geol.
Gletscherspalten pl
glacial crevasse; glacier crater
glacial crevasses; glacier craters
Gletschertal n
Gletschertäler pl
glacier valley; glacial valley; glacial-carved valley; glacier-filled valley
glacier valleys; glacial valleys; glacial-carved valleys; glacier-filled valleys
durch Gletschertätigkeit Glazialerosion geformt geprägt (worden) sein v geol.
to be affected by glacial action; to be glaciated
Gletschertätigkeit; Glazialerosion f geol.
glacial action
durch Gletschertätigkeit Glazialerosion geformt geprägt (worden) sein v geol.
to be affected by glacial action; to be glaciated
Gletschertisch m geol.
glacier table
Gletschertisch m geol.
Gletschertische pl
glacier table
glacier tables
Gletschertopf m geol.
Gletschertöpfe pl
glacial pothole; giant's kettle; giant's cauldron
glacial potholes; giant's kettles; giant's cauldrons
Gletschertor n geol.
glacier snout
Gletschertor n
Gletschertore pl
glacier outlet; glacier cave; ice cave; glacier snout
glacier outlets; glacier caves; ice caves; glacier snouts
Gletschervorschub m geol.
glacial advance
Glaziologe m; Glaziologin f; Gletscherwisenschaftler m; Gletscherwisenschaftlerin f ~Glaziologie
Glaziologen pl; Glaziologinnen pl; Gletscherwisenschaftler pl; Gletscherwisenschaftlerinnen pl
glaciologist ~glaciology
Glaziologe m; Glaziologin f; Gletscherwissenschaftler m; Gletscherwissenschaftlerin f ~Glaziologie
Glaziologen pl; Glaziologinnen pl; Gletscherwissenschaftler pl; Gletscherwissenschaftlerinnen pl
glaciologist ~glaciology
Gletscherzunge f
Gletscherzungen pl
glacier tongue; glacier snout
glacier tongues; glacier snouts

Gletscherablagerung Definition

(n.) The act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated, or that which is accumulated
(n.) The concurrence of several titles to the same proof.
(n.) To lay down
(n.) To lay up or away for safe keeping
(n.) To lodge in some one's hands for safe keeping
(n.) To lay aside
(v. t.) That which is deposited, or laid or thrown down
(v. t.) A natural occurrence of a useful mineral under the conditions to invite exploitation.
(v. t.) That which is placed anywhere, or in any one's hands, for safe keeping
(v. t.) A bailment of money or goods to be kept gratuitously for the bailor.
(v. t.) Money lodged with a party as earnest or security for the performance of a duty assumed by the person depositing.
(v. t.) A place of deposit
(n.) A driving
(n.) The act or motion of drifting
(n.) Course or direction along which anything is driven
(n.) The tendency of an act, argument, course of conduct, or the like
(n.) That which is driven, forced, or urged along
(n.) Anything driven at random.
(n.) A mass of matter which has been driven or forced onward together in a body, or thrown together in a heap, etc., esp. by wind or water
(n.) A drove or flock, as of cattle, sheep, birds.
(n.) The horizontal thrust or pressure of an arch or vault upon the abutments.
(n.) A collection of loose earth and rocks, or boulders, which have been distributed over large portions of the earth's surface, especially in latitudes north of forty degrees, by the agency of ice.
(n.) In South Africa, a ford in a river.
(n.) A slightly tapered tool of steel for enlarging or shaping a hole in metal, by being forced or driven into or through it
(n.) A tool used in driving down compactly the composition contained in a rocket, or like firework.
(n.) A deviation from the line of fire, peculiar to oblong projectiles.
(n.) A passage driven or cut between shaft and shaft
(n.) The distance through which a current flows in a given time.
(n.) The angle which the line of a ship's motion makes with the meridian, in drifting.
(n.) The distance to which a vessel is carried off from her desired course by the wind, currents, or other causes.
(n.) The place in a deep-waisted vessel where the sheer is raised and the rail is cut off, and usually terminated with a scroll, or driftpiece.
(n.) The distance between the two blocks of a tackle.
(n.) The difference between the size of a bolt and the hole into which it is driven, or between the circumference of a hoop and that of the mast on which it is to be driven.
(v. i.) To float or be driven along by, or as by, a current of water or air
(v. i.) To accumulate in heaps by the force of wind
(v. i.) to make a drift
(v. t.) To drive or carry, as currents do a floating body.
(v. t.) To drive into heaps
(v. t.) To enlarge or shape, as a hole, with a drift.
(a.) That causes drifting or that is drifted
(a.) Pertaining to ice or to its action
(a.) Resembling ice
(n.) An immense field or stream of ice, formed in the region of perpetual snow, and moving slowly down a mountain slope or valley, as in the Alps, or over an extended area, as in Greenland.

glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacier accumulation Bedeutung

the act of accumulating
the act of putting something somewhere
a facility where things can be deposited for storage or safekeeping
a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine, they dug a drift parallel with the vein
drift net a large fishnet supported by floats, it drifts with the current
safe-deposit box
safety deposit box
deposit box
a fireproof metal strongbox (usually in a bank) for storing valuables
the pervading meaning or tenor, caught the general drift of the conversation
drift trend
a general tendency to change (as of opinion), not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book, a broad movement of the electorate to the right
deposit a payment given as a guarantee that an obligation will be met
several things grouped together or considered as a whole
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
a federally sponsored corporation that insures accounts in national banks and other qualified institutions
alluvial sediment
alluvial deposit
clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down
Alpine glacier
Alpine type of glacier
a glacier that moves down from a high valley
continental glacier a glacier that spreads out from a central mass of ice
drift a large mass of material that is heaped up by the wind or by water currents
drift ice masses of ice floating in the open sea
glacial boulder a boulder that has been carried by a glacier to a place far distant from its place of origin
glacier a slowly moving mass of ice
Mendenhall Glacier
Great Mendenhall Glacier
a glacier of the Piedmont type near Juneau in Alaska
Piedmont glacier
Piedmont type of glacier
a type of glaciation characteristic of Alaska, large valley glaciers meet to form an almost stagnant sheet of ice
polar glacier a glacier near the Arctic or Antarctic poles
matter that has been deposited by some natural process
continental drift the gradual movement and formation of continents (as described by plate tectonics)
the phenomenon of sediment or gravel accumulating
a force that moves something along
glacier lily
snow lily
Erythronium grandiflorum
dogtooth violet of western North America having bright yellow flowers
deposit money given as security for an article acquired for temporary use, his deposit was refunded when he returned the car
down payment
a partial payment made at the time of purchase, the balance to be paid later
margin security deposit the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
time deposit account
deposit account
a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest
certificate of deposit
a debt instrument issued by a bank, usually pays interest
accumulation (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation
deposit bank deposit money deposited in a bank or some similar institution
demand deposit a bank deposit from which withdrawals can be made without notice
time deposit a certificate of deposit from which withdrawals can be made only after advance notice or at a specified future date
an increase by natural growth or addition
the natural process of laying down a deposit of something
drift the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane)
drift a process of linguistic change over a period of time
limit limit point
point of accumulation
the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
Pleistocene epoch
Glacial epoch
from two million to thousand years ago, extensive glaciation of the northern hemisphere, the time of human evolution
ice age
glacial period
glacial epoch
any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part of the earth's surface, the most recent ice age was during the Pleistocene
fall asleep
dope off
flake out
drift off
nod off
drop off
doze off
drowse off
change from a waking to a sleeping state, he always falls asleep during lectures
drift be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current, snow drifting several feet high, sand drifting like snow
drift be subject to fluctuation, The stock market drifted upward
wedge stick deposit
put, fix, force, or implant, lodge a bullet in the table, stick your thumb in the crack
fix posit
put (something somewhere) firmly, She posited her hand on his shoulder, deposit the suitcase on the bench, fix your eyes on this spot
drift drive slowly and far afield for grazing, drift the cattle herds westwards
drift apart
drift away
lose personal contact over time, The two women, who had been roommates in college, drifted apart after they got married
drift cause to be carried by a current, drift the boats downstream
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