
Halb Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

hf : half
kocht halb
halb kochen
halb…; Halb…
semi; half
halb gekocht
halb kochend
halb, Haelfte
halb sechs Uhr
half past five
halb freistehend
halb...; Halb...
semi; half
halb..., Halb...
semi, half
mittel, halb durch
halb freistehend adj
kaum bekleidet; halb bekleidet
in a state of undress
halb blind, kurzsichtig adj
Gut vorbereitet ist halb getan.
A good lather is half the shave.
halb und halb, zu gleichen Teilen
angelehnt, halb offen adj (Tür)
ajar, on the jar (door)
Gut gekaut ist halb verdaut. Sprw.
You should chew your food properly.
Frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen. Sprw.
A good start is half the battle.; Well begun is half done. prov.
Frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen. Sprw.
A good start is half the battle., Well begun is half done. prov.
halb kochen
halb kochend
halb gekocht
to parboil
'Billard um halb zehn' (von Böll Werktitel)
'Billiards at half-past Nine' (by Böll work title)
verrückt geworden; irre adj
halb verrückt
crazed {adj} formal
'Billard um halb zehn' (von Böll Werktitel)
'Billiards at half-past Nine' (by Böll work title)
halb adv, zur Hälfte
halbe-halbe machen
halb 5
go halves
half past 4
halb, halber, halbe, halbes adj
eine halbe Stunde
half an hour
roh; ungekocht adj (Nahrung)
halb roh; halbgekocht
raw; uncooked
half-raw; half-cooked; partially cooked
roh, ungekocht adj (Nahrung)
halb roh, halbgekocht
raw, uncooked
half-raw, half-cooked, partially cooked
halb offen adj (Tür Lader)
Die Sekretärin ließ die Lade etwas offen.
ajar; on the jar (door drawer)
The secretary left the drawer slightly ajar.
halb offen adj (Tür, Lader)
Die Sekretärin ließ die Lade etwas offen.
ajar; on the jar (door, drawer)
The secretary left the drawer slightly ajar.
blind adj (gegen; vor)
auf einem Auge blind
auf beiden Augen blind
halb blind; kurzsichtig adj
blind (to; with); unsighted
blind in one eye
blind in both eyes
purblind; near-blind; dim-sighted
(Silben halb) verschlucken; verschleifen v
verschluckend; verschleifend
verschluckt; verschliffen
to slur (syllables)
(Silben halb) verschlucken, verschleifen v
verschluckend, verschleifend
verschluckt, verschliffen
to slur (syllables)
(Silben halb) verschlucken; verschleifen v ling.
verschluckend; verschleifend
verschluckt; verschliffen
to slur (syllables)
Lebensmittel vorkochen; halb gar kochen v cook.
vorkochend; halb gar kochend
vorgekocht; halb gar gekocht
to parboil food
halb; halber; halbe; halbes adj
eine halbe Stunde
halb 5
ein halbes Brot
auf halber Höhe
nach der Hälfte des Rennens
half hf ; halfway
half an hour
half past 4
half a loaf (of bread)
halfway up
at halfway point of the race
halb; halber; halbe; halbes adj
eine halbe Stunde
halb 5
ein halbes Brot
auf halber Höhe
nach der Hälfte des Rennens
half hf ; halfway
half an hour
half past 4
half a loaf (of bread)
halfway up
at halfway point of the race
viel, viele adj
halb so viel
noch einmal so viel
ein bisschen viel
so viel
vieles, dass ...
zu viel
viel an ihm
half as much
as much again
a little too much
so much
much that ...
too much
much about him, a lot about him
viel; viele adj
halb so viel
noch einmal so viel
ein bisschen viel
so viel
vieles, dass …
zu viel; ein Zuviel an
viel an ihm
1 Mio. Preisgeld und noch einmal so viel an Sponsorengeld
half as much
as much again
a little too much
so much
much that …
too much
much about him; a lot about him
1m in prize-money and as much again in sponsorship
viel; viele adj
halb so viel
noch einmal so viel
ein bisschen viel
so viel
vieles dass ...
zu viel; ein Zuviel an
viel an ihm
1 Mio. Preisgeld und noch einmal so viel an Sponsorengeld
half as much
as much again
a little too much
so much
much that ...
too much
much about him; a lot about him
1m in prize-money and as much again in sponsorship
zur Hälfte; halb; hälftig Schw. adv
Beteiligung zur Hälfte
je zur Hälfte
die Kosten je zur Hälfte tragen
mit jdm. halbe-halbe machen
sich an etw. je zur Hälfte beteiligen
an einem Unternehmen zur Hälfte beteiligt sein
Das Vermögen wird zwischen den beiden Partnern zur Hälfte hälftig Schw. geteilt.
one half to each; at equal moieties
to bear half the costs each
to go halves with sb.
to go half-shares in sth.
to have a half-interest in an enterprise
The assets are equally shared between the two partners.
(in bestimmter Weise) angezogen bekleidet geh. gekleidet geh. sein v; etwas (Bestimmtes) anhaben ugs. textil.
leger gekleidet sein
sportlich gekleidet sein
dick warm angezogen sein
auffallend angezogen gekleidet geh. sein
kaum bekleidet; halb bekleidet
Sie war mit einer Jeanshose bekleidet.; Sie hatte Jeans an. ugs.
to be dressed (wear clothes in a particular way)
to be dressed casually
to be dressed in sports wear
to be heavily warmly dressed
to be loudly dressed
in a state of undress
She was dressed in jeans.
schlafen v (im Gegensatz zu „wach sein“)
noch halb schlafen
tief und fest schlafen; schlafen wie ein Murmeltier
sich schlafend stellen
Die Katzen liegen auf dem Teppich und schlafen.
Zu Mittag schlief sie immer noch.; Zu Mittag war sie immer noch nicht wach.
Ich werde die Küche aufwischen solange die Kinder schlafen.
„Schläfst du schon?“ „Nein, Ich bin noch wach.“
to be asleep
to be half asleep
to be fast asleep; to be sound asleep; to be dead to the world
to pretend to be asleep
The cats are asleep on the carpet.
She was still asleep at noon.
I'll mop the kitchen while the children are asleep.
'Are you asleep?' 'No, I'm awake.'
aufbrechen v; sich aufmachen; losziehen; ausziehen altertümlich v (nach einem Ort zu einem Unternehmen)
aufbrechend; sich aufmachend; losziehend; ausziehend
aufgebrochen; sich aufgemacht; losgezogen; ausgezogen
zu einem Abenteuer aufbrechen
eine Reise antreten
ausziehen, um sein Glück zu machen altertümlich
Die ersten Gäste brachen um halb elf nach Hause auf.; Um half elf machten sich die ersten Gäste auf den Heimweg.
Wir sollten uns auf den Rückweg ins Lager machen, bevor es dunkel wird.
to start; to set forth archaic; to set forward archaic (for a place on an undertaking)
starting; setting forth; setting forward
started; set forth; set forward
to set forth on an adventure
to set out on start on a journey
to set forward to seek your fortune archaic
Guests started (heading) for home at 10.30.
We should start back to the camp before it gets dark.
Gewölbe n (gewölbte Gebäudedecke) arch.
Gewölbe pl
abgeflachtes Gewölbe; gedrücktes Gewölbe
achtteiliges Gewölbe
dreiteiliges Gewölbe
einfaches Gewölbe
ellipsoidisches Gewölbe
Fächergewölbe n; Strahlengewölbe n
Gegengewölbe n; verkehrtes Gewölbe
gerades Gewölbe
Gewölbe mit schmalen Zwischenrippen
gewundenes Gewölbe
gotisches Gewölbe
halb geschlossenes Gewölbe
konisches Gewölbe
konoidisches Gewölbe
offenes Gewölbe
parabolisches Gewölbe
Scheingewölbe n
scheitgerechtes Gewölbe; scheitrechtes Gewölbe
schiefwinkeliges Gewölbe
schräges Gewölbe
sechsteiliges Gewölbe
selbsttragendes Gewölbe
Steingewölbe n
überhobenes Gewölbe; überhöhtes Gewölbe
unterschrägtes Gewölbe; halbhoch gekreuztes Gewölbe
verankertes Gewölbe
vierteiliges Gewölbe
viertelteiliges Gewölbe
walzenförmiges Gewölbe; zylindrisches Gewölbe
zusammengesetztes Gewölbe
vault (arched ceiling)
surbased vault
octopartite vault
tripartite vault
simple vault
ellipsoid vault
fan-tracery vault
direct vault
lierne vault
helical vault
pointed Gothic vault
half open vault
conical vault
conoidal vault
vault on pillars
parabolic vault
blind vault
straight vault; jack vault
skew-arched vault
rampant vault
sexpartite vault
self-supporting vault
stone vault
surmounted vault
unterpitch vault; Welsh groin
grappled vault
quadripartite vault
cylindrical vault
compound vault

Deutsche Halb Synonyme

halb  durchsichtig  Âsemitransparent  
halb  professionell  Âsemiprofessionell  
(Silben  halb)  verschlucken  Âverschleifen  
(Silben halb) verschlucken  verschleifen  
halb durchsichtig  semitransparent  
halb professionell  semiprofessionell  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Halb Synonym nachschlagen

Englische half Synonyme

half  allotment  allowance  big end  bigger half  bisection  bit  bite  budget  chunk  commission  contingent  cut  deal  destiny  distributional  distributive  dividend  dole  end  equal  equal share  equidistance  even stephen  fate  fifty percent  fifty-fifty  half-and-half  halfway  halfway house  halver  halvers  helping  hemisphere  interest  lot  measure  mediety  meed  mess  mid-distance  midcourse  middle distance  midway  modicum  moiety  one-and-a-half  part  partial  particular  partly  per capita  per head  percentage  piece  portion  pro rata  proportion  proportional  proportionate  prorated  quantum  quota  rake-off  ration  respective  segment  semicircle  semisphere  several  share  slice  small share  stake  stock  
half assed  amateur  amateurish  artless  botched  bungling  clumsy  dabbling  defective  deficient  dilettante  dilettantish  half-baked  half-cocked  haphazard  hit-and-miss  hit-or-miss  immature  inadept  inadequate  inapt  inattentive  incomplete  inefficient  inept  inexpert  insufficient  lacking  mediocre  messy  pedestrian  poor  promiscuous  sciolistic  shallow  skill-less  slipshod  slipshoddy  sloppy  slovenly  sluttish  smattering  sophomoric  superficial  thoughtless  unapt  undeft  undexterous  undextrous  unfacile  unintelligent  unproficient  unskillful  untidy  wanting  
half baked  a bit previous  adolescent  advanced  amateur  amateurish  arrested  at half cock  babbling  backward  blithering  burbling  callow  crackbrained  cracked  crazy  cretinistic  cretinous  dabbling  dilettante  dilettantish  dithering  driveling  drooling  far ahead  fledgling  forward  green  half-assed  half-cocked  half-grown  half-witted  hasty  idiotic  ill-considered  ill-digested  imbecile  imbecilic  immature  impubic  impulsive  juvenile  maundering  mentally defective  mentally deficient  mentally handicapped  mentally retarded  mongoloid  moronic  not all there  not firm  overhasty  oversoon  precipitate  precocious  premature  previous  raw  retarded  rushed  sciolistic  shallow  simple  simpleminded  simpletonian  slobbering  smattering  sophomoric  subnormal  superficial  too early  too soon  uncrystallized  underripe  unfledged  ungrown  unjelled  unmatured  unmeditated  unmellowed  unpremeditated  unprepared  unripe  unseasoned  untimely  
half breed  Cape Colored  Eurasian  bastard  cattalo  citrange  cross  crossbred  crossbreed  crossed  griffe  half blood  half-bred  half-caste  high yellow  hinny  hybrid  interbred  ladino  liger  mestee  mestiza  mestizo  metis  metisse  mixblood  mixed-blood  mongrel  mulatto  mule  mustee  octoroon  plumcot  quadroon  quintroon  sambo  tangelo  tigon  zebrass  zebrule  
half cocked  a bit previous  adolescent  advanced  amateur  amateurish  at half cock  callow  dabbling  dilettante  dilettantish  far ahead  fledgling  forward  green  half-assed  half-baked  half-grown  hasty  ill-considered  ill-digested  immature  impubic  impulsive  juvenile  not firm  overhasty  oversoon  precipitate  precocious  premature  previous  raw  rushed  sciolistic  shallow  smattering  sophomoric  superficial  too early  too soon  uncrystallized  underripe  unfledged  ungrown  unjelled  unmatured  unmeditated  unmellowed  unpremeditated  unprepared  unripe  unseasoned  untimely  
half life  activity  artificial radioactivity  contamination  curiage  decontamination  fallout  natural radioactivity  nuclear radiation  radiant energy  radiation  radioactive radiation  radioactivity  radiocarbon dating  radiolucency  radiopacity  radiosensibility  radiosensitivity  saturation point  specific activity  
half moon  artificial satellite  crescent  crescent moon  decrescent  decrescent moon  demilune  full moon  gibbous moon  harvest moon  horseshoe  increscent  increscent moon  lunula  lunule  meniscus  moon  new moon  orb of night  queen of heaven  queen of night  satellite  scythe  semicircle  sickle  silvery moon  the wandering Moon  waning crescent moon  waning moon  waxing crescent moon  waxing moon  wet moon  
half pint  cramped  dinky  exiguous  knee-high  limited  little  one-horse  petite  piddling  pindling  pint-sized  poky  puny  short  slight  small  smallish  two-by-four  
half time  anchor watch  bit  break  coffee break  day shift  dogwatch  downtime  full time  graveyard shift  half-time intermission  holiday  interim  interlude  intermezzo  intermission  intermittence  interregnum  interruption  interval  letup  lobster trick  lull  night shift  off-time  overtime  part time  pause  plateau  point of repose  quiet spell  recess  relay  relief  respite  resting point  shift  split schedule  split shift  stint  sunrise watch  swing shift  time  time off  time out  tour  tour of duty  trick  turn  turn of work  vacation  watch  work shift  
half truth  blague  cock-and-bull story  exaggeration  fairy tale  falsehood  falsity  farfetched story  farrago  fib  fiction  fish story  flam  flimflam  ghost story  legal fiction  lie  little white lie  mendacity  pious fiction  prevarication  slight stretching  story  tale  tall story  tall tale  taradiddle  trumped-up story  untruth  white lie  yarn  
halfhearted  Laodicean  bland  changeable  cold  cool  fervorless  indecisive  indifferent  infirm of purpose  infirm of will  insipid  irresolute  lukewarm  milk-and-water  milky  mushy  neuter  neutral  perfunctory  tasteless  tepid  unenthusiastic  vapid  watery  wishy-washy  zealless  
halftone  Maxwell triangle  Munsell scale  chromatic circle  chromatic spectrum  chromaticity diagram  color circle  color cycle  color index  color mixture curve  color solid  color spectrum  color system  color triangle  complementary color  consecutive intervals  degree  demitint  diapason  diatessaron  diatonic interval  diatonic semitone  enharmonic diesis  enharmonic interval  fifth  fourth  full color  fundamental colors  half step  half tint  hue cycle  interval  less semitone  melodic interval  metamer  monochrome  note  octave  parallel octaves  primary  primary color  pure color  second  secondary  secondary color  semitone  seventh  sixth  solar spectrum  spectral color  spectrum  spectrum color  step  tertiary  tertiary color  third  tone  unison interval  whole step  
halftone engraving  albertype  book printing  chromotypography  chromotypy  chromoxylography  collotype  color printing  electronography  electrostatic printing  graphic arts  gravure  history of printing  job printing  letterpress  letterpress photoengraving  line engraving  lithography  lithogravure  lithophotogravure  mimeograph  offset  offset lithography  onset  palaeotypography  photo-offset  photochemical process  photoengraving  photogelatin process  photographic reproduction  photography  photolithography  phototypography  phototypy  photozincography  planographic printing  planography  printing  printmaking  publication  publishing  relief printing  rotary photogravure  rotogravure  sheetwork  stencil  three-color printing  two-color printing  typography  typolithography  wood-block printing  xerography  xeroprinting  xylotypography  zincography  
halfway  amidships  average  betwixt and between  center  centermost  central  core  equatorial  equidistant  half  half-and-half  in medias res  in the mean  in the middle  interior  intermediary  intermediate  mean  medial  medially  median  mediocre  mediterranean  medium  mediumly  mesial  mezzo  mezzo-mezzo  mid  middle  middlemost  middling  midland  midmost  midships  midway  nuclear  one-and-a-half  part  partial  partly  
halfway house  almshouse  asylum  bisection  equidistance  foster home  half  home  hospice  hospitium  mediety  mid-distance  midcourse  middle distance  midway  moiety  nursing home  orphanage  poor farm  poorhouse  rest home  retreat  workhouse  
halfwit  ass  birdbrain  dolt  dullard  dunce  dunderhead  dunderpate  fool  idiot  imbecile  moron  nincompoop  ninny  nit  nitwit  numskull  simpleton  twit  

Halb Definition

(a.) Consisting of a moiety, or half
(a.) Consisting of some indefinite portion resembling a half
(adv.) In an equal part or degree
(a.) Part
(a.) One of two equal parts into which anything may be divided, or considered as divided
(v. t.) To halve. [Obs.] See Halve.
(n.) A mixture of two malt liquors, esp. porter and ale, in about equal parts.
Half blood
() The relation between persons born of the same father or of the same mother, but not of both
Half blood
(n.) A person so related to another.
Half blood
(n.) A person whose father and mother are of different races
(a.) Proceeding from a male and female of different breeds or races
(a.) Degenerate
(n.) A boot with a short top covering only the ankle. See Cocker, and Congress boot, under Congress.
(n.) Having only the back and corners in leather, as a book.
(a.) Half-blooded.
(a.) Imperfectly acquainted with the rules of good-breeding
(a.) Half-blooded.
(n.) A person who is blooded
(n.) A brother by one parent, but not by both.
(n.) One born of a European parent on the one side, and of a Hindoo or Mohammedan on the other. Also adjective
(a.) Half-filled.
(a.) Half-demented
(n.) A shell of the genus Crepidula
(n.) See Half deck, under Deck.
(a.) Partially decked.
(a.) Showing only part of the face
(n.) A salmon in its fifth year of growth.
(a.) Imperfectly hatched
(a.) Imperfectly or partly heard to the end.
(a.) Wanting in heart or spirit
(a.) Lacking zeal or courage
(a.) Done or happening at intervals of half an hour.
(a.) Imperfectly learned.
(a.) Of half the whole or ordinary length, as a picture.
(n.) A point some distance below the top of a mast or staff
(n.) The moon at the quarters, when half its disk appears illuminated.
(n.) The shape of a half-moon
(n.) An outwork composed of two faces, forming a salient angle whose gorge resembles a half-moon
(n.) A marine, sparoid, food fish of California (Caesiosoma Californiense). The body is ovate, blackish above, blue or gray below. Called also medialuna.
(n.) A short pike, sometimes carried by officers of infantry, sometimes used in boarding ships
(n.) One half of a shutter made in two parts for closing a porthole.
(n.) A straight line considered as drawn from a center to an indefinite distance in one direction, the complete ray being the whole line drawn to an indefinite distance in both directions.
(a.) Informed by insufficient reading
Half seas over
() Half drunk.
(a.) Seeing imperfectly
(n.) A sister by one parent only.
(a.) Half-bred
(n.) Half the length of a sword
(a.) Constructed of a timber frame, having the spaces filled in with masonry
(n.) A jury, for the trial of a foreigner, composed equally of citizens and aliens.

half Bedeutung

half gainer a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward and up to complete a half backward somersault and enters the water facing the diving board
half volley a tennis return made by hitting the ball immediately after it bounces
half nelson a wrestling hold in which the holder puts an arm under the opponent's arm and exerts pressure on the back of the neck
jacksnipe half snipe
Limnocryptes minima
a small short-billed Old World snipe
combat boot
desert boot
half boot
top boot
a boot reaching halfway up to the knee
domino half mask
eye mask
a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes
Dutch door
half door
an exterior door divided in two horizontally, either half can be closed or open independently
half binding book binding in which the spine and part of the sides are bound in one material and the rest in another
half cross stitch a single cross stitch at a diagonal
half hatchet a hatchet with a broad blade on one end and a hammer head of the other
half hitch a knot used to fasten a rope temporarily to an object, usually tied double
half-length a portrait showing the body from only the waist up
half sole shoe sole extending from the shank to the toe
half track a track that goes around only rear wheels
half track a motor vehicle propelled by half tracks, frequently used by the military
undergarment worn under a skirt
half-intensity half the maximum intensity
the crescent-shaped area at the base of the human fingernail
split-half correlation
chance-half correlation
a correlation coefficient calculated between scores on two halves of a test, taken as an indication of the reliability of the test
half page something that covers (the top or bottom) half of a page
half title
bastard title
a first page of some books displaying only the title of the book
half-truth a partially true statement intended to deceive or mislead
half step
the musical interval between adjacent keys on a keyboard instrument
half note
a musical note having the time value of half a whole note
half rest a musical rest having the time value of half a whole rest or equal in duration to two beats in common time
half-and-half dressing half mayonnaise and half vinaigrette seasoned with minced garlic and mashed anchovies and grated Parmesan cheese, especially good for combination salads
half-and-half half milk and half light cream, contains % to % butterfat
a position some distance below the top of a mast to which a flag is lowered in mourning or to signal distress
Hell's Kitchen
Hell's Half Acre
a district in Manhattan formerly noted for its slums and vice
a stupid incompetent person
half blood one of siblings who have only one parent in common
half-breed an offensive term for an offspring of parents of different races (especially of Caucasian and American Indian ancestry)
changeling half-wit retard
a person of subnormal intelligence
disparaging terms for small people
half sister
a sister who has only one parent in common with you
partner married person
better half
a person's partner in marriage
half brother
a brother who has only one parent in common with you
half-light a greyish light (as at dawn or dusk or in dim interiors)
Morchella semilibera
half-free morel
cow's head
a morel with the ridged and pitted fertile portion attached to the stipe for about half its length
half-pay reduced wage paid to someone who is not working full time
time and a half a rate of pay that is . times the regular rate, for overtime work
half crown an English coin worth half a crown
half dollar
fiftyent piece
a United States coin worth half of a dollar
half eagle a former gold coin in United States worth dollars
half mile
a unit of length equal to half of mile
half pound ounces avoirdupois
one of two equal parts of a divisible whole, half a loaf, half an hour, a century and one half
b six
Captain Hicks
half a dozen
the cardinal number that is the sum of five and one
half-term a short vacation about halfway through a school term, he came to visit at half-term
half-holiday a day on which half is free from work or duty
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