
Handschreiben Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Handschreiben n
handwritten letter
Handschreiben n
handwritten letter
Handschrauber m techn.
handheld screwdriver
Handschrauber m techn.
Handschrauber pl
handheld screwdriver
handheld screwdrivers
Handschreiben n
handwritten letter
Handschrift f, Schrift f
Handschriften pl
Handschrift f, Schreibschrift f
Handschriften pl
Handschrift f
akkurat (Handschrift) adj
schlechte Handschrift
hand writing
Drehbuch, Handschrift
Handschrift f; Schrift f
Handschriften pl
unleserliche Handschrift; Pfote f ugs.
Er hat eine schlechte Schrift.
unreadable handwriting
He has a bad handwriting.; He has a poor hand.
Handschrift f; Schreibschrift f
Handschriften pl
Handschrift f
saubere Handschrift
schlechte Handschrift
clear penmanship
poor penmanship
Kringel m (Handschrift)
circular squiggle (handwriting)
jds. Markenzeichen n; jds. Handschrift n; jds. persönliche Note f
der Humor der zu ihrem Markenzeichen geworden ist
die herrlich schmeckenden Saucen aus natürlichen Zutaten für die er bekannt ist
ein zeitloser Duft mit einer unverwechselbaren maskulinen Note
Der Hüftschwung war sein Markenzeichen.
sb.'s signature
the humor that has become her signature
the great tasting sauces with natural ingredients that are his signature
a timeless fragrance with a unique masculine signature
The hip shake was his signature.
kindlich; kindhaft; infantil med.; pueril psych. adj
kindliche Begeisterung
eine kindliche Handschrift
unkindlich adj
childlike; childish
childlike enthusiasm
a childish handwriting
schlechte Handschrift f
unlesbar; nicht zu entziffern; unverständlich adj
eine unlesbare Handschrift
eine unverständliche Mitteilung
ein Kode der nicht zu entschlüsseln ist
an indecipherable handwriting
an indecipherable message
an indecipherable code
unverwechselbar; unverkennbar; jdm. eigen; für jdn. typisch charakteristisch; ganz persönlich; klassisch adj
sein unverwechselbarer Gesangsstil
eine Markenkollektion econ.
die hauseigene Kosmetikmarke
die hoteleigenen Körperpflegesets
die klassischen Gewürze der thailändischen Küche
Mit der neuen Inszenierung fand der Choreograph zu seiner Handschrift zu seinem ganz persönlichen Stil zurück.
signature ...
his signature singing style
a signature collection
a company's signature brand of cosmetics
a hotel's signature toiletries
the signature flavours of Thai cookery
The choreographer's new staging is a return to his signature style.
normale Handschrift f
(etw.) mit der Hand schreiben
to write (sth.) in longhand
(regelmäßig wiederkehrender) Aktionstag m pol.
Aktionstage pl
internationaler Aktionstag; Welttag
nationaler Aktionstag
internationaler Holocaust-Gedenktag; Welttag des Gedenkens an die Holocaust-Opfer
nationaler Tag der Handschrift
Tag des Datenschutzes
Weltflüchtlingstag m
Welttag des audiovisuellen Erbes
awareness day; observance
awareness days; observances
international awareness day; international observance; World Day
national awareness day; national observance
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
National Handwriting Day
Data Privacy Day; Data Protection Day
World Refugee Day
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
jds. Handschrift f; jds. Schrift f ling.
Handschriften pl
saubere Handschrift
schlechte Handschrift
kleine, gedrängte Schrift; winzige Schrift
unleserliche Handschrift; Pfote f ugs.
Seine Handschrift ist miserabel.
sb.'s handwriting; sb.'s hand; sb.'s writing; sb.'s script; sb.'s penmanship
clear handwriting
kindergarten penmanship
poor penmanship
crabbed writing
unreadable handwriting
He has a bad handwriting.; He has a poor hand.
alte Handschrift f; altes Manuskript n
ancient manuscript (handwritten document)
jds. Markenzeichen n; jds. Handschrift n; jds. persönliche Note f
der Humor, der zu ihrem Markenzeichen geworden ist
die herrlich schmeckenden Saucen aus natürlichen Zutaten, für die er bekannt ist
ein zeitloser Duft mit einer unverwechselbaren maskulinen Note
Der Hüftschwung war sein Markenzeichen.
sb.'s signature
the humor that has become her signature
the great tasting sauces with natural ingredients that are his signature
a timeless fragrance with a unique masculine signature
The hip shake was his signature.
antike Handschrift f; antike Schrift f; antikes Manuskript n
palaeograph Br.; paleograph Am.
groß schreiben; eine große Handschrift haben v ling.
Er schreibt groß.
to have a large handwriting
His handwriting is large.
händisches Schreiben n; Handschrift f (im Gegensatz zu Druckschrift oder Tippen) ling.
etwas Handgeschriebenes
etw. mit der Hand schreiben
longhand (as opposed to printing or typing)
something written in longhand
to write sth. (out) in longhand
klein schreiben; eine kleine Handschrift haben v ling.
Sie schreibt sehr klein.
to have a small handwriting
Her handwriting is very small.
unlesbar; nicht zu entziffern; unverständlich adj
eine unlesbare Handschrift
eine unverständliche Mitteilung
ein Kode, der nicht zu entschlüsseln ist
an indecipherable handwriting
an indecipherable message
an indecipherable code
unverwechselbar; unverkennbar; jdm. eigen; für jdn. typisch charakteristisch; ganz persönlich; klassisch adj
sein unverwechselbarer Gesangsstil
eine Markenkollektion econ.
die hauseigene Kosmetikmarke
die hoteleigenen Körperpflegesets
die klassischen Gewürze der thailändischen Küche
Mit der neuen Inszenierung fand der Choreograph zu seiner Handschrift zu seinem ganz persönlichen Stil zurück.
signature …
his signature singing style
a signature collection
a company's signature brand of cosmetics
a hotel's signature toiletries
the signature flavours of Thai cookery
The choreographer's new staging is a return to his signature style.
Drehbuecher, Handschriften
Forensisches Informationssystem Handschriften Dt. FISH (Kriminaltechnik) n
forensic handwriting identification system (forensics)
Umschrift f; Transkription f (Ãœbertragung aus einer Schrift in eine andere) ling.
Transkription alter Handschriften
Ãœbertragung in Lateinschrift; Transkription in Lateinschrift
transcription (from one script into another)
transcription of ancient manuscripts
Graphologie f; Handschriftendeutung f
Kodikologie f; Handschriftenkunde f
codicology; study of codices or manuscript books
Handschriftenprobe f
Handschriftenproben pl
specimen of a handwriting
specimens of handwriting
Handschriftenvergleich m
comparison of handwriting; handwriting comparison
handgeschrieben, handschriftlich, von Hand geschrieben adj
handschriftlich; mit der Hand adv
ein Formular handschriftlich ausfüllen
in handwriting; by hand
to complete a form in handwriting
handgeschrieben; handschriftlich; von Hand geschrieben adj
handgeschrieben; handschriftlich; von Hand geschrieben adj ling.
eine handgeschriebene Notiz
ein handschriftlicher Entwurf
handwritten; longhand
a handwritten note
a longhand draft
Randnotiz f (handschriftliche Notiz)
Randnotizen pl
note in the margin
notes in the margin
Buchhaltung f; Buchführung f; Rechnungsführung f econ. adm.
Betriebsbuchhaltung f BEBU ; Betriebsbuchführung f; kalkulatorische Buchführung; Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung f KLR ; Kosten- und Erlösrechnung f KER ; Kostenrechnung f; Betriebsergebnisrechnung f; Betriebsabrechnung f; internes Rechnungswesen n
Finanzbuchhaltung f FIBU ; Geschäftsbuchhaltung f; kaufmännische Buchhaltung; pagatorische Buchführung; externes Rechnungswesen
einfache Buchhaltung; einfache Buchführung
doppelte Buchhaltung; doppelte Buchführung
elektronische Buchhaltung; elektronische Buchführung
Gemeinkostenrechnung f
handschriftliche Buchhaltung; handschriftliche Buchführung
Kostenstellenrechnung f
Lagerkostenrechnung f
Lohnbuchhaltung Dt. Schw.; Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung Dt. Schw.; Lohn- und Gehaltsverrechnung Ös.; Lohnverrechnung Ös.; Personalverrechnung Ös.
Maschinenbuchhaltung; Maschinenbuchführung
Steuerbuchhaltung f
die Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Buchführung GoB
allgemein anerkannte Buchführungsgrundsätze
Buchführung f und Fakturierung f
bookkeeping accounting; bookkeeping accountancy; bookkeeping
operational accounting; management accounting; managerial accounting; cost and performance accounting; cost accounting; shop accounting; internal accounting
financial bookkeeping; administrative accounting; external accounting
eingle-entry bookkeeping
double-entry bookkeeping
electronic bookkeeping
overhead accounting
manual bookkeeping
cost centre accounting Br.; cost center accounting Am.
inventory cost accounting
wage accounting; personnel accounting; payroll accounting Am.
machine bookkeeping
tax accounting
sound accounting practice
generally accepted accounting principles GAAP Am.
accounting and billing
Manuskript n Mskr. ; Manus n Ös. Schw. ugs. (ausgearbeitete, handschriftliche Vorlage für eine Rede oder ein Druckwerk)
Manuskripte pl; Manus pl
Vorlesungsmanuskript n
maschingeschriebenes Manuskript; Typoskript
lecture script
signieren; mit eigener Hand schreiben; autographieren v
signierend; mit eigener Hand schreibend
signiert; mit eigener Hand geschrieben
handschriftlicher Brief
handschriftliches unterschriebenes Manuskript
to autograph
autographed letter
autographed manuscript; signed
signieren; mit eigener Hand schreiben; autographieren v
signierend; mit eigener Hand schreibend
signiert; mit eigener Hand geschrieben
handschriftlicher Brief
handschriftliches, unterschriebenes Manuskript
to autograph
autographed letter
autographed manuscript; signed
Holograph m (handschriftliches Dokument des Verfassers)
Zeichenerkennung f comp.
optische Zeichenerkennung; Texterkennung f
Handschrifttexterkennung f
character recognition
optical character recognition OCR
handwriting recognition
Zeichenerkennung f comp.
optische Zeichenerkennung; Texterkennung f
Handschrifttexterkennung f
character recognition
optical character recognition OCR
handwriting recognition

Deutsche Handschreiben Synonyme


Englische handwritten letter Synonyme

Handschreiben Definition

Black letter
() The old English or Gothic letter, in which the Early English manuscripts were written, and the first English books were printed. It was conspicuous for its blackness. See Type.
(a.) Written or printed in black letter
(a.) Given to the study of books in black letter
(a.) Of or pertaining to the days in the calendar not marked with red letters as saints' days. Hence: Unlucky
(n.) One who lets or permits
(n.) One who retards or hinders.
(n.) A mark or character used as the representative of a sound, or of an articulation of the human organs of speech
(n.) A written or printed communication
(n.) A writing
(n.) Verbal expression
(n.) A single type
(n.) Learning
(n.) A letter
(v. t.) To impress with letters
(n.) A circular letter, written or printed for the purpose of disseminating news. This was the name given to the earliest English newspapers.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a red letter
Sea letter
() The customary certificate of national character which neutral merchant vessels are bound to carry in time of war

handwritten letter Bedeutung

letter bomb
parcel bomb
package bomb
a thin explosive device inside an envelope or package and detonated when opened
letter case case for carrying letters
letter opener
paper knife
dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed or to slit uncut pages of books
letter box
a private box for delivery of mail
mailbox letter box
public box for deposit of mail
Post-Office box
PO Box
call box letter box
a numbered compartment in a post office where mail is put to be called for
letter paper
paper cut to an appropriate size for writing letters, usually with matching envelopes
letter telegram a cheaper form of telegram that is sent abroad for delivery the next day
four-letter word
four-letter Anglo-Saxon word
any of several short English words (often having letters) generally regarded as obscene or offensive
Letter of Jeremiah
Epistle of Jeremiah
an Apocryphal book consisting of a letter ascribed to Jeremiah to the Jews in exile in Babylon warning them against idolatry
letter of marque
letters of marque
letter of mark and reprisal
a license to a private citizen to seize property of another nation
night letter a cheaper form of telegram sent for delivery the next day
a written message addressed to a person or organization, mailed an indignant letter to the editor
business letter a letter dealing with business
covering letter
cover letter
a letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information
crank letter a hostile (usually anonymous) letter
encyclical letter
a letter from the pope sent to all Roman Catholic bishops throughout the world
fan letter a letter that is a piece of fan mail
personal letter a letter dealing with personal affairs
form letter a letter that is printed in multiple copies and mailed to a list of recipients
open letter a letter of protest, addressed to one person but intended for the general public
chain letter a letter that is sent successively to several people
airmail letter
air letter
a letter sent by air mail
note short letter
line billet
a short personal letter, drop me a line when you get there
love letter
billet doux
a personal letter to a loved one expressing affection
dead letter
dead mail
mail that can neither be delivered nor returned
letter of intent any letter expressing an intention to take (or forgo) some action
market letter a newsletter written by an analyst of the stock market and sold to subscribers
letter varsity letter an award earned by participation in a school sport, he won letters in three sports
capital letter
upperase letter
one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis, printers once kept the type for capitals and for small letters in separate cases, capitals were kept in the upper half of the type case and so became known as upperase letters
small letter
lowerase letter
the characters that were once kept in bottom half of a compositor's type case
Gothic black letter a heavy typeface in use from th to th centuries
letter letter of the alphabet
alphabetic character
the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech, his grandmother taught him his letters
polyphonic letter
a letter that has two or more pronunciations, `c' is a polyphone because it is pronounced like `k' in `car' but like `s' in `cell'
block letter
block capital
a plain hand-drawn letter
scarlet letter the letter A in red, Puritans required adulterers to wear it
runic letter
any character from an ancient Germanic alphabet used in Scandinavia from the rd century to the Middle Ages, each rune had its own magical significance
letter a strictly literal interpretation (as distinct from the intention), he followed instructions to the letter, he obeyed the letter of the law
letter writer
someone who communicates by means of letters
letter owner who lets another person use something (housing usually) for hire
mail carrier
letter carrier
a man who delivers the mail
letter of credit a document issued by a bank that guarantees the payment of a customer's draft, substitutes the bank's credit for the customer's credit
commercial letter of credit a letter of credit given to a business concern for commercial purposes
traveler's letter of credit
traveller's letter of credit
a letter of credit given to a traveler
letter security a stock or bond that is not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and cannot be sold in the public market
investment letter a letter of intent saying that a letter security is being bought for investment and not for resale, avoids need for SEC registration
letter stock stock that has not been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and cannot be sold to the general public
letter bond a bond that has not been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and cannot be sold to the general public
dead letter
the state of something that has outlived its relevance
letter paper writing paper for use in writing correspondence
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