
Hauptverhandlungsrichter Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Hauptverhandlungsrichter m; Tatrichter m jur.
Hauptverhandlungsrichter pl; Tatrichter pl
Richter in der ersten Instanz
trial judge
trial judges
initial trial judge
Hauptverhandlungsrichter m; Tatrichter m jur.
Hauptverhandlungsrichter pl; Tatrichter pl
Richter in der ersten Instanz
trial judge
trial judges
initial trial judge
Vorgeplänkel n; Ouvertüre f (zu etw.) übtr.
die Vorstufe zu etw. sein; ein Vorgeschmack auf etw. sein
der Vorbote einer Stagnation sein econ.
im Vorfeld der Hauptveranstaltung
preliminary; prelude; ouverture (to sth.) fig.
to be a prelude to sth.
to be a prelude to stagnation
as a preliminary prelude to the main event
verantwortlich; zuständig (für) adj
am verantwortlichsten
hauptverantwortlich adj
verantwortlich sein für
verantwortlich gemacht werden für
jdn. verantwortlich machen für
der fachlich zuständige Minister; der Fachminister m adm.
responsible (for)
more responsible
most responsible
primarily responsible; mainly responsible
to be responsible for
to be held responsible for
to hold sb. responsible for
the responsible minister
verantwortlich (für etw.); schuldtragend (an etw.) adj
hauptverantwortlich sein
etw. zu verantworten haben
jdn. für etw. verantwortlich machen; jdm. die Schuld an etw. geben
für etw. verantwortlich gemacht werden
responsible (for sth.)
to be primarily responsible; to be mainly responsible
to be responsible for sth.
to hold sb. responsible for sth.
to be held responsible for sth.
Verantwortlicher m; Verantwortliche f; verantwortliche Person f
Verantwortlichen pl; Verantwortliche
die Verantwortlichen; die Verantwortungsträger pl
Hauptverantwortlicher m; Hauptverantwortliche f
person in charge; person responsible; chargeman Am.
persons in charge; persons responsible; chargemen
those responsible; those with responsibility; the officials
(person) primarily responsible; (person) mainly responsible; main person responsible
Hauptverantwortung f
main responsibility
bei jdm. bleiben; bei jdm. verbleiben v übtr.
bleibend; verbleibend
geblieben; verblieben
Das letzte Wort hat der Präsident.
Die Hauptverantwortung für die Einhaltung der Vorschriften verbleibt aber bei den Mitgliedsstaaten.
to rest with sb.; to remain with sb. fig. fig.
resting with; remaining with
rested with; remained with
The final say rests with the President.
However, the primary responsibility for compliance remains with the member states themselves.
Hauptstrecke f; Hauptverbindung f; Fernstrecke f (Bahn)
Hauptstrecken pl; Hauptverbindungen pl; Fernstrecken pl
main route; main track; mail line; trunk line (railway)
main routes; main tracks; mail lines; trunk lines
main consumer
principal consumer
Hauptverdächtige m f , Hauptverdächtiger
Hauptverdächtigen pl, Hauptverdächtige
prime suspect
prime suspects
Hauptverdächtige m f; Hauptverdächtiger
Hauptverdächtigen pl; Hauptverdächtige
prime suspect; lead suspect; chief suspect
prime suspects; lead suspects; chief suspects
Hauptverdächtige m,f; Hauptverdächtiger
Hauptverdächtigen pl; Hauptverdächtige
prime suspect; lead suspect; chief suspect
prime suspects; lead suspects; chief suspects
main earner
main wage earner
principal earner
Hauptverdiener m, Hauptverdienerin f
Hauptverdiener pl, Hauptverdienerinnen pl
principal earner, main wage earner, main earner
principal earner, main wage earners, main earners
Hauptverdiener m; Hauptverdienerin f
Hauptverdiener pl; Hauptverdienerinnen pl
principal earner; main wage earner; main earner
principal earner; main wage earners; main earners
Hauptverfahren n jur.
main (court) proceedings
Hauptverfahren n
main proceedings
Hauptverhandlung f
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
vor der Hauptverhandlung
trial, actual trial, main hearing
trials, actual trials, main hearings
Gerichtsverhandlung f; Hauptverhandlung f; (mündliche) Verhandlung f jur.
vor der Hauptverhandlung
einen Termin für die Verhandlung anberaumen
die Verhandlung fortsetzen
ein Verfahren ohne mündliche Verhandlung erledigen
to assign a day for trial
to proceed with the trial
to dispose of a case without trial
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
trial; actual trial; main hearing
trials; actual trials; main hearings
Hauptverhandlung f
Hauptverhandlungen pl
main negotiation
main negotiations
Hauptverhandlungsrichter m; Tatrichter m jur.
Hauptverhandlungsrichter pl; Tatrichter pl
Richter in der ersten Instanz
trial judge
trial judges
initial trial judge
Hauptverkehr m
bulk of the traffic
Hauptverkehrsader f; Magistrale f
Hauptverkehrsadern pl; Magistralen pl
main transportation channel
main transportation channels
Hauptverkehrsader f; Verkehrsader f; Hauptverkehrsstraße f; Hauptdurchfahrtsstraße f; Hauptdurchgangsstraße f Dt.; Hauptdurchzugsstraße f Ös. auto
Hauptverkehrsadern pl; Verkehrsadern pl; Hauptverkehrsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchfahrtsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchgangsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchzugsstraßen pl
arterial road; arterial highway; traffic artery; artery; major road Br.; A-road Br.; major highway Am.
arterial roads; arterial highways; traffic arteries; arteries; major roads; A-roads; major highways
Hauptverkehrsader f; Verkehrsader f; Hauptstrecke f; Hauptabfuhrstrecke f Dt. HAS (Bahn); Magistrale f adm. transp.
radial verlaufende Verkehrsader
transversal verlaufende Verkehrsader; Querverbindung f
transport artery; main arterial route; main line of route
radial artery; radial route
transverse artery; main cross-country route
main artery road
Hauptverkehrsstraße f
Hauptverkehrsstraßen pl
main road, mainroad
main roads, mainroads
Hauptverkehrsstraße f
Hauptverkehrsstraßen pl
main road; mainroad; A-road
main roads; mainroads; A-road
Tangente f (Hauptverkehrsstraße am Rande einer Großstadt) auto
Südost-Tangente f
peripheral road Br.; peripheral highway Am. (in a big city)
South-East Ring Road
rush hours
Hauptverkehrsweg m
Hauptverkehrswege pl
major traffic pathway
major traffic pathways
Hauptverkehrszeit f
außerhalb der Hauptverkehrszeit
rush hour
rush hour
werktäglich adj; Werktags…; an Werktagen (nachgestellt)
Werktagsverkehr m
die werktägliche Arbeitszeit; die Werktagsarbeitszeit
die Busse an Werktagen
die Hauptverkehrszeit an Werktagen
weekday; during the weekdays (postpositive); during the work week (postpositive)
weekday traffic
weekday working hours
the weekday busses
the weekday rush hour
außerordentliche Hauptversammlung
extraordinary general meeting
Generalversammlung, Hauptversammlung
general meeting
general assembly
shareholders' meeting
Hauptversammlung f
Hauptversammlung f der Aktionäre
außerordentliche Hauptversammlung f
general business meeting
shareholders' general meeting
extraordinary general meeting
general business meeting
Hauptversammlung f (Veranstaltung) adm. econ.
Hauptversammlungen pl
Hauptversammlung f der Aktionäre; Aktionärshauptversammlung f
außerordentliche Hauptversammlung
ordentliche Hauptversammlung
Einberufung der Hauptversammlung
eine Hauptversammlung einberufen
general business meeting; general meeting
general business meetings; general meetings
(general) meeting of shareholders Br. stockholders Am.; shareholders' stockholder's meeting
extraordinary general meeting; special general meeting
ordinary shareholder's meeting Br.; regular meeting (of stockholders) Am.
calling of a general business meeting; calling of a shareholder's stockholder's meeting
to call convene a shareholder's stockholder's meeting
Hauptversammlung f (Gremium) adm. econ.
Beschluss der Hauptversammlung; Hauptversammlungsbeschluss
Die Hauptversammlung fasst Beschlüsse mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit.
company in general meeting
resolution of the company in general meeting; shareholder's Br. stockholder's Am. resolution
The shareholders Br. stockholders Am. adopt a resolution by simple majority.
etw. dolmetschen; verdolmetschen Dt. v (von einer in eine Sprache) ling.
dolmetschend; verdolmetschend
gedolmetscht; verdolmetscht
die Gesamtzahl gedolmetschter verdolmetschter Tagungen
die Qualität der gedolmetschten Rede
Plenartagungen und Sitzungen von parlamentarischen Gremien werden gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Eine Sprache wird direkt im Saal und die anderen in den Kabinen gedolmetscht.
Diese Dolmetscherin hat auch schon auf der Hauptversammlung Italienisch gedolmetscht.
Bei der organisierten Führung soll gedolmetscht werden es wird dabei aber nicht mehr als zwei zu dolmetschende Sprachen geben.
Redebeiträge werden in die übrigen Arbeitssprachen gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Tagungen mit Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Ländern müssen unter Umständen in mehrere Sprachen gedolmetscht verdolmetscht werden.
to interpret sth.; to provide interpretation for sth. (from into a language)
the total number of meetings with interpretation
the quality of the interpreted speech
Interpretation is provided for plenary sessions and meetings of parliamentary bodies.
One language will be interpreted in the room itself and the others from the booths.
This interpreter has already interpreted Italian at the shareholders' general meeting.
The guided tour needs interpretation but there will be no more than two languages to be interpreted.
Contributions will be interpreted into the other working languages.
Meetings involving participants from different countries may require interpretation into a number of languages.
(gemeinsamer) Beschluss m; Entschließung f; Resolution f; Motion f Schw. (eines politischen Gremiums) pol.
Beschlüsse pl; Entschließungen pl; Resolutionen pl; Motionen pl
gemeinsamer Beschluss (von)
eine Entschließung einbringen
eine Entschließung verabschieden
(in einer Abstimmung) einen Beschluss verabschieden
der in der Hauptversammlung gefasste Beschluss
resolution (of a political body)
joint resolution (of)
to table a resolution Br.; to introduce move a resolution; to sponsor a resolution
to adopt pass carry a resolution
to adopt a resolution; to vote a resolution
the resolution passed at the shareholders' meeting
etw. dolmetschen; verdolmetschen Dt. v (von einer in eine Sprache) ling.
dolmetschend; verdolmetschend
gedolmetscht; verdolmetscht
die Gesamtzahl gedolmetschter verdolmetschter Tagungen
die Qualität der gedolmetschten Rede
Plenartagungen und Sitzungen von parlamentarischen Gremien werden gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Eine Sprache wird direkt im Saal und die anderen in den Kabinen gedolmetscht.
Diese Dolmetscherin hat auch schon auf der Hauptversammlung Italienisch gedolmetscht.
Bei der organisierten Führung soll gedolmetscht werden, es wird dabei aber nicht mehr als zwei zu dolmetschende Sprachen geben.
Redebeiträge werden in die übrigen Arbeitssprachen gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Tagungen mit Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Ländern müssen unter Umständen in mehrere Sprachen gedolmetscht verdolmetscht werden.
to interpret sth.; to provide interpretation for sth. (from into a language)
the total number of meetings with interpretation
the quality of the interpreted speech
Interpretation is provided for plenary sessions and meetings of parliamentary bodies.
One language will be interpreted in the room itself and the others from the booths.
This interpreter has already interpreted Italian at the shareholders' general meeting.
The guided tour needs interpretation, but there will be no more than two languages to be interpreted.
Contributions will be interpreted into the other working languages.
Meetings involving participants from different countries may require interpretation into a number of languages.
Hauptversorgungsleitung f; Hauptleitung f; Stammleitung f electr.
electric main
Hauptgasleitung f; Gas-Hauptleitung f; Hauptversorgungsleitung f für Gas
Hauptgasleitungen pl; Gas-Hauptleitungen pl; Hauptversorgungsleitungen pl für Gas
gas main
gas mains
Hauptverteiler m electr.
main distribution frame
Hauptverteilung f
main distribution board
chief agent
Hauptvertreter, Generalvertreter
principal agent
Zentralverwaltung, Hauptverwaltung
head office
Hauptverwaltung f
head office
head office
an Ihre Hauptverwaltung
to your main office
Hauptverwaltung f; Hauptgeschäftsstelle f; Zentrale f adm. econ.
Hauptverwaltungen pl; Hauptgeschäftsstellen pl; Zentralen pl
principal place of business; head office HO
principal places of business; head offices
Gulag n (Akronym für russ. Glavnoye Upravleniye ispravitelno-trudovyh Lagerey - Hauptverwaltung der Arbeitslager)
Gulag; GULAG (acronym for Russian Glavnoye Upravleniye ispravitelno-trudovyh Lagerey - The Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps)
Hauptverwaltung f; Hauptgeschäftsstelle f; Hauptniederlassung f; Zentrale f adm. econ.
Hauptverwaltungen pl; Hauptgeschäftsstellen pl; Hauptniederlassungen pl; Zentralen pl
principal place of business; head office HO
principal places of business; head offices
root directory
Hauptverzeichnis n
main directory
Hauptverzeichnis n comp.
root directory

Deutsche Hauptverhandlungsrichter Synonyme

Englische trial judge Synonyme

trial  Olympic games  Olympics  R and D  acid test  adverse circumstances  adversity  affliction  aggravation  agony  anguish  annoyance  approach  arrangement  assay  assize  attempt  audition  bad luck  bad news  bane  basic training  bedevilment  bid  blank determination  blight  blue book  bore  bother  botheration  bothersomeness  bout  briefing  brouillon  bummer  calvary  care  change of venue  check  checking  clearing the decks  complication  concours  conditional  contest  control  control experiment  controlled experiment  court-martial  crack  crashing bore  criterion  cross  cross-examination  crown of thorns  crucial test  crucible  curse  cut and try  cut-and-try  deltoid  derby  determination  determined  devilment  difficulties  difficulty  distress  docimasy  dogging  downer  drag  dry run  dual  effort  empirical  empiricism  encounter  endeavor  engagement  enquiry  equipment  essay  exam  examen  examination  exasperation  experiment  experimental  experimental design  experimental method  experimental proof  experimentalism  experimentation  exploratory  familiarization  fan-shaped  feeling out  fiery ordeal  fight  final  final examination  first draft  fixing  fling  foundation  gambit  game  games  go  great go  grief  groundwork  gymkhana  harassment  hard knocks  hard life  hard lot  hard luck  hard times  hardcase  hardship  harrying  hassle  headache  hearing  heartbreak  heuristic  hit and miss  hit-or-miss  honors  hounding  inquest  inquiry  inquisition  irritant  irritation  joust  jury trial  kiteflying  lawsuit  lick  litigation  makeready  making ready  manufacture  match  matching  meet  meeting  midsemester  midterm  misery  misfortune  mistrial  mobilization  molestation  move  noble experiment  nuisance  number  offer  oral  oral examination  ordeal  persecution  pest  pilot  plague  planning  plight  plural  pragmatism  prearrangement  predicament  prelim  preliminaries  preliminary  preliminary act  preliminary step  prep  p  
trial and error  R and D  approach  assay  attempt  bid  control  control experiment  controlled experiment  crack  cut and try  effort  empiricism  endeavor  essay  experiment  experimental design  experimental method  experimental proof  experimentalism  experimentation  fling  gambit  go  hit and miss  lick  move  noble experiment  offer  pragmatism  research and development  rule of thumb  shot  stab  step  stroke  strong bid  tentative  tentative method  tentativeness  test  testing  trial  trial run  try  trying  undertaking  whack  
trial balloon  barometer  bone of contention  catechism  cross-interrogatory  cross-question  debating point  demand  feeler  inquiry  interrogation  interrogative  interrogatory  issue  leader  leading question  moot point  pilot balloon  point at issue  point in question  probe  problem  query  question  question at issue  question mark  quodlibet  random sample  sample  sound  sounder  straw vote  topic  trial  vexed question  weather vane  weathercock  
trial run  Gedankenexperiment  audition  bench test  dry run  experimentation  flight test  hearing  pilot plan  practical test  practice  rehearsal  road test  shakedown  shakedown cruise  test  test flight  test run  trial  trial and error  tryout  workout  

Hauptverhandlungsrichter Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to the beginning
(a.) Placed at the beginning
(n.) The first letter of a word or a name.
(v. t.) To put an initial to
(v. i.) A public officer who is invested with authority to hear and determine litigated causes, and to administer justice between parties in courts held for that purpose.
(v. i.) One who has skill, knowledge, or experience, sufficient to decide on the merits of a question, or on the quality or value of anything
(v. i.) A person appointed to decide in a/trial of skill, speed, etc., between two or more parties
(v. i.) One of supreme magistrates, with both civil and military powers, who governed Israel for more than four hundred years.
(v. i.) The title of the seventh book of the Old Testament
(a.) To hear and determine, as in causes on trial
(a.) To assume the right to pass judgment on another
(v. t.) To compare facts or ideas, and perceive their relations and attributes, and thus distinguish truth from falsehood
(v. t.) To hear and determine by authority, as a case before a court, or a controversy between two parties.
(v. t.) To examine and pass sentence on
(v. t.) To arrogate judicial authority over
(v. t.) To determine upon or deliberation
(v. t.) To exercise the functions of a magistrate over
(n.) The act of trying or testing in any manner.
(n.) Any effort or exertion of strength for the purpose of ascertaining what can be done or effected.
(n.) The act of testing by experience
(n.) Examination by a test
(n.) The state of being tried or tempted
(n.) That which tries or afflicts
(n.) The formal examination of the matter in issue in a cause before a competent tribunal

trial judge / trial judges / initial trial judge Bedeutung

trial and error experimenting until a solution is found
the act of testing something, in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately, he called each flip of the coin a new trial
clinical trial
clinical test
a rigorously controlled test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on human subjects, in the United States it is conducted under the direction of the FDA before being made available for general clinical use
phase I clinical trial
phase I
a clinical trial on a few persons to determine the safety of a new drug or invasive medical device, for drugs, dosage or toxicity limits should be obtained
phase II clinical trial
phase II
a clinical trial on more persons than in phase I, intended to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment for the condition it is intended to treat, possible side effects are monitored
phase III clinical trial
phase III
a large clinical trial of a treatment or drug that in phase I and phase II has been shown to be efficacious with tolerable side effects, after successful conclusion of these clinical trials it will receive formal approval from the FDA
phase IV clinical trial
phase IV
sometimes the FDA approves a drug for general use but requires the manufacturer to continue to monitor its effects, during this phase the drug may be tried on slightly different patient populations than those studied in earlier trials
preclinical trial
preclinical test
preclinical phase
a laboratory test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on animal subjects, conducted to gather evidence justifying a clinical trial
test trial the act of undergoing testing, he survived the great test of battle, candidates must compete in a trial of skill
field trial a test of young hunting dogs to determine their skill in pointing and retrieving
initial public offering
initial offering
a corporation's first offer to sell stock to the public
trial (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law, he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty, most of these complaints are settled before they go to trial
trial by ordeal
a primitive method of determining a person's guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under divine control, escape was usually taken as a sign of innocence
Scopes trial a highly publicized trial in when John Thomas Scopes violated a Tennessee state law by teaching evolution in high school, Scopes was prosecuted by William Jennings Bryan and defended by Clarence Darrow, Scopes was convicted but the verdict was later reversed
show trial a trial held for show, the guilt of the accused person has been decided in advance
academic gown
academic robe
judge's robe
a gown worn by academics or judges
trial balloon a balloon sent up to test air currents
right to speedy and public trial by jury a civil right guaranteed by the th amendment to the US Constitution
trial run
test tryout
trying something to find out about it, a sample for ten days free trial, a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain
field trial
field test
a test of the performance of some new product under the conditions in which it will be used
trial balloon a test of public opinion
Book of Judges
a book of the Old Testament that tells the history of Israel under the leaders known as judges
proof test copy
trial impression
(printing) an impression made to check for errors
initial the first letter of a word (especially a person's name), he refused to put the initials FRS after his name
initial rhyme
beginning rhyme
head rhyme
use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse, around the rock the ragged rascal ran
an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event, his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him, life is full of tribulations, a visitation of the plague
field trial a contest between gun dogs to determine their proficiency in pointing and retrieving
trial (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications, the trials for the semifinals began yesterday
trial court the first court before which the facts of a case are decided
back judge a football official
an authority who is able to estimate worth or quality
field judge a football official
a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice
judge advocate a staff officer serving as legal adviser to a military commander
judge advocate an officer assigned to the judge advocate general
judge advocate general the senior legal advisor to a branch of the military
line judge football official who assists the referee by keeping track of the official time during the game
side judge a football official
trial attorney
trial lawyer
a lawyer who specializes in defending clients before a court of law
trial judge a judge in a trial court
trial balance a balance of debits and credits in double-entry bookkeeping, drawn up to test their equality
trial period
test period
a period of time during which someone or something is tested
evaluate pass judgment
form a critical opinion of, I cannot judge some works of modern art, How do you evaluate this grant proposal? We shouldn't pass judgment on other people
judge determine the result of (a competition)
guess judge
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time), I estimate this chicken to weigh three pounds
label judge
pronounce judgment on, They labeled him unfit to work here
initial mark with one's initials
judge adjudicate try put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of, The football star was tried for the murder of his wife, The judge tried both father and son in separate trials
trial-and-error relating to solving problems by experience rather than theory, they adopted a trial-and-error procedure
trial-and-error trying out various means or theories until error is satisfactorily reduced or eliminated, he argued that all learning is a trial-and-error process that resembles biological evolution
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