
Hauptverteilung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Hauptverteilung f
main distribution board
Hauptverteilung f
main distribution board
Vorgeplänkel n; Ouvertüre f (zu etw.) übtr.
die Vorstufe zu etw. sein; ein Vorgeschmack auf etw. sein
der Vorbote einer Stagnation sein econ.
im Vorfeld der Hauptveranstaltung
preliminary; prelude; ouverture (to sth.) fig.
to be a prelude to sth.
to be a prelude to stagnation
as a preliminary prelude to the main event
verantwortlich; zuständig (für) adj
am verantwortlichsten
hauptverantwortlich adj
verantwortlich sein für
verantwortlich gemacht werden für
jdn. verantwortlich machen für
der fachlich zuständige Minister; der Fachminister m adm.
responsible (for)
more responsible
most responsible
primarily responsible; mainly responsible
to be responsible for
to be held responsible for
to hold sb. responsible for
the responsible minister
verantwortlich (für etw.); schuldtragend (an etw.) adj
hauptverantwortlich sein
etw. zu verantworten haben
jdn. für etw. verantwortlich machen; jdm. die Schuld an etw. geben
für etw. verantwortlich gemacht werden
responsible (for sth.)
to be primarily responsible; to be mainly responsible
to be responsible for sth.
to hold sb. responsible for sth.
to be held responsible for sth.
Verantwortlicher m; Verantwortliche f; verantwortliche Person f
Verantwortlichen pl; Verantwortliche
die Verantwortlichen; die Verantwortungsträger pl
Hauptverantwortlicher m; Hauptverantwortliche f
person in charge; person responsible; chargeman Am.
persons in charge; persons responsible; chargemen
those responsible; those with responsibility; the officials
(person) primarily responsible; (person) mainly responsible; main person responsible
Hauptverantwortung f
main responsibility
bei jdm. bleiben; bei jdm. verbleiben v übtr.
bleibend; verbleibend
geblieben; verblieben
Das letzte Wort hat der Präsident.
Die Hauptverantwortung für die Einhaltung der Vorschriften verbleibt aber bei den Mitgliedsstaaten.
to rest with sb.; to remain with sb. fig. fig.
resting with; remaining with
rested with; remained with
The final say rests with the President.
However, the primary responsibility for compliance remains with the member states themselves.
Hauptstrecke f; Hauptverbindung f; Fernstrecke f (Bahn)
Hauptstrecken pl; Hauptverbindungen pl; Fernstrecken pl
main route; main track; mail line; trunk line (railway)
main routes; main tracks; mail lines; trunk lines
main consumer
principal consumer
Hauptverdächtige m f , Hauptverdächtiger
Hauptverdächtigen pl, Hauptverdächtige
prime suspect
prime suspects
Hauptverdächtige m f; Hauptverdächtiger
Hauptverdächtigen pl; Hauptverdächtige
prime suspect; lead suspect; chief suspect
prime suspects; lead suspects; chief suspects
Hauptverdächtige m,f; Hauptverdächtiger
Hauptverdächtigen pl; Hauptverdächtige
prime suspect; lead suspect; chief suspect
prime suspects; lead suspects; chief suspects
main earner
main wage earner
principal earner
Hauptverdiener m, Hauptverdienerin f
Hauptverdiener pl, Hauptverdienerinnen pl
principal earner, main wage earner, main earner
principal earner, main wage earners, main earners
Hauptverdiener m; Hauptverdienerin f
Hauptverdiener pl; Hauptverdienerinnen pl
principal earner; main wage earner; main earner
principal earner; main wage earners; main earners
Hauptverfahren n jur.
main (court) proceedings
Hauptverfahren n
main proceedings
Hauptverhandlung f
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
vor der Hauptverhandlung
trial, actual trial, main hearing
trials, actual trials, main hearings
Gerichtsverhandlung f; Hauptverhandlung f; (mündliche) Verhandlung f jur.
vor der Hauptverhandlung
einen Termin für die Verhandlung anberaumen
die Verhandlung fortsetzen
ein Verfahren ohne mündliche Verhandlung erledigen
to assign a day for trial
to proceed with the trial
to dispose of a case without trial
Hauptverhandlung f jur.
Hauptverhandlungen pl
trial; actual trial; main hearing
trials; actual trials; main hearings
Hauptverhandlung f
Hauptverhandlungen pl
main negotiation
main negotiations
Hauptverhandlungsrichter m; Tatrichter m jur.
Hauptverhandlungsrichter pl; Tatrichter pl
Richter in der ersten Instanz
trial judge
trial judges
initial trial judge
Hauptverkehr m
bulk of the traffic
Hauptverkehrsader f; Magistrale f
Hauptverkehrsadern pl; Magistralen pl
main transportation channel
main transportation channels
Hauptverkehrsader f; Verkehrsader f; Hauptverkehrsstraße f; Hauptdurchfahrtsstraße f; Hauptdurchgangsstraße f Dt.; Hauptdurchzugsstraße f Ös. auto
Hauptverkehrsadern pl; Verkehrsadern pl; Hauptverkehrsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchfahrtsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchgangsstraßen pl; Hauptdurchzugsstraßen pl
arterial road; arterial highway; traffic artery; artery; major road Br.; A-road Br.; major highway Am.
arterial roads; arterial highways; traffic arteries; arteries; major roads; A-roads; major highways
Hauptverkehrsader f; Verkehrsader f; Hauptstrecke f; Hauptabfuhrstrecke f Dt. HAS (Bahn); Magistrale f adm. transp.
radial verlaufende Verkehrsader
transversal verlaufende Verkehrsader; Querverbindung f
transport artery; main arterial route; main line of route
radial artery; radial route
transverse artery; main cross-country route
main artery road
Hauptverkehrsstraße f
Hauptverkehrsstraßen pl
main road, mainroad
main roads, mainroads
Hauptverkehrsstraße f
Hauptverkehrsstraßen pl
main road; mainroad; A-road
main roads; mainroads; A-road
Tangente f (Hauptverkehrsstraße am Rande einer Großstadt) auto
Südost-Tangente f
peripheral road Br.; peripheral highway Am. (in a big city)
South-East Ring Road
rush hours
Hauptverkehrsweg m
Hauptverkehrswege pl
major traffic pathway
major traffic pathways
Hauptverkehrszeit f
außerhalb der Hauptverkehrszeit
rush hour
rush hour
werktäglich adj; Werktags…; an Werktagen (nachgestellt)
Werktagsverkehr m
die werktägliche Arbeitszeit; die Werktagsarbeitszeit
die Busse an Werktagen
die Hauptverkehrszeit an Werktagen
weekday; during the weekdays (postpositive); during the work week (postpositive)
weekday traffic
weekday working hours
the weekday busses
the weekday rush hour
außerordentliche Hauptversammlung
extraordinary general meeting
Generalversammlung, Hauptversammlung
general meeting
general assembly
shareholders' meeting
Hauptversammlung f
Hauptversammlung f der Aktionäre
außerordentliche Hauptversammlung f
general business meeting
shareholders' general meeting
extraordinary general meeting
general business meeting
Hauptversammlung f (Veranstaltung) adm. econ.
Hauptversammlungen pl
Hauptversammlung f der Aktionäre; Aktionärshauptversammlung f
außerordentliche Hauptversammlung
ordentliche Hauptversammlung
Einberufung der Hauptversammlung
eine Hauptversammlung einberufen
general business meeting; general meeting
general business meetings; general meetings
(general) meeting of shareholders Br. stockholders Am.; shareholders' stockholder's meeting
extraordinary general meeting; special general meeting
ordinary shareholder's meeting Br.; regular meeting (of stockholders) Am.
calling of a general business meeting; calling of a shareholder's stockholder's meeting
to call convene a shareholder's stockholder's meeting
Hauptversammlung f (Gremium) adm. econ.
Beschluss der Hauptversammlung; Hauptversammlungsbeschluss
Die Hauptversammlung fasst Beschlüsse mit einfacher Stimmenmehrheit.
company in general meeting
resolution of the company in general meeting; shareholder's Br. stockholder's Am. resolution
The shareholders Br. stockholders Am. adopt a resolution by simple majority.
etw. dolmetschen; verdolmetschen Dt. v (von einer in eine Sprache) ling.
dolmetschend; verdolmetschend
gedolmetscht; verdolmetscht
die Gesamtzahl gedolmetschter verdolmetschter Tagungen
die Qualität der gedolmetschten Rede
Plenartagungen und Sitzungen von parlamentarischen Gremien werden gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Eine Sprache wird direkt im Saal und die anderen in den Kabinen gedolmetscht.
Diese Dolmetscherin hat auch schon auf der Hauptversammlung Italienisch gedolmetscht.
Bei der organisierten Führung soll gedolmetscht werden es wird dabei aber nicht mehr als zwei zu dolmetschende Sprachen geben.
Redebeiträge werden in die übrigen Arbeitssprachen gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Tagungen mit Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Ländern müssen unter Umständen in mehrere Sprachen gedolmetscht verdolmetscht werden.
to interpret sth.; to provide interpretation for sth. (from into a language)
the total number of meetings with interpretation
the quality of the interpreted speech
Interpretation is provided for plenary sessions and meetings of parliamentary bodies.
One language will be interpreted in the room itself and the others from the booths.
This interpreter has already interpreted Italian at the shareholders' general meeting.
The guided tour needs interpretation but there will be no more than two languages to be interpreted.
Contributions will be interpreted into the other working languages.
Meetings involving participants from different countries may require interpretation into a number of languages.
(gemeinsamer) Beschluss m; Entschließung f; Resolution f; Motion f Schw. (eines politischen Gremiums) pol.
Beschlüsse pl; Entschließungen pl; Resolutionen pl; Motionen pl
gemeinsamer Beschluss (von)
eine Entschließung einbringen
eine Entschließung verabschieden
(in einer Abstimmung) einen Beschluss verabschieden
der in der Hauptversammlung gefasste Beschluss
resolution (of a political body)
joint resolution (of)
to table a resolution Br.; to introduce move a resolution; to sponsor a resolution
to adopt pass carry a resolution
to adopt a resolution; to vote a resolution
the resolution passed at the shareholders' meeting
etw. dolmetschen; verdolmetschen Dt. v (von einer in eine Sprache) ling.
dolmetschend; verdolmetschend
gedolmetscht; verdolmetscht
die Gesamtzahl gedolmetschter verdolmetschter Tagungen
die Qualität der gedolmetschten Rede
Plenartagungen und Sitzungen von parlamentarischen Gremien werden gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Eine Sprache wird direkt im Saal und die anderen in den Kabinen gedolmetscht.
Diese Dolmetscherin hat auch schon auf der Hauptversammlung Italienisch gedolmetscht.
Bei der organisierten Führung soll gedolmetscht werden, es wird dabei aber nicht mehr als zwei zu dolmetschende Sprachen geben.
Redebeiträge werden in die übrigen Arbeitssprachen gedolmetsch verdolmetscht.
Tagungen mit Teilnehmern aus verschiedenen Ländern müssen unter Umständen in mehrere Sprachen gedolmetscht verdolmetscht werden.
to interpret sth.; to provide interpretation for sth. (from into a language)
the total number of meetings with interpretation
the quality of the interpreted speech
Interpretation is provided for plenary sessions and meetings of parliamentary bodies.
One language will be interpreted in the room itself and the others from the booths.
This interpreter has already interpreted Italian at the shareholders' general meeting.
The guided tour needs interpretation, but there will be no more than two languages to be interpreted.
Contributions will be interpreted into the other working languages.
Meetings involving participants from different countries may require interpretation into a number of languages.
Hauptversorgungsleitung f; Hauptleitung f; Stammleitung f electr.
electric main
Hauptgasleitung f; Gas-Hauptleitung f; Hauptversorgungsleitung f für Gas
Hauptgasleitungen pl; Gas-Hauptleitungen pl; Hauptversorgungsleitungen pl für Gas
gas main
gas mains
Hauptverteiler m electr.
main distribution frame
Hauptverteilung f
main distribution board
chief agent
Hauptvertreter, Generalvertreter
principal agent
Zentralverwaltung, Hauptverwaltung
head office
Hauptverwaltung f
head office
head office
an Ihre Hauptverwaltung
to your main office
Hauptverwaltung f; Hauptgeschäftsstelle f; Zentrale f adm. econ.
Hauptverwaltungen pl; Hauptgeschäftsstellen pl; Zentralen pl
principal place of business; head office HO
principal places of business; head offices
Gulag n (Akronym für russ. Glavnoye Upravleniye ispravitelno-trudovyh Lagerey - Hauptverwaltung der Arbeitslager)
Gulag; GULAG (acronym for Russian Glavnoye Upravleniye ispravitelno-trudovyh Lagerey - The Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps)
Hauptverwaltung f; Hauptgeschäftsstelle f; Hauptniederlassung f; Zentrale f adm. econ.
Hauptverwaltungen pl; Hauptgeschäftsstellen pl; Hauptniederlassungen pl; Zentralen pl
principal place of business; head office HO
principal places of business; head offices
root directory
Hauptverzeichnis n
main directory
Hauptverzeichnis n comp.
root directory

Deutsche Hauptverteilung Synonyme

Englische main distribution board Synonyme

main  Africa  Antarctica  Asia  Australia  Eurasia  Eurasian landmass  Europe  North America  South America  absolute  all-absorbing  arch  awful  banner  basic  big  big drink  biggest  blue  blue water  brine  briny  brute  capital  cardinal  central  champion  channel  chief  cock  comprehensive  conduit  consequential  considerable  continent  controlling  crazy  critical  crowning  crucial  damned  deep  dominant  dreadful  drink  duct  effort  electric cable  energy  essential  exceedingly  exhaustive  extremely  fire main  first  focal  foremost  front  full  fundamental  gas main  grand  grave  great  greatest  head  headmost  heavy  hegemonic  high sea  high seas  highest  hydrosphere  in the main  intense  irresistible  landmass  largest  larruping  leading  line  magisterial  maiden  main sea  mainland  mainly  mains  major  master  maximum  mere  might  mighty  monstrous  necessary  ocean  ocean depths  ocean main  ocean sea  out-and-out  outstanding  overriding  overruling  paramount  particular  peninsula  pipe  pipeline  plain  plenary  power  power supply  powerful  predominant  predominating  preeminent  premier  preponderant  prevailing  primal  primary  prime  principal  pure  ranking  ruling  salt sea  salt water  sea  serious  sheer  sovereign  star  stellar  strength  strong  strongest  subcontinent  supereminent  supreme  thalassa  the bounding main  the brine  the briny  the briny deep  the deep  the deep sea  the seven seas  the vasty deep  tide  topflight  topmost  total  uppermost  utter  vigor  vital  water main  
main drag  Autobahn  US highway  alley  alleyway  arterial  arterial highway  arterial street  artery  autoroute  autostrada  avenue  belt highway  blind alley  boulevard  bypass  byway  camino real  carriageway  causeway  causey  chaussee  circumferential  close  corduroy road  county road  court  crescent  cul-de-sac  dead-end street  dike  dirt road  drive  driveway  expressway  freeway  gravel road  highroad  highway  highways and byways  interstate highway  lane  local road  main road  mews  motorway  parkway  pave  paved road  pike  place  plank road  primary highway  private road  right-of-way  ring road  road  roadbed  roadway  route nationale  row  royal road  secondary road  speedway  state highway  street  superhighway  terrace  thoroughfare  through street  thruway  toll road  township road  turnpike  wynd  
main line  L  branch  cable railway  cog railway  el  electric railway  elevated  elevated railway  embankment  feeder  feeder line  gravity-operated railway  horse railway  junction  light railroad  line  metro  monorail  rack railway  rack-and-pinion railway  rail  rail line  railroad  railway  roadbed  roadway  sidetrack  siding  street railway  streetcar line  subway  switchback  terminal  terminus  track  tram  tramline  trestle  trolley line  trunk  trunk line  tube  turnout  underground  
main office  CP  GHQ  HQ  base  base of operations  booking office  box office  branch  branch office  cabinet  center of authority  central administration  central office  central station  chambers  chancellery  chancery  closet  command post  company headquarters  consulate  corporate headquarters  den  embassy  executive office  general headquarters  headquarters  home office  legation  office  seat  shop  study  ticket office  
main point  basis  bench mark  burden  cardinal point  case  chapter  chief thing  climax  concern  core  cornerstone  crisis  critical point  crux  essence  essential  essential matter  focus of attention  focus of interest  fundamental  gist  gravamen  great point  head  heading  heart  high point  important thing  issue  kernel  keystone  landmark  living issue  main thing  material point  matter  matter in hand  meat  milestone  motif  motive  nub  pith  pivot  point  point at issue  point in question  problem  question  real issue  recap  recapitulation  resume  rubric  run-through  rundown  salient point  sine qua non  subject  subject matter  subject of thought  substance  substantive point  sum  sum and substance  summary  summation  text  the bottom line  the point  theme  topic  turning point  
mainlining  antitoxin  bag  bang  booster  booster dose  booster shot  deck  dose  draft  dropping  drug packet  fix  hit  hypodermic  hypodermic injection  injection  inoculation  jet injection  narcotic injection  narcotic shot  overdose  popping  portion  potion  shooting up  shot  skin-popping  vaccination  vaccine  
mainly  a fortiori  ab initio  ab ovo  aborigine  above all  all in all  all the more  all things considered  almost entirely  altogether  approximately  as a rule  as a whole  as an approximation  as per usual  as things go  as usual  at bottom  at first  at large  at the start  before everything  broadly  broadly speaking  by and large  chiefly  commonly  customarily  dominantly  effectively  effectually  especially  essentially  even  ever so  first  first and foremost  first of all  first thing  firstly  from the beginning  generally  generally speaking  habitually  in chief  in general  in the beginning  in the main  indeed  initially  largely  more than ever  most often  mostly  naturally  never so  no end  normally  normatively  on balance  on the whole  ordinarily  originally  overall  particularly  peculiarly  predominantly  prescriptively  prevailingly  primarily  primo  principally  regularly  roughly  roughly speaking  routinely  speaking generally  still more  substantially  to be expected  usually  virtually  yea  
mainspring  ambition  aspiration  basis  calling  cause  consideration  font  fount  fountain  fountainhead  goal  ground  guiding light  guiding star  headspring  headstream  headwater  ideal  inspiration  intention  lodestar  matter  mine  motive  principle  quarry  reason  riverhead  sake  score  source  spring  springhead  ulterior motive  vocation  well  wellhead  wellspring  
mainstay  Maecenas  abettor  admirer  advocate  afford support  aficionado  alpenstock  angel  apologist  arm  athletic supporter  back  back up  backbone  backer  backing  bandeau  bear  bear up  bearer  bolster  bolster up  bra  brace  bracer  bracket  brassiere  buff  bulwark  buoy up  buttress  cane  carrier  carry  cervix  champion  corset  cradle  crook  crutch  cushion  defender  dependence  encourager  endorser  exponent  fan  favorer  foundation garment  friend at court  fulcrum  girdle  give support  guy  guywire  hold  hold up  jock  jockstrap  keep afloat  keep up  lend support  lover  main strength  maintain  maintainer  mast  neck  paranymph  partisan  patron  pillar  pillow  promoter  prop  protagonist  reinforce  reinforcement  reinforcer  reliance  rest  resting place  rigging  second  seconder  sectary  sheet anchor  shore  shore up  shoulder  shroud  sider  sinews  spine  sponsor  sprit  staff  stalwart  standby  standing rigging  stave  stay  stick  stiffener  strengthener  subsidize  subvention  support  supporter  sustain  sustainer  sympathizer  underbrace  undergird  underlie  underpin  underset  upbear  uphold  upholder  upkeep  votary  walking stick  well-wisher  
mainstream  Zeitgeist  bearing  course  current  direction  drift  glacial movement  line  main current  motion  movement  run  set  stream  swing  tenor  the general tendency  the main course  time spirit  tone  trend  
maintain  abide  accommodate  account as  advocate  affirm  afford  afford support  allege  allege in support  announce  annunciate  answer  argue  argue for  assert  assever  asseverate  assume  aver  avouch  avow  back  back up  be afraid  bear  bear out  bear up  bide  blow to  bolster  bolster up  bottle up  brace  brook no denial  buoy up  buttress  care for  carry  carry on  champion  claim  clothe  conceive  conserve  consider  contend  contend for  continue  continue to be  contribute  copyright  cork up  correct  counter  cradle  crutch  cultivate  cushion  daresay  declare  deem  defeat time  defend  defy time  donate  dwell  emphasize  endow  endure  enunciate  espouse  esteem  estimate  exist  expect  express  extend  fancy  fight for  fill  fill up  finance  find  fund  furnish  give  give support  go on  go treat  guard  guess  have  have a hunch  have an idea  have an impression  have an inkling  have the idea  hold  hold as  hold in  hold on  hold out  hold up  husband  imagine  inhibit  insist  insist on  insist upon  invest  issue a manifesto  judge  justify  keep  keep afloat  keep alive  keep going  keep in  keep intact  keep inviolate  keep on  keep safe  keep up  last  last long  last out  lay down  lend support  lengthen  live  live on  live through  lock in  look after  look upon as  mainstay  make a plea  make available  make provision for  manage  manifesto  not destroy  not endanger  not expend  not use up  not waste  nurture  opine  patent  pay the bill  perdure  perennate  perpetuate  persist  persist in  pillow  plead for  predicate  prepare  present  preserve  press  presume  prevail  proclaim  profess  prolong  pronounce  prop  prop up  protect  protest  protract  provide  provide for  put  put it  rebut  reckon  recruit  rectify  refute  regard  register  reinforce  remain  replenish  reply  repress  respond  retain  right  riposte  run  run on  save  save up  say  say in defense  set down  set down as  set up  shore  shore up  shoul  
maintenance  TLC  abidingness  age  aid  alimentation  alimony  allowance  antiquity  backing  bottling up  bread  care  carriage  carrying  conservancy  conservation  conservationism  constancy  continualness  continuance  continuation  continuity  contribution  corking up  daily bread  defeat of time  defiance of time  diuturnity  durability  durableness  duration  economic support  endowment  endurance  environmental conservation  extension  forest conservation  forest management  holding  holding in  inhibition  keep  keeping  lastingness  lengthening  livelihood  living  locking in  long standing  long-lastingness  long-livedness  longevity  maintaining  manna  meat  moral support  mothering  nourishment  nurture  paying the bills  perdurability  perennation  permanence  perpetuation  perpetuity  perseverance  persistence  prehension  preserval  preservation  price support  progress  progression  prolongation  protection  protraction  provision  psychological support  pursuance  reliance  repetition  repression  retainment  retention  retentiveness  retentivity  run  safekeeping  salt  salvage  salvation  saving  security blanket  soil conservation  stability  standing  standing treat  staying power  steadfastness  stipend  straight course  stream conservation  subsidization  subsidy  subsistence  subvention  support  supportive relationship  supportive therapy  suppression  survival  survivance  sustained action  sustaining  sustainment  sustenance  sustentation  tenacity  tender loving care  treat  uninterrupted course  unremittingness  upholding  upkeep  water conservation  way  wetlands conservation  wildlife conservation  

Hauptverteilung Definition

(n.) A piece of timber sawed thin, and of considerable length and breadth as compared with the thickness, -- used for building, etc.
(n.) A table to put food upon.
(n.) Hence: What is served on a table as food
(n.) A table at which a council or court is held. Hence: A council, convened for business, or any authorized assembly or meeting, public or private
(n.) A square or oblong piece of thin wood or other material used for some special purpose, as, a molding board
(n.) Paper made thick and stiff like a board, for book covers, etc.
(n.) The stage in a theater
(n.) The border or side of anything.
(n.) The side of a ship.
(n.) The stretch which a ship makes in one tack.
(v. t.) To cover with boards or boarding
(n.) To go on board of, or enter, as a ship, whether in a hostile or a friendly way.
(n.) To enter, as a railway car.
(n.) To furnish with regular meals, or with meals and lodgings, for compensation
(n.) To place at board, for compensation
(v. i.) To obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensation
(v. t.) To approach
(n.) The act of distributing or dispensing
(n.) Separation into parts or classes
(n.) That which is distributed.
(n.) A resolving a whole into its parts.
(n.) The sorting of types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases.
(n.) The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston
(n.) A hand or match at dice.
(n.) A stake played for at dice.
(n.) The largest throw in a match at dice
(n.) A match at cockfighting.
(n.) A main-hamper.
(v.) Strength
(v.) The chief or principal part
(v.) The great sea, as distinguished from an arm, bay, etc.
(v.) The continent, as distinguished from an island
(v.) principal duct or pipe, as distinguished from lesser ones
(a.) Very or extremely strong.
(a.) Vast
(a.) Unqualified
(a.) Principal
(a.) Important
(a.) Very
(n.) The dagger held in the left hand, while the rapier is held in the right
(n.) A hamper to be carried in the hand
Main yard
() The yard on which the mainsail is extended, supported by the mainmast.
(n.) A sounding-board.
(n.) A thin board which propagates the sound in a piano, in a violin, and in some other musical instruments.
(n.) A board or structure placed behind or over a pulpit or rostrum to give distinctness to a speaker's voice.
(n.) See Sound boarding, under Sound, a noise.
(v. t.) To nail boards upon so as to lap one over another, in order to exclude rain, snow, etc.

main distribution board Bedeutung

board game a game played on a specially designed board
shovel board
a game in which coins or discs are slid by hand across a board toward a mark
distribution the act of distributing or spreading or apportioning
distribution the commercial activity of transporting and selling goods from a producer to a consumer
distribution channel
a way of selling a company's product either directly or via distributors, possible distribution channels are wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct mailers or your own stores
surprise attack
coup de main
an attack without warning
backgammon board the board on which backgammon is played
baffle board
a flat plate that controls or directs the flow of fluid or energy
skirting board
a molding covering the joint formed by a wall and the floor
beaver board a light wallboard made of compressed wood pulp
big board the large display board at the New York Stock Exchange that reports on stocks traded on the exchange
board a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose, he nailed boards across the windows
board gameboard a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games, he got out the board and set up the pieces
board rule a measure used in computing board feet
bread board
a wooden or plastic board on which dough is kneaded or bread is sliced
bulletin board
notice board
a board that hangs on a wall, displays announcements
bulletin board system
bulletin board electronic bulletin board
a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
butcher board
butcher block
a thick wooden slab formed by bonding together thick laminated strips of unpainted hardwood
call-board a bulletin board backstage in a theater
checker board
a board having squares of two alternating colors
chess board
a checkerboard used to play chess
chopping board
cutting board
a wooden board where meats or vegetables can be cut
circuit board
circuit card
board card plug-in
a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities
conference table
council table
council board
the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting
control panel
instrument panel
control board
board panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices, he checked the instrument panel, suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
cornice valance
valance board
a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing
CPU board
mother board
the main circuit board for a computer
cribbage board a board with pegs and regularly spaced holes for holding the pegs, used for keeping the score in a game of cribbage
dart board
a circular board of wood or cork used as the target in the game of darts
dining table
a table at which meals are served, he helped her clear the dining table, a feast was spread upon the board
display panel
display board
a vertical surface on which information can be displayed to public view
diving board a springboard from which swimmers can dive
drafting board
drawing board
a smooth board on which paper is placed for making drawings
draining board
a board beside a kitchen sink and inclined to drain into the sink
electric main a main that distributes electricity
the hinged protective covering that protects the keyboard of a piano when it is not being played
particle board
wallboard composed of wood chips or shavings bonded together with resin and compressed into rigid sheets
floor board
a board in the floor
gas main a main that distributes gas
go board a board used for playing go
headquarters central office
main office
home office
home base
(usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise, many companies have their headquarters in New York
main road
a major road for any form of motor transport
ironing board narrow padded board on collapsible supports, used for ironing clothes
ledger board top rail of a fence or balustrade
main a principal pipe in a system that distributes water or gas or electricity or that collects sewage
main course a square mainsail
main deck
second deck
the uppermost sheltered deck that runs the entire length of a large vessel
main drag the main street of a town or city
main line the principal route of a transportation system
main rotor rotor consisting of large rotating airfoils on a singleotor helicopter that produce the lift to support the helicopter in the air
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