
Haus Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

frei Haus
free to the door
frei Haus
free buyer's address
nächstes Haus
next house
Haus vermieten
let a house
im Haus lebend
live-in {adj}
(kleines) Haus
besetztes Haus
von Haus zu Haus
warehouse to warehouse
außer Haus sein
to be out
hinter dem Haus
at the back of the house
irgendwo im Haus
about the house
hellhörig (Haus)
badly soundproofed
ans Haus gebunden
confined indoors
ein Haus bewohnen
to occupy a house
Haus, unterbringen
Lieferung ans Haus
doorstep delivery
ein Haus vermieten
let a house
besetztes Haus n
Lieferung frei Haus
free delivery
ein Haus ausräumen
to strip a house of its contents
ein Haus frei machen
vacate a house
innen adv; im Haus
indoors; indoor
Anlieferung frei Haus
home delivery
innen adv, im Haus
indoors, indoor
ein Haus bauen lassen
to have a house built
Wohnort, Wohnung, Haus
In dem Haus spukt es.
There used to be ghosts in this house.
Garten hinter dem Haus
Haushalt m; Haus n
Haus möbliert vermieten
let a house furnished
Haushalt m, Haus n
innerbetrieblich; Haus…
ein zweistoeckiges Haus
a two-story building
ein Haus ausräumen v
to strip a house of its contents
Haus- und Geschäftsräume
domestic and business premises
jdm. aus dem Haus ekeln
to hound sb. out of the house
innerbetrieblich, Haus..
ausverkauft, volles Haus
full house
innerbetrieblich; Haus...
an einem Haus vorbeigehen
go by the house
das Haus zum Beben bringen
raise the roof
schlüsselfertiges Haus n
turnkey home
Reinemachen n (im Haus)
(house) cleaning
innerbetrieblich, Haus...
ein Garten hinter dem Haus
a garden behind the house
hat uns Ihr Haus empfohlen
recommended your house to us
Sie jagte ihn aus dem Haus.
She ran him out of the house.
mit der Tuer ins Haus fallen
to go like a bull at a gate
Ihr Haus als Domizil angeben
to give your house as domicile
ein kleines, aber feines Haus
a bijou house (only for describing buildings or gardens) Br.
Haus Hohenzollern n hist.
the House of Hohenzollern (one of the most prominent German noble lines)
Wohnwagen m, fahrbares Haus
mobile home
Haus halten, haushalten alt
to budget
Ich lasse mir ein Haus bauen.
I'm having a house built.
Komm mir nie wieder ins Haus.
Don't darken my door again.
ausverkauft adj; volles Haus
full house
Er muss das Bett (Haus) hüten.
He is confined to bed (the house).
billig und schäbig gebautes Haus
jerry-built house
ein Haus mit Steinfassade arch.
a stone-faced house
verwinkelt adj (Gässchen, Haus)
narrow and winding; rambling (of an alley or house)
aufs eigene Haus gezogener Wechsel
house bill
hintendran adv
hinter dem Haus
at the back
at the back of the house
stattliches Haus (Br.), Schloß (Br.)
stately home
angeboren; eigen adv; von Haus aus
etw. zur Erledigung außer Haus geben
to farm sth. out
bewohnt adj (ein Haus, eine Wohnung)
Wahlwerbung machen (von Haus zu Haus)
to canvass
ausverkauftes Haus
ausverkauft sein
to be a sellout
bewohnt adj (ein Haus eine Wohnung)
Einziehen n; Einzug m (in ein Haus)
abdecken (Haus)
to unroof
etw. zur Erledigung außer Haus geben v
to farm sth. out
Eigenwerbung, Werbung für das eigene Haus
house advertising
Fall lieber gleich mit der Tür ins Haus.
Better come straight to the point.
Wir haben das Haus gemietet (gepachtet).
We rented the house on a lease.
Rohbau m
Das Haus ist im Rohbau fertig.
shell, shell construction
The shell of the house is complete.
abdecken v (Haus)
to unroof
ein Haus das leicht in Schuss zu halten ist
a house which is easy to run
ein Haus, das leicht in Schuss zu halten ist
a house which is easy to run
Haus halten, haushalten alt, sparsam umgehen
to husband
draußen; außer Haus adv
draußen in der Welt
out in the world
draußen, außer Haus adv
draußen in der Welt
out in the world
Kunstbetrieb m (an einem einzelnen Haus) art
artistic operations (at a single house)
außer Haus erledigen lassen (von); vergeben (an)
to contract out (to)
außer Haus erledigen lassen (von), vergeben (an)
to contract out (to)
unser; unsere pron
unser Haus
einer von uns
our; of us
our house
one of us
Haschhaus n; Haus n mit einer Cannabisplantage
grow house
Halbdunkel n
im Halbdunkel vor dem Haus stehen
half-dark; semidarkness
to stand in the half-dark outside the house
unser, unsere pron
unser Haus
einer von uns
our, of us
our house
one of us
Theaterbetrieb m (an einem einzelnen Haus) art
theatre operations Br.; theater operations Am. (at a single house)
Konzertbetrieb m (an einem einzelnen Haus) art
concert operations (at a single house)
Nutzungswert m des Wohnens im eigenen Haus fin.
rental value of the taxpayer's occupation of his own house
Lieferung ans Haus; Lieferung an die Haustür transp.
doorstep delivery
wegen Alter oder Krankheit ans Haus gebundener Mensch
Voltenklammer f; Haus n ugs. (Musiknoten) mus.
volta bracket (sheet music)
Dieses Haus hat seine besten Zeiten hinter sich. übtr.
This house has seen its day. fig.
zurücksetzen (Haus ...)
to set back
setting back
set back
wegen Alter oder Krankheit ans Haus gebundener Mensch m
Sternsinger pl
als Sternsinger von Haus zu Haus ziehen
Star Boys; Epiphany carol singers; caroller
to go carol-singing carolling at Epiphany
zweistöckig, zweigeschossig adj
ein zweistöckiges Haus
a two-story building
'Wer sein Haus auf Sünden baut' (von James Werktitel) lit.
'Original Sin' (by James work title)
außer Haus sein v
außer Haus seiend
außer Haus gewesen
to be out
being out
been out
Haussuche f; Suche f nach einem Haus (zwecks Kaufs Miete)
house hunting
ehrwürdiges Gebäude n; großes Haus n; Palast m humor.
für jdn. auf sein Haus aufpassen (während dessen Abwesenheit)
to house-sit for sb. {house-sat; house-sat} (for sb.)
ans Haus gefesselt, ans Haus gebunden (z.B. wegen Krankheit)
homebound, housebound
an sich schon; von Haus aus; von Natur aus; dem Wesen nach adv
für jdn. auf sein Haus aufpassen v (während dessen Abwesenheit)
to house-sit for sb. {house-sat; house-sat} (for sb.)
Haus-zu-Haus-Klausel f (in einem Transportversicherungsvertrag)
transit clause; warehouse-to-warehouse clause (in a cargo insurance contract)
mutwillig adv
Sie haben das Haus mutwillig in Brand gesteckt.
They wantonly set fire to the house.
lebensfremder Intelligenzler m; gelehrtes Haus n ugs. pej.
longhair coll. pej. (impractical intellectual)
Nächstenliebe f
Nächstenliebe beginnt im eigenen Haus. Sprw.
charity; brotherly love
Charity begins at home. prov.
terrassenförmig, stufenförmig angelegt adj
terrassiertes Haus
split-level house
ans Haus gefesselt; ans Haus gebunden adj (z. B. wegen Krankheit)
homebound; housebound
etw. außer Haus erledigen lassen v (von); etw. vergeben v (an)
to contract out () sth. (to)
Ist die Katze aus dem Haus tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch. Sprw.
When the cat's away the mice do play. prov.
Ist die Katze aus dem Haus, tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch. Sprw.
When the cat's away, the mice do play. prov.
Schreibtisch m
Schreibtische pl
im Haus unterwegs sein adm.
not to be at your desk
Haus n ohne Aufzug Lift; Wohnung f in einem Haus ohne Aufzug Lift
walk-up Am.
jemand, der auf das Haus (eines anderen in dessen Abwesenheit) aufpasst
das Weiße Haus (Amtssitz des amerikanischen Präsidenten) arch. pol.
The White House (official residence of the American president)
Grundstück n; Haus nebst Nebengebäude; Lokal n; Räumlichkeiten pl
mit versetzten Ebenen constr.
Haus mit Räumen auf versetzten Ebenen
split-level {adj}
split-level house
mit versetzten Ebenen constr.
Haus mit Räumen auf versetzten Ebenen
split-level house
jemand der auf das Haus (eines anderen in dessen Abwesenheit) aufpasst
Hütte f (kleines Haus)
Hütten pl
Holzhütte f
Ziegelhütte f
wooden hut; (wooden) cabin
brick hut
Grundstück n, Haus nebst Nebengebäude, Lokal n, Räumlichkeiten pl
Briefkasten m (am Haus)
Briefkästen pl
elektronischer Briefkasten
letter-box; letter box Br.; mail box; mailbox Am.
letter boxes; mailboxes
electronic mailbox
Briefkasten m (am Haus)
Briefkästen pl
elektronischer Briefkasten
letter-box, letter box Br., mail box, mailbox Am.
letter boxes, mailboxes
electronic mailbox
Mobilheim n; fahrbares Haus constr.
Mobilheime pl; fahrbare Häuser
mobile home Am.
mobile homes
(umfriedeter) Grundstücksbereich m um ein Haus; Betriebsgelände n adm.
Festbeleuchtung f (innen; auch übtr.)
Festbeleuchtung im Haus haben übtr.
festive lighting
to have all lights blazing in the house
Universalhandwerker m (für diverse Arbeiten im Haus)
Universalhandwerker pl
handyman; odd-job man; odd-jobber; man-of-all work
handymen; odd-job men; odd-jobbers; men-of-all work
Festbeleuchtung f (innen; auch übtr.)
Festbeleuchtung im Haus haben übtr.
festive lighting
to have all lights blazing in the house
Haus halten, haushalten alt, sparen
Haus haltend, haushaltend alt, sparend
to economize
etw. hinaustragen v
etw. aus dem Haus tragen
to carry out () sth.
carrying out
carried out
to carry sth. out of the house
aus zweiter Hand; gut erhalten; gepflegt adj
ein gut erhaltenes gepflegtes Haus
preloved; pre-loved
a preloved house
Dogtrot-Haus n; Breezeway-Haus n (Haustyp im Südosten der USA) constr. hist.
dogtrot house; breezeway house; dog-run; possum-trot (style of house in the Southeastern of the US)
aus zweiter Hand; gut erhalten; gepflegt adj
ein gut erhaltenes gepflegtes Haus
preloved; pre-loved
a preloved house
auf ein Haus
eine Wohnung aufpassen (solange der Besitzer
die Besitzerin abwesend ist)
auf ein Haus aufpassen (durch Einzug während der Abwesenheit der eigentlichen Bewohner)
to house-sit {house-sat, house-sat} (for sb.)
treiben; jagen v
treibend; jagend
getrieben; gejagt
Sie jagte ihn aus dem Haus.
to run
She ran him out of the house.
Eingang m; Zugang m; Einfahrt f
Hauseingang m
Das Haus hat nur einen Eingang.
entrance; entranceway
entrance to a the house
The house has only one entrance.
jdm. etw. vererben v (an)
Er vererbte sein Haus an seine Kinder.
to leave sth.; to bequeath sth. (to); to will sb. (to) sth.
leaving; bequeathing; willing
left; bequeathed; willed
He left bequeathed willed his house to his children.
nach prp; +Dat. (räumlich)
nach Berlin fahren
Die Haltestelle kommt nach diesem Haus.
to; for
to travel to Berlin
The station is after this house.
günstig gelegen adj
Unser neues Haus liegt sehr günstig, ganz in der Nähe meiner Schule.
Our new house is very convenient for my school.
günstig gelegen adj
Unser neues Haus liegt sehr günstig ganz in der Nähe meiner Schule.
Our new house is very convenient for my school.
hellhörig adj (Haus Wand)
Dieses Haus ist sehr hellhörig.
Die Wand ist sehr hellhörig.
badly soundproofed
You hear every sound in this house.
You can hear everything through that wall.

Deutsche Haus Synonyme

(eingeschossiges)  Haus  ÂBungalow  
Haus...  Âinnerbetrieblich  Âintern  
Haus  halten  Âhaushalten  Âsparen  
gewöhnlich  Âim  Normalfall  Ânormalerweise  Âstandardmäßig  Âvon  Haus  aus  
außer  Haus  erledigen  lassen  (von)  Âauslagern  Âoutsourcen  Âvergeben  (an)  
Familie  ÂFamilienbande  ÂGeblüt  ÂGeschlecht  ÂHaus  ÂSippe  ÂStamm  
Grundeigentum  ÂHaus  und  Grundstück  ÂImmobilie  ÂLiegenschaft  Âunbewegliches  Eigentum  
Bau  ÂBehausung  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂBude  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂEigenheim  ÂHaus  ÂHütte  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂHeim  
(eingeschossiges) Haus  Bungalow  
Haus halten  haushalten  sparen  
Haus...  innerbetrieblich  intern  
außer Haus erledigen lassen (von)  vergeben (an)  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Haus Synonym nachschlagen

Englische home Synonyme

home  Heaven  Paradise  VA hospital  Vaterland  a better place  abode  accessible  adept in  afterlife  afterworld  almshouse  ancestral halls  asylum  at ease  at home  available  bailiwick  base hospital  birthplace  chimney corner  clinic  comfortable  commorancy  community hospital  composed  convalescent home  convalescent hospital  conversant with  cosy  cradle  cuttingly  deeply  destiny  diggings  digs  domal  domestic  domicile  domiciliary  dwelling  effectively  emphasize  eternal home  evacuation hospital  familiar with  family  family homestead  fate  fatherland  field hospital  fireplace  fireside  foster home  foyer  future state  general hospital  habitat  habitation  halfway house  harshly  haunt  haven  hearth  hearth and home  hearthstone  home place  home roof  home sweet home  homeground  homeland  homestead  homewards  hospice  hospital  hospitium  house  household  impress upon  in  infirmary  ingle  inglenook  ingleside  inland  inpatient clinic  institution  internal  intestine  la patrie  life after death  life to come  living quarters  locality  lodgings  maison de sante  make clear  manorial  mansional  menage  mental hospital  mother country  motherland  municipal  national  native  native environment  native land  native soil  next world  nursing home  orphanage  osteopathic hospital  otherworld  outpatient clinic  palatial  paternal roof  patria  peaceful  place  placid  policlinic  polyclinic  poor farm  poorhouse  postexistence  private hospital  proficient in  profoundly  proprietary hospital  public hospital  range  refuge  relaxed  residence  residency  residential  residentiary  rest home  retreat  roof  rooftree  sanatorium  serene  severely  shelter  sick bay  sickbed  sickroom  site  skilled in  snug harbor  soil  special hospital  stamping  station hospital  stress  surgical hospital  teaching hospital  tellingly  territory  the beyond  the good hereafter  the grave  the great beyond  the great hereafter  the hereafter  the o  
home economics  baking  barbecuing  basting  boiling  braising  brewing  broil  broiling  catering  cookery  cooking  cuisine  culinary science  domestic economy  domestic management  domestic science  frying  grilling  homemaking  housekeeping  housewifery  husbandry  menage  nutrition  pan-broiling  poaching  roasting  sauteing  searing  shirring  simmering  steeping  stewing  toasting  
home in on  allocate  assign  collocate  deploy  dispose  emplace  fix  get a fix  home on  identify  install  localize  locate  map  navigate  pick up  pin down  pinpoint  place  position  put in place  receive  scan  situate  spot  sweep  triangulate  trigger  tune in  zero in on  
home rule  Declaration of Independence  absolute monarchy  aristocracy  autarchy  autarky  autocracy  autonomy  coalition government  colonialism  commonwealth  constitutional government  constitutional monarchy  democracy  dictatorship  dominion rule  duarchy  duumvirate  dyarchy  federal government  federation  feudal system  garrison state  gerontocracy  heteronomy  hierarchy  hierocracy  independence  individualism  inner-direction  limited monarchy  martial law  meritocracy  militarism  military government  mob rule  mobocracy  monarchy  neocolonialism  ochlocracy  oligarchy  pantisocracy  patriarchate  patriarchy  police state  pure democracy  regency  representative democracy  representative government  republic  rugged individualism  self-containment  self-determination  self-direction  self-government  self-reliance  self-sufficiency  social democracy  stratocracy  technocracy  thearchy  theocracy  totalitarian government  totalitarian regime  triarchy  triumvirate  tyranny  welfare state  
homebody  Diogenes  Hieronymian  Hieronymite  Timon of Athens  anchoress  anchorite  ascetic  bedridden invalid  cloistered monk  closet cynic  desert fathers  desert saints  eremite  hermit  hermitess  invalid  isolationist  loner  marabout  outcast  pariah  pillar saint  pillarist  recluse  seclusionist  shut-in  solitaire  solitary  solitudinarian  stay-at-home  stylite  
homeless  abandoned  alienated  alone  aloof  apart  bankrupt  bums  companionless  defenseless  derelict  deserted  desolate  destitute  detached  down-and-out  exiled  fatherless  forlorn  forsaken  fortuneless  friendless  godforsaken  helpless  houseless  in the gutter  in the red  insolvent  insular  isolated  kithless  landless  lone  lonely  lonesome  moneyless  motherless  out of funds  outcast  penniless  propertyless  removed  rootless  separate  separated  single-handed  solitary  solo  stateless  unabetted  unaccompanied  unaided  unassisted  unattended  unescorted  unestablished  unfriended  unharbored  unhoused  unplaced  unseconded  unsettled  unsupported  vagabond  withdrawn  without a sou  
homelike  cheerful  comfortable  comfy  commodious  contented  convenient  cozy  cushioned  cushiony  cushy  easeful  easy  friendly  habitable  homely  homey  homish  inhabitable  intimate  livable  lived-in  lodgeable  luxurious  occupiable  peaceful  plain  relaxing  reposeful  restful  roomy  simple  snug  soft  tenantable  unpretending  warm  
homely  Attic  Babbittish  Bohemian  Philistine  Spartan  affable  amiable  ascetic  austere  bald  bare  baseborn  basic  beautiless  below the salt  blemished  blotted  bourgeois  cacophonic  cacophonous  campy  candid  casual  chaste  cheerful  classic  classical  cockney  comfortable  comfy  commodious  common  commonplace  congenial  contented  convenient  cordial  cosy  cozy  cushioned  cushiony  cushy  defaced  degage  direct  disfigured  domestic  dry  dull  dysphemistic  dysphemized  easeful  easy  easygoing  elementary  essential  everyday  familiar  folksy  frank  free and easy  friendly  fundamental  garden  garden-variety  general  gracious  haymish  high-camp  homelike  homespun  homey  homish  homogeneous  household  humble  humble-looking  humble-visaged  humblest  ill-favored  indivisible  inelegant  informal  inglorious  innocuous  intimate  irreducible  irregular  kitschy  lean  least  lived-in  loose  low  low-camp  lowborn  lowbred  lowest  lowliest  lowly  luxurious  marred  matter-of-fact  mean  mere  modest  monolithic  natural  neat  nonclerical  nondescript  of a piece  offhand  offhanded  open  ordinary  peaceful  plain  plain-speaking  plain-spoken  plebeian  poor  pop  popular  primal  primary  prosaic  prosing  prosy  public  pure  pure and simple  relaxed  relaxing  reposeful  restful  roomy  rude  rustic  serene  severe  shabby-genteel  short on looks  simon-pure  simple  simple-speaking  single  small  snug  sober  sociable  soft  spare  spoiled  stark  straightforward  teachable  third-estate  tranquil  uglified  ugly  ugly as hell  ugly as sin  unadorned  unaesthetic  unaffected  unalluring  unassuming  unattractive  unbeauteous  unbeautiful  unceremonious  uncluttered  uncomely  unconstrained  unconventional  undifferenced  undifferentiated  undistinguished  unelaborate  ungarnished  ungenteel  unhandsome  uniform  unimaginative  unimportant  unlovely  unofficial  unornamented  unostentatious  unpleasing  unpoetical  unpretending  
homemade  assembled  built  cast  constructed  crafted  created  custom  custom-built  custom-made  extracted  fabricated  fashioned  forged  formed  gathered  grown  handcrafted  handmade  harvested  homespun  machine-made  machined  made  made to order  man-made  manufactured  milled  mined  molded  prefab  prefabricated  processed  put together  raised  ready-for-wear  ready-formed  ready-made  ready-prepared  ready-to-wear  refined  shaped  smelted  well-built  well-constructed  well-made  
homeostasis  aplomb  balance  balanced personality  constancy  cool  equilibrium  fastness  firmness  imperturbability  invariability  nerve  reliability  rootedness  sang-froid  secureness  security  solidity  soundness  stability  stable equilibrium  stable state  steadfastness  steadiness  steady nerves  steady state  substantiality  undeflectability  uniformity  unshakable nerves  unshakableness  
homer  carrier  carrier pigeon  goal  grand slam  hit  hole  hole in one  home run  homing pigeon  mail car  mail coach  mail packet  mail train  mail truck  mailer  mailplane  packet boat  pigeon post  post boat  post car  post coach  post-horse  post-office car  poster  railway mail car  score  slam  strike  touchdown  
Homeric  Alcaic  Anacreontic  Atlantean  Brobdingnagian  Castalian  Cyclopean  Gargantuan  Herculean  Hudibrastic  Pierian  Pindaric  Theocritean  abysmal  astronomic  bardic  bucolic  colossal  didactic  dithyrambic  dramatic  eclogic  elegiac  elephantine  enormous  epic  giant  giantlike  gigantic  heroic  huge  idyllic  immense  infinite  jumbo  mammoth  mighty  mock-heroic  monster  monstrous  monumental  mountainous  narrative  pastoral  poetic  poetico-mystical  poetico-mythological  poetico-philosophic  poetlike  prodigious  profound  rhapsodic  runic  sapphic  skaldic  stupendous  titanic  towering  tremendous  vast  
homespun  Attic  Babbittish  Philistine  Spartan  amateur  amateurish  arcadian  ascetic  assembled  austere  bald  bare  basic  bourgeois  broken  bucolic  built  bumpy  campy  candid  cast  chaste  choppy  classic  classical  coarse  coarse-grained  common  commonplace  constructed  corrugated  crafted  created  cross-grained  crude  custom  custom-built  custom-made  direct  down-to-earth  dry  dull  elementary  essential  everyday  extracted  fabricated  fashioned  forged  formed  frank  fundamental  garden  garden-variety  gathered  general  genuine  grainy  granulated  grown  handcrafted  handmade  harvested  high-camp  homely  homemade  homogeneous  horripilant  household  inartificial  indivisible  inelegant  inequal  irreducible  irregular  jolty  kitschy  lean  linsey-woolsey  low-camp  machine-made  machined  made  made to order  man-made  manufactured  matter-of-fact  mere  milled  mined  molded  monolithic  native  natural  naturelike  neat  nondescript  of a piece  open  ordinary  pastoral  pimply  pitted  plain  plain-speaking  plain-spoken  plebeian  pocky  pop  popular  potholed  prefab  prefabricated  primal  primary  processed  prosaic  prosing  prosy  public  pure  pure and simple  put together  raised  rank  ready-for-wear  ready-formed  ready-made  ready-prepared  ready-to-wear  refined  ripply  rough  rough-cast  rough-grained  rough-hewn  rude  ruffled  rural  rustic  rutted  rutty  severe  shagged  shaggy  shaped  simon-pure  simple  simple-speaking  single  smelted  sober  spare  stark  straightforward  textured  unadorned  unaffected  unartificial  unassuming  uncluttered  undesigning  undifferenced  undifferentiated  undisguising  undissembling  undissimulating  unembellished  uneven  unfeigning  uniform  unimaginative  unkempt  unlevel  unpoetical  unpolished  unpretending  unpretentious  unprofessional  unrefined  unsmooth  unsophisticated  unspoiled  ununiform  unvarnished  vernacular  well-built  well-constructed  well-made  wimpled    
homestead  ancestral halls  arable land  barnyard  barton  cattle ranch  chicken farm  chimney corner  collective farm  cotton plantation  croft  dairy farm  demesne  demesne farm  dry farm  dude ranch  estate  factory farm  fallow  family homestead  farm  farmery  farmhold  farmland  farmplace  farmstead  farmyard  fireplace  fireside  foyer  fruit farm  fur farm  grain farm  grange  grassland  hacienda  hearth  hearth and home  hearthstone  home  home place  home roof  home sweet home  homecroft  homefarm  house and grounds  house and lot  household  ingle  inglenook  ingleside  kibbutz  kolkhoz  location  mains  manor farm  menage  messuage  orchard  pasture  paternal roof  pen  place  plantation  poultry farm  ranch  rancheria  rancho  roof  rooftree  sheep farm  station  steading  stock farm  toft  truck farm  
homesteader  colonial  colonist  colonizer  hirer  immigrant  incumbent  leaseholder  lessee  lodger  nester  occupant  occupier  paying guest  pioneer  planter  precursor  renter  resident  roomer  settler  sooner  squatter  sublessee  subtenant  tenant  tenant at sufferance  tenant for life  underlessee  
homeward  anticlockwise  approaching  arriving  clockwise  coming  counterclockwise  earthward  entering  heavenward  homeward-bound  inbound  incoming  inward-bound  landward  leeward  leftward  rightward  seaward  widdershins  windward  
homeward bound  approaching  arriving  at sea  coming  entering  homeward  homeward-bound  in blue water  in soundings  inbound  incoming  inward-bound  making way  off soundings  off the course  off the heading  under bare poles  under sail  under way  with sails spread  with way on  
homework  assignment  busywork  chalk talk  chare  charge  chore  commission  discourse  disquisition  duty  errand  exercise  exposition  fish to fry  harangue  homily  instruction  job  job of work  labor  lecture  lecture-demonstration  lesson  make-work  matters in hand  mission  moral  moral lesson  morality  moralization  object lesson  odd job  piece of work  preachment  project  recital  recitation  sermon  service  set task  skull session  stint  talk  task  teaching  things to do  work  
homey  Bohemian  affable  casual  cheerful  comfortable  comfy  commodious  contented  convenient  cordial  cozy  cushioned  cushiony  cushy  degage  easeful  easy  easygoing  familiar  folksy  free and easy  friendly  gracious  haymish  homelike  homely  homish  informal  intimate  irregular  lived-in  loose  luxurious  natural  offhand  offhanded  peaceful  plain  relaxed  relaxing  reposeful  restful  roomy  simple  snug  sociable  soft  unaffected  unassuming  unceremonious  unconstrained  unconventional  unofficial  unpretending  unstudied  warm  

Haus Definition

(n.) The gathering and bringing home of the harvest
(n.) The song sung by reapers at the feast made at the close of the harvest
(n.) A service of thanksgiving, at harvest time, in the Church of England and in the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States.
(n.) The opportunity of gathering treasure.
(n.) See Homelyn.
(n.) One's own dwelling place
(n.) One's native land
(n.) The abiding place of the affections, especially of the domestic affections.
(n.) The locality where a thing is usually found, or was first found, or where it is naturally abundant
(n.) A place of refuge and rest
(n.) The home base
(a.) Of or pertaining to one's dwelling or country
(a.) Close
(adv.) To one's home or country
(adv.) Close
(adv.) To the place where it belongs
(a.) Kept at home.
(a.) Bred at home
(a.) Not polished
(n.) Return home.
(a.) Driven to the end, as a nail
(a.) Keeping at home.
(a.) Felt in one's own breast
(a.) Staying at home
(n.) A staying at home.
(n.) Direct, forcible, and effective speaking.

home Bedeutung

bell ringer
bull's eye mark home run
something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal, the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer, scored a bull's eye, hit the mark, the president's speech was a home run
home run
a base hit on which the batter scores a run
home game a game played at home
home invasion burglary of a dwelling while the residents are at home
home study a course of study carried out at home rather than in a classroom
harvest harvesting
harvest home
the gathering of a ripened crop
home banking banking in which transactions are conducted by means of electronic communication (via telephone or computer)
camping bus
motor home
a recreational vehicle equipped for camping out while traveling
detention home
detention house
house of detention
detention camp
an institution where juvenile offenders can be held temporarily (usually under the supervision of a juvenile court)
dwelling house
housing that someone is living in, he built a modest dwelling near the pond, they raise money to provide homes for the homeless
funeral home
funeral parlor
funeral parlour
funeral chapel
funeral church
a mortuary where those who knew the deceased can come to pay their last respects
headquarters central office
main office
home office
home base
(usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise, many companies have their headquarters in New York
home nursing home
rest home
an institution where people are cared for, a home for the elderly
home appliance
household appliance
an appliance that does a particular job in the home
home computer a computer intended for use in the home
home court (basketball) the court where the host team plays its home games
home-farm a farm that supplies the needs of a large estate of establishment
home plate
home base home plate
(baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab where the batter stands, it must be touched by a base runner in order to score, he ruled that the runner failed to touch home
home room
a classroom in which all students in a particular grade (or in a division of a grade) meet at certain times under the supervision of a teacher who takes attendance and does other administrative business
home theater
home theatre
television and video equipment designed to reproduce in the home the experience of being in a movie theater
mental hospital
psychiatric hospital
mental institution
institution mental home
insane asylum
a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person
mobile home
manufactured home
a large house trailer that can be connected to utilities and can be parked in one place and used as permanent housing
soap scoop max
liquid ecstasy
grievous bodily harm
Georgia home boy
easy lay
street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate
stately home a mansion that is (or formerly was) occupied by an aristocratic family
vacation home a dwelling (a second home) where you live while you are on vacation
home truth an important truth that is unpleasant to acknowledge (as about yourself)
home economics
home ec
domestic science
household arts
theory and practice of homemaking
home page
the opening page of a web site
home movie a film made at home by an amateur photographer
tonic key
home key
the basic key in which a piece of music is written
home stand a series of successive games played at a team's home field or court
home fries
home-fried potatoes
sliced pieces of potato fried in a pan until brown and crisp
home brew
an alcoholic beverage (especially beer) made at home
home folk folks from your own home town
broken home a family in which the parents have separated or divorced
foster home a household in which an orphaned or delinquent child is placed (usually by a social-service agency)
family household
house home
a social unit living together, he moved his family to Virginia, It was a good Christian household, I waited until the whole house was asleep, the teacher asked how many people made up his home
Home Office the government department in charge of domestic affairs
home front the civilian population (and their activities) of a country at war
at home a reception held in your own home
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
Freddie Mac
a corporation authorized by Congress to provide a secondary market for residential mortgages
home guard a volunteer unit formed to defend the homeland while the regular army is fighting elsewhere
National Guard
home reserve
United States military reserves recruited by the states and equipped by the federal government, subject to call by either
Home Loan Bank one of regional banks that monitor and make short-term credit advances to thrift institutions in their region
Federal Home Loan Bank System the central credit system for thrift institutions
home the country or state or city where you live, Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home, his home is New Jersey
base home the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end
home place where you live at a particular time, deliver the package to my home, he doesn't have a home to go to, your place or mine?
home away from home
home from home
a place where you are just as comfortable and content as if you were home
home ground
the type of environment in which an organism or group normally lives or occurs, a marine habitat, he felt safe on his home grounds
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