
Haushaltsbefugnis Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Haushaltsbefugnis f
budgetary power
Haushaltsbefugnis f
budgetary power
ausgeglichener Haushalt
balanced budget
den Haushalt führen
keep house
Haushalt, Budget, Haushaltsplan
im Haushalt einplanen
ordentlicher Haushalt
ordinary budget
Deckungslücke f, Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl, Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Etat m, Budget n, Haushalt m, Haushaltsplan m
Etats pl, Budgets pl, Haushalte pl, Haushaltspläne pl
etw. im Haushaltsplan vorsehen
den Haushaltsplan einhalten
im Rahmen des Budgets
to budget for sth.
to adhere to the budget
in line with the budget
Hausarbeit f, Arbeit im Haushalt, häusliche Pflichten
den Haushalt machen, den Haushalt erledigen
housework, chores {pl}, household chores {pl}
to do the chores, to housekeep {housekept, housekept}
Haushalt m
Haushalte pl
den Haushalt führen
to keep house
Haushalt m
Haushalte pl
Haushalt m
Haushalt m, Haus n
Vordermann m
auf Vordermann bringen übtr.
jdn. auf Vordermann bringen übtr.
den Haushalt auf Vordermann bringen übtr.
person in front
to pick up
to lick sb. into shape coll.
to get the house shipshape
Haushalt führen
keep house
den Haushalt fuehren
to keep house
Deckungslücke f; Deckungsloch n im Haushalt
Deckungslücken pl; Deckungslöcher pl im Haushalt
hole in the budget
holes in the budget
Ergänzungsvorlagen pl zum Haushalt
bills of bidgetary amendments
Etat m; Budget n; Haushalt m; Haushaltsplan m
Etats pl; Budgets pl; Haushalte pl; Haushaltspläne pl
Aufstellung des Haushaltsplans
etw. im Haushaltsplan vorsehen
den Haushaltsplan einhalten
im Rahmen des Budgets
Vorentwurf eines Haushaltsplans
preparation of the budget
to budget for sth.
to adhere to the budget
in line with the budget
preliminary draft budget
Hausarbeit f; Arbeit im Haushalt; häusliche Pflichten
den Haushalt machen; den Haushalt erledigen
housework; chores {pl}; household chores {pl}
to do the chores; to housekeep {housekept; housekept}
Haushalt m
Haushalte pl
im gemeinsamen Haushalt mit jdm. leben
einen getrennten Haushalt führen
Ehegatten die im gemeinsamen Haushalt leben
household; ménage (formal)
to live in the same household with sb.
to maintain separate households
husband and wife having a common household
Haushalt m; Haus n
den Haushalt führen v; wirtschaften v
den Haushalt führend; wirtschaftend
den Haushalt geführt; gewirtschaftet
Ehegatten die den Haushalt gemeinsam führen
gut wirtschaften
to keep house; to housekeep Am.
keeping house; housekeeping
kept house; housekept
spouses keeping house together
to be a good housekeeper
Haushaltsführung f
getrennte Haushaltsführung; getrennter Haushalt
housekeeping; homemaking Am.
separate housekeeping
Hausunfall m; Unfall m im Haushalt
Hausunfälle pl; Unfälle pl im Haushalt
home accident; accident in the home; domestic accident
home accidents; accidents in the home; domestic accidents
Kinderspiel n; leichte Ãœbung
Das ist ein Klacks. (leichte Ãœbung) ugs.
Dieses Gerät macht das Putzen in Ihrem Haushalt zum Kinderspiel.
Es ist eine todsichere Sache.
cinch; doddle Br.
It's a cinch. (easy task) coll.
This machine makes cleaning your home a cinch doddle.
It's a lead-pipe cinch.
Vordermann m
auf Vordermann bringen übtr.
jdn. auf Vordermann bringen übtr.
den Haushalt auf Vordermann bringen übtr.
person in front
to pick up; to reduce to order
to lick sb. into shape coll.
to get the house shipshape
etw. budgetieren; etw. etatisieren geh.; etw. im Budget Haushalt einplanen vorsehen veranschlagen v fin.
budgetierend; etatisierend; im Budget Haushalt einplanend vorsehend veranschlagend
budgetiert; etatisiert; im Budget Haushalt eingeplant vorsehen veranschlagt
im Budget nicht vorgesehen sein
to budget for sth.
budgeting for
budgeted for
not to be budgeted for
Säure-Basen-Haushalt m biochem.
acid alkaline balance
Haushalt m
Haushalte pl
im gemeinsamen Haushalt mit jdm. leben
einen getrennten Haushalt führen
Ehegatten, die im gemeinsamen Haushalt leben
household; ménage formal
to live in the same household with sb.
to maintain separate households
husband and wife having a common household
öffentlicher Haushalt m pol. fin.
Landeshaushalt m
government budget
regional budget; state budget
den Haushalt führen v; wirtschaften v
den Haushalt führend; wirtschaftend
den Haushalt geführt; gewirtschaftet
Ehegatten, die den Haushalt gemeinsam führen
gut wirtschaften
to keep house; to housekeep Am.
keeping house; housekeeping
kept house; housekept
spouses keeping house together
to be a good housekeeper
mit jdm. im selben Haushalt leben; in Haushaltsgemeinschaft leben v soc.
to live in the same household; to share a household with sb.
Haushaltsplan m; Haushalt m; Budget n; Etat m fin.
Haushaltspläne pl; Haushalte pl; Budgets pl; Etats pl
Betriebshaushalt m; Betriebsbudget n; Betriebsetat m; Funktionshaushalt m
Bundeshaushalt m; Bundesbudget n; Bundesetat m
Gesamthaushaltsplan m; Gesamthaushalt m; Gesamtetat m
Hochschulhaushalt m; Hochschuletat m
Jahreshaushalt m; Jahresetat m
Militärhaushalt m; Militärbudget n
Staatshaushalt m; Staatsbudget n; Staatsetat n
Aufstellung des Haushaltsplans
etw. im Haushaltsplan vorsehen
den Haushaltsplan einhalten
im Rahmen des Budgets
Vorentwurf eines Haushaltsplans
operating budget; operational budget
federal budget
overall budget; total budget
university budget
annual budget
military budget
national budget
preparation of the budget
to budget for sth.
to adhere to the budget
in line with the budget
preliminary draft budget
Kochgerät n cook.
Kochgeräte pl
Haushalt-Kochgeräte pl
cooking device
cooking devices
domestic cooking equipment
Unfall m
Unfälle pl
Bagatellunfall m
Brandunfall m
Haushaltsunfall m; Unfall im Haushalt; Hausunfall m
Jagdunfall m
Stromunfall m
Unfall mit Atomwaffen
ein tödlicher Unfall
ungemilderter schwerer Unfall
einen Unfall verursachen
gegen Unfall versichert sein
trivial accident
fire accident
home accident; accident in the home; domestic accident
hunting accident
electrical accident
nuclear-weapon accident
a fatal accident
unmitigated severe accident
to cause an accident
to be insured against accidents
Wäsche f (im Haushalt) textil.
clothes and linen (in the home)
Haushaltangelegenheiten pl, Hauswesen n
household affairs, household matters, the household
Haushaltangelegenheiten pl; Hauswesen n
household affairs; household matters; the household
Haushaltbefragung f
Haushaltbefragungen pl
household survey
household surveys
Budgetbeschränkung f, Haushaltbeschränkung f
Budgetbeschränkungen pl, Haushaltbeschränkungen pl
weiche Budgetbeschränkung
budget constraint
budget constraints
soft budget constraint
Budgetbeschränkung f; Haushaltbeschränkung f; Budgetrestriktion f
Budgetbeschränkungen pl; Haushaltbeschränkungen pl; Budgetrestriktionen pl
weiche Budgetbeschränkung
Budgetrestriktion des Staates
budget constraint; budget restriction
budget constraints; budget restrictions
soft budget constraint
government budget constraint
Brauchwasser n für die Haushalte
water for domestic use
Geldmarktverschuldung f öffentlicher Haushalte gegenüber den Kreditinstituten fin.
public authorities' money market indebtedness to credit institutions
Warmwasserversorgung f
Warmwasserversorgungen pl
Warmwasserversorung der privaten Haushalte
hot water supply HWS
hot water supplies
domestic hot water supply
Haushaltsjahr n; Rechnungsjahr n (der öffentlichen Haushalte)
Haushaltsjahre pl; Rechnungsjahre pl
abgelaufenes vergangenes Rechnungsjahr
die Einnahmen und Ausgaben für das Haushaltsjahr veranschlagen
budget year; budgetary years; budget period; budgetary period; financial year Br.; fiscal year Am. FY (of the public sector entities)
budget years; budgetary yearses; budget periods; budgetary periods; financial years; fiscal years
last past budget year
to draw up estimates for the financial fiscal year
Warmwasserversorgung f
Warmwasserversorgungen pl
Warmwasserversorung der privaten Haushalte
hot water supply HWS
hot water supplies
domestic hot water supply
Haus halten, haushalten alt
to budget
Haus halten, haushalten alt, sparen
Haus haltend, haushaltend alt, sparend
to economize
Haus halten, haushalten alt, sparsam umgehen
to husband
Etat, Budget, haushalten
haushalten, sparen
organisatorisch, Organisation, haushalten
Grauwasser n; Abwasser aus Haushalten
greywater; grey water; sullage
sparsam wirtschaften; (bei etw.) sparen; (mit etw.) haushalten v fin. übtr.
Ich muss sparen wo ich kann.
Das Ensemble agiert sparsam. art
to economize; to economise Br. (on sth.); to be economical (with sth.); to husband sth. (formal)
I have to economize where I can.
The cast are economical with their actions.
mit etw. schlecht haushalten können; schlecht umgehen können v
Er steht mit der Zeit auf Kriegsfuß.
Meine Freundin kann mit Geld nicht umgehen.
to be a bad manager of sth.
He is a bad manager of his time.
My lady friend is a bad manager of money.
sparsam wirtschaften; (bei etw.) sparen; (mit etw.) haushalten v fin. übtr.
Ich muss sparen, wo ich kann.
Das Ensemble agiert sparsam. art
to economize; to economise Br. (on sth.); to be economical (with sth.); to husband sth. formal
I have to economize where I can.
The cast are economical with their actions.
gut wirtschaften können; gut haushalten können v
Sie kann gut haushalten und zaubert aus nichts eine Mahlzeit.
to be a good manager
She is a good manager and can make a meal out of nothing.
haushaltend, sparend
Haushaltgesetz n pol.
Entwurf des Haushaltsgesetzes
budget law
draft budget law
Hausangestellte m f , Hausangestellter, Haushalthilfe f, Hausgehilfin f
Haushalthoheit f; Etathoheit f pol.
budget sovereignty
haushaltliche Geräte
household aids
Haushaltung f, Haushaltorganisation f
Haushaltpackung f, Sparpackung f
economy size packet
Haushaltpackung f; Sparpackung f
economy size packet
Packung f; Gebinde n (Verpackungseinheit einer Ware) econ.
Packungen pl; Gebinde pl
Haushaltpackung f; Sparpackung f
Portionsverpackung f cook.
eine Packung Kekse
Alle Inhaltsstoffe sind auf der Packung angeführt.
Die Gebindegröße sind 12 Flaschen à 0,75 Liter.
packet; package Am.; pack Am.
packets; packages; packs
family-size packet Br.; family-size package Am.; family-size pack Am.
jumbo packet Br.; jumbo package Am.; jumbo pack Am.
economy size packet Br.; economy size package Am.
single-portion pack; single-serving pack
a packet of biscuits Br.; a package of coockies Am.
All ingredients are listed on the package.
They come in packets packs of twelve 0.75 litre bottles.

Deutsche Haushaltsbefugnis Synonyme

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Englische budgetary power Synonyme

Haushaltsbefugnis Definition

Horse power
() The power which a horse exerts.
Horse power
() A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers for doing work. It is the power required for the performance of work at the rate of 33,000 English units of work per minute
Horse power
() A machine worked by a horse, for driving other machinery
(n.) Same as Poor, the fish.
(n.) Ability to act, regarded as latent or inherent
(n.) Ability, regarded as put forth or exerted
(n.) Capacity of undergoing or suffering
(n.) The exercise of a faculty
(n.) The agent exercising an ability to act
(n.) A military or naval force
(n.) A large quantity
(n.) The rate at which mechanical energy is exerted or mechanical work performed, as by an engine or other machine, or an animal, working continuously
(n.) A mechanical agent
(n.) Applied force
(n.) A machine acted upon by an animal, and serving as a motor to drive other machinery
(n.) The product arising from the multiplication of a number into itself
(n.) Mental or moral ability to act
(n.) The degree to which a lens, mirror, or any optical instrument, magnifies
(n.) An authority enabling a person to dispose of an interest vested either in himself or in another person
(n.) Hence, vested authority to act in a given case
Water power
() The power of water employed to move machinery, etc.
Water power
() A fall of water which may be used to drive machinery

budgetary power Bedeutung

accession rise to power the act of attaining or gaining access to a new office or right or position (especially the throne), Elizabeth's accession in
power dive a dive of an airplane that is accelerated both by gravity and by the power of the engine
power play (ice hockey) a play in which one team has a numerical advantage over the other as a result of penalties, the team was unable to capitalize on the power play
power play a play in which there is a concentration of players in one location on the field of play, they used a power play to return the kickoff
power walking a form of cardiopulmonary exercise consisting of rapid walking accompanied by vigorous swinging of the arms
power play
squeeze play squeeze
an aggressive attempt to compel acquiescence by the concentration or manipulation of power, she laughed at this sexual power play and walked away
power trip (slang) a self-aggrandizing action undertaken simply for the pleasure of exercising control over other people
electric meter
power meter
a meter for measuring the amount of electric power used
gear geartrain
power train
wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed, the fool got his tie caught in the geartrain
hammer power hammer a power tool for drilling rocks
point power point a wall socket
power brake a brake on an automobile that magnifies a small force applied to the brake pedal into a proportionately larger force applied to slow or stop the vehicle
power cord a cord to conduct power to an electrical appliance
power drill a power tool for drilling holes into hard materials
power line
power cable
cable used to distribute electricity
power loom a loom operated mechanically
power module module that provides power to operate other modules
power mower
motor mower
a lawn mower powered by a gasoline motor
power pack a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment
power saw
saw sawing machine
a power tool for cutting wood
power shovel
a machine for excavating
power station
power plant
an electrical generating station
power steering
power-assisted steering
automotive steering where engineer power amplifies the torque applied to the steering wheel
power system
power grid
a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region
power takeoff
a device that transfers power from an engine (as in a tractor or other motor vehicle) to another piece of equipment (as to a pump or jackhammer)
power tool a tool driven by a motor
power pylon
a large vertical steel tower supporting high-tension power lines, power pylons are a favorite target for terrorists
drawing power the capacity for attracting people (customers or supporters)
motive power
the power or ability to move
power hunger
status seeking
a drive to acquire power
will power
the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior
physical strength
staying power
enduring strength and energy
power of appointment authority given (in a will or deed) by a donor to a donee to appoint the beneficiaries of the donor's property
sea power naval strength
acoustic power
sound pressure level
the physical intensity of sound
possession of controlling influence, the deterrent power of nuclear weapons, the power of his love saved her, his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade
legal power
(law) the right and power to interpret and apply the law, courts having jurisdiction in this district
magical ability
magical power
an ability to perform magic
lung-power the ability to speak loudly
possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done, danger heightened his powers of discrimination
flower power a counterculture of young people in the US during the s and s
power series the sum of terms containing successively higher integral powers of a variable
Stevens' law
power law
Stevens' power law
(psychophysics) the concept that the magnitude of a subjective sensation increases proportional to a power of the stimulus intensity
power of attorney a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's agent
stock power a power of attorney document to transfer ownership of a registered security from the owner to another party
a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
power politics
gunboat diplomacy
diplomacy in which the nations threaten to use force in order to obtain their objectives
power outage
power failure
equipment failure resulting when the supply of power fails, the ice storm caused a power outage
power couple a couple both of whom have high-powered careers or are politically influential
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