
Hochschulreform Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Hochschulreform f pol.
Hochschulreformen pl
reform of higher education
reforms of higher education
Hochschulreform f pol.
Hochschulreformen pl
reform of higher education
reforms of higher education
Online-Diskussion f; Diskussion f comp.
eine Online-Diskussion hochschubsen
discussion thread; thread
to bump a discussion thread
verfasste Studentenschaft f Dt.; HochschĂĽlerschaft f Ă–s. stud. adm.
students' union, students' association; guild of students; government of student body
Hochschul...; College...
Drittmittel pl Dt. (fĂĽr Hochschul- und Forschungsprojekte) fin.
Drittmitteleinwerbung f; Drittmittelakquise f
grant money from the private sector from non-government sources providers (for university and research projects)
acquisition of grant money from the private sector
Hochschul…; College…
Hochschulabsolvent m; Hochschulabsolventin f; Hochschulabgänger m; Universitätsabsolvent m; Universitätsabgänger m; Absolvent m einer Hochschule Universität; Akademiker m; Akademikerin f; Graduierter m geh. selten stud.
Hochschulabsolventen pl; Hochschulabsolventinnen pl; Hochschulabgänger pl; Universitätsabsolventen pl; Universitätsabgänger pl; Absolventen pl einer Hochschule Universität; Akademiker pl; Akademikerinnen pl; Graduierter pl
ein Absolvent der Yale-Universität
graduate of a university; university graduate; graduate Br.; grad Br. coll.; college graduate Am.
graduates of a university; university graduates; graduates; grads; college graduates
a graduate of Yale (University)
Hochschulabschluss m; Universitätsabschluss m stud
Anerkennung von HochschulabschlĂĽssen
Erreichen des Hochschulabschlusses
university qualification
recognition of university qualifications
Hochschulabschluss m; Universitätsabschluss m stud.
Anerkennung von HochschulabschlĂĽssen
university qualification
recognition of university qualifications
Universitätsabschluss, Hochschulabschluss
university degree
Hochschulabschluss m, Universitätsabschluss m, akademischer Grad
postgradual; nach dem Hochschulabschluss (nachgestellt) adj stud.
postgraduales Studium; Aufbaustudium n
postgraduate; graduate Am.
postgraduate course; postgraduate studies
Person Sache die einen versorgt mit der man ausgesorgt hat
Ich habe den Verdacht dass sie in mir nur den Versorger sieht.
Mit dem Spielerstar dĂĽrfte die Mannschaft fĂĽr viele Jahre ausgesorgt haben.
Mit dem höheren Hochschulabschluss hatte er ausgesorgt.
Die Musik sollte dann auch ihr Broterwerb werden.
meal ticket fig.
I suspect that I am just a meal ticket for her.
The star player is expected to be the team's meal ticket for many years.
An advanced degree was his meal ticket.
Music was going to be her meal ticket.
diplomiert; graduiert; mit Hochschulabschluss (nachgestellt) adj (Person) stud.
ein graduierter Informatiker
eine diplomierte Krankenschwester
graduate; grad coll. (of a person)
a computer science graduate
a graduate nurse; a grad nurse
diplomiert adj (mit Hochschulabschluss) stud.
etw. einer Sache gleichsetzen v
oder ein diesem akademischen Grad gleichzusetzender Hochschulabschluss
to regard sth. as corresponding to sth.; to regard sth. as equivalent to sth.; to deem sth. as equivalent to sth.
or a university qualification deemed as equivalent to this degree
einen akademischen Grad erwerben; einen Hochschulabschluss Universitätsabschluss erwerben v stud.
seinen Abschluss mit Auszeichnung machen
Ich habe an der Universität Leipzig meinen Abschluss gemacht.
to graduate Br.; to graduate from university Am.
to graduate with honours
I graduated from the University of Leipzig.
Person Sache, die einen versorgt mit der man ausgesorgt hat
Ich habe den Verdacht, dass sie in mir nur den Versorger sieht.
Mit dem Spielerstar dĂĽrfte die Mannschaft fĂĽr viele Jahre ausgesorgt haben.
Mit dem höheren Hochschulabschluss hatte er ausgesorgt.
Die Musik sollte dann auch ihr Broterwerb werden.
meal ticket fig.
I suspect that I am just a meal ticket for her.
The star player is expected to be the team's meal ticket for many years.
An advanced degree was his meal ticket.
Music was going to be her meal ticket.
Akademiker, Hochschulabsolvent
university graduate
college graduate
Hochschulabsolvent m, Hochschulabsolventin f, Universitätsabsolvent m, Universitätsabsolventin f
Hochschulabsolventen pl, Hochschulabsolventinnen pl, Universitätsabsolventen pl, Universitätsabsolventinnen pl
university graduate
university graduates
Hochschulabsolvent m; Hochschulabsolventin f; Universitätsabsolvent m; Universitätsabsolventin f; Graduierter m geh. stud.
Hochschulabsolventen pl; Hochschulabsolventinnen pl; Universitätsabsolventen pl; Universitätsabsolventinnen pl
ein Absolvent der Yale-Universität
university graduate; graduate
university graduates; graduates
a graduate of Yale (University)
Diplomand m; Diplomandin f; Hochschulabsolvent m
graduand Br. Can.
Hochschulabsolvent m, dem der Magistertitel verliehen wird stud.
graduand Br.
Magister m Mag. ; Magistra f Mag.a (Hochschulabsolvent) stud.
Magister pl
Master (university graduate)
Quereinsteiger m; Berufsumsteiger m
Quereinsteiger pl; Berufsumsteiger pl
sowohl Hochschulabsolventen als auch Quereinsteiger einstellen
career changer; career switcher rare
career changers; career switchers; people those switching careers
to recruit both graduates and career changers
Stipendium n (das an gute Leistungen gebunden ist) fin.
Stipendien pl
Auslandsstipendium n
Austauschstipendium n
Doktorandenstipendium n
Forschungsstipendium n
Hochschulstipendium n; Universitätsstipendium n
Graduiertenstipendium n
Graduitertenauslandsstipendium n; Auslandsstipendium n fĂĽr Hochschulabsolventen
Graduiertenforschungsstipendium n; Forschungsstipendium n fĂĽr Hochschulabsolventen
Lehrstipendium n
Leistungsstipendium n; Begabtenstipendium n
Leistungsstipendium n fĂĽr Hochschulabsolventen (meist mit einem Lehr- bzw. Forschungsauftrag)
Projektstipendium n
Sportstipendium n
scholarship; studentship Br. (based on academic merit)
scholarships; studentships
study abroad scholarship; travelling scholarship; traveling scholarship Am.; study abroad studentship Br.; travelling studentship Br.
exchange scholarship; exchange studentship Br.
PhD scholarship; PhD studentship Br.
research scholarship; research studentship
university scholarship; university studentship Br.
postgraduate scholarship Br.; postgraduate studentship Br.; graduate scholarship Am.
travelling fellowship Br.; traveling fellowship Am.
research fellowship
teaching scholarship; (graduate) teaching studentship Br.
excellence scholarship; excellence studentship Br.
project scholarship
athletic scholarship
Zulassung f (zu einem Tätigkeitsbereich Veranstaltungsangebot) adm.
bedingte Zulassung; mit Auflagen verbundene Zulassung
Zulassung als Rechtsanwalt; Anwaltszulassung f
Zulassung zu einem Fortbildungskurs
zu einem Forschungsprogramm fĂĽr Hochschulabsolventen zugelassen werden
admission (to an activity area a programme)
conditional admission
admission as sollicitor Br.; admission as attorney Am.; admission to the Bar Am.
admission to an advanced training course
to gain admission to a research degree programme
passende Personen zusammenbringen; passende Dinge zusammenstellen; kombinieren v
passende Personen zusammenbringend; passende Dinge zusammenstellend; kombinierend
passende Personen zusammengebracht; passende Dinge zusammengestellt; kombiniert
Hochschulabsolventen mit Firmen zusammenbringen, die Mitarbeiter suchen
passende Vorhangstoffe zur Sitzgarnitur finden
Meine Mutter versucht immer, mich mit den Kindern ihrer Freunde zusammenzubringen.
to match; to match up appropriate people things
matching; matching up appropriate people things
matched; matched up appropriate people things
to match up graduates with companies requiring staff
to match (up) the living room set with some suitable draperies
My mother is always trying to match me up with her friends' children.
Hochschulangehörige m f; Hochschulangehöriger
academic personnel
Hochschulangehörige m,f; Hochschulangehöriger
academic personnel
Hochschulausbildung f
tertiary education
Hochschulausbildung f stud.
higher education; tertiary education
Hochschulbereich m
higher education sector; field of higher education
Hochschulbetrieb m; Universitätsbetrieb m; Vorlesungsbetrieb m stud. adm.
university operations
Hochschulbetrieb m; Universitätsbetrieb m stud.
university life
akademisch adj (den Hochschulbetrieb betreffend) stud.
akademischer Beruf
akademischer Grad
akademische Freiheit; Freiheit von Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre
akademischer Titel
in akademischen Kreisen
academic (relating to university life)
graduate occupation; graduate profession
academic degree
academic freedom
academic rank
in academic circles.
erweiterte Hochschulbildung
postgraduate education
university education
Hochschulwesen, Hochschulbildung
higher education
Hochschulbildung f
university education
Hochschulbildung f; akademische Bildung f stud.
university education
erziehungswissenschaftliche Hochschule
college of education
erziehungswissenschaftliche Hochschule
teacher training college
Hochschule fĂĽr Aufbaustudien (US)
graduate school
pädagogische Hochschule
teacher training college
Akademie f, Hochschule f, höhere Lehranstalt f
Akademien pl, Hochschulen pl, höhere Lehranstalten
Akademie der KĂĽnste (in GroĂźbritannien)
Akademie der Wissenschaft
Akademie fĂĽr Schauspielkunst
Royal Academy of Arts Br.
academy of sciences
academy of drama
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule f (ETH)
technical university or college in Switzerland
Hochschule f, Universität f
Hochschulen pl, Universitäten pl
RĂĽckmeldefrist f (Hochschule)
RĂĽckmeldefristen pl
re-registration period
re-registration periods
RĂĽckmeldegebĂĽhren pl (Hochschule)
re-registration fee
RĂĽckmeldung f (an einer Hochschule)
TH : Technische Hochschule
college of technology, technical university
Hochschule, Universitaet
weiterfĂĽhrende Schule; Hochschule
Akademie f; Hochschule f; höhere Lehranstalt f stud.
Akademien pl; Hochschulen pl; höhere Lehranstalten
Akademie der KĂĽnste (in GroĂźbritannien)
Akademie der Wissenschaft
Akademie fĂĽr Schauspielkunst
höhere technische Lehranstalten
Royal Academy of Arts Br.
academy of sciences
academy of drama
higher technical college
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule f ETH
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich; ETH Zürich
technical university in Switzerland
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Fachhochschule f FH ; Hochschule fĂĽr angewandte Wissenschaften stud.
Fachhochschulen pl
University of applied science (advanced technical college; vocational university)
Universities of applied science
Hochschule f; Universität f stud.
Hochschulen pl; Universitäten pl
Technische Hochschule TH ; Technische Universität TU ; Technik Ös. ugs.
Pädagogische Hochschule PH
higher education institute; university
higher education institutes; universities
University of Technology; Technical university
university of education
Lehrberechtigung f (an einer Hochschule) stud.
qualification to teach (in higher education)
Musikhochschule f; Hochschule f fĂĽr Musik; Musikakademie f; Konservatorium n mus. stud.
Musikhochschulen pl; Hochschulen fĂĽr Musik; Musikakademien pl; Konservatorien pl
college of music; academy of music; conservatory; conservatoire
colleges of music; academies of music; conservatories; conservatoires
RĂĽckmeldefrist f (Hochschule) stud.
RĂĽckmeldefristen pl
re-registration period
re-registration periods
RĂĽckmeldegebĂĽhren pl (Hochschule) stud.
re-registration fee
RĂĽckmeldung f; Wiedereinschreibung f (an einer Hochschule) stud.
RĂĽckmeldungen pl; Wiedereinschreibungen pl
re-registration; renewal of matriculation
sich gegen etw. absichern; sich vor etw. schĂĽtzen v econ.
Ich gehe auf Nummer Sicher.
auf mehrere Pferde setzen ĂĽbtr.
Es ist eine gute Idee von dir auf mehrere Pferde zu setzen indem du dich bei mehr als einer Hochschule bewirbst.
to hedge against sth.
I'll hedge my bet.
to hedge one's bets
It's a good idea to hedge your bets by applying to more than one university.
Madrasa f; Medrese f; Medresse f (islam. Hochschule in einer Moschee)
madrasah; medrese
Akademie f; Hochschule f; höhere Lehranstalt f stud.
Akademien pl; Hochschulen pl; höhere Lehranstalten
Akademie der KĂĽnste (in GroĂźbritannien)
Akademie der Wissenschaft
Akademie fĂĽr Schauspielkunst
Filmakademie f
höhere technische Lehranstalten
Royal Academy of Arts Br.
academy of sciences
academy of drama
film academy
higher technical college
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule f ETH
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich; ETH Zürich
technical university in Switzerland
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Fachhochschule f FH ; Hochschule fĂĽr angewandte Wissenschaften Dt. HAW stud.
Fachhochschulen pl
institute of technology (advanced technical college) (vocational university) (University of applied science)
institutes of technology
Immatrikulation f; Einschreibung f an einer Hochschule adm. stud.
Immatrikulationen pl; Einschreibungen pl an einer Hochschule
erstmalige Immatrikulation; Ersteinschreibung f
matriculation; university enrolment Br.; university enrollment Am.; enrolment enrollment in a university
matriculations; university enrolments; university enrollments; enrolment enrollment in a universities
first matriculation; first university enrolment

Deutsche Hochschulreform Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Hochschulreform Synonym nachschlagen

Englische reform of higher education Synonyme

reform  Fabianism  about-face  accommodate  accommodation  acculturate  adapt  adaptation  adjust  adjustment  advance  alter  alteration  ameliorate  amelioration  amend  amendment  apologize  apostasy  beg pardon  better  betterment  bleach  boost  bowdlerize  break  break up  bring forward  change  change of allegiance  change of heart  change of mind  changeableness  civilize  clean  clean out  clean up  cleanse  clear out  constructive change  continuity  conversion  convert  correct  correction  defection  deform  degeneration  degenerative change  delouse  denature  depurate  deterge  deterioration  deviation  difference  discontinuity  divergence  diversification  diversify  diversion  diversity  do penance  dry-clean  dust  dust off  edify  educate  elevate  emend  emendation  enhance  enlighten  enrich  expurgate  extremism  fatten  favor  fit  fitting  fix  flip-flop  forward  foster  freshen  give back  give salvation  go straight  gradual change  gradualism  improve  improve upon  improvement  lard  lift  lustrate  make an improvement  meliorate  melioration  meliorism  mend  mitigate  mitigation  modification  modify  modulate  modulation  mutate  new birth  new-model  nurture  overthrow  place in  plead guilty  progressivism  promote  purge  purify  put back  qualification  qualify  radical change  radical reform  radicalism  raise  re-create  re-creation  re-form  reactivate  realign  realignment  rebirth  rebuild  reclaim  reclamation  reconstitute  reconstruct  reconvert  recover  recovery  recrudescence  recruit  rectification  rectify  redeem  redemption  redesign  redo  reenact  reestablish  refashion  refill  refine upon  refit  reformation  reformism  regenerate  regeneration  rehabilitate  rehabilitation  reinstall  reinstate  reinstitute  reintegrate  reinvest  remake  remaking  remedy  remodel  renascence  renew  renewal  renovate  renovation  reorganization  reorganize  repair  repent  replace  replenish  reshape  reshaping  restore  resto  
reform school  POW camp  bastille  black hole  borstal  borstal institution  borstal school  bridewell  brig  cell  concentration camp  condemned cell  death cell  death house  death row  detention camp  federal prison  forced-labor camp  gaol  guardhouse  house of correction  house of detention  industrial school  internment camp  jail  jailhouse  keep  labor camp  lockup  maximum-security prison  minimum-security prison  oubliette  pen  penal colony  penal institution  penal settlement  penitentiary  prison  prison camp  prisonhouse  reformatory  remand school  sponging house  state prison  stockade  the hole  tollbooth  training school  
reformation  Fabianism  abject apology  about-face  accommodation  adaptation  adjustment  adoption  alteration  amelioration  amendment  apology  apostasy  betterment  break  change  change of allegiance  change of heart  change of mind  changeableness  circumcision  constructive change  continuity  conversion  deathbed repentance  defection  degeneration  degenerative change  deterioration  deviation  difference  discontinuity  divergence  diversification  diversion  diversity  extremism  fitting  flip-flop  gradual change  gradualism  heartfelt apology  improvement  instauration  mea culpa  melioration  meliorism  mitigation  modification  modulation  new birth  new life  overthrow  penance  penitence  progressivism  qualification  radical change  radical reform  radicalism  re-creation  reactivation  realignment  rebirth  reclamation  reconstitution  reconversion  recrudescence  redeemedness  redemption  redesign  redintegration  reenactment  reestablishment  reform  reformism  regeneration  rehabilitation  reinstatement  reinstation  reinstitution  reinvestiture  reinvestment  remaking  renascence  renewal  repentance  replacement  reshaping  restitution  restoration  restructuring  reversal  reversion  revisionism  revival  revivification  revolution  saeta  salvation  second birth  shift  spiritual purification  sudden change  switch  total change  transformation  transition  turn  turnabout  upheaval  utopianism  variation  variety  violent change  wearing a hairshirt  worsening  
reformatory  POW camp  bastille  black hole  borstal  borstal institution  borstal school  bridewell  brig  can  cell  concentration camp  condemned cell  cooler  death cell  death house  death row  detention camp  federal prison  forced-labor camp  gaol  guardhouse  house of correction  house of detention  industrial school  internment camp  jail  jailhouse  keep  labor camp  lockup  maximum-security prison  minimum-security prison  oubliette  pen  penal colony  penal institution  penal settlement  penitentiary  pokey  prison  prison camp  prisonhouse  reform school  remand school  sponging house  state prison  stir  stockade  the hole  tollbooth  training school  
reformed  advanced  altered  ameliorated  assimilated  beautified  better  bettered  bowdlerized  changeable  changed  civilized  cleaned  cleaned up  cleansed  converted  cultivated  cultured  degenerate  developed  deviant  divergent  educated  embellished  enhanced  enriched  expurgated  improved  metamorphosed  metastasized  modified  mutant  naturalized  perfected  polished  purged  purified  qualified  reborn  rebuilt  redeemed  refined  regenerated  renewed  revived  revolutionary  spruce  subversive  tidy  transfigured  transformed  translated  transmuted  unmitigated  worse  
reformer  Fabian  Tammany man  extremist  machine politician  meliorist  old campaigner  party boss  party chieftain  party leader  pol  political hack  political leader  politician  professional politician  progressionist  progressist  progressive  progressivist  radical  reform politician  reformist  revisionist  revolutionary  utopian  utopist  war-horse  wheelhorse  

Hochschulreform Definition

(n.) The act or process of educating
(v. t.) To put into a new and improved form or condition
(v. i.) To return to a good state
(n.) Amendment of what is defective, vicious, corrupt, or depraved

reform of higher education / reforms of higher education Bedeutung

reform a change for the better as a result of correcting abuses, justice was for sale before the reform of the law courts
land reform a redistribution of agricultural land (especially by government action)
reform self-improvement in behavior or morals by abandoning some vice, the family rejoiced in the drunkard's reform
Secretary of Education
Education Secretary
the position of the head of the Education Department, the post of Education Secretary was created in
Secretary of Health Education and Welfare head of a former executive department created in and divided into two departments in
education the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)
reform a campaign aimed to correct abuses or malpractices, the reforms he proposed were too radical for the politicians
instruction teaching pedagogy didactics
educational activity
the activities of educating or instructing, activities that impart knowledge or skill, he received no formal education, our instruction was carefully programmed, good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded
continuing education a program of instruction designed primarily for adult students who participate part-time
adult education a course (via lectures or correspondence) for adults who are not otherwise engaged in formal study
elementary education education in elementary subjects (reading and writing and arithmetic) provided to young students at a grade school
higher education education provided by a college or university
secondary education education beyond the elementary grades, provided by a high school or college preparatory school
reform school
training school
correctional institution for the detention and discipline and training of young or first offenders
education training
the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior), a woman of breeding and refinement
education the gradual process of acquiring knowledge, education is a preparation for life, a girl's education was less important than a boy's
physical education training in the development of and care for the human body, stresses athletics, includes hygiene
the process of educating yourself
special education education of physically or mentally handicapped children whose needs cannot be met in an ordinary classroom
vocational training
vocational education
training for a specific vocation in industry or agriculture or trade
higher cognitive process cognitive processes that presuppose the availability of knowledge and put it to use
education knowledge acquired by learning and instruction, it was clear that he had a very broad education
Reform Judaism beliefs and practices of Reform Jews
higher criticism the scientific study of biblical writings to determine their origin and meaning
Higher National Diploma
a diploma given for vocational training that prepares the student for a career in a particular area, good students may progress to a course leading to a degree
higher law a principle that takes precedent over the laws of society
Master of Education
a master's degree in education
Doctor of Education
a doctor's degree in education
Reform Judaism the most liberal Jews, Jews who do not follow the Talmud strictly but try to adapt all of the historical forms of Judaism to the modern world
Department of Education
Education Department
the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education (including federal aid to educational institutions and students), created
Department of Health Education and Welfare a former executive department of the United States government, created in and divided in
school board
board of education
a board in charge of local public schools
reform movement a movement intended to bring about social and humanitarian reforms
Reform Jew liberal Jew who tries to adapt all aspects of Judaism to modern circumstances
Secretary of Education
Education Secretary
the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Education, Carter appointed Shirley Hufstedler as the first Secretary of Education
superior higher-up
one of greater rank or station or quality
senior status
higher status
higher rank
higher rank than that of others especially by reason of longer service
General Certificate of Secondary Education
O level
the basic level of a subject taken in school
reform straighten out see the light change for the better, The lazy student promised to reform, the habitual cheater finally saw the light
reform make changes for improvement in order to remove abuse and injustices, reform a political system
reform improve by alteration or correction of errors or defects and put into a better condition, reform the health system in this country
reform break up the molecules of, reform oil
reform produce by cracking, reform gas
reform reclaim regenerate rectify bring, lead, or force to abandon a wrong or evil course of life, conduct, and adopt a right one, The Church reformed me, reform your conduct
favoring or promoting reform (often by government action)
higher(a) of education beyond the secondary level, higher education, higher learning
higher(a) advanced in complexity or elaboration, higher finance, higher mathematics
having a higher rank, superior officer
above higher up
in a higher place
to a higher place
in or to a place that is higher
up the stairs
on a higher floor
on a floor above, they lived upstairs
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130 Bewertungen 3


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Als Hochschulreform wird eine größere Umgestaltung bestehender Strukturen und Inhalte innerhalb des Hochschulsystems bezeichnet. Sie war und ist meist eine Reaktion auf gesellschaftliche Veränderungen sowie auf die damit verbundenen Anforderungen an Wissenschaft, Hochschule und Lehre. Dazu gehören etwa demographische Entwicklungen, sozioökonomischer Strukturwandel in den Beschäftigungssektoren, technologischer Fortschritt und internationale Wettbewerbsentwicklung. Auch Reformen auf anderen Ebenen des Bildungssystems können eine Hochschulreform veranlassen. Mit der durch den Bologna-Prozess angestoßenen Schaffung eines europäischen Hochschulraums findet gegenwärtig eine auf europaweite Harmonisierung von Studiengängen und ?abschlüssen sowie auf internationale Mobilität der Studierenden zielende transnationale Hochschulreform statt.