
Internationaler Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

internationaler Art
of an international character
internationaler Badeort
international spa
internationaler Flughafen
international aerodrome
internationaler Flughafen
international airport
internationaler Tourismus
international tourism
Internationaler Luftverkehrsverband
International Air Transport Association IATA
Internationaler Wissenschaftsrat m
International Council for Science ICSU
IWF : Internationaler Währungsfonds
IMF : International Monetary Fund
Internationaler Jugendherbergsverband
IYHF : International Youth Hostel Federation
Internationaler Seegerichtshof m jur.
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
IATA : Internationaler Luftverkehrsverband
IATA : International Air Transport Association
Internationaler Frauentag; Weltfrauentag m
International Women's Day
Internationaler Frauentag, Weltfrauentag m
International Women's Day
Welthandel m; internationaler Handel econ.
international trade
Internationaler Freiname (INN); Generischer Name
International Nonproprietary Name (INN)
Maydaysignal n, SOS-Ruf m, internationaler Notruf
Internationaler Luftverkehrsverband
International Air Transport Association IATA
Internationaler Dienst für Erdrotation und Referenzsysteme IERS
International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service
Internationaler Ausschuss für den Telegrafen- und Fernsprechdienst
Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique CCITT
Internationaler Ausschuss für den Telegrafen- und Fernsprechdienst
Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique CCITT
Voice of America; Stimme Amerikas (internationaler US-Auslandsradiosender)
Voice of America VOA (international US radio station)
CCITT : Internationaler Ausschuss für den Telegrafen- und Fernsprechdienst
CCITT : Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique
Jugendherbergsverband m
Jugendherbergsverbände pl
Internationaler Jugendherbergsverband
Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk DJH
Youth Hostel Association YHA
Youth Hostel Associations
International Youth Hostel Federation IYHF
German Youth Hostel Association
Vertragserfüllungskaution f; Vertragserfüllungsgarantie f; Leistungsbürgschaft f (Bauaufträge; internationaler Handel) econ.
performance guarantee Br.; performance bond Am.
Jugendherbergsverband m
Jugendherbergsverbände pl
Internationaler Jugendherbergsverband
Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk DJH
Youth Hostel Association YHA
Youth Hostel Associations
International Youth Hostel Federation IYHF
German Youth Hostel Association
Olympiade f (nationaler oder internationaler Wettbewerb)
Schach-Olympiade f
Mathematik-Olympiade f
Englisch-Olympiade f
Olympiad (national or international contest)
Chess Olympiad
Mathematics Olympiad
English Olympiad
Notsignal n; (internationaler) Notruf m; SOS-Ruf m aviat. naut.
Notsignale pl; Notrufe pl; SOS-Rufe pl
ein Notsignal absetzen
distress signal; distress call; Mayday signal; Mayday call; Mayday
distress signals; distress calls; Mayday signals; Mayday calls; Maydays
to send out a distress signal
Strafgerichtshof m jur.
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof (mit Sitz in Den Haag)
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof Kriegsverbrechertribunal ugs. für Ex-Jugoslawien
criminal court
International Criminal Court ICC (based in The Hague)
International Criminal Tribunal War Crimes Tribunal coll. for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Strafgerichtshof m jur.
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof (mit Sitz in Den Haag)
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof Kriegsverbrechertribunal ugs. für Ex-Jugoslawien
criminal court
International Criminal Court ICC (based in The Hague)
International Criminal Tribunal War Crimes Tribunal coll. for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Haftbefehl m; Festnahmeanordnung f Ös. jur.
Haftbefehle pl; Festnahmeanordnungen pl
europäischer Haftbefehl EUHB
internationaler Haftbefehl
Gegen den Verdächtigen wurde (ein) Haftbefehl erlassen.
warrant of arrest; arrest warrant; detention order
warrants of arrest; arrest warrants; detention orders
European Arrest Warrant EAW
International Arrest Warrant
A warrant of arrest was issued for against the suspect.
Haftbefehl m; Festnahmeanordnung f Ös. jur.
Haftbefehle pl; Festnahmeanordnungen pl
europäischer Haftbefehl EUHB
internationaler Haftbefehl
Gegen den Verdächtigen wurde (ein) Haftbefehl erlassen.
warrant of arrest; arrest warrant; detention order
warrants of arrest; arrest warrants; detention orders
European Arrest Warrant EAW
International Arrest Warrant
A warrant of arrest was issued for against the suspect.
Rotes Kreuz; das Rote Kreuz
Internationales Rotes Kreuz IRK
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)
Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz
Britisches Rotes Kreuz
Internationaler Verband der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Gesellschaften
Red Cross
International Red Cross IRC
German Red Cross
American Red Cross ARC
British Red Cross Society BRCS
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Rotes Kreuz; das Rote Kreuz
Internationales Komitee vom Roten Kreuz IKRK ; Internationales Rotes Kreuz IRK
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)
Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz
Britisches Rotes Kreuz
Internationaler Verband der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Gesellschaften
Red Cross
International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC ; International Red Cross IRC
German Red Cross
American Red Cross ARC
British Red Cross Society BRCS
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Wohnimmobilienmarkt m
gut funktionierender Wohnimmobilienmarkt
inländischer heimischer Wohnimmobilienmarkt
internationaler Wohnimmobilienmarkt
nationaler Wohnimmobilienmarkt
örtlicher Wohnimmobilienmarkt
regionaler Wohnimmobilienmarkt
überhitzter Wohnimmobilienmarkt
residential property market
well-functioning residential property market
domestic residential property market
international residential property market
national residential property market
local residential property market
regional residential property market
overheated residential property market; superheated residential property market
Wohnimmobilienmarkt m
gut funktionierender Wohnimmobilienmarkt
inländischer heimischer Wohnimmobilienmarkt
internationaler Wohnimmobilienmarkt
nationaler Wohnimmobilienmarkt
örtlicher Wohnimmobilienmarkt
regionaler Wohnimmobilienmarkt
überhitzter Wohnimmobilienmarkt
residential property market
well-functioning residential property market
domestic residential property market
international residential property market
national residential property market
local residential property market
regional residential property market
overheated residential property market; superheated residential property market
(regelmäßig wiederkehrender) Aktionstag m pol.
Aktionstage pl
internationaler Aktionstag; Welttag
nationaler Aktionstag
internationaler Holocaust-Gedenktag; Welttag des Gedenkens an die Holocaust-Opfer
nationaler Tag der Handschrift
Tag des Datenschutzes
Weltflüchtlingstag m
Welttag des audiovisuellen Erbes
awareness day; observance
awareness days; observances
international awareness day; international observance; World Day
national awareness day; national observance
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
National Handwriting Day
Data Privacy Day; Data Protection Day
World Refugee Day
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
Verkehr m (Bewegungen von Transportmitteln) transp.
Auslandsverkehr m; grenzüberschreitender Verkehr; internationaler Verkehr
Durchgangsverkehr m; Durchfuhrverkehr m; Transitverkehr m
Eilgutverkehr m
Einfuhrverkehr m
Inlandsverkehr m; Binnenverkehr m
öffentlicher Verkehr
Regionalverkehr m
saisonaler Verkehr
traffic (movements of means of transport)
cross-border traffic; international traffic
transit traffic
fast goods traffic
import traffic
inland traffic; domestic traffic
public transport
regional traffic
seasonal traffic
(staatliche) Kontrolle f; Ãœberwachung f; Aufsicht f adm. pol.
Kontrollen pl; Ãœberwachungen pl; Aufsichten pl
die Kontrolle der Finanzen
Flugverkehrskontrolle f; Flugverkehrsüberwachung f; Flugüberwachung f
Negativkontrolle f
Positivkontrolle f
amtliche Preisregelung f
unter internationaler Aufsicht
unter der Aufsicht von jdm. stehen
wieder Grenzkontrollen einführen
Die Lieferung von Waffen muss wirksam überwacht werden.
control; controls (action regulating sth.)
the control of finances
air-traffic control
negative control
positive control
official price control
under international control
to be under the control of sb.
to reinstate border controls; to reinstate controls at your borders
The flow of arms must be effectively controlled.
Frachtbrief m; Warenbegleitschein m transp. adm.
Frachtbriefe pl; Warenbegleitscheine pl
Frachtbriefduplikat n; Frachtbriefdoppel m
Frachtbrieforiginal n
Frachtbrief in drei Ausfertigungen
internationaler Frachtbrief
Frachtbrief des Spediteurs
Frachtbrief für Transportbehälter; Containerfrachtbrief
Eilgutfrachtbrief m; Eilfrachtbrief m
Eisenbahnfrachtbrief m; Bahnfrachtbrief m
Warenbegleitschein für den Interzonenhandel Dt. hist.
einen Frachtbrief ausstellen
consignment note C N ; waybill W.B. Am.; bill of lading B L Am.
consignment notes; waybills; bills of lading
duplicate (of) consignment note; duplicate waybill Am.; counterfoil waybill Am.
original consignment note; original waybill Am.
consignment note in triplicate; waybill in triplicate Am.
international consignment note; international waybill
forwarding agent's certificate of transport; forarder's
container consignment note; container waybill Am.
consignment note for express freight Br.; bill of lading for fast freight Am.
railway consignment note Br.; railroad bill of lading Am.
interzonal trade permit
to make out a consignment note
Straßenverkehr m adm.; Autoverkehr m; Verkehr m auto
im Straßenverkehr
abbiegender Verkehr
abgehender Verkehr
ankommender Verkehr
ausfahrender Verkehr
dichter Verkehr
einfädelnder Verkehr
einspuriger Verkehr
flüssiger Verkehr
gewerblicher Straßenverkehr
internationaler Straßenverkehr
durchschnittlicher täglicher Verkehr
etw. für den Verkehr freigeben
den Verkehr regeln
Verkehr aus der Gegenrichtung
eine wenig frequentierte Straße
den Verkehr zum Stehen bringen
den Verkehr aufhalten
den Verkehr behindern
für den Verkehr gesperrt sein
etw. dem Verkehr übergeben
den Verkehr umleiten
Es herrscht starker Verkehr.
road traffic; street traffic (in towns); traffic on public roads; traffic
in normal situations on public roads
turning traffic
outgoing traffic
incoming traffic
emerging traffic
heavy traffic; dense traffic
merging traffic
single lane file traffic
moving traffic
commercial road traffic
international road transport
average daily traffic ADT
to open sth. to traffic
to regulate the traffic; to regulate the flow of traffic
oncoming traffic
a low-traffic road
to bring traffic to a standstill
to block hold up (the) treffic
to obstruct tie up (the) traffic
to be closed to (all) traffic
to open sth. to (the) traffic
to divert Br. detour Am. (the) traffic
There is heavy traffic.; The traffic is heavy.
Straßenverkehr m adm.; Autoverkehr m; Verkehr m auto
im Straßenverkehr
abbiegender Verkehr
ankommender Verkehr
ausfahrender Verkehr
dichter Verkehr
einfädelnder Verkehr
einspuriger Verkehr
fließender Verkehr; Fließverkehr
flüssiger Verkehr
gewerblicher Straßenverkehr
internationaler Straßenverkehr
durchschnittlicher täglicher Verkehr
Rücksichtnahme im Verkehr
etw. für den Verkehr freigeben
den Verkehr regeln
eine wenig frequentierte Straße
den Verkehr zum Stehen bringen
den Verkehr aufhalten
den Verkehr behindern
für den Verkehr gesperrt sein
etw. dem Verkehr übergeben
den Verkehr umleiten
Es herrscht starker Verkehr.
road traffic; street traffic (in towns); traffic on public roads; traffic
in normal situations on public roads
turning traffic
incoming traffic
emerging traffic
heavy traffic; dense traffic
merging traffic
single lane file traffic
moving traffic
moving traffic
commercial road traffic
international road transport
average daily traffic ADT
courtesy on the road
to open sth. to traffic
to regulate the traffic; to regulate the flow of traffic
a low-traffic road
to bring traffic to a standstill
to block hold up (the) traffic
to obstruct tie up (the) traffic
to be closed to (all) traffic
to open sth. to (the) traffic
to divert Br. detour Am. (the) traffic
There is heavy traffic.; The traffic is heavy.
Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft FAO
Weltbank; Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO
Internationale Entwicklungsorganisation IDA
Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAD
Internationale Finanzkorporation IFC
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation IAO
Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation IMO
Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFU
Internationaler Währungsfonds IWF
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur UNESCO
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung UNIDO
Welttourismusorganisation UNWTO
Weltpostverein WPV
Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum WIPO
Weltorganisation für Meteorologie WMO
United Nations specialized agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Development Association IDA
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD
International Finance Corporation IFC
International Labour Organization ILO
International Maritime Organization IMO
International Telecommunication Union ITU
International Monetary Fund IMF
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Industrial Development Organizatio UNIDO
World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Universal Postal Union UPU
World Health Organization WHO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
World Meteorological Organization WMO
Sonderorganisationen der Vereinten Nationen
UNO-Organisation für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft FAO
Weltbank; Internationale Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation ICAO
Internationale Entwicklungsorganisation IDA
Internationaler Fonds für landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung IFAD
Internationale Finanzkorporation IFC
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation IAO
Internationale Seeschifffahrtsorganisation IMO
Internationale Fernmeldeunion IFU
Internationaler Währungsfonds IWF
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung Wissenschaft und Kultur UNESCO
Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für industrielle Entwicklung UNIDO
Welttourismusorganisation UNWTO
Weltpostverein WPV
Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO
Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum WIPO
Weltorganisation für Meteorologie WMO
United Nations specialized agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO
World Bank; International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Development Association IDA
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD
International Finance Corporation IFC
International Labour Organization ILO
International Maritime Organization IMO
International Telecommunication Union ITU
International Monetary Fund IMF
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Industrial Development Organizatio UNIDO
World Tourism Organization UNWTO
Universal Postal Union UPU
World Health Organization WHO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
World Meteorological Organization WMO
Fahrkarte f; Fahrschein m Dt. Ös.; Fahrausweis m Dt. Ös. adm.; Billett n Schw. Lux. transp.
Fahrkarten pl; Fahrscheine pl; Fahrausweise pl; Billets pl
durchgehender Fahrausweis; durchgehende Fahrkarte
durchgehender kombinierter Fahrausweis
Einzelfahrschein m
einfache Fahrkarte f
ermäßigte Fahrkarte; Fahrausweis zu einem ermäßigten Preis
internationaler Fahrausweis mit Streckenfahrscheinen
kombinierter Fahrausweis; kombinierte Fahrkarte
verfallener Fahrausweis; abgelaufene Fahrkarte; abgelaufenes Billett Schw.
(ermäßigter) Fahrausweis für die Ferienzeit; Ferienbillet Schw.
Fahrausweis zum halben Preis; Billett zur halben Taxe Schw.
Fahrausweis zum vollen Preis
Fahrausweis für Hunde; Hundekarte f
Fahrausweis mit Magnetstreifen
Fahrausweis mit vorgeschriebenem Reiseweg
Fahrausweis mit wahlweise gültigem Reiseweg; Fahrausweis mit Wahlweg; räumlich begrenzter Fahrausweis
Fahrkarte ohne festgelegtes Gültigkeitsdatum
eine Fahrkarte kaufen; eine Fahrkarte lösen
fare ticket; ticket
fare tickets; tickets
through ticket
combined through ticket; inter-line ticket Am.
one-way ticket
single ticket; one-way ticket Am.
reduced-fare ticket
international coupon ticket
combined ticket
expired ticket; out-of-date ticket
(reduced-fare) holiday ticket
half-price ticket; half-price fare
full-fare ticket
dog ticket
magnetised ticket
ticket available over one fixed route
ticket available over alternative routes
open ticket
to buy a ticket
Eisenbahnzug m; Zug m (Bahn)
Eisenbahnzüge pl; Züge pl
abfahrbereiter Zug; fertiggebildeter Zug
abfahrender Zug; Zug bei der Abfahrt
ankommender Zug; eintreffender Zug; Ankunftszug; Zug bei der Ankunft
abgestellter Zug; zurückgestauter Zug
Ausflugszug m; Touristenzug m; Zug aus touristischem Anlass
ausgelasteter Zug
Ausstellungszug m
Autoreisezug m mit Motorradbeförderung; Zug mit begleiteten Motorrädern
Beförderungszug m; besetzter Zug
Belastungszug m; Lastenzug m (für den Brückentest)
Charterzug m; gecharterter Zug; vercharterter Zug Dt.
Dampfzug m; mit Dampflok bespannter Zug
doppelt geführter Zug; Entlastungszug; Verstärkungszug
durchgehender Zug
elektrischer Zug
ganzjährig verkehrender Zug
Ganzzug m; Blockzug m
geschlossener Zug
Gleisbauzug m; Gleisumbauzug m
Gleisbaumaschinenzug m; Oberbau-Erneuerungszug m
grenzüberschreitender Zug; internationaler Zug
kreuzender Zug (auf eingleisiger Strecke); begegnender Zug (auf zweigleisiger Strecke)
Nachtzug m
Panzerzug m; gepanzerter Zug
Postzug; Zug für Postbeförderung
Regionalzug m; Bummelzug m ugs.
Schotterzug m
Städtezug m
Städteschnellzug m; Intercity-Express-Zug m Dt. ICE ; Intercity-Express m ICE ; Städteexpress m (DDR)
Triebwagenzug m
Tunnelhilfszug m
Zug bestehend aus Gliederelementen
Zug des öffentlichen Verkehrs
Zug im Zulauf
Zug mit besonderen Beförderungsaufgaben
Zug mit besonderen Benutzungsbedingungen
Zug mit bestimmten Verkehrstagen
Zug ohne Zwischenhalt
mit dem Zug; mit der Bahn
im Zug
mit dem Zug fahren; mit der Bahn fahren (nach)
den Zug erreichen
den Zug verpassen
gerne Zug fahren
einen Zug abstellen; einen Zug in Ãœberholung nehmen
einen Zug auf Abruf stellen, einen Zug zurückstellen
einen Zug in den Bahnhof aufnehmen
außerplanmäßiger Zug
Züge beobachten und notieren (als Hobby)
train (railway)
train about to depart
departing train
arriving train
waiting train
tourist train
fully-loaded train
exhibition train
train of accompanied motorcycles
general-purpose train
test train (for bridge testing)
charter train; chartered train
steam train
extra train; relief train; second conditional train Am.; second section train Am.
direct train; through train
electric train
regular train
block train
special-purpose train
track-renewal train
mechanised track-relaying train
international train
train running passing in opposite direction; opposing train Am.
overnight train; night train
armoured train Br.; armored train Am.
mail train
regional train; non-express train
ballast train
intercity train
intercity express train ICE
divisible train set; multiple-unit set; MU set
tunnel emergency train
articulated train
revenue-earning train
expected train
single-commodity train
special train
non-regular train
non-stop train
by train
on the train
to go by train; to take the train (to)
to catch the train
to miss the train
to love to ride on trains
to stable a train; to recess a train; to park a train Am.
to hold a train
to accept a train into a station
wildcat train Am.
train spotting

Deutsche Internationaler Synonyme

Internationaler  Währungsfonds  ÂIWF  
CCITT  ÂInternationaler  Ausschuss  für  den  Telegrafen-  und  Fernsprechdienst  
IATA  ÂInternational  Air  Transportation  Association  ÂInternationale  Lufttransportgemeinschaft  ÂInternationaler  Luftverkehrsverband  
Internationaler Währungsfonds  IWF  
Weitere Ergebnisse für Internationaler Synonym nachschlagen

Englische of an international character Synonyme

of  about  anent  apropos of  as for  as regards  as respects  as to  concerning  in connection with  in point of  in re  in reference to  in regard to  in relation to  in relation with  in respect to  on  pertaining to  pertinent to  re  referring to  regarding  relating to  relative to  respecting  speaking of  touching  upon  with regard to  with respect to  
of course  OK  Roger  absolutely  accordingly  all right  alright  alrighty  amen  and no mistake  and so  as a consequence  as a result  as you say  assuredly  at all events  at any rate  aye  by all means  certainly  clearly  consequently  da  decidedly  decisively  definitely  distinctly  exactly  finally  fine  for a certainty  for a fact  for certain  for sure  forsooth  good  good enough  hear  in truth  inconsequence  indeed  indeedy  inevitably  it follows that  ja  just so  mais oui  most assuredly  most certainly  naturally  naturellement  necessarily  nothing else but  of necessity  okay  oui  positively  precisely  quite  rather  really  right  righto  sure  sure thing  surely  therefore  to a certainty  to be sure  truly  unequivocally  unmistakably  very well  well and good  why yes  yea  yeah  yep  yes  yes indeed  yes indeedy  yes sir  yes sirree  
off  aberrant  abnormal  abroad  absonant  absurd  adrift  adulterated  all abroad  all off  all wrong  aloof  amiss  askew  astray  at a distance  at fault  at leisure  at liberty  at loose ends  atonal  available  away  awry  babbling  barring  below par  below standard  below the mark  bereft of reason  beside the mark  blast  blemished  blot out  blown  brainsick  bump off  cacophonous  casual  clockwise  conservative  contrasting  corrupt  counter  crackbrained  cracked  crazed  crazy  croak  curious  daft  damaged  deceptive  defective  deficient  delirious  deluded  delusive  demented  deprived of reason  deranged  deviant  deviational  deviative  dexter  dextral  dextrocardial  dextrocerebral  dextrocular  dextrogyrate  dextrogyratory  dextropedal  dextrorotary  dextrorse  diaphonic  different  disconsonant  discordant  discounting  disengaged  disharmonic  disharmonious  disoriented  disparate  dissimilar  dissonant  distantly  distorted  distraught  divergent  diverse  dizzy  do in  down  eccentric  erase  errant  erring  erroneous  except  excepting  exception taken of  excluding  exclusive of  extra  fallacious  fallible  fallow  false  fat  faultful  faulty  fix  flat  flawed  flighty  forth  found wanting  freaked out  freaky  free  from  frowy  funny  gamy  get  giddy  give the business  grating  gun down  hallucinated  hardly like  harsh  hence  heretical  heterodox  high  hit  ice  idle  illogical  illusory  immature  immelodious  impaired  imperfect  imprecise  impure  in blue water  inaccurate  inadequate  incidental  incoherent  incomplete  inexact  inharmonic  inharmonious  insane  irrational  jobless  kooky  lacking  lay out  leaving out  leisure  leisured  less  lightheaded  loco  lumpen  lunatic  mad  maddened  makeshift  manic  mazed  mediocre  mental  mentally deficient  meshuggah  minus  mixed  moon-struck  musicless  negligible  non compos  non compos mentis  nonmelodious  nonuniform  not all there  not counting  not perfect  not right  n  
off and on  alternately  at irregular intervals  at random  back and forth  backward and forward  backwards and forwards  brokenly  by catches  by fits  by jerks  by snatches  by turns  capriciously  changeably  desultorily  disconnectedly  discontinuously  eccentrically  erratically  every other  fitfully  haltingly  hitch and hike  in and out  in rotation  in snatches  in spots  in turns  inconstantly  intermittently  irregularly  jerkily  lurchingly  make and break  nonuniformly  on and off  patchily  reciprocally  ride and tie  roughly  round and round  seesaw  shuttlewise  spasmodically  sporadically  spottily  to and fro  turn about  uncertainly  unevenly  unmethodically  unpredictably  unrhythmically  unsteadfastly  unsteadily  unsystematically  up and down  variably  waveringly  whimsically  wobblingly  
off balance  asymmetric  canted  disproportionate  eccentric  heeling  ill-balanced  irregular  leaning  listing  lopsided  nonsymmetrical  off-center  overbalanced  top-heavy  unbalanced  uncentered  unequal  uneven  unstable  unsteady  unsymmetrical  
off base  aberrant  abnormal  abominable  atrocious  bad  criminal  delinquent  deviant  disgraceful  disorderly  disruptive  evil  hardly the thing  ignominious  ill-considered  ill-seasoned  ill-timed  illegal  improper  inappropriate  inauspicious  inconvenient  incorrect  indecorous  inexpedient  infamous  infelicitous  inopportune  intempestive  intrusive  irrelevant  late  mal a propos  malapropos  misbehaving  mistimed  naughty  not done  not respectable  not the thing  off base  off-color  out of line  out of phase  out of time  out-of-line  premature  rowdy  rowdyish  ruffianly  sacrilegious  scandalous  shameful  shameless  sinful  terrible  too late  too soon  unbefitting  unbehaving  undue  unfavorable  unfit  unfitting  unfortunate  unhandy  unhappy  unlawful  unlucky  unpropitious  unready  unrighteous  unripe  unseasonable  unseemly  unsuitable  untimely  untoward  wicked  wrong  wrongful  
off chance  bare possibility  chance  conceivability  conceivableness  contingency  dark horse  even chance  eventuality  fighting chance  gambling chance  good chance  good possibility  hardly a chance  hope  hundred-to-one shot  improbability  likelihood  little chance  little opportunity  long odds  long shot  outside chance  outside hope  poor bet  poor lookout  poor possibility  poor prospect  possibility  possibleness  potential  potentiality  probability  prospect  remote possibility  slim chance  small chance  small hope  the attainable  the feasible  the possible  thinkability  thinkableness  unlikelihood  virtuality  what is possible  what may be  what might be  
off color  aberrant  abnormal  abominable  ailing  atrocious  bad  below par  blue  broad  clashing  colliding  conflicting  criminal  critically ill  delinquent  deviant  discordant  disgraceful  donsie  down  evil  faint  faintish  feeling awful  feeling faint  feeling something terrible  hardly the thing  harsh  ignominious  ill  illegal  improper  in danger  inappropriate  incongruous  incorrect  indecorous  indisposed  infamous  inharmonious  laid low  low  mean  mortally ill  not done  not quite right  not the thing  off-base  off-tone  offish  out of sorts  out-of-line  poorly  purple  racy  risky  risque  rocky  sacrilegious  salty  scabrous  scandalous  seedy  shady  shameful  shameless  sick  sick unto death  sickish  sickly  sinful  spicy  suggestive  taken ill  terrible  under the weather  undue  unfit  unfitting  unlawful  unrighteous  unseemly  unsuitable  unwell  wicked  wrong  wrongful  
off duty  at leisure  at liberty  at loose ends  available  disengaged  fallow  free  idle  jobless  leisure  leisured  lumpen  off  off work  on furlough  on leave  otiose  out of employ  out of harness  out of work  unemployable  unemployed  unoccupied  
off guard  asleep  culpably negligent  derelict  goofing off  inadvertent  inattentive  incautious  laissez-faire  lax  loose  napping  neglectful  neglecting  negligent  nodding  noninterfering  nonrestrictive  overly permissive  permissive  procrastinating  relaxed  remiss  scamping  skimping  slack  sleeping  slighting  slurring  unalert  uncautious  uncircumspect  unguarded  unprepared  unready  unrigorous  unvigilant  unwary  unwatchful  
off key  abnormal  absonant  anomalous  atonal  cacophonous  cracked  deviant  diaphonic  disconsonant  discordant  disharmonic  disharmonious  dissonant  divergent  flat  grating  harsh  immelodious  inharmonic  inharmonious  musicless  nonmelodious  off  off-tone  out of pitch  out of tone  out of tune  raucous  sharp  shrill  sour  strident  tuneless  unharmonious  unmelodious  unmusical  unnatural  unregular  untunable  untuned  untuneful  
off limits  banned  barred  contraband  forbade  forbid  forbidden  illegal  illicit  nonpermissible  not permitted  out of bounds  outlawed  prohibited  restricted  ruled out  taboo  tabooed  unallowed  unauthorized  under the ban  unlawful  unlicensed  unpermissible  unsanctioned  untouchable  verboten  vetoed  
off the wall  absurd  balmy  bananas  barmy  bats  batty  beany  bonkers  buggy  bughouse  bugs  crackers  cuckoo  curious  daffy  dippy  dotty  eccentric  flaky  flipped  freaked out  freaked-out  freaky  fruitcakey  fruity  funny  gaga  goofy  haywire  just plain nuts  kooky  loony  loopy  nuts  nutty  odd  oddball  off  off the hinges  off the track  out  outlandish  passing strange  peculiar  potty  quaint  queer  round the bend  screwball  screwballs  screwy  singular  slaphappy  strange  unearthly  wacky  weird  wondrous strange  
offal  bilge  bilgewater  bones  carrion  chaff  culm  deadwood  debris  dishwater  ditchwater  draff  dregs  dust  filings  garbage  gash  hogwash  husks  junk  leavings  lees  litter  offscourings  orts  parings  potsherds  rags  raspings  refuse  riffraff  rubbish  scourings  scrap iron  scraps  scum  scurf  sewage  sewerage  shards  shavings  slack  slag  slop  slops  slough  stubble  sweepings  swill  tares  trash  wastage  waste  waste matter  wastepaper  weeds  
offbeat  Bohemian  bar beat  beat  bizarre  breakaway  contrasting  counter  deviant  different  disparate  dissimilar  divergent  diverse  downbeat  eccentric  far out  freaky  free and easy  fringy  hardly like  heretical  heterodox  hippie  idiosyncratic  informal  innovative  kinky  maverick  nonuniform  not cricket  not done  not kosher  novel  odd  off  original  out  outlandish  outre  peculiar  pulsation  pulse  queer  rare  recherche  scarcely like  strange  sui generis  throb  unalike  uncommon  unconventional  uncustomary  undreamed-of  unexpected  unfamiliar  unfashionable  unheard-of  unidentical  unique  unlike  unmatched  unordinary  unorthodox  unresembling  unsame  unsimilar  unthought-of  unusual  unwonted  upbeat  way out  weird  weirdo  
offence  breach  crime  dereliction  error  fault  felony  harm  hurt  infraction  infringement  injure  insult  lapse  malefaction  misdeed  misdemeanor  offend  outrage  peccadillo  sin  slight  slip  take umbrage  transgression  trespass  violation  wrong  wrongdoing  
offend  affront  aggrieve  anger  annoy  appall  blemish  blot  breach  break  call names  chagrin  commit sin  contravene  deface  disfigure  disgruntle  disgust  dishonor  disoblige  displease  distress  disturb  do amiss  do wrong  dump on  dysphemize  embarrass  err  exasperate  excite  fleer at  flout  fret  gall  gibe at  give offense  give offense to  give umbrage  grieve  gross out  horrify  humiliate  hurl a brickbat  hurt  hurt the feelings  infract  infringe  insult  irritate  jeer at  jibe at  look a fright  look a mess  look bad  look like hell  look something terrible  mar  miff  mock  nauseate  needle  nettle  offend the eye  outrage  pain  pique  provoke  put down  put off  rankle  rattle  repel  repulse  revolt  rile  ruffle  scandalize  scoff at  shock  sicken  sin  slight  snub  spoil  sting  taunt  transgress  treat with indignity  trespass  turn the stomach  uglify  upset  vex  wound  
offender  criminal  crook  culprit  delinquent  evil man  evil person  evildoer  felon  lawbreaker  malefactor  malfeasor  miscreant  misdemeanant  misdemeanist  misfeasor  outlaw  sinner  transgressor  wrongdoer  
offense  affront  aggravated assault  aggression  amphibious attack  angry look  armed assault  aspersion  assailing  assailment  assault  atrocity  attack  bad faith  banzai attack  blitz  blitzkrieg  breach  breach of contract  breach of faith  breach of privilege  breach of promise  breach of trust  breaking  breakthrough  brickbat  casus belli  charge  contempt  contravention  contumely  counterattack  counteroffensive  coup de main  crime  crime against humanity  crippling attack  cut  dead set at  deadly sin  delict  delinquency  dereliction  descent on  despite  dirty look  diversion  diversionary attack  drive  dudgeon  dump  enormity  error  evil  failure  fault  felony  flank attack  flout  flouting  frontal attack  frown  gas attack  genocide  gibe  glare  glower  guilty act  head-on attack  heavy sin  huff  humiliation  illegality  impropriety  indignity  indiscretion  inexpiable sin  infiltration  infraction  infringement  iniquity  injury  injustice  insult  jeer  jeering  lapse  lightning attack  lightning war  malefaction  malfeasance  malum  mass attack  megadeath  miff  minor wrong  misdeed  misdemeanor  misfeasance  mock  mockery  mortal sin  mugging  nonfeasance  offensive  omission  onset  onslaught  outrage  overkill  panzer warfare  peccadillo  peccancy  pique  provocation  push  put-down  raw nerve  red rag  resentment  run against  run at  rush  sally  scoff  scowl  scurrility  shock tactics  sin  sin of commission  sin of omission  sinful act  slip  snuff  sore point  sore spot  sortie  strike  taunt  tender spot  tort  transgression  trespass  trip  umbrage  uncomplimentary remark  unprovoked assault  unutterable sin  venial sin  violation  wrong  wrongdoing  
offensive  Fescennine  Rabelaisian  abhorrent  abominable  abusive  aggravated assault  aggression  aggressive  amphibious attack  antagonistic  appalling  armed assault  arrant  assailing  assailment  assault  atrocious  attack  attacking  awful  backhand  backhanded  bad  bad-smelling  banzai attack  barfy  base  battling  bawdy  beastly  bellicose  belligerent  below contempt  beneath contempt  blameworthy  blitz  blitzkrieg  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  blue  boorish  brackish  breakthrough  brutal  caddish  calumnious  charge  chauvinist  chauvinistic  chintzy  cloying  coarse  combative  contemptible  contentious  contumelious  counterattack  counteroffensive  coup de main  crippling attack  crude  dead set at  degrading  deplorable  descent on  despicable  detestable  dire  dirty  disagreeable  discourteous  disgusting  displeasing  disrespectful  diversion  diversionary attack  dreadful  drive  egregious  enemy  enormous  evil  execrable  fecal  ferocious  fetid  fierce  fighting  filthy  flagrant  flank attack  forbidding  foul  foul-mouthed  foul-spoken  foul-tongued  frightful  frontal attack  frowsty  frowy  frowzy  full of fight  fulsome  funky  fusty  gamy  gas attack  ghastly  graveolent  grievous  grim  grisly  gross  gruesome  hateful  hawkish  head-on attack  heinous  hideous  high  horrible  horrid  hostile  humiliating  icky  ignoble  ill-bred  ill-smelling  impertinent  impolite  improper  impudent  impure  in bad taste  inappropriate  inconsiderate  indecent  indecorous  indelicate  inelegant  infamous  infiltration  inimical  insensitive  insolent  insulting  ithyphallic  jingo  jingoish  jingoist  jingoistic  lamentable  left-handed  lewd  lightning attack  lightning war  loathsome  lousy  loutish  louty  lurid  maggoty  malodorous  martial  mass attack  mawkish  megadeath  mephitic  miasmal  miasmic  mildewed  mildewy  militant  militaristic  military  moldy  monstrous  mugging  musty  nasty  nauseant  nauseating  nauseous  nefarious  

Internationaler Definition

(n.) A distinctive mark
(n.) Style of writing or printing
(n.) The peculiar quality, or the sum of qualities, by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others
(n.) Strength of mind
(n.) Moral quality
(n.) Quality, position, rank, or capacity
(n.) The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing
(n.) A written statement as to behavior, competency, etc., given to a servant.
(n.) A unique or extraordinary individuality
(n.) One of the persons of a drama or novel.
(v. t.) To engrave
(v. t.) To distinguish by particular marks or traits
(a.) Between or among nations
(a.) Of or concerning the association called the International.
(n.) The International
(n.) A member of the International Association.

of an international character Bedeutung

international flight a flight that takes off in one country and lands in another
international terrorism terrorism practiced in a foreign country by terrorists who are not native to that country
jihad jehad international jihad a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels
world affairs
international affairs
affairs between nations, you can't really keep up with world affairs by watching television
mutual aid
international logistic support
arrangements made between nations to assist each other
character printer
character-at-a-time printer
serial printer
a printer that prints a single character at a time
character (genetics) an attribute (structural or functional) that is determined by a gene or group of genes
unit character (genetics) a character inherited on an all-or-none basis and dependent on the presence of a single gene
character fiber
the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions, education has for its object the formation of character- Herbert Spencer
concert pitch
philharmonic pitch
international pitch
the pitch used to tune instruments for concert performances, usually assignsHz to the A above middle C
sex characteristic
sexual characteristic
sex character
those characteristics (both anatomical and psychological) that are strongly associated with one sex relative to the other
primary sex characteristic
primary sexual characteristic
primary sex character
the genetically determined sex characteristics bound up with reproduction (genitals and organs of reproduction)
secondary sex characteristic
secondary sexual characteristic
secondary sex character
the genetically determined sex characteristics that are not functionally necessary for reproduction (pitch of the voice and body hair and musculature)
a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something, each town has a quality all its own, the radical character of our demands
character role
theatrical role
part persona
an actor's portrayal of someone in a play, she played the part of Desdemona
Morse code
international Morse code
a telegraph code in which letters and numbers are represented by strings of dots and dashes (short and long signals)
ASCII character set (computer science) characters that make up the ASCII coding scheme, the ASCII character set is the most universal character coding set
character set an ordered list of characters that are used together in writing or printing
character reference character reference a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability, requests for character references are all too often answered evasively
character assassination
assassination blackwash
an attack intended to ruin someone's reputation
graphic symbol
a written symbol that is used to represent speech, the Greek alphabet has characters
check character a character that is added to the end of a block of transmitted data and used to check the accuracy of the transmission
ASCII character any member of the standard code for representing characters by binary numbers
control character
ASCII control character
ASCII characters to indicate carriage return or tab or backspace, typed by depressing a key and the control key at the same time
backspace character a control character that indicates moving a space to the left
letter letter of the alphabet
alphabetic character
the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech, his grandmother taught him his letters
International Wanted Notice
Red Notice
an Interpol notice describing a wanted person and asking that he or she be arrested with a view to extradition, a wanted notice that is issued by Interpol at the request of an Interpol member country and distributed to all member countries, an Interpol Red Notice is the closest instrument to an international arrest warrant in use today
International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders a terrorist group organized by Osama bin Laden in that provided an umbrella organization for al-Qaeda and other militant groups in Egypt and Algeria and Pakistan and Bangladesh
Japanese Red Army
Anti-Imperialist International Brigade
a terrorist group organized into overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world revolution, is said to have close ties with Palestinian terrorists, in the Japanese Red Army was responsible for a massacre at an airport in Israel
Hare Krishna
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
a religious sect founded in the United States in , based on Vedic scriptures, groups engage in joyful chanting of `Hare Krishna' and other mantras based on the name of the Hindu god Krishna, devotees usually wear saffron robes and practice vegetarianism and celibacy
Lions Club
International Association of Lions clubs
club dedicated to promoting responsible citizenship and good government and community and national and international welfare
Rotary Club
Rotary International
a group of businessmen in a town organized as a service club and to promote world peace
world organization
world organisation
international organization
international organisation
global organization
an international alliance involving many different countries
International Court of Justice
World Court
a court established to settle disputes between members of the United Nations
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
an agency of the United Nations responsible for programs to aid education and the health of children and mothers in developing countries
International Atomic Energy Agency
the United Nations agency concerned with atomic energy
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
World Bank
a United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments
International Civil Aviation Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation
International Development Association
an agency of the United Nations affiliated with the World Bank
International Finance Corporation
a United Nations agency that invests directly in companies and guarantees loans to private investors, affiliated with the World Bank
International Labor Organization
International Labour Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with the interests of labor
International Maritime Organization
the United Nations agency concerned with international maritime activities
International Monetary Fund
a United Nations agency to promote trade by increasing the exchange stability of the major currencies
United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Centre for International Crime Prevention
the United Nations office responsible for crime prevention and criminal justice and law reform
international intelligence agency an intelligence agency outside the United States
International Relations and Security Network
Switzerland's information network for security and defense studies and for peace and conflict research and for international relations
international law enforcement agency an international administrative unit responsible for law enforcement
International any of several international socialist organizations
international law
law of nations
the body of laws governing relations between nations
date line
International Date Line
an imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the th meridian
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