
Investitionslenkung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

investment control
investment control
Investition, Kapitalanlage
Ausreifungszeit f (einer Investition) econ.
gestation period
Investition f, Anlage f, Kapitalanlage f
Investitionen pl, Anlagen pl, Kapitalanlagen pl
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
investment, capital investment
to recoup one's initial outlay, to recoup one's investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
Investition f, Kapitalaufwand m
capital expenditure
Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung f, Szenario n zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Beurteilung einer Investition econ.
business case
elterlich adj, Eltern...
elterliche Investition biol.
parental investment
Investition f; Anlage f; Kapitalanlage f
Investitionen pl; Anlagen pl; Kapitalanlagen pl
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
erstklassige Kapitalanlage
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
investment; capital investment
to recoup one's initial outlay; to recoup one's investment
choice investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
Investition f; Kapitalaufwand m
capital expenditure
Investition f econ.
Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung f; Szenario n zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Beurteilung einer Investition econ.
business case
befriedigend; lohnend adj
eine lohnende Erfahrung
eine lohnende Investition
eine dankbare Aufgabe
a rewarding experience
a rewarding investment
a rewarding work
elterlich adj; Eltern...
elterliche Investition biol.
parental investment
direkte Investition f; Direktinvestition f (zwecks Einflussnahme) econ.
direkte Investitionen pl; Direktinvestitionen pl
aktive Direktinvestitionen; direkte Investitionen Direktinvestionen im Ausland; inländische Direktinvestitionen im Ausland; Direktinvestitionsexporte; Direktinvestitionsabflüsse; Abflüsse von direkten Auslandsinvestitionen
passive Direktinvestitionen; direkte Investitionen Direktinvestionen aus dem Ausland; ausländische Direktinvestitionen im Inland; Direktinvestitionsimporte; Direktinvestitionszuflüsse; Zuflüsse von direkten Auslandsinvestitionen (oft ungenau: Auslandsdirektinvestitionen; Direktauslandsinvestitionen)
direct investment
direct investments
direct outward investments; foreign direct investment outflows
inward direct investments; direct inward investments; foreign direct investment inflows; foreign direct investments FDI
Vermögensanlage f; Kapitalanlage f; Anlage f; Investition f; Anlageinvestition f; Kapitalinvestition f fin.
Vermögensanlagen pl; Kapitalanlagen pl; Anlagen pl; Investitionen pl; Anlageinvestitionen pl; Kapitalinvestitionen pl
Investitionen aus dem Ausland; ausländische Investitionen im Inland; Investitionsimporte; Kapitalimporte; Kapitaleinfuhren; Investitionszuflüsse
inländische Investitionen im Ausland; Investitionsexporte; Kapitalexporte; Kapitalausfuhren; Investitionsabflüsse
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
eine Investition tätigen
Gesamtinvestition f
erstklassige Kapitalanlage
ertragreiche Vermögensanlage; einträgliche Kapitalanlage
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
capital investment; investment
capital investments; investments
inward investments
outward investments
to recoup one's initial outlay; to recoup one's investment
to make an investment
total investment
choice investment
productive investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
steuerlich wirksam; steuerwirksam adj fin.
eine steuerwirksame Investition
having a tax effect; tax-effective; tax-efficient
a tax-effective investment
Makler für Investitionen
investment broker
Schub m; Impuls m (für etw.) übtr.
Schübe pl; Impulse pl
Impulse für Investitionen
die Wirtschaft beleben
den Verkauf ankurbeln
fillip (to sth.)
a fillip to investment
to give a fillip to the economy
to provide a fillip to sales
abhängig sein (vom Eintreten eines Ereignisses)
Weitere Investitionen sind abhängig vom Gewinn der Firma.
to be contingent on upon (the occurrence of an event)
Further investment is contingent upon the company's profits.
etw. ernten v übtr.
den Lohn dafür erhalten
die Früchte einer Sache ernten übtr.
reichen Lohn ernten poet.
Jetzt fährt sie den Lohn der harten Arbeit ein.
Er strich hohe Gewinne aus seinen Investitionen ein.
to reap sth. fig.
to reap a the harvest Br.
to reap the benefits of sth.
to reap a rich reward
She is now reaping the benefits rewards of her hard work.
He reaped large profits from his investments.
Infrastruktur f
Eisenbahninfrastruktur f
Elektrizitätsinfrastruktur f
Flughafeninfrastruktur f
Gebäudeinfrastruktur f
Kommunikationsinfrastruktur f
Investitionen in die mobile Netzinfrastruktur f
railway infrastructure Br.; railroad infrastructure Am.; rail infrastructure
electricity infrastructure
airport infrastructure
building infrastructure
communication infrastructure; communications infrastructure
investment in mobile network infrastructure
den Ton angeben; tonangebend sein; die erste Geige spielen; das Steuer die Zügel in der Hand haben, das Heft in der Hand haben, das Regiment führen, eine Führungsrolle haben; bestimmen, wo es lang geht ugs. v
Die Heimmannschaft gab in der Anfangsphase den Ton an.
Wenn es um meine Investitionen geht, habe ich gerne das Heft in der Hand.
Die Eltern sollten bestimmen, welche Filme ihre Kinder sehen.
Hier bestimme ich, was getan wird!
to call the tune; to call the shots; to rule the roost
The home team called the tune in the early stages.
I like to call the shots when it comes to my investments.
Parents should call the tune on what films their children see.
I call the shots!
das Zurückstellen; das Auf-Eis-Legen von etw.
das Zurückstellen von Investitionen
the shelving of sth. fig.
the shelving of investment
abhängig sein v (vom Eintreten eines Ereignisses)
Weitere Investitionen sind abhängig vom Gewinn der Firma.
to be contingent on upon (the occurrence of an event)
Further investment is contingent upon the company's profits.
Investitions..., Anlagen...
Investitions- und Kostenrechnung f
investment and costing
Investitions...; Anlagen...
Investitions…; Anlagen…
Investitionsabbau m
Investitionsabbau m; Desinvestment n econ.
Investitionsabschreibung f fin. adm.
investment allowance Br.; investment credit Am.; capital expenditure write-off Am.
(steuerliche) Abschreibung f; (jährliche) Steuerabschreibung f (der Wertminderung von Anlagevermögen); Anlageabschreibung f; Absetzung f Dt. econ. fin.
Abschreibungen pl; Steuerabschreibungen pl; Anlageabschreibungen pl; Absetzungen pl
Abschreibung von Anlagewerten; Investitionsabschreibung f
Abschreibung auf Gebäude
Abschreibung wegen Abnutzung; Absetzung für Abnutzungen AfA Dt.
außerplanmäßige Vollabschreibung
Sonderabschreibung f
Teilabschreibung f
Teilwertabschreibung f
degressive Abschreibung; Abschreibung mit fallenden Jahresraten; Absetzung für Abnutzung in fallenden Jahresraten Dt.
lineare Abschreibung; Absetzung für Abnutzung in gleichen Jahresraten Dt.
progressive Abschreibung; Absetzung für Abnutzung in steigenden Jahresraten Dt.
vorgezogene Abschreibung
vorzeitige Abschreibung
Absetzung für Substanzverringerung AfS Dt.
Absetzung vom Wiederbeschaffungswert Dt.
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung gegen vorhandene Rücklagen
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung über die Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung
(außerplanmäßige) Abschreibung von Kreditforderungen
allowance for depreciation; depreciation allowance; depreciation deduction; depreciation (tangible fixed assets); amortization; amortisation Br. (intangible fixed assets)
allowances for depreciation; depreciation allowances; depreciation deductions; depreciations; amortizations; amortisations
capital allowance; investment allowance
depreciation on buildings
depreciation for wear and tear
non-scheduled depreciation; write-off; writeoff
additional capital allowance (tangible assets); special amortization; special amortisation Br. (intangible assets)
write-down; writedown
write-down to the going-concern value; write-down to the going concern going; partial write-down
degressive depreciation; declining-balance depreciation; depreciation on the basis of decreasing annual rates
straight-line depreciation; depreciation on basis of equal annual rates
progressive depreciation; rising-balance depreciation; depreciation on a rising scale; depreciation on basis of rising annual rates
anticipated depreciation
accelerated depreciation
allowance for depletion; depletion allowance; deduction for depletion; depletion deduction; depreciation on wasting assets
depreciation on replacement value
write-off against available reserves
write-off through profit and loss
write-off (charge-off) of loan assets
pauschaler Steuerabzugsbetrag m Dt.; pauschaler Abzugsposten m Dt.; Steuerabsetzbetrag m Ös.
Arbeitnehmerpauschbetrag Dt.; allgemeiner Arbeitnehmerabsetzbetrag Ös.
einschleifender Wegfall des Abzugsbetrags Absetzbetrags
Absetzbetrag für Investititonen; Investitionsabsetzbetrag m
non-refundable tax credit
in-work tax credit Br.
phase-out of tax credit
investment credit
Investitionsanleihe f fin.
Investitionsanleihen pl
investment loan
investment loans
Investitionsanreiz, Investitionsförderung
investment incentive
Investitionsanreiz m
investment incentive
Investitionsanreiz m econ.
Investitionsanreize pl
investment incentive; incentive to invest
investment incentives; incentives to invest
Rückkauf m von Investitionsanteilen fin.
capital expenditure
Investitionsaufwand m
CAPEX : capital expenditure
Investitionsaufwand m
capital expenditure CAPEX
Aufwand m; Aufwendungen pl; Kostenaufwand m; Kosten pl
Investitionsaufwand m; Investitionsausgaben pl
anfängliche Aufwendungen
die Auslagen hereinwirtschaften
capital outlay
initial outlay
to recoup one's outlay
Investitionsausgaben pl; Investitionsaufwendungen pl; Investitionsaufwand m econ.
investment expenditure; investment spending
Investitionsausgaben pl; Investitionsaufwendungen pl econ.
investment expenditure; capital expenditure; capital spending
investment spending
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank EIB
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank EIB
Investitionsbedarf m
investment needs
Investitionszuschuss, Investitionsbeihilfe
investment grant
Investitionsbeihilfe f fin.
investment aid; investment subsidy
amount of investment
Investitionsdarlehen n fin.
investment loan
Anlageentscheidung f; Investitionsentscheidung f
Anlageentscheidungen pl; Investitionsentscheidungen pl
endgültige Investitionsentscheidung
investment decision; decision to invest
investment decisions; decision to invests
final investment decision
mutual fund
Europäischer Investitionsfonds (EIF)
European Investment Fund (EIF)
Europäischer Investitionsfonds EIF
European Investment Fund EIF
Europäischer Investitionsfonds m EIF
European Investment Fund EIF
Steuerfreibetrag m; Freibetrag m fin.
Steuerfreibeträge pl; Freibeträge pl
Altersfreibetrag m
Arbeitnehmerfreibetrag m
Ausbildungsfreibetrag m (für unterhaltsberechtigte Minderjährige)
Dividendenfreibetrag m
Investitionsfreibetrag m
Jahresfreibetrag m
Kinderfreibetrag m
Umsatzfreibetrag m
Versorgungsfreibetrag m (für den verwitweten Ehegatten bei der Erbschaftssteuer)
Versorgungsfreibetrag m (für den verwitweten Ehegatten bei Versorgungsleistungen aus früheren Dienstverhältnissen)
Weihnachtsgeldfreibetrag m
einschleifender Freibetrag; verschleifender Freibetrag Ös.
persönlicher Steuerfreibetrag
die Höhe des Freibetrags
tax allowance; tax deduction; tax relief; tax-exempt amount
tax allowances; tax deductions; tax reliefs; tax-exempt amounts
age allowance; age relief; old age exemption Am.
employee allowance; employee exemption Am.; earned income relief for employees Br.
education allowance; education exemption Am. (for dependent minors)
dividend exclusion
investment allowance
annual allowance; annual exemption Am.
allowance for dependent children
tax-exempt amount of turnover
marital deduction; marital exemption Am.; spouses' exemption Am.
retirement allowance; disability allowance; retirement exemption Am.; disability exemption Am.; allowance exemption for retirement
Christmas allowance; Christmas exemption Am.
marginal relief
personal allowance Br.; personal relief Br.; personal exemption Am.
the amount of deduction; the amount of relief
Investitionsfreiheit f
freedom of investment
Investitionsgelder pl
smart money
Investitionsgüter, Anlagegüter, Kapitalgüter
capital goods
Investitionsgüter, Anlagegüter, Kapitalgüter
producer goods
Investitionsgüter, Kapitalgüter, Anlagegüter
investment goods
Investitionsgüter pl, Kapitalgüter pl, Anlagegüter pl
capital goods, investment goods
Investitionsgut n; Kapitalgut n econ.
Investitionsgüter pl; Kapitalgüter pl; Anlagegüter pl
capital good; investment good
capital goods; investment goods
Investitionsgüterindustrie f
capital goods industry
langlebiges Investitionsgut
producer durable good
investment assistance

Investitionslenkung Definition

(n.) A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register
(n.) That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder
(n.) Power or authority to check or restrain
(v. t.) To check by a counter register or duplicate account
(v. t.) To exercise restraining or governing influence over
(n.) The act of investing, or the state of being invested.
(n.) That with which anyone is invested
(n.) The act of surrounding, blocking up, or besieging by an armed force, or the state of being so surrounded.
(n.) The laying out of money in the purchase of some species of property
(n.) Control of one's self

investment control Bedeutung

gaining control
the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
fire control preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
investment investiture the ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office, the formal promotion of a person to an office or rank
inventory control supervision of the supply and storage and accessibility of items in order to insure an adequate supply without excessive oversupply
foreign direct investment a joint venture between a foreign company and a United States company
control the activity of managing or exerting control over something, the control of the mob by the police was admirable
crowd control activity of controlling a crowd
damage control an effort to minimize or curtail damage or loss
flight control control from ground stations of airplanes in flight by means of messages transmitted to the pilot electronically
flood control (engineering) the art or technique of trying to control rivers with dams etc in order to minimize the occurrence of floods
gun control efforts to regulate or control sales of guns
internal control an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.
management control an internal control performed by one or more managers
quality control maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods
arms control a limitation on the size and armament of the armed forces of a country
riot control
riot control operation
the measures taken to control a riot
investment the act of putting on robes or vestments
control (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc, the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired, he had lost control of his sphincters
motor control control of muscles
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
rhythm method of birth control
rhythm method
calendar method of birth control
calendar method
natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from daythrough day of her cycle)
traffic control control of the flow of traffic in a building or a city
the act of investing, laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit
foreign direct investment investing in United States businesses by foreign citizens (often involves stock ownership of the business)
social control control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
population control control over the growth of population, a government program
occupation military control the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
investment outer layer or covering of an organ or part or organism
control surface
a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air, can lift or control a plane in flight
preventive preventative contraceptive device
prophylactic device
birth control device
an agent or device intended to prevent conception
a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine, the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly, I turned the controls over to her
control center the operational center for a group of related activities, the general in command never left the control center
control circuit
negative feedback circuit
a feedback circuit that subtracts from the input
control key
command key
(computer science) the key on a computer keyboard that is used (in combination with some other key) to type control characters
control panel
instrument panel
control board
board panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices, he checked the instrument panel, suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
control rod a steel or aluminum rod that can be moved up or down to control the rate of the nuclear reaction
control room a room housing control equipment (as in a recording studio)
control system a system for controlling the operation of another system
control tower a tower with an elevated workspace enclosed in glass for the visual observation of aircraft around an airport
cruise control control mechanism for keeping an automobile at a set speed
fire control radar naval radar that controls the delivery of fire on a military target
fire control system naval weaponry consisting of a system for controlling the delivery of fire on a military target
grid control grid an electrode placed between the cathode and anode of a vacuum tube to control the flow of electrons through the tube
ground control a communication system for sending continuous radio messages to an airplane pilot who is making a groundontrolled approach to landing
pill birth control pill
contraceptive pill
oral contraceptive pill
oral contraceptive
anovulatory drug
a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so prevent conception
remote control
a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance, he lost the remote for his TV
stick control stick
a lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane
investment the commitment of something other than money (time, energy, or effort) to a project with the expectation of some worthwhile result, this job calls for the investment of some hard thinking, he made an emotional investment in the work
discipline in personal and social activities, he was a model of polite restraint, she never lost control of herself
control power to direct or determine, under control
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Investitionslenkung bezeichnet alle staatliche Maßnahmen zur Beeinflussung unternehmerischer Investitionsentscheidungen.