
Jun Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Binsengewächse pl; Simsengewächse Ös. pl (Juncaceae) (botanische Famile) bot.
rush family (botanical family)
Binsengewächse pl; Simsengewächse pl Ös. (Juncaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
rush family (botanical family)
Spanischer Binsenginster m; Spanischer Ginster m; Bindenginster m; Pfriemenginster m (Spartium junceum) bot.
Spanish broom; weaver's broom
Cistensänger m (Cisticola juncidis) ornith.
zitting cisticola
Junko m (Junco hyemalis) ornith.
dark-eyed junco
Solarzelle f; Fotovoltaikzelle f; Photovoltaikzelle f electr.
Solarzellen pl; Fotovoltaikzellen pl; Photovoltaikzellen pl
organische Solarzelle
Multi-Junction-Solarzelle f
Feld aus Solarzellen
solar cell; photovoltaic cell
solar cells; photovoltaic cells
organic photovoltaic cell OPVC
multijunction solar cell
array of solar cells
Fotovoltaikpaneel n
organische Solarzelle
Multi-Junction-Solarzelle f
Silizium-Solarzelle f
Feld aus Solarzellen
photovoltaic panel
organic photovoltaic cell OPVC
multijunction solar cell
silicon solar cell
array of solar cells
Binsen pl; Simsen pl (Juncus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
rushes (botanical genus)
Binsen pl; Simsen pl (Juncus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Flatterbinse f; Flattersimse f (Juncus effusus)
Korkenzieherbinse f; Liebeslocke f (Juncus effusus spiralis)
rushes (botanical genus)
common rush; soft rush
corkscrew rush
Alaska (US-Bundesstaat, Hauptstadt: Juneau)
Alaska (AK, capital: Juneau)
Alaska (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Juneau)
Alaska (AK; capital: Juneau)
Alaska (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Juneau) geogr.
Alaska AK (state of the US; capital: Juneau)
jung, Jugendliche
jung adj
am jüngsten
(bei) Jung und Alt
nicht mehr ganz jung
jung geblieben
sehr jung
(in) young and elderly
young at heart
very young
jung adv
rückständig, technisch jung adj
sterben v (an)
du stirbst
sie stirbt
sie starb
sie ist
war gestorben
sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer Krankheit sterben
an einer einer Wunde sterben
an einer Verletzung sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ins Gras beißen, daran glauben müssen ugs., sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died, died} (of, from)
you die
she dies
she died
she has
had died
she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
die of an illness
die from a wound
to die from an injury
to die of hunger (thirst)
to bite the dust coll.
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog
jung verliebt sein
als wir jung verliebt waren
to court
when we were courting
ziemlich jung
Er ist ein paar Jahre zu jung.
He's a few years under age.
Leb schnell, lieb heftig, stirb jung.
Live fast, love hard, die young.
ziemlich jung
pretty young
rueckstaendig, technisch jung
under developed
jdn. freien obs.
Jung gefreit hat nie gereut.
to marry sb.
Marry young and you'll never regret it.
jung adj
jünger (als)
am jüngsten
(bei) Jung und Alt
nicht mehr ganz jung
jung geblieben
sehr jung
So jung kommen wir nicht mehr zusammen.
younger (than)
(in) young and elderly
young at heart
very young
We'll never be that young again.
jung und unerfahren sein; noch feucht nicht trocken hinter den Ohren sein v
Die Reporterin war jung und unerfahren.
Er ist ein netter Kerl aber noch ein bisschen feucht hinter den Ohren.
to be (still) wet behind the ears
The reporter was still wet behind the ears.
He's a nice fellow but a bit wet behind the ears.
rückständig; technisch jung adj
schon; bereits adv
schon um 6 Uhr
schon ab; bereits ab
schon am frühen Morgen
schon der Gedanke
schon der Höflichkeit halber
schon der Name
schon weil ...
schon wieder
Ich wollte schon aufgeben als ich plötzlich auf die richtige Lösung kam.
So jung und schon Witwe!
already 6 o'clock
for as little as
as soon as the day broke
the very idea
out of sheer politeness
the bare name
for the very reason that ...
already again
I was on the point of giving up when I suddenly hit upon the solution.
So young and already a widow!
sterben v (an)
du stirbst
er sie stirbt
ich er sie starb
er sie ist war gestorben
ich er sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer Krankheit sterben
an einer Verletzung Wunde sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ins Gras beißen; daran glauben müssen ugs.; sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died; died} (of; from)
you die
he she dies
I he she died
he she has had died
I he she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
to die of an illness
to die from an injury a wound
to die of hunger (thirst)
to bite the dust coll.
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog
unverändert; wie eh und je adv
beliebt wie eh und je sein
ewig jung geblieben sein
to be undestructibly popular
to be indestructibly young at heart
Leb schnell lieb heftig stirb jung.
Live fast love hard die young.
Jung'sch adj; jungsch adj psych.
Jungian {adj}
blutjung; ganz jung adj soc.
blutjunge Kinder
very young; shirttail Am. coll.
very young children; shirttail kids
erdgeschichtlich adj adv geol.
erdgeschichtlich jung
in the Earth's history (postpositive)
young in terms of the Earth's history
jdn. freien v obs.
Jung gefreit hat nie gereut.
to marry sb.
Marry young and you'll never regret it.
heiraten v; sich verheiraten v (Einzelperson) soc.
ein zweites Mal heiraten; sich ein zweites Mal verheiraten; eine zweite Ehe eingehen
Sie hat jung spät geheiratet.
to marry; to get married coll. (of a single person)
to get married a second time
She married young late.
junger Mensch m; Kind n oder Jugendlicher m soc.
junge Leute pl; Jugendliche pl
die Kinder und Jugendlichen; die jungen Leute; die Jungen ugs.; die Jugend
Als ich jung war, war ich sehr schüchtern.
young person; young one; youngster coll. dated
young people; young persons
the young ones; the youngsters coll. dated
As a youngster I was very shy.
jung und unerfahren sein; noch grün feucht nicht trocken hinter den Ohren sein v
Die Reporterin war jung und unerfahren.
Er ist ein netter Kerl, aber noch ein bisschen feucht hinter den Ohren.
to be (still) wet behind the ears
The reporter was still wet behind the ears.
He's a nice fellow but a bit wet behind the ears.
schon; bereits geh. adv
schon am frühen Morgen
Meine Schwester schläft schon.
Da schau, sie haben schon angefangen.
Es war bereits 6 Uhr am Abend und schon dunkel.
Es ist schon Mittwoch und es ist noch so viel zu tun.
Als ich eintraf, war sie bereits eine ganze Weile fort.
Der Kampf hatte kaum begonnen, da war er auch schon entschieden.
„Wir müssen aufhören.“ „Jetzt schon?“ „Schon?“
So jung und schon Witwe!
as soon as the day broke
My sister is already sleeping.
Oh look, they've already started.
It was already 6 o'clock in the evening, quite dark.
It's already Wednesday and there is still so much to do.
When I arrived she had already left quite a while ago.
The fight had hardly begun when it was already decided.
'We have to end here.' 'Already?'
She's so young and already a widow!
sterben v biol. med.
du stirbst
er sie stirbt
ich er sie starb
er sie ist war gestorben
ich er sie stürbe
jung sterben
eines natürlichen Todes sterben
eines gewaltsamen Todes sterben
an einer feinstaubbedingten Krankheit wie der Staublunge sterben
an einer Verletzung Wunde sterben
vor Hunger (Durst) sterben
ohne direkte Nachkommen sterben
tausend Tode sterben
im Elend sterben
to die {died; died}
you die
he she dies
I he she died
he she has had died
I he she would die
to die young
to die a natural death
to die a violent death
to die from of a PM-related disease like the dust disease
to die from an injury a wound
to die of hunger (thirst)
to die without issue
to die a thousand deaths
to die like a dog
jung verliebt sein v
als wir jung verliebt waren
to court
when we were courting
ziemlich jung adj
Arzt m, Ärztin f, Mediziner m, Medizinerin f
Ärzte pl, Ärztinnen, Mediziner pl, Medizinerinnen pl
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP), Assistent im ersten Jahr
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt, behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
doctor, physician, medical doctor (M.D.)
doctors, physicians
to go to the doctor, to go to the doctor's
intern, first year resident Am., junior houseofficer Br.
doctor in charge, physician in charge
resident Am., senior house officer (SHO) Br.
fellow Am., registrar Br.
We sent for the doctor.
Arzt m; Ärztin f; Mediziner m; Medizinerin f
Ärzte pl; Ärztinnen; Mediziner pl; Medizinerinnen pl
der behandelnde Arzt
niedergelassener Arzt; niedergelassene Ärztin
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt m Ös.; Assistent im ersten Jahr
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?
Er war beim Arzt.
doctor; physician; medical doctor M.D. ; medic coll.
doctors; physicians; medics
the attending physician; the attending doctor
registered doctor (with his her own practice)
to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
intern; first year resident Am.; junior house officer Br.; Foundation House Officer FHO Br.; pre-registration house officer Br.
doctor in charge; physician in charge
senior house officer SHO Br.; resident Am.
registrar Br.; fellow Am.
We sent for the doctor.
Can you recommend a good family doctor?
He has been to see the doctor.
Arzt m; Doktor m ugs.
Ärzte pl; Doktoren pl
Ärztin f; Frau Doktor
Bahnarzt m
Lagerarzt m
der behandelnde Arzt
niedergelassener Arzt
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP); Turnusarzt m Ös.
Arzt im ersten Praktikumsjahr; Turnusarzt im ersten Jahr Ös.
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt; behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
Kannst du mir einen guten Hausarzt empfehlen?
Er war beim Arzt.
medical doctor M.D. ; doctor; medic coll.; physician
medical doctors; doctors; medics; physicians
female doctor; lady doctor rare
railway doctor; railway medical officer Br.; railroad doctor Am.
camp doctor; camp medical officer Br.
the attending physician; the attending doctor
physician in private practice; registered doctor with his her own practice
to go to the doctor; to go to the doctor's
foundation house officer FHO Br.; house officer Br.; houseman Br.; resident physician Am.; resident Am.
pre-registration house officer Br.; intern Am.; first-year resident Am.
doctor in charge; physician in charge
senior house officer SHO Br.; resident Am.
registrar Br.; fellow Am.
We sent for the doctor.
Can you recommend a good family doctor?
He has been to see the doctor.
Jungautor m, Jungautorin f
fledgeling writer, fledgling writer
Grünschnabel m; Jungspund m; Neuling m; Frischling m humor. übtr.
Jungautor m
fledgling; fledgeling fig.
fledgling writer; fledgeling writer
Boot n; Kahn m
Boote pl; Kähne pl
Klinkerboot n
im gleichen Boot sitzen übtr.
kleines Boot; Nussschale f
ein Boot aussetzen
Wir sitzen alle in einem im selbem Boot.
Zwei neue Jungautoren wurden für das Projekt mit ins Boot geholt. übtr.
clincher-built boat
to be in the same boat fig.
cockle; cockleshell
to lower a boat
We're all in the same boat.
Two new junior authors have been brought on board for the project. fig.
Boot n naut.
Boote pl
Fischerboot n
Flachbodenboot n; flaches Angelboot n
Gummiboot n
Kielboot n (für die Binnenschifffahrt) hist.
Klinkerboot n
Ruderboot n
kleines, ovales, geflochtenes Ruderboot n
Sportboot n
im gleichen Boot sitzen übtr.
kleines Boot; Nussschale f
ein Boot aussetzen
Wir sitzen alle in einem im selben Boot.
Zwei neue Jungautoren wurden für das Projekt mit ins Boot geholt. übtr.
boat (small vessel)
fishing boat
flat-bottomed fishing boat; bateau Am.; johnboat Am.; jonboat Am.
rubber boat
keelboat; poleboat
clincher-built boat
rowboat; rowing boat Br.
sports boat; recreational craft
to be in the same boat fig.
cockle; cockleshell
to lower a boat
We're all in the same boat.
Two new junior authors have been brought on board for the project. fig.
Jungbaum m; Bäumchen n bot.
Jungbäume pl; Bäumchen pl
sapling; young tree
saplings; young trees
Jungbaum m; Bäumchen n; Gerte f bot.
Jungbäume pl; Bäumchen pl; Gerten pl
sapling; young tree
saplings; young trees
Heister m (Jungbaum ohne Krone) bot.
feathered tree Br.; ground-branching tree Am.
Biberjunges n; Jungbiber m zool.
beaver kit
Jungbier n (Brauerei)
green beer (brewery)
Jungbrunnen m
fountain of youth
fountain of youth
Erstwähler m; junger Bürger m; Jungbürger m Ös. Schw. pol.
Erstwähler pl; junge Bürger pl; Jungbürger pl
first-time voter
first-time voters
Dachsjunges n; Jungdachs m zool.
badger kit
Jungdamen- und -herrenkomitee n (Balleröffnung) Ös.
Young Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dance Committee (ball opening)
Designer m; Designerin f
Designer pl; Designerinnen pl
Jungdesigner m
young designer
junge Aktien
new shares
junge Bevölkerung
young population
junge Industrie
infant industry
junge Leute
young people
Junge, Knabe

Deutsche Jun Synonyme

Englische rush family Synonyme

rush  Brownian movement  a continental  a curse  a damn  a darn  a hoot  accelerate  ado  advance  affluence  afflux  affluxion  aftergrass  aggravated assault  aggression  air speed  amphibious attack  angular motion  armed assault  ascending  ascent  assailing  assailment  assault  attack  axial motion  backflowing  backing  backward motion  bagatelle  bamboo  bang  banzai attack  bauble  bean  belch  bibelot  bit  blackmail  blitz  blitzkrieg  boil  bolt  boot  brass farthing  break  breakthrough  bundle  burst  burst of speed  bustle  button  buzz about  call  call for  cane  canter  career  cascade  celerity  cent  cereal  cereal plant  charge  chase  claim  climbing  commotion  concourse  confluence  conflux  contribution  corn  counterattack  counteroffensive  coup de main  course  crippling attack  crosscurrent  crowd  curio  current  dart  dash  dash at  dash off  dash on  dead run  dead set at  debouchment  defluxion  demand  demand for  descending  descent  descent on  dispatch  dissiliency  diversion  diversionary attack  dogtrot  double-time  downflow  downpour  downward motion  draft  drain  drift  driftage  drive  drive on  duty  ebb  ebbing  emergency  eructation  eruption  exaction  excitement  exigent  expedite  expedition  extortion  extortionate demand  farce  farinaceous plant  farthing  fastness  feather  ferment  festinate  fig  flank attack  flank speed  flare-up  flat-out speed  fleabite  fleet  flight  fling  flit  flood  flow  flow back  flow in  flow out  flowing  fluency  flurry  flush  flutter  flux  fly  fly at  fog  folderol  font  forage grass  forced draft  forward  forward motion  forwardness  fount  fountain  fribble  frippery  frontal attack  full gallop  fuss  gallop  gas attack  gaud  get cracking  get going  get moving  gewgaw  geyser  gimcrack  go off half-cocked  grain  graminaceous plant  grass  ground speed  gush  hair  halfpenny  hand gallop  harum-scarum  haste  hasten  hasten on  hastiness  head-on attack  headlong rush  
rushed  a bit previous  advanced  at the double  crowded  double-quick  double-time  far ahead  forward  half-baked  half-cocked  hard-pressed  hard-pushed  hard-run  hasty  hurried  ill-considered  impulsive  not firm  on the double  overhasty  oversoon  precipitate  precocious  premature  pressed  pressed for time  previous  pushed  too early  too soon  uncrystallized  unjelled  unmatured  unmeditated  unpremeditated  unprepared  unripe  untimely  
rushing  abrupt  affluent  ascending  axial  back  back-flowing  backward  confluent  coursing  decurrent  defluent  descending  diffluent  down-trending  downward  drifting  flowing  fluent  fluxional  fluxive  flying  going  gulfy  gushing  gyrational  gyratory  hasty  headlong  hurried  impetuous  mazy  meandering  mounting  passing  plunging  pouring  precipitant  precipitous  profluent  progressive  racing  reflowing  refluent  regressive  retrogressive  rising  rotary  rotational  rotatory  running  serpentine  sideward  sinking  sluggish  soaring  streaming  sudden  surging  surgy  tidal  up-trending  upward  vortical  

Jun Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to botany
(n.) A rushlike plant, the reed mace or cat-tail, or some species of the genus Scirpus. See Bulrush.
(v. t.) The collective body of persons who live in one house, and under one head or manager
(v. t.) The group comprising a husband and wife and their dependent children, constituting a fundamental unit in the organization of society.
(v. t.) Those who descend from one common progenitor
(v. t.) Course of descent
(v. t.) Honorable descent
(v. t.) A group of kindred or closely related individuals
(v. t.) A group of organisms, either animal or vegetable, related by certain points of resemblance in structure or development, more comprehensive than a genus, because it is usually based on fewer or less pronounced points of likeness. In zoology a family is less comprehesive than an order
(n.) A name given to many aquatic or marsh-growing endogenous plants with soft, slender stems, as the species of Juncus and Scirpus.
(n.) The merest trifle
(v. i.) To move forward with impetuosity, violence, and tumultuous rapidity or haste
(v. i.) To enter into something with undue haste and eagerness, or without due deliberation and preparation
(v. t.) To push or urge forward with impetuosity or violence
(v. t.) To recite (a lesson) or pass (an examination) without an error.
(n.) A moving forward with rapidity and force or eagerness
(n.) Great activity with pressure
(n.) A perfect recitation.
(n.) A rusher
(n.) The act of running with the ball.
(n.) A kind of rural festival at the dedication of a church, when the parishioners brought rushes to strew the church.

rush family (botanical family) Bedeutung

the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner, in his haste to leave he forgot his book
rush rushing (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running into the line, the linebackers were ready to stop a rush
family practice
family medicine
medical practice that provides health care regardless of age or sex while placing emphasis on the family unit
herbal therapy
botanical medicine
the use of plants or plant extracts for medicinal purposes (especially plants that are not part of the normal diet)
family therapy any of several therapeutic approaches in which a family is treated as a whole
natural family planning any of several methods of family planning that do not involve sterilization or contraceptive devices or drugs, coitus is avoided during the fertile time of a woman's menstrual cycle
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
ovulation method of family planning
ovulation method
natural family planning in which the fertile period is inferred from changes in the character and quantity of cervical mucus, ovulation is marked by an increase in mucus that becomes sticky and then clearer and slippery
gold rush a large migration of people to a newly discovered gold field
bacteria family a family of bacteria
family Rhizobiaceae
a small family of rod-shaped bacteria
family Bacillaceae
typically rod-shaped usually Gram-positive bacteria that produce endospores
family Myxophyceae
family Schizophyceae
former terms for Cyanophyceae
family Nostocaceae
blue-green algae
family Oscillatoriaceae
blue green algae
family Pseudomonodaceae
rod-shaped Gram-negative bacteria, include important plant and animal pathogens
family Athiorhodaceae
small motile sulphur bacteria
family Nitrobacteriaceae
usually rod-shaped bacteria that oxidize ammonia or nitrites: nitrobacteria
family Thiobacteriaceae
free-living coccoid to rod-shaped bacteria that derive energy from oxidizing sulfur or sulfur compounds
family Spirillaceae
rigid spirally curved elongate bacteria
family Bacteroidaceae
family of bacteria living usually in the alimentary canal or on mucous surfaces of warm-blooded animals, sometimes associated with acute infective processes
family Corynebacteriaceae
a large family of mostly Gram-positive and aerobic and nonmotile rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales
family Enterobacteriaceae
a large family of Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales
family Rickettsiaceae
microorganism resembling bacteria inhabiting arthropod tissues but capable of causing disease in vertebrates
family Chlamydiaceae
Gram-negative parasites in warm-blooded vertebrates
family Mycoplasmataceae
pleomorphic Gram-negative nonmotile microorganism similar to both viruses and bacteria, parasitic in mammals
family Actinomycetaceae
filamentous anaerobic bacteria
family Streptomycetaceae
higher bacteria typically aerobic soil saprophytes
family Mycobacteriaceae
a family of bacteria
family Polyangiaceae
family Myxobacteriaceae
bacteria living mostly in soils and on dung
family Micrococcaceae
spherical or elliptical usually aerobic eubacteria that produce yellow or orange or red pigment, includes toxin-producing forms as well as harmless commensals and saprophytes
family Lactobacillaceae
family Lactobacteriaceae
lactic acid bacteria and important pathogens, bacteria that ferment carbohydrates chiefly into lactic acid
family Spirochaetaceae
large coarsely spiral bacteria, free-living in fresh or salt water or commensal in bodies of oysters
family Treponemataceae
small spirochetes some parasitic or pathogenic
protoctist family any of the families of Protoctista
family Endamoebidae
a large family of endoparasitic amebas that invade the digestive tract
family Globigerinidae
a family of protoctists
family Nummulitidae
a family of fossil protoctists
family Arcellidae
soil and freshwater protozoa, cosmopolitan in distribution
family Tribonemaceae
simple filamentous freshwater yellow-green algae
family Laminariaceae
large family of marine brown algae including many economically important large kelps chiefly of northern waters
family Fucaceae
small family of brown algae: gulfweeds, rockweeds
family Euglenaceae
considered green algae
family Ulvaceae
sea-lettuce family
thin flat or tubular green algae
family Volvocaceae
unicellular or colonial biflagellate free-swimming flagellates
family Chlamydomonadaceae
green algae some of which are colored red by hematochrome
family Zygnemataceae
pond scums: common freshwater algae forming green slimy masses
family Oedogoniaceae
filamentous green algae
family Characeae
green algae superficially resembling horsetail ferns: stoneworts
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