
Kalenderblatt Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kalenderblatt n
Kalenderblätter pl
calendar sheet
calendar sheets
Kalenderblatt n
Kalenderblätter pl
calendar sheet
calendar sheets
Kalender m
Kalender pl
in den Kalender einfügen
to intercalate
Terminkalender m, Kalender m
Terminkalendern pl, Kalender pl
appointment calendar, datebook
appointment calendars, datebooks
gregorianisch adj
gregorianischer Kalender
gregorianischer Gesang
Gregorian calendar
Gregorian chant
römisch adj
römisches Alphabet
römischer Kalender
römische Ziffer f
Roman alphabet
Roman calendar
Roman numeral
Blättermagen m; Buchmagen m; Psalter m; Kalender m; Löser m (Omasum) (bei Wiederkäuern) anat. zool.
manyplies; fardel; omasum; psalterium; bible (in ruminants)
Datum n; Zeitangabe f; Zeitpunkt m
Daten pl; Zeitangaben pl
der Hochzeitstermin
neueren Datums
ohne Datum
falsches Datum
Wir schreiben den 5. Mai 2000.
Merken sie sich bitte das Datum in Ihrem Kalender vor.
the date of the wedding
of recent date
no date n.d.
The date is 5 May 2000.; Our story begins on May 5th 2000.
Please save the date in your calendar.
Kalender m
Kalender pl
hunderjähriger Kalender
ewiger Kalender
ein Fixpunkt in meinem Kalender
hundred years calendar
perpetual calendar
a (permanent) fixture in on my calendar Br.
Terminkalender m; Kalender m
Terminkalendern pl; Kalender pl
appointment calendar; datebook
appointment calendars; datebooks
julianisch adj
julianischer Kalender
Julian calendar
römisch adj röm.
römisches Alphabet
römischer Kalender
römische Ziffer f
Roman Rom.
Roman alphabet
Roman calendar
Roman numeral
etw. zu jdm. etw. zurückverfolgen; auf etw. zurückführen; jdm. etw. zuordnen v
Wir können unsere Familiengeschichte bis zum Dreißigjährigen Krieg zurückverfolgen.
Blutspendekonserven können bis zum Spender zurückverfolgt werden.
Das Wort 'Kalender' lässt sich auf das lateinische 'Kalendae' zurückführen.
Jeder Kode wird bei der Polizei registriert und Diebesgut kann so dem rechtmäßigen Eigentümer zugeordnet werden.
to trace sth. (back) to sb. sth.
We can trace our family history back to the Thirty Years' War.
Donated blood units can be traced back to the donors.
The word 'calendar' can be traced back to the Latin 'calendae'.
Each code is registered with the police and stolen property can thus be traced to the rightful owner.
Datum n; Zeitangabe f; Zeitpunkt m
Daten pl; Zeitangaben pl
der Hochzeitstermin
neueren Datums
ohne Datum
falsches Datum
Wir schreiben den 5. Mai 2000.
Merken Sie sich bitte das Datum in Ihrem Kalender vor.
the date of the wedding
of recent date
no date n.d.
The date is 5 May 2000.; Our story begins on May 5th, 2000.
Please save the date in your calendar.
(liturgisches) Direktorium n (Kalender mit dem Ablauf der Messfeiern im Jahreskreis) relig.
(liturgical) directory; ordo (calendar giving directions for the conduct of the masses in the annual cycle)
Eintragen n; Eintragung f (in ein Verzeichnis, einen Kalender usw.)
(Vornahme von) Falscheintragungen in Bankakten
entry (action of recording sth. in a list, calendar etc.)
false entry in bank records
Kalender m
Kalender pl
hundertjähriger Kalender
ewiger Kalender
ein Fixpunkt in meinem Kalender
hundred years calendar
perpetual calendar
a (permanent) fixture in on my calendar Br.
Maya… adj
Maya-Kalender m
Maya-Sprachen pl
Mayan calendar
Mayan languages
Terminkalender m; Taschenkalender m; Kalender m
Terminkalender pl; Taschenkalender pl; Kalender pl
in seinem Kalender eingetragen sein
etw. in seinen seinem Terminkalender eintragen
appointment calendar; calendar; diary Br.; datebook Am.
appointment calendars; calendars; diaries; datebooks
to be on your calendar
to put sth. in your diary
gregorianisch adj
gregorianischer Kalender
Gregorian calendar
römisch adj röm.
römisches Alphabet
römischer Kalender
römische Ziffer f
Roman Rom.
Roman alphabet
Roman calendar
Roman numeral
Beltane (Sommeranfang im irischen Kalender)
Kalenderblatt n
Kalenderblätter pl
calendar sheet
calendar sheets
Kalendereintragung f; Kalendereintrag m
Kalendereintragungen pl; Kalendereinträge pl
calendar entry
calendar entries
Termin m (als Kalendereintragung)
event (as a calendar entry)
Geschichte f; Story f ugs.
Geschichten pl; Storys pl
abenteuerliche Geschichte; haarsträubende Geschichte; unwahrscheinliche Geschichte (von jdm. etw.)
erfundene Geschichte; Märchen; Lügengeschichte (als Ausrede)
Kalendergeschichte f
Leidensgeschichte f
Liebesgeschichte f
Lügengeschichte f
rührselige Geschichte
Sehnsuchtsgeschichte f
eine lange Geschichte ohne vernünftiges Ende
eine nachdenkliche Geschichte
Er hat mir da so eine Lügengeschichte aufgetischt, dass er zu einer Verlobungsfeier muss.
tall story Br.; tall tale Am. (about sb. sth.)
made-up story; fairy story; cooked-up story coll.; cock and bull story coll.
calendar story
hard-luck story
love story
trumped-up story
sob story
story of longing
a shaggy-dog story
a story for reflection
He gave me some cock-and-bull story about having to be at an engagement party.
Kalenderidiot m pej.
Kalenderidioten pl
person addicted to facts and figures
persons addicted to facts and figures
calendar year
Kalenderjahr n
Kalenderjahre pl
calendar year
calendar years
Kalenderjahr n
legal year
legal year
Kalenderjahr n; bürgerliches Jahr n adm.
Kalenderjahre pl
calendar year; civil year
calendar years; civil years
Jahreskreis m (Abfolge von Festen Ritualen im Kalenderjahr) soc. relig.
annual cycle (sequence of celebrations rituals in the calendar year)
zehnteilig; zehngeteilt adj
zehngeteiltes Kalenderjahr
tenfold calendar year
calendar month
Kalendermonat m
Kalendermonate pl
pro Kalendermonat
calendar month
calendar months
per calendar month (pcm)
Kalenderprogramm n; Kalendersoftware f comp.
calendar program; calendar software
Serientermin m (im Kalenderprogramm) comp.
Serientermine pl
recurring appointment; recurring date
recurring appointments; recurring dates
calendar day
Kalendertag m
Kalendertage pl
calendar day
calendar days
laufende Kalendertage
running days
Kalendertürchen n (eines Adventskalenders)
Kalendertürchen pl
calendar window; calendar door (of an Advent calendar)
calendar windows; calendar doors
Kalenderuhr f
calendar watch
calendar watch
Kalenderwoche f
Kalenderwochen pl
calendar week, week number, weeknum
calendar weeks, week numbers, weeknums
Kalenderwoche f
Kalenderwochen pl
calendar week; week number; weeknum
calendar weeks; week numbers; weeknums
Kalenderwoche f Kw adm. econ.
Kalenderwochen pl
in (der) Kalenderwoche 2
calendar week rare; week number
calendar weeks
in the second week of the year; in the week of January 8

Deutsche Kalenderblatt Synonyme

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Englische calendar sheet Synonyme

calendar  Chinese calendar  Cotsworth calendar  Domesday Book  Gregorian calendar  Hindu calendar  Jewish calendar  Julian calendar  Muslim calendar  Revolutionary calendar  Roman calendar  account book  address book  adversaria  agenda  album  almanac  annals  annual  appointment calendar  appointment schedule  astronomical almanac  astronomical calendar  atlas  batting order  beadroll  bill  bill of fare  blankbook  blotter  blueprint  book  budget  cadastre  calendar stone  calends  card  carte du jour  carve  casebook  cashbook  catalog  catalogue raisonne  census  census report  chalk  chalk up  check in  checklist  checkroll  chronicle  chronogram  chronologize  chronology  church calendar  city directory  classified catalog  clause  commonplace book  companion bills amendment  concordance  court calendar  cut  cyclopedia  daybook  desk calendar  diary  diatesseron  dictionary catalog  diptych  directory  docket  dragnet clause  dramatis personae  ecclesiastical calendar  enacting clause  encyclopedia  engagement book  engrave  enroll  enscroll  enter  enumerate  ephemeris  escalator clause  file  fill out  gazetteer  grave  harmony  head count  hold-up bill  honor roll  impanel  incise  index  inscribe  insert  intercalate  inventory  itemize  joker  jot down  journal  jury list  jury panel  keep score  ledger  line up  lineup  list  list of agenda  log  logbook  loose-leaf notebook  make a memorandum  make a note  make an entry  make out  mark down  matriculate  memo book  memorandum book  memory book  menu  minute  motion  muster  muster roll  nose count  note  note down  notebook  omnibus bill  order of business  pad  perpetual calendar  petty cashbook  phone book  pigeonhole  place upon record  playbill  pocket notebook  pocketbook  police blotter  poll  polyglot  post  post up  privileged question  program  program of operation  programma  property roll  prospectus  protocol  proviso  put down  put in writing  put on paper  put on tape  question  questio  

Kalenderblatt Definition

(n.) An orderly arrangement of the division of time, adapted to the purposes of civil life, as years, months, weeks, and days
(n.) A tabular statement of the dates of feasts, offices, saints' days, etc., esp. of those which are liable to change yearly according to the varying date of Easter.
(n.) An orderly list or enumeration of persons, things, or events
(v. t.) To enter or write in a calendar
(v. t.) In general, a large, broad piece of anything thin, as paper, cloth, etc.
(v. t.) A broad piece of cloth, usually linen or cotton, used for wrapping the body or for a covering
(v. t.) A broad piece of paper, whether folded or unfolded, whether blank or written or printed upon
(v. t.) A single signature of a book or a pamphlet
(v. t.) the book itself.
(v. t.) A broad, thinly expanded portion of metal or other substance
(v. t.) A broad expanse of water, or the like.
(v. t.) A sail.
(v. t.) An extensive bed of an eruptive rock intruded between, or overlying, other strata.
(v. t.) A rope or chain which regulates the angle of adjustment of a sail in relation in relation to the wind
(v. t.) The space in the forward or the after part of a boat where there are no rowers
(v. t.) To furnish with a sheet or sheets
(v. t.) To expand, as a sheet.
Sheet anchor
(v. t.) A large anchor stowed on shores outside the waist of a vessel
Sheet anchor
(v. t.) Anything regarded as a sure support or dependence in danger
Sheet cable
() The cable belonging to the sheet anchor.
Sheet chain
() A chain sheet cable.

calendar sheet / calendar sheets Bedeutung

sheet-metal work the craft of doing sheet metal work (as in ventilation systems)
rhythm method of birth control
rhythm method
calendar method of birth control
calendar method
natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from daythrough day of her cycle)
cookie sheet
baking tray
a cooking utensil consisting of a flat rectangular metal sheet used for baking cookies or biscuits
dust cover dust sheet a large piece of cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period
fitted sheet
contour sheet
a sheet (usually with elastic edges) tailored to fit a particular mattress
pall shroud
burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped
plate glass
sheet glass
glass formed into large thin sheets
canvas canvass sheet
a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
bed sheet
bed linen consisting of a large rectangular piece of cotton or linen cloth, used in pairs
sheet tack mainsheet
weather sheet
(nautical) a line (rope or chain) that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the wind
sheet flat solid a flat artifact that is thin relative to its length and width
sheet anchor
waist anchor
spare anchor for use in emergency
sheet bend
becket bend
weaver's knot
weaver's hitch
a hitch used for temporarily tying a rope to the middle of another rope (or to an eye)
sheet iron plate iron thinner than tank iron
sheet metal sheet of metal formed into a thin plate
sheet pile
sheath pile
sheet piling
a pile in a row of piles driven side by side to retain earth or prevent seepage
sheet web an irregular spider web woven in a single plane and looking like flattened hammocks
fly sheet
fly tent flap
flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent
piece of paper
sheet of paper
paper used for writing or printing
tear sheet a sheet that can be easily torn out of a publication
style sheet a sheet summarizing the editorial conventions to be followed in preparing text for publication
newspaper with half-size pages
appointment book
appointment calendar
a book containing a calendar and space to keep a record of appointments
almanac farmer's calendar an annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year
calendar a list or register of events (appointments or social events or court cases etc), I have you on my calendar for next Monday
day book
police blotter
rap sheet
charge sheet
the daily written record of events (as arrests) in a police station
time sheet a record of the hours worked by employees
flow chart
flow diagram
flow sheet
a diagram of the sequence of operations in a computer program or an accounting system
tip sheet a publication containing the latest information or tips or predictions for a particular business or stock market information or horse racing results, etc.
dope sheet
scratch sheet
a racing publication giving information on horses and the outcomes of horse races
lead sheet a sheet containing the words and melody for a song (and some indication of harmony) written in simple form
sheet music a musical composition in printed or written form, she turned the pages of the music as he played
test paper
examination paper
exam paper
question sheet
a written examination
sheet lighting lightning that appears as a broad sheet, due to reflections of more distant lightning and to diffusion by the clouds
calendar a tabular array of the days (usually for one year)
perpetual calendar a chart or mechanical device that indicates the days of the week corresponding to any given date over a long period of years
sheet any broad thin expanse or surface, a sheet of ice
balance sheet a record of the financial situation of an institution on a particular date by listing its assets and the claims against those assets
(mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape, we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane, any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane
week calendar week a period of seven consecutive days starting on Sunday
calendar day
civil day
a day reckoned from midnight to midnight
calendar a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning and length and divisions of the year
Roman calendar the lunar calendar in use in ancient Rome, replaced by the Julian calendar in BC
Gregorian calendar
New Style calendar
the solar calendar now in general use, introduced by Gregory XIII in to correct an error in the Julian calendar by suppressingdays, making Oct be called Oct , and providing that only centenary years divisible by should be leap years, it was adopted by Great Britain and the American colonies in
Julian calendar
Old Style calendar
the solar calendar introduced in Rome in b.c. by Julius Caesar and slightly modified by Augustus, establishing the -month year of days with each th year having days and the months having ordays except for February
Revolutionary calendar the calendar adopted by the first French Republic in and abandoned in , dates were calculated from Sept. ,
Revolutionary calendar month a month in the Revolutionary calendar
Jewish calendar
Hebrew calendar
(Judaism) the calendar used by the Jews, dates from BC (the assumed date of the Creation of the world), a lunar year of days is adjusted to the solar year by periodic leap years
lunar calendar a calendar based on lunar cycles
lunisolar calendar a calendar based on both lunar and solar cycles
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