
Kalkulationsabteilung Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kalkulationsabteilung f
Kalkulationsabteilungen pl
estimating department
estimating departments
Kalkulationsabteilung f
Kalkulationsabteilungen pl
estimating department
estimating departments
Kalkulation f
Kalkulationen pl
neue Kalkulation f
neue Kalkulationen
Kalkulation f (Preise) econ.
estimation, estimating
Schlussblatt n (Kalkulation für Bauprojekte)
Schlussblätter pl
top sheet
top sheets
neue Kalkulation
bein der Kalkulation des Preises
in calculating the price
Berechnung f; Kalkulation f; Errechnen n (von etw.) fin.
Berechnungen pl; Kalkulationen pl
Echtzeitberechnung f
die Erstellung der Monatsstatistik
niedrigste Berechnung
überschlagsmäßig; bei grober Schätzung
etw. berechnen; etw. errechnen
computation (of sth.)
real-time computation
the computation of the monthly statistics
lowest computation
at a rough computation
to make a computation of sth.
Kalkulation f (Preise) econ.
estimation; estimating
Ausrechnen n; Rechnung f; Berechnung f; Kalkulation f math.
mit einfacher Mathematik
Nach meiner Rechnung müsste er mittlerweile Mitte 70 sein.
Jesus soll am 7. April 30 n. Chr. oder, nach einer anderen Berechnung, am 3. April 33 n. Chr. gestorben sein.
Strenge Rechnung, gute Freunde! Sprw.
with simple reckoning
By my reckoning, he should be in his 70s by now.
Jesus is said to have died on the 7th April 30 A.D. or by another reckoning, on 3rd April 33 A.D.
Short reckonings make long friends. prov.
neue Kalkulationen
Kursabschlag m; Kalkulationsabschlag m (beim Endkundenkurs) (Börse) fin.
markdown (when the end-customer price is calculated) (stock exchange)
Kalkulationsabteilung f
Kalkulationsabteilungen pl
estimating department
estimating departments
Kursaufschlag m; Kalkulationsaufschlag m (beim Endkundenkurs) (Börse) fin.
mark-up (when the end-customer price is calculated) (stock exchange)
Kalkulationstabelle f; Kalkulationsblatt n; Tabellenblatt n; Tabelle f (Tabellenkalkulation) comp.
Kalkulationstabellen pl; Kalkulationsblätter pl; Tabellenblätter pl; Tabellen pl
spreadsheet (spreadsheet analysis)
Kalkulationsfehler m
Kalkulationsfehler m
Kalkulationsfehler pl
Kalkulationsingenieur m, Kalkulationsingenieurin f
Kalkulationsingenieure pl, Kalkulationsingenieurinnen pl
Kalkulationsingenieur m; Kalkulationsingenieurin f
Kalkulationsingenieure pl; Kalkulationsingenieurinnen pl
kritischer Punkt m; Konstruktionspunkt m; Kalkulationspunkt m; K-Punkt m (einer Skisprungschanze) sport
critical point; construction point; calculation point; K-point (of a ski jumping hill)
etw. sperren; bei etw. eine Sperre anbringen v comp. techn.
sperrend; eine Sperre anbringend
gesperrt; eine Sperre angebracht
eine Datei sperren
Zellen in einer Kalkulationstabelle sperren
to lock sth.
to lock a file
to lock cells in spreadsheets
Kalkulationszinsfuß m
adequate target rate
adequate target rate
Schätzer m, Gutachter m, Kalkulator m, Vorkalkulator m
Schätzer pl, Gutachter pl, Kalkulatoren pl, Vorkalkulatoren pl
Schätzer m; Gutachter m; Kalkulator m; Vorkalkulator m
Schätzer pl; Gutachter pl; Kalkulatoren pl; Vorkalkulatoren pl
kalkulatorisch adj
kalkulatorisch adj (Kosten)
imputed (costs)
kalkulatorisch adj
rechnerisch adj
kalkulatorisch adj
kalkulatorisch adj (Kosten) econ.
kalkulatorischer Zinsaufwand
imputed (costs)
imputed interest
Kosten pl, Einkaufspreis m, Preis m
Kosten pl, Preise pl
auf meine Kosten
angefallene Kosten
einmalige Kosten
erstattbare Kosten
kalkulatorische Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
die Kosten berechnen
die Kosten überschätzen
die Kosten hereinwirtschaften
Kosten des Umsatzes econ.
at my cost
incurred cost(s)
non-recurring costs
reimbursable costs
implicit costs, imputed costs
allocated cost, applied cost
to count the cost
to overestimate the costs
to recoup one's cost
costs of goods sold
Miete f, Pacht f
kalkulatorische Miete
imputed rent
Posten m, Warenposten m, Position f
Posten pl, Warenposten pl, Positionen pl
offener Posten
offene Posten (OP), ausstehende Beträge fin.
kalkulatorische Posten
open item
open items, outstanding receivables
imputed item
kalkulatorische Methoden
methods of calculation
Kosten pl; Einkaufspreis m; Preis m
Kosten pl; Preise pl
auf meine Kosten
angefallene Kosten
einmalige Kosten
erstattbare Kosten
kalkulatorische Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
die Kosten berechnen
die Kosten überschätzen
Kosten des Umsatzes econ.
at my cost
incurred cost(s)
non-recurring costs
reimbursable costs
implicit costs; imputed costs
allocated cost; applied cost
to count the cost
to overestimate the costs
costs of goods sold
Miete f; Mietzins m Süddt. Ös.; Pacht f
Mieten pl; Mietzinsen pl; Pachten pl
Wohnungsmiete f
Miete bezahlen
die Mieten erhöhen
mit der Miete in Verzug sein
kalkulatorische Miete
nur eine symbolisch Miete verlangen zahlen
Unsere Wohnung kostet 400 Euro Miete pro Monat.
rent rental Am. for one's dwelling
to pay rent
to raise rents the rent
to be behind with the rent
imputed rent
to charge pay a peppercorn rent
The rent for our flat apartment is 400 Euro a month.
Posten m; Position f adm.
Posten pl; Positionen pl
offener Posten
offene Posten OP ; ausstehende Beträge fin.
Rechnungsposten m
kalkulatorische Posten
open item
open items; outstanding receivables
item in a bill; invoice item
imputed item
Buchhaltung f; Buchführung f; Rechnungsführung f econ. adm.
Betriebsbuchhaltung f BEBU ; Betriebsbuchführung f; kalkulatorische Buchführung; Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung f KLR ; Kosten- und Erlösrechnung f KER ; Kostenrechnung f; Betriebsergebnisrechnung f; Betriebsabrechnung f; internes Rechnungswesen n
Finanzbuchhaltung f FIBU ; Geschäftsbuchhaltung f; kaufmännische Buchhaltung; pagatorische Buchführung; externes Rechnungswesen
einfache Buchhaltung; einfache Buchführung
doppelte Buchhaltung; doppelte Buchführung
elektronische Buchhaltung; elektronische Buchführung
Gemeinkostenrechnung f
handschriftliche Buchhaltung; handschriftliche Buchführung
Kostenstellenrechnung f
Lagerkostenrechnung f
Lohnbuchhaltung Dt. Schw.; Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung Dt. Schw.; Lohn- und Gehaltsverrechnung Ös.; Lohnverrechnung Ös.; Personalverrechnung Ös.
Maschinenbuchhaltung; Maschinenbuchführung
Steuerbuchhaltung f
die Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Buchführung GoB
allgemein anerkannte Buchführungsgrundsätze
Buchführung f und Fakturierung f
bookkeeping accounting; bookkeeping accountancy; bookkeeping
operational accounting; management accounting; managerial accounting; cost and performance accounting; cost accounting; shop accounting; internal accounting
financial bookkeeping; administrative accounting; external accounting
eingle-entry bookkeeping
double-entry bookkeeping
electronic bookkeeping
overhead accounting
manual bookkeeping
cost centre accounting Br.; cost center accounting Am.
inventory cost accounting
wage accounting; personnel accounting; payroll accounting Am.
machine bookkeeping
tax accounting
sound accounting practice
generally accepted accounting principles GAAP Am.
accounting and billing
Miete f; Mietzins m Süddt. Ös.; Pacht f
Mieten pl; Mietzinsen pl; Pachten pl
Wohnungsmiete f
eine Monatsmiete von …
Miete bezahlen
die Mieten erhöhen
mit der Miete in Verzug sein
kalkulatorische Miete
nur eine symbolisch Miete verlangen zahlen
Unsere Wohnung kostet 400 Euro Miete pro Monat.
rent rental Am. for one's dwelling
a monthly rent of …
to pay rent
to raise rents the rent
to be behind with the rent
imputed rent
to charge pay a peppercorn rent
The rent for our flat apartment is 400 Euro a month.
Posten m; Position f adm.
Posten pl; Positionen pl
offener Posten
offene Posten OP ; ausstehende Beträge fin.
Rechnungsposten m
kalkulatorische Posten
open item
open items; outstanding receivables
item in a bill; invoice item
imputed item
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
imputed risk
Risiko n, Wagnis n
Risiken pl, Risikos pl, Risken pl Ös., Wagnisse pl
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
aggravated risk
a bad risk
imputed risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
Risiko n; Wagnis n
Risiken pl; Risikos pl; Risken pl Ös.; Wagnisse pl
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko abwägen kalkulieren
ein Risiko ausgleichen
ein Risiko ausschalten
ein Risiko begrenzen
ein Risiko decken
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko streuen verteilen
das Risiko tragen
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
abnehmendes Risiko
absolutes Risiko statist.
gegen alle Risiken
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
überschaubares Risiko
alle möglichen Risiken
Erhöhung des Risikos
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
Es ist unwahrscheinlich dass von Sportnahrung ein nennenswertes Risiko ausgeht.
Ein Verlust muss nicht innerhalb der Deckungslaufzeit entstehen solange das Risiko innerhalb dieser Laufzeit einsetzt besteht.
Risiko aus radioaktiver Strahlung jur.
Risiko der Abnahmeverweigerung jur.
Risiko der Nichtkonvertierung jur.
Risiko der Nichtransferierung jur.
Risiko der Nichtrückführung jur.
Risiko der Preissteigerung jur.
to take a risk
to calculate a risk
to offset a risk
to eliminate a risk
to limit a risk
to cover a risk
to incur run a risk
to spread diversify a risk
to bear the risk
aggravated risk
a bad risk
decreasing risk
absolute risk
against all risks
imputed risk
containable risk
all risks whatsoever
increase in the risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
It is unlikely that a major risk is posed by sports foods.
A loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.
nuclear radiation risk; ionising radiation risk
repudiation risk
convertibility risk
transfer risk
risk of non-repatriation
price escalation risk
Risiko n; Wagnis n +Gen.
Risiken pl; Risikos pl; Risken pl Ös.; Wagnisse pl
geringes mittleres hohes Risiko
individuelles Risiko; Individualrisiko n
kollektives Risiko; Kollektivrisiko n
Notfallrisiko n
Restrisiko n; verbleibendes Risiko
Sonderrisiko n
Verlustrisiko n
Risiken bergen; risikobehaftet sein
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko abwägen kalkulieren
ein Risiko ausgleichen
ein Risiko ausschalten
ein Risiko begrenzen
ein Risiko decken
ein Risiko eingehen
ein Risiko streuen, verteilen
das Risiko tragen
ein Risiko in Kauf nehmen
erhöhtes Risiko
ein erhöhtes Risiko
abnehmendes Risiko
absolutes Risiko statist.
gegen alle Risiken
kalkulatorisches Wagnis
operationelles Risiko fin. econ.
überschaubares Risiko
alle möglichen Risiken
Erhöhung des Risikos
Risiko übernehmen
privatwirtschaftliches Risiko
Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass von Sportnahrung ein nennenswertes Risiko ausgeht.
Ein Verlust muss nicht innerhalb der Deckungslaufzeit entstehen solange das Risiko innerhalb dieser Laufzeit einsetzt besteht.
Risiko aus ionisierender Strahlung radioaktiver Strahlung
Risiko der Nichtkonvertierung
Risiko der Nichttransferierung
Dies birgt das Risiko, dass die Daten in falsche Hände geraten.
Der Patient stellt kein Risiko für sich oder andere dar.; Bei dem Patienten liegt keine Eigen- oder Fremdgefährdung vor.
risk (of sth.)
low moderate high risk
individual risk
collective risk
emergency risk
residual risk; remaining risk
special risk; particular risk
risk of loss
to carry risks
to take a risk
to calculate a risk
to offset a risk
to eliminate a risk
to limit a risk
to cover a risk
to incur run a risk
to spread diversify a risk
to bear the risk
to accept a risk
aggravated risk
a bad risk
decreasing risk
absolute risk
against all risks
imputed risk
operational risk
containable risk
all risks whatsoever
increase in the risk
to assume a risk
commercial risk
It is unlikely that a major risk is posed by sports foods.
A loss does not have to arise within the policy period so long as the risk attaches within this period.
ionising radiation risk; nuclear radiation risk
convertibility risk
transfer risk
This carries (with it) the risk that the data might could will get into the wrong hands.
The patient is not a risk to himself or others.

Deutsche Kalkulationsabteilung Synonyme

Weitere Ergebnisse für Kalkulationsabteilung Synonym nachschlagen

Englische estimating department Synonyme

Kalkulationsabteilung Definition

(v. i.) Act of departing
(v. i.) A part, portion, or subdivision.
(v. i.) A distinct course of life, action, study, or the like
(v. i.) Subdivision of business or official duty
(v. i.) A territorial division
(v. i.) A military subdivision of a country
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Estimate

estimating department / estimating departments Bedeutung

department store
a large retail store organized into departments offering a variety of merchandise, commonly part of a retail chain
garage service department a repair shop where cars and trucks are serviced and repaired
department a specialized sphere of knowledge, baking is not my department, his work established a new department of literature
a specialized division of a large organization, you'll find it in the hardware department, she got a job in the historical section of the Treasury
academic department a division of a school that is responsible for a given subject
anthropology department
department of anthropology
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in anthropology
art department the academic department responsible for teaching art and art appreciation
biology department
department of biology
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in biology
chemistry department
department of chemistry
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in chemistry
department of computer science the academic department responsible for teaching and research in computer science
economics department
department of economics
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in economics
English department
department of English
the academic department responsible for teaching English and American literature
history department
department of history
the academic department responsible for teaching history
linguistics department
department of linguistics
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in linguistics
mathematics department
department of mathematics
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in mathematics
philosophy department
department of philosophy
the academic department responsible for teaching philosophy
physics department
department of physics
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in physics
music department
department of music
the academic department responsible for teaching music and music appreciation
psychology department
department of psychology
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in psychology
sociology department
department of sociology
the academic department responsible for teaching and research in sociology
business department a division of a business firm
advertising department
advertising division
the division of a business that is responsible for advertising
editorial department the department of a publishing business that edits material for publication
parts department the division of a business (e.g. a service garage) that sells replacement parts
personnel department
personnel office
personnel staff office
the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management
plant department
building department
the division of a business responsible for building and maintaining the physical plant
purchasing department the division of a business that is responsible for purchases
sales department
sales division
sales force
the division of a business that is responsible for selling products or services
service department the division of a business that provides customer services
government department a department of government
payroll department
the department that determines the amounts of wage or salary due to each employee
local department
department of local government
a permanent department created to perform the work of a local government
department of corrections
the department of local government that is responsible for managing the treatment of convicted offenders, for a career in corrections turn to the web site of the New Jersey Department of Corrections
security department
a department responsible for the security of the institution's property and workers, the head of security was a former policeman
fire department the department of local government responsible for preventing and extinguishing fires
police department the department of local government concerned with enforcing the law and preventing crime
sanitation department the department of local government responsible for collecting and disposing of garbage
State Department a department of government in one of thestates
federal department
federal office
department of the federal government
a department of the federal government of the United States
executive department a federal department in the executive branch of the government of the United States
Department of Agriculture
Agriculture Department
Agriculture USDA
the federal department that administers programs that provide services to farmers (including research and soil conservation and efforts to stabilize the farming economy), created in
Department of Commerce
Commerce Department
the United States federal department that promotes and administers domestic and foreign trade (including management of the census and the patent office), created in
Department of Defense
Defense Department
United States Department of Defense
Defense DoD
the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the United States, created in
Department of Defense Laboratory System
a defense laboratory that provides essential services in fundamental science for national security and environmental protection and provides technologies that contribute to industrial competitiveness
Department of Education
Education Department
the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education (including federal aid to educational institutions and students), created
Department of Energy
Energy Department
the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy of the United States, created in
Department of Energy Intelligence
an agency that collects political and economic and technical information about energy matters and makes the Department of Energy's technical and analytical expertise available to other members of the Intelligence Community
Department of Health and Human Services
Health and Human Services
the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with health and welfare, created in
Department of Homeland Security
Homeland Security
the federal department that administers all matters relating to homeland security
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Housing and Urban Development
the United States federal department that administers federal programs dealing with better housing and urban renewal, created in
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118 Bewertungen 4


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