
Kapitalanlageplan Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

investment plan
investment plan
Kapitalabfindung f
monetary compensation
monetary compensation
private (jährliche) Rente f (aus einer Versicherung einem Nachlass; historisch: von einem Gönner) fin.
Rente für den Überlebensfall; Überlebensrente f; Anwartschaftsrente f
Rente auf verbundene Leben
Rente mit unbestimmter Laufzeit
ablösbare Rente
nicht ablösbare Rente
aufgeschobene Rente
befristete Rente; kündbare Rente; Zeitrente
Rente auf Lebenszeit; Leibrente
nachschüssige Rente; Postnumerando-Rente
private Hinterbliebenenrente
private Witwenrente
private Witwerrente
verlängerte Leibrente; Mindestzeitrente
vorschüssige Rende, Pränumerando-Rente
unbefristete Rente; unkündbare Rente; ewige Rente
eine private Rente beziehen
jdm. eine Rente aussetzen hist.
eine Rente durch eine Kapitalabfindung ablösen
annuity in reversion
annunity on joint lives
contingent annuity
redeemable annuity
irredeemable annuity
deferred annuity
terminable annuity; term annuity
annuity for life; life annuity
ordinary annuity
survivorship annuity; reversionary annuity
widow's annuity
widower's annuity
annuity certain
annunity due (at the beginning of the relevant period)
perpetual annuity
to receive an annuity
to settle an annuity on sb.
to commute an annuity into for a lump sum
capital drain
Kapitalabfluss m
capital outflow
Kapitalabfluss m; Kapitalabwanderung f; Abfluss m von Kapital econ.
capital outflow
Abfluss m (von nach) econ.
Abfluss von Kapital; Kapitalabfluss m
Abfluss von Waren; Warenabfluss m
outward flow; outflow (from to)
capital outflow
outflow of goods
Kapitalabgabe, Kapitalsteuer
capital levy
capital decrease
capital depreciation
flow of capital
Kapitalabwanderung f
capital outflow
capital outflow
Kapitalabwanderung f econ.
exodus of capital
Initialbuchstabe m; Initiale f; Initial n; Unziale f (vergrößerter Anfangsbuchstabe als Kapitalanfang) print
historisierte Initiale (szenische Darstellung aus dem Text im Leerraum der Initiale)
initial letter; initial
historiated initial (picture in the empty nucleus of the initial representing a scene from the text)
erstklassige Kapitalanlage
choice investment
Investition, Kapitalanlage
capital investment
kurzfristige Kapitalanlage
temporary investment
langfristige Kapitalanlage
long-time investment
mündelsichere Kapitalanlage
gilt-edged investment
unsichere Kapitalanlage
insecure investment
vorteilhafte Kapitalanlage
paying investment
vorteilhafte Kapitalanlage
profitable investment
Zusammensetzung der Kapitalanlage
composition of investment
Investition f, Anlage f, Kapitalanlage f
Investitionen pl, Anlagen pl, Kapitalanlagen pl
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
investment, capital investment
to recoup one's initial outlay, to recoup one's investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
Investition f; Anlage f; Kapitalanlage f
Investitionen pl; Anlagen pl; Kapitalanlagen pl
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
erstklassige Kapitalanlage
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
investment; capital investment
to recoup one's initial outlay; to recoup one's investment
choice investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
Rendite f; Ertrag m; Ertragssatz m (bei etw.) econ.
Renditen pl; Erträge pl; Ertragssätze pl
erwartete Mindesrendite f
aus einer Kapitalanlage eine gute Rendite bekommen
Die Schuldverschreibungen haben eine Rendite von ...
rate of return; return (on sth.)
rates of return; returns
hurdle rate of return
to get a good return on an investment
The return on the bonds amounts to ...
Kapitalertrag m; Ertrag m; Rendite f; Kapitalrentabilität f econ. fin.
Kapitalerträge pl; Erträge pl; Renditen pl; Kapitalrentabilitäten pl
Ertrag aus Aktien
Ertrag aus Wertpapieren; Wertpapierrendite
Gesamtkapitalrentabilität; Verhältnis von Aktiva zu Ertrag
Ertrag aus dem Eigenkapital; Rendite des Eigenkapitals
Ertrag aus Kapitalanlage; Kapitalrendite f; Anlagenrendite f; Rendite
Gesamtkapitalrendite f
sich rentieren; Gewinn bringen
für eine Kapitalanlage eine gute Rendite bekommen
capital yield; yield on capital; yield; return; returns
capital yields; yield on capitals; yields; returns; returnses
yield return on shares Br.; yield return on stock Am.
yield on securities; return on securities
returns on assets
return on equity
yield on invested funds; return on capital employed; return of investment ROI
overall return
to bring a return; to yield a return
to get a good return on an investment
Rendite f; Ertrag m; Ertragssatz m; Ertragsrate f (bei etw.) econ.
Renditen pl; Erträge pl; Ertragssätze pl; Ertragsraten pl
Bruttorendite f
erwartete Mindestrendite f
aus einer Kapitalanlage eine gute Rendite bekommen
Die Schuldverschreibungen haben eine Rendite von …
rate of return; return; rate of yield (on sth.)
rates of return; returns; rates of yield
gross return
hurdle rate of return
to get a good return on an investment
The return on the bonds amounts to …
Vermögensanlage f; Kapitalanlage f; Anlage f; Investition f; Anlageinvestition f; Kapitalinvestition f fin.
Vermögensanlagen pl; Kapitalanlagen pl; Anlagen pl; Investitionen pl; Anlageinvestitionen pl; Kapitalinvestitionen pl
Investitionen aus dem Ausland; ausländische Investitionen im Inland; Investitionsimporte; Kapitalimporte; Kapitaleinfuhren; Investitionszuflüsse
inländische Investitionen im Ausland; Investitionsexporte; Kapitalexporte; Kapitalausfuhren; Investitionsabflüsse
die Investition hereinwirtschaften
eine Investition tätigen
Gesamtinvestition f
erstklassige Kapitalanlage
ertragreiche Vermögensanlage; einträgliche Kapitalanlage
kurzfristige Anlage
langfristige Anlage
mittelfristige Anlage
capital investment; investment
capital investments; investments
inward investments
outward investments
to recoup one's initial outlay; to recoup one's investment
to make an investment
total investment
choice investment
productive investment
short-term investment
long-term investment
medium-term investment
investment department
Kapitalanlagebetrag m; Kapitalanlagesumme f; Anlagebetrag m; Anlagesumme f; Veranlagungsbetrag m; Veranlagungssumme f; Investionsbetrag m; Investitionssumme f fin.
principal amount of an investment; principal of an investment
investment company
Investmentgesellschaft f, Kapitalanlagegesellschaft f econ.
investment company
Kapitalanlagegesellschaft f KAG ; Investmentgesellschaft f; Beteiligungsgesellschaft f fin.
Kapitalanlagegesellschaften pl; Investmentgesellschaften pl; Beteiligungsgesellschaften pl
Investmentgesellschaft mit gesetzlicher Risikostreuung
Investmentgesellschaft ohne gesetzliche Anlagenstreuung
investment company; investment trust
investment companies; investment trusts
diversified investment company
non-diversified investment company
im kostengünstigen steuergünstigen Ausland; in einer Steueroase (registriert) adj fin.
anonyme Konten in Steueroasen
kostengünstiger steuerschonender Auslandsstandort
Die Gelder konnten einer Kapitalanlagegesellschaft in einer Steueroase zugeordnet werden.
offshore fig.
offshore accounts
offshore destination
The funds were traced back to an offshore investment trust.
Kapitalanlagegesellschaft f KAG ; Investmentgesellschaft f; Beteiligungsgesellschaft f fin.
Kapitalanlagegesellschaften pl; Investmentgesellschaften pl; Beteiligungsgesellschaften pl
Investmentgesellschaft mit gesetzlicher Risikostreuung
Investmentgesellschaft ohne gesetzliche Anlagenstreuung
Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mit dem Grundsatz der Risikostreuung
offene Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
steuerbegünstigte Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
investment company; investment trust
investment companies; investment trusts
property investment company
diversified investment company
non-diversified investment company
diversified investment company
investment company with variable capital ICVC
regulated investment company Am.
security investment company
Förderung von Kapitalanlagen
promotion of investments
Gewinn aus Kapitalanlagen
investment gain
capital investments
Markt für Kapitalanlagen
investment market
Zinsen aus Kapitalanlagen
interest on investments
investment plan
Kapitalanleger, Kapitalgeber
Anleger m; Kapitalanleger m; Investor m fin.
Anleger pl; Kapitalanleger pl; Investoren pl
Finanzinvestoren pl
Kleinanleger m
Privatanleger m; Privatinvestor m; privater Investor
institutionelle Kapitalanleger
langfristiger Kapitalanleger; langfristiger Anleger; Daueranleger m; Dauerinvestor m
financial investors
small investor
private investor
institutional investors
long-term investor
Fremdkapitalanteil m; Fremdkapitalquote f; Kapitalanspannung f; Kapitalanspannungsgrad m; Anspannungsgrad m; Kapitalanspannungskoeffizient m; Anspannungskoeffizient m econ.
debt ratio; ratio of debt(s) to total capital assets; ratio of total liabilities to total capital assets
share in the capital
Kapitalanteil m
capital share
capital share
Kapitalanteil m fin.
Kapitalanteile pl
capital share
capital shares
raising of capital
Kapitalaufnahme f fin.
raising of capital
Kapitalaufstockung f; Sanierung f econ.
das Kapital einer Firma aufstocken v
recapitalization eAm.; recapitalisation Br.
to recapitalize recapitalise Br. a company
Kapitalaufstockung f; Sanierung f econ.
das Kapital einer Firma aufstocken v
recapitalization eAm.; recapitalisation Br.
to recapitalize recapitalise Br. a company
capital expenditure
Investition f, Kapitalaufwand m
capital expenditure
Kapitalaufwand m, Kapitalaufwendungen pl
capital expenditure, capital spending
Kapitalaufwand m
capital outlay
Investition f; Kapitalaufwand m
capital expenditure
Kapitalaufwand m; Kapitalaufwendungen pl
capital expenditure; capital spending
Kapitalaufwand m; Kapitalaufwendungen pl econ.
capital expenditure CAPEX ; capital spending
etw. von der Steuer absetzen v fin.
Kapitalaufwendungen bis zu 50.000 EUR sind in dem Jahr in dem sie anfallen steuerlich absetzbar.
to expense sth.
Up to EUR 50 000 in capital expenditures can be expensed in the year they were incurred.
etw. von der Steuer absetzen v fin.
von der Steuer absetzend
von der Steuer abgesetzt
Kapitalaufwendungen bis zu 50.000 EUR sind in dem Jahr, in dem sie anfallen, steuerlich absetzbar.
to expense sth.
Up to EUR 50,000 in capital expenditures can be expensed in the year they were incurred.
Kapitalausstattung, Kapitalausrüstung
endowment with capital
Kapitalausstattung f, Kapitalausrüstung f fin.
Verbesserung der Kapitalausstattung
capital endowment, endowment with capital, capital resources
capital deepening
Kapitalausstattung f; Kapitalausrüstung f fin.
Verbesserung der Kapitalausstattung
capital endowment; endowment with capital; capital resources
capital deepening
capital endowment

Kapitalanlageplan Definition

(n.) The act of investing, or the state of being invested.
(n.) That with which anyone is invested
(n.) The act of surrounding, blocking up, or besieging by an armed force, or the state of being so surrounded.
(n.) The laying out of money in the purchase of some species of property
(a.) A draught or form
(a.) A scheme devised
(a.) A method
(v. t.) To form a delineation of
(v. t.) To scheme

investment plan Bedeutung

investment investiture the ceremonial act of clothing someone in the insignia of an office, the formal promotion of a person to an office or rank
foreign direct investment a joint venture between a foreign company and a United States company
investment the act of putting on robes or vestments
approach attack plan of attack ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation, his approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons, an attack on inflation, his plan of attack was misguided
the act of investing, laying out money or capital in an enterprise with the expectation of profit
foreign direct investment investing in United States businesses by foreign citizens (often involves stock ownership of the business)
investment outer layer or covering of an organ or part or organism
floor plan scale drawing of a horizontal section through a building at a given level, contrasts with elevation
ground plan a floor plan for the ground level of a building
architectural plan
scale drawing of a structure, the plans for City Hall were on file
investment the commitment of something other than money (time, energy, or effort) to a project with the expectation of some worthwhile result, this job calls for the investment of some hard thinking, he made an emotional investment in the work
design plan an arrangement scheme, the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult, it was an excellent design for living, a plan for seating guests
a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished, they drew up a six-step plan, they discussed plans for a new bond issue
master plan a long-term outline of a project or government function, the zoning board adopted a master plan for the new development
plan of action a plan for actively doing something
battle plan plan for conducting a battle
travel plan
a proposed route of travel
game plan (sports) a plan for achieving an objective in some sport
game plan (figurative) a carefully thought out strategy for achieving an objective in war or politics or business or personal affairs, newscasters speculated about the President's game plan for an invasion
secret plan
a secret scheme to do something (especially something underhand or illegal), they concocted a plot to discredit the governor, I saw through his little game from the start
pension plan
pension account
retirement plan
retirement savings plan
retirement savings account
retirement account
retirement program
a plan for setting aside money to be spent after retirement
Keogh plan a tax-deferred pension plan for employees of unincorporated businesses or for self-employed persons
employee savings plan a plan that allows employees to contribute to an investment pool managed the employer
stock purchase plan an organized plan for employees of a company to buy shares of its stock
employee stock ownership plan
a program under which employees regularly accumulate shares and may ultimately assume control of the company
investment company
investment trust
investment firm
a financial institution that sells shares to individuals and invests in securities issued by other companies
mutual fund
mutual fund company
open-end fund
open-end investment company
a regulated investment company with a pool of assets that regularly sells and redeems its shares
closed-end fund
closed-end investment company
a regulated investment company that issues a fixed number of shares which are listed on a stock market
Real Estate Investment Trust
an investment trust that owns and manages a pool of commercial properties and mortgages and other real estate assets, shares can be bought and sold in the stock market
unit investment trust
unit trust
a regulated investment company consisting of professional managers who issue redeemable securities representing a portfolio of many different securities, you can invest in a unit investment trust for as little as $
commission plan a municipal government that combines legislative and executive authority in the members of a commission
investment adviser
investment advisor
someone who advises others how to invest their money
investment banker
a banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities
Marshall Plan
European Recovery Program
a United States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (-), named after George Marshall
installment plan
installment buying
time plan
a system for paying for goods by installments
investment funds
money that is invested with an expectation of profit
nondiscretionary trust
fixed investment trust
an investment trust that can buy only those securities listed when the trust was organized
hotel plan
meal plan
a plan and a room rate for providing a room and meals to guests at a hotel
American plan a hotel plan that includes three meals daily
modified American plan a hotel plan that includes breakfast and dinner (but not lunch)
Bermuda plan a hotel plan that provides a full breakfast daily
European plan
continental plan
a hotel plan that provides a continental breakfast daily
investment letter a letter of intent saying that a letter security is being bought for investment and not for resale, avoids need for SEC registration
return on invested capital
return on investment
(corporate finance) the amount, expressed as a percentage, that is earned on a company's total capital calculated by dividing the total capital into earnings before interest, taxes, or dividends are paid
plan make plans for something, He is planning a trip with his family
plan be after have the will and intention to carry out some action, He plans to be in graduate school next year, The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion
project contrive design
make or work out a plan for, devise, They contrived to murder their boss, design a new sales strategy, plan an attack
make a design of, plan out in systematic, often graphic form, design a better mousetrap, plan the new wing of the museum
open-plan (of rooms or buildings) having large rooms with few dividing partitions
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