
Kartoffelcremesuppe Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kartoffelcremesuppe f cook.
cream of potato soup
Kartoffelcremesuppe f cook.
cream of potato soup
Kartoffel f bot. cook.
Kartoffeln pl
fest kochende Kartoffeln
gebackene Kartoffel
neue Kartoffeln
waxy potatoes
baked potato
new potatoes
Kartoffel f
Kartoffeln pl
tater, spud coll.
taters, spuds
ein heißes Eisen, eine heiße Kartoffel
a hot potato, a tricky subject fig.
potato pl. potatoes
Kartoffel f bot. cook.
Kartoffel f; Erdapfel m Bayr. Ös.; Erdbirne f ugs. Ös. agr. cook.
Kartoffeln pl; Erdäpfel pl; Erdbirnen pl
Folienkartoffel f
Salzkartoffel f
festkochende speckige Kartoffeln
gebackene Kartoffel
mehlige Kartoffeln
neue Kartoffeln
Kartoffeln ernten ausmachen
jacked potato; potato en papillote
boiled potato; skinned potato
waxy potatoes
baked potato
floury potatoes
new potatoes
to dig up take up lift potatoes
Kartoffel f
Kartoffeln pl
tater; spud coll.
taters; spuds
Zieste pl (Stachys) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Knollenziest m; Knollenkartoffel f; Japanknolle f; japanische Kartoffel f; chinesische Artischocke f; Stachys f (Stachys affinis Stachys sieboldii Stachys tuberifera)
woundworts; betonies; hedgenettles; heal-alls; self-heals; lamb's ears (botanical genus)
knotroot; Chinese artichoke; artichoke betony; chorogi; crosne
ein heißes Eisen; eine heiße Kartoffel übtr.
a hot potato; a tricky subject fig.
Kartoffel f; Erdapfel m Bayr. Ös. Schw.; Grundbirne f Südwestdt.; Erdbirne f Ös. ugs. agr. cook.
Kartoffeln pl; Erdäpfel pl; Grundbirnen pl; Erdbirnen pl
Backkartoffel f; gebackene Kartoffel; Ofenkartoffel f
Folienkartoffel f
Salzkartoffeln pl
Speisekartoffeln pl
Süßkartoffel f
festkochende speckige Kartoffeln
mehlige Kartoffeln
neue Kartoffeln
Kartoffeln ernten ausmachen
potato; spud coll.; tatie Br. coll.; tater Am. coll.
potatos; spuds; taties; taters
baked potato
jacket potato; potato en papillote
boiled potatoes; skinned potatoes
table potatoes
sweet potato; yam Am.
waxy potatoes
floury potatoes
new potatoes
to dig up take up lift potatoes
Riechkolben m; Riecher m; Gurke f; Kartoffel f ugs. (Nase)
sniffer; snoot; beak; conk Br.; neb Northern English Sc. coll. (nose)
Stärkezucker m (Traubenzucker aus Kartoffel- oder Maisstärke) agr.
starch sugar; corn sugar (glucose extracted from potatoes or corn)
Acker m; Feld n agr.
Äcker pl; Felder pl
Kartoffelacker m; Kartoffelfeld n
Roggenfeld n
Weizenfeld n
den Acker bestellen
einen Acker bewirtschaften
farm field; field
farm fields; fields
potato field
rye filed
wheat filed
to till the soil
to work the land
Kartoffelanbau m agr.
potato growing
potato growing
Anbaugebiet n agr. geogr.
Baumwollanbaugebiet n
Kaffeeanbaugebiet n
Kartoffelanbaugebiet n
Olivenanbaugebiet n
Tabakanbaugebiet n
Zuckerrohranbaugebiet n
Region mit Nahrungsmittelanbau
crop-growing region
cotton-growing region
coffee-growing region
potato-growing region
olive-growing region
tobacco-growing region
sugarcane-growing region
food-growing region
Auflauf m cook.
Kartoffelauflauf m
potato casserole
Kartoffelauge n
Kartoffelaugen pl
potato eye
potato eyes
Kartoffelbranntwein m
potato spirit
potato spirit
Hackfleisch n, Gehacktes, Hack m, Faschiertes Ös. cook.
mit Kartoffelbrei überbackenes Hackfleisch
minced meat, mincemeat, mince Br., ground meat Am.
cottage pie
Kartoffelbrei m, Kartoffelpüree n cook.
mashed potatoes, creamed potatoes, mash
mashed potatoes
Hackfleisch n; Gehacktes; Hack m; Hackepeter m Norddt.; Mett n Norddt. Faschiertes Ös. cook.
mit Kartoffelbrei überbackenes Hackfleisch
minced meat; mincemeat; mince Br.; ground meat Am.
cottage pie
Kartoffelbrei m; Kartoffelpüree n; Kartoffelmus m; Stampfkartoffeln pl; Quetschkartoffeln pl; Erdäpfelpüree n Ös.; Kartoffelstock m Schw. cook.
mashed potatoes; creamed potatoes; mash Br. coll.
Kartoffelchip m
potato chip Am., potato crisp Br.
Chips pl, Kartoffelchips pl cook.
chips Am., crisps Br.
im Angebot
Die Kartoffelchips waren im Angebot "zwei zum Preis von einen".
on sale
The potato crisps chips were on sale at two packs for the price of one.
Kartoffelchips pl; Chips pl cook.
geriffelte Chips
gewürzte Chips; Chips mit Aroma
Ofenchips pl
Stapelchips pl
potato crisps Br.; crisps Br.; potato chips Am.; chips Am.
crinkle-cut crisps Br. chips Am.
flavoured crisps Br.; flavored chips Am.
oven crisps Br. chips Am.; oven-cooked crisps Br. chips Am.
stack crisps Br.; stack chips Am.
im Angebot
Die Kartoffelchips waren im Angebot „zwei zum Preis von einen“.
on sale
The potato crisps chips were on sale at two packs for the price of one.
Kartoffelchips pl; Chips pl; Rohscheiben pl Ös. veraltend cook.
geriffelte Chips
gewürzte Chips; Chips mit Aroma
Ofenchips pl
Stapelchips pl
potato crisps Br.; crisps Br.; potato chips Am.; chips Am.
crinkle-cut crisps Br. chips Am.
flavoured crisps Br.; flavored chips Am.
oven crisps Br. chips Am.; oven-cooked crisps Br. chips Am.
stack crisps Br.; stack chips Am.
Verpackungskarton m; Produktkarton m; Karton m; Produktschachtel f; Schachtel f econ.
Verpackungskartons pl; Produktkartons pl; Kartons pl; Produktschachteln pl; Schachteln pl
Eierkarton m; Eierschachtel f; Eierwabe f
Getränkekarton m; Tetrapack n; Tetrapak n ®; Tetrapackung f
Flaschenkarton m
Milchkarton m
ein Karton Kartoffelchips
eine Schachtel loser Tee
carton; box; packet Br.
cartons; boxes; packets
egg carton; egg box
juice carton Br.; juice box Am.; tetrapack; tetrapak tm
bottle carton; bottle box
milk carton; carton of milk
a box of crackers; a packet of crackers Br.
a packet of loose tea
Kartoffelcremesuppe f cook.
cream of potato soup
Kartoffeldämpfanlage f agr.
Kartoffeldämpfanlagen pl
potato steaming plant
potato steaming plants
Kartoffeldämpfer m agr.
Kartoffeldämpfer pl
potato steamer
potato steamers
Kartoffeleintopf m cook.
potato stew
Kartoffelernte f agr.
Kartoffelernten pl
potato harvest, crop of potatoes
potato harvests, crops of potatoes
potato harvest
Kartoffelernte f agr.
Kartoffelernten pl
potato harvest; crop of potatoes
potato harvests; crops of potatoes
Kartoffelerntemaschine f agr.
Kartoffelerntemaschinen pl
potato harvester
potato harvesters
potato harvester
Kartoffelerzeugnis n agr.
Kartoffelerzeugnisse pl
potato product
potato products
Kartoffelgratin m n; Erdäpfelgratin m n Bayr. Ös. cook.
gratinated potatoes; potatoes au gratin; au gratin potatoes
Kartoffelgratin m,n; Erdäpfelgratin m,n Bayr. Ös. cook.
gratinated potatoes; potatoes au gratin; au gratin potatoes
Kartoffelkäfer m zool.
Kartoffelkäfer pl
potato beetle, Colorado beetle
potato beetles, Colorado beetles
potato beetle
Kartoffelkäfer m zool.
Kartoffelkäfer pl
potato beetle; Colorado beetle
potato beetles; Colorado beetles
Kartoffelknödel m; Kartoffelkloß m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Erdäpfelknödel m Bayr. Ös. cook.
Kartoffelknödel pl; Kartoffelklöße pl; Erdäpfelknödel pl
potato dumpling
potato dumplings
potato dumpling
Kartoffelknödel m cook.
potato dumpling
potato dumpling
Kartoffellaibchen n; Kartoffellaiberl n Bayr. Ös.; Erdäpfellaibchen n Bayr. Ös.; Erdäpfellaiberl n Bayr. Ös. cook.
fried potato patty
Kartoffellegemaschine f agr.
Kartoffellegemaschinen pl
potato planting machine
potato planting machines
Kartoffelmehl n, Kartoffelstärke f cook.
potato flour, potato starch
Kartoffelmehl n; Kartoffelstärke f cook.
potato flour; potato starch
Falscher Mehltau m (Sammelbezeichnung für mehrere Pflanzenkrankheiten) bot. agr.
Falscher Mehltau der Weinrebe
Tabakblauschimmel; Blauschimmel des Tabaks
downy mildew (collective name for several plant diseases)
grapevine downy mildew
potato blight; late blight
tobacco blue mould Br.; tobacco blue mold Am.
Miete f (Kartoffelmiete)
Miete f (Kartoffelmiete)
Mieten pl
Miete f (Lagerform) agr.
Mieten pl
Kartoffelmiete f
pits; clamps
potato clamp
Sack m
vier Sack Kartoffeln
four sackfuls of potatoes
mehlig adj cook. (Kartoffeln, Äpfel)
am mehligsten
roden v (Kartoffeln)
to dig up
digging up
dug up
schälen, abpellen, pellen v (Kartoffeln)
schälend, abpellend, pellend
geschält, abgepellt, gepellt
schält, pellt ab, pellt
schälte, pellte ab, pellte
to peel (potatoes ...)
zerquetschen, zerdrücken v (Kartoffeln)
zerquetschend, zerdrückend
zerquetscht, zerdrückt
to mash
Die dümmsten Bauern haben die dicksten Kartoffeln. Sprw.
Fortune favours fools. prov.
Rin in die Kartoffeln, raus aus die Kartoffeln. ugs.
First it's one, thing, then (it's) another.
neue Kartoffeln
new potatoes

Deutsche Kartoffelcremesuppe Synonyme

Englische cream of potato soup Synonyme

cream  abstergent  aerate  alabaster  alabastrine  albescent  albumen  aristocracy  aureate  auric  balm  balsam  barons  batter  beat  beat up  beige  blank  blast  bonnyclabber  bowl down  brilliantine  buff  buff-yellow  bulldoze  butter  buttermilk  canary  canary-yellow  cathartic  cerate  certified milk  champion  cheese  choice  chosen  chrism  churn  citron  citron-yellow  clabber  cleaner  cleaning agent  cleaning solvent  cleanser  cleansing cream  clobber  clot  coagulate  cold cream  colloid  colloidize  collyrium  condensed milk  cornstarch  creamy  curd  curdle  dairy products  defeat utterly  demulcent  dentifrice  depurant  detergent  diuretic  dough  drub  dun-white  ecru  egg white  eggshell  elect  elite  embrocation  emetic  emollient  emulsify  emulsionize  enema  establishment  eye-lotion  eyewash  face cream  fair  fallow  fat  flaxen  flower  foam  froth  gaum  gel  gelatin  ghee  gilded  gilt  glair  glaucescent  glaucous  glop  glue  gluten  gold  gold-colored  golden  goo  gook  goop  gray-white  gruel  gumbo  gunk  half-and-half  hand lotion  heavy cream  holystone  incrassate  inspissate  inunction  inunctum  ivory  ivory-white  jam  jell  jellify  jelly  lambaste  lanolin  lather  lemon  lemon-yellow  lenitive  lick  light  light cream  lint-white  loblolly  lopper  lords of creation  lotion  luteolous  lutescent  mantle  margarine  milk  molasses  mouthwash  mucilage  mucus  nard  nauseant  nobility  nonesuch  nonfat dry milk  nonpareil  ocherish  ocherous  ochery  ochreous  ochroid  ochrous  ochry  off-white  ointment  oleo  oleomargarine  optimum  or  overbear  overlapping  overwhelm  pale  pap  paragon  paste  pearl  pearly  pearly-white  pick  pomade  pomatum  porridge  power elite  power structure  pride  prime  primrose  primrose-colored  primrose-yellow  prize  pudding  pulp  pumice stone  puree  purgative  purge  purifier  putty  queen  quintessence  raw milk  rinse  rob  ruling circles  ruling class  saffron  saffron-colored    
cream of the crop  champion  choice  chosen  cream  elect  elite  fat  flower  nonesuch  nonpareil  optimum  paragon  pick  prime  prize  queen  quintessence  select  superlative  the best  the best ever  the tops  the very best  
creamy  alabaster  alabastrine  albescent  aureate  auric  beige  buff  buff-yellow  buttery  canary  canary-yellow  citron  citron-yellow  cream  delicate  dun-white  ecru  eggshell  emulsive  fair  fallow  flat  flaxen  gilded  gilt  glaucescent  glaucous  gloss  gold  gold-colored  golden  gray-white  half-frozen  half-melted  iridescent  ivory  ivory-white  lemon  lemon-yellow  light  lint-white  luteolous  lutescent  mellow  mother-of-pearl  nacreous  ocherish  ocherous  ochery  ochreous  ochroid  ochrous  ochry  off-white  opalescent  or  pale  pastel  patinaed  pearl  pearly  pearly-white  primrose  primrose-colored  primrose-yellow  pulpy  quiet  sad  saffron  saffron-colored  saffron-yellow  sallow  sand-colored  sandy  semifluid  semifluidic  semigloss  semiliquid  simple  sober  soft  soft-colored  soft-hued  softened  somber  straw  straw-colored  subdued  subtle  sweet  tender  whitish  whity  xanthic  xanthous  yellow  yellowish  

Kartoffelcremesuppe Definition

(n.) The rich, oily, and yellowish part of milk, which, when the milk stands unagitated, rises, and collects on the surface. It is the part of milk from which butter is obtained.
(n.) The part of any liquor that rises, and collects on the surface.
(n.) A delicacy of several kinds prepared for the table from cream, etc., or so as to resemble cream.
(n.) A cosmetic
(n.) The best or choicest part of a thing
(v. t.) To skim, or take off by skimming, as cream.
(v. t.) To take off the best or choicest part of.
(v. t.) To furnish with, or as with, cream.
(v. i.) To form or become covered with cream
(a.) Of the color of cream
(a.) White or pale, as the effect of fear, or as the natural complexion.
(n.) A plant of Sierra Leone which yields a wholesome, creamy juice.
Cream laid
() See under Laid.
(n.) A wooden knife with a long thin blade, used in handling cream or ice cream.
(a.) As white as cream.
(n.) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which there are numerous varieties used for food. It is native of South America, but a form of the species is found native as far north as New Mexico.
(n.) The sweet potato (see below).
(n.) A liquid food of many kinds, usually made by boiling meat and vegetables, or either of them, in water, -- commonly seasoned or flavored
(v. t.) To sup or swallow.
(v. t.) To breathe out.
(v. t.) To sweep. See Sweep, and Swoop.

cream of potato soup Bedeutung

cinch breeze
snap duck soup
child's play
piece of cake
any undertaking that is easy to do, marketing this product will be no picnic
potato yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants
potato scab bacteria
Streptomyces scabies
cause of a potato disease characterized by brownish corky tissue
soupfin shark
Galeorhinus zyopterus
Pacific shark valued for its fins (used by Chinese in soup) and liver (rich in vitamin A)
Colorado potato beetle
Colorado beetle
potato bug
potato beetle
Leptinotarsa decemlineata
black-and-yellow beetle that feeds in adult and larval stages on potato leaves, originally of eastern Rocky Mountains, now worldwide
sweet-potato whitefly a variety of whitefly
potato moth
potato tuber moth
Phthorimaea operculella
greyish-brown moth whose larva is the potato tuberworm
potato tuberworm
Phthorimaea operculella
larva of potato moth, mines in leaves and stems of e.g. potatoes and tobacco
tomato hornworm
potato worm
Manduca quinquemaculata
large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tomato and potato plants, similar to tobacco hornworm
cold cream
face cream
vanishing cream
a cream used cosmetically (mostly by women) for softening and cleaning the skin
ointment emollient
toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin
cream pitcher
a small pitcher for serving cream
hand cream moisturizing cream for the hands
sweet potato
egg-shaped terra cotta wind instrument with a mouthpiece and finger holes
shaving cream
shaving soap
toiletry consisting of a preparation of soap and fatty acids that forms a rich lather for softening the beard before shaving
soup bowl a bowl for serving soup
soup ladle a ladle for serving soup
soup plate a deep plate with a wide rim
soup spoon
a spoon with a rounded bowl for eating soup
slang for a mustache
potato race a novelty race in which competitors move potatoes from one place to another one at a time
soup liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid food
soup du jour the soup that a restaurant is featuring on a given day
alphabet soup soup that contains small noodles in the shape of letters of the alphabet
chicken soup soup made from chicken broth
mock turtle soup soup made from a calf's head or other meat in imitation of green turtle soup
oxtail soup a soup made from the skinned tail of an ox
pea soup a thick soup made of dried peas (usually made into a puree)
petite marmite
vegetable soup
soup made with a variety of vegetables
turtle soup
green turtle soup
soup usually made of the flesh of green turtles
eggdrop soup made by stirring beaten eggs into a simmering broth
won ton wonton wonton soup a soup with won ton dumplings
split-pea soup made of stock and split peas with onions carrots and celery
green pea soup
potage St. Germain
made of fresh green peas and stock with shredded lettuce onion and celery
lentil soup made of stock and lentils with onions carrots and celery
ice cream
frozen dessert containing cream and sugar and flavoring
chocolate ice cream ice cream flavored with chocolate
Neapolitan ice cream a block of ice cream with or layers of different colors and flavors
peach ice cream ice cream flavored with fresh peaches
strawberry ice cream ice cream flavored with fresh strawberries
vanilla ice cream ice cream flavored with vanilla extract
frozen custard
soft ice cream
dessert resembling ice cream but with a boiled custard base
Bavarian cream a rich custard set with gelatin
whipped cream cream that has been beaten until light and fluffy
cream puff
puff filled with cream or custard
Boston cream pie layer cake filled with custard
potato pancake
made of grated potato and egg with a little flour
white potato
Irish potato
an edible tuber native to South America, a staple food of Ireland
baked potato potato that has been cooked by baking it in an oven
jacket potato a baked potato served with the jacket on
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