
Kartoffellaibchen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kartoffellaibchen n; Kartoffellaiberl n Bayr. Ös.; Erdäpfellaibchen n Bayr. Ös.; Erdäpfellaiberl n Bayr. Ös. cook.
fried potato patty
Kartoffellaibchen n; Kartoffellaiberl n Bayr. Ös.; Erdäpfellaibchen n Bayr. Ös.; Erdäpfellaiberl n Bayr. Ös. cook.
fried potato patty
Kartoffel f bot. cook.
Kartoffeln pl
fest kochende Kartoffeln
gebackene Kartoffel
neue Kartoffeln
waxy potatoes
baked potato
new potatoes
Kartoffel f
Kartoffeln pl
tater, spud coll.
taters, spuds
ein heißes Eisen, eine heiße Kartoffel
a hot potato, a tricky subject fig.
potato pl. potatoes
Kartoffel f bot. cook.
Kartoffel f; Erdapfel m Bayr. Ös.; Erdbirne f ugs. Ös. agr. cook.
Kartoffeln pl; Erdäpfel pl; Erdbirnen pl
Folienkartoffel f
Salzkartoffel f
festkochende speckige Kartoffeln
gebackene Kartoffel
mehlige Kartoffeln
neue Kartoffeln
Kartoffeln ernten ausmachen
jacked potato; potato en papillote
boiled potato; skinned potato
waxy potatoes
baked potato
floury potatoes
new potatoes
to dig up take up lift potatoes
Kartoffel f
Kartoffeln pl
tater; spud coll.
taters; spuds
Zieste pl (Stachys) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Knollenziest m; Knollenkartoffel f; Japanknolle f; japanische Kartoffel f; chinesische Artischocke f; Stachys f (Stachys affinis Stachys sieboldii Stachys tuberifera)
woundworts; betonies; hedgenettles; heal-alls; self-heals; lamb's ears (botanical genus)
knotroot; Chinese artichoke; artichoke betony; chorogi; crosne
ein heißes Eisen; eine heiße Kartoffel übtr.
a hot potato; a tricky subject fig.
Kartoffel f; Erdapfel m Bayr. Ös. Schw.; Grundbirne f Südwestdt.; Erdbirne f Ös. ugs. agr. cook.
Kartoffeln pl; Erdäpfel pl; Grundbirnen pl; Erdbirnen pl
Backkartoffel f; gebackene Kartoffel; Ofenkartoffel f
Folienkartoffel f
Salzkartoffeln pl
Speisekartoffeln pl
Süßkartoffel f
festkochende speckige Kartoffeln
mehlige Kartoffeln
neue Kartoffeln
Kartoffeln ernten ausmachen
potato; spud coll.; tatie Br. coll.; tater Am. coll.
potatos; spuds; taties; taters
baked potato
jacket potato; potato en papillote
boiled potatoes; skinned potatoes
table potatoes
sweet potato; yam Am.
waxy potatoes
floury potatoes
new potatoes
to dig up take up lift potatoes
Riechkolben m; Riecher m; Gurke f; Kartoffel f ugs. (Nase)
sniffer; snoot; beak; conk Br.; neb Northern English Sc. coll. (nose)
Stärkezucker m (Traubenzucker aus Kartoffel- oder Maisstärke) agr.
starch sugar; corn sugar (glucose extracted from potatoes or corn)
Acker m; Feld n agr.
Äcker pl; Felder pl
Kartoffelacker m; Kartoffelfeld n
Roggenfeld n
Weizenfeld n
den Acker bestellen
einen Acker bewirtschaften
farm field; field
farm fields; fields
potato field
rye filed
wheat filed
to till the soil
to work the land
Kartoffelanbau m agr.
potato growing
potato growing
Anbaugebiet n agr. geogr.
Baumwollanbaugebiet n
Kaffeeanbaugebiet n
Kartoffelanbaugebiet n
Olivenanbaugebiet n
Tabakanbaugebiet n
Zuckerrohranbaugebiet n
Region mit Nahrungsmittelanbau
crop-growing region
cotton-growing region
coffee-growing region
potato-growing region
olive-growing region
tobacco-growing region
sugarcane-growing region
food-growing region
Auflauf m cook.
Kartoffelauflauf m
potato casserole
Kartoffelauge n
Kartoffelaugen pl
potato eye
potato eyes
Kartoffelbranntwein m
potato spirit
potato spirit
Hackfleisch n, Gehacktes, Hack m, Faschiertes Ös. cook.
mit Kartoffelbrei überbackenes Hackfleisch
minced meat, mincemeat, mince Br., ground meat Am.
cottage pie
Kartoffelbrei m, Kartoffelpüree n cook.
mashed potatoes, creamed potatoes, mash
mashed potatoes
Hackfleisch n; Gehacktes; Hack m; Hackepeter m Norddt.; Mett n Norddt. Faschiertes Ös. cook.
mit Kartoffelbrei überbackenes Hackfleisch
minced meat; mincemeat; mince Br.; ground meat Am.
cottage pie
Kartoffelbrei m; Kartoffelpüree n; Kartoffelmus m; Stampfkartoffeln pl; Quetschkartoffeln pl; Erdäpfelpüree n Ös.; Kartoffelstock m Schw. cook.
mashed potatoes; creamed potatoes; mash Br. coll.
Kartoffelchip m
potato chip Am., potato crisp Br.
Chips pl, Kartoffelchips pl cook.
chips Am., crisps Br.
im Angebot
Die Kartoffelchips waren im Angebot "zwei zum Preis von einen".
on sale
The potato crisps chips were on sale at two packs for the price of one.
Kartoffelchips pl; Chips pl cook.
geriffelte Chips
gewürzte Chips; Chips mit Aroma
Ofenchips pl
Stapelchips pl
potato crisps Br.; crisps Br.; potato chips Am.; chips Am.
crinkle-cut crisps Br. chips Am.
flavoured crisps Br.; flavored chips Am.
oven crisps Br. chips Am.; oven-cooked crisps Br. chips Am.
stack crisps Br.; stack chips Am.
im Angebot
Die Kartoffelchips waren im Angebot „zwei zum Preis von einen“.
on sale
The potato crisps chips were on sale at two packs for the price of one.
Kartoffelchips pl; Chips pl; Rohscheiben pl Ös. veraltend cook.
geriffelte Chips
gewürzte Chips; Chips mit Aroma
Ofenchips pl
Stapelchips pl
potato crisps Br.; crisps Br.; potato chips Am.; chips Am.
crinkle-cut crisps Br. chips Am.
flavoured crisps Br.; flavored chips Am.
oven crisps Br. chips Am.; oven-cooked crisps Br. chips Am.
stack crisps Br.; stack chips Am.
Verpackungskarton m; Produktkarton m; Karton m; Produktschachtel f; Schachtel f econ.
Verpackungskartons pl; Produktkartons pl; Kartons pl; Produktschachteln pl; Schachteln pl
Eierkarton m; Eierschachtel f; Eierwabe f
Getränkekarton m; Tetrapack n; Tetrapak n ®; Tetrapackung f
Flaschenkarton m
Milchkarton m
ein Karton Kartoffelchips
eine Schachtel loser Tee
carton; box; packet Br.
cartons; boxes; packets
egg carton; egg box
juice carton Br.; juice box Am.; tetrapack; tetrapak tm
bottle carton; bottle box
milk carton; carton of milk
a box of crackers; a packet of crackers Br.
a packet of loose tea
Kartoffelcremesuppe f cook.
cream of potato soup
Kartoffeldämpfanlage f agr.
Kartoffeldämpfanlagen pl
potato steaming plant
potato steaming plants
Kartoffeldämpfer m agr.
Kartoffeldämpfer pl
potato steamer
potato steamers
Kartoffeleintopf m cook.
potato stew
Kartoffelernte f agr.
Kartoffelernten pl
potato harvest, crop of potatoes
potato harvests, crops of potatoes
potato harvest
Kartoffelernte f agr.
Kartoffelernten pl
potato harvest; crop of potatoes
potato harvests; crops of potatoes
Kartoffelerntemaschine f agr.
Kartoffelerntemaschinen pl
potato harvester
potato harvesters
potato harvester
Kartoffelerzeugnis n agr.
Kartoffelerzeugnisse pl
potato product
potato products
Kartoffelgratin m n; Erdäpfelgratin m n Bayr. Ös. cook.
gratinated potatoes; potatoes au gratin; au gratin potatoes
Kartoffelgratin m,n; Erdäpfelgratin m,n Bayr. Ös. cook.
gratinated potatoes; potatoes au gratin; au gratin potatoes
Kartoffelkäfer m zool.
Kartoffelkäfer pl
potato beetle, Colorado beetle
potato beetles, Colorado beetles
potato beetle
Kartoffelkäfer m zool.
Kartoffelkäfer pl
potato beetle; Colorado beetle
potato beetles; Colorado beetles
Kartoffelknödel m; Kartoffelkloß m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Erdäpfelknödel m Bayr. Ös. cook.
Kartoffelknödel pl; Kartoffelklöße pl; Erdäpfelknödel pl
potato dumpling
potato dumplings
potato dumpling
Kartoffelknödel m cook.
potato dumpling
potato dumpling
Kartoffellaibchen n; Kartoffellaiberl n Bayr. Ös.; Erdäpfellaibchen n Bayr. Ös.; Erdäpfellaiberl n Bayr. Ös. cook.
fried potato patty
Kartoffellegemaschine f agr.
Kartoffellegemaschinen pl
potato planting machine
potato planting machines
Kartoffelmehl n, Kartoffelstärke f cook.
potato flour, potato starch
Kartoffelmehl n; Kartoffelstärke f cook.
potato flour; potato starch
Falscher Mehltau m (Sammelbezeichnung für mehrere Pflanzenkrankheiten) bot. agr.
Falscher Mehltau der Weinrebe
Tabakblauschimmel; Blauschimmel des Tabaks
downy mildew (collective name for several plant diseases)
grapevine downy mildew
potato blight; late blight
tobacco blue mould Br.; tobacco blue mold Am.
Miete f (Kartoffelmiete)
Miete f (Kartoffelmiete)
Mieten pl
Miete f (Lagerform) agr.
Mieten pl
Kartoffelmiete f
pits; clamps
potato clamp
Sack m
vier Sack Kartoffeln
four sackfuls of potatoes
mehlig adj cook. (Kartoffeln, Äpfel)
am mehligsten
roden v (Kartoffeln)
to dig up
digging up
dug up
schälen, abpellen, pellen v (Kartoffeln)
schälend, abpellend, pellend
geschält, abgepellt, gepellt
schält, pellt ab, pellt
schälte, pellte ab, pellte
to peel (potatoes ...)
zerquetschen, zerdrücken v (Kartoffeln)
zerquetschend, zerdrückend
zerquetscht, zerdrückt
to mash
Die dümmsten Bauern haben die dicksten Kartoffeln. Sprw.
Fortune favours fools. prov.
Rin in die Kartoffeln, raus aus die Kartoffeln. ugs.
First it's one, thing, then (it's) another.
neue Kartoffeln
new potatoes

Kartoffellaibchen Definition

() imp. & p. p. of Fry.
(imp. & p. p.) of Fry
(n.) A little pie.
(n.) A plant (Solanum tuberosum) of the Nightshade family, and its esculent farinaceous tuber, of which there are numerous varieties used for food. It is native of South America, but a form of the species is found native as far north as New Mexico.
(n.) The sweet potato (see below).

fried potato patty Bedeutung

potato yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants
potato scab bacteria
Streptomyces scabies
cause of a potato disease characterized by brownish corky tissue
Colorado potato beetle
Colorado beetle
potato bug
potato beetle
Leptinotarsa decemlineata
black-and-yellow beetle that feeds in adult and larval stages on potato leaves, originally of eastern Rocky Mountains, now worldwide
sweet-potato whitefly a variety of whitefly
potato moth
potato tuber moth
Phthorimaea operculella
greyish-brown moth whose larva is the potato tuberworm
potato tuberworm
Phthorimaea operculella
larva of potato moth, mines in leaves and stems of e.g. potatoes and tobacco
tomato hornworm
potato worm
Manduca quinquemaculata
large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tomato and potato plants, similar to tobacco hornworm
sweet potato
egg-shaped terra cotta wind instrument with a mouthpiece and finger holes
patty-pan a pan for cooking patties or pasties
potato race a novelty race in which competitors move potatoes from one place to another one at a time
patty round flat candy
peppermint patty a patty flavored with peppermint
patty shell
shell of puff paste
patty small pie or pasty
potato pancake
made of grated potato and egg with a little flour
patty cake small flat mass of chopped food
chopped steak
chop steak
hamburger steak
beef patty
a patty of ground cooked beef
white potato
Irish potato
an edible tuber native to South America, a staple food of Ireland
baked potato potato that has been cooked by baking it in an oven
french fries
french-fried potatoes
strips of potato fried in deep fat
home fries
home-fried potatoes
sliced pieces of potato fried in a pan until brown and crisp
jacket potato a baked potato served with the jacket on
mashed potato potato that has been peeled and boiled and then mashed
potato skin
potato peel
potato peelings
crisp fried potato peeling
Uruguay potato similar to the common potato
sweet potato the edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine which is grown widely in warm regions of the United States
potato chip
Saratoga chip
a thin crisp slice of potato fried in deep fat
potato bean
wild bean
nutlike tuber, important food of Native Americans
potato salad any of various salads having chopped potatoes as the base
fried egg eggs cooked by sauteing in oil or butter, sometimes turned and cooked on both sides
fried rice
Chinese fried rice
boiled rice mixed with scallions and minced pork or shrimp and quickly scrambled with eggs
couch potato an idler who spends much time on a couch (usually watching television)
telingo potato
elephant yam
Amorphophallus paeonifolius
Amorphophallus campanulatus
putrid-smelling aroid of southeastern Asia (especially the Philippines) grown for its edible tuber
giant sunflower
tall sunflower
Indian potato Helianthus giganteus
very tall American perennial of central and the eastern United States to Canada having edible tuberous roots
air potato
Dioscorea bulbifera
yam of tropical Africa and Asia cultivated for it large tubers
groundnut vine
Indian potato potato bean
wild bean
Apios americana
Apios tuberosa
a North American vine with fragrant blossoms and edible tubers, important food crop of Native Americans
yam bean potato bean Pachyrhizus tuberosus twining plant of Amazon basin having large edible roots
sweet potato
sweet potato vine
Ipomoea batatas
pantropical vine widely cultivated in several varieties for its large sweet tuberous root with orange flesh
wild potato vine
wild sweet potato vine
man-of-the-earth manroot
Ipomoea panurata
Ipomoea fastigiata
tropical American prostrate or climbing herbaceous perennial having an enormous starchy root, sometimes held to be source of the sweet potato
family Solanaceae
potato family
large and economically important family of herbs or shrubs or trees often strongly scented and sometimes narcotic or poisonous, includes the genera Solanum, Atropa, Brugmansia, Capsicum, Datura, Hyoscyamus, Lycopersicon, Nicotiana, Petunia, Physalis, and Solandra
potato tree Solanum crispum hardy climbing shrub of Chile grown as an ornamental for its fragrant flowers, not a true potato
Uruguay potato Uruguay potato vine
Solanum commersonii
South American potato vine
wild potato
Solanum jamesii
erect or spreading perennial of southwestern United States and Mexico bearing small pale brown to creamolored tubers resembling potatoes
potato vine Solanum jasmoides copiously branched vine of Brazil having deciduous leaves and white flowers tinged with blue
white potato
white potato vine
Solanum tuberosum
annual native to South America having underground stolons bearing edible starchy tubers, widely cultivated as a garden vegetable, vines are poisonous
potato vine giant potato creeper
Solanum wendlandii
vine of Costa Rica sparsely armed with hooklike spines and having large lilac-blue flowers
potato tree Brazilian potato tree
Solanum wrightii
Solanum macranthum
South American shrub or small tree widely cultivated in the tropics, not a true potato
potato wart fungus
Synchytrium endobioticum
fungus causing potato wart disease in potato tubers
potato fungus
Pellicularia filamentosa
Rhizoctinia solani
fungus causing a disease in potatoes characterized by black scurfy spots on the tubers
potato fern Solanopteris bifrons small epiphytic fern of South America with tuberous swellings along rhizomes
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