
Kaskadenteilchen Deutsch Englisch Übersetzung

Kaskadenteilchen n; Xi-Hyperon n (Kerntechnik)
Kaskadenteilchen pl; Xi-Hyperonen pl
cascade particle; Xi-minus particle; Xi hyperon (nuclear engineering)
cascade particles; Xi-minus particles; Xi hyperons
Kaskadenteilchen n; Xi-Hyperon n (Kerntechnik)
Kaskadenteilchen pl; Xi-Hyperonen pl
cascade particle; Xi-minus particle; Xi hyperon (nuclear engineering)
cascade particles; Xi-minus particles; Xi hyperons
Kaskade f
Kaskaden pl
in Kaskaden herunterfallen
to cascade
Kaskaden-Kernreaktion f phys.
nuclear cascade
Proxy-Kaskade f comp.
Proxy-Kaskaden pl
proxy cascade
proxy cascades
Kaskadenbelüftung f techn.
cascade aeration
Kaskadenbildverstärker m techn.
Kaskadenbildverstärker pl
cascade image intensifier
cascade image intensifiers
Kaskadenboden m chem.
cascade tray
Kaskadenbombe f; Mehrstufenbombe f mil.
Kaskadenbomben pl; Mehrstufenbomben pl
cascade bomb
cascade bombs
Kaskadenbombenwurf m mil.
cascade bombing
cascade bombing
Treppendurchlass m; Kaskadendurchlass m constr.
cascade culvert
Kaskadeneinheit f (kosmischer Strahlen) phys. astron.
Kaskadeneinheiten pl
shower unit; cascade unit (of cosmic rays)
shower units; cascade units
Produkt n am Kaskadenende (Isotopen) phys.
reject (isotopes)
Fließdruckpresse f; Extruder m techn.
Fließdruckpressen pl; Extruder pl
Kaskadenextruder m
extrusion press; extruding press; extruding machine; extruder
extrusion presses; extruding presses; extruding machines; extruders
cascade extruder
Strangpresse f; Fließdruckpresse f; Extruder m techn.
Strangpressen pl; Fließdruckpressen pl; Extruder pl
Begasungsextruder m
Doppelschneckenextruder m
Einschneckenextruder m
Entgasungsextruder m
Kaskadenextruder m
Schneckenstrangpresse f; Schneckenextruder m
extrusion press; extruding press; extruding machine; extruder
extrusion presses; extruding presses; extruding machines; extruders
gas-injection extruder
double-screw extruder
single-screw extruder
degassing extruder
cascade extruder
screw-type extruding extrusion machine
Kaskadengenerator m (für hohe Gleichspannungen) electr.
Kaskadengeneratoren pl
cascade generator; capacitron
cascade generators; capacitrons
Kaskadenkreislauf m mit Kältemittelgemisch (Erdgas)
one-flow cascade cycle OFC (rock gas)
Kaskadenkreislauf m mit Kältemittelgemisch (Erdgas)
one-flow cascade cycle OFC (rock gas)
Kaskadenmotor m
cascade motor
cascade motor
Kaskadenmotor m
Kaskadenmotoren pl
cascade motor
cascade motors
Kaskadenofen m (Kalk)
Kaskadenöfen pl
cascade kiln
cascade kilns
Kaskadenphasenschieber m; Scherbius-Phasenschieber m electr.
Scherbius advancer
Phasenschieber m electr.
Phasenschieber pl
Drehphasenschieber m; rotierender Phasenschieber; Phasenkompensator m
Kaskadenphasenschieber m; Scherbius-Phasenschieber m
koaxialer Phasenschieber
Phasenschieber der PIN-Diode
phase adjuster; phase advancer; phase shifter; phase modifier
phase adjusters; phase advancers; phase shifters; phase modifiers
rotary phase shifter
Scherbius advancer
coaxial phase shifter
PIN diode phase shifter
Kaskadensteuerung f; Kaskadenregelung f techn.
cascade control
Kaskadenregler m techn.
cascade control
Kaskadenschaltung f
cascade connection, tandem connection
cascade connection
tandem connection
Kaskadenschaltung f
cascade connection; tandem connection
kosmischer Schauer m; Kaskadenschauer m astron.
kosmische Schauer pl; Kaskadenschauer pl
cosmic shower; air shower; cosmic cascade
cosmic showers; air showers; cosmic cascades
Teilchenschauer m; Kaskadenschauer m; Schauer m phys.
Teilchenschauer pl; Kaskadenschauer pl; Schauer pl
durchdringender Schauer
particle shower; cascade shower; cascade; shower
particle showers; cascade showers; cascades; showers
penetrating shower
Abscheider m; Sichter m techn.
Abscheider pl; Sichter pl
Kaskadensichter m
Schwerkraftsichter m
Windsichter m chem. techn.
Zentrifugalkraftsichter m; Fliehkraftabscheider m; Zyklonabscheider m; Messzykon m; Zyklonfilter m; Wirbler m
separator; classifier
separators; classifiers
cascade separator
gravity separator
air separator; air classifier; air elutriator
cyclone separator
Abscheider m; Sichter m techn.
Abscheider pl; Sichter pl
Aufschlagabscheider m
Kaskadensichter m
Schwerkraftsichter m
Windsichter m chem. techn.
Zentrifugalkraftsichter m; Fliehkraftabscheider m; Zyklonabscheider m; Messzyklon m; Zyklonfilter m; Wirbler m
separator; classifier
separators; classifiers
impingement separator
cascade separator
gravity separator
air separator; air classifier; air elutriator
cyclone separator
Kaskadensortierung f
cascade sorting
cascade sorting
Strahlung f phys.
harte weiche Strahlung; energiearme energiereiche Strahlung
Hintergrundstrahlung f
ionisierende Strahlung
Kaskadenstrahlung f
radioaktive Strahlung
soft hard radiation
background radiation
ionizing radiation
cascade radiation
nuclear radiation; radioactive radiation
Strahlung f phys.
harte weiche Strahlung; energiearme energiereiche Strahlung
Anfangsstrahlung f
Hintergrundstrahlung f
ionisierende Strahlung (radioaktiver Substanzen); radioaktive Strahlung
Kaskadenstrahlung f
Oberflächenwellenstrahlung f
Rückstandsstrahlung f
soft hard radiation
initial radiation
background radiation
ionizing radiation (of radioactive substances); radioactive radiation; nuclear radiation
cascade radiation
surface-wave radition
residual radiation
Kaskadenteilchen n; Xi-Hyperon n (Kerntechnik)
Kaskadenteilchen pl; Xi-Hyperonen pl
cascade particle; Xi-minus particle; Xi hyperon (nuclear engineering)
cascade particles; Xi-minus particles; Xi hyperons
Kettenüberschlag m; Kaskadenüberschlag m electr.
cascading of insulators
Vortragen n; Vortrag m; Ãœbertragen n; Ãœbertrag m econ. adm.
Kaskadenübertrag m
carrying-over; carry-over
cascaded carry-over
Stromrichter m; Umformer m electr.
Stromrichter pl; Umformer pl
Kaskadenumformer m
netzgeführter Stromrichter
cascade converter; concatenated converter; motor converter; Bragstad converter; La Cour converter
line-commutated converter
Stromrichter m; Umformer m electr.
Stromrichter pl; Umformer pl
Kaskadenumformer m
Netzersatzumformer m
netzgeführter Stromrichter
Turboumformer m
power converter; converter
power converters; converters
cascade converter; concatenated converter; motor converter; Bragstad converter; La Cour converter
standby converter
line-commutated converter
Kaskadenverdampfer m mach.
Kaskadenverdampfer pl
cascade evaporator
cascade evaporators
Verdampfapparat m; Eindampfgerät n; Verdampfer m; Evaporator m
Verdampfapparate pl; Eindampfgeräte pl; Verdampfer pl; Evaporatoren pl
Brüdenverdampfer m
Kaskadenverdampfer m
Petroleumverdampfer m (Kocher)
Rotationsverdampfer m
evaporating apparatus; evaporator; vaporizer
evaporating apparatuses; evaporators; vaporizers
brine evaporator
cascade evaporator
fuel evaporator
rotary evaporator
Verstärker m electr.
Verstärker pl
Bassverstärker m
Gitarrenverstärker m
Instrumentenverstärker m mus.
Kombinationsverstärker m mus.
mehrstufiger Verstärker; Kaskadenverstärker m
amplifier; amp
amplifiers; amps
bass amplifier; bass amp
guitar amplifier; guitar amp
instrument amplifier
combination amplifier; combo amplifier
multistage amplifier; cascade amplifier
Verstärker m electr.
Verstärker pl
Bassverstärker m
Gitarrenverstärker m
Instrumentenverstärker m mus.
Kathodenverstärker zur Linearisierung von Sägezahnspannungen
Kombinationsverstärker m mus.
mehrstufiger Verstärker; Kaskadenverstärker m
amplifier; amp
amplifiers; amps
bass amplifier; bass amp
guitar amplifier; guitar amp
instrument amplifier
bootstrap amplifier
combination amplifier; combo amplifier
multistage amplifier; cascade amplifier
Verstärkung f electr.
mehrstufige Verstärkung; Kaskadenverstärkung f
multistage amplification; cascade amplification
Wandler m (Umspanner) electr.
Wandler pl
Kaskadenwandler m
cascade transformer

Kaskadenteilchen Definition

(n.) A fall of water over a precipice, as in a river or brook
(v. i.) To fall in a cascade.
(v. i.) To vomit.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Engineer
(n.) Originally, the art of managing engines
(a.) Less
(a.) Of or pertaining to a nucleus
(n.) A minute part or portion of matter
(n.) Any very small portion or part
(n.) A crumb or little piece of concecrated host.
(n.) The smaller hosts distributed in the communion of the laity.
(n.) A subordinate word that is never inflected (a preposition, conjunction, interjection)

cascade particle; Xi-minus particle; Xi hyperon (nuclear engineering) / cascade particles; Xi-minus particles; Xi hyperons Bedeutung

somatic cell nuclear transplantation
somatic cell nuclear transfer
nuclear transplantation
moving a cell nucleus and its genetic material from one cell to another
nuclear terrorism the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials, assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism
subtraction minus an arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated, the subtraction of three from four leaves one, four minus three equals one
the practical application of science to commerce or industry
aeronautical engineering the activity of designing and constructing aircraft
automotive technology
automotive engineering
the activity of designing and constructing automobiles
chemical engineering the activity of applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems
nuclear deterrence the military doctrine that an enemy will be deterred from using nuclear weapons as long as he can be destroyed as a consequence, when two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction
ratbite fever bacterium
Spirillum minus
a bacterium causing ratbite fever
accelerator particle accelerator
atom smasher
a scientific instrument that increases the kinetic energy of charged particles
atomic warhead
nuclear warhead
thermonuclear warhead
the warhead of a missile designed to deliver an atom bomb
cascade liquefier an apparatus used to liquefy air or oxygen etc.
cascade transformer a number of transformers in series, provides a high-voltage source
engine room
a room (as on a ship) in which the engine is located
particle board
wallboard composed of wood chips or shavings bonded together with resin and compressed into rigid sheets
nuclear submarine
nuclear-powered submarine
a submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
nuclear-powered ship ship whose motive power comes from the energy of a nuclear reactor
nuclear reactor
(physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements
nuclear rocket a rocket engine in which a nuclear reactor is used to heat a propellant
nuclear weapon
atomic weapon
a weapon of mass destruction whose explosive power derives from a nuclear reaction
particle detector a chamber in which particles can be made visible
wave-particle duality
(physics) the property of matter and electromagnetic radiation that is characterized by the fact that some properties can be explained best by wave theory and others by particle theory
nuclear medicine the branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials either to image a patient's body or to destroy diseased cells
nuclear chemistry
the chemistry of radioactive substances
nuclear physics
atomic physics
the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei
particle physics
high-energy physics
high energy physics
the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions
engineering science
applied science
the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems, he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study
aeronautical engineering the branch of engineering science concerned with the design and construction of aircraft
genetic engineering
recombinant DNA technology
the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism
chemical engineering the branch of engineering that is concerned with the design and construction and operation of the plants and machinery used in industrial chemical processes
civil engineering the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of such public works as dams or bridges
hydraulic engineering the branch of civil engineering dealing with the use and control of water in motion
electrical engineering
the branch of engineering science that studies the uses of electricity and the equipment for power generation and distribution and the control of machines and communication
architectural engineering the branch of engineering that deals with the construction of buildings (as distinguished from architecture as a design art)
industrial engineering
industrial management
the branch of engineering that deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people and materials and energy in productive ways
mechanical engineering the branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction and operation of machinery
nuclear engineering the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction and operation of nuclear reactors
naval engineering the branch of engineering that deals with the design and construction and operation of ships
particle a function word that can be used in English to form phrasal verbs
Bachelor of Science in Engineering a bachelor's degree in engineering
Master of Science in Engineering a master's degree in engineering
minus sign a sign indicating the operation of subtraction
a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower, a little shower of rose petals, a sudden cascade of sparks
nuclear explosion
atomic explosion
the explosion of an atomic bomb
nuclear club the nations possessing nuclear weapons
nuclear family
conjugal family
a family consisting of parents and their children and grandparents of a marital partner
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
an independent federal agency created in to license and regulate nuclear power plants
polytechnic institute
engineering school
a technical school offering instruction in many industrial arts and applied sciences
cascade a succession of stages or operations or processes or units, progressing in severity as though a cascade of genetic damage was occurring, separation of isotopes by a cascade of processes
alpha particle a positively charged particle that is the nucleus of the helium atom, emitted from natural or radioactive isotopes
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